xt74b853j49f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j49f/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1944 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, February 1944 Vol.15 No.4 text The Kentucky Press, February 1944 Vol.15 No.4 1944 1944 2019 true xt74b853j49f section xt74b853j49f ., 1, it i
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luch , My earliest newspaper mentors taught (Editor's note: We are happy to pre- are facing a critical year; a well-earned 2 111‘;
me to be precise in the use of some 15 sent some of the high-lights of the ex- and deserved Cl‘iSiS, marking “10 end 01' i." l $11 .
or 20 words. One that sticks in my mem— (:ellent address of A. Y. Aronson, man- war-mongering dictatorslups. 5', ‘1 1‘. 1;
. . . u . . ,, . . . . . > 1 fishy . t
that my 15 the adjective critical. My nose aging edrtor of the Louisv1lle Times, on But not the kentucky Press, not even ' L *1 ISIIIIi t1
the was buried in the big and little diction- “The Press Faces A Critical Year” at the the press of the United States as a whole a Li n
- ztries, mr feelin s lacerated, m' ride mid-winter meetin at Louisville. faces a crisis. Individuall , here and {l 2,5‘.‘ I
WI“! - p . y - . 't ~;t,. ‘
ines hurt, my resentment fired until to me ——-—-———-———-— there, through nusmanagement, lack of ‘1; 11151.1, 1
critical could never again mean any— personnel problems to solve. So the initiative or force of circumstances, the IéIlii 1
-spe- thing to me .except “approaching or newspaper executives and publishers going may get too tough, and publica— l1t,1 j I
men reaching a crisis." That was — and as went into a large-scale huddle and lis- tions may cease or_suspend. Does that pr'lit’q 1
roles far as I know still is—Noah \Vebster‘s tened to a flood of words, over which make it a critical year for the press? I , ll ‘l; t§1,_-.L ‘.
bet- 1 (lefinition. the dam had broken to figure out how don’t believe it does. If it did, then the l t 1t 51 :
’ . . .. .1. '9 l . I.
To many who have newer and more they could possibly do it—and live on press would, even in years of Joyous 1:1: .41 1
modern ideas on the meaning and use the scale to which they were accustom- peace, face a critical year, year in and l ' 11 1
the 0f words, critical may mean inconveni ed year Ollt- 5' I)” l i
. . . . ‘ . . .l . Q . I .
and ence, annoyance, 1rr1tation, something a Now your program committee over Unhappily, no year passes Without .3 1‘1 11 ,
. .‘ little wors 1 ~' - V . ‘ I . ’ «a ‘ ~ ., . ~ 1'1 WEST-t .
.s of . ' e tl an serious. Vhth your the grapcvme, must have heard I was larluxc 1n our ranks. Last year was a .1». A it. ' ‘
cod, 1' permrssron and forbearance, I shall be 'm authority on the face on the com— better year tor the press, true equally 0t l Iii .‘I
re lar and ~- '_ ’ . ( . ‘ ;‘)“g A ‘ . “25‘; i ‘
vorld shine of cryinogr1 Iligggiinglalifd 222:11511; POSIIIg room IIIOOIII so I was selected to ieIiiC illm'i ilgjiilencYTZledi‘ergaligrinwith); III iiIii A I
. y . ‘. '7 ' ‘ . y , . . 1 ( ( t . 1;}; 1.1.11]; 1.,[ i
In an adult life time spent on newspa— file 10115011313 (11:11:51: ,0? 3:: 52222262133311 out of business—some—344 weeklies—if lI i. ii .
- )ers 1c S on. 7 . . 1 ' _ d 1 b 1' ' . .ii lzI—"Ztli-‘i 1'
pro I . ,1 quaint i[ not original idea I stub- my autiorlty an e 1eve 1t trust- .1 111,114... A 3,
- . . . . . ‘ , ’ ' , . ,__- , - . 15.41;" ~§ f.-
Imty Tw1ce last year I crled 1n unison wrth bornly decided to reject a criSiS, even l““ [1.1) ‘5 accurate. Thls year—as I 599 it 1413;; 1,1 ‘ 1
1 some of the country’s best professional thollgh I was to talk on it. More than IRWIN see even that number reduced. 11 3;“ II 1
WeEpers. One OCCEISIOH was in Chicago that I would even repudiate our crisis. Now, if the press does not lace a =1 WI 5
. , .. .' . , ' ' . . . . . . _ :I ‘ dillild ' .
