xt74b853j50q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j50q/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 2003 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, October 2003 Vol.74 No.10 text The Kentucky Press, October 2003 Vol.74 No.10 2003 2003 2019 true xt74b853j50q section xt74b853j50q t3 .. , .
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Volume 74 Number 10 - October 2003 - Published b Kentuck Press Association/Kentuck Press Service
' o
Deadllne for Excellence in Kentuck .
fattest 2.22:
ewspapers compe l 1011 18 0 gig. ”We”? wish ”.5 .
. It s time once again to begin gather- . an entry form and the labels that are to ”hug/”thft‘fith’ '
mg your entries together for the 2003 1 be affixed to each tearsheet, was sent :"gwe’wggffwizwfi .
EXCEheh‘fe 1h Kentucky Newspapers ‘ “at . ‘ ‘ out to newspapers in August. This ?%t“‘awt”wf§ef‘e,4g .
Competition . "t information can also be downloaded t??? .

Last year was the first year for the , 5‘ from our Web site at ””
completely revised contest which com- g Www.kypress.com {:g’vfiW “323% ,
bined the best 0f the Fall Newspaper 1,? i All issues published between Oct. 1, E”MMWQ@¥1§€T: egg;
and Better Newspaper contests. This 5 E c 2002 and Sept. 30, 2003 are eligible for fiéfiafifvfifiééki
year's competttton has been tweaked entry in this competes-on. The awards “e .'
again Slightly N ‘“ - - will be announced and sevens

. . . ‘ presented at teet"”“W% ‘ r '

Therm the entry fee 15 $5 Per EW the 2004 Kentucky Press Association is?”
entry ralsed from the $4 fee, WhjCh had :2 ' ‘ convention awards banquet, scheduled g“1’§w§§sg‘%3
been thesame smce 1983. . 2! zone see for Frlday, Ian. 23, at the Embassy fli‘afi’fi’flwg’y ,

Ind1v1duals may have their names Suites Hotel in Lexington. The conven- ” ,figé’gfix I

i on only two entries in each category tion itself is Thursday, and Friday, Jan, gnarl/t2”?
‘m-emstead of the previous three. 22 and 23. hh:”lhflhhhhef‘”hh%a -

A Special Sections category in the Best Graphics category, which remains Entry deadline is Friday, Oct. 10 t?r)j;‘:;; ,-
DeSIgn competition, per the request of in the competition. and entries must be postmarked by a?“ fihhxfiigzflwi‘zw
several members, has been added. The There are 26 categories for the that date. Due to the judging schedule, f’ggf’fiig? m” ‘15!

Spec1al Sectlon must be news-oriented, Excellence in Kentucky Newspapers — we are unable to extend the deadline. forbfthen
however. . 2003 competition and these are divid- The Mississippi Press Association will tfifibfanaw“
b The Photo Illustration category has ed into Writing, Photography and judge the competition new»)
affr; $385515?“ at dld 1“” fg‘fi‘er‘ he?” k . . . . . . . If You. have any questions about the We “@419st
enter d h 1d fies a2 many 0 -t ose .Pac etx Including ehgtbthty Infor- competltlon call Sue Cammack or with
e 5 cu ave een placed in the mation, category names and numbers, David Thompson at (800) 264-5721. Thain” ‘ ttfihfifiorii?“ :13
. , Mr.srxflmvzss‘fisxseam ' highways». », '-
nternShl I‘ hemetaeetecom
- . meawmeepreeentedm -;:
or e en uc y ress ssocmtlon WWW
tenses Assemnttnctsnvennon at ' , , .
"imam ’3’ are,“ 2 en: on ,
th IIII< the simmer M1200? KPA and ,, . (W as possible. We were able to identify fiyofiahsymategme. .

e e ' w ' - - .r “as , = _ .

