xt74b853j90x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j90x/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1998-01-21 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1998 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 21, 1998 1998 1998-01-21 2020 true xt74b853j90x section xt74b853j90x  





1 Fraternity

plans to 90
than later

By Mat Herton
.\'c:;'\ Iii/11W

After a unanimous vote at a special meeting .\loiiday.
the us chapter of Phi (lamina Delta social fraternity
announced it will go alcohol free liy Pelt. I.

“There’s been a lot of press, which just made us think
about it a lot more." said Bill Straub. a marketing senior
and president of the chapter.

“( )ne ofour main goals is to provide a safe, study-com
ducive environment to live in. \Ve're by no means saying
that our 3 I —year—old inenihers can‘t drink; they iust can’t
do it in the house or on chapter grounds."

The fraternity is among the first to voluntarily adopt
an alcohol-free policy since the push by national fraterni—
ty officers and university administrations after two alco—
holirelated fraternity deaths during the fall semester.

Last week the L'K chapter sent four delegates w
Strauh. chapter athletics director Jay Tipton. political sci—
ence sophomore l'iric (lustafson and architecture fresh‘
man Beniamin Simmons — to a symposium on alcohol—
free housing at Memorial Hall. By mid—semester. Phi
(lamina Delta tnight not he the only fraternity that drops
the drink.

National officers from the fraternity. along with those
froin Sigma \u and Phi Delta Theta. had already
planned to go alcohol—free hy]uly I. 2000. Btit as Strauh
said, “The sooner we do it, the more benefit we'll get."

Bill Martin, executive director of Phi (iamma Delta
International who spoke at the symposium, said he was
encouraged by the fraternity's speedy decision.

"\Vhenei er a chapter decides to make that transition
earlier than otir final date.“ he said, “that indicates to us the
chapter recognizes that they can achieve some benefit."

The policy will work to the fraternity's advantage during
its spring rush this week. Strauh said, because some students
cannot take bids because their parents won't let them.

“\\'e‘re hoping that over time this will help us erase
that (. inimu/ Home) stereotype." he said.

How much rtish numbers fluctuate will he difficult
to tell, Martin said, but students are out there who want
to be part of a (ireek organiyation without having to

The UK chapter “will have a iiitich better opportunity to
appeal to the students," Martin said. "There is a significant
segment of student population who choose not consider
fraternity involvement because of alcohol consumption.“

Dean of Students David Stockhaiii applauded the deci—
sion, saying he sees positive long—term effects.

“More than anything else, it says there are at least a
growing number of national fraternities that believe this
is the right way to go." Stockham said.

“This would he very positive magnet for recruiting for
this group. [low everything will play out in the immediate
transition, my crystal hall is no better than anybody else's."

In other news, Phi Sigma Kappa social fraternity's
executive committee announced on Sunday it will make
all (i‘) of its national and international chapters alcohol
free hyjuly l, 2000.

The fraternity's executive committee had started a vol—
untary education program for its chapters to work
toward hecotning alcol‘iol-free.

“\Ve believe an environment free from alcohol and
unlawful drugs is imperative." said Peter]. Nichols, presi—
dent ofthe committee.

New '10an

By Joe Dobner
Staff H ’rim-


Thirteen of the state's 1‘ community colleges are no
longer under L'K's control as of last \Vednesday.

The new Kentucky (Iotnmunity and 'l‘echnical (Zol—
lege System will gradually assume more control over
the colleges and technical schools over the next IX
months, according to the (Iouncil on Postsecondary

House Bill I from the May special session of the
Kentucky Legislature called for the creation of the sys—
This bill was in response to a report issued to the
Task Force on Postsecondary Education in March of
I997. The report suggested, “supporting regional col—
laboration and integration of all postsecondary educa—
tion programs, with a special emphasis on the L‘ninlltllni'






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W-I-N-N-E-B-S L'K rheer/eili/eiiv 21V)” their fit/(VIII t't/llA‘t't'llf/I't' IlilfItIII/l] title last :J‘eek. ’1 his title. the twin/R eighth. ”Ii/hex them (his :riitltlngt'xt fl'i/Nl.

