xt74b853jc74 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853jc74/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1956-05-14  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 14, 1956 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, May 14, 1956 1956 1956-05-14 2020 true xt74b853jc74 section xt74b853jc74  




5 The College of 1tmezation...,..........a...
6. The College of iomru ”re ...........,..9ne 1 f t
7. The Colleg of Dharm90y..o,...........o. 1 \ o
8. Administration, Lib ary, College Of f t
Adult find Fxtensien qucetion......... 1 ? e
10 i
Jach college shall conduct the election as determined by the T"facultyr of ;
that college. ,
Martha G. GP rr K
Irving S. Fisher 3
Lyman V. in_1
D. V. Hege -man 5
:5 H. Pea:ee )
F. R. Penred /
H. 3. Price '
J. Merton Englané, Actinginmimm‘

f The University Faculty voted unan Mm mly io invlude in the certification to the (
V Chairman of the Boaru their apprec is: :ion for the opportunity to participate as 4

members of the Screening Committees I

The Faculty approved a suggestion from Fr. Thompson that the heads of the

devartments incluflefl in Group 8 meet and (e ,irle uno a the method of holding the


election for the retresentative of that group.
n The Faculty nijourned. ;

,- 7 /F fl" / i
, Robert Le Mills :
‘ ‘ Secre ta my“ V


‘... “44...”... u‘




: I» 1
‘ML f
. is; 3
1 ‘h Minutes 9: the University Faculty, MEX 14, 12§6 ‘
,v I
ff‘? The University Faculty met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall, MondaYv ,
L. H May 14, 1956, at 4:00 p.m. Presiaent Donovan presided, Members absent were

'; w. r. Beals, A. J. Brown‘, Leo M. Chamberlain*, C. s. Crouse‘, Jesse DeBoer, c. r

Howard Eckel, Lyman V Ginger, W. M. Insko A. D Kirwan‘, C. T. Leeshafft, JrH
Homer G. Lewis, 3. D, T4cInt Vre, F. D. Peterson, Helen TL Reed', J. E. 7eeves‘ i
Henry H. Rogers, J, R. Schwendeman, Don Cash Seaton, Dewey G. St eele‘ and Frank '
J. Welch. f
The minutes of April 9, 1956 were read and approved. 2

'Absence explained.



”a .M..

Chairman ‘



Minutes 9: the University Faculty, May ié. 1256


report on

The Secretary of the Faculty asked permission to make a final
the matter of Faculty representation on the Screening Committee for
He read the following copy of his letter to
so that this correSpond-

of the next University President.
the Chairman 0f the Board and GOVernor Chandler's re'ply
ence could become a part Of the Yaoulty minutes.

April 16, 1956

The Honorable A. B. Chandler, Chairman
Board of Trustees
UniVersity of Kentucky

Dear Governor Chandler:

In accordance with the request of the Board of Trustees and upon the
notification of action by the various faculties and groups of the University
I am submitting for possible appointment to the Screening Committee the names
and titles of the 10 persons who have been certified to me.

Grouu Represented
Arts and Sciences
Arts and Sciences


Name Title
Martin M. White Dean
John Kuiper Head, Department of Philosophy

Agriculture & Home

Agriculture & Home

H. Bruce Price diministrative Assistant

George P. Summers Personnel & Training Officer

Robert T. Shaver Head, Department of Civil Engineering Engineering
William L. Matthews Professor of Law Law

Carsie Hammonds Head, Dept. of AgriCMltural Education Education
Ralph R. Pickett Professor of Economics Commerce
Earl P. Slone Dean Pharmacy

Adm., Library, Adult
& Ext. EducatiOH

Robert L, Mills Registrar

appreciation of the


May I again convey to you the Faculty°s
opportunity to participate as members of the

Cordially yours,

Robert L. Mills
Secretary, University Faculty


Frank D. Peterson
Secretary, Screening Committee





















Minutes p§_the UniVersity Faculty, Mex id, 12§6

April 18, 1956 a:
Mr. Robert L. Mills, Secretary K M
University Faculty >
University of Kentucky h
Lexington, Kentucky ) h
My Dear Robert:
Thank you very much for the list of ten University of Kentucky E
faculty members that you submitted to me for the selection of three people i
as a Screening Committee for the selection of a successor to Dr. Donovan (
as President of the University. t
I have selected the following to be appointed on this Screening (
Cemmittee: John Kuiper, Department of Philosophy; H. Bruce Price, i
Professor, Agriculture Economics; and Robert E. Shaver, Department L
of Civil Engineering. ( h:
‘ d
A. 9. Chandler f
Governor f
f cours.
President Donovan recognized Don Whitehouse, retiring President of the Stmhmi
Government Association, who introduced the new President, Dick Lehman and the nmw
Vice President, David Ravencraft. President Donovan complimented Mr. Whitehouseonz
his faithfulness in attendance at Faculty meetings and welcomed the incoming offitam t

