xt74b853j35j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j35j/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2013-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2013 text GLSO News, June 2013 2013 2013-06 2019 true xt74b853j35j section xt74b853j35j é GAY AND LESBIAN SERVICES ORGANIZATION
‘ A Publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Services Organization June 2013 vol 35 No. 6
Emir; Kg ‘1 I; . a
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Sponsored by
. Lexmgton Pride Festival

 6th Prlde Festlval Schedule of
Coming Soon Entertainment

Plans for the 6th Annual Lexington 11:00 — 11:30am: Welcome/Proc—

Pride Festival are nearing comple- lamation from Mayor Jim Gray/

tion. Presentation and Performance by

Miss/Mr. LexPride

The event which draws people

from all over Kentucky as well as 11:30am — 12:00pm: Company Q

surrounding cities and states, ex-

pects the largest crowd in its his- 12:00 — 1:00pm: DJ SET— DANCE ‘

tory to fill the Downtown Court- BREAK — Battle of the DJ’s — DJ

house Plaza on Saturday, June 29. Brady (Crossings)/ DJ ea (pulse)

Festivities begin at 11 am. and

continue all day until 9 pm. 1:00 — 1:30pm: Lexington Chil—

Food, vendors, activities, and dren's Theatre — Starlight Singers

entertainment of all sorts will be

featured. There will be more of 1:30 — 2:00pm: SisterSound

everything and all of it will take

place in a family oriented environ- 2:00 — 3:00pm: Community drag

ment. show

The Lexington Pride Festival, 3:00 — 4:00pm: Live Act — Bridge

which regularly draws crowds up- 19

wards of 10,000 people, began

in 2008 as a means to celebrate

diversity in Central and Eastern 4:00 — 4:45pm: DJ SET — DANCE

Kentucky. BREAK — DJ E-Square (pulse)

Participants have the opportunity

to purchase merchandise, listen to 4:45 — 5:00pm: March Madness

singers and songwriters, view and Marching Band

read art and literature and interact

with members of the LGBT com-

munity. The festival also gives 5:00 — 6:00pm: Live Act — SylVic &

local businesses the opportunity The Mockingbirds

to sell their goods and services

by manning booths, advertising in

promotional materials or sponsor- 6:00 — 7:00pm: Live Act — DOM- ‘

ing the festival itself. Over the five INC 1

year history, more than 150 local l

businesses have participated. .

The Lexington Pride Festival will Zhga, 8.00pm. Community drag L

take place, rain or shine, this June l

29, 2013, beginning at 11 am. in i

downtown Lexington at the Court- 8:00 _ 9:00pm: HEADLINER: Pop- f

house Square. py Champlin

The festival's message of. valuing

gl‘s’§{§$‘g€§§£fie‘;§f’p'e Will be on This entertainment schedule is ,

subject to change. |
l |


 Issue 6 20 13 Feature Story_
Summer Means Pride!
GSA Meeting
KY Bourbon Every Tuesday, 7 p.m.
Bears Pride Center
GLSO Board Meeting
Thursday, June 6, 6:30 p.m.
Bible Study Pride Center
Lexington Gay Geeks Sci Fi Club
Gay and the Friday, June 14 & 28, 6:30 p.m.
Gray 6
Trans Kentucky
Saturday, June 1, 6:30 p.m.
_ Pride Center
Pride Prom
1 10 KY Bourbon Bears Meeting
‘ Saturday, June 8, 9 p.m.
i Pride Center
; GLSO_ _
w ClaSSIerds _ _
i 11 Imperial Court of Kentucky Meeting
l Sunday, June 9 & 23, 6 p.m.
Pride Center
1 The final TWISt Pride Festival Planning Meeting
1 13 Thursday, June 13, 20, & 27, 7 p.m.
{ —

