xt74b853j76b https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j76b/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-09-17 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 17, 1985 1985 1985-09-17 2020 true xt74b853j76b section xt74b853j76b I . ‘
“a aggfiié'ft “.W. l.“ Univonlty “K."md‘y' Lexington-MI M at)? “""mh'" "I”. I!" I I' ' ‘7' ‘9“ i ' ,
UK °V $1 1 11' f ° d t dy
recei es . mi ion or equine rug 5 u I
. 0 '. ‘ i
33' HHS STEWART said Dr. Jerry Blake. a professor of Blake said the l'K program hopes detected only in a few parts per tril» "What are they daing With that the elephant juice compound first " if. 0‘ ‘. ~17,
News Editor veterinary science. Blake said UK to take eXisting tests and develop a lion in laboratory urine and blood stuff if they're not using it on el» became prominent in the racmg in- .. ‘ I ' , ‘
. will be studying about eight potent radioimmunoassay test a very samples.Blake said. ephants""hesaid dustry after seyeral quarter horses ' i - '2; . =
Th" Kentucky State Racmg Com- narcotics, With 599031 emphasis on SPCClllC antibody test for a potent . . . _ Fulkerson said the commissmn lS died in the Southwest Since then. . H ' ’- .3 -.
mission yesterday unanimously the drug etorphine. more commonly narcotic which Involves radioactive ”If you give ‘00 much. ‘t “"11 k‘" a convinced the study is not a “Witch users have learned to administer the I I '~ - i. a." a
awarded a sit million grant to UK known as elephant juice. labels. horse.“ he said “The amount on the hunt ~- ' drug more caretmjthewd ,0 t' '-~'."-‘
for developing new tests for illegal Elephant juice is a tranquilizing UK is the only institution working “9‘“le a Pm ‘5 enough [0 km a PC" "It's not just unsubstantiated Although careful“ administration of . ‘.' .3 ‘ 1': "', it".
equinedrugs. . . . agent for large animals. Blake said. to develop a method of detecting 50" rumor that there is some miracle elephant juice probably would have ~ l "'. 5i".
The mne-member commissmn ap» But when administered to horses. etorphine. F‘ulkerson said The l'ni~ The minute amount of the drug drug out there." he said. "The prob- no permanent effect on a horse. j '- "5;."
. proved an installment of $352385 for the drug acts as a powerful stimu» versity was chosen to conduct the needed to affect the horse makes lem with this one is you're talking Blake said use of the drug would " ' .- f-’>l_'a’
the theteii'mziry SClenICGthgeIpartment Lam. Horses :ecomh: agitated and study because "Kentucky has al» documentation difficult. Fulkerson about just a microscopic particle damage the racmg industry at - i' .I '
or 9 ”‘5 year 0 our-year yperactive w on t y receive nar- ways been a leader. if not the leader said. Althou the commission has -~ -. , . -- -. . . . 5" ~ , a
project. said Mike Fulkerson. chief cotics.he said. in the Thoroughbred industry. and I been unablegilprove that horse own. he légldilkshigTeofwlxmsfspigghs the nggehirzlahtrtffi::ei::):léf .' i3 . it it'
I administrative officer for the com- Fulkerson said the L'K laboratory guess hand in glove with that is the ers are using the substance, infor- come from hearsay it's very diffi- "It could ‘be quite a mt!“ mark ".j .3.
l misston . tests for a number of drugs each l'K lab mation members received about cult to document And yet 1 don't against racing 11' M. thdhi make an ..' .1 3 i .' ‘ ‘
, H‘ “'1“ work toward developing day. but etorphine is difficult to de- Because elephant juice is adminisr large amounts of etorphine being think there‘s any doubt that it's attem t at develo m. d test . . "0 i
l methodsof detecting the illegal use tect because the dosage necessary to tered to horses only in a few parts sold in New York was enough to there " L . tive egough to detee‘t fhese liar-chit; ~ a‘.
3| of certain high potency narcotics. affectahorseissosmall. per million. the compound would be raise suspicions Blake said the questionable use of ona routine basis " "l H if i ‘
l O O mfi'tg'.“.
e . UniverSity to share . - 0 t
. ' t ' ~ , ' ' - I h: I . 'I;
energy consortium 0. r , *0. .2 . . . .
