xt74b853j34z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j34z/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1992-08 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, August 1992 text GLSO News, August 1992 1992 1992-08 2019 true xt74b853j34z section xt74b853j34z W

This year’s Lexington nearly as exciting because of the
Independence Day Parade was rather lack of an audience there.
special. This year’s parade proudly The idea for joining the 4th
included the first contingent of of July parade began at a June GLSO
lesbigay people. At the start of the Forum at the New Morning Coffeehouse
parade, the group dubbed “Fairness when individuals met to decide on a
on the Fourth” contained 88 people. re8ponse to a then expected July 2
With leathermen, people living with judgement by the Kentucky Supreme
HIV, lesbian mothers, strayt Court on the sodomy issue. This
supporters, students, hairdressers, decision is now expected in the
bisexuals, people of color, and gay Fall. Headed by the organizational
children with their parents, the skills of Brad G-, donation of use
group showed the diversity of our of flags by the Bluegrass COLTS and
community. Not only was this enlistment of marchers from the area
contingent the largest one in the commenced. The COLTS and Hey Good
parade, it was undoubtedly one of the Cookin’ Deli together paid the
most colorful with the rainbow gay registration fees for the marchers.
flag, the black and blue leathermen’s Brad G. stated that the mayor’s
flag and the 01’ stars and stripes office and city government were very
heading up the group. supportive and pleased by our

Along the route and especially the inclusion in the parade.

enthusiastic crowd in front of the Parade judges have tOld members of
Bar Complex, dozens of people joined our community off the record that the
the marchers as they chanted and contingent would have won the award
waved their way through the packed for the best marching group.
streets of downtown Lexington. 153 Unfortunately, duringaplannedmoment
people were counted as being in the Of Silence in front of the judge’s
parade at its end. Aside from some stand to honor People With HIV, an
insults, a tennis ball, a wine glass, apparently. intoxicated, unknown man
anda beer can thrown at the marchers, who had JOlned the parade along the
observers andmarchers alike commented ¥OUte insulted the mayor and other
on the generally supportive onlookers. JUdges' Also unfortunate was the
Several marchers stated that the iomplete laCkafh coverage by tfie
parade was the most empowering focat plress 5 Walt algourclits to the
experience of their lives. Visitors 1rs ex1ng on ay r1 e marc '
from Louisville commented that the S‘Elll’ overall the parade was amajor

. . . Sign of the increased awareness and
Louisv1lle March for Justice was not pride our community has in itself.