 KY Bourbon Bears members who are “gay or
Events bisexual and hirsute, admire
men of hirsute nature or en-
The Kentucky Bourbon joy the company of hirsute
Bears, Inc. is a civic organi— men".
zation whose purpose is to
provide charitable support Our next big event will be
to LGBT service groups and the Mr. Bourbon Bear and
to further awareness of the Cub contest that we will hold .
positive contributions that in September.
our group can make to the
LGBT community and to our Last year’s winners went on
larger communities/cities. to participate in the North
American Bear Weekend
To this end, The Kentucky where both Curtis Bass (cur—
Bourbon Bears, Inc. has re— rent 2013 North American
cently donated $1100.00 to Bear) and Jack Lundy (cur-
Moveable Feast and $200.00 rent 2013 North American
to No Hate from our Febru- Bear Hunter) won additional
ary 2013 event North Ameri- titles.
can Bear Weekend. Our
most recent fundraiser, The We will have an information—
Big Baskets of the Bluegrass, al booth at Lexington Pride
raised $4800 which will be Festival June 29th for any-
donated to Lexington Fair- one seeking information or
ness. The Kentucky Bour— who may want to join us.
bon Bears also participated
in the AVOL 2013 Lexington You can get more informa-
AIDS Walk and we were the tion, see pictures from past
top fundraising group with events, or join our group
$470.00. by going to www.kentucky—
bourbonbears.com .
In addition to fundraising,
we are organizing different,
fun activities such as an eve- Interested in Bible
ning outing to the Mad Pot- Study?
ter, movie nights, a picnic
and a group outing to Lou- I am thinking about starting a :-
isville Pride fouowed by an Bible Study and I am looking for
outreach effort at both Big people that would like to come. '1
Bar and Tryangles that eve' Have not set a time or place yet
mng. so if you are interested in com-
inglpleaset eitheLycéaDll, tgxt, or e—
Our organization has si “‘3' mea '99'6 gm l-Com or
five members and continlg (681)'2°5‘5°71
to grow, we Wdcome new Thanks and God Bless Iggie
_ I

 The Health Equity Network
& the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department invite you to
11A VI 3 P VI
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JUMI 22, 2. .
~ ‘ 548 E. Sixth St.
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1 ‘ we‘re ~VI1IIcIIIQ‘Wl WHQIEEIIE‘AMIILYflacii :< ‘:;’si=.?f,.:i"ie?§'»‘i.:>;;;
COME JOIN THE FUN. Hm," mm "mm
Find us Fcebonk, gaRECREATION
f ll s an 'tt ‘ ILFCHD.
31:11:.|:xnugtonhxltlsdr::a"dtment.org LEXINGTON' KY Muxnamnmcmm

 Are you part of the life as a senior in Lexington.
gay and the gray? Finally! Professionals in agir‘lg
- services are eginning to a e
June Meeting Set an interest in the concerns “of
. . . , Lexin ton’s LGBT seniors! e
GLSO ‘5 bringing LGBT seniors hope%o learn from each other
together to talk about quality and teach them how to better
Of hfe In LeXIngton for our 5““ addreSS our needs and con-
ver treasures! cerns.
You are invited to be part of W h ee so .
thisThimpjortant cgnvgrgagon e ope to S you on
on urs ay, June 0, at in - in
7:00pm at the Pride Center on S5993§¥88§M der
389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100,
Lexington, KY 40504.
' I
This is nothingffancy or formal. Greetlngs Balagulagans.
As a matter 0 act, we invite
you to bring a covered dish to TWO PRODUCTIONS TO
share with the group, put your COME"- TRIAL OF GOD
feet up, and simply tell your &T°PDOGIUNDERDOG
sto .
ry Spring is here! The seasons are
“We know there are many changing and so is Balagula's
LGBT older adults living in season with some exciting ad-
Lexington; we just don’t know ditions!
who they) are. It is easy for
them to e over looked by ag- For those Of you Who are keep-
ing services, because many still "fig a close eye _on our produc—
assume that people over a cer- tion 0f_ "The Trial of God" by
tain age are all straight. It will Elle Wleeel (Directed by Na-
be very important to hear from tasha Williams) our dates are
our LGBT elders about what is DI’OdUCI'JOn dates have moved.
good in their lives, and what
they might have a need for. The NEW dates for TRIAL OF
We should never assume we GOD are... JUNE 9'12. 15-19-
know what is best for someone Please be sure to make your
else; we should listen to what reservations at _www.balagula.
they tell us.” Troy Johnson, com for this epic and beloved
MSW, Director of Programs and conclu5ion to our Season.
Services for the Nursing Home I
Ombudsman Agency and Chair THAT'S NOT ALL!
of the Bluegrass Elder Abuse _ 9
Prevention Council While we wait for Trial of
God, we have included an EX—
If you are over 55, gay, lesbian, TRA_ production of the Actor‘s
bi, or trans, we want to hear Ch0ice (Lomsvnle) of "Topdog/
from you! We want to know Underdog“ by Susan—Lori Parks
how you are doing, and what (Directed by Kathi E_.B. Ellis -
concerns you might have about Balagula's Steady Rain).