.. , =‘ L ’ 7: ,,W ' ' i 7‘? 'z t l - ' ‘ ’ ' '3:
“5“." 9. I .4] : t . ..II :i’rfl -. £3.13»; “fulfils, 4.151.”? ,. 0;; "3"“?! t "t . .a. . .I"I I . . . ..
. 1', \I _ I. I ,1 . I- II L .~ x \"e _I frwfl..t Meet; 5‘; .9‘ .. ,I f i it.) .‘ . . __
02"] . V" r -, raw-:4: , 0 fleshy a - . a - a ',
With four colleges - . we ..
0. . a - ~ Idea . i s 5 _ _ . _
... . '-. : an}? 3%“. t a ‘ Q . _ . . , .
UK to head group of state univerSities ,- . ,0 .r. , . . . l ‘ . = 3 '
.' l . ' . ' . I .

' ° . ; 0 z 0 »- .~ 3, ' . ; :
to further coal liquefaction research ~._ ' l . " . . a. .00 .a '~ ‘ "
S“mrel’m‘” conversion process in which coal is . . ;; ,_ I, 33."? $32!. " c ' . ' ' .0 u ' ,

changed primarily toliquid " a; 0 . . 1' yams If" ; ___I . _ ». _. . It - -
The l. S Department Of Energy “1 am pleased that the Kentucky -0: “ f“ “4‘ . at... I‘ . i {09* . r‘ I - ~ :
has Signed a $1.8 million cooperative Energy Cabinet is wrong with the f“ 0 , .c . V- ." 5:1. ' _ .0 '22-”: ttfia‘fler’h . - . : . . . ,
agreement “”1" 3 consortium head- five umversities as a full and equal i 4““: ' a; ' . , 39$: 1" Mtg; ' . , 'V . . ‘_ I
ed by UK to further coal liquefaction partner in the consortium." said fit I ‘2 ~. " .. 9 . I47“ . as. ~ ,0 . . I; .I .
rfiearCh Secretary of the Kentucky Energy ‘ oral" ;; - -0 » ' .. V _. 0' ‘ .1 - _ ‘ .-
The consortium includes UK. the Cabinet George E Evans Jr “The aIIIth-o ' . ' . , .. “.277? “ft/9 . , I I , .. . -.
Kentucky Energy Cabinet and four Cabinet‘s participation in this pro- 3:1 ;'0 .. ' _!. .. .1 '-’ .0 » 74%,} _ ~. . ‘. . 'I -.
out-Of-state universities —' Utah. ject lnsures that our long and exten. ”$.53th ’ I ‘ ”fl A: ;i’ ’1 q / V ,2" :‘4 I. 4‘ ‘ .i . ' I i
Pittsburgh. West Virginia and Syra— sive experience as a leader in the ._ ,5 {5.2}: “I” I I : fl. . . I '. '
“‘5“ development of coal liquefaction - \ .. ”It" ‘ e , , . ‘ . ' II -.
l'nder the agreement. the Depart- technology in the L'nited States will 7. 1‘” , .7" I If: _ . 7/ , g/ . . . I . , ;
"‘9'“ Of Energy “11] contribute be utilized for the maxtmum benefit - - "‘_ 3g * ' 'er ‘ ' 2' A
59%.000 to the consortium and the of the consortium. the Common- A /,./ .. ax‘,’ _ . ‘ _ :I, _
other members will share in the re- wealth and the nation -~ . ‘ . 3,-/ ’ ' :7 ' ., ~ '1 v ‘3 0,. {I .a ' " . I _' .
mammg 5359-38“ C09 forIthe Dr0 The award calls for the consorti- ' or " -. i 7 7 . " ,/ ’ . , _ / r " ’ . i' ' .
