xt74b853j78h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j78h/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 12, 1986 1986 1986-03-12 2020 true xt74b853j78h section xt74b853j78h W
AR ‘w xc, No. 9; Established 1894 Batman; ot mucky. toxtngton. Kentucky Independent since lint Wednesday, March 1 2, 1986
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NASA ff ' ' l y '
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By HARRY F. ROSENTHAL 3. J;- tar-6K . . . r... g - e a“ , “,3. \ _ a p . .- 2.:
AssociatedPress u - . "-D r a .»‘ J " ‘ ~- ,.,_-:-‘t' <; - . ”‘ “ . - ,, . .'.
It is my v1ew today Maggi” "‘ '3“ , , 3.15; v 14,; , , . ,g' ; .-

WASHINGTON —The space age” that it would be very ‘ "‘ ' \l- 1m 7“, -" ‘ 3’3? “ ’ . . .~
Cy's acting administrator said yes- , . ' ,. ,w'. - L"... g :, . ! ~.‘ . ._ _. :1“ j ‘.' ..
terday it would cost 32.3 billion to appropriate to modify . , / ' ‘-.‘;’ as} - -__.- -.- 33 - r M .-
replace the lost Challenger and that - - , . @3er - [ ‘_ _ . , . .‘ 5 a.“ x. -
it would be “very appropriate" to 9hredeSlgn the fleld : , ‘c . ' i , \ i \ t M -.: " 5, ‘\‘
redesign rocket boosters before any JOlntS on [he SRB’S ~ x i 1 - f - M , , .1 ;‘ :3: 2 5"...“
shuttleflios again. ' ‘- , . . * ‘ ‘ ’ j 2453),-

William R. Graham told a House before we return to / " l :. a ‘ ’- ~ x. ' "‘3 .. ' :5:'..’,!;
committee that design modifications space flight.” '; .. F a ‘ .‘ y A , -’ ‘ _; ~ .. - . r. » . .. ‘I . ~
to be made in response to the Jan. W'II' , » k "-4 , .. .. a a. ., fl *1 .. . ., l .. ., '10": .23
28 explosion of Challenger will cost I lam R- Graham, .‘1'7 In , _, n ft ‘ W» — . .‘g; - ' ' ting:
$350million. NASA acting administrator ’ 2,." r‘, ' L 9'3“» '1'“) 4‘ f" ca. — . ' a '

He also told the panel it would be —— - . .- _i:_ 4 .J " 2%: “N i .7 '. ‘. ,
possible to fly another shuttle in six - '\ . '1. I, ”To .3 .. ' , ,f _. - . 73‘s... - . ,. 531.;- )\ . . . .‘ _. _‘ ..\‘
months. but that the National Aero- flight." A failure of seals on one of - ~ ‘ ~ . 1'“ " .- ' g “I ‘3: . . s. 1}; -1 is.) 5‘ g a: — 'j 1- l . +- _ ' ' .» ' ‘ an"; " ‘ i
nautics and Space Administration those joints on Challenger's right 7 12;... " - ‘ » "’ ’9 F‘g'vm: so“? =:-:as'g’§°: 13’ if; fi'fo‘fjgi ‘Ean .‘ f. _- .-. . - , ”a
does not anticipate launching anoth- rocket booster is the chief suspect in r ;l " a?“ i z ' ’ r» fa; "1': Pi": j $93. “’33,: 1;.sfif’fif‘... "“1‘3". .; L " ‘ ' . ‘-,. . 'ti .
eroneforatleastayear. the accident probe. hing, 5o . ,9" ‘gg'tjait'r; * ‘ L‘r'fif“ in!" ' h! . ” ’ -‘ ~ » ,I'

v- -..~"’," > ’ . a" '. .1” S‘ "a" ‘ 'c'u. ». -‘ - ~ ", 'h t’ ’ " . l ‘ . l - ' ‘ . -

Even then, Graham said. NASA In his testimon' before the House . “’a . ' - I". .. .- - ~2""": " 7 '3‘ ‘ Mn ‘ I a 3", ' ‘ ' ’ ‘. . I -. '
Will take its tlme mfore tackling a Science and Techynology Comn‘litteey “Mg: {‘5‘ l l fwg‘*r?rt "' A “ .‘ A, ‘ V. “I W. o f -' ’ ‘I V I : H
flight backlog that increaseswith Graham stopped short of a formal 3935..“ sf) , - fer-VJ“; ', rhyme) ,\ ‘ 1 ' . ‘
every passmg month. There Will be request for funds to construct a new ”3153‘ j .n“ . , ~§:fl 14513-55: - g ‘ . ;.

