xt74b853j996 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j996/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-02-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 10, 2005 2005 2005-02-10 2020 true xt74b853j996 section xt74b853j996 Thursday

February 10. 2005

newsroom: 257-1915

First issue tree. Subsequent Issues 25 cents.


Celebrating 33 years of independence

Targeting Top 20: UK needs
to structure facilities goals

Page 8


Healthy food not as gross
as it may seem

Page 4

Student assaulted near campus yesterday morning

UK Police send students safety alert e-mail;
no arrests have been made in case so far

By Dariush Shafa

A UK student was sexually as-
saulted while jogging near campus
yesterday morning. prompting UK
Police and officials to release anoth-
er campus safety alert.

The alert. the second issued
within a week. was released after a
female student reported being sexu-
ally assaulted between 7 and 7:30
am. while jogging through a park-
ing lot off Stone Avenue. just north
of Memorial Coliseum.

The alert from UK Police stated
that an unknown man attacked the

The suspect described as a
white male. approximately 5-foot-8.
medium build, with brown hair and
a stubble beard ~~ attacked her as
she jogged through the lot.

The student also said the man
had bad dental hygiene and smelled
of cigarettes and alcohol.

She described him as Wearing
blue jeans and a blue hooded sweat-

shirt with a torn pocket.

Safety measures are being
stressed to remind students of how
to protect themselves. said Jim
Wims. associate vice president for
student affairs.

“1 think we're satisfied that the
police are doing everything they
possibly can.“ Wims said.

He also said police are working
as hard as they can to keep the cam-
pus area safe.

Lt. Ken Stuart with Lexington
police said they are currently inves-
tigating as well as increasing pa-
trols in the area. He also said they
were interviewing residents in the

"There‘s bound to be people
around there (who saw some-
thing)." Stuart said.

Wims said officials are also con-
sidering what can be done.

"Any time we hear about crimes
on campus. we are concerned. and
we want to make sure we're doing
everything possible." Wims said.

A safety advisory was released
last week by the Office of Student
Affairs after three date rapes were
reported to administrators within a

The date rapes were not report-
ed to police. but UK released a state-
ment warning students about date
rape. On Saturday, a Louisville
woman reported a date rape to UK

The assault yesterday was the
first sexual assault reported near
campus this year

study conducted of 1.010
women on campus last s ring by
the Center for Research on iolence
Against Women. revealed that 2.5
percent of women reported being
orc1bly raped.

“I don‘t think that means more
actual rapes. but 1 do think that
means we‘re reaching our goal of
making it easier for women to re«
port." said Carol Jordan, director of
the Center for Research on Violence
Against Women.

“1 think when we increase the
education of the university (on sex-
ual assaults) we‘re going to have
more (reported) rapes."

Police are warning students not
to walk or exercise alone and to do



Hagerman Court


East Maxwell

Stone Avenue

Rose Street

1 us IIbIII isea




A female student was sexually assaulted yesterday mornin in a parkin lot off Stone
Avenue. Police have released a descrIptIon of the suspect, ut no arres s have been


so in a heavily traveled or well-lit
area. Also. police warned students
to be aware of their surroundings
and what people around them are
doing. Carrying a cell phone or oth-

er type of personal safety device is
encouraged as well as having a pre-
planned escape route in case some-
thing happens.

E~mail dshafam kykernelcom


By Jonathan Palmer


Last night in the ( Iatholic
Newman (Icntcr and Holy
Spirit Parish. communication
sophomore .\Iikc Barnes re-
ceives the symbol for the be-
ginning of Lent. .-\shcs are
used as a reminder for one's
need for repentance. said
l'K's Newman ( Icntcr pastor.
'l‘om Farrell.

Farrell said the mark is a
way to remind (Shristians of
their moitality and to offer a
realization that “time is limit-
ed. and it should he used \\ ise-

Farrell said about ooc pct)-
ple attended the noon. 5:30
pm. and 7 pm. services each.


.\bout 300 people attended
the 9 pm. liturgy. he said.
During Lent. ( Iatholics
make a sacrifice until Easter
Sunday when the amiay peri-
od ends. The sacrifice seers
as a way to reflect in prepara—
tion for the [Caster season.

More young people leaving Kentucky after graduation

ELK?!“ ”.9999”???
M IttNIucxv mm

Bryan Howard. a merchandising senior.
does not want to work at Gap for the rest of
his life. After graduation in May. he is leav-
ing Kentucky to look for a better-paying job.

