xt74b853jd7p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853jd7p/data/mets.xml  Kentucky  1964 newsletters  English Eddyville, Ky.: Kentucky State Penitentiary  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed. Permission must be received for subsequent distribution in print or electronically. Physical rights are retained by the owning repository. Copyright is retained in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Please go to https://exploreuk.uky.edu for more information. Castle on the Cumberland Kentucky State Penitentiary -- Periodicals Journalism, Prison -- Kentucky Castle on the Cumberland, September 1964 text Kentucky State Penitentiary v.: ill. 28 cm. Call Numbers HV8301 .C37 and 17-C817 20:C279 Castle on the Cumberland, September 1964 1964 1964 2021 true xt74b853jd7p section xt74b853jd7p  












































































































































[-Volune IV, Number III


September, 196D




The Honorable EDWARD T. BREATHITT, Governor

The Honorable HARRY WATERFIELD, Lt. Governor



JOSEPH G. CANNON, Commissioner

MARSHALL SWAIN, Deputy Commissioner

Dre HAROLD BLACK, Director of Institutions
W. Z. CARTER, Director of Education



Dre FRED MOFFATT, Executive Director







HENRY'E; COWAN, Deputy warden

JAMES Hc COLLIER, Deputy'Warden-Treatment
W. 0. LONG, Captain of the Guard

Reva H. Ea INMAN} Protestant Chaplain
Rev. THOMAS CLARK, Catholic Chaplain

WILLIAM EGBERT, Vocational Instructor



Castle News

$325.00, Then What?

A.A., Father Thomas Clark
Chaplains' Corner
If Jesus Came

From the Baron's
Exchange Page

Tall Tales
Department Reports

Statistics & Movies

Crossword Puzzle





Cecil Rn Springs, Editor

Kenneth Deneen, Associate Editor

James McKinney, Art Editor

John Busby, Multilith Operator


dollar a yearo


The Castle on the Cumberland is published on the second Monday of every month by
the inmates of the Kentucky State Penitentiary, Eddyvilleo
Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily reflect
those of the administrationo Permission to reprint any part of this magazine is
granted, provided credit is given author and source.

Subscriptions, one










Eastle onfthe Cumberland




According to an article by Dick Bergen
appearing in the Louisville Times, a
place where broken lives are mended will
soon be open in Louisvillee

An cutstretched helping hani is to be
its symbols Its name is to be Dismas
House of Louisvilleo Named for the good
this“ who died on the Cross beside
Christ and also for the late Father
Dismas Clark of St» Louisfi the building
will provide a temporary home for men
just paroled from prisons It will be a
place where selected parolees will live
while they find decent jobs and become
readjusted to a normal lifeg

Its Sponsors hepe the house will bridge
the perilwfilled ocean of despair which
many echonvicts must cross on the trip
from prison to the free nmrldo At Diem
mas Houses which will have a full time
directors emerisoners will have their
own roomso They‘ will get three good
meals a dayo Job placement service will
be availableo So will other services
a socialm medicals and psychologicalo

A site has not yet been selecteds but a
committee is now searching for a suit»
able buildingo The project is sponsored
by the five councils of the Knights of
‘Columbus of Louisvillee. It will be the
first "halfmway house” in Kentuckys

Dismas House of Louisville has been
incorporated as a charitableg noneprofit
groupg which has no capital stocky ac:
cording to its legal counsels attorney
Michael Hellmanno Its incorporators are

the five Grand Knights of the K0 of Co
councils here we Victor La Fetterg Jrop
Paul Mattinglys Alex Bw Schaads Donald

Lo Hardts and ‘William Co Stoltzo They

are the corporationls first board of
The president of the corporation is

Edward Helline a Louisville businessmano

September, l96h


He said the groupie articles of incora
poration state that its main purpose is
to operate a home "for ereoffenders and
parolees (and) to assist such persons in
finding gainful employmento" Helline
acids n8Every man has to have a chance to
prove himself» That"s why weVre Open?
ing this places I just hope that some
of the big companies around town change
their views on.hiring former prisoners,“

