xt74b853j519 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j519/data/mets.xml Tennessee United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Community Service Programs 1940 [3] p., tables; 27 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call number  Y 3.W 89/2:70 T 25/1 books English S.l.: Works Progress Administration This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Tennessee Works Progress Administration Publications Public works -- Tennessee Accomplishment on Projects Operated by the Work Projects Administration, Tennessee text Accomplishment on Projects Operated by the Work Projects Administration, Tennessee 1940 1940 2019 true xt74b853j519 section xt74b853j519 t ; HIIIIHNIIIIHIIIIIHIIHHIIIVIIHHIHIIINIHHIIIHIIIIHIHIHIII ' ‘i ' ‘ * =
‘ 3 0525 5323555 2 : ' ' \"3;
3 T E N N E s s E E L 7'
The'program of the Work Projects Administration was I
undertaken in the summer of 19:55 for the purpose of pro- g:
‘ viding employment on useful public projects. WPA project I
operations since that time have resulted in the creation I
or improvement of a wide variety of public facilities and ;
serviCes in the State of Tennessee. in?
A summary of the major types of facilities completed :3
is presented in this statement. The report shows the -3
number of physical units constructed or improved from the t
, beginning of the program through December 31, 1939. The
data include only those units upon which work had been :
completed during this period and do not include units upon
which work was still in progress. _
In the nonconstructiOn field, WPA workers have assisted I
many communities in expanding and improving their educa— L
tional, health, and other public services and have also :
conducted art, music, educational and other activities in 3
which the public could participate directly. In addition
to reports of completed units of work, reports of public 1’5
participation in a number of these activities during rep— Z
I resentatiVe periods are included in this summary. ‘ (“a
_ r g
. 51%
O ENTUCKY ~“7*~~c,
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 9" :21» “fif'uauwasve—wsrw ~—.-: ‘1 2T ' V‘s: ., . , ' > i ‘» -—'_« - ' ‘ - W "”' ‘ ' ' ’ ' r ' ’ ’ '1 r. ' V 'I' , '- j "7 " 1”" " , Wv'r— "-A’VV'W'fitih
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‘ 1
, ACCOMDHShMM Md Public PII'NCIPINOH 0" PFOJGCIS 0f ”‘9 "Wk PTOJ'SC‘S Administration , Accomplishment and Public Participation on Projects of the Work Projects Admlnlstratlon—Contlnued
1‘ CUMUHUVG Through Dec. 3|. |939, 8M DUFINQ 58'9““ ”“1005 in ”9090”" I939 and January '9‘“) Cumulative Through Dec. 31, I939, and During Selected Periods In December 1939 and January I900 ‘
—____———————————————T_——-————————::= ‘ ___-“___—
Reconstruc— , Reconstruc-
New con- Addi— New con— Addi—
.b tion 01- tion or Number
. Nu er 5”“““°“ improvement “0"5 Strucu‘m improvement “0"5 _-
"/ -—vwvi777 #firi—v— .
“D “El-”ED FACILITIES Handball courts ___1_,___,__________ Number ________.___.i 17 Ii "0.; gemstones___________________________ {Nuinber.-____‘..___-_ — 2 Housekeeping-aide services:
Highways, roads, and streets—total .. Miles -..._._....... 29,134 Horseshoe courts ______,_,,_,,_,l___ Number _____________[ 7 —— ___... Area in acres______ — 95 Families assisted (during month of
Ru d t c 1 Muss 27 9” Tennis courts ..._..___.___...-.--.- Number ___-..—---—-» 119‘ 6 —--—-— Landscaping and beautification, other December 1939) _--_.-__.._-.i.--- —--—--‘----——--—----- 1,021