“Kentucky citywise is just not big
enough. especially in merchandising." he
said. “If you want to move up higher. you
need to be in a corporate office. You can't be
in Kentucky“

Howard is part of a growing number of
students who leave the state after they grade
uate. According to the US. Census Bureau.
about 3.411 more young. single. college-edit
cated people left Kentucky from 199.") to 2000
than came into the state.

Kentucky is slowly losing its young pro-
fessionals to other states.

“A significant number of graduates are
leaving because they are getting better jobs
outside the state." said Tom Layzell. preslr
dent of the Kentucky (‘ouncil on Postsee
ondary Education. “It depends on the field.
but sometimes there are better paying jobs
outside the state.“

(lov. Ernie Fletcher. like previous govet’
nors. is Working to slow the trend by creat-
ing more jobs and higher paying jobs around
the state. Layzell said. The hope is that a
stronger economy and higher wages will on

U l

tice more young people to stay in Kentucky.

“I'm hoping to stay here." said Jodi Dick
ey. an integrated strategic communication
senior who moved to Kentucky from lndiana
10 years ago. “i want to find a public rela-
tions job with the horse industry that's
why I moved here in the first place. But if l
find a better Workplace somewhere else. ['1]

Some states are desperate to hang on to
their young professionals. lowa lawmakers
recently proposed that the state income tax
not apply to Iowans under 30. The senators
responsible for the proposal are willing to
give up $200 million a year in state revenue
in order to keep graduates from leaving.
lowa is now losing two graduates for every
graduate coming into the state. Only North
Dakota has a lower retention rate.

Some economists are skeptical that other
states will adopt Iowa‘s proposal.

“(living a tax break to. say. 100.000 people
just to keep 3000 people in the state just
doesn't make sense." said (‘hris Bollinger. an
associate economics professor at UK.

[It a state of more than 1 million people.
the loss of a few thousand young profession-
als over a period of five years is not cause for
alarm. he said.

"(lee it‘s too bad; I agree.“ he said. “But
it‘s not having a huge effect on the state. Los-
ing 3.000 is not going to impact anything."

While Kentucky is losing graduates.
states in the West and South are drawing
them by the thousands. Nevada. (‘olorado
and (leorgia have the highest percentage of
young professionals flooding their towns. ac-
cording to the same report by the US (‘en-
sus Bureau.

It's not just the jobs and higher wages
that draw young people to these states.
Layzell said.

Phillip Calender. a biology senior who
has lived in Kentucky for 21 years. is head-
ing to (leorgia after he graduates In May. He
said his career has little to do with the deci-

”Even if I was offered a job. I wouldn‘t
stay. I ask. ‘Where do l have personal inter-
est‘.’ Where am I not bored? Where do I find
life most enjoyable'." " Calender said.

Many factois contribute to students leav
ing. but the trend is not necessarily here to
stay. Layzell said. Retention rates are con-
stantly changing. and new research from the
Kentucky State Data (‘enter in Louisville
suggests that the Southeast is the next mag-
net for economic development. Layzell said.

“But if the trend continues. Kentucky
would suffer both economically and socially
from losing the best—educated people."
Layzell said.

Email khendersontwkykernelcom


UK proposes raise
in meal plan costs,
changes structure

By Tricia McKenny

Students will have new dining options
next semester if the Board of Trustees ap-
proves a new dining plan.

The new dining plan would provide stu-
dents the option to purchase a certain num-
ber of meals each semester in order to meet
their own personal needs. said Jeff Demoss.
the executive director of UK Dining Ser-

The current plan allows students to pur-
chase a dollar amount for their dining plan
and use this amount to purchase food at UK
Dining locations.

Students living on campus are required
to purchase a meal plan for $825 each semes-
ter and may supplement that amount with
money on their Plus Account.

Under the new program. the least expen-
sive meal plan will be 38% per semester and
provide students with 123 meals a semester.
or 7.69 meals per week.

if the program is approved. students
may purchase meal plans ranging from 123
to 280 meals each semester at a cost ranging
from 38% to 81.698 each semester.

The average required minimum meal
plan at [TK's benchmark schools is $1,082.92.

Demoss said the increase is necessary to
continue to provide funding for UK Dining

UK Dining Services budgets $9 million a
year for residential dining and $14 million a
year including catering and vending.
Demoss said these costs are expected to go

“We had a 2 to 3 percent labor cost in-
crease last year. over a 30 percent increase
in utilities costs this year. and another 10
percent increase expected next year." he

['K Dining Services does not receive any
money from student fees and relies solely on
meal plan packages for revenue.