 W V 0 en an ess jo~ o pu ing oge er
c --- ~ ‘* . C S . -’ , --- D such an overall decent publication. The
0*) g Oa’VEW‘S Eflg newaletter staff is not made up of paid
. professionals. It is simply a small
PUthhed Monthly by the number of dedicated volunteers who are
, , , willing to put their community ahead of
Iamgton 9631/f545m55ww5 their own personal interests.
(0 , , I am particular pleased with the
zgmaafiwn number of ads being solicited. It not only
- helps to make it a more self—suporting
P'O' BOX “471’ Lexmgton, KY 40575 publication, but also lets us know who the
Edltors; gay-frienly businesses are in our
Jeff Jones, Tom Murphy, and Kristin Smith eemnltY- Three snaps HP to the dedicated
efforts of he newsletter staff.
GI‘SO Annual Dues " $10.00 Sincerely,
Dues for Couples - $15.00 AQCBOIZenfic/ll/ NEW“ °f Anni: Hedda
Newsletter Only — $5.00 ‘, L” “5 04“”5‘55‘5 a
Vi opt i p d i (h GLSO N ch f th Riar AIuntle d s . l
“'23:. ::"'.::.::'.:' :. 2:: :" ° 'm a esperate agitarian m ove
oft;1tccto:sfsub;llaionanricliolcimc.Ailttubmiafsit:nai:sc:nnath: With a Pisces. I know he's no good for me,
pxapczcy of use and Inuit indicate full nam. Ind addnsa of th- but I can't help myself, You know how the
EYE:Eilulllii22212112235.“S.”‘.§‘§.'Z§ZZ§”'SI§§2°;T5123: sexual fire Of this Sign OUtShineS all the
any submissions. Placement of advertising in the GLSO News does reSt- What's a girl to d0?
not damn. I p-non'. sexual orientation nor a business' Sad Sag Fag
cultcnoz prof-x-ncu.
4s- e1 4.7,; madam 7&5:
\,’\ ‘ j} gal-4L of all: Junta Gillan. [aflzs Luz/zhbn to you;
Jamvulzaflon OfOMi'l u’gus 0;me 0414:1122: i4 aé‘dO'LPJ'O will}:
Dear GLSO Editors ; [w mg' ' andyau may 5: mu: 4/21: 544 mug}; [Lu [2/]. in. flu.
At first I thought the Auntie dM,d%mbzmnuLM£L2/woflcm£wtb5umz«fim
Hedda column was amusing. But after 04m in wm/oflwx $442115, all Matfiulyéagmami
thinking it over I can see no purpose Loafiulupandflumtotfiatlbomfpwléagddn'twywfiowaiflz
it serves other than to hurt and 5 , . Mo ,1 , ‘ 5 41/! I
humiliate people, and promote catty ° “3“” Pam“ "‘ u “‘4“! “t ““5““
infighting. cgzflxlmwsuaflmwufgutmoadydgmfkawbfliifi;
Tbe di"5Claimer “Don't bléme us _ unoflonafstouu/zmsanddontgdyau-Lgaodizlnginn‘nohoth
Th? Edfltors .may be appropriate for (PM; undatowanitouttflzdowumdtgat’s o/tmtoug‘i/m/Mg
editorials written by non—newsletter , .
staff, but if the editors do not take éaghmadv‘m MW, i/50U193M5i45fl'115 if/mmfi Au
responsibility for the content of one [gland/1,3115”; wwwfl/aflw.
of the newsletter’s own columns, then . . . 4 !'
what do they take responsibility for? £WJWMMLMZOMH 20nd yam/MM . .
And who is this cowardly person (vanilla new «IA-1, you gnoww no age; womfiaatl’uruzglons
or persons hiding behind the guise of PW1W15a1.gfizuunouau-mm{mnt.OuutfiatsAz‘mgzm
some fictitious CharaCter? I suppose mdthCh-cbmaflza toanmcfitosudifltgaiugdnolfiua
it’s easier to make barbed accusations . . I ' .
when one’s identity is unknown. Come on W’E‘W‘w‘ [Puuflmufifl‘fh‘fidam‘m'éwmfi‘um
out of the closet , Auntie Hedda, and 45th too Middandtlizz’utafiow mugfl/fisflmdamflu/ztplb
let’s see What Skeletons come tumbling MmtoM.Wflwhtcamlficwn,Aficwastfwarzéoru:
out with you. In short, I give Auntie Hedda {fizutfiatmufd/wuzadmfl and-you could Mia/11:51:13
- one snap down.
Now I on to mre mndane issues, ' ddgytfisgy,Myougoysandgliignowtgatw
I' d like to make one small request of 5115114 a whiny; rum «:1qu fiat 5110M? Jeanna! ofdunh‘; s
the new editors. I realize that aawa‘alziflauzaaflulhtwfiysgcdidntwant‘cflotdozgl'admont‘.
continuing an article from one page to (Wzl’ftmalmfiidi ihidandtfleufloutoaflitaut 04
another is often necessary, but I was ”italic ":4” {1151 t; ! Md 5." @ Ending
wondering whether it could be curtailed ”MOI ‘3 E " ‘w/“wl’ 1/” ”0"
to some extent . ail/ices L515 don t 4mm £0.» £0 Ami/1m. W Wendie m
I can't end this letter here, MondtfizfldePdmaLtmnMdnga ' got
however. I think the editors of GLSO flmwmflaflmifion #015,; M'sgmm’figfizumfilh
News must be applauded for taking on the wflflzin amfaa.

 Come Cha‘l on the Radio the bar was sold to Mark Wilson . Mr.
. . . Wilson has chosen to remodel the
WRFL—FM is sponsoring a town meeting . . . .
. . building and transform it into a
radio show at the New Morning .
Coffeehouse on Aug. 12 at 6:30pm to giggiiyéYEStggznggfgc ClUb called
be broadcast the following Wednesday. Aftei: the loss (3f The Metro as
The topic #0]: ,thls show Wlll be a primarily gay bar, the community
transportation 1“ LeXington. may be hopeful about a possible new
facility to open on Main Street in
Compute“ NEIWOI‘R amine about a . month catering to an
A new computer network for information alternatlvg patronage ' , Own?“ Of
exchange and discussion of local the new faCility are _Stlll_ 1“ the
issues within the Kentucky lesbigay planning stages at this 9011“-
community has started. LAMBDANET is
accessible by anyone with electronic '992'93 GLSO Board
mail capabilities and is - -

. . . . . Crai Clere—PreSident
confidential. To 30111, email to: D bbg C rr' —V' e P s'd nt
JAJONBOZ@ukcc.uky.edu M:ryl:rO:e_;:ea::rerre 1 e