at the ASSOClalCd P1655 Managing Edl‘ , Please remember, if by that dec151on I ttl‘ltlcal year, Just what does it face? I f ; Em: y 11 ‘
" .. - , - . . . . . . . . . git}:- A. ,
101$Assoc1anon meeting. Another damp disappomt and disrllusmn you, by the believe all of you Will agree Wltll me {51.3.35 -' l,
and ”mm session was at HOt Springs, same token I have suffered a lot of per- that it does face an uneasy year. And 3' 1"] 1 1
1 Alllx- There, at the convention of the sonal punishment. that it does face a year of challenge, a 3 1151 l x
1 Soluthern Newspaper Publishers Assoii- I’ll continue by saying frankly, as I trying year, a demanding and exacting 1 Pn‘l .
aflon. the wailing reached crescendo have already strongly intimated, the year, but above all a year of opportun- r3: .5}; 531:: ;
. . . . . i Win—1
PItCh' It “Im'ld have broken your heart press isn’t facing a crisis. Unless we are ”Y for servrce 1n the PUth interest. . .l ’ll‘il" 54%.
to ' .. . - ‘ . . . at 5321 .
have listened 1n. - cowards, weaklmgs and waffle-wrtted We are gomg to have our troubles, i £13151
l’erha) Il , " 'd ' ‘ h .. w" ' d bld ' ' d' " ' \VI 1 ’> M alit‘z' I
is tavcnt ma c it clear w at Wayfarer.» in these tense an trou e annoyances an irritanons. 10 rasnt. .1, ”,1 13 ‘
10“ all the weeping and wailing was about. times, we'll look back upon it as a year Let us give thanks none is beyond our ?I'=j gig; . El '
x . . . - . . . l ., ”:4, ' . .1 _
. ll was that: ‘ the )ress faces a crltical of servrce and obstacles surmounted. solution b atrent, intelltrent and ‘ :1, ma; gm:
L n I _ kg 1 1 $1.1? mn,‘ .
. year. » ' Hitler; his despicable crew of Nazi earnest effort. Approached 1n the prop- 3;; Eli 3'. L5] j
1 Why? Well because we must get gangsters; Hirohlto, lllS T0105 and Cl SP1“t the year ShOUId bC stimulating. ’ $3: .11., .31 :
3 along with less newsprint and there are greedy. inhuman savages. let us hope Solution of our problems will bring EIEI} if:
. I ' 1 Mg; ,1 ’i . .
1 . ,. .2. . .
m 2
I - at: ,‘
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. C 51",} l"? 1
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 3‘, . 3 Page Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1944 ‘
lg: ‘ 2, L l ' fl
_ l 1! 1 '
. 3‘ ll . a feeling of pride, awaken in us new sales resistance will do a better job of most. 1 do not feel that the freedom 01
.7_ l‘ ‘ and better ways of serving our readers, helping us with our newsprint problem. the press has been impaired or threat,
1 i and our country. Papers using more Our papers need more home-grown ened but it is always best and wisest!
7 ‘3 if , ‘ than twenty-five tons of newsprint an- news and fewer features; a whole lot-0f to be on guard against complacency, [ll
nually must overhaul their operation so Victory gardening on our typewriters. has been said over and over again, ml
‘ j it fits into the pattern of rationing. I am not opposed to syndicates. They cently with increased vigor, that we will
. ; , That’s nothing new, I feel sure, to most have helped to take the stodgincss and keep a free press as long as we deserve
' ; . of us. During the depression we used dreariness from many of our inside it and not much longer.