Belline said he would like to see “many
other people become interested in this
projecto We need our Presbyterian and
Episcopal and all our other friends to
come in and helps“ He emphasized that
the home will serve men of all religious

The home will be patterned after Dismas
House in Sto Louisa set up by the late
Father Clarkg who was known as the
"Hoodlum Pries‘oovS Men living at Dismas
House would pay for their room and board
after they had reestablished themselves.
The initial ”enrollment“ will be 10 to
15 under current planso The Sponsors
expect to have many more eventuallyo
Each man will take care of his own room
and also assist in the general operation
of the buildingo

The Sponsoring graspis public relations
chairmanv Michael Tw Peakg said a real
estate committee has been appointed to
look for a buildings The group hopes to
find a site near the University of
Louisvillels Belknap Campusg he said”
because Dre Raymond Kemper of the Kent
School of Social Research has pledged
that the school and its students would
assist in the projects

The first money donated for Diemas House
has come from each of the five K. of C9
councilsg Peaktsaids although the group
is soliciting donations from both ins
dividuals and groups@ The K0 of C» also
plans a dance at the Fairgrounds on
November 79 which will be open to the
publico The proceeds will be used for
the projects


m 2 a




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The idea for Dismas House came "from
Kentuckyls Commissioner of Corrections”
Joseph Cannon, and the Rev. William
Diersen, Catholic Chaplain at the La
Grange State Reformatory. They first
discussed the idea at a K. of C. meeting
last Spring. Later, Father Diersen
spoke at meetings of each of the five K.
of C. councils. In Juneg Kempers Cannon
and nine K. of Ca members went to In»
dianapolis to visit the Martin Inns a
halfwway house for echonvicts estabm
lished by the Indianapolis District
Council of Catholic Men.

The K. of C. groupie plans for Dismas
House began to take final shape when the
Most Rev. John.Aa Floorsh, Archbishop of
the Roman Catholic Diocese of Louisville
recently gave his approval to the pro»
jectO State Director of Probation and
Parole W.. Parker Hurleys who also is
assisting the Dismas group, said that
the first few weeks after a prisoner's
release are the most critical period.

"It is during that timeg“ Hurley saids
"that many men fail.¥ They do so bem
cause they havengt got a decent job, or
they lose one, or theylre brokes or they
have no place to stay.n




FRANKFORT, KY. === A subcommittee of the
Commission on Corrections met wednesdayg
July 229 to interview nine applicants
for a vacant place on the State Parole

The subcommittee, made up of Corrections
Commissioner Joseph Cannon, Commonw
wealthss Attorney Mike Mills of Madison?
villes and George Stoll of Louisvillea
will prepare a report for the entire

From that reportE the commission members
will submit a list of names to Govo
Edward Ty Breathitts and Breathitt will
select one of the persons named for
appointment to the parole boards

The vacant Spot on the parole board was

held by former GOVm Simeon ‘Williss who
resigned recently. His term Was to ex“
pire November 189 and the appointment
will be for the unexpired portion of
Willis“ term. The job pays $10,000
a year.

Stolls one of the members of the sub=
committee, said he was “rather favorably
surprised at the caliber“ of the nine
persons interviewed yesterday. "They
were all persons of abilityg" he said.

The commission customarily does not dis~
close the names of applicants for parole
board jobs until the Governor makes his
selection from a list submitted to him.



MICHIGAN CITYS IND. m (AP) w Four con»
victs nursed calloused hands and shatm
tered dreams of freedom in the Indiana
State Prison.

They sat in solitary confinement while
guards sealed a tunnel the inmates had
worked more than a halfmyear to build,

Warden‘Ward Lane said the four apparent=
1y worked quietly on weekendsg trying to
chisel a tunnel through an eightafoot
section of the outside wall with tools
stolen from the prison machine shop.

of a planned escape
but had hoped to
When guards

He said he heard
several weeks ages
catch the four at works
found the tunnelgs exact location,

decided to act. l"It would have taken
them years to escape at the rate they
were goingg" he said? Officials estim

meted the four began digging the tunnel
six to eight months ago.