Local Bar Closes...and Another To Beth Daly—Secretary*
0pm) Bob Polly* Jeff Jones*
' 1*
The Ildetro, Lexington’ 3. primary Tom Kahn _ .Nancy Ward
women 5 bar and alternative muSic John Cutright Linda Laporte
dance club, closed in mid-July.
After a series of financial problems, *—newly elected to board
:2: 5-:
l}: ::
H: .,.. fl:
5:: ' H
H: i:
ii: ::
as; 55
II. ' I.
555 Red, Yellow, Pmk, Peach 55
III e o , ::
555 $19.99 Doz. Dellvered 1n Box E
$29.95 Doz. Dellvered 1n Vase ‘ 5;
(Local Dellvery Only) , 55
as; V . 19.99 as
::: \\ Tro IcalArran ements ‘ ::
::: V j - V ::
ass \~ '“ a“ 55
5: I 17.99 Major Credit ::
::: Spring & Summer Cards ::
iii Arrangements In Vase Accepted ::
=== 555
EEE 320 West Second Street - Lex1%on, KY 40507 555
SE 606 254-13 :::
9:§______ "uni.”

v I t' '
P051cards From "1e Famllv contingent was not men ioned in
_ . coverage of the 4th of July parade.
Call LeVi-Strauss, Bank of America Letters/postcards must include
and Wells Fargo Bank and thank them writer’s address and telephone #_
for upholding their anti—bias stance Editor, Herald-Leader
by cutting off funding to the Boy 100 Midland Ave
Scouts of America for their ban on Lexington KY 40508
homosexual scouts and volunteers. Write Councilmember at Large Teresa
Calls. are currently running .1900 Isaac and thank her for her rousing
negative calls for every one pOSltlve keynote speech at the Tri—State Gay
call. _ Rodeo Awards Banquet.
LeVi—Strauss:1-800—872-5384 Teresa Isaac
Bank of America:1—800-352-0495 300 Vine Center
Wells Fargo Bankzl—415—396-3606 Lexington KY 40507
Contact the Tri-State Gay Rodeo '
and thank the Rodeo (and especially Note: GLSO and GLSO News provide
Terry and Cathy) for organizing this column as a service to our
Lexington’s first volunteer awards readers and neither endorse nor
banquet. _ advocate a particular position.
Write the Lex1ngton Herald—Leader Respondents are urged to express
and inquire as to why the first their own views with decorum.
inclusion of a large lesbigay
‘ "I! ' .. n I
I“, ”I. had to com out ,3
i ‘véisvs \ I:
. 4 _L of tho ctosct,
. ' » iiilieizizééi‘
, ”rs/2' '-
f: - / — 'I. needed» room
5*" l’ -I .. i=9
' ' _L_..é~t- -- for new clothes .
: V g '
1W '1' z Pats y Peacoc ;
Something For Everybody's Closet 5
3718. Limestone - 253-9228 J
”ark-Sat. 11-8 / Sun. 12-6 5.

 What is the Homosexual's Role in Society?
There are two schools of thought concerning gay life and the
society as a whole. One holds that homosexual people should defy
the social norm and live as a part of a separate sub-culture. The
other maintains that homosexuals are only slightly different
members of that society, and should accept it as a whole. These
two extreme viewpoints are presented here not as a means for
deciding which position is correct, but as a reference in
deciding which points of each argument you believe.
The early gay movement adopted as its matter is then made the public focus of
Ideology a variant of liberalism. This the person's life. These People then
strategy assumed that gay liberation reduce themselves to a stereotype whose
would result from modest adjustments to identity 13 solely based on their sex
the status quo: if only the government lives. _
would repeal sodomy laws, if only the BeSides the fact that it is
military would “tolerate“ gays, and so demeaning for people to bU1ld their
on. Recently, however, a debate has eXistence around one small facet 0f
arisen regarding the politics of their lives, they also ignore the need
“difference." Unfortunately, the to communicate with other people. We are
Lexington gay community has yet to all dependant on our society and therefore
address seriously this important issue. must be able to interact With it-
The concept of “difference” serves Societal norms are a means by ”hiCh
as the inspiration for the so—called humans do this. Since much of who we are
“affirmationist” school. Affirmationists 15 formed by the society we live in, we
recognize that our society consists of have no reason to reject that society
a diversity of cultures and sexualities. JUSF . because. certain close—minded
Moreover, the reality of this diversity 1nlelf1uaJ-3 ObJeCt to a single part Of
has been hidden by the myth of “the our lives-l . .
mainstream”, straight, middle—class IndiViduality 15 a matter 0f being
Anglo—Saxon men. Thus, an affirmationist who you are. Since who we are at least
argues that the mainstream is nothing partially depends on the people around
more than a mask that attempts to hide “er. there 15 no reason to resent our
the power of one small group over Similarities to the soc1ety as a whole.
everybody else. By accepting these similarities, we can
A solution lies in affirming how freely interact with anyone we chose,
you, as an individual, differ from the without hiding behind a "35k made as a
myth of the “mainstream.” In so doing, rebellion against someone else’s beliefs.
you refuse to allow bourgeois ideology
to categorize or repress you. In other
words, an affirmationist takes ride in
her or his “queerness.” Again, apsociety Pegasus Travel Inc.
based upon difference recognizes that ”W 7m -W- 75%
queers are already assimilated into the
greater society. The only question, _, ;_, {:33 7 =
then, is whether it will hide diversity __ v.3? Arm-T: %
by imposing the values of one group on :55: i 353;". 115:1 -_ i 32:13:;
the rest of us. E; 3 :é:
EEEIIJ'JEIJIZZJ‘ 51: View - ,' - " '- .':;:.';_T.
Th re r man a e0 1 ho feel 2040 Idle Hour Cen’rer
e a e e w . .
that being gay mafisgtief mfst advertise Richmond Road, Lexmg’ron, KY #0502
their sex lives. By attracting as much 800 228—L/337 606) 268—4337
attention as possible, they force details '
of their personal lives on complete GLSO Donation With Each Purchase!
strangers. Something which is a private

