xt74b853j631 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j631/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1973 1973 1973-04-12 2020 true xt74b853j631 section xt74b853j631 Kentucky




Rttsso'll tt'ttl l)d\'(’

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ttttpttt «He

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tKeruel photo h; (‘lmrlps

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rather than bother utth ll



Vol. LXIV No. 127

Thursday, Aprtl l2, l973

Twenty pages

an Independent student newspaper

Unrversrty of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky 40506

Albright accepts higher education post

In \llkl‘ \\I\t-s
lidllul'vllll hiel
l€|(||\ltt\lbr \l) .\llIr|ght \tlll lean-
tl\ this summer to
dtreetor ot the t ounetl on l’ublte lltgher

beeome e\e('utt\e

l-Idneatton kt'tllllt'k} s premier planmng
auteur) tor state eolleges and unnerstttes
Insttttttton s st\

the departure ot '.\tll lea\e

tall tor

gaps to too at \tee

prestdenttal and \ull m all
tttts ,\ Nngletarx
\l.|l|(I(-||l \\U\ the

torslup “ednesda_\ m a unammous \ote

some sort ot

au‘totdttlg to l't'estdt'tlt

tount ll s tllt‘t't‘
durmg the tount'tl's regular meettng at
Kentuek) 'l'he
seleetlon ended a st\ nattonutde
seat‘t‘h tor a prormnent educator to head

liastern tnnerstt}



\H'epls neu post

a seareh ulueh apparently
hIs ex

the agene)
ended mth .\|hrtght
kno\\ledge ol

beeause ol

tensue state‘s
edueattonal problems
‘Some ot the problems \\e have betore

us make this a real eltallertge_" ,»\lbrtght

Meet the

short spewh

lxe looked at the mandate ot

atd tl‘. a att'eplanee
'lus eouttetl and l t’ealt/t- nou tt “as e\en
larger than I thought
utstttutlonalplanmng hadtoo\ereomethe
ltlmlx Ht

ttltaltons b1 tore ummng met the t 'ount'tl s

nou t l\ s \tee prestdent tor

stumbhnteI hts l,e\tngton at
us man sear: h t ommtttee n'.ll'l_\ this _\ear
the t'ounetl had ortgrrtalh teeommended
that no lxentut loans be tonstdered tor the
post lu-t'aust‘ ol posstlvle lU\alttes to par

llt'tlldt‘ state t‘olleges ot’ um\erstt|e.s

l\ Illl‘ |-\ll houeu-r 1t uas
\ll-rtght s lamtllartt) \uth Kentuek} and
its t‘(lll( ators that uon him the dtreetons
lob t'ounetl member lid l‘ru‘hard (alled
\lbltghl tllllt‘t'lHt‘ and de\oted to the
‘aolk Hi the

lt.|tl\l‘ll up b\ ‘\|brtght s support atttnng

1 Hunt ll, an unpresston
other state eollege presidents

\l SH, mo
tl‘tttt'ttlt'tlt benettls the t'ount ll post “I“

a \ear plus se\en pereent

be among the highest pa_\tng tolls ltl state
Limerntnent \llll'lglll no oas reportedl)

teluetant to aet'ept the post unless hts

enslmg retirement beneltts were brought
to his lll‘\L tuh

the tasks Include
ntanagntg all the statuton tunettons ol the
lrom apprm tng

threetor s “I”
(t'lllll ll ranging
unnerstl} budgets to long range planning
o\er.seetng a

edueatton to
t‘t'st‘at‘t'h stall protecting
problems \shteh state higher education

lot higher

xttll taee
ltl“lll\l) lll\l \lbrtght \xtll lea\e an
tnsttluttonal planmng post \\lll('ll tn\*ol\ed
(onlnmed on Page 9'. (ol |

Student Senate votes to table
Wendelsdort's new constitution

Iln \I'lll\l1l|((. \\

kernel Matt “rm-I

N'oll \M'tttlelslltlt’l
tabled his proposed ttl‘“ eonstttutton unttl

Student (.oxernment
utth barely a quorum

prestdent handed a



last mght uhen

ne\t tall

the dot untent “as tabled lo a f \ roll
 ‘ *\. a.“ - ~; I 5 L1 "i’ I“ '!I f‘.
also featuring: RHED. SPEED WAGDN* ROWNSVILLE BANDS 'H; ”I l I ,\ f .1
| I II \ ~ .;\...\;..-‘u-n: I“'\l '1« ’.I :3:..'.
SAVE! 52.50 In advance-‘4.00 at gate WIN”? ’ ” ' “ ".3“: 5'"
Mail Orders Make Check Payable Io- Wm. H. King Enterprises, louiv ‘ ‘ l'. ”W," ” . I . I W I (if; uh I ‘
ville Downs, 4520 Poplar level Rd, Lou Ky. 402I3. Enclose seII ' ' ‘ ' ' " L A" ‘
addressed and sIamped envelope. ‘ H H \ \ ’ | H H \ . ‘ 1 I
4. . l » :, l H l\ I
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