I ‘j less newsprint each issue than during pages. Still, I believe that we should At this point, I should like to VOlttl
;‘ ,§ 3 the preceding decade. It) was done to guard against over-using purchased ma— an inspirational note. It concerns our
. ‘ i ‘ keep the wolf of bankruptcy out of the terial. relations with the public. There is;
' l l counting room. Proper balance is an essential in pro- war-born let-down from peace-time stan-
. It is true our depression-period cur— ducing a good newspaper. The war has dards of service abroad in the land.
l l . tailmcnt had the urge of self—preserva— brought us a golden opportunity to bet- No doubt this has slapped you person-
' l tion;today all of us know—even though ter our perspective, to adjust and pro- ally frequently. It is summed up and‘
f l 1 ‘ we dislike to admit it—it is still self— portion to the best advantage of our- affronts in that too trite phrase: “Don'tl
l j. preservation. abstract and far away as selves and our readers the use of avail- cha know there’s a war on." f
;, “if , ‘ it may seem. The differenece is: this able space. Its background is often a false and
l , time we have been told to do it; in the Yes, it wont be an easy year. Again. erroneous conception of a fifth nerl
, l l 30’s we decided it for ourselves, urged the very hardships we face bring us op- freedom—a freedom the Atlantic Char
l l ,, l on by necessity screaming all over the portunity and challenge. ter didn‘t promise, even contemplate.
l . y; j shop. The year gives us an opportunity to The war is used to cover up shortcoml
‘ftl ‘ Those of you who go back to World learn how many empty box cars have ings, cheating, chiscling, laziness and"
l} 3 "War I—as I (lo—remember when many been running up and down the tracks rudeness. ‘
l j of us did face a crisis——a crisis under- of our column rules on cross-ties of Of course we can’t have business as
I l ’1‘ lined by less than a week’s supply of wasted type. If we carelessly and usual. No body can, least of all tth
l ‘1‘ l newsprint on hand. With business as thoughtlessly rip out the main lines in- Army and Navy and Marines. Butl
l y ‘, ', ; usual and the devil take the hindmost— stead of the abandoned and weed- would like to call your attention to [bet
l , , paper went sky high on a competitive grown switch tracks our readers are value of being leaders, of setting an tr
.‘ l . and unregulated open market. going to become vocal. ample. by an attitude of fairness, hon-
‘lt 2 ; True, this year we have to turn away Then we will learn from those we esty, courtesy and decency in our deal-
litfi' l advertising and circulation revenue. \Ve serve. VVe’ll find out what our readers ings with the public. It will pay big
lt' . 1‘ l l face the prespect of not setting new rec- liked and what few, if any of them read. dividends.
ll}- l ords, of being denied the soul-satisfying The challenge less space brings is bet- ;\s I see it. newspapers will come out
l . j joy of contemplating charts and graphs ter editing. terse writing, sharpened and of the war with added public respect
l ‘ l . I 3 with ever ascending curves. We have to intelligent selection. an end to space— and confidence if they resist the tempts
' , ; inventory the reading matter content. filling gimcracks. It’s a challenge to re- tion to take advantage of their readers,
f, cut here, throw out deadwood there. furbish, revamp and revise our output. advertisers and employes just because
,H l » Newsprint reduction has compelled As I see it, all we have to do to avoid the times present the opportunity [0
ll . l ' us to survey our features. The easy, lazy trouble is quit trying to get our papers give little and ask much.
,‘ i way to get out a paper is to fill it with the old way under new conditions. It is true the public—its voice and“,
l i syndicate and handout matter. That’s In addition to troubles all of us have rights bludgeoned into passive resctII-‘
i a royal road that ends in a ditch. Fill- worries. If we are Republicans, twelve ntent and submission by the exigencies;
1‘ l‘ 3 ing the paper with news and features years of doubting the intentions and of war—expects the worst;to have shoddy
1 ‘ produced on the spot is the hard way. mistrusting the motives of the National goods foisted on it just because "you
_‘ ‘1‘ , Opinion differs as to the proper ratio administration have given us a special can sell anything now." Let us be now
;1 1 . l of one type of material to the other. skill for worrying. Republican pub- as always.
f‘ ' There can be no difference of opinion lishers and editors today worry more I have noticed in our office the 100k
7, l on overdoing the purchase of features than their Democratic colleagues about of pleased 31“]ij and beaming grail-y
“ i and turning newspapers into mere as» censorship, the hoard of Washington Iude in the eyes and on the faccsfllx
3 sembly plants. department public relations men, Cairo mothers. fathers, “'1ng sisters and
7 . Carried too far, the use of features and Teheran and the Hot, Springs food brothers of men in the service when “:9
fl 3 reduces us to glorified job printing conferences press shut-outs; spoon-fed “'Qlanne them courteously with their
1 Q plants. With this difference: we buy the news, a free press, a free flow of news items for our camp [10% columns. Other
{if job work copy and sell the product a feeling that Washington believes news visitors on other errands have shown
l ii ' 1 whereas the job plant, as we now know belongs to the government and not to similar appreciation. ‘ .