1 n 11C Y Iourna 15_m oundation On Second - get 58 rec1p1ents smce 1984 and contacted one for fln§AWé§dfiyoucan get a , . ,
Ge ebrates the 10th anniversary 0f one s those students. Of the 58 a grand total nonunaflri" I fiflfifél’mt) 'Econtactin ' ‘ '
of its most successful programs —— Thought f f _ fig ,my . g . ,
- h1- , i... 0 our (yes, 4) were m e newspaper :.:tentcettnsastgmtssisssoi .
interns p5 for college students. _——— ‘9‘?” business Two of those were in fijOm’r Jna’tlondeadlin” éis Nov. '

The program came about OHIY ’ ‘ g,» Kentucky, one was in South Carolina ' 14”“: ;
because 0f one questlon, from then EligDavid T._Thompson fl“ and the fourth was in Alabama. The {a ' :7 5
board member Steve Lowery. At a AExecutwe Dtrector W "@476 other 54? Well you could sa the £“4EE. 3.. t "L
summer board t' ‘ 5 ' - y y la AFhfltfitblt :* ;

. . mee mg, we were . used our foundation money to finance , tthflh ,, ;. .
reviewmg the old foundation scholar- During the board meeting, Steve their education and then went off into schA if? GZWAConVentlon, ’ '2 -
ship program. At the tlme, KPA was asked, “Do we know where the schol- other fields. Some became teachers, a edflflénfiifilazkggjfiatthe T ,‘ * i ‘
awarding 28 $1,000 scholarships to arship recipients are today or what few were attorneys, several were in Efiflibyassyfiirfiesmlemgtonywe w;
students. It only required some mini- they’re doing?” The response was radio / TV and one of the best of those f‘ )7 ”311 dwplaYPIhhmssfiomKehmhky
mum requlrements and as long as the ”no." We hadn’t kept track of them 58 was a sales associate at JC Penney infiwspanghqthersfl-gat ,
student met the criteria, the scholar- after graduation. in Louisville (”I can make more money Wertiataléefimseareon -, ' 3 3
:13; 1Iglesdrenewable until the student d That led to 1113114 / 151]]: tracking as a retail clerk With IC Penney than I “fiftagéifimgfadef’how .‘

- own as many se 0 are 1p rect tents an a er
p See INTERNSHIP on Page 10 MWmMOg 0

 . ‘ , i3} - - . r
Page 2 - The Kentucky Press, October 2003 '
K t k § 1 . th S '
Foster becomes managing years, will now hold the title of editor Inc. - for 5 1 / 2 years, 2 1/ 2 with The eral manger of the company since
do '2 f C t l K t k of the Central News Kentucky Journal. Lebanon Enterprise. She has also 1996. He replaces Michael Mead, who
e 1 01‘ 0 en ra en 11C y "The title change reflects the signifi- worked at non—Landmark operations is retiring but will continue to serve on
NEWS Journal cant contribution that Beth makes to in Somerset and Russell Springs. the board of directors.
Publisher . . our newspaper, not only in news but While at the News-Journal, Foster
Richard RoBards , in so many other ways," RoBards said. has led a redesign, assisted with the The Community Recorder
annonced last 3 , Foster, from Russell Springs and a paper's strategic plan and championed .
month that Beth '- 1997 graduate of Campbellsville several other special projects - the names Remke new edltOI‘
Foster, who has ', t& j University, has been employed by the most recent being the January Andrea Remke hasljomed The _
been news editor ' " g, News-Joumal's parent company — Freedom of Information Seminar held Community Recorder s Florence office
' Landmark Communi News a ers in con‘unction with the Bi Daw and as 9dlt0r Of The Kenton Community
for the past three , W P P l g g
- it? Campbellsville University. Recorder, The Campbell County _
t gust/.24.; '11th k .21 Foster tutors literacy students, fie cor gen T1216 gargpb fill" Comrnumty
fir}:- l.?]‘;;,__?;:-"';'I;;;-,’,j}_ fji 1,]; t g; P j” coaches student journalists, is a mem- ecor er an e 0” omas
Community Politics Team and is a Rourke, 27/ has been With The
meKmmd‘YmmmSD‘emanamgmymwm member of Greater CampbellSVifle commumty Press/ Recorder Papers
whitewater thxemeeemm Uniteu's Cultural Diversity Festival Since December 2000 She worked at
When/Kmmel‘yfiéeewiwm Committee. the Kentucky office as a reporter in
Penodicalsclasspestageisipaigat’wWE-Iefffiiealfiomset 2001 before being promoted to presen-
annkforgmmvSubsmfiwmpmeowbmfiflom . tation editor at the central office in
fimlyffimmfiwdehfi-rms Mattmgly to leave LCN I at Cincinnati,
Cmmemnfiomm’éofimeémtmakimm the end of October Romke grew up in South Bend, Ind.
2234321 - - - and graduated from St- Mary’s College
, ., ,5, , fr,“ he}; fa“, ._.A_,,:_,:,M« «g, y:v',’:;;,s";,;>’>{,naryl M”eats-yctfirjeeggcur L neg?zeerie/.714“;graze“ $53545) gmiiexhflewh LCNI Editorlal DlreCtOI' Alan , ,
< -\ . geranium / \ -: it-wxvie-‘{n:1i§r‘$-{““vgfiifir‘fié’i?44752327w3,,‘jo o... ,» ,e w , -~ ~ .. > v "‘ u ”w >M§A m Notre Dame Ind She ha Worked
,mafitmmm’m Mattingly has armourieed that he will copy editing arid page design at dailym
’ 031W. trot/"we be leaving LCNI at the end of October
mmwmmmsgymm‘gemmxm“ to 101“ his Wife, who has accepted a gewspaper? ‘gcflfingfihe 59311” h
notatnnotmmnreeeeeoteeoueeoeo position with the International Herald- 5 “1‘1???“me % at s°" at? B °Zit e
Wmdiwwmo,rficgew}feettt Tribune in Pens, trance, part of the 1;; en ,o one in out on ,
-terot New York Times’ 0 eration. -
K’DmAfingagmai’mie‘E/fimfflWg”§yfl working on the copy desk of the IHT. Oldham names Staff writer ale“
,_ l ews;y,,f, 9“”‘~ Alan enjoyed a month’s leave with her Nate Kissel recently joined the staff " ‘
gmtv%%%m§(%fl?w%mw~ve in the country, and since returning, at The Oldham Era in LaGrange as a
Tréaswer-wfltaxflheqii‘oxm)gn§vfe’gwfifiefimekyNewsfgmnanIV” the New York Times organization. Kissel is a recent graduate of Centre
Fraimnfiavenreme Mefiingly has been with LCNI College Where he received a BA in -
”mafiahafimeisionemgdmmf newspapers for nearly 2 1 / 2 years. English and history.