In recent Supreme Court decisionss the
Court ruled that “An automobile could
not be searched without the issuance of
a warrant after the arrest and jailing
of the vehiclefis owner and the impound-
ing of said vehicle."

(via an The Angolite)






The following is an interview between Mr. walter Ferguson, Chairman, Board of
Pardons and Parolesg and the Baron9s of Good Will Clubo Our thanks to Mr. Ferguson
for taking time out from a very busy schedule and granting this interview.
Questions by Freddy Cardwell of the Baron9s ClUbe '

Q'm Under the new parole system&. do you feel a lifer can successfully be released
in six years?

A a Yese

Q a Is there a specific policy toward inmates classified as drug addicts?

A w as; They-cannot be treated as a classy so they are treated as individualsa
Q = How does the Parole Board determine that the inmate is a good parole risk?

A = Several factors; his record outsideg his behavior after commitment; his ability
to convince the Parole Beard that he is a good risko

Q = How does the Parole Board regard letters of protest?

A e A protest letter doesn't determine your parolemabilitya Howevers a "letter”
from a certain district will have a bearing on the manis returning to nor near»
that districts -

Q a Does extreme youth (16ml9) play a majer role in the consideration of a parole?

A = Yes m-definitelyo

Q = Which do you feel is a better risk to societys a released armed robber, murder»
erg or a rapist?

A = A murderers usually it is a spur of the moment crimeo
Q a What merits an excessive serve out (2h to 60 months) i

A a No One thing determines thiSo Inside and outside records are the determining

Q = Are there now any progress=type reports routinely submitted to the Parole Board
when an inmate is ready for parole? Are there plans for such reports in the
future] so that. the Board may be aware of any progress or improvements in the
inmates record while here?

A a Yesa ‘this is being done at La Grangeg and as soon as possible will be put into
effect hereo

Q a Why arenflt psychiatric evaluations made of prosPective parolees beforeg rather
than after the first appearance?

A m Because the prison doesnft have a full time psychiatrists however, this will be
done in the near future»

Q u'What is the Parole Beards policy toward out of state detainers?





 A detainer alone will not keep a person from making parole. E 3
. ‘ .

How important are recommendations from individuals outside the Depértment of


x: '
Too many letters hurtg rather than.help. Howevers the most important letter
any inmate can get is from the victim.

Q m'What determines whether a paroles must have a joba or is eligible to go to a



The persons paroled to a Sponsor are usually the sick or the agedo Howeverg if
an able bodied man is paroled to a sponsors and doesnfit have a job in 6 weeksg
then he may be returned for placements

Under ordinary circumstancesg is,a first offender more likely than a twog three
or four timer to make parole at his first appearance to the Board?


Under exiraordinary circumstances9 could a parole be granted before the minimum
eligibility date had secured?

Yess if a man has an incurable diseaseg or in order to correct an injustice.

Do you think it would further aid the rehabilitation of an inmate if he were to
receive one Specific setabackg rather 'than numerous setabacks? One setm
back could give this person something to strive for in the futures also‘9 he
could adjust his attitude to the extents where he is prepared to meet the
outside? ‘

No9 under these conditions a Parole Board wouldnlt be neededo

Does the Board when evaluating a potential parolee take into consideration case
historys or does it evaluate according to an individuals case in itself?

The Board considers all factso

Has the Board ever considered evaluating a potential parolees chance for suc»
cess on parole through a mathematical system based on case histories?

Nos but this may merit considerationo

In cases where more than one person‘has committed a crime and are equally guilty
but one of the men received a sentences that far exceeds the sentence of the
otherls involved and the person with the excessive sentence has no outstanding
criminal records does the Parole Board give the person' adequate .conSideraw
tion from such standpoint?