3‘51"" “'5‘ year. For the ”5‘ year. um. known as the Consortium for ' - i... ' U . ' 0: j. ,a . "oy/ 0» .r'” " ‘ ’ '- ,
llx will contnbute 3206.265 to the Fossil Fuel Liquefication Science. to - 25': Ji‘ 0 ’1 f ' 0 l . “03:43.; I .- .
consortium. and "‘9 Kentucky En- continue integrated development of jg W: l i . r ' . ’ " ' .
ergy Cabinet will contribute coal liquefaction techniques ‘3 - r 4’._.:¢.>§: I! .. . t ‘ , :
$220000 . ”~-\- “ .,_ . . .1
.. I . Specifically. the proposed re- - rm - ~. .-‘ , ._ I .1 . . .
astringent”: tats: search mamas aaaaaa area * ‘s ’ . . ‘ - : .
have _ ‘h wides read nd .I nth separate areas: generic technology .. A, . . . I is . . . .. . I Iv
suc . P a 58 .. research. infratechnology research ‘ ' "I g‘ 0_ a... ~ ‘3 . , . . ; .'
cant benefit to the Commonwealth. ,. . , I . . _
y y . and support activities. Atnuussio .. A . . , ,_
said PreSident Otis A.Slngletary - 9 - r . . _
"The research that will be done Generic technology research "1' Hangln around . . ‘ .
here may some day yield a clean- volves improvmg the subsequent re- _ , . . -’ , . ~-
burning. low-sulfur liquid transpor- aCllVll)‘ 0t coal ‘0 the liquefaction Mark Stone 0 meChon’CO' eng'neIel'mg IIUIl'llOl'. takes advantage Stone said he has used the hammock when camping out for ‘I _. , ' ,'
tation fuel to supplement our na- process by . a pretreatment step of the comfort of a hammock while waiting for student tickets tickets during the last several football and basketball seasons f'I ‘ . . I
tion‘s supply of petroleum." Sin— “'thh COUld include mlCFOblal meth- for Saturdays football game that were distributed last night. Distribution willcontinuethrough Wednesday. '- ’9 .l -
gletary added Liquefaction is a ‘1‘" I’.\ER(i\.nige‘ " I. ~
. ' ' l 0 -
Comm‘ ttee s gg sts cont' 11 ed Operation of state law schools ' " ’ “
L()l'lS\'ll.l.E IAPl _. A commit- panying report that one of the million at l'K. $18 million at Louis cluSive as to require the closure of a The schools have voluntarilv re» "We have to“ {9“ qulltlt‘d dPpll' ' '1 ” . la, .'
tee of judges. lawyers. school ad- schoolsshouldbephasedout villeaiid $1 2million at t'hase lawschoolatthistime." duced enrollment by 13 percent in cants to justify having three law . I -Ifi -. :’
ministrators and law students said The report will be presented later I The majority also recommended the past five years because of con— schools."(‘ooper said ' . '.‘ , ', .'
in a draft report to the Council on this week to the council. which is The comma?" malnr‘t} “f’ncwed more study of test scores. grade cerns about the decline in the qual- ,' ‘ -' ’ g ."a . ’
Higher Education that Kentucky studying the future of Kentucky‘s that fewer wellqualified F‘Udent“ point averages and bar examination ity of applicants . y . . fl . 0.7 ' ft I ‘a . I
should continue to operate its three college and university system. are ”99km: “dmm'on to “9"“th results. . , _ .. . “3‘9 599”“? (0‘1” ‘ mel JU-‘I‘Cf? . , , '
law schools law schools and that the stale s mar- . Hardin Circuit Judge Viilliam s Robert Stephens. the committee 5 “I . a_ I'
The schools are located at UK. the ket for lawyers is “close to satua The minority report contends the Cooper. who Signed the minority re~ chairman. disagreed H9 sald . 0 » 0 ' , " .1'
University of Lonisville and North- ration “ number of law school applicants is port. said the public’s perception is grades and test scores arent the ' ,. - ' ' . ',
Seven of the It members dis- ern Kentucky University in High- dwindling and that the three schools that there is a glut of lawyers. so only true indicators of whether a -. ' . ’ .
agreed \Allh the majority‘s conclu- land Heights. The state spends $5 However. the report concluded. will be forced to take more students fewer people are pursuing law law student Mll become a good law- i ' ‘
sion. though, and said in an accom~ million a year on law schools — $2 “The available data are not so con- who aren't qualified tobelawyers. school admittance yer '_ ‘ ‘ . . . " .' _;
M d' IS h lb 1" ' f t t ' '
UK park / ,_ . .932 an. e no c 00 ene lClal‘y 0 es a e . . .. ,
' i _ 7 ‘v ' . .
e t 4 ‘ . ”ttV‘fL‘)‘. ‘I :' By KIMBERLYSISK executive vice president for trusts farm as well as a house located - ‘ -
1S refuge - - * . c" 5" s. .; Contributing wrlter and investments at First Security about three "“195 from N9“ (‘jrcle . . '
. ' , V." \. t u‘ -. NationalBank Road near CV Whitney's horse I- . . .I . 7 . .