a wait of at least three months be- shuttle. fig? “ _ . 4h " " -- ~ 5 ' -- .
tween the first post-accident flight ‘ ‘ *r‘a—l' >~ . ‘ fie . >‘ , 5.
and the second. and at least two But. he said a backlog of 24 full J, _ ,_ ‘ . -- ~ . . . . -j 2
months between the second and cargo bay payloads would accrue by . "V" . ‘ . . _ . , ,I .
th‘ dfl‘ ts h ‘d '- . ‘ I '

IF lgh . €581 - the year 1990 if NASA has to operate ' A ~ ' ‘ " - 't

.. . . . " h the three shuttles left in its “"“smw‘w \» l

Wdottdt ..th V‘” - - -- . . . . .
launch I“: “Apnea/e (seghclrgfze fl fleet. Betty Schtelcher meets Gov. Martha Layne Collins, who vtStted areas hit by Monday 5 storm that ripped throtlgh Lexington, , . -. .
thztéheelatléniherate 35:”. r t“ "We see no costeffective way to 0 O O o ‘ h I ' ' 1- l
~ '- 0 ins v1s1ts Sites destro ed b storm - .

' occur.“ Graham said. Defense De— ‘ fi . .

The Challenger explosion came on 2:11:12:an rfglllrlelgenhs wouldt tahe . - . : 1
the .ond of 15 h ttl fl’ hts th 3 a a "0 capaCIYi e ' ' ' ' ‘
agent“; had hang: "is '59“, A: said. Governor promises state Will do what it can for owners of devastated homes , ' g .
least six commercial communica- , . .. . . . . , . “ A .
lions satellitfi had been awaiting Chara? "0‘31 ‘that Reaganyad- 1833'?ETHLAWSON 01”: priority ttlhl‘oughout the An estimated $8-10 million the roof was ripped off. their ~ ‘
launch thisyear. minisra ion 0 icias from several taferter . state is to see t at people are worth of damage has been ac~ home. “My familys all sale. the . .

agenCies are trying to map NASA 5 and the Associated Press taken care of. Collins said. She counted for from the storms in house canberepalred " . . '

Asked by Rep. Bill Nelson, D-F‘la.. future. Officials have disclosed pre- said she would make sure that Lexington, Mayor Scotty Baesler “We‘re going to send you some , -
whether there would be a redesign Viously that the group is leaning to- Gov. Martha Layne Collins vis- the people affected by the storm said yesterday. help." (‘ollins promised her - '
of the way segments of the shuttle ward recommending a replacement ited Lexington yesterday to view will be provided with shelter. During Collins' stop in Lexing- More than 150 ht)lll(‘.\ \lt’l‘v f . . . ,
booster rockets are joined, no mat- shuttle as well as unmanned throw- the sites that received damage food and medicine._ ton. she and Baesler talked with damaged Monday. llli'lUtllllL’ j
ter what the outcome of the investi- away rockets to boOst satellites into from Monday‘s storm. ‘COlllnS and a retlnue of cabinet several of the victims. Baesler about 45 homes that were "demo ' ‘ ' '
gation by a presidential commission. space. The storm blew through Ken- aides also toured storm-swept said they were glad to see the lished.“Baesler said - ‘ ' '
Graham replied: tucky Monday evening leaving neighborhoods in northern Kcn- governor and her concern for the One death in McLean z‘ollnl} ‘ . . -

One committee member. Rep. behind a swath of roofless and tucky and promised as much as- victims. was attributed to the storm. '- . 3

“It is my view today that it would Manuel Lujan Jr.. R-NM. said in damaged homes, downed trees sistance as the state could offer. “I just appreCiate everybody's according to state Disaster and ’. -- -
be very appropriate to modify or an interview that he believes the ad- and power lines and a massive but said federal aid is questiona- help." said Carol Brodie. whose Emergency Services offimals . ' ' ’ '
redesign the field joints on the ministration eventually will settle on cleanupeffort. ble. family was unhurt even though goesrtmsrpacct. ' . ,
SRB's before we return to space sucharecommendation. , '
Cand'd t SGA t' b h