. _ it, sells the job work and the buyer the 13001)le official SUPPFCSSiOH- Tho-8‘0. It gives them new hope and faith”
l . ‘ brings in the copy and pays for setting Of US who are DC’IIIOCFHKS may b0 01112 of the brotherhood of man, to find an
l . it up and printing it. practice when our turn comes. oasis of politeness in a desert of bad
T110 syndicates fflCC diminishing re» Again some of us with AP member» manners. Before the war they Wgulfl
I - LUTIIS- All Of 115 are DOW receiving sales ships view with alarm the government's have taken it as their right; today "lit
l“ arguments with such catch phrases as victory in the lower courts amending a bright light piercing a strange “m,
- “May we help you with your newsprint its membership by-laws. Super—heated world. ‘ l —
" l - l problem": “Your paper needs more minds refer to the injunction as regu— Then again maybe I have failctllll
.i y l entertainment—less war news.” Stiff lation which must be resisted to the ut- (Please turn 10 Page Sm'tfll
1 , é ’ /
" L . , . ,.,.. . .~r..._.m~_¢mwst . , mum-«w.

 . ., “ ",'.r‘.:'::'r:-,:~;“"4"":5173153"" f5r555555335553355"":35'555551355515555 '5 ‘5 55 - . 5 ' 5.55 _ , - , ., A w » 5 :77 ‘15": ”“57 5
~‘ ' can; 3
- February, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three .--‘ 33H .
5944 5 ' '1 5, 53
___——__—-———_——————_— ‘. 5i
2- 33553: g: .,
freedoyn 03 ,2; :53 ,‘f
l or threa, “T, , -?
and Wisesil l :3" ‘l
)laccncy, [,5 i 3 3
1‘ :1g:1in,r¢. o l ,3 1 3:
that we will 20 O 'Lta a? ,5 5 3
we deservi- 5‘ 33 .3453
" :2 a» -i .
"Will-.15 4 555i 5
kc to Voice M ‘t . I B . r 3,5 5555 3 :5
oncerns curl uni, 1,071, 8 etng aste ! é 3; .
There in j 3
:c-Lime Stan. - H3:
1 the land. 3;
you 55655555555 1' 5 55’
1C(l up and 5 i5 55 l
'ase: “Don'il, 5 ‘3 53
3 2 :3; 1 1
a false and ‘ :33: ,5? :
l [itrh ntti'l Waste of any kind hurts the war effort. But waste of food ,- ,
1.11:? 015155, — a vital munition of war — strikes directly at every production _ 1
‘01 ’1] ‘. . . . . . . . l-If ‘5
p “@3133 soldier and every fighting soldier in American armies. : 33 5,5 l: ,
azincss and,‘ 3 133
l .» 5 3 The fact that today one out of every five pounds of precious ; 33,35 _
35555515155ill553“ food produced in America is going to waste is an urgent challenge L 55 :
mes, Bu, 11 to the food industry and to consumers alike. 5‘, 5:: ‘
nrion Lothc3 ", 'i‘ ;5 .
:tting an CX- H b h p B ff- - d - . .555 53
llrnCSS, l10n- OW can we com at t IS waste. y more e ICIent istri- ,5: _ 1‘:
in our deal bution. By reducing spoilage of perishables in transit and in the ’ ,3
vi“ Pull bl: store. By guarding against waste in the housewife's kitchen ', 15’, 5,
.11 m mu _ where 40 per cent of this waste is taking place. 31,, ’i ,
l (:01 ' 1 5535553533,}3
Iblic respect I, 1 35355335” _ .