. ‘ , \ c . ‘ ‘P Thanks to the generosny of a local . . , . _ , farm . ' . > ' ‘ ' .i '.
. . - . Id alumnus. the UK Medical School Drew said theImoney was given in .- . I . . I .
rOIIl C] y ' t - . _‘ . .. Willsoonbeconsiderablv richer honor of Wright 5 wife. Margaret .1 It will be sold at a public absolute . . .
A, I s \ 1,“ . - , ' Wright. and her late father Dr Mar- auction at lit a m Sept at The pro- I j .-
It) T\lt \J. Mill-Elm . v ‘ . ‘ \$ - if ’ Floyd H. Wright. 3 local bustness- lus Johnston. €3.25 ‘5‘“th hgliogg’"gn“lmt theI . I - i. ' _ j
toiiirihuting Writer - ' " u» v‘ i ~ , . man and a former UK Board of Wright. who played football and 0 ’ 3°55”, 3" . "h‘ d “’5 ,
0 s “ ‘I 0. " ‘ Trustees member named the Medi- basketball at UK and served on the “:11: ea. Put-I“ Security. t e executor ._
Students who haven't heard about ‘ t\ ‘ ‘ ‘ cal School as the annual beneficiary Athletics Board. had always been 0 l e “3 ”Std“ .
‘idena Park may be missing 8 509' ‘t‘ t”. - Of his estate. estimated to be worth very supportive of the l'niversity. The funds will be for the general . . ' ,' :
inc and historic experience ‘ e" \ .f, -- 4.47% more thanfimillion. the bankersajd use of the Medical School 35 they - 0 ',
The l'mversityowned, Six-acre lot I]... ‘1. id. ‘ \Ivuf— a. .5 r - ' '- deem appropriate. Drew said ' . . . .
located in northern Fayette County -..- . ." ' .3 c: _ “‘ ' ~ Wright. 92. died July 20 m Lexing- “The money Will be given in per- ;
offers l‘K students. staff and organi- ’fi“: . - A g ‘\ ' ton petuity as long as the Med School . ~
lationsaplacetopicnic andgather, l“, W ’ - ‘X m . 0.-- exists." Drew said ”If something ~-
;\ sill deposit and a valid 10 en- ‘ 9 . l \ ‘ vi?" "After a $300,000 trust fund for his should happen to the Med School.
iilile interested people to reserve the - _ ; . :X‘g'i -‘ two nieces and Ia one-timekgift of the funds would then go for the gen- .. _ _ .
-irk for a day and obtain the gate \5 ‘ y - -‘ ~ ‘ $80,000 to Trarisy vania is ta en ou . eraluseoftheUK campus ~ , . , .4
ii“... to park The deposit and the ID ~ ’ ‘ 3‘. ~ \. .9 . the balance of the estate will go to Emma hell-tn ,
are returned withthekey. -‘$ . ’ 3:0 é. ‘ the Med School." said Homer Drew. The estate includes a 1024“"; Wm ~:~; $35:
Adena Park offers an ideal spot - \ y ‘ v . wwwt 315;
for getting away from city life — but . ‘~ 19' n \ W33.“ . M fia’é'fi
only for the day. Overnight camping “ _‘ ‘ fl T “] l t h . .a..~.*i5 .- 0 . 00: that
is not permitted. and those who use .~-:\\ - ‘49 \ omorro as c ance 2:: ’5‘: i» 'tfé‘a‘iiia‘i I I;“”~§““°'I_‘fg3 t
the park must leave by 10pm. 0| l [IMMA\~ keiiieltuaplim . . .I"”"'°' "é; '\ “it"? :;1
Katharine Robimon. a soci 08)! n Cl dc oh ton -- oba- recreation September weekends are t l t t t . . .. . ‘ I" .0 0.. . ”If ‘ jg 30.;
senior. said she lsually 805 to Ja- hl‘l, 3‘93}; “1:901:95? dugpi‘here booked up. Pieratt said 0 en 18 repea 0p 10“ 0 .. 'u‘: «gt “fit
CObSOll 0l‘ Turkeyfoot park b“! ’9‘ arid found "artifacts and remajm of Park facilities consist of two pic- T" “‘t'fi‘ffi!) : f ”33:“:
cently t00k some friends to Adena the Adena Indians that were preva- nic tables. two out houses and three Staff "W“ from their transcript and the new {file}. kfi ;fl‘z '
Park. “Jacobson is nice. but you lent to that time.“ said Bill pterattI cooking grills “There is no garbage grade will be calculated into the . “ ‘- .*:-v~"¥as0a§’ 61?:
have to fight for a place . , . Adena director of campus recreation. “it faculty." Pear said. "Anythjng Tomforrotv is the last day studetflts grade pointaverage. as.“ 4‘ “v" swat
isprivate."shesaid. ‘ | takeninmustbetakenout " may to or a repeat option or .