See Meal on page 2

Forums to addreSS
UK’s budget, tuition

By A999 5.“."59

For the second year in a row. UK admin-
istrators are inviting students. faculty and
staff to attend forums about the university’s

UK released its budget Tuesday. propos-
ing increases in tuition by 14.5 percent and
faculty and staff salary pools by 3 percent.

The forums. held today and tomorrow in
the Student Center‘s Worsham Theater. are
primarily designed to better communicate
budget decisions. said Provost Mike Nietzel.

“We want them to understand the rev-
enue needs for the university for us to move
forward next year.“ he said. "Then. we want
to explain how we‘re going to meet those rev-
enue needs.

“If they want to understand how we
came to these recommendations. this is the
opportunity for them to do that.“ he said.

Those who attend will also be able to ask
Nietzel and Angie Martin. UK‘s vice presi-
dent for planning. budget and policy. ques-
tions about elements of the budget.

Last year. the forums achieved these
goals. Nietzel said.



 Put 2 | Inursday, Feb. to. 2005


Continued from page 1

Though these changes are
still just proposals waiting to be
approved by the Board of
Trustees, Demoss said he hopes
to be able to use the changes to
increase service and variety for

“My team is constantly
learning and changing to pro
vide variety for the students."
he said.

“Instead of regular pizza.
we'll try a Greek pizza. We‘ll try
other themes fl Asian. Tai«
wanese. Vietnamese, Tuscan-
style dining. It‘s all about
changing the mindset." Demoss

Once students purchase the
meal plan. they may then use
their plan as part of the “Un-
limited Choices" system Dining
Services plans to implement.

Under the Unlimited Choic-
es system. students may use the


Continued from page 1


“I think it accomplished the
mission of explaining the basis
for increasing tuition.“ he said.
“The success should really be
measured in terms of our shar-
ing as much information as we
can to the people who are most
affected by this budget."

UK students should attend
the forums because they should
care about how UK intends to
use the tuition increase. said
Student Government President
Rachel Watts.


dining options at Blazer and
The Commons to choose how
much and what they would like
to eat.

After a student chooses
what he or she would like to eat.
it will be deducted from the ac-
count as one meal.

At other dining locations.
such as K-I.air. Ovid‘s and the
Student Center food court. stu-
dents will be able to use their
dining cards to purchase a com-
bo meal of a sandwich or en-
tree. side item and fountain bev-
erage. and the combo will count
as one meal of their dining

Demoss said he hopes the
plan will provide something for

"Some students use all of
their meals for the semester by
October. and some students nev-
er use all of their meals for the
semester." he said. "It made us
ask. ‘What are we doing wrong'."
and try to fix it."

Demoss has some experi-
ence changing dining systems.
Before coming to UK in July. he
spent nine years at West Vir-

"Students need to walk away
with the sense that they know
where their money is going.
whether they agree with the in-
creases or not." Watts said in an

Watts said the forums will
benefit both those in attendance
and those presenting the bud—

"I think it is important that
they (Nietzel and Martin) let
students know that their per-
sonal challenges and obstacles
matter." Watts said.

For administrators. she
said. “it is a chance to reach be-
yond the statistics and facts to
put a face to the students who
will have to come up with the
money to pay for the increases."

Ultimately. Nietzel said he

ginia University

“When 1 got there. we were
$7 million in debt. and when I
left we were $1.6 million in the
black." he said.

While Demoss was at WVU.
nine operations were renovated
or remodeled. and he said he
looks forward to doing the same
thing at UK.

“1 like having my fingers in
the fire." Demoss said. He added
that he hopes to improve UK‘s
dining services to aid in the
reach for top20 status.

He said improvements in
Dining Services and other pro-
grams will assist student reten-
tion and improve the living situ-
ation for students.

“These are still all just prov
posals; the BOT must put their
stamp of approval on it before it
is final." said Demoss.

“The bottom line is. (stu-
dents) help us to be here. No
students. no university. no din»
ing services. We want to give
you as much service as possi.