1150 ”ml“ That waste in distribution can be cut is proven by the ex— 5 ;' 333133 3
5‘“: 3:15:11; perience of A&P Stores. By speeding the movement of perishable 1,; 3 3,5,7 _ 35 2
US " « , . . . ‘1‘“; :. -
,5mmnm ,, products from farm to dinner table . . . by eliminating unneces- :j 3 ,5: 3
5 sary handling operations, we have cut waste and spoilage of fruits 33 E 553 v,
5 ,"05‘1‘ “”355 and vegetables alone by 50 per cent in the past 20 years. 3,515,: : :, ‘
isswc rescn-' : , , ,
1c exigencies, . 55,, l 3 ,1
hzn‘cshodd)‘ Such achievements as these are enabling the men and , ,35/3 ‘
>ccnus:c "W“ women of A&P to do the nation’s most efficient job of food dis— ,f,f ,, 5-35 ‘3
* ‘ 1 "‘5 ' - - 511.552,
_t, us )L 11 l'rlbul'lOn. i :§ ,,
{ice 0101005 353 5-
taming grflll'l : 5:, 33 :
the faces 05\ 555 55 5 55 5
sisters Illlll * ' : : 3555’5 a 3 ‘ 5-:
“5‘5“ “5550555555 11‘ i r i
,- wllh the" ‘: .
lumns. Olhcl , : : 3 1 .5:
have shown . 1 3,1, ,1 5‘
W 55555" A 85 P F 001) S l OR ES 5 1
to find all ' :5 5'333 ,
lcsert 0E 5’55 ,3 3.5.53 3, 5
they would ' i «i,
r; today 55 5551 , , 55: 3 ,
mg ‘2 33%;: g; ;.
" _—_—__—__— 14‘: 5,5333 ; 3 f
"“5 5555555555 5555 95: 5 5555,:5 5:; 5 -
,, Page 55'5”" ‘ ”i 52:3 .2 5‘ ;,
I 55 "E: i
' ,3 ,2 ,
- 1 in i":

 l l‘ ; Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS February, 1944 Fe
ll‘w ll? ' ‘ I t .‘
El 1‘ . -
l t: 1 . and ordered the magazine Obarred frolll most backward against any tampering \ celleCt tai
. l l 7/78 sec0nd~class mailing pr1v1leges. The with that subject. As much cannot be Hons to
l Eil : ’ l l t i . . 1 P 3; serious angle to the case is that the ‘93?de the act1v1tres of many of the ad- gated out
l . l 3 en 3 :5; rVV’SS postmaster general has arbitrarily de- mlnlstratlve agenctes oi. the government' Althou
V l ‘ i l . * eided that the content of. the magazine If they have not directly tampered with: the theor
' ” l official PgticgtgogiazfiiKentucky is neither of the arts, news nor science. the operations of the 11311111 conception neys for
i es _ Thus. the postmaster general established of a free press they have come danger. eral new
I 'l‘l lf Victor e. Portmann, Editor-Publisher a preccdet of determining in his own 01181)’ C1059 ‘0 ‘t- ‘ . ‘ _ well he
E” :l» E l] _.__.._____. mind what is art, news and seience as Whether application of lIlln‘lmum‘ brief for
I l l l l Printed On The Kernel Press. Lexington they appear in publications which have hour and maximum wage proviSiom‘l newspapf
I l: l -—————-—- the constitutional right of free expres— bargaining with employes, restrictiomt for the (
i i Kentucky Press ASSOCiafion pflicers sion. The ruling did not. hold that con— on advertising, are in fact a limitation pression
l . l J” Richards‘m“'”'"'"'§£E§i&7;ii"""""W'Tmes’ Glasgow tent of the magazine is salacious or 0b~ on free exercise of expression are cer. showed t
i l El l l Chauncey Forgeym'ViEé‘ffiieTsiciéinidependem’ Asmand scene. Such a finding might have held tain to be at final issue before long. The would be
l I l View R' P°rtm°§§g;g{;§:fi;;gg} °f K" ”mm" some consistency had it been referred to anti-trust suit against the Associated at least 5
l l l ‘ ‘ Executive Committee, 13:23:“ tsmm thejustice department for proper action. [tress 15‘ clearly one that involves tlm‘ huyersn:
l]: l ailrifanyfiifi, fgaiiiz—égiief’isun-Deniocmt, Paduf It 15 hardly the function if the pOSt- right of government to order and die mg co
il, 3 . 2 . 98h; Second. John 11 Games: Park 0“” News, 30"“ office department to determine the thCS- tate practices of a free press. The fourth tent.