° a ’9? “l ' ° ' '1 , .‘. 7': j ‘I.
Ashcraft to boost academics i (Jreenwellc1tes experience a .- , ..-.
o o o o ‘h ": r: o o a 2.2.1..- y/ ' j 1 ,f .' ‘
if she Wins on Single ticket as key to Victory in election 4% , .- ,;_
By sEAhi ANDERSON & Sciences senator. representing § 1 .» By JAY BLANTON ment Association and her a ccom- _ 2/ -. .3 .‘ ’, H..-
. Staff Writer 10,900 students. IS. the office through Staff Writer plishments during her term as exec- p - ‘h / t ‘ . ‘- , « __'-.r ’-,
I . . . . . “:hlm she has gained influence w‘th °§s§i§§w _ , , utive vice president as qualifications ” , ‘ -,' " ‘ .l -. y -.='

Promismg to give academics high bhadminlstrators. i* he SGA Executive Vice PreSldent for president. ’ ,f - : . - "Lt
priority and curb SGA‘S inefficiency, “Donna Greenwell (who also an- Donna Greenwell. riding the wave of She pointed to her work imple- "‘ ’ / I .4: i ‘ ‘ It'. 1‘
Arts & Sciences Senator Kathy Ash- nounced her candidacy for president a ' - her sorority's support. last night an- menting a Student Savings Card and fa? "" g 1". "'t' .- f ‘1. . V
craft last night announced her can- last night) has no experience in the nounced her candidacy for SGA organizing speaking engagements i .-_ , . . 5:» 1
didacy for president. academic field while I have a great as. a president. for lecturers such as last week‘s G. />// ‘1 l ' ‘ 5t". ' J .3,

“rm not bionde. rm not skinny deal of experience with academics." . The accounting junior was flanked Gordon Liddy appearance, a , any '.'. ~ --.~ .2.
and I don‘t wear Calvin Klein Ashcraft said. " \_ ‘3“ by about 75 people for her announce- If elected Greenwell said she and '3 . 472%“ ‘ _. . y; y ’.=. '1'; j“:
clothes.“ Ashcraft said. However. Citing lack of communication as a J ment at the Student Center. many of her running mates would work to in- . We .. ,- . L‘.‘ . .I :35}.
she stressed that she does have a cause of inefficiency, Ashcraft > 9s them her Alpha Delta Pi sorority stitut e a freshman orientation class ~ ’4 5'] ' ->,: ,_ l", {'3' '.
plan and “more importantly, I give wants regular meetings between the _'» » c; sisters. to "enable freshmen to learn the ba- ‘ 13 Z/xn/rr ., - u- ,‘ .'.~ 1* V;
adamn about this University." executive branch and the chairmen gz’ $315.}: _-- § Greenwell‘s campaign manager sics about UK from the very begin- “ g '. ‘3 '-’.. x a;

The political science senior said of all senate committees. She said - _. “c John Fish introduced Greenwell and ning instead of letting those on ' . i ”94/ ' -. " .7 .'_. 1, 57'"
academics is the most important these meetings have been effective her running mates Kenny Arington . t‘ ' ‘ ‘ ' "" ' .' . . at
point in her platform. It is based on in the past but were not used this KATHY ASHCRA" and Karen Skeens. who are running $153133“ thezltlifiggt?‘ livechn inue DONNA GREENWHJ. ; _‘ ‘1‘ -.
the Student Government Association year. “The executive branch is the mea ures to facilitate the r ress for senior vice president and exec- , . ' ate, said he would like to see senate . - ' ‘ 1 ‘ . '
constitution. and she will strive to worseforit."shesaid. f [3115 through committe‘g’g utiveviceprosident respectively. 9'99““9” 315° w.°“’d "he ‘0 re‘ meetings televised and publication . . i " -,
increase student influence in that Ashcraft said lack of substance 0 l ' Fish, who ran against Greenwell (lime foreign “33¢th 35515wht§ ‘0 of attendance at senate meflmgs i . 9k", *1
area. has kept some 800d ideas from She saidshe is ready to Challenge for executive vice president last take the Test Of Spoken English. madeavailabletostudents * ', ‘ H»

Ashcraft said her vast experience being effective. such as the bill re- her Opponent too debate “any time. year, said the accomplishments of when “Nd ”3.5“" the" PM" Senator at large Karen Skeens. ' . .
0“ numerous University commit- quiring senators to keep office any place.“ Greenwell and her ticket speak for eiency m b0"? written and .spoken who serves as SGA campus relations -‘ '