Robinson said She likes the park's Egg? have been a buna ground Alcoholic beverages are allowed classes they are enrolled in this 30‘ “ganglion. gldrsmany 3:33;}:
"1m circadian: {1'7“ “m a... 0...... p... amines; M22: graft: mas-m... . a... we t... am am saw-n
. - ~ .. - i a a as . ' , - - _ .0.. a...“ . .
cilities are nice." She learned about charge 2: A1dIeIenaIP$k m 1972; P: discrete about it." Pear said ' handwritten request to the dean of 3891331330232th they can as fiififimmfigw
Adena this summer and has been "' hsgf' “wt“. was "° “5 The park l5 located 2i2 miles off their college to delete gram5 of twat?» -. Ec'fik .0
there twice. muc ore "“9 Iron Works pike‘ about 20 to 30 mm “.‘C "D" and “."E Students may He said many students have reta- l... as“... as: ~ 3mm: ‘10. .
"There is a lot of historical value The park is wen year round. but utes from campus use the repeat option for a mexi- ken a course but cannot exercise . Ila-am. -; 5, ~ 0
to the land," said Skeeter Johnson. the busiest times are weekenik from For reservations. call 257.2398 or mumofthree classes. their repeat option because they did ~ .. an. ~ .0
retired director of campus recre- March through October. said Russ stop by the Campus Recreation De- Those who use the repeat option not submit an application at the be- it gr» 0;. ma. 5 .. , _
atim. Peer. associate director of campus partmehi‘jgsseatmcemer will have the initial wade erased gimimofthecm. ‘a' - 4- that i" a;

 t C O
2-KENTUCKYKEMEL YMMV, i“ ___ __________________________— _—
' ry ' \ El ° B th ’LP -
Litera magazme VlS ro ers s.
’ ‘ han es 'ts name the best and WOI’St
. I g a s _ ;_ By JOHN mavrzv “——
. ~ ~' I ' g f- Contributing Writer
‘ .'
~ p ans open rea ings e «g,—
‘ y .y , c a Movin' Up The Elvis Brothers VIEW
' . ‘ ~ ‘ ‘q . till. .3 i = ‘. , '53 Portrait/CBS Records RE
' “ ‘ By ANNE GALLOWAY the former editorial staff was not di- , .. 1'” ll . E g '-
‘ ' ' ’ Contributing Writer rectly associated with UK. Bringing . JV” ' ._ .. . § 3 Adventure Time The Elvis Brothers
- ‘ Limestone again under the auspices y ‘l ' ' o 1. ‘ ‘ §§ -‘ Portrait/CBSRecords '—————
' ' . To some. the name Fabbro sounds of the department. the current staff . ‘ K , \ § 3 one rockabilly song. The rest are
‘ " .. t y , like a laundry detergent. evoking wants to expand the magazine‘s \ l \g Wu" u" h ‘ l.‘ E I v The Elvis Brothers, performing to- pop in the Top 40 vein (commercial
~ ' ' images of a polyester housewife rub- identity \ - .\ \ji “if!” a i“ E a night at Breedings. debuted in 1983 appeal). The band members have
_ .' . ' hing stains out of a grayed collar ~we think of Fabbro as predomi- \ - WMMJQh' ,. 7;. \g III ‘ as a quasi-rockabilly trio in the even adopted pop fashion. trading in
.. ~ . To the more informed. mainly [in nantly an outlet for student writing. 4“ V #\ E a same comingout class as Jason and their string ties for Fioruccitogs.