*0 .6 e . 9




 WE ’ D B E , J
' ll " TO HELP. i '
our classes provide you with:
semi “3 edeeeen e néeetine eegsieeenteet
U ‘ 3
.00... j" , 0......
z " of: 15%;” , x” 1/
O I ‘ H'.:"r\/\l.//:I free
: " ' \ i nicntine replacement
0 far lirst
: 2|] participants
3. . mark your calendar!
nest Eire-week eEese starts in duty
for details 8 tgfi-Sregister, call Angela
R D 858.288.2457
want to find out about our latest classes, events, services & health news? looking for Lexington restaurant scora? '1
Search for us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter @LFCHD.
’77 29:2
-— I

 What DO You See? 1. I am God's workmanship, cre—
Contributor (EpheSians 2.10).
. 2. I am a new creature in Christ (2
What do you see when you look in ~ - .
the Iirfiirror? (Ijhave spent most of Corinthians 5'17)"
my ie avoi ing mirrors because 3_ I am more than a conqueror
all I saw was an empty shell, a through Him Who loves me (Ro—
worthless nobody. Thank God that mans 8'37)
is no more. ' '
, . 4. I am forgiven of all my sins and
God doesn't make mistakes, cre- washed in the Blood (Ephesians
ate nobodies, or give birth to 1.7)
worthless individuals. (tile creates ' '
us in His imagine an gives .US 5. I am reatl loved b God R0—
53%“ an‘gsgorgég'ty to) “éa‘gr‘g'th mans 1%; Ephesians 2’24; CcSlos-
i , ce, n ce. - . . - .
There is a song by Matthew West 5ians 3.12, 1 Thessalonians 1.4).
E- at says, . . . 6. For God has not given us a spir-
Once upon a time we was so .‘n' it of fear; but of power, love, and a
nocent. Somewhere along the line sound mind (2 Timothy 1.7)
you’re smile came and went. They ' '
made you feel me you JUSt dont God, the maker of the universe,
measure up. They try to steal your has created me in His likeness,
light, but you are a treasure of the created in Christ for good works.
maker of the stars. You are won- He has made me a new creature
_derfully made perfectly beautiful in Christ and I am greatly loved.
m every way. John 3:16 tells me that God loves
. . . me so much He was willing to
After much counseling and spiritu- send His one and only son to suf.
al growth I can now '°°k back mt" fer and die for me. That kind of
my past experiences and see how love is incomprehensible.
EOd \l/aluefs me andlhas always
ad p ans or me. Psa ms 139: 13- If .
“ . you were brought up in sur
.16 Rd" 't wasYYouu/vho created rr‘ny roundings that did not incorporate
inwar parts,’ 0” mt me toget_er these truths into your life let me
in my mothers womb. IWill praise assure you that you are a per-
You because I have been remark— son of worth. God loves you just
able and wonderfully majde.kYour where you are. The beautiful thing
W9rks are wonde u I an I now is He loves us no matter what we
this very well. My bones were not have done
hidden from gou when I was mdade '
in secret, w en 1 was orme in If ou are feelin lost and lone-
the depths of the earth. Your eyes ly yplease take agfew minutes to
- saw me when was formless; all reread and meditate over the
I my days were written m Your two“ verses I’ve given you. Ask God to
, and planned before a Single one show you how He sees you. Once
Of them began. we get even_a glimpse of this it
The Bible has much to say about changes our hfe forever.
who wehare ”I; l-llimaSome of those If you would like to know more
verses ave e pe me a ong my - -
journey of self-acceptance. Allow aRgugggecgfifiegkhgwlgoxyif}?
me to share a few Of them. contact me at Karen@glso.org