Today: noon to 1 pm, Wor-
sham lheater in Student Center.

lomorrow: noon to 1 pm.
Worsham Theater in the Student




wants those who attend the fo-
rum to understand that UK isn‘t
solely relying on tuition in-
creases to raise needed funds.
“I hope they see that it’s an
approach that not only involves
a tuition increase but a consid-
erable of cutting and reallocat-
ing within the universrty.“ he



\ . v: u :x-: -€.\.\¢-R
\ ”\Iffityé .1? ’.‘ Lg? 435;“; 3%




ates new

immigration policy

av erv cm

bill aimed at blocking
states from issuing dri-
vers licenses to illegal im»
migrants appeared head-
ed for passage Thursday
in the House of Represen-
tatives. aided by a strong
endorsement from the
White House and broad
support within the Re-
publican majority:

Sponsored by Rep. I“.
James Sensenbrenner Jr..
R~Wis.. chairman of the
House Judiciary Commit-
tee. the bill also would
tighten the standards for
granting asylum to for-
eigners. raising the stan-
dard of evidence that ap—
plicants for asylum must
produce to prove their
claims of persecution in
the nations they are flee-
ing and limiting judicial
review of claims rejected

by immigration officials.

In addition. the bill
would allow the federal
government to override
state and local environ
mental concerns and
laws to plug a three—mile
hole in the fence between
San Diego and Tijuana.
Mexico and to build
such walls anywhere
along the US. border. ()b-
jections from the Califor-
nia Coastal Commission
and from local environ-
mental groups have
blocked completion of the
fence. in an ecologically
sensitive area of the Ti-
juana River Valley. for

Immigration advo-
cates. groups supporting
civil and privacy rights.
and state government or-
ganizations oppose the
bill, saying it would make
it harder for those fleeing
persecution to seek asy-

lum in this country and
Would endanger public
safety and national secu-

Its future in the Sen»
ate is uncertain; as a
stand-alone bill its pas-
sage it not assured. but
its provisions are likely
to be attached to must
pass legislation.

If the hill becomes
law. drivers licenses could
be used for purposes of
federal identification only
if the states required
and verified proof of
legal presence in the
United States from every
applicant. The bill makes
compliance voluntary
but if a state does not
comply. the licenses it is-
sues could not be used as
valid identification to
board an airplane in the
United States. open a
batik account or enter
any federal building.



In yesterday‘s Ker el. the article "Cats aiming to qualify for N(‘AA“
should have said UK ri e coach Henry Mullins expects UK will need a 383 or

584 from each shooter to qualify for the NCAA.




Yesterday‘s article “Tuition to increase 14.5 percent for next year“ incor
rectly stated an increase in scholarship funding. For the 200.106 school year.
UK has budgeted $13.6 million for student scholarships.

To report an error: please call the Kernel newsromn or 25 7 1915 or email

news a kykernelrom.





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Feb. 10. 2005


iim Wiseman
Sports Editor

mar-ms | [MW


UK tans need to find new material

()n a night when some of
UK's youngest stars showed
their maturity on the court.
some fans
in the
s t a n d s
s h o w e d
how little
they have.

On a
night when
T u b b y
S m i t h ' s
Cats daz-
zled with a
g u t s y
some fans
in the stands disappointed
with sophomoric antics.

()n a night when Lexing-
ton and UK were in the spot-
light. some fans in the stands
made everyone look foolish.

When UK students and
fans showered Florida (lator
Matt Walsh with bigoted
chants. everyone lost.

The energy and enthusi-
asm are great. but the chants
were not.

Taunting and heckling al»
ways have been part of
sports. and that‘s not going to
change. But with everything.
there‘s a right and wrong
way to do it.

The “Walsh is gay"
chants fans used last night
are offensive. but they‘re also

In the first half. the
chants rang out again and
again usually as Florida
guard Anthony Roberson
was sticking it to the (Tats.

So not only were the
chants boring and stale. they
were targeting the wrong guy.

At Duke (and we can all
agree about those Dookies).
the Cameron Crazies have be»
come the poster children for
creative taunts. They create
funny and fresh cheers
(maybe you‘ve heard the
“overrated" chant they start-
ed). and they have helped cre-
ate an aura of invincibility
around Cameron Indoor Sta»

Compared with Duke. the
eRupption Zone seems pa~



unvsmrrn I STAFF

Florida uard Matt Walsh tries to get past UK junior quard Patrick

T rouqhoutt


On most nights. it seems
fans down there are more ex-
cited when the TV cameras
turn their way than when the
opposing team has the ball.

The exception to that rule
is the Bluehearts. a group of
students who desperately try
to get the student sections go-
ing wild. They find creative
ways to get under the skin of
opposing players (my favorite
is when they chanted “Nair"
at a South Carolina player
who said he used the stuff to
keep his legs smooth).

Once again. the Blue-
hearts cooked up a plan to
harass Walsh. (You might re-
member that last year the
guys printed a huge picture
of Walsh‘s Playboy Playmate
girlfriend to wave at him.)
One dressed up as Walsh. and
the others led him around
with a leash.