Associate Dean Horlaoher presented for the Faculty of the College of t
Agriculture and Uome Economics a recommendation that Animal Industry 133, Advanmfi 5 C

Dairy_Products Judging, be dropped. The University Faculty approved the recommmmflmf

Dean Stahr presented for the College of Law recommendations concerning comma f
to be dropped, courses to be added, courses to be consolidated, and changes in.crwfit
and title as well as a change in degree requirements. The University Faculty amflwm
Dean Stahr's motion that these recommendations be adopted. "


A. Change in degree requirement, effective with students entering
September, 1956: Semester hours in Law required for degree of Bachelor of ‘
Laws (L1. 3.3: change from 82 to 83. i


Law 179, Legislation (3 sem. hrs.)
Law 183, Landlord and Tenant (2 sem. hrs.)
Law 198, Employment Relations (3 sem. hrs.)


Law199, Accounting in Law Practice (2 sem hrs.). Accounting
and the lawyer; legal problems involving accounting, in the fields of


Missise q£.the UsiVEFSiix.Fesslir, Msx.1l, rags

taxation, corporation law, public utility law, partnership law, estates
and trusts, bankruptcy, etc.


g Law l9la, Equity I (4 sem. hrs.) and Law 191b, Equity II (2 sem.
‘ Ins.)= consolidate as law 191, Vnuity (4 sem. hrs.). Net reduction of 2

f sem.-hrs. F

2 Law 16?, Trusts (3 semo hrs.) and Law 162, Property IV (Future

hwerestsl (3 sem. hrs.): consolidate as Law 165a, b, Trusts and Tuture
hmerests 1-11 (3 and 3 Sem. hrs., respectivelyl. Net reduction of l sem. hr.


Law 101b, Contracts II: change from 3 sem. hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.

Le { Law 1fi2b, Torts II: change from 3 sem. hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.
( law 106a, Pleading I: change from 3 sem. hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.
t Law 150, Public Utilities: change from ? sem. hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.
a law 166, Sales: change from 3 sem. hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.
[ Law 167, Administrative Law: change from 3 sem. hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.
7 Law 170, The Legal Profession: change from 2 sem. hrs. to l sem. hr.
L Law 17?, Federal Jurisdiction and Procedure: change from 3 sem.
f hrs. to 2 sem. hrs.
‘ Law 163, Wills and the Administration of Estates (2 sem. hrs.}:
1 change to Law 163, Wills and Decedents“ Estates (2 sem hrs.).
} Dean Carpenter presented recommendations from the College of Commerce concerning
é cmuse changes and new courses which were approved by the Faculty.
luseon' Commerce 171, Statistical Quality Control, change from 2 credits
offiwmf to 3 credits.
‘ Commerce 172, Sampling Techniques, change from 2 credits to 3
'anced ,5 credits.
11crwfit Economics 153, The Economics of Consumption, 2 credits.
apprwdi ‘
} ADD:
Economics 40, Personal and Family Finance, 2 credits.
f Uses and abuses of credit, insurance on persons and

property, inVesting what you save, wills, trusts, taxes,
social security, buying versus renting, consumer information,
wise buying.

5 Dean Spivey presented recommendations of the Graduate Council that certain

(cmumms approved for undergraduate credit he alloved graduate credit and recommending
, 8. . .
? Ppnwal of new strictly graduate courses. These recommendations were apnroved.





















Q; the University aculty, Me1_;g,




Graduate Council recommends approval of graduate credit

for the following courses, previously approved by the University Faculty
for undergraduate credit:

Enimal Industry 126.
Animal Industry 131.

Advanced Dairy Bacteriology (3)
Dairy Processing and Plant

Animal Industry 134.


PrinciEles 2i Dairy Technglggx (4)

The Graduate Council recommends approval of the following

strictly graduate courses:

Agricultural Extension 202aod.