. tees, among them being a student hours. “I am going to concentrate my themselves. “They have knowledge forms of Engl‘Sh‘ And She “ants to chairwoman. said she would work to ' ‘ ' - .
representative on the general stud- She plans to get senators more in- campaign with students interested of the senate. They have knowledge see the 35" afilvance ”SISW‘W" ‘99 see a restructuring of executive. ' - ' .-
,, ios committee. has given her the ex— volved by assigning them projects in the value of a diploma. regardless of the University that can‘t be §r9ppedi Wm" She .9811“ more branch departments such as the.
perience and reputation necessary rather than the ineffective measure of organizational affiliation," she matched by any other candidate." hinderous than helpful. public relations department “in ‘
to get things done. requiring them to keep hours. said, referring to her opponent‘s so- Greenwell cited her three years of Arington. currently serving as order to increase the flow of infor- . ~ ‘ ;
She said that three years as Arts Ashcraft also would implement rorit ties. ex fiance in the Student Govern- president pro-tem of the SGA sen» mationtostudents." '
y I)e
““h‘h‘hsrxhhaio? " ° 0 . l .
Betts top aaihi‘ General studies to have separate identity '
new“? - . '
y%‘§W:¥§‘%a .-T" , a: . . .
vote-getter - J0.“ W m By CYNTHIA A. PALORMO graduate council. but an amendment gram that cuts across University changes have come has been when
will bring his W 00- __ ASSistant News Editor by William Lyom. a political science lines and should be treated (we‘ve) gone outside the traditional
m" tonight F _ professor. did away with the route to uniquely." channels." said Robert Hemenway. ,
for tr t ' or a mu“, "' The Senate Council yfiwrday that council for course approval. The council voted to keep the pro- a pmfmor of English.
us ee new. Page 2. adopted a plan outlining the admin- Instead, the committee will an- gram separate to strengthen its co All course selections will be made
I l I ' ' L ' istrative policies of the University swer directly tothesenate council. herence and unity, thereby not send- by the committee. “I don‘t think the
Start reports has a general studies program. This program is “a unique ani- ing decisions through too many undergraduate council should have
_ "‘"""°" ”‘9'“ , Originally the University Studies mal," said William L ons. a Iiti- levelS- the power to modify. approve or dis-

RamondBettsdl t fthe hoodeoochl loblnottlo- - - y W
Honol-s Program receliscedorth: most m ”Wm“ 00. Committee was under the under- cal SCIence professor. “It‘s a pro- “The only time meaningful SecSTl‘Dll-lS.Page5
faculty votes (273) after the first m '09.: ' o o
roundofvotingfortheBoardof ' ' SABt ft t d
mwfacmwmwg , g , , 0 S OHSOI' exercnse, l HESS. rogram 0 ay

, ' 1 Staffreporto Tina Payne chairwoman of con- night at 7 in 25 Student Center. the k ‘ ‘ d th d t' d

Incumbent James Kem , a ofes- .‘ . . . . . . y can eep ‘" m'" e “ "5 an
sor of animal science. 338 :cond A 70 m a m The Stude t A t' _ _ . tempory affairs. saldCheosman Will Mindy Martin. public relations com- reaminslbilities they're going to
with 168 votes. Emmett Oostich. a percent . ‘ n _cmties Board is give exercise and fitness tips. as mittee chairwoman. said the session have.

. . to M m “up . gmngtoliveuptons name today. well as demonstrations. Will prowde candidates with job de-
professor of dentistry, was third . . . . ..- . .
with “a m Wm M- Startim at 12.15 pm. in the Stu- The series was introduced to pro- scriptlons and a chance to speak to
' "I. M will b. M a h dent Center Theater, Mary dices- vide entertainment at lunchtime.“ theprosent officeholders. "We‘re looking for someone who‘s
. . man. a graduate student in exercise Payne said. “We (SAB) just thought eager to give their time and to

Become a minority vote was not ‘5- ‘ 5° W m G. physiology and a UK aerobics in- it was somethilu on students would The session is being held to give work.“ Martin said. She said the
reached, faculty will choose from W I; M structor, will mt a lecture on wanttocomeand listen to." applicants 1 better idea of their jobs ideal candidate is someone “with on
then three candidates. Voting will W . exercise. She is the first speaker in Also, an information session for as Chairpersons, Martin said. "When interest in helping out the University
Memfllllttflfl'sfl'lm WK ‘ theSABlocal lecture oer-lea. SAB office applicants will be held to- they‘re filling out the application and consequentlyits students.“