IWEJ°WmmEeI” Grant County hires ad rep Slinker joins LaRue
' w ' W , _ 91333? e , timber .
Boardofouectorsreetuckyuehees EMA“? I???“ haSbeen llllied County Herald NeWS’ staff
District , 1AhceleotieeMurra :if‘i'i yLedgeraiid as e new a ve 3mg repreeen a ve hn th link f . Sh
rm commemorate economic atom for the Grant County News. 1.04:, T1533. 531,233,335?“
Greene:0R&Sh?bLWSVflle./fi§lli Inman is a native of Campbellsville _ . ~
‘M‘W. . *' . ‘ . i ‘ o it . - News Staff as a Part tlme IEPOIter-
DmtntheJedDdbngharmbawsonSpfingsle and graduated from the Univers1ty 0f He previously worked as a corre—
Pteeiee Kentucky with a Bachelor of Science -

. ~: 55:23:5265117123133";;:\‘$.3}=Cf;«'7;:our}:KWWMMASWWRSQEQ; d . . d _ . spondent for the paper and has WI‘ltteI‘l
DismetSD’omWiaunenHaneock DdeThompsmExecutmor etgree 1“. Integrate . .Commllmcahoni a weekly column entitled ”lust
iiCiéxioitf"ee~’ BonmeHowar dflonuofler Wlth a nunor 1n POhtlcal sc1ence. Whfle Slinkin ”

‘ ‘r;:5'i-7‘-?:T?: TezeeaRevmvuectoroffiates at UK] Inman worked f°r the Kenmeky He also covered girl’s basketball
Dis’ 4~€ttarkePo 7 ’ “ Frankhn :::§;’-}Dav1d(;reeri “ ""j: Sermcosmeetor Kernel student news a er and com-

