xt74b853j37q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j37q/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1991 1992 2013ua031 booklets  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Fact Books UK Stands Out!,1991-1992 text UK Stands Out!,1991-1992 1991 1991 1992 2019 true xt74b853j37q section xt74b853j37q UK Educates 37% UK Now Recommended ' The pass rate for College of Law
- - graduates on the Kentucky Bar Examination
Of the College Students In five National College was 91% m1990 and 96% in 1939.
In Kentucky GUIde Publications
- With more than 70,000 students —— ~ UK is cited for the quality education it UK Taking Initiative
. . t . . ' _
24,000 in Lexmg on and 46,000 at the offers at a relatively low cost in five college TO Attract MInOl'lty
community colleges across the state — the gurdes and national magazmes.
University now educates 37% of all students w . Students and Faculty
1:311]: eigikzgizzggl g a pubhc or private 4; g Egblig Qnivgmiu; - Thanks to growing University initiatives
g ' W in minority affairs, UK again increased the
gem number of African-American faculty on the
Community Colleges WWW Lexington Campus. In the Fall of 1991, .
Eduggtian; there were 31 African-American faculty
sat AnOther Record 12;; 1222 £21;ng lg lQl 21:ng But compared to 21 the year before.
For Enrollment Mm in dam-m Mm, and n b :347 M .
I! . . . . - ere were a on o more new-
- UK’s community colleges, providing LlnSwll H g avaid l l R , annual American students in the Fall 1991 freshman
maximum access to higher education in the colle e rankin s class.
state, enrolled more than 46,000 students in g g '
the Fall of 1991 — the most in history. _
There are fourteen of the two-year colleges Coflege Program UK Faculty Attracting
making up the UK Community College Highlights $80 Million in Grants,
. b 0 ' .
System Enrollment has grown y 8 % in Contracts and Glfts
the Past five yeaIS- - 37% of the 1990 graduates from Arts
and Sciences began work toward advanced - In the highly competitive national arena
degrees immediately upon graduation. of extra-mural funding, UK’s faculty
UK Had 48 . , expertise is attracting about $80 million in
. . - The College of Agriculture s Coopera- :1 ts c tra ts d 'fts . th 1991 92
Natlonal Mer't SChOIarS tive Extension Service makes over 5 million 5: I; Em? C an g1 m e '
In the Freshman Class service contacts with Kentuckians every a e year '
. . year. e Further testimonial to faculty expertise
' - There were 48 National Merit Scholars ' The Colle e ofBusiness and Economics is UK’s ranking as a Research University of
m the freshman $1355 on the Lexington g . . the First Class by the Carnegie Foundation.
Campus, an all-time record, placmg UK has the only doctoral program in the state m
among the Top 30 institutions in the nation business 311d economics. ° 98% of UK’s faculty have the highest
in the number of Natilténal Merit Sit/11012.15 . The College of Engineering has the only degree attainable in their fields. ‘
Enrolling m 1991‘ U 5 National ent four—year bachelor of science program in
€321,315 come from all parts 0f Kentucky Kentucky accredited by the Accreditation
an we other states. Board for Engineering Technology. UK Library Has Over
' 1:63;? 82 big: $111001 Yaltzdiigr: e The College of Communications offers 2 Million VOIumes .
ans an ovemor c o ars in e . . .
freshman class. $231533 program in communications - The UK Library System, with 15
‘ specialized library collections in Lexington,
- College of Dentistry students scored houses 2.2 million volumes, including a
UK NOW Giving high on the last Southern Regional Clinical valuable collection of rare books, manu-
Over $2 Million Board exam. scripts and photographs.
In Merit Scholarships o The College of Architecture offers the o The UK Library in Lexington is
only professional degree program in the state interconnected by computer with the libraries
0 Scholarships awarded to UK students approved by the National Architectural at 14 community colleges and with the U. S.
based on merit now total more than $2 Accreditation Board. Library of Congress.
million a year. . ,
o The College of Human Envrronmental ' The UK Library ranks 53rd among
. The University also awarded $548,000 Sciences is the only one of its kind in the university research libraries in the United
in 1991 in Commonwealth Scholarships. state fully accredited. States.
( Oi; \! i