Yesa all factors are consideredo

Can a nineteen year old he an habitual criminal? What is the Boards attitude
toward an habitual criminal?

Yes a nineteen year old can be an habitual criminalo In answer to your second
parts I cannot speak for the entire boards







WASHINGTON —— A nationwide council of
50 prominent judges has joined the grow-
ing legal campaign to treat narcotic
addicts as sick people, not as crim-
inals, says an article in the L. A0

The panel said that stringent Federal
and State laws against narcotics posses~
sion actually aid underworld traffickers
because phySicians won’t treat the ad-
dicu and he must seek illegal SOHTC$S¢

The judges also said that harsh sentenc-
ing acts are crowding prisons with ad-

dicts and smallutime pushers while the
important underworld sources are rarely

This broadside attack on the current
American legal view of narcotics addic—
tion came in a policy statement issued

recently by the Advisory Council of
Judges of the National Council on Crime
and Delinquencye

The Councils composed of 50 Federal,
State, and local Judges, allied itself
with a campaign which favors the British
view on narcotics addictione

In England, physicians may prescribe
drugs to addicts under a treatment of
gradual withdrawal if the patient can
lead a relatively normal life with small
continuing doses of morphine or heroine

The Judges? policy statement said a 1925
Supreme Court decision ruled that a
phySician could prescribe reasonable
quantities of narcotics in treating
addictiono The ruling involved the
basic Federal Narcotics Act, known as
The Harrison Act. "In direct conflict
with the Supreme Court ruling,“ the
statement said, "the Federal Narcotics
Bureau regulations still provide" that a
physician may be prosecuted if he pre»
scribes narcotics to an addict "not in
the course of professional treatment but
for the purpose of providing the user of
narcotics sufficient to keep him com-

"The narcotics addict is a sick person,
physically and psychologically,“ the
statement added, “and as such is en-
titled to qualified medical attention

just as are other sick people.”

The Judges said that treatment should be
given at outpatient clinics or by prim
vate phySicianse


in Kentucky are getting more
learn about
it hapn

and more opportunities to
the State's history and where

The familiar black and white historical
highway markers are going up fast.

During the l963~6h fiscal year ending
June 50th., a total of 176 markers was
erected or orderedo When all are in
place the total in the state will be D78
at least one historical marker in every
county but ones And plans are to add
another 100 in the fiscal year ahead5
including one and possibly more in
Trimble Countya the only one of Ken»
tuckyis 120 counties presently without a

Kentuckyis historic position in the
Civil war accounts for many of the tales
told by the markerse Nearly half of
those erected or ordered during the past
12 months relate to events, people, or
battles of that periods

Some Civil war markers have taken on a
new looka While one side still tells
the story of what happened at the site,
the other side carries a Civil war map
of Kentuckyy tracing routes of military
expeditions for Civil war buffss

Other markers tell about famous men in
Kentucky's past m- such as Abraham Line
coln, Daniel Boone, Jefferson Davis,
John Hunt Clark, Henry Clay, and (a more
recent prominent figure) Alben Barkleye
Still others describe events of the
state's role in the Revolutionary war,
the War of 1812, and the settlement of
the west when Kentucky was the farthest





$25.00 -... THEN WHAT? ..., by Kenny Deneen


Where To From Here? How many of us have
asked that question, and haven't figured
out an answer? For those that have no
homes, family or friends, to assist them
upon release, what have they to look

forward to when at last freedom is a
After Spending two or three years in

prison, a person loses most of his out»
side contactsg and has only his wits to
rely upon. He has to either move fasts
or become very humble and practically
beg for help.

Saving money while in prison is rather
difficult when you earn but a few cents
a days The money the State furnishes
upon release IS NOT sufficiento You
have room rent for a wacky with a few
dollars left over; but what then?