”1 '0“ 5— ° “ “"""""“"' “""““"“ ’ Snimming pools _-________________._. {Number .....-.....—. 8 - -——»—— than roadside and parks___,_,.______ Acres ___.__________ ___-.-..._ 1,445 Visits made (cumulauve through
‘ High-type aurraoe—tota1....__.._ Niles .............. 567 , 50- “~ 01' surface -— 44,400 — ------ ornamental pools and ruuntains.______ Number__.__________ 2 — Dec. 91, 1939) __________________ -___.___-____________ - 204,000
Ne. constructwn Hues 58, Wading 110015 ---------—--—--------——\{Numher -—---—----——- 7 — —---—- Drainage, other than roadside and Acres drained-..-.. 7,790 2,088 Schooldmch services:
nseanstructian or improvement -_ Niles _.-____-..____ 286 I Myst. 0‘ surmce " ”’40:: ‘ """ ”05”““0 C°""’°1—-------—------"-" ““95 “f “m“ ---" 15 1 9 On Jan. 17, 1940 ____-___,-_______ {Schools serviced--. 1,001 '
Bandshells "“""“""""'"""i Num er ---—--——»—--- -—---— Miles of pipe-----— 49 ( ) v Lunches served -____ X 74,100 ,
Lal-typs surface and unsuri‘aced __ Miles ..-.-..--.---- 27,051 Gum“? theaters -—--—--—----------~I "mm" L............ 1 2 -""' Fencing—-----—-------—-~—-——»-——-——-- liiles..-_-_,__-__.. “4 ‘3 Cumulanve through Dec. 31, 1939_ Lunches served _____ 18,975,000
__ E Number _..s-»----——- 5 2 ——~—-- Tunnels ______,______,______________.. Number......_...._. 1 —- ,
‘ Urban streets—total ._.....-..-..-. Niles -..._.-..—--.- 875 Golf courses ,___.____-__________._.; Number of holes ___. 45 36 >----- Linear reet________ as — LIBRARY AND BOOK-REPAIR AcTIVITV
, ._..,. 26 ___..-
nigh—type aurface—total-..--_.-- Niles..-.-..,-_.... 234 : “a“ 1" ””95 233 0 Library uniLs operated or assisted .
. Ne. construction_______________ u1135________1__.__ 1139 PUBLIC UTILITIES AND SANITATION 1 ‘ (““1“ ”“9“" 1939)“‘°‘“ --“- -----"""""""" 11
meanstruction or improvement.-. Niles.............. 116 mu“, p1,",5_wm __‘________‘__I Number ___,__,______ a ‘ 4 .. EDUCATION, ART, AND MUSIO ACTIVITIES ' General willie—library units -—--- ———-——--~~----------- 4
(Durlng a 2-week warlod In January 19%) Pub11c_5¢hool 11hr”, units _____‘ ____________-______,_ 5
‘, Low-type surface and “muffle“ -~ "1195 -——---—--———>— 591 Incinerator plants ___.____.______;{Number ...-...———-—. 1 2 — 1d,,” educaunn: other library units .--,.._--_..._ ___-.----.--,_-..--._ 1
,c .lntons rdav. 2I 155 —
omar roads (in parks, etc.)—tota1 .- Niles -_-_-_..--i-.. 341 P 1 t Lions ; "fiber p2 ’ 4 1 __ _' Literacy and naturalization—___.e" Enrollees___—.._..— 5,570 lawman“ “""""““""“" ""“"“"""""' 1
“mp "5 s a """"""“'";{C m‘rl‘“;;‘d'a‘“ 14 722 000i Vocational training-.--..---.....-. Enrollees........_. 2,087 Hook renovation (cumulative through .
l t t ’ - — —
High-type surface—total --------< "1188 -------------- 22 g “p g p 3 ’ ’ , ache,- adult eaucat10n__,_________.. Enrollees....-_.._. 13,009 Dec. :11, 1939)—total _____________ _..__._..______.__.__ 1,557,000
N" construction Miles . 15 Sewage treatment plants ........._,{Number ——————--——--— *r g 2 -
necenstmcuon or ”Novena“ In" _ _ _‘__ 7 V Cap- 1" 331- per day - - i 600,000 — Lectures and forums __________________ Persons attending" 2,500 ““3”“ Public‘nbr‘” “"1“” -" ------~"""“"-"' 672'000
" Water treatment plants ...i..._._. {Number .........._._ 1 — — Nursery schools_____»___________‘____ {Schools...._.._-.-. 20 Public-school library volumes ___. -.._-.-.._..-_-.-.--- 177,000
Lou-type surface and unsurfaced __ Niles ______________ ' 019 Cap- in gal- per day . 29,000 —- — among” __________ 786 other library Volumes ............ ........_.__..___.___ 708,000