. ‘ -. glish lit buffs. F abbro was once the we want a crosscultural sample of K. ”/4 t = g l the Scorchers. Stray Cats. Rank and Unfortunately. it is a far from im-
' '- _j _- .- p name of the l'K English graduate writing that would include literary ) : e é Fileand Rubber Rodeo pressive transition. The band has
‘ j ‘ yy 1 .‘ schltol'r; Great“? writing magazine. criticisms. interviews. short stories % g g. Like those peers. the band has a gone from boyish country soul sing-
‘ ' . , _ y The original name came from the and poetry." Kenyon said. "Lime. i . mg strong sense of country-rock roots. ers to fluff merchants who borrow
.y ~ ; - . latin phrase. ll migli‘or fabbro. stone is actively seeking work from ‘ 1 ! A regionallyysuccessful band from heavily from other sources They
;.. 1, -.» ~y - j. ; meaning. --the better craftsman ” all Kentucky writers. whether they Ml Champagne. 111.. they originally copy Buddy Holly. the Temptations.
. I ‘ TS Eliot used the phrase in ded- be insurance salesmen. students. played only Elvis Presley covers. and the Beatles While the first
x ' . " , lcatlng his The Waste Land to Ezra grocery clerksorprofessors." -— hence their name the Elvis Broth- album was loose and rugged, this
.' . , i y _ Pound in the 1922 edition Traditionally. the magazine was ’ "“ "“5 """"°""""‘ ers. disc is studied and wimpy. To put it
~” " . . y - Today. Latm is not as universally published annually. but Limestone ence." said Kathy McCullough. the Well-known Kentucky writers, On their first album. Movin' Up. bluntly, it's aimless. limp. light-
' . u . ' ‘ . well-known «even in university jar- will be published biannually in critical editor. such as Guy Davenport, James the band shows an affinity for songs weightpap.
' ‘. . r' ,_’ . - go“. as laundry detergent. so the March and October. McCullough will be soliciting work Baker Hall and Ed McClanahan. about girls. a typical rockabilly Witness the lyrics to “(Shin Up." a
_ . . ' ' 1985-1986 journal staff changed the "There is enough good material from both faculty and students The have already agreed to give benefit motif. The attitude they take W song about world crisis: “What are
i , '. ' 1 name to Limestone: a Literary out there for two publications. and it submissions should be "note length" readings for Limestone. can‘t live with them. can't live with- we doing to our world?/We don't
. . Journal would enable us to apply for nation- (3 to 8 double—spaced. typed pages; The readi s unscheduled as of out them - suits their youthful exu~ have a spare one at home" to which
' f V ' .' The new editor. JOhh Kenyon sald. al grants and endowments," Kenyon and should interpret a piece of liter- vet will be 3g" to the bl' So _ berance well. You can just picture the remedy is to “Put your best foot
’ .‘ 4 "Limestone is a rock formation said ature. writer Ki , a pie rt 'oodpol [I]; l "8] these guys on a Saturday night in forward/Put your chin up/Hold it
' - . , commonly found in Kentucky. If you Their primary goal is to distribute “We have access to Logan En- band Ra dlo Caef: has also a ”Sci; their cowboy hats and pointy boots. high.“ This flaccid drivel is further
. » ‘ play Wlth the concept. all klhds 0t 1.000 copies of each issue to UK and glish‘s manuscript and we hope to a benefit concert for the 'our ":1; cruising around town in their pickup diluted by incessant “na na no" and
* - ' _ ~ ”“3805 emerge " other umversities and libraries na- publish some of his unpublished po 1 ' looking for girls. "oh ho ho" backing vocals and
. ‘ . ' ' But the name change is only a su» tionwide etry and plays. in some “a”, this If you are interested in carving This country and western bravado needless electronic side effects.