, , toot m c , , , rm . ,. p p and softball games.
13mm" if??? QWW‘IeiWWeanWm PIE—‘ted three intemShiPSr indUding a Slinker W111 be assisting Editor
37:57:, ev ,DaWdASmezegNevfi‘ES/Iederw sales internship at FOX'56 in Linda Parker with feature and news
District?)RoaninnsKentuckyStandcitdguégfifianzsBookklgt'-:cti-.1pl111giftissmtaifii Lexington, stories
Dementetneproeconwt’ir’emg [9190“ graduate)“ Imment°°ka A2003 graduate of LaRuc County
:coiirieeiomnat ‘tgeeeomnmadeeeieeneeaeveecsetant my?“ 1m 9“ y" E1 or: y High “‘00" he Win attend

“ _ ‘ * [j I {3 .I: 1‘1»,in RadaeIM ,AdmgAssrstant Assoc1ation as a o y15t' Elizabethtown Communi Colle e

District7 ‘Keney warniek Gallathounty ” HollyWflai’dDJANBushie/ss k " d 1 t ' ' ’ ty 11 g
i) _ , ’ y'; ,3; 1: _ «,4 x}:,.,w,_,;t an p ans 0 major mjourna sm.
News ,i_‘:’;;_7f ,ng‘mmi‘fifflfimem ”m LEO owner selects CEO, _ .

,, oeectciec Meeeuounivww publisher News-Enterprise hires

Ouflmk 1, ii]; 5: Lif.315”;gait/figs]: -_ E .111ng: Eubliskgncgi (Tjfi. Inc, of B%ut“:lelé for 11:1Sldg sales
_,’ ._ [ct-94M _, , I". , r 1 d ail “C, taff ’, 1c ,. n 3’ , [a ,,: . c, 5 .3::.<,;,_ff>i., me, a,, w c acqulre e ame e outwe , a native o

IndependentarkMaynardAshlan B y ,c it: machedbgie-Gntggflmdfiiemdwrfdm}; 1i Louisville Eccentric Observer last Elizabethtown, has been hired by the

, y’ 3 .: i, _ firstixutiaqull lastname®kymesscomifi month, has named James E. Dible as

District lo‘lidmultdShelbY'BeaWe Therelsnoepeeeorpufletuaflmmflieer CEO/ PIESiden't and PUbliSherc See PEOPLE on Page 11