Art instruction_.,...._______.____..- Birollees..._..l... 119 serum; NATTREss MAKING AIID EODO
V New con— Reconstruction WM" ”“1“ and dis‘rn’mmn ““95 >-- ““95 *-----"------ 73 1 “‘-—- "55:11va (Cumulatlve' through
struation or improvement water consumer connections ,________ Number _____________ 3,700 — ...... Music, Dec. 3|, I939)
- u ‘ 4 _ I 2
I , . Water wells _....i_i.......__.i-_.._ humber ....——»——»—-— d2 -—-——— Concerts ""0-___”"_"_"_____“ Performances__..___ 10 Garments completed—~total ......... ......———»--—-.._.... 2,645,000
Bridges and viaduots—total __________ Number _.--__.,__.__ 0,090 1,505 Storage tanks, reservoirs, eta _____ Number ___-_________ 9 1 l_____ '
. . Persons attending" 2,300 Men 5 garments __.-.-._.._._..._._ .-.__.__...______-__- 390,000
L1naar reet_-_____- 104,048 30,534 Cap, 1“ gallons ___. 1,110,000 2,000 ..-___ ,
N b 1 Wamen s garments _..__...__.____.__ __.-__-_a___._..._-_.- 775,000
Wood bridges and viaduets ____.____. {Number ___-._-,__..-. 2,540 1,405 “"835 “”5 "'"""""'“""'“ {C‘m 9:1"'_;;"1;'9‘L‘"i 1 50 """ Persons ”WWW: 5'3"“? Boys' garments _________v_________ ______________.___-_- 030,000
r Linear reet...-.... 76,832 31.251 d, M::“_ ‘ M h, 0 2 Tom Chum“ Girls' garments _. . 707,000
steel bridges and viaduets ___...._. Number .._._-_.--... 305 . 4:! 5‘0"“ a" “"1”” 59”” """"" h ""‘"”“"‘* 10 “"" 1nramsv gnrmentsz __________-____ _______-_____________ 304,000
Linear feet 18 486 4,700 Sewerage service connections .-.._.. Number _____________ 10,300 69 ___...
~--»-—-- .
Masonry nudges and viaducts Number 174 10 ‘ “Emmi“ Md ““9“ DESIHS ----———-—~ Number ———-"~-——~— 2,817 63 ___... PUBLIC HEALTH AND HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES Articles other than garments __-_.__ _,,_____________.,,._ 2,618,000
{Linear fen ________ 7,330 583 Sanitary privies _-._..__,__________f Number ___...-——————‘ 160,707‘ - "a“. Examinations and Food' preserving:
N b Abandoned mine sealing ______i.i_.._f Openings sealed ___. 1,238 ..i________ _.._.. Medical services,__.__._._,_____..___ treatmentshhuu 250 250 Quarts canned....,._...-......... .....--...—-__...._.- 1,914,000
.2 Culver“ ________..-_____-..____._--__ { “m 9" ----'--'--'-- 36,437 2,715 I Acres drained ______ 35,920 49,595 __L.-. rests-__-__________ 1,724 1,655 Pounds dried _________-___-_______ ___-.--____--____--_. 823,000
”“3““ re“ -------- 7511396 537975 "Mosquito—control drainage __________[ Miles of diLcli and ‘
‘ Road drainage ditch and pipe 1...“... Miles ......._._._.. 1,909 6,010 pipe ______‘____‘__ 572 | 383 ______ 11,5, n.5,, "_5 mum
s1de'alks and paths—total ___________ Miles __l__.____._._ 166 4 Mosquito-control spraying _______.__ Gallons sprayed _.._ 2,600 f........... ___... 2Excluding lavettss-
Paved sidewalks and paths ________“ Niles __ _____ 82 3 Telephone and telegraph lines ______ Miles ____-_________i 1 — .-_.__
- , unpaved sidewalks and paths ________ Niles ,_______.__... ea 1 “9‘3”“ PM” “"93 --------------- ““35 ‘-'--“-”--"§ 1 _ -'----
Floodlighting athletic rieids, purk— {Number lighted _____i a I 1 __.__.
j 0"“ —-—————~—---------—------------ “Hes ----------—--- 2‘0 42 ing lots, etc _____..-..._..._s.___ Acres lighted .....J 253‘ 2 |_____-
’, “um?” —------------~---------------- “195 -_-_--..-__.__ 23 l 1 Gus, oil, and steam pipe lines _____ Miles __.___________I 1 —- l__,___
Guardrails and guardnalls ____________ Miles i_i_____-__-__ 6 ( ) .
Grade—crosaing eliininutinn___“__._._ Number eliminated .. i -___._l___._.__ CONSERVATION, FLOOD AID EROSION ' .