_ 2 - KENTUCKYKEMELmy, m 11 I“
Am Editor
Assistant Arts Editor
“e“\\‘°‘~ -- , ” * . - *‘\.. .
r§:@s*"§sexss®,__ . . . . ._ , -' ,ntefiigismtéwnlo
Mellencamp concert tonight » - Austen octety
1-,. xx ., .
' offerin ‘scarecrow’s lament’ - r“ s
. .,
B} 1N“? “HAHN-W sitting on the porch 0‘ his pink shack s ' :9 ' [£353 \ " Associated Press
Staff Writer “I h I I, with a cat in his arms. He waved. % , -. *t \
an wav c . wt 3- 7?"??? .Hl A 0 —— e ane us on
guess w a m d] edba k " \ . , c c G Th J A t SO-
. The farmers have a touring soap- saying is people have . . "MX ' f s\ ciety can be proud of its devotion to
, box man. , His Scarecrow tour delivers an “\\\$x\\;\su§\ \\$\\\ the 19th century English author, and
. John Cougar Mellencamp sings to stand for their own adrenaline-revved concert that is re- \¥§,§§\\§ ., . -- ‘ sensible in its discussions, but it's
tural Vigor of a proletartan anar- Mellencamp Ewes, “'5 mmey S ixs“ - ”
, . '. Chist. and he's bringing his vision of how those truths relate worth. but that's Just the point. Xx, ' - '- Wm;§t;;é?i§;§£:§ The Chicago chapter of the Jane
- - ‘ mtmdim"‘°‘°“".“.’"‘g"." .. to thelr experience of 3"”? {3: '53,“ ”min-3 £3?" he i 11% . * Wit We" Sway 0‘ ”0'”? Arnem
. - 1h? soldout Amerltan form MUG 095} - 9 a um itse _‘5 . cated \owmmas . * mm‘ meets March 22. and topics include
, . , is only the dust of it. The guts of it is the world _ ’ ’ to his grandfather, who inspired him tvfit‘ww‘b ,1,\ ;\§\\1\\§;§ mm e Rol e of the Clergyman in Jane
> J an obliterated American dream that John C0“ ar Mellencam more , than B,°b Dylan or Woody ltkfifiklxfixdwf * wt3$\ Austen's Novels,“ and “The Decor
. , . " leaves US With ”Pmk houses" and a g p Guthrie ever d'd- isfitgxfi“ $®M\ of Jane Austen, With Slides," but it
~ - = ‘ ' cant-e if th dr “He taught me the value of ded- 3% ’ ‘ "-5; .
' ’ . So maybe Mt‘llt‘m‘amp believes mus" “59 i" a way is e “mi 3 ication and trying to do the best you ~ rig-E???" ~ _ .. - _
‘ . ' "In God We Trust“ and his grandfa~ kind 0f reason for South Dakota can with the tools you’ve got. He'd Q \\ , " " ba“lifsyouszacitgilgagpis‘tiseleamtifie alffi_
, , , i . . - ' . ther and his brother-in-law"s pig wheat farmers and , students who say “It's a poor w0rkman who blam- ' » "3‘55" ' ganizer or the meeting Thé grou
.. ,_ 1 .. , , farm, And maybe we want to bc- iwe on red beans and rice. eshistoois." €3351;;zi-‘f'iii-i‘ . ' ‘ . wil be sellin headbands which
", : . ~ lieyeinit too. Mellencamp has been called " 3 haile become agfad in Chica‘ 0 since
‘ , ‘j " ’ "I guess what l‘m saying is people “rock's newest populist hero“ by Mellencamp works his music just “',-'. (Il'Eiiiiéigf ' cf: é .: ~ the Bears‘ uarierback gsiaried