‘El l 1 l t mg Green; Third. John H. Hoagland, CourteroJournal; ' . . b , the . , i. at‘tel” ‘eneral of [h This L
l l Louisville. Fourth. James M. WigéiéM§iiae:—%ggh$?u. tion which was placed at issue ) assistant pos m s g. . e
l .E 2223335,,fi‘M‘é‘M'engnbi’ixe'ia'lv, fiobinson,MtHeSr€eid. dec15ton. There are sufiiment regula— United States, .WhO prefided. as hearing some-re;
l l [l E i : iigélitsiiiliiih,Ei§2igidJ’X’giggi’iiigfdiigfaiii’ican; Wii- lions to handle those publishers who use judge man action to determme whether1 question
i I “13 l . l liamsbur—g; TylerseMrgg‘flgi-dé- Aggfifiih,mgiigfp§iigi the freedom granted by the Constitution 3 magazme should be deprlved of 560 mg fron
El llf'l l sniiitisztthhgdif'Statz-at-Lafget ImmEd‘W Pa“ PM" to go bCVOHd the bounds. If a pllthh- ond-class postal privileges, declared the terest. I
‘l ‘ l ‘I l ident Vance Armenia-out, Courier-Journal, Louisville. i . . _ ', , . . . . ‘ . _ .
1 ' Kentucky Press Women's Club er, or a private Citizen, disregards thC case involved some important prll'lC1p165[ er. adve
1:. 113‘ H: ' $2: $33M?fiffizggfiiféi‘ieifiiiégdfim‘f’c’ifiiiiiiiii laws and regulations there is statutoUi of the freedom of the press and also the Withinl‘
7 l l “ hirstvmerrestdent; ”5’31"°M§3““,§;§§E§;Z}'£;2fi' and orderly process to effect the desiret question of whether the host Office De- ’grantCCh.
~ E E an: tastiest. a. MM M M: wit the manna: (lepaltmem imminent has the legal ugh: M MM r f
llji." l Wallace. Advertiser, Walton, Recording Secretary: ”(jump prosecutor 01‘ ptdiciary. “mute publications by barring them from the resent tl‘
l Elli ‘ l ‘. fifizin‘é’hlécé‘éfifé’; fifgpzfig‘fl'Bfigfifl‘llfittgifiiij no newspaper may ever be confronted mails. It must be admitted that a publi-l (lithe l
ll l} ’”*‘—'*—”’“—#“'#_H with the problem. the position assumed eat-ion might be subject to civil or crim- . and in
l l ll NATIONAL GDITOPIIAL— by the postmaster general is a constant inal action for violation of a specific- asutuch
ll l l i .1/ ASSOCIATION threat if that Offidal is henceforth ‘30 law. but there is a question whether tion. 0
l‘ l > ' [944% have the power of determining what is barring the publication from the mails that ”A
l. l l l l 7’ prOpCr information 10 merit continua— because of a law violation is inerelya ttewspa];
ll l" l ' i ‘ ___-_- 7— tion of mailing privileges. it is ObViOUS subterfuge that interferes with freedom. Were it
l l}; l W that the postmaster general assumed the Publishers are “P"- to accept freedom person (
l ll; 1 ‘ MEMBER position in the hope of an appeal to of the press as a matter of course andn paper.