 7th Pride Prom PFLAG Sponsors
A Sweet Success Faith Drscussrons
By Mary Crone, PFLAG Lexington invites you
Contributor to join us Tuesday, June 11,
6:39 to 8:_30 for discussion by 1
Our GSA seventh Pride Prom, an Interfaith panel of clergy d
Candy Land Apocalypse, was and scholars. h
held on May 10, at the Children’s Our meetings are held at E
Thefiterhinldownt‘liwn Lem???”- The Episcopal Church of St.
Hi SC 00 teens mm a t e o- -
caiJ public schools and from sur- ghfih?8l tthg Archangel, 2025 Y
rounding communities attended e e on e rive ti
this event. The GSA youth who tl
are members of our GSA planned u
the dance, made and decorated Tuesday, June 11 ir
the theater with lolllpws, dice) Faith and Sexual Orientation, h
and undead gingerbread figures. Part 1
They also .made undead ginger— Fl
bread COOk'eS' Scott Rollins, Senior Minister, te
Several young people told us that Highland ChHSt'an ChUFCh, C
the dance was more fun than their Frankfort ti
school c‘orom and one young wom- -
a“ sat She “danCEd “ke .“0 9!“? Moshe Smolkin, Rabbi, Oha— v;
was watching for the first time. vay Zion Synagogue, Lexing- K
We want to thank all the adults to” 0
that helped us make this eve-
ning a success. Anne Meacham R_aChe| Small Stokes, A550- 0
and Ann Malcolm helped us rent Ciate Pastor, Union Church, V)
the Lexington Children's Theatre Berea b
and attinded hthe lprom, Jonra-
tonBarenwois nowntote - _
high school crowd as the fabulous Niargaillet _NuEtIng tha‘lpi'}, Eac'
DJ) and Andrew Tan , Abi Grise uty,' eXing on eo ogica
and Davina Warner, photogra- Seminary
phers, Marc Blevins, Jane Minder
and Ginger Moore-Minder, Paul How do we reconcile religious 'ln
jbggwnwyégiryblzefiucgfeiau’égjgag beliefs and teachings, Scrip-
and her friend of itg’f, God, and homosexual-
' . . . I
We had several parents including HOW haV? fa'th communities am
Amy Inman Johnson and Cathe- changed in their attitudes? .1
rine Brereton. GSA advisers Mead
Overbeck, Merv Crone, Samara Faith and Sexual Orienta-
ggfegrgfiggbhy' grant Zigtilaerrté tion, Part 2 will follow in fall P‘
0 w . . .
and enjoyed watching our queer- {9f 2013' That dtlscussmn Wig
tings have a great time. I think ocus _on curren issues We
that averages out to one adult for as ordination 0f gays, POhCl_eS
every 4 youth. Sorry to anyone I and rituals regarding commit- Yo
have forgotten, we very much ap— ment or marriage ceremonies
preCIated Your support for same-sex couples.
_ I