. mm, meieee Diblehasbeenvicepresident/gee ~ 3 -- - .
4 7 i V y - l y l I
l ' ,

 1 - ,
l E
_ p . . . ' . _ ' -. , _ The Kentucky Press, October 2003 .' Page 3 i
S o o 7 }
Multi-cultural growth in Kentucky Deaths
o o o
.. presents new opportunities Longtime”... .
. . Journal En uirer '
The world 18 drove from countless high schools and colleges columnist ies V
1‘ changing. It’s r Frankfort to nationwide. Then educators began to 011' L b 1 .
. changing right here Oh, By The «3 Louisville. The flea discourage its study with some of I? am ert, a ong-time I
in Kentucky at an ’ ' #3 market is com- them counseling students that in the COlufenlst for the Grayson Journal : ,
astonishing rate. way “V?” ~ fit prised of at least future it might be better to speak Enqmrer and OllVe Hill Times died
C9 Some astute news— By David Greer a», H 4% five buildings that Japanese, Russian or German. But then Aug. 18 at the King’s Daughter ,
paper publishers KPAMenfberSeruicas ’ f connect with one the Japanese economy cooled, the Cold Medical Center in Ashland. She ‘
and entrepreneurs ”"9“" ‘t fig another. As we War thawed and the Germans reunit- was 78. t
' have already recog- E walked up and ed and suddenly Spanish, thanktho Lambert, of Grayson, spent ,
nized the busmess down the aisles of the growmg numbers of Hispanics man weeks of her lif ather'n ,
opportunities and others are certain to the buildings, I was impressed at the entering the United States, became hot 1 y . , e g 1 g ,
follow. significant number of patrons who again. ocal community/[news for her C01"
I’m referring to the rapidly growing were speaking Spanish. I still remem— Of course, Shelby County and the umn entitled Carter County '
Hispanic population in Kentucky. We ber a little Spanish from studying it for urban areas of Louisville and Correspondence.” 'V -
already have at least three Spanish- two years in junior high more than Lexington are not the only areas of Her columns would include
n- language publications in the state and three decades agO- Sometimes it comes Kentucky experiencing a significant birthdays, deaths, reunions, prayer 3
It seems certain that more W111 fOHOW- 11‘ handy. growth in Hispanic residents. It’s hap- requests and general news in the 2
Also, a Louisville AM radio station Somewhere between the concrete pening in many communities through- lives of her neighbors friends and u
.d. recently ditched its syndicated all— yard ornaments and the used video- out the Bluegrass. uni ' 1
ge sports format to go all-Spanish all-the— tapes booth, I began seeing several Maybe the flea market attorney had comm ty.
in time. The change grabbed newspaper signs written in Spanish. More than th - ht . d S h b tw th . .
Y and broadcast headlines as a Kentucky one touted that if a person subscribed salsldgbodtfiaithcenbiivdtlir:elllin eignce F0¥mer Courier-Journal
first. to a certain satellite TV service, there ’ . g y stringer dies -
. . . . . . cowboy hats and another With TV sets . . /
,e While reading the latest Assoc1ated were 29 channels available in Spanish. . . Lucrle Schergens, 95, a retired ,
. . . . . . and stereos for sale sat a distin— , .
Press Industry News capsule, I noticed That junior high Spamsh was paying . . columnist and former Tell Cit 1
H' . M d’ It ff guished-looking man. At the moment, y i
a new category —- .1-spanic e 1a. 0 . his nose was buried in a book Si ns newspaper co—owner, died Aug. 25 '
f“. detailed the acquisition of one major It seems to me that any Kentucky , _ ' g h . .
3 a} . _ . . . . on hIS table sald he was an attorney at Oakwood Healt Campus In Tell
.I' ‘4-.. Spanish language broadcast company journalists who are fluent in Spanish _ . .v _ C’ t f 11 . .11.. Sh
ff “a W by another—a $3 billion deal. could have abright future. Indeed, one licensed in Kentucky and Indiana. 1 y o owmg an I ness. e was 1
The world is changing. It’s chang- of the KPA Journalism Boot Camp par- Another 518“ listed the legal serVices 95' ',.’
ing right here in Kentucky at an aston- ticipants this year has a double major he offered. Sometimes you have to She and her husband, Edgar,
re ishing rate. in college — journalism and Spanish. 100k for opporturuties 1“ unusual ways owned The Tell City News and '
_ A couple of weeks ago, my wife She’s got the right idea. and places. Hmmm, I wonder If there’s Cannelton News until their sale on I,
and I stopped at a Shelby County Many years ago, Spanish was a hot a lesson there for those Of 118 in the Sept. 1, 1972 .
indoor flea market along I-64 as we foreign language. It was taught in newspaper business? A Kentucky native, Schergens V
o g g 0 first started in the newspaper busi-
rf Lessons on av01ding advertismg scams as .
1, Courier, LouisVille Courier-Journal ’
. Advertising , . Scams were dis- $2,000 in ”fees and taxes.” and Indianapolis Star, and over the
rules and regula- Advertising , ‘ $534.9, cussed that may offer Credit cards are being set up over years WOI'kEd beside her husband
tions were ' r low interests loans to the telephone with the salesperson in their many accomplishments :
en explained at a Plus is people with less than asking for a valid checking account with their newspapers.
seminar ”Green - —-—— Q: .. a» ‘V perfect credit. ”These number. Before the credit card arrives ’
Lights and Red 3 businesses are some- the consumer finds out that the check- ° r_ 1
Flagsz FTC Rules By Teresa Revlefi g .- " times open only four ing account has been drained of all filetgfrgrhfeelseserggi .3,
of the Road for KPS Director Of Sales 3.5 weeks,” said Steve funds. dqt Cl. tglog ‘
Advertisers” on ef Wernikoff, attorney During the breakout sessions in the e l 01‘ 165 a :
Sept. 9 at ’ . 1 ' for the FTC Midwest afternoon, automobile advertising, Bernyce 3- Gasser, 0f :.
B e l l a r m i n e Region. Another scam substantiating health and safety claims Owensboro, died Aug. 30 at ,
' University in Louisville. The event could involve stolen credit cards and and home improvement services were Dogwood Retreat in Hartford. She f
was sponsored by the Better Business once the business is targeted, the oper— all discussed. Anyone who wants was 100. '
Bureau serving Louisville, Sollithelrn ation would pack1 up the shop and copies of the handouts from thlel meet— The Hartford native was a V
Indiana and westernVKentuc .y, t e move to anot er ocation, av01ding mg can give me a call and I w1 try to retired telegraph editor for the ,
Federal Trade Commisswn Midwest criimnal prosecution. help. M I . Sh 1,
Region and the Kentucky Attorney A warning was given of a sweep— Also, keep watching for the sched— essenger- ‘fq‘mer- e was a ,-
General’s Office. stakes event where the consumer is ule of the KPA winter convention in member 0f Flst Presbyterian
During the daylong session, adver- told that a prize has been won. An January when representatives from Church. She was Preceded 1“ death
tising claims were examined and those appointment is made to bring the these sponsoring groups will be on by her husband, Lawrence D. (L.D.) .'
’ in attendance were told how to display prize to the consumer. Then the scam hand to conduct seminars for our ”Birdie” Gasser, the writer of the '1,
claims clearly and conspicuously. A is that the winner is told as a citizen of members. column ”Birdie’s Breezy Bits” in ,
11 session on the national do-not-call rule the United States there isan exorbitant More information is available about the Messen er-In uirer, who died '
8 q
and how it could affect our busmess tax on the item. At times the person the various scams and legal ramifica— in December 1979 {
was also on the agenda. delivering the prize walks away with tions at the FTC website www.ftc.gov ' _