'. have to stand {or their own individu» Newsweek- 1" his latest album. like that. like a workman on the , “W 3%: ' H wearin them q
l - ' al truths. and how those truths re- Scarecrow. the mid-west has a VOice line. He has had to work his music a ' . xx " g -
" . _, ‘ . ' late to their experience of the of its own. . ‘ _ on the line. and that's what makes morocoumsvonouo-mnco-os , _
" - ’" world." Mellencamp said in a recent He calls his songwriting "report- the dream vision work. J h C M II 'II ‘ . . Other. items (0!" sale include-a
~ , .y .. . press release. ing,“ just taking down the facts of o n ougar e encamp wi perform tonight in Rupp Arena. His sweatshirt With Miss Austens pic-
. _ ‘ This dream is no! manifest destiny life that are out there. concerts are rock marathons running as long as three hours. ture, plus aprons and tote bags.
‘ . . ' and "'5 “0‘ a pink C'ddillac and ""8 ”A black guy was sitting in from John Cougar Mellencamp will per-
not {\lellencamp's own. really. 11's of a pink house and that‘s all there form at 8 tonight in Rupp Arena,
)USl a cintinuation of something that was to it . . . I looked down and saw Tickets are $14. 75. available at the
' . ' . eyeryhody realizes 15 survival. The this old man. early in the morning. Rupp Arena Box Office.
.1 ‘ fl ' I o o o O
- -. ‘ DON T WORRY. Applications are available now for the Singlefary
. C
- Awards To Outstanding Freshman, Saphomores,
j s‘ It you have *0 Juniors and Seniors, male and female.
_ ”- drop a c0urse,
. n add
‘ Y°U W m DEADLINE Wednesday, March 26, 1986 at 4:30 p.m.
I . . . .
. one any e Pick-up and return applications in Room 203 Old Student Center.
_ - through the
I ' Earn 3-6 hours this semester (7: " " r *‘r— , WWW“ :7. i: r
' , See us in Rm. 1 basement of Frazee Hall , -, _, ‘
' , 4.. ~--————~—7—~~ ~~ "" "" “\
251-3466 (open during noon) l / , , l
titttttttittinttitttttttti*tttttttifitttittttitt*ttiitttitt t \, /AMIG 4 "
! . 1’ /'I . .
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3 PO R KEWKYKERNEL m” m '2’ 'w. 3
I Inn-gum 7
s 590'“ Editor
”M‘etee .... ,. . MM
\\"*”>>\et:“-eu‘fa~“rte\ .. . __ . .. _
._ . \fi’sm ‘a‘vfiw\mfin&%°§$%§%x . . . .. Ass'“M'Spons Educ,
- ~ W'www-w».-::-.-:-:-::-.->.<:.,+.-.i;.~,:< ..I "“7325, "...”..nme"55:“:sizifcizi.j'5a:33.-"Si-es:'I:=:=:3:g;v:g‘g:15:5;39255545555?fi4“'62::112: .'.;':"=13E.::.-‘,.x,E:~;‘-1:5.5.3:2.'3 ‘: ,_Z* ‘- ’ »... ..
Hamilton takes coa h' . _ .
C mg 30b UK baseball team w'
UK assistant selected fo ' ' ms
r top pOSlthI'l at Oklahoma State Staffreports Shumpert led vi “1th three hits
Bv WILLIE HlA'l'l‘ . ' ' as , and‘WWUHS 500er ' ' V
. . yesterday and was not . . . I «or .,:'.‘. .. it took a balk In the ninth Innin .
Sports Editor comment available for Sutton said he WIll let Hamilton , but the UK baseball team flnallV gI “film“ with” Tom “0“" E01