Something to
CHEER about

Cheerleaders capture fourth straight

By Jill Erwin

Senior Stuff U 'riter

For those of you who dotiht that cheerleading is
a highly competitive sport. take note ofthe follow-

The L'niversiry of Alabama squad sent various
e-mail messages to LiK’s cheerleaders over the
(Ihristmas break. bragging of their new stunts and
telling tales of how they were going to wipe the
floors with the three-time defending champion

.After the Universal Cheerleaders Association
competition at \\'alt Disney \Vorld. L'K had the
brag ing rights.

The \Vildcats became the first squad to win
four straight titles (no other team has even won
three in a row) and capturing their eighth overall.
and L'K gymnasts Brooke Davis and Dotig
Stitheni set a record in winning the Division IA
championship in the partner stunt competition.

“I feel that as long as my squad hits what we go
down there with. we by far set the standard,“ said
second-year L'K cheerleading coach Saleem
Habash. “Yeah, it feels good when other people
want to try to talk something, and then we put it
in their face."

L'K faced an opponent other than an opposing
school: its own complacency.

“Before you wanted to win it because it was
new." llaliash said. “Now it's something you're
supposed to do vs. something you want to do."

After winning for the ast three years, the
group became somewhat ackadaisical in their
approach to the competition. It took some mis-
takes for the team to see what was necessary.

See SCHOOLS on 2 “\\'e had a few performances. and we didn't do
- ,A‘_ » . * M¢W.W .44 g -r.),~._- . : .z-.,...ac Cu. J,“ n l.».,5,". a a Nagpwco‘ .' n w .o it.-. , . - . ..


as hot as we normally do." Stithem said. "\Ve had
a couple hohhles here, a drop there. and it really
made people wake tip and realize that we needed
to get our sttifftogether."

“\Vc didn't have a lot of drive to begin with.
but a week before we went down there. everything
started coming together." Davis said.

“\Ve didn't want to be the team that didn't

win and bring back a tro~


Davis and Stithcm put
together what L'ls cheer—
leading adviser T Lynn

Yeah, itfi'els

good when

want to try and

\\'il|iamson called “a flaw —
night and scored l.l 5|
talk something, “V”

out of a possible I,200
points, the highest score

less routine" Thursday
recorded in the

and than we \\"11' ,1 } .
. . b . I iamson sait tit
Put ft m: 9” duo reached a whole new
face. level of respect from the
V competition with the per
“m m formance.
UKWg ] “Edgy were kind,- of
and! no u upon as the king

and queen. almost the

gods of cheerleading

when they finished."
“’llliainson said.

“Things most people couldn't even compre-
hend, they made look easy."

“It was a new thing. \Vhen you go out there,
itist you and a partner, it adds a little hit of pres—
sure," Stithem said.

“That can he good sometimes. You save some-

-Cfi”) *wMMM‘A-wdtna‘ .. i.



thing you normally wouldn't.

“\Ve had no idea we'd have the response we
did. It was probably the best run—through we've
ever had. and we felt like we peaked at the right

The Southeastern Conference captured the top
three spots with Bama and Tennessee outscoring
Nebraska and North (Iarolina State, .i squad who
has finished in the top i every year since the coin—
petition began.

Alabama finished in second place for the second
straight year. due in large part to a complete fall
they suffered during one of their stunts.

They would have finished in third place
behind [T if not for a penalty for the Volunteers
going sit seconds over their time limit on their

The com X‘Iilittn will air eight times on ESPN.
The first showing usually occurs sometime in
early March. but no date has been announced.

”Whig; r1



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By Jessica Coy
.Smfl~ ll 'riri'r‘

“\\'hy do I have to have a meal

“\Vhy isn‘t the remaining bal—
ance on my Diners (Iard refunded
to me at the end ofthe semester?"

These are qtrestions many L‘K
sttrdents have about the Food Ser—
vices Diner (lard policies.

“I didn‘t even know that the
retnaining balance on my meal
card wouldn't be refunded to me
at the end of the semester," said

_larod llennessey, a ruarketing


u’l‘hey never explained that to
me when l botight the plan, and I
didn't see it in any ofthe papers I
received," he said.

F.ach year the Board of'l‘rustees
sets the price for the Diners Club
plan. which all L‘K students living
in campus residence halls are
required to purchase.

“lhe $675 per student figtire is
the amount that will cover the
operating costs of Food Services
for one semester." said (Ihip
(Iarter. rtranager of the Diner and
I’LLS Account computer systems.

Food Services is independently
operated and funded and have
been since its inception. Food
Services receive no ftrnding from
the L'niversity. The mandatory
Diners (llub program is what
keeps it rtrnning and allows it to
provide the goods and services
students demand. he said.