Snecinl Problems ig.Agricultu£g 23 Home Economics Ext.
Directed independent study of research relative to a
particular problem in Extension and the study of a
selected problem.


Agricultural Extension BOO-1,2,3 (O) Thesis.

Commerce 238.

Production Management. (3) Haynes

A study of the administration and control of manuu
facturing activities.
Analysis of

Emphasis on decision making and
of policy with respect to production.
Visits to industrial plants.

Dean Siney also presented a recommendation from the Graduate Faculty thattm J

rule concerning residence for the doctor's degree be revised.

The Graduate Faculty recommends the following revision of our
rule concerning residence for the doctor's degree; the revision is in the
nature of amplification and clarification.

The rule now reads as follows:
years of resident graduate Work, of which at least the last year in
residence must be Spent at the University of Kentucky, is required for
the doctorate."

minimum of three collegiate

The revision recommended is as follows:
collegiate years of graduate work above the bachelor‘s degree (two above
the master's, or its residence equivalent) is required for the


"A minimum of three

At least two semesters, exclusive of summer Sessions,

required residence above the master's (or its residence equivalent)

must be earned at the University of Kentucky in full—time devotion to
graduate study, or to a combination of graduate study, research, and
partatime teaching at the University.
master's degree is interpreted as thirty-six weeks of official


'Residence equivalent“ to the

This recommendation was also approved by the University Faculty.

President Donovan introduced Coach Blantcn Collier who spoke to the FacuNW
the academic phases of the football nrogrem.

This discussion_hed been requeswd


Lhat tm


Minuteglgfi the University Faculty, Max AA, 1356


bythe Committee on Planning and Policy. Coach Collier presented an outline of
Mstfimw for the football teams and ouoted some figures to show that the trend
wastoward better scholastic records by team members.

The Faculty adjourned.


Robert L.


Minutes 32 the Universitx Faculty; May 2Ai 1256

The UniVersity Faculty met in Special session, Thursday. May 24th, at
9am a.m. in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall. President Donovan presidedo
Mmflwrs absent were Clinton Adams, Staley Fe Adams, A. D. Albright, Brinkley
hunett, W. Ea idealsB A. E. Bigge, Gifford Blytonfi L. L. Boyarsky, L. A.
Brmfihrd, A. J. Brown, John M. Carpenter, Le M. Chamberlain‘, F. J. Cheek, Jr.,
L.W° Cochrana Arthur L. Cooke” V. F. Cowling, C. So Crouse, J. C. Eaves, C.
Hmmrd Eckel, Statie Erikson9 Irving 8. Fisherp W. P. Garrigus, J. W. Gladden,
W.W. Haynes. W. A. Heinz, C, E. Henrickson, Margaret Bell Humphreys, J. C.
mmmhries, W. M. Insko, A. D. Kirwan’, J. L. Leggett, Ce T. Lesshafft, Jr.,
Ehmer G. Lewis, A. Ca McFarlan, A. B. McEwen, R. D. McIntyre, L. La Martinn
EMmrd Newbury9 H. A. Byland9 Dwight M. Seath, W. A. Seay, Jasper 9. Shannon,
Iflll Shine, Earl P. Slone, E. Jo Stahr, Jr.. W. G. Survant, W. A. Sutton, Jr.,
RhfilAe Taylor‘, D. V. Terrell, L. H. Townsend, C. Ac WaltOn, F. J. Welch, and

Don Whitehouse.
The minutes of May 14, 1956 were read and approved,

The Registrar presented to the Faculty a list of candidates for degrees
WhOIWNe completed all requirements. The Faculty voted to recommend to the
Board of Trustees that degrees be granted as indicated.

Candidates for the Degree 2: Bachelor 9£_Arts

SharOn Ann Adams

James Edward Barrickman
Shirley Ann Reckman
Wendell Frdman Berry
Joseph Newbill Binford
Rebecca Joan Bishon

John Tyree Bondurant
Betty Ann Royse Boone
Judith Crittenden Boteler
Themas Coates Brabant

Jill Bryant

James Orwin Burdine

Joan Patterson Burns

Mamie Blanche Bushong
Carolyn Lou Carter

Lanjul Joe Chairatana

Lucy Jane Gunagan Clifford
Richard Hugh Clifford
Frank Van Deren Coke

Joan Clare Collins

bsence explaineda




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