. -. perficial aspect of the journal re- A literary criticism section will be first issue will be a memorial to your name into Limestone: 0 Liter» is complemented on vinyl by a Luckily. there are a couple of
' ' _ . ' , ' creation Fabbro has hada FOCk)‘ r9~ added to the creative material. him." (English was a poet from my JOurnal. contact James Baker strong. solid rock sound This album bright spots on the album. “Don't
‘_ ~ ‘ y ; cent history. “Short critical assays will give cred~ Bourbon County. and much of his Hall. faculty adviser. or Kenyon on is served up "full SW8d Straight Take My Guns Away" is a song
.’ y Even though it has been under ibility to the journal as a scholarly work has been published m the Ken. the 12th floor of the Patterson Office ahead.“ to use one of their ovm song about gun control that cuts both
“ ' ' ' \tr‘lllen b_\ the English department. work and will broaden our audi- tuckyPoetryReview.l Tower titles ways. showing the good and bad
. - . - " “I Know You Shake it" is a rau- points of the issue. It mixes U2. Po-
, 0 . cous. jumping tune that utilizes a lice and early Clash influences to
~ . a o comm o erms Wl zra oun yyyyyy . ywyynny y ...... some
y . ' . y drumbeat to get the listener‘s feet good guitar licks, Reminiscent of
' . ' . g ' ‘ tapping. “Fire in the City." with its Carl Perkins. “Big Ideas" finds the
' . , B) 515“ GALLAGHER fluenced a generation of poets with Pound‘s anti~Semitlc statements double drumbeat and deep vocals, band back in their element. singing
, y AssOClated “‘55 “some of the Old- his dictum. “Make it new.“ and en- and wartime broadcasts espousing pushes forward with the verve of a rollicking C & W song about honky
' . . . couraged such writers as T S Eliot the philOsophy of Italian dictator Bey early Stray Cats and shows that tonks.guys and girls.
. y H.~\ILE\. lldflho __ Oxfie of the £113: timers around here -- and James Joyce_ nito Mussolini will be discussed at they didn't take the King‘s name in Vthile this song shows that the
_ .. y _' _ controversla iterary lgures o - “Some of the old-timers around some of the sessions. vain. - it ltel
’ ' - ' ' 2“”) century. Ezra Pound was you mention Pound here — you mention Pound and thev The whole album '5 well paced. Eilsllstofcrlfuvfixtlsi Uhizielfnmuscitcl:lp§asey
. ' i' . " praised as the artist who untethe‘red and they klnd Ofgl'OWl kind of grow] at you.“ said Bob "We've got. to confront it head- driven by this strong backbeat on it‘s disconcerting to see them jump:
‘ _ . y ' modern 90601500th 35 a traitor at VOU n Waite. director of the Ella Pound on." Waite said. "Organizing a pro- every number. Some songs-have dis ing on the passing bandwagon of pop
f . . and reactionary and Pltled 35 a man - ' Centennial Project gram like this and ignoring that part tinctly country guitar backing. while accessibility. In their effort to be
. who languished lna mentalhospltal BOb wane, The project. which began m late ofhls life would be a real disser- others rely on clrehan. simple backlrzjg contemporary. they lost individuali-
. ,. - He was the polemlcal native son director summer and runs through the fall. ”‘9 harmonies to e '3?“ t eirh soun‘. ty. which is a shame for a band of
-. ' who achieved on}! patchy recognit . includes Pound classes in several pound scholars say his perception Containing quite d 9.“ rougd gems. this potential.