“Nobody makes a profit, and
right now we're struggling just to
break even," (larter said.

Students living off campus
aren't required to purchase a Din»
ers (Ilub plan btrt might deposit
any amount of money into Diners

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GOING Hill BROKE 'llrt' (III/UNI]! (fir/unify allotted/or met/l t‘rll‘lla‘ lam [rem r/rria‘rimm/ Irv .i'rmle/m' Ir‘lm my It} for) [rig/i.

or l’LL'S (lard accounts.

“Students living off campus
always have the option to eat at
home," (Iarter said. “Residence
halls don't have kitchens for every
sttrdent, and the L'niversity wants
to make sure students are eating

Knowing students living on
campus have access to three meals
a day alleviates parents’ concerns
and those ofthe administration.

“\Vhen parents send their chil-
dren off to college, one of their
biggest worries is that their son or
daughter won’t be eating proper-
ly." said (:arol Raitl, director of
Food Services.

Many students say it’s unfair if
a student doesn‘t use the full 5675
during the cotrrse of a semester, it
goes back into Food Services and
is applied toward the department’s
operating costs. UK can transfer
$50 from the fall to spring

“I don't see why the money
doesn‘t carry over to the next
semester," said Shana (Iarr. a sec-
ondary education sophomore. “lt
inst doesn‘t seerii fair for them to
take my money."

“Food Services has art unwrit—
ten contract with thc student
body. ()ur part ofthe contract is
to meet .md exceed student's
expectations," Raitl. said. “and
their side of the bargain is to pur-
chase the Diners accounts so that
we can continue to operate.“

“567; may seem like a lot to
students, btrt in fact L'K has one
of the cheapest meal plans avail-
able when compared to other
benchmark universities." Raitz

According to a '97-'98 bench—
mark comparison of proposed
dining rates cortipiled by Food
Services, Ohio State L'niversity
charges students 5159‘) and l’ur~
due charges $2,554.

At the L'nivcrsity of Ten-
nessee-Knoxville, meal plans are
only mandatory in five out of nine

dorms. The students in these
dorms pay $90] a semester.
“The students in the five

newest dorms are required to btry
the meal plans as part of a debt
reduction program,"
Alaplcs, assistant to the Vice
(Ihancellor for Administration
and Staff. ”This program is aimed

said _lcff

at reducing the debt incurred
when building the dorms."

'l‘he dorms were built iii the
late l‘)()(ls, and the meal plan poll;
cy is expected to continue for lll
more years, Maples said.

ln WW) the L'niversity of
Alabama began requiring every
enrolled student to btry a $200
meal plan. The students protested
because at the end ofthe semester.
the unused balance on the meal
plan reverted back to the food ser‘
vice program.

Four months after the policy
went into effect, the policy was
reversed and the leftover balance
became fully refundable at the end
ofthe semester. '

“At first the students were fruv
trated because they had no choice
about whether or not they actually
wanted to buy a meal plan," said
_lan Logan, a payroll consultant iii
the Food Services office at Alaba-

“Now the students are seeing
how convenient it is to have the
money on their meal card," she
said. “and there are few students
who have tnoncy left on their
cards at the end ofthe semester."




‘Uniqzre’ board
rack/es college plans
From PAGE 1

tv colleges and technical

Prior to consolidation under
the system. the state's 2r» postsec—

ondary vocational and technical


schools were under the \Vork—
force Development (Iabinet.
Lexington (Iommtrnity College
and (ilasgow (Iommunity Col»
lege remain in the his system
because they are located on UK

The Southern Association of

Colleges and L'niversities has
approved the transition. The
S:\(IS, which handles college
accreditation throughout the
southeast. will revisit the issue

next fall.




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The system of community arm‘
technical colleges creates, in:
effect, one large, widesprcailj
statewide university. '

“Basically the board of regents
of KCLCS have the same powers
and responsibilities as the boards
of regents for the six regional uni-L
versities." said Bert (Zarr. former“
chancellor ofthe L'lx' Community“
(Iollcge System.