 June 2013 month beginning at 12:00 at
Classifieds the Pride Center.
Looking for a Dresser Need “3" Pr’mt J°b5
I am looking for a chest-of— Th GLSO P gnec- .
drawers and/or dresser. If you . e n e enter '5 set-
have one please contact Mason ting up a COPY and print shop
Ewing at 859-382-2010_ In the Center to complete all
your printing needs. For more
Volunteers Needed Information contact Donoyan
Your GLSO Pride Center is con- at info@glso.org or the Pride
tinuing to add more services Center at 859—253-3233“
thus we are in need 0 vol- .
unteers. What’s your area of erters Needed!
interest? We need people to . .
help sell advertising for the D0 you "ke to write about cur-
Newsletter; people to open rent events gorng on locally 0"
the Pride Center and answer Just write a_ little something for
telephone and help keep the our expanding newsletter?
Center clean; technology assis-
tance' and more. We need your help as we are
If ou can provide 1 hour a expanding our newsletter 39d
weeY< or more please contact adding more content and exert-
Karen Taylor at Karen@glso. ”‘9 features._If you are Inter-
org ested In writing for the news-
letter contadct US at editor@
gso.org an su mit your ar-
931fifiggrtomfiifigflflciinm ticles to us there before the 15
be the last Saturday of each 0f each month.
Are you an LGBTIIQP adult
living in an Appalachian
'la-ahiau, gay. bisexual mag-radar, queer, qusldoning, immar
If 80, yflllT‘ opinions about LGBT PBOI‘I‘E and
smoking are requested foranimervisw research I the GLSO
study. Smoker-s and non-smokers are needed.
Plcuc visit our website lunpd/lgbmppalmhmba.m
areal] 869-323-5917 fur Inan- inan-mn'un.
You will be mmpeumled foryour Lime.

 Help fOI' DEPI‘ESSIO“ fierci1 fromkwithén the LGBT commuinity,
' an ma es epression worse ong
In the LG_BT term. If left untreated, depression
communlty can be very dangerous. Treatment
can be a frustrating, time~consur3ir|ig,
. expensive process. Accepting an iv—
Some StUd'eS have placed deprss- ing openly with one’s sexual identity
5'0" second only to_ HIV as the IN?" have been found to improve depres-
gest_health 90mm '“ the LGBT com— sion for some LGBT individuals, but
munity. Unique challenges “ke the these steps can take years and tre-
l°55 °f family $1990.“ when coming mendous courage, effort, and support
out, encountering Violence because that not everyone has. Medications
9f sexual identify, or keeping sexual- may work for some individuals, but
ity Secret all ad to Dre-ex'stmg ten- not for others. There is no single ap-
denCies towards depressmn or other proach to depression treatment that
mental health problems that LGBT is successful for everyone, but with
indiViduals face. Because some parts time and effort depression can be
of Kentucky are so remote and isolat— managed in mahy people. Keys are
ed! loneliness and lack 0f community to find a mental health care provider
membership other than we internet who is sensitive to LGBT issues and
can make depress“! worse for some individuals, and to seek out help as
people. The '5 certainly true 'n larger soon as possible. It is important for
C'hes as well; people can be lonely re- LGBT individuals who suffer from de-
gardless °f where they "Ye 'f they do pression to be reminded by the LGBT
."Ot have meah'".9f”l 5003‘ networks community and all health care provid—
m place that prowde support and nur— ers that they are not alone and that
turing. self-medicating with substances like
There is a lack of LGBT—friendly mental flgfigc’t'hifig‘ggvfibfsld tobacco WI" only
health providers in some areas, and '
treatment can be almost impossibleto As mentioned in last month's aliiiciel
find for people d° "0t have health m' smoking rates in the LGBT community
suranfie With mental health coverage. are higher than in the general popula-
Even indiViduals who have adequete tion. There is likelya link between the
mileage commonly report negative community’s higher rates of smoking
experiences With mental health care and depression, although it is diffi-
prowders, and understandably do not cult to prove. Most smokers say they
want to return even when they des- smoke to handle stress and it makes
perately need help. From a public them feel better. Nicotine has been
hea'th prospective, the LGBT 9°mmu- found to have a very, very slight anti-
nity '5 a vulnerable ventilation be' depressant effect as well, so smokers
GEN??- members are less likely to have are likely self—medicating their own
family support and_adequate health depression. The Lexington-Fayette
care, but are more likely to face chal- County Health Department will be
lenges “he 500‘" stigma, rejection, offering one of the first tobacco ces-
and loneliness that make depreSSion sation programs in KY specifically for
“(”523- The" can be a disastrous com- LGBT participants. Facilitators have
bination for someone-Who has _a he" extensive experience working with in-
tory. °f depreSSion, either m h'S/ her dividuals who suffer from depression
familJ 0" personally. This may be Why who also want to stop smoking. The
the anger? 0f depressmn are espe- class will be held in Lexington begin-
CIally sobering for LGBT youth. Num- ning in July 2013, fihai date and lo-
bers vary slightly, but generally show cation to be announced soon. If you
that LGBT teens ars— .around 3X more are interested in becoming tobacco
likely to attempt SUlClde than hetero- free, or want information for a LGBT
sexual teens 0f the same age. friend or family member who smokes,
. . please call (859) 288-2457. The pilot
IndiViduals who suffer from depres- project iS being funded by the KY of.
sion are _more likely to abuse sub- fice of Health Equi and the KY HIV/
stances l'ke alcohol, drugs, and “2- AIDS program, any will be provided
_bacco ‘" an attempt to cope with the." without charge, and includes nicotine
illness. Substance abuse in itself is replacement products
another health crisis commonly identi- '
— I