You may feel that you have rehabilitated
yourself while in prison, but I doubt
it. True rehabilitation begins after
your releaseo It can only be achieved
by hard work and diligence» and much,
much efforto

Iim only one of many who realizes that
rehabilitation only reaches a certain
degree inside prison wallss it never
attains its peaks Our state of mind may
be such that we "think" we have become
rehabilitatedo But we never know 'for
sureg until inn pressures of free sow
ciety have been thrust upon use

The con with the best chance by far, is
the one with a family that will aids
rather than hinder. A family with
warmth and pride can be very helpful
indeedo There are many pitfalls for the
newly released convicts It is the first
few weeks that will tell if he is rehab»
ilitated or note

It is the man with no homes family or
friends9 that is in the most danger of
failingo How far can he stretch his
money? Not very far a- not nearly far
enougho It is a discouraging situation
for anyones but even worse for an "eXu

that doeant really know the value
of money any more. He is very apt to
spend it unmwisely. So he faces a
choice: pick up a gun or jimmy barg and
go back into a life of crime. Org make
a sincere effort and try to find a jobo


A job in most cases is going to be rathm
or difficult to find. Especially if you
are over 55 years of ageo If a convict
learns a trade m welding for instance a
is he going to be able to compete with
outside welders? Today is the day of
Specialists, and there are few penitenm
tiaries outside the Federal Prisons that
maintain a Civil Service ratingo So you
try to find a business man who is sym=
pathetic and sincere; and is willing to
give you a helping hando The ones that
do help are to be praisedo The ones
that doth help aren“t to be condemnedo
They areth r63ponsible for your predicw
amentg and probably feel that there are
more deserving peeple to hireo

Under these circumstancess the “halfm
way" houses are a God send to the row
leased convicto There is a general trend
going throughout the country to inaugm
urate these establishmentso In fact:9 Mrs
Joseph Go Cannons Commissioner of Corrm
ectionss State of Kentuckyg
hopes to see the idea of a "halfaway"
house develop in the Louisville area
scone Our problem though‘9 is more imm
mediateo If we canit find employment
within the first few days after releases
we are doomedo .

There has been much written about con=
victss and how they are regular people;
and no different than those on the cute
sideo This iant trueo we are differm
ent an we areth regular peepleo I have
never met a prisoner that wasn't sick in
some wayo In many cases it is a minor
sickness that could be cured with com:
passion and understandingo Others may be
more complexg and need intensive treatm
mento One thing for sure“9 we are not
normalo I donit profess to be a psye
chiatristg but I can tell the difference
between the normal and the abnormalo No
doubt some readers will take offense at
some of these statementss If so, I hope

(Continued on page 22) '


a 7 a






POEMS mmmmmmmmm by Robert Chasteen


I get so lonely darling;

I miss you oh so much;

I miss your tender kisses;
Your warm soft velvet toucho

My heart feels so empty;
It 7 "eds just for you;
You are in all my dreams;
They always seem so trueo

Yes my darlings you're the ones
That makes me feel this way;

It matters not how hard I tryg
I miss you more each days

Your love for me means everything;
And knowing that you are mine;
Knowing that our love will lasts
Until the end of timeo



Did you ever wonder just how much;

The freedom you have would mean;

If suddenly it was taken away

And you were ordered to do everything?

Locked in a cells before its dark,
And let out when the sun is high;
Many a night you would lie awake9
So lonely you would want to cryo

You miss the moonlight» the milky way;
The stars and fresh night air;

Miss your loved onesg places yoqu been,
And would long so much to be thereo

Yess my friends I know what it means»
To have your freedom taken away;
For I am a convicts serving time,
Just waiting for my freedom dayo


To be alone; away from home,
And friends that once were near;
Makes a person think of things”
That used to be so dearo

At night as I lay in my bunks
With bars across the cell;
Many thoughts come to my minds

Feelings that makes my throat swelle-

Though a man;9 tears fill my eyess
I think of this terrible blow;
Most everyone looks down on me,
Because of what they knowo

An exucon needs just one break,
To be trusted once again;
For what can life hold for a man,
If he doeant have a friend.