Like L'K's Board of Regentsu
the system has 1] votes: Fight sit—i
ting members of the K(I'l‘(LS:
board are appointed by the gover-Z
nor, fotir are recommended by the'
L'K Board of'l‘rustecs. ‘:

L'nlike L'K's board, the sys—u'
tern has H members. Because;
the two separate systems arer
under one governing body, SIN;
members get half a vote each.
\Vhereas the L'K board has one.
faculty, student and staff repre—,,
sentative each, the system hasj
two: one frotn the technical sys—
tem and one from the (Iommtmi~
ty (lollege System. ..

“That is somewhat unique,"
(Iarr said. .1

Because the system is:
statewide, selecting these repre»,
sentatives is challenging. Fach;
segment of the system works ilifl'
ferently. .‘L

For instance the sttrdcnt body-
prcsidents of the IS community:
colleges in the system select one

president to be the student rcpre—z
sentative for the (lommunity (Iol-Z
lege System. A
Faculty and staff representa:
tives serve for three years, student 4
representatives for one. i
The faculty ofthe Community:
(Iollege Systetri held a referendum :
through the Internet for the sclecA:
tion ofthcir representative. :
“The faculty pretty much know ;
each other." (larr said. I‘-
The system's Board of:

Regents is now tasked with look;
ing for a president for the orga - t

In addition to searching for a;
new president. the systetti has to
set policy for the system. _ ‘

“They have to develop policies:
as to how that system is going to-
operate," (Iarr said. '



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V >~—-——-.

women ’s hoops take
on Louisville in game

one of doubleheader

Bynave Gorman
Sta“ 'rm’r

It doesn't matter who is hot and who is not

‘Ihrow out the wins, losses and all that law.

510 the average fan the UK vs. Louisville
women’s matehup totiight at Freedom Hall is
oncof the biggest rivalries in the state of Keii~

For the Cats, it's just another game.

“\\'e have to come ready to play just like any
other team we come up against this season,"
UK head coach Bernadette Mattox said. “A lot
of these girls have played against each other
probably in all-star games. \1'e cannot let our
emotions get to us because that will drain you
om‘totally and make yoti tired. “e just really
have to take the intensity up a notch."

Louisville lirst~year eo-head coach Martin
(Ilapp disagreed.

“\Ve don't need to pump tip otir players up
when we play Kentucky." (Ilapp said. "1 am glad
we are playing Kentucky in an out—ot—coiiten
eiiee game before we play Memphis. So our
players won’t look past Kentucky toward the
Memphis game. This game is also important to
both teams“ ability to recruit in the area."

His wife is his eo—liead coach. Sara “bite.

The (Eats enter the hyped—tip rivalry sport—
ing a 9-8 record. They have already surpassed
last season's win total (8) and have been playing
consistently aggressive despite losing tri—eap—
tain Nikki llay to academic problems.

Also consider that the Southeastern (:otit‘er—
cute is home to some of the nation’s best

Mattox said she needs everybody to step it

"()ur young people have taken their games
to a whole new level," Mattox said. “\Vith
Nikki gone extra help has been needed from

That help has been pouring in from all

Junior Jaye Barnes has tipped her scoring
ayerage to 14.9 points per game as well as
Laura Meadows‘ whose ppg has risen to] 1.3.

The “'ildeats will have to do their best to
contain U of L’s Sharon Bellamy. a 6-2 iunioi‘
who is averaging 15.3 ppg who Mattox said can
have a huge night in any given game.

if history holds true then it doesn‘t look
good for the (Eats. Last time the (Iats and the



til/ll 1:11., i ..,‘1
/\ /li/\ Il '

1.1.1» 7.1/ixial'y31 [WA 8



the Cards


LL“ ,j



DETERMINED [JENKINS l 'I\ .t'HIi'I' Kim Hulk/Ht and Mn lint ;."/// look In) Him III/IV .ym oft/w team/2

:r/te/I 7’11‘1 Iii/«r on /.lI/II\I'I//(‘ lam year Mr Ian/i (fa/if Mat 1 ‘I\ 114 if

Lady (Lards met. the birds “on (11 {3.

“.\\'e learned .1 lot that game it iiiiproyeil
its a lot," 141s point guard \'atalie \lartinc/
said. "\\ie are trying not to tliiiik .tbotit the
rivalry. >lllxl like the 11 etiiicssee game we are
going to stay lillt'lhk'tldlill('1111K'L'1111‘111k‘tlllllL‘llll,’
intense lt is iiist like any other game."




6:50 7:02 708


lsaiic \il‘x‘ll}. “liti repl iced l\im l)ciikins .is the

team‘s starting teltlt't‘ tuainst lcmiessee last week.