In an increasingly angry
world of sports . remember
that NBA brawl in Detroit. or
that relief pitcher gone wild

uring‘the Cats' 69 66 win over the Gators Tuesday night.
e game, Walsh drew jeers and taunts from t

e crowd

in Anaheim? . fans need to
change their tone. These are
games. These are college kids
(like you). And this should be

Fans can change the
game there's a reason UK
has a great record in Rupp
but they can do it the right

UK fans are the most pas-
sionate in the country. and
that passion should translate
into good sportsmanship.

When people talk of
tough places to play. they
should think of Rupp instead
of Cameron. And they should
talk of the eRupption Zone
instead of Kt'zyzewskiville.

So find some new materi-
al. Impress that national tele-
vision audience. Make
ESPN‘s Dick Vitale laugh in-
stead of cringe.

Maybe it will save you
from having to hear about
those Dookies all time.

twisemanw kylrernelcom



The UK women's tennis
program made its first top
five appearance in the Inter‘
collegiate Tennis Associate
women's college tennis rank-
ings released yesterday. The
Cats come in at No. 3 behind
the last two NCAA champi-
ons. No. 1 Stanford and No. 2

UK moved from No. 14 to
No. 3 by way of its school-best
performance at the
USTA/ITA National Team In-
door Championships last
week in Madison, Wis. UK
earned its first appearance in
a national-team champi-
onship final with a 4-3 victory



over No. 8 Duke in the semifi-
nals. Topranked Stanford
eliminated UK in the final. 4-


UK sophomore diver Joey
Brown and junior swimmer
Steven Manley have been rec-
ognized by the Southeastern
Conference as the Women’s
Diver of the Week and Male
Swimmer of the Week, re-
spectively, for their perfor—
mances over the weekend
against Cincinnati.

Brown. a Laguna Niguel.
Calif, native. broke teammate
Jessica Thompson’s school
and Lancaster Aquatic Center
records in the onemeter
springboard event against the

Bearcats. Her score of 303.90
bested Thompson’s mark of
299.18 set a year ago. Brown
begins competition in the
SEC Diving Championships
Friday in Gainesville. Fla.

Manley automatically
qualified for the 200freestyle
competition at the NCAA
Championships with a time
of 1:36.05 against Cincinnati,
falling shy of his own school
record by .51 seconds. The
native of Dublin, Ireland,
also helped UK to a win in
the 400-freestyle relay. Man-
ley will swim for conference
titles Feb. 1619 in



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The (ampui Calendar 15 produred by the Oflrre of Student Art/woes, Leadership 5 Involvement Registered Student Org: and UK Dept: can submit
information for FREE online ONI WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY information it to appear Call 257-0067 for more intormatron



-UK Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law
Meeting. 5:00 PM. Student
Center, Room 205

-CSF Presents "Synergy"
8:00 PM, CSF Buildingcorner
ol Woodland and Columbia
~Baptist Student Union's
Freshman Focus Group
Meeting, 7:30 PM

, 429 Columbia Abe

l -Wesley Foundation‘s Focus
Worship Meeting, 7:30 PM
Student Center. Center

-UK Women's Basketball vs.
. Flordia. 7:00 PM. Memorial

E Coliseum

; l


it”); ;.;.



f. -The Well. 7:00 PM, Student
= Center, Room 211

t i -UK Fencing Club Meeting

1 8:00 PM. Buell Armory/Barker

Peace and Justice. Coalition
2:00 PM. LCC MB 209A

~lCF Dinner and Fellowship
7:00 PM. St. Augustine
Chapel. Rose ST.

—-.-u- Ln». v v-w—umv e—Ha—y... i . . ..


Great Outdoors-Red River

Gorge trip

-UK Men‘s Basketball vs.
Georgia, 3:00 PM

Rupp Arena

-Health- Florence Crittenton
Home visit. 1:00 PM



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Feb. to. 2005


The word beckons the im-
age of an Iii-legged appetizer
served on
1 a s t
w e e k ' 5
episode of
“Fear Fac-
tor." It
could be
a spider.
an insect
or a rare
species of
fish close-
ly related
to the
eel. It could be a word. hid-
den in a corner of the vast
ocean of Webster's Dictio-
nary, referring to tiny mi-
croorganisms that thrive on
human hair.

Now that the image is
tainted with disgust. the true
identity of hummus has little
to do with biological crea-
tures. That is. unless you are
a hungry. health-concerned
Homo sapien.