Every morning when I awake,
I look over at your picture;
Each and every time I see its
I always feel much richer,

The picture is really very small;
It doesnflt take up much space;

But the value of you my darling;
Would fill a mighty large places

There you stand; all by yourself,
Really a pretty sight to see;

I can never thank God enough;
For the gift of you to mac

Yes‘9 I love that little picture,
1911 keep it the rest of my life;
The dearest person in the worlds
Is you am my sweet little wifem







MANY MORE YEARS-uby Father Thomas Clark


Over the past years, AA in general, has
enjoyed somewhat phenomenal success. It

is not a perfect organization. No purem
ly human organization is. But AA is the
best thing yet for the purpose it trys

to serve. The past is evidence of that.
And even tho it is not sectarian as far
as religious denominations are concerned
it is based on sound religious prin~
ciples; for it is based on the Soverignp
ity of God and the Brotherhood of man.
That, after all, comprises the two great

As a minister I try to find a religious
content in any movement designed to help
men in need. we are, after all, not
Just body or soul, but a composit: mat»
ter and spirit. Thus the two must work
in harmony if there is to be hope for
our peaceful co-existance with the
spirit "which is willing" and the flesh
"which is weak." AA presents a program
which can help bring this about.

Stu Paul in his letter to the Galatians,
6th Chapter, 2nd verse, tells use "Bear
one another's burdens, and so you will
fulfill the law of Christ.“' Is this not
what is done in AA? When a fellow human
is being overburdened with his drinking
problem and you are willing to go to his
aid at any hour of the day or night, are
you not fulfilling the law of Christ?
Perhaps AA doesn't phrase it in those
exact words, but that is what it amounts
to. Why does an.AA member go when aa
nether calls? Because they know he
is in need of help -- as they were, and
as they could be in less than twenty-
four hours. This fact, I think, that
there is someone who cares and is will—
ing to help carry the load, is respons-
ible for the inestimable good and suc»
cess which AA has had over the years.

We know that Alcoholism is no respector
of person or rank. And it seems that
the more cultured and civilized we be-
come, the more susceptable we are to the
problem., And yet the program of AA is
extremely simple. So simple, perhaps,
that many an alcoholic is "wet“ today

could be "dry" if he were presented
an involved plan of cure. Actually most
basic principles are simple. Perhaps
that is why we find the practice of
virtue so difficult; we think it is too
complicated. This basic simplicity of
the AA program makes it available howa
ever, to those of every state and level
of intelligence w- if they are willing.
This enables the AA Program to help us
"carry one another's burden? and gives
those in need of help courage to let
themselves be assisteda


To this group of AA here at KSP and to
all groups: May you have many more
years of HUMBLE suOOBSSw



Alcohol will remove stain from summer
clothes. It will alSO remove the summer
clothes and the winter, spring and fall
clothes, not only from the man or women
who drinks it, but from the children as
well. Alsohol will remove furniture
from the home, rugs from the floor, food
from the cupboard, lining from the
stomach, and liver from the side. It

will also remove a good reputation, a
man's business and a man's friends. As
a remover of things, alcohol has .no



A person completely wrapped up in himn
self makes a small package...The great
day comes when a man begins to get him—
self off his hands. He has lived, let
us say, in a mind like a room surrounded
by mirrors. Every way he turned he saw
himself. Now, however, some of the
mirrors change to windows. He can see
through them to objective outlooks that
challenge his interest. He begins to
get out of himself---no longer the pris-
oner of self-reflections but a free man
in a world where persons, causes, truths
and values exist, worthful for their own
sakes. Thus to pass from a mirror mind
to a mind with windows is an essential
element in the develoPment of a real
personality. Without that experience no
one ever achieved a meaningful life.