 The Final TWiSt... Mr B Miss Mary ChristmasEmperor’s
B T 'N' C t 'b t TriVia NIghtMardi Gras Ball
Y l'l my, on H U or Comedy Queens
Well here it is, The Final Twist. It Mar—13 Apr-13
has been an amazing year, Daryl and Lexington invasion of Old Street Sa-
1, along with the Royal Family, our loonNight of aThousand Gowns ICNY
Male and Female Lines of Decent, the Coronation
Board of Directors and of course our
charities: AVOL, Lexington Fairness, May-13
GLSO, Moveable Feast and JustFund Hairball 2013Emperor’s Wheel of
KY would like to Thank You for an- DragMiss Derby Pride 2013-14
other successful year of fundraising. Wag’s and DragbsWay out Wednes-
We could not do what we do for our dayJustFund Der y Eve Party
Community without your support. Taboo! Empress’ Fetish NightCougars
Throughout Reign 31 we continued UnleashedEntertainers of t e Year Fi—
with some of the traditions of the nale
ICK like Mardi Gras Ball and Falsies, St Patrick’s Day SocialUK Outsource
adding our own TWISTS to a few like GaylaLexington Invades Shooters
MR/Miss Mary Christmas & Valentine EKU S ring Drag ShowCrossing’s
, adding a few new TWISTS like the LeatherfBear InvasionICK Emperor’s
Emperor's CanNash and Trivia Night Candidate Show
with the Emperor. Falsies 2013
Studio 54 Show
Here’s a look at Reign 31 from begin- St Louis Coronation
ning to end: Washington DC Czar Ball
Jun-12 Jul-12 Aug—12 1 Girl — 5 Queens
Moveable Feast’s Belmont BBQInves- Mr. North American Bear 2013
titures 31Emperor’s Car Wash
Crossing’s Pride ShowIdaho Corona- As you can see we had very, very full
tionThe Judy Show Calendar of Events. In addition to this
Lexington Fairness AwardsCloset Ball list of events we also had numerous
2012 social get-togethers and a few Male/
Domestic Violence Benefit Female Line meetings. We hope you
Emperor’s Trivia Night have enjoyed this TWISTED year as
AVOL’s 25th Anniversary Event much as we did. I consider myself to
be a very fortunate Empress. I have
Sap-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 an incredibly( dedicated Female line
Divas of HazzardToronto Coronation- that has wor ed tirelessly throughout
Military Appreciation show the last year. To all my TWISTED Girls,
Washington DC Coronation IDiva of THANK YOU So much. I could not
Darkness 2012-13Emperor’s Turn- have gotten through this year without
about each of you by my side. I also could
American Cancer Society BenefitJust not have made it through this Reign
Fund’s “8"Divas of a Decade without my Emperor Daryl “Big D" Ly-
Emperor's Trivia NightRock the Vo- ons. I have said it numerous times
teEKU Forum “Growing up Gay in KY” this year, I can’t imagine having taken
Emperor's Birthday PartySanta's Kinky this journey with anyone else. Thank
Toy Box Youllll Daryl & I would like to wish
Mr. Bluegrass LeatherEmperor’s Trivia the next Reign continued support and
Night much success for the upcoming year.
MSU ALLYance ShowDining Out for It is our hope you continue to support
Life 2012 the ICK as you have done for the past
KFA Barely Gleegal 31 years as our Regent Empress 32
Emperor's Trivia Night JD Vaughn steps into her 2nd reign.
And we wish our Candidate for Emper-
Dec-121an-13 Feb-13 or 32 Patrick Thompson luck during
AVOL Kid’s Christmas ShowInner Diva the election at Coronation 32, and if
2013San Diego Coronation elected, equal support as well. “From
AVOL Kid’s Shopping NightKing of the Heart, Through the Court, For the
Drag 2013Mr & Miss Gay Valentine Community” In Service,TrinityHer
GLSO- Very Fairy Christmas ShowUK Most Imperial Majesty Empress 31The
Eleganza Drag ShowSingle & Bitter Twrsted Empress.