Traffic signs erected____,__-____.-__ Number-_____-______ 24,500 ___--__.___..-- ”"7““, “P ””“G‘T'D” V P—SBB
Roadside landscaping...._.i...-______ Niles of raad...... .-i..-..._._ 01 [Number_______,______ ‘ 1 ' ,
Fish hatcheries ______._________l_l_‘1 Annual capacity in
New con_ Reconstruc— Addi— It fingerlings ___.-u‘ — 298,000 — _
struction ingrgverggnt tions Retaining halls and revetments ”__11 Miles ______________ (i4 (1) ___," -
. niprap _________.___.._.______._.._.1 Square yards ______. 092,700 200 1.-...-
‘ I
puauc BUILIHNGS, EXCLUDING UTILITY Riverbank and Shore imPrDVemL’nl a"; M1155 ------~——--———{-—-----~—— 189 l———»-— _
PLAITs AID HUILDIIe: AT AIRPORTS Streambed improvement ______._.__.._I Miles .___-,,l,e____I___--.._-_ 159 ___--- . '
Public buildings—total ___.-.,_,__.._ Number __,____,_____ 550 521 70 COHSEFWUOM “0°“: “"1 "053°" ‘ i
t l d - ,____.____,___________I N h ___,___,_ l__ , _ _ ~
, Educational buildings—total ,____-_ Number ____,________ 170 540 46 co" m ma ‘ "m H ‘ L a: "'"
l I
Libraries ___.__.,.__..-_._______. Number ____.______._ — 4 — I ; New [3332: Sufi »
Schools ..._.___.-________,_...-.. Number.__l_________ 170 586 40 i 1 5323;, tion or fig; raa— '
I . in rove— in
Recreational buildings~total ___... Number .____________ 107 10 14 1 “0"4 Slant 8 ,
kw —~ .
‘udiwr‘u‘ns ---------------------- "Wher-u-“u-"h 2 3 4 AIRPORT AND AIRNAV FACILITIES ‘
Gymnasiums .-.....«i____.__...__i Number __.._____._._ 25 10 10 |
other recreational buildings_____ Numher ‘____________ 30 5 _ “rpm“ and 13"““3 “935 —-‘------ Number ______.___... 8 1 — l---—-—
P Offices and administrative buildings _I Number_____________ 11 17 3 Facilities at airports and landing * v
Hospitals ..-.....--_--..,._.,_.__i_‘ Number .____________ \ a 6 —. areas:
:3": institutions______,__________ "um“ -—-----—---—- ‘ 2 — Landmg i'lems _,______________,__ {Number _~___»_____A_ 8 1 _. ______ . '
Gil. OHSBS ---__"-_--~"_'V‘_-'---_ Number "'-_-'_""" l 11 — Area in acres ___-,‘ 2,191 I GO ,— ,_____ V
arages “"'"""“"“"""-‘--- Number -----"------ 10 3 l Runways -_-_,a.._.________._______ Linear feet. l,,,____ 53,500 _ !__‘__ _
Storage buildings _i-..i.._._..--... Number.........,... 8 2 l ;
Amnriefl-_-_._._________-______..__ Number __,________-_ 1 — — Airport buildings—total .._.__.._ Number _____________ 20 g _ ______ P
, Other public buildings ___—___.....- Number ..._..-...... 239 22 5 AdminBUMME and “mm, 1 '
OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIEs buildings -______-___-.-.._____ Number __._._s._____E 5 1 _ ______
‘ Stadiums, grandstands, and bleachers __ Number ____________. 27 2 7 Hangars ““-'"""""--‘----< Number ---------->-— 7 1 — --—---
, Sums up,c,,y___ 39,000 13,500 20,500 other airport buildings ........ Number ..._.._...... a —- — ___.“
Fairgrounds and rodeo grounds "___“- {Number -.-..-.--.—-- — 2 — Landing areas floodlighted __-___, {Number lighted __.-_ 5 — _____ ._.._-
P k Area in acres ___... — 21 — ‘ Number 01' lights .._ 25 — ____. ___..-
_ ar 5..............._—-—......—.—..—. {Number ---—-_----—-— 16 45 1 Boundary lights ,_l______________. Number of lights ___ 592 i — ----_ _-_... V
, Area in acrassnau 302 1,010 a
Playgrounds _.-._--..-.____-___.-_____ Number __-__________ 81 a7 _ Airway facilities:
Athletic fields ___l__.__1_______.__._ {Number____.__,___,_ 51 29 _ Airway markers .i.___.__,-.._._._. Number __._a_-_____. 166 — “___ ___-.. .
Area in acres ---... 315 160 — Airway beacons ___..______________ Number _____,,___._, g 1 _____ ______ , ,
\ .A’Kfll"

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