 ~ Page 4 - The Kentucky Press, October 2003
, I can trust that lawyer...Can t I . I
By KIM GREENE W" maybe you can go even a little farther That means that it is important to take serious threat to sue you. No matter
» KPA General 2.; 3, than you might ordinarily in your cor- care in the drafting of a correction. how convincingly the person or his e
Counsel 7.3;; $3“ . rection, since Smith and his lawyer You must always be aware that a law— attorney leads you to believe a strong
Dinsmore 8: Shohl I; g; », j' gave every indication that they would suit might follow. In your genuine correction is all they want, you should
' Last week you a: ”g rather not sue. They left you with the eagerness to apologize for a mistake, never lose sight of the danger of self— Re}
published a story a," distinct impression that a good strong you should be careful not to overdo flogging. Check with your own attor- W1:
reporting that Sam ~ a» correction and aPOIOgy is really what the mea culpa lest it come back to bite ney or, of course, you’re welcome to
, Smith, an area busi- “5b 3.. they want. Just clear the air. you. call your Hotline attorneys. We will as ‘
nessman, was ‘ ‘ I You draft the correction based How might that happen here? help you analyze the demand for cor— hv‘
‘ charged with illegal upon Smith’s and his attorney’s vehe- And why should you worry about it? rection and come up with wording h]
1 drug trafficking. You quote a law ment representations to you that he is After all, you @ make a mistake. that corrects the error and satisfies if 6
: enforcement official as saying that he a solid citizen who has never had any- Isn’t the best, most honest, most ethi— your obligations under the correction :5
T was part of a regional ring of cocaine thing to do with drugs. Your correc— cal, most professional approach to statute, while simultaneously protect- Be
‘ purveyors, many of whom were also tion says, among other things, that the admit that forthrightly? ing your ability to defend yourself Ke-
charged at the same time. This week newspaper has no reason to believe Certainly, when a mistake such as fully in the event of a lawsuit. e1
:. you get a letter and a phone call from that Sam Smith is in any way associat- this one is made, the best approach is Some things you need to know yea
3 an irate attorney representing an even ed with any cocaine trafficking ring. to acknowledge it. Something like: about KRS 411.051: the
‘_ more irate Sam Smith. The attorney You telecopy the draft correction to ”Newspaper erroneously reported 'The individual must make a ”suf— anc
tells you you have made a grave mis- Smith’s attorney who calls you back last week that . . . ” or ”the September ficient demand for correction.” The e di'
take which is likely to have a horren- later that day to say it sounds fine. 15 news article incorrectly stated that statute defines that as a demand nev
f dous impact on his client’s personal You publish and sigh a deep collec- Sam Smith was charged with drug which is in writing, signed by the a e
; reputation in the community as well tive sigh of relief. Crisis averted. trafficking. No such charge has ever plaintiff or his attorney. The demand g]
f as his business. He says Sam Smith Or was it? been made against Mr. Smith. The must specify the statements claimed lon
, was not charged with anything, a 'About eleven months later you newspaper sincerely apologizes for its to be false and defamatory and must aco
; matter which would be simple for the receive the complaint and summons mistake.” state how they are false, setting forth tivr
; newspaper to confirm, and certainly in the mail. Despite the attorney’s There is Q need, however, to go the facts. As:
3 is not part of any drug trafficking representations that he and Smith that extra step of stating that ”the 0A satisfactory correction may be ten
ring. were satisfied with the correction they _ newspaper has no reason to believe either: (1) publication of your not
i You get off the phone stunned. helped you draft, they have filed a that Mr. Smith has ever been involved acknowledgement that the statements —
“ You call your reporter and editor in to lawsuit againstéyou. The lawsuit in any cocaine trafficking ring.” are erroneous or (2) publication of the 3:43.: 5
- ask about the news article. Were we alleges that you defamed Smith in Sometimes we like to beat ourselves plaintiff’s statement of the facts (as set “T
correct? Did we make a mistake? two ways: (1) when you said he was up when we’ve made a mistake we forth in his demand for correction) or