UK assistant basketball coa h “We k ' h (Sigmde whether he will finish the "will; 9‘ its first win of the season yesterdavg 0 the “m l‘" L'K- PllChmt’, 4 2'35 ll'l , '

Leonard HamiltOn‘ widely recocg_ mdh’lduége‘w Riggs: Veg] (IlIYDamlc 350" Wlth the Wildcats. _\f*"=;.="3’..-‘=I Eastern Kentucky pitcher Jinimy mngs In relief of “an” Todd Tee Ii . . I

nized as one Of the lop recruiters in a lot of confidenc: ashad . He has “I will allow him the opportunity ““1, Miles balked in Terr) Shumpert in I” “9“” “WWW (ml) Um' run on ‘ .

the nation, was selected as the head himself as an Outstandingpirfjfnaed toIdo what he feels is best," Sutton W the top of the top of the ninth inning one IhIII while striking out me to im 4. I .

coach at Oklahoma State yesterday. al.“ Vi u- :3? II" he wants 1‘0 come to the & tOIinIyeIItIhIteIctlIVIiLdrcats aIfiI—IlI Win Prme is recordttii I I '. .
- . W ere we're a ‘ ' . - ' ‘ 0 we 1' , " ~ .. . , , ', -

Hamilton, who Wm attend a press R(’Idel‘ick said Hamilton and Uni- tainly welcome." p ying hes cer L“"JlSlana State [1,351 u'eeke:r‘l.nlf\Il-l: lentil): \t’liltlgtflstmeet “much- “ 05 ' ‘I '. '
gonference today in Stillwater. vIerSIty of Oklahoma assistant coach . » on theseab‘m Field in thehr d ; pm at Shut)!" ’ i ’ ~
hkla" wl“ becomeItheIfirst black Jlm Kerwin were the only two can. Hamilton, 37. succeeds Paul Han- , 1 " imcopener . - ’ ' 'v . 2"
9:32 coach '" the BIS Eight Confer- dldates called in for interviews if" 3‘5 COBCh 0f Oklahoma State. x ’ . g .‘f -I.

' - . ‘ arisen, who com iled a 10*-39 . s--~ ., '- i v t . - -~ . . l

UK coach Eddie Sutton retained ' p ’ re mat“ » KENTLCKV KF ' ‘ ' ‘ . '- ' '5 "-

w . - . COF Cl in ‘e 1::3:E:';::-:=sz;x-‘<‘v"‘ 2‘ ‘ ‘R\['el BA . s ‘- ' ~ ‘ ' i
. ’ ‘a‘led 918'“ or 10 0f the top Hamilton as an assistant when he St. wasbt‘oled] $855013 aii-Oklamma t - tie » Mmii‘iril-vlavmiw new SKLTQM‘LTOP 20 ‘ ’ ~V
coaches m theIcountry and aSked» ‘If too" over for Joe 3- Hall last April, would notberenewéd ls contract “ E a :_; I. Dukctll) in 0:: Pm'm“ ‘i -*' V ' «fr t'r‘
you were looking for a head coach. Sutton. an Oklahoma State alumnus, ' 2' ““3“" tit :19 I I. 4‘ ii ‘ .’ 7..

. who would you choose?’ " said Okla- Will attend the press conference with Hamilton joined UK's coaching LEOMARD HAMILTON 3. KENTH‘M 29.1 3‘ 3 ' ~ ‘1‘!“ ‘
homa State athletic director Myron Hamilton and his family. staff in July. 1974. after serving as S t . 4. St. John't MI; :~~ .i ’1 I, «11.41,
Roderick in a telephone interview .. . . an assistant coach at Austin Pea be” ten said he would not think 5.(‘ieorg‘ia Tech We :H h ~I “5.1"". I. if."
yesterday. "His name was men- Im thrilled that Leonard has a for three years He is lar el' y a ut filling the position left by 6. Michigan :‘_ 4 JMI e 5.. _I . 73',“ III
tionedtnearlyieverytime." chance t9 run his own program.“ sponsible for recruiting allg-Axyner: Hamilton until after UK finds its 7,1.ouisxiiieii, :6:— if ' ' I-gIt'if .jiig-fftg

Hamilton was on . . . Sutton said. “He has done so much cans such as Sam Bowie M l . season. He said he has talked to no It. North (‘amlinu I” Ii :ii 5.33.“ ‘3".4,“

a recruiting trip for the Kentucky Program." Turpin and Kenny Walker . ‘ e vm ortutah'and there are no front~runners 9' gnaw“: :; ' I - J 1 '1; "1 "'7" ‘PI'IV‘Q'I’ l,

. a Is point, 10. Nit)”: Danie :~ ‘ 3—: ‘ “r ill" gig-1t 11"; .4

5““011 concerned with Wildcats’ f ' .

t l2. Memphis State 1— < I: 3 I‘ 'i .25.:‘1; ‘._.‘.. .

a lgue ac or 13.lndiana :I — 'd 13 “1"iIIl- f.

B) WILLIEIIIA’I‘T mer coach I4, [Ni V :‘ . "4 :: , ‘5.-’.;=..;:,'; 1 ;
. . at Marquette and a re. . . ‘l " N4 ,- , ,» i -. ... .

Sports EditOr s - . . Kenny Walker, who suffered a C . . 15. Michigan State e _ _ - ' 1 r _.--1 ~I.. «f‘
dggcteItIiaIbatsIkzjbaIliafIiTgEre. 531d Sun- bruised knee in the SEC Tourna- hit]: golefiljingfaihlgliin lfle fdotisnt l6.()klahiim;i :11 1 I' in -‘ ' ..