"She is really play mg bard." \1atto\ said. “1
said \\L'.11't"u()llig’ to iictd cterybody to step it
up. .iiid she has been doing iliat. babe is getting
a lot better and going out there .tggrcssiye."


a“   a ‘ "w wa

'I'Ile Nieholasville Eiinress has llll stuns at
BOSE SI. 8. "K at [he FI‘OIII Stens



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' 820 832 8'38 840 842 845 850 852 854 556 902 911)
8:50 9:02 908 9.10 9 12 915 I
| 9:20 9:32 938 940 942 945 1150 1152 1154 1156 1202 1.) 1') I
I 1250 1252 12511 1256 102 11"»
1220 1232 1238 1240 1242 1245 I
| 1.20 1,32 138 140 142 145 4 20 4 2? 4 2“ 4 96 4 32 A 45 l
I 450 452 454 456 502 515
450 5302 5'08 510 512 515 520 522 524 526 532 545 I
I 520 5:32 538 540 54? 545 550 552 554 556 602 615 |
| 5'50 502 608 610 612 615 620 622 624 626 632 (45 |
6:20 6:32 6:38 6 40 6 42 6 45




Bats dump ECU
lrom schedule

'l'lic tk‘ lootball team has
beeii released ti'oiii its toiitt’att
to play .i tootball eattie .it l“.ist
(Iarolina on Sept l.‘ .
announced l..tit‘y by. 1 is
Senior \ssoeiatc l)irectoi oi

by is in the process oi arrangr
mg a replacciiietit tor l .ist (.ar
oltttai 1 lie oppiiiietit ltas iiot
been determined yet. but the
game will be played in ( itilllllltilt
\\ealtli Stadium iii
.icliie\e the goal oi a \l\';;.llllk'
lioiiie scliediilc,

“\Ve are making the tllJltL’t'
because it is \ery important. ti'om
.i l'iiiaiicial standpoint. but its to
play si\ liome lootball games." by
said. “\\ c .ll'L‘ talking \\ itli sc\cr.il
stliools about playing licic but
lia\e notlinig dcl'initc .tt this

Highlighting the l‘l‘lh \\ ild
cat st licdtilc is the season opener
.it l.otiis\ille on Sept. 1. llie
\\ ildcats “I” also iiiakt road it ips
to l'lorida. \t‘kansas tl.ittlc
Rock). l.otiisi.iii.i State and il cii

til’tlt‘l 1:1


liidiana. \oiitli (i.tlttlil‘..l.
(ieorgia. \lississippi Statc. \ .iii
derbilt .iiid tlic yet to be detti
mined teaiii “[11 make .ippeai
.iiiees in l.e\iiigtoii.

Track and field shine

llie l ls track .tiid licld lcaitis
toitipleted the Kentucky ln\it.i
tional \\itli strongI perloiiiiaiites
.itross the board oii botli the
men‘s .ttid women‘s teams this
weekend .it Lilsis l’._l. \tiiter
l‘lt'ltl l louse.

Highlighting the meet tor the
lils \yotttcii‘s stpiad were strong
periorniances trotii ititiioi' lx’osliell
Russell and li'csliiiiett ()la \esay.
\alerie “Mums and Heidi

lx’tisscll protisioiially t]ll.llllilt‘tl
tor the \'(l\\ \.ition.il littllHll'
(:llalllplitlhlilps \Hllt lici' tirst
plate perloriiiaiiee oi €455 set
onds in tlic \yomeii‘s slim-meter
rim. '1 lie proyisiotial tpialititation

time is <4 ‘Hl. \\llllL' tlic .ititotiiatic
slalblalil is 14 ll), ll lx’tissell does

not iiiipioyt liei tiiiic, she will
only tpialily tor the \‘(L\\
(liaiiipioiisliips ll tliere .irc

ciiotiuli spates let‘t ox er l-l'iilll run
tiers not liittiiig the automatic

\esay. \\'llll :ilso tpialitictl lot
the nieet's 1% liiirdlcs
tiiials. the long
iimip \\llll her mark oi 1‘) teet and