 GLSO Phone Directory Sister Sound 859.806.0243
A community resource page for gay and/or Social Services, Lexington 211
gay-friendly organizations across Kentucky.
Speaker’s Bureau 859.266.5904
Waist. T'a"5Ke"t“CkY cassmmm
AIDS V | t I AVOL 859 225 3000 yahoo.com
o u" eers "H ) ' ' United Way 859.313.5465
E I' . 5
Health Dept., Fayette 859.288.2437 _ ,
Integrity, Ky. Diocese 859.369.9691
877.606.2437 _
_ Integrity, St. Martha’s 859.533.9851
Health Dept., Jessamine 859.885.4149 _ ,
IntenNeave, Unitarian 859.266.5904
Health Dept., Woodford 859.873.4541 _
, Lex Friends, Quakers 859.254.3319
HIV/AIDS Legal PrOJect 502.584.1254 _ _
_ , . Mercy Ministry Church 859.358.0580
LOUiSVIlle Region 502.574.0161
MCC Paducah 270.443.3339
Moveable Feast 859.252.2867 _ _
, Open Arms of God Ministry 502.545.6355
Northern Ky. Region 859.341.4264
UK Adolescent Medicine 859.323.5643
WW Berea College ACE 859.958.3633
24-Hour Crisis Line 800.928.8000 Centre College BGLA 859-238.5332
24-Hour Teen Crisis Line 800.999.9999 Morehead State University 606-783-2294
Alcoholics Anonymous 859.967.9960 UK OUtSOUfC6 859.323.3312
AA/Alcoholic Teens 859.277.1877 /""
Council for Peace & Justice 859.225.6999 (3
Discussion Group 859.253.3233 I" («0‘ tango )2:
Fairness of Louisville 502.893.0788 ($266.in
Gay Straight Alliance, Teens 859.266.5904 (Xifidfifiéfie L“;
{a}, 9 '9,
GLSO Pride Center 859.253.3233 “g‘eseig
Imperial Court of Kentucky 859.619.7521 ”éee‘éopte “.\
International Gay Bowling 859.539.3058 (9 }
Kentucky Fairness 270.703.1582 it,
Lexington Fairness 859.951-8565 /,,. -""
Lexington Human Rights 859.252.4931 I“
Lexington Insight Group 859.230.2428
Lexington Pride Festival 859.253.3233 GLSO News Deadline
MACT 859.358.8335 June 15
PFLAG Lexington 859.338.4393 Send articles and ads to
PLFAG Louisville 502.329.0229 editor@glso.org

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