g How did it happen? charged and (2) when you said he think we shouldn’t have. This sen- a fair summary of them. You have a
‘ After doing some legwork, the was part of a regional cocaine traffick— tence certainly serves that purpose. right to edit any content which is n
t reporter confirms to you that, in fact, ing ring. But it isn’t necessary to make your defamatory, obscene or otherwise .
Smith was n_ot charged with drug traf— Once again you are stunned and, point and it certainly could become a improper for publication. ]
ficking. He acknowledged never hav- this time, you’re also angry. You problem in the litigation. 0A daily newspaper must publish ism
ing seen an official document, but gave those guys the very correction In the eleven months since your the correction within 10 business days ed
relying upon his source within the they wanted. Doesn’t that mean they original news article, your police after receiving the demand for correc- Sep
police department. When he called are barred from suing you? department source has told you off tion. Any other newspaper must pub- sor
the source back, that person said, ”I Unfortunately, it doesn’t. The the record that the police have been lish the correction by the next regular Jou
said Sam Smith to you? Imeant Sam statute concerning demands for cor- watching Smith very carefully issue which is published after the um
. Simmons, who is going to be charged. rection is KRS 411.051. It states that a because of their suspicion that he is 10business day period. Pre
* The paperwork just hasn’t gone newspaper sued for defamation may involved in the cocaine ring. Not 0The correction must be ”substan- a101
: through yet.” plead that its publication of a correc- only that, you’ve received a couple of tially as conspicuous” as the news Ass
5 Sam Smith’s attorney has demand- tion should mitigate the damages anonymous tips about Smith’s article containing the allegedly false (
‘- ed a correction, so you participate in a payable to the plaintiff. The statute involvement. One of the many legal and defamatory statements. That tea
. conference call with Smith and him. also says that the newspaper is pro- defenses that you might want to means, if the news article in question E35
} You listen to the attorney vent for a tected from a punitive damages assert in the lawsuit would be that all was front page above the‘ fold, the Ma
while. You answer a few pointed award if it made a ”conspicuous and or part of the news article was sub- correction should be, as well. Lar
j. questions. You agree to allow Smith timely” correction and if the plaintiff stanfially true. Truth, of course, is an If you have any questions about and
; and his lawyer to ”assist” with the cannot prove that the newspaper absolute defense to a defamation demands for correction generally or 1011
drafting of the correction and you knew of the falsity of its news article claim. You may not know for certain wish to discuss a specific demand for Y0!
: agree to let them preview it before it when it was published or published that Smith is involved in the cocaine correction, don’t hesitate tocall your 1
; is published. with reckless disregard for the truth trafficking ring, but the information Hotline attorneys. ' dle‘
" After the conference call, you dis- or falsity of the article. This, of you’ve received since your news arti— dra
j cuss how to handle the correction course, is the actual malice standard cle ran gives you leads to follow-up, Ion L. Fleischaker: 502/540-2319 .
’ with your editor and reporter. You’d that is also required of public officials so you don’t want to throw the Kimberly K; Greene: 502/540-2350 Pm
-' sure like to keep Smith and his attor- and public figures who sue newspa- defense of truth away. But have you R. Kenyon Meyer: 502/540-2325 mg,
. ney from following through on their pers. done that already by stating unequiv- Ashley C. Pack: 502/540-2385 hes
threat to sue you. Therefore, you Unfortunately, the statue does not ocally in your correction that you f I
=. want to draft something that is a clear say that publishing a conspicuous and ”have no reason to believe . . . ?” ‘ DINSMORE & SHOHL, LLP 8”
' acknowledgement of the mistake and timely correction upon demand insu- Anytime you receive a demand for Switchboard: (502) 549-2300 0'
3 not a wishy-washy non-apology. And lates the newspaper from a lawsuit; ‘ a correction, you should treat it as a Facsimile: (502) 585-2207 ' :11:
\ > r—_