I UK coach Eddie Sutton can't help pushed that much hardernee to be $2“! ancIiIijsdpracticing with a knee but just goes on a “gu: fge‘ligl‘glil: :: mema“ 2‘ 4 ii '1 fi' s "’ 1. i , ' ’f'-.
' . - .. . . ' ' . . ‘ l' M .‘ i m , i. :_‘.:‘
tgiatmxiondekr how much longer his I dont think you can make a steel: hadDaivendel—Sthougms.‘ stead. l9 1:21:12?le '* ‘ 4'- I~ " " ' ‘ ' J

. can 99p dipping into its emo- generalization.“ Sutton said “Be- b0 ‘ a at or pe0ple {alkmg Th k v‘ u ‘ . IL :1: “- “ ‘ 1" ‘ I if", ‘
tionalwell. lieve me I‘m not oin t t, a ”t gomg to Dallas and winning it . e e) ‘5 to make Sure you get J" A'dbd’m :; . e4 ‘ _ ' ' ‘. ~' ’ ‘.

Al his weekly Press l""°h90n yes— question by Al Mctfuireg Botlugh .3 31"" walker said- "That‘s going to the" legs back" Sutton said. and Civil" ‘1 ' ‘ * - » . ~ _ . , .- * "
[(‘rday. Sutton said that was his believe youcan haveasetrulle 0'” be motivation for us. We've proven fighthem refreshed mentally and ‘iIHCi.,._f i " *‘ ' I . ~ .' ‘,I
main concern heading into Friday . we can play with about anybody in gndsllcialltli" go over fundamentals .‘ e 7,.‘II
night s game with Davidson in the “I think coaches are tired. I think the “WW- to thise in‘tngs Wh'Ch have gotten us 5 ' . '~ ‘I. . .
Southeast Regional in Charlotte. teams are tired. Sportswriters are S IrdgingI fromlM9ndaIy's practice, p0 ‘ , i‘ . '.

‘\ (. ' . tired. There's a fine balance there. u on 5810‘ he (min t mm" the Wild- ”And doalotofpravingy' . " ‘ ‘ 7 ‘ .
Its not that they won't play Once you throw the ball up there‘s ' SENIORS _ UNIO ' I t". 1 - ~‘

hard. he said,”but how much do n0doubt lheyllplaymhardlr‘s ho‘N run.........u-.......................o...........e...........--.... RS ~ _ l:

tht‘i’ have left?“ you get them to that point,“ 1 : M a “a e -. ~ . ~

Sutton pointed to the Wildcats' 17.1 : I g m 2. ‘ . ‘ . ' ' ‘
finish in the rigorous round-robin Nonetheless, the Players don't WE SELL GOOD LOOKS!!! : T o o ent .1 ~? 1 i
s ‘ I n ' i '
schedule in "‘9 Southeastern Comp :Ieelin f0 beIconcerIned about the fa. : Bousch 8. Lomb, Hydrocurve, and Cooper : ralnlng o Ortunito . .. .
enceIand their emotional Wins over g e actor, emotional or phySIcal - E 5 les ’1 V
LouISIana State and Alabama in the The prospects 0f advancing to Dal- XTENDED WEAR LENS SPECIAL 5 MALE _ FEMALE 1 V ' 2
SEC Tournament last weekend at las for the Final Four are enough to 3 ONLY $l 45 * : ' '

Rupp Arena. overcomethat. : .00 plus ’tax : _I i

As a result. the Wildcats di ' .. : f " .
practice Sunday and just workeddgu: is T£C6A§flflword té‘ley have to say : COMPLETE/NO HIDDEN COSTS I Cemral Kentucky/s largest denartment stOre .e (V . .I
Ightly at Memorial Coliseu - - ‘ guar Ed Davender : Z Cepting ap “C “'0’“ an I I r i ‘
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, . 0 are probably tired. ‘ . 3 : . ' . 1 -
tIIlltoiICIeier. a reporter mentioned that point where if vouB:rtelttisre:lo : Lexmgton McAlpms. an affiliate 0t Mercantile Stores . .
a . Bt analyst Al McGuire, a for- youhavetogutitout ' ; r—M—w : Company. Inc. NY is seeking €l‘8l‘%€tlc Peopl I I ' ' ‘7
. 2 ECK OPTICIANS : OV'EI‘Imed. Serf-motivated achievers to enter out "Senio.r -' '
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