There is entirely too much talk about
man being made for happinessg and not
enough about what have to do with it
When hels got ita To ccnsentrate on the
satisfaction which is designed to meet
manVs natural craving leads only to an
inc ‘ase of the craving and a lessening
of .ne satisfactiono Though man may be
destined for happinessg the act of oran
ing for it is not a happy acts There
are some who seem to be so hungry for
happiness that they are_never ready to
acknowledge that theylve got its They
look for satisfaction everywhereg and
are disappointed when they are unodmx
fortablee Life seems to them rough
because they are always expecting it to
be smoothe But who ever said that life
was meant to be smooth? The only way is
to take the rough and give thanks for
the smooths

ChristVs burden is light and sweet only
when it has been accepted as a burdene
There is an order to be observed in
these thingss and if the order is rem
versed the object is missedo

It is a mistake to look upon happiness
as something which is granted to man
over and above his ordinary life: as
sort of prize for good conduct or as a
compensation for rough treatments Hapw
piness is not something which we feel we
have a right to in our free time; it
emerges from the setmup of our liteSg it
gives flavor to our work; it has nothing
to do with being in or out of office
hours; it must not be confused with
recreationo As always it is a question
of getting back to the sermon on the
Mount which is the clearest statement of
principle that the world has ever 1i8m
tened too "Seek ye first the kingdom of
God and all these things shall be added
(Continued on page 21)

One of the most comforting statements in
the Bible is found in Matthew 638 .0
“Your Father knoweth what things ye have
need ofg before ye ask Himm“

It is true that we must present our
needs to GOde Howeverg we cannot tell
Him anything He does not already knows
He knows our needs before we asko This
alone should bring great comfort to the
hearts of His childreng

There is a very moving story recorded in
the GosPel of a lame man who was brought
to Jesus by his friendso When the pitim
ful paralyzed person looked at Jesus» it
was evident to everyone what the manls
greatest need wasc The need was crying
out: he needed to be healede However,
Jesus said to him“a nYour sins are fern
given." In this way Jesus fulfilled his
greatest needo No one present would
have thought of this but JGSUSo He knew
what the lame person really neededa

Ilm sure that God must be wearied when
we try to tell Him what we need. Many
times we fail to recognize the things we
need most of allo Jesus summed up our
basic needs in the LORDVS PRAYER. He
told us to pray that Godfis kingdoms or
rules might come and that His will might
be done on earths This is our real need
in lifea 'We must have a sense of roverb
enee toward the name of GDde

I recently read of a taxidriver who
scraped the fender of another car while
he was trying to parko The angry owner
got out of his house of chrome and tin,
and loudly profaned the name of Jesus
»Christo After the man had finished the
taxidriver saida "Sir, why donlt you
use the name of somebody you know?"

Jesus went on to point out that our
basic needs in life are both physical
(Continued on page 21)








If Jesus came to your houseg to spend a day or two,
If he came unexpectedlys I wonder what yoqu do;

Ohs I know youid give your nicest room to such an honored guests
And all the food yould serve to Him would be the very best;

And you would keep assuring Him youlre glad to have Him therea
That serving Him in your own homes was joy beyond compareo

But when you saw Him coming, would you meet Him at the door,
With arms outstretched in welcomes to your Heavenly visitor;
Or would you have to change your olothess before you let Him in;
Or hide some magaziness and put the Bible where it had been;

would you turn off the radio and hope He hangt hoards
And wish you nadnit uttered that last ioud hasty word?

would you hide your worldly booksg and put some hymn books out,
“buld you let Jesus walk right in; or would you rush about?

And I wonder if the Savior Spent a day or two with yous
would you go right on doing the things you always do?

would you keep right on saying the things you aIWays say,
would life for you continue as it does from day to day?

WOuld your family conversation keep up its usual paces
Or would you find it hard each meal to say a table grace?
WOuld you sing the songs you always singa and read the books you reads
And let Him knew the things on which your mind and spirit feed?
would you take Jesus with yous everywhere youid planned to gas
Or would you maybe change your plans,9 for just a day or so?

‘Would you be glad to have Him meets your very closest friends,
Or would you hope theyld stay aways until His visit ends?
would you be glad to have Him stay am foreverg on and on,
Or would you sigh wdth great reliefg when at last HeVs gone?
It might be interesting to knows the things that you would dog