l l 1 RV’ the courts but the precedent is danger- privilege and right which cannot be There
ll i‘l.‘ ill , K TUCKY PRES ”“5 as 1‘ P0591171e "CS”‘Cn‘m on a free disturbed. The trend of the past set- leltOfl
l‘l ‘ ill» - PTCSS- eral years and which exists at present «1 mode]
llllil l ' ASSOCIATION —————————‘————————— ‘ is sufficient to awaken a sense of realiztt- {mfnlelws
lllll' l onumzan JANUARY, tau F P Ci se tion that (Well this fundamental mlght‘, It, 0 0‘
‘1 l '53 “" "—‘“_—'.T_W . . _— ree. ress GU . be altered and reconstructed. Gilli. Mien:
l: 3 Volume szlmm, Number Fom Taking FCIS‘i' Spotlight strono‘ and virile organization will pm; advertis
1l: ‘1' l wriufl—MMWHWAT It has been stated that the constilu» vidc :lie force and power which Will be 1" adve
l “ l A Dangerous Precedent tional law travels in cycles and that dur- necsesary to' prevent the pendulum from be Educ
{ ‘ E l Set By P. O. Officials ing some period of: history some class swinging away from absolute freedoI-Il iio “
l l l Publishers sat by with little interest or group affected'by the 90nst1tutxon that whlch is restrrctedb'arlrd 111112350? KGWJ
ll. .if l when the post office department moved Will l)0_ 1" [hf bf‘é’ih‘ Sthght ”r lm‘ Newspapers have all? (ic g-T(i)tvi11notl eWSF
l3 5 l i: in on a number of publications and gatlon m which it is concerned. court protection but t at a. one h' h fit The
l l‘ barred them from the mails because they For a number of years the commerce spare them from the spotlight w 1;“): Ilcwspa]
ll l ‘ _ contained alleged seditious material. clause was-given a ride of attention and hemg turned on.—Th( an iana IIIDtion
ll E This was not so serious since it was genr the majority of cases before the courts hshct. lished i
Z‘: ‘1 ‘ 1E erally agreed that any publication WhiCh W-Cl‘fi concerned Chiefly ‘Vith that pl?» *‘___________._~————- [erestin
l ‘ interferes with the war effort should be vlston. Recent and .present events in- Public Requires Ads ment 0
ll»; .1“. l handled with a mailed fist. Then came dicate that the constitutional guarantee in Modern Newspaper M the stat
llli l i l the citation against Esquire magazine to of a free press is having its day in court _ ‘ . tcdl the pro
lll‘ l E‘ ~ show cause whv it should not be de- and that for a few years the agencres Several years ago a brief was preset:la trs and
ll ‘ prived of its second class postal permit established by that guarantee W111 have to the Indiana. Supreme C(l)‘u:ittioln oil It wi
ll: ‘ ‘ 1 because of its alleged risque contents. A their inner workings paraded before the newspapencase involvmg APP ‘C e from itntted
11 i l three-man panel heard the evidence and public eye. the gross income tax on inlcomovedifll llll‘ned
' l two of them recommended dismissal of Courts have not been eager to tackle that part of advertismg whrct m‘ncomc . Senate
l 1 the action. Despite this. the postmaster the problem involved in the freedom of interstate. commerce. ThC 3T0“ 11d not " (lbsenti
.1 general overruled his own hearing board the press. Rather they have leaned al~ tax divismn had admitted it cou
t.‘ . 1 E t l .
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 ' -. ‘ 53:95:55
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944 February, 1944 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five shirt? -
tampering ; collect tax from the income of subscrip- Governor. Generally speaking the law unlikely that the reporter would be "'w 21:1? i '
cannot be [ions to the newspaper which were 10- grants complete immunity to any bona compelled to divulge what only he 1,15" "
of the ad. gated outside lndiana. tide owner, editorial or reportorial em- knows, and if it is published the infor— i1 '1' .'
3vernment| Although the court did not sustain ploye of a newspaper or press associa- mat'ion is public property. i '51
percd 111111.- 1116 theory of the newspaper, the attor- tion from disclosing the source of any The question of constitutionality over - , 1f; 1
conception neys for the publication advanced sev- information obtained in theeourse of limitations, as raised in the review, is :‘1 1i 1 »
ne danger. eral new but sound arguments that can employment. no more important than ever. Legal 'tl1
well be studied by publishers. The Among the many comments on the publications in Indiana have been re- 1. 1111‘
minimum brief for the newspaper argued that the law was a review published in the 111— stricted to length of operations for years 1' ' t1ii111i 1 .
provision511' newspaper no longer 18 a medium solely dittna Law Journal which 1qu1est10ns pro- and to date the limitation has not been _ Sili Q.