 The Kentucky Press, October 2003 - Page 5 i
O O f
Longtlme Winchester newspaper Journalists
editor brin s career to a close can travel
g ,
Reprinted with permission from The A native of Louisville, Blakeman, a R i b b o n Wlth WAJ .
Winchester Sun graduate of Lexington's Henry Clay Newspapers
William S. "Bill" Blakeman retired High School, received his journalism by the F 11 h.
as editor of The Winchester Sun, effec— degree from the University of N a t i o 11 a1 V e OWS lps
tive Oct. 1. Kentucky in 1960. E d i t o r i a 1 . ’
Blakeman assumed editorship of During Blakeman‘s editorship, The Foundation. ' . ' ' * ' The World Affairs Journalism ‘
The Sun on May 4,1963, succeeding the Sun's newsroom operations were Blakeman V I. \ ' ’ Fellowships are intended for expe-
late W.C. "Bill" Caywood Jr. who left expanded to include a full-time sports has been ' ' ~ "5- rienced journalists and editors from
the paper to join the Journalism editor, full—time photographer, a city active on America’s community-based daily
Department at the University of editor and additional reporters to pro- numerous .. a, newspapers. The goal is to give ,
Kentucky after serving more than 25 vide more extensive coverage of local local boards ' H: them an Opportunity to establish
years as editor. news. and served j" ’2:* the connections between local- '
At the time, Blakeman, who joined The newspaper began publishing as president , gift j ”2:. regional issues and what is hap— L. -
the paper as a reporter in May, 1960, five locally written editorials a week as of The 9.3g» 5 pening abroad. .’
and who was later named associate well as local columns, some written by K e n t u c k y 4 vfia‘fift Fellows will conduct overseas :
editor, was one of the youngest daily members of the newspaper's staff, oth— Associated William S. Blakeman research and then submit articles to ',
newspaper editors in Kentucky at the ers by members of the community. Press Editors their local papers in an effort to .
age of 25. Increased emphasis was given publica- on three separate occasions. Currently ”internationalize” America’s local 1
He has served as editor of The Sun tion of local letters to the editor. he is on the Advisory Committee for press. The fellowships are founded
longer than any other editor and Under Blakeman‘s leadership The Eastern Kentucky University's 0n the belief that local news is not _,
according to David Thompson, execu— Sun won numerous general excellence Department of Mass Communications limited to one’s immediate commu-
tive direcotr of the Kentucky Press and first—place awards from the and Vice president of the Bluegrass nity and that enterprising reporters j
Association, is one of the longest- Kentucky Press Association in its bet- Heritage Museum's board of directors. and editors can find good interna— .
tenured daily editors in Kentucky, if ter newspaper contests and also was He will become editor emeritus of tional stories in their own back-
not the longest. named one of the country's Blue The Sun and work part-time. yards. The program is aimed at
7 ——————-————-—-—-—-———-————;—-———.——-—-——-—-.— news managersci editors, comfinen— I
1'2: _ tary writers an ot er ” ate ee - 3,
\September was high school J ournalism mm...
. responsible for selecting news ‘
agency and correspondent-initiated
month for many Kentucky students
. By supporting overseas research
More than 800 high school journal- Springfield Sun. Internships at papers Journalism Scholars Day’s events. His and writing projects for up to three
ism studen