The foods we eat come
prepared. packaged. wrapped
and boxed in many different
colors. shapes. sizes. tastes.
textures. consistencies and
names. We are all familiar
with the grease of a ham-
burger. the crunch of a
chicken finger and the
weight of cheese dip on a tor-
tilla chip.

But the flavor of soymilk
and the taste of jalapeno-fla—
vored hummus on a rice
cracker can prove quite re-
freshing in the menu of a
beer-thirsty. pizza-blooded
college student.

In an increasingly obese
society. all-natural and or
ganic are the new terms of
the health-conscious. Replac~
ing fatty foods with natural
substitutes lowers the risks
of long-term and short-term
health conditions including
diabetes. high cholesterol
and premature heart attacks.
all of which have been linked
to trans fat.

Mark Hook. manager of
the Good Foods Co-op on
Southland Drive. said organ—
ic substitutes. often stigma-
tized as strictly vegetarian.
are becoming popular foods
for college students.

“From sales. they seem to
be popular." he said. “We of-
fer Boca burgers and chicken
in our coffee bar. I think
there is a growing trend to-



r hummus

Hillary Canada

Asst. Features Editor
Phone: 257-l9l5


mrS If


The Good Foods Co-op on Southland Drive offers all natural and organic products for consumers who are
searching for alternatives to high-fat fare.

ward healthier food. and peo
ple are taking care of them-

Last month. the US. De-
partment of Agriculture and
the US. Department of
Health and Human Services
released the Dietary Guide-
lines for Americans 2005. a
document that recommends
Americans consume less
than one gram of trans fat
per day

So. do you think you have
your trans fat under control?

Digest this: Two veg-
etable spring rolls from a
(‘hinese restaurant contain
1.7 grams of trans fat. and a
double cheeseburger from
McDonalds contains 1.5
grams of trans fat. Students
can knock out their daily
dose of trans fat with just
two pieces of pizza. which
contain collectively one gram
of it. mostly from the veg-
etable shortening in the

Smart eating is the most
effective way to dodge over-
dosing on the deadly delica~
cies. but innovative. practical
eating eases the pain of
crash dieting. Replacing fat
with healthier. more nutri-
tious options gives your body
the vitamins and minerals
necessary to function. but
without the fat that leads to

In the mind of a college
student. the cost effective-

ness of a product is just as
important as the health bene-
fits it provides.

Saving money on health
foods only to watch them rot
in the back of the refrigera-
tor weeks after the expira-
tion date is not a practical
move. Investing in organic
and natural substitutes is an
easier way to keep off
pounds and fill your stom-
ach. but students must adapt
to the new diet.

Morning Star Black Bean
Burgers are a trans-fat—free
replacement to a traditional
hunk of ground beef. but the
taste and size of the meal
will leave Big Mac regulars
seeking a post-meal. well.
meal. The black bean burger
boasts 74 percent less fat
than the average ground beef
patty and only contains 4.3
grams of fat. These burgers
can be tossed in the ini-
crowave. grilled on a George
Foreman or cooked in an
oven and are best served
with a condiment or cheese (I
wouldn't recommend a
naked burger.)

Silk Soymilk contains 3.5
grams of fat but offers more
nutrients than dairy milk
with 12 grams of protein and
30 percent of the recom-
mended dietary allowance of
calcium. Silk can be bought
sweetened and unsweetened.
in various flavors including

vanilla. chocolate. chai. cof-
fee and mocha. The consis-
tency and texture of soymilk
will easily fool the average
milk drinker. but its grainy
taste can initially terrify the
taste buds.

Hook said students must
adapt to the unique tastes
and flavors of natural prod—

"There is definitely a
learning curve." he said of
the transition. "A lot of the
foods actually have more fla-
vor because it's a natural
taste as opposed to a cosmet-
ic taste."

An alternative to nacho
cheese dip. hummus. is an
all-natural blend of chick-
peas. beans. vegetables and
spices that comes in flavors
ranging from lemon to egg-
plant. The blend only has 33
calories per ounce and a sin:
gle grain of fat.

I am still acquiring my
own taste for the orangetint-
ed jalapeno blend of goop.
but without much progress.

Of course. there are no
true substitutes for greasy
chicken fingers. chocolate
milkshakes or the occasional
2 am. Papa John's call. But
substituting healthy options
over the usual college fa-
vorites is a way to combat
diet-related illness before it‘s
too late.

etrourman u A'_vl-.'erncl.c0m




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