 Private Fund-Raising 4,900 In Graduate School UK Faculty And Students
sets A" Tlme Record oGraduate school enrollmentin the Fall Wln Awards And HOI’IOI’S

- Total private giving to the University in 1991 was at a record high of 4,900 students. Students:

1991 was an all-time record high of $27.8 , . , .
million. . Included in the graduate offerings are 92 - T. A. McKinney was the top intercolle-
master’s and 57 doctoral programs. giate debater in the nation after being named

- The number of donors reached a record . Th U , , ard b t $15 the best debater at the National Debate
33,000, a 22% increase over the previous , , e mversity aw s a on . Tournament.
year. nulhon annually in graduate fellowships and .

teaching and research assistantships. 0 Tim Weatherford was named the

0 Alumni giving was $3.6 million. national cooperative education student of the

. There were 260 new UK Fellows UK Industrial Extension year. HIS major W85 computer science.
(donations of $10,000 or more) in 1991. IS New Service ° UK’s student pep band for basketball

. games is the largest in the nation with nearly
For Busmessllndustry 200 members.
UK playing key role - UK’s new industrial extension service,
In Education Reform modeled after the successful agriculture Faculty:
extension service, is providing technical _ , ,

- The University has funded an Institute problem-solving and manufacturing plant , . Jeremy Pop 1911’ History, achrevedhwhat
on Education Reform in the College of needs assessments statewide. ‘5 p ‘9“ny a first m scholarly “‘30Fm‘wn'
Education and named an associate dean for He Simultaneously won the presugrops '
education reform and research in the college. _ Fulbright and Guggenheim fellowships. H15

. . Med|cal School Ranks father won the same awards in 1952 and
D0- UK has rev1sed‘1ts curriculum in the 6th in Nation 1970,

ctorate of Education program to focus on _ . _

education reform. In anary Care 0 Kimberly Ward Anderson, Chemical
Engineering, received the coveted Presiden-

- UK is delivering doctoral classes in - The UK College of Medicine ranks sixth rial Young Investigator Award from the
education to the Western part of the state and in the nation in its primary care program, National Science Foundation. The award is
soon to the Eastern part of Kentucky via the according to a survey published by US. accompanied by a grant which Will support
new interactive video. News & World Report. Dr. Ward’s research in cell membranes.

HISTORY RESEARCH some S46million annually. More than
UK was founded in 1865 as a land- UK ranks among the Top 100 $2 "f”,“o” "1 scholarships based on
grant institution...Took present name in research institutions in the nation. UK merit '5 awarded 93°“ year t° UK
1916...Charles T. Wethington Jr. is the faculty expertise is attracting about $80 students. '
tenth president. million in research grants, contracts and TUITION
gifts from outside sources in the 1991-92 .
academic year. The-199293 full-time undergradu-
THE CAMPUS ate tumon and fees on the Lexmgton
UK’s 673-acre campus is located Campus add up to $999 a semester
just south of downtown Lexington in the FACULTY for Kentucky residents; $2,679 for
heart of the beautiful Kentucky Blue- There are 1,566 full-time faculty on non-residents.
grass region. the Lexington Campus, and some 1,050
faculty in the community colleges. ALUMNI
ENROLLMENT The University has 115,000 alumni
There are about 24,000 students on MEDICAL CENTER around the world.
the Lexington Campus and over 46,000 There are 2,700 students in the five
students in the UK Community College colleges of the UK Albert B. Chandler COMMUNITY COLLEGES
System. Medical Center—medicine, dentistry, Thereare 14 two-year community
nursing, pharmacy, and allied health colleges m the UK system located
ACADEMIC PROGRAMS professions. across the state.
There are 17 academic colleges and .
a graduate school. There are 108 b The Medical Center-also has a 461- CAMPUS TOURS
. , ed hospital as part of Its teaching and .
undergraduate majors from which to service programs There are free, gunded campus tours
choose. ' at 10 am. and 2 pm. weekdays from
the Visitor Center in the UK Student
LIBRARY STUDENT FINANCIAL AID Center. Saturday walking tours are
UK’s library system contains more About 55 percent of UK’s students available at 11 am. September through
than 2.2 million volumes. receive financial aid which amounts to April only.