restrictions; [or the dissemlnatron of news and ex» visions of: the act that limit its coverage upset by any higher court decision, u,
limitation pression of individual thought. It to those newspapers ”published for five therefore it is not apt to become an is- 2 ’t,’
n are cer- showed that. without advertising there consecutive years in the same city or sue as a result of the privileged com~ “i;
long. The would be few buyers of newspapers since town, and which “must have a paid cir- munication act, which, in all other rc- '1 1111 '
Associated at least 50 per cent of subscribers to and culation of at least two per cent of the spects, is admittedly valid. ‘15
volves 1111 buyers of newspapers consider advertis- population of the county in which it is _———_———.__m— v 5 .1152
r and die! ing content as important as news con» published.” The review states these pro- Something new has been added as a ”1
fire fourth tent. ViSiOHS “cast dOUbt 0“ the COHSUtUthH' defense to an action in libel through a . t '1‘ s ‘
l of the This brief showed up recently during ality of the statute.” decision by the Supreme (301m of West ' 1‘ -1
as hearing some research work and revived the The Law Journal review is important Virginia in which 1-1 held that "a mis- 1 1 111,1 , 1
l6 Whether, question or 111C importance 0f advertis- because it suggests questions WhiCh 1335' statement of fact with reference to of— 1. fl't'j, i .,
'ed of sec- ing from the standpoint of reader in- ically touch the legal advertising laws licial acts of a public officer made with- ‘ 't .
clared thci terest. It also raises the issue of wheth- of the state. For instance, it is stated out malice and in the reasonable and 1 t 1 -
principles; er advertising columns are included “whether a newspaper is one of ‘general honest belief that the statement is true, 1 1‘ ,
(I also thc' within the privilege of a free press circulation‘ or whether it has been pub- is qualifiedly privileged.” ~1_ i1? 1 11 ‘1
Office De- granted by the Constitution. It would fished a sufficient length of time to give The case involved comments by the C 1ft,111f1‘ '
to censor i seem that the advertising columns rep- :1 legal notice seem questionable as tests publisher of a newspaper in his personal f I 1111 ' 1
from thc1 resent the right of the public to the use to determine if a newspaper is a bona column “11 certain expenditures by a ,11':11_ .
it a publi-1 (if the freedom granted to publications fide publication. Some newspapers pub- public Official. Suit for libel was filed 1" 51:11
il or crim- . and in that respect: advertising is just lished in small towns~espccially if one by the (,ffida] against the newspaper _ 1‘: ,1
a specific as much a free agency as news dissemina— 01‘ more large cities are in the same with a demand for $100,000 damages. ' 1195i}
. wliether tion. One learned judge has declared COUIHYHWill not DC 8|ch to meet lllC Cil" The answer of the publisher set out that = 1‘1 1 i
the mails that “Advertising is the lifeblood of culation requirement, yet they 51‘0““ the newspaper had the right of fair cont— '1‘ ih1
merely It newspapers" and. of course, that is true. be privileged if others are. ment and privilege upon the acts of .l ft1111 ‘ _
freedom. Were it not for advertising the average ”lVllilC 501110 PUbllCilllOllS SlIOUld HOE public officials, to which the plaintiff ‘1l'f'1i’11
tfreedom person could not afford to buy a news- lJC permitted £0 1150 this Slillllte 515 11 demurred. Overrule of the demurrer 11-:‘f‘;11121l3"£1 '
trse anda paper. SlllCld f01‘ illegitimate activities, 1110 1‘0- sent the case to the Supreme Court ii £51.11 '
annot he' 'l'herefore. advertising is an integral qtlil‘clllCntS, HS enacted, 500m unfair and which sustained the lower court. l1" " i
past ser- part of the whole which goes to produce arbitrary. The bell” ("’“TSC “Wild b0 ln ruling on the case the court siated: 4.1:
Lt present a modern newspaper. There would be to let the courts decide whether a par» “Official acts '01? a public officer are of ,1, 1 11,.
of realiztl- no newspaper without news matter, but ticular newspaper is a bona ftdc publi- such concern and importance to the ‘1 ,1 , ‘11 ,
tal might; it follows that there could be no news— (31100” lfigilimfltc small WWII papers public generally that a statement thereof {i [11 1 xii '
(1. 01111-1 paper, as the public demands, without. and newspapers recently started would is (puilifiedly privileged if made in good 15' 1i i} 3
will pro-f advertising. There is definite news value ”01 the” l)(‘ ”Hill-81b (’X(7llI(lC(l-" faith and