' - “On in the state? where he was born Ezra Pound proyect ldaho towns. poetry readings on the of ldaho was an enduring metaphor MO?" Up '5 engaging an en u~ It" 00d to see a band tr to
. “ - _ y Oct 30. 1885. Still. Idaho‘s centennl- lawn of the former Pound residence. in his life and that he wished to re- 5'35 1c: . b g y_
' ' he t critic and _ . _ . Thetr second album. Adventure stretch out and explore new ternto-
dl pmject for t poe . papers about the poet and a perfor turn before he died . _ y . . y
- . ~ .. . ed t . .‘ . -. , .. . Time. coma as something of a sur- ry. but Adventure Time takes the
translator has attempt 0 warm his life still stands not far from the mance of his opera. l.a Testar . Rel ed thi‘ year it has onlv Elvis Brotherstoo far from home
', ‘ ' ' the Pubht‘ t0 Pound. center of town and bears a plaque to merit." Events will culminate 0n “Idaho remained much on Ezra's prise. eas 5 ~ ‘ ' '
Born to the manager of the federal mark it. The town's museum includ- Oct. 4 with 3 Pound symposium at- mind." said Waller Wigginton, pro-
. ' . land office in Hailey when the area es 3 Pound display. the University tended by scholars and the poet s feSsor of English at Idaho State Uni-
. , was booming with. its first silver of Idaho maintains a Pound collec- daughter. Mary de Rachewiltz. who ‘.'erSll}' “Not so much the real ldaho Read The KentUCky Kernel
‘ Smkfi. pound died in Italy m 1972. tion. and. there have been a few llvosmBrunnenburg. Italy as the Idaho of legend." —______—_______
after being charged with treason for Idaho artw'fi about the poet whose
. ’ his pro-Fascist broadcasts during literary achievement was darkened ‘
_ . > : world war ii. declared insane and bl'aparhsan cloudy KKm'rvcxv l
_ . 33333510 a menu. NW The mommy us was,“ erne MAKE $150
. f V » l‘ and conservative bent has had a .
- y . . The simple house in Halley where hard time accepting the man hailed Edl'OI’ t" CH“ El‘mbe'h Coros
. ' ' . _ Pound spent the first two years of as the father of modernism. who in- Managing Editor Socho DeVroomen
' ' ~ .T Nows Editor Fran Stewart ,
'1 - “""Mflt'" Ale’fc’miercmuw We are looking for healthy volunteers, (non-smok-
‘-' ’ - Sports Editor Willie Hioti . ' .
. ~ . . “mum" Gory Pierce ers ore perferred), to portiapote in a study about
, ‘_ . a M Spoclol "dun who, ScottWord the normal bacterial flora of the airways (wind-
_ - . _. ' ' ‘33.:ng Be A part Of 'he Photo Editor Breck Smither pipes). A one-time test requiring about one hour is
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 ' O i . ‘
Appalachian enter .... 7 7.77.7 '- College Republicans .
. .. I. 1- . I: .
o O ' ‘ O o '
receiv BS rant to a] ‘ ‘ offers 0 Ol’tllnltleS
J ’ . " . '4 7 i
. _ ‘ 3-
. o o o ‘4 g. . . . . .
o Junlor hlgh teachers , i ~~ t i ' , Officers say group is training ground .
. I , . , 7'
BymiflLISSABELL said Jane Bagby. an employee at for dynamic 1nleldualS on campus . . .I .I I. K
Staff Writer theAppaIlachian Center. . g . , .- I
. Five instructors: Including two .I , B) 8086] WUUX‘H ”The biggest advantage of ioming is ' l " ' I
The UK Appalachian Center has "135‘“: teachers, wtll teach IhOth Al3" (“I Contributing Writer the opportunity to learn leadership ;' - I
received a $111,162 grant from the palachian and American literature ‘ 7. skills And you meet fellow students . . _ '
National Endowment of Humanities to partiCipants in what should be a I w. 1 Students can obwm reputable ca and leaders In the community as x I I. .i ,I I
to create a four-week summer semester full of work, Norman said. 1““. \ ,I.’ reer opportunities through active well .2 II -.I‘ .
school for junior high school teach- IUK contributed $316,173 to pay hous- W J" \ ‘ _ ‘ fi membership in College Republicans Although hundreds Signed up to 1!. .=' III '.-.
ers in Eastern Kentucky. . mg and staffsalariee. ' _ . just ask George Hancock. iom (‘ollege Republicans last year. ' ' X I"- .
The program titled “Literacy and The instructors are Harry Brown, ./ ,.. - ’ ’ Hancock. 2o. earned an office in Graham said about 60 were actual :33;
Locality" is designed to address the an English professor at Eastern " of. v‘ ‘ Washington. D (‘ . as national exec workers during the group ~ cam‘ II‘ i' I' ‘. {1' --_' -I :-
,. Appalachian dropout rate and the Kentucky Umverstty, Ken DaV‘S- a - o \' L 7 utive director of (‘ollege Repuhli paign for President Ronald Reagan .2; '. l If
problem 0‘ literacy and teacher mo— UK EDShSh pr