\\ illiaiiis ilie
tiiple tiitiip \\llll lici‘ leap ot
4111111111)" \1liile ()iiast liiiislicd
llllltl in tlic slioi ptit \\lllt licr

lliel ls women‘s stpiad made
ll .1 clean s\\t‘t'li iii ilie iimeter
lititdlcs \\licii \lioiiiia ‘ltlltlisiill.
\litliclle \\tlli.iiiis .iiid l.titislia
\liitttt lillll\l1t‘il setoiid. tlm'd .iiid
iotirtli. t’cspetiitely

\li.iiid\ lloytl l’leasant.
\\.ts iiiiattatlicil lroiii .i
squad. \Hll‘. \\lllt lier time ‘01.
lioytlrl'lcasant‘s tiiiic bcttcred
rtmiici' tip ~loliiisoii li\ ll {1 set


\\ill1 \yoiiieii‘s

\toii women's



(lit lllt‘ itieitis stpiatl. l)\\it_ilit
l’liillips \tas l l\ls top perloinici
tit liotli lllt‘ men‘s ii iiietci .tiid
Illlliiietci1|.isli.l’liillips won the
fill) iiit-tcr \\lllt liis tittic oi 31.7.”.
but it'll scuttttl lo ( ..tst'y (iotttllest
iii tltt' ii nicter dasli. (.ombest.
\ylio ua». l'tll‘tltlltL‘ unattached.
cdecd o:ii tlie \\iltlt.it “till his
I114 tiiite to l’ltllllps (Li; see

llit \\ Iltlt.ll\ \\lll tlieir
iic\.l .ttltitit iii 1\\ti “ecks lit the
l\'otl \lt(.l.!\y \leltiot’tal. busted

in t k
Men’s tennis eliminated

llicl ls men‘s tennis team \\ as
slitii out till day three ol'coiiipetir
tioii .it the Nilllllt‘aflt‘l'li (athlet-
ciice lndoor (.liaiiipionsliips tliis
\H't lst'llil.

l'K's \th. i (ik‘tll'lk' l\'.ttlll~
t'mals. tell to the tournaitieiit‘s
second seeded player \l|\\lssll)*
pi.s Sebastien l)c(Ili.itniac. (by


1 ls \\lll liost \liami (Uliiot
md \1lll‘L'ltt'.lil.\1.l1L'Ill its home
optiici lati. {l at the llilary 1,
Boone lcimis ( .ctitei.


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The Membership Committee of Phi Beta Kappa is now receiving
nominations for membership. The preliminary requirements which
must be met in order for a student to be eligible for conSideration
for election are:

(1) GPA of 3.5 for students who graduated to 0901997,
for students in their final semester, a 3.52 is necessary;
for first semester seniors, a 3.60; and for election at
the end of the Junior year, a 3.70 is required;

(2) At least two 300 (or higher) level courses outSide the
major department or prinCipal area of concentration;

(3) At least 90 hours of courses classified as “liberal";

(4) At least 45 hours of classwork completed on the
Lexington campus;

(5) Satisfactory completion of the lower diViSion (“non—
major") requirements for either the BA or 88 degree in
the College of Arts and Sciences (May graduates may
be currently enrolled in one required course).




Should you know of an individual who may meet these
requirements, please urge that person to come to Room 715
Patterson Office Tower (Mathematics) to pick up an application.

In order to be considered. nominations (for an application
to be mailed) must be received no later than Friday, January 30,
1998, with the application due back to the above named office
by Friday, February13, 1998.

PLEASE NOTE: It is entirely appropriate to nominate yourself and,
in fact, Ii you believe that you meet the criteria necessary for
election, it is expected that you will come to the above office for
an application,





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more than

rogress? Stire l ttnderstand progress.
m \\'ayne Turner is 7—f'or-8 from the

tree-throw line since the Mississippi State

Now that's what I call progress.

Says he‘s not shooting across his body any—
tttore. Changed his shooting tttotion. 'l‘ook
him a lot of time in the gym, I'll bet. l’ays off,

Sattte thing for Nazr
Mohammed. “hat was it that
South (Iarolina coach liddie
liogler was saying abottt him?
Sotttething about how he’ll be
endowing scholarships in a
few years?

I thought progress was a
concept I understood.
l’rogress means players get





J‘y 6' better. 'l‘eams itttprove. L'K
I'm starts hitting its tree-throws.
Spur/i ()pponents' rebounding slows

(IR/””1”“ to a crawl.
V 'l'hal‘s

L'ntil I heard Nolan Richardson alter Satur-
day‘s game.

Sure. repor