41h annual Lambda Ll1erar9 3” 5 a w- The Park
awards Beyond the Stars Frank Robinson
Lesbian 906119: Atlas of the
. _ Difficult World Adrienne Rich
Lesbian NOMiCIIOH' Cancer in Ga ~
' vMensPoeirv: The Road Before
:::bav_::c::,se::rlifna Bulter and Us: 100 Gay Black Poets
, , . Assoto Saint
GWMSMfimW‘ 3”“ Lesbian Mystery: Murder By
f::b_lgvlfm:lnclflov:|lll Rosco(et. )1 Tradition, Katherine Forrest
: le ' GavM’sWsterv: Country of Old
:ivoluiion if Cthtle Gérlsd Men: The Last Dave Brandstetter
anc e C rary oy M
' . ystery, Joseph Hansen
ifllfisalrfiignrlesrwge‘geltie Ggme: Gavand Lesbianfllmor: Putting on
M8" : a e ea .
the Ritz Joe Keenan
Remember, Harlan Greene Lesbian anltholoéleS- Ch .
Ctikrm’s/Youne adult Liter-am- The ' l C a n a
D k h l d ll. Lesbians: The Girls Our Mothers
ude W :1 OUt awe 'Je y ieans Warned Us About,Carla Trujillo,
anl 0? er Stories J0 my Gava’sanholoeia; Brother to
Va entine Brother Essex Hem-hill ed.
. *
mpjx ‘ ' '
u i as .EHEE‘E‘! a Meals
" w 7'33 WholeFoo t
z , . . . ' - . table ke—O“
s< f-OED” tom *1
lat; >‘ I; .m '
' '3: . ':\__‘— W N .-- KY
‘. _‘ . . - “GTO
C. MN” ODS 00—0? mm?“
. , ‘ ) DR‘VE ‘ (106) 273-51
mnm‘“ . :mem“
[‘39 SO ““5““

 me in a lot of ways. First, we were
talking with other women who wanted
children as passionately as we did.
It was fun to talk about our dreams
Esma'dda S Panour of big wheels and bottles . Secondly,
By Laura Jones donor insemination (D.I . ) , adoption
When I last wrote Esmerelda’s and fostering can be long, hard
_ . I roads. These processes drain you
Parlour in the spring of 88, the financially, physically, and
Ryder truck was packed and I was on emotionally whether its dealing
fly way (to Atlanta to 3011:}er partner, with homophobic departments of child
{m'd bur expfrfences ere were a welfare or waiting (again) for your
mixe ag. arge gay community third D.I. attempt to see if you are
that felt too broad and scattered to pregnant We could offer support
access contrasted with a few close and information to each other Not
and speCial relationships . Suffice only could my friend Mary understand
to say, we returned for many reasons, how conflicting it felt to be an 8
not the least of which was the months pregnant dyke (no dear, I
community here we could not replace. don’t want to go out dancing at the
B”? we dld “0t return alone' bar tonight), but we could also
Enter Richard Alexander (Alex) 18 offer each other references for
IEOZ‘SH and A3l2 :bsd'dOfff energetic supportive attorneys or ob-gyns and
O ,, er. t an a l, 0 er us many other options for having children.
options towards my life long deSire Thirdly by using a group
for children and fortunately, Ann discussion format along with a book
was willing to consider adding a called W by
ChildAt: our fgmily. d'd I Cheries Pies (for lesbians), we
n conSi er lt we 1 ,' guess could discuss parenthood issues we
that’s where I’ll start this series h
, , ad not thought of, or perhaps, even
on Lesbian Parenting. Over the next avoided There are so many things
few months I’ll include How—To’s, '. .

l t' h' , l b' to conSider-- all of the options
re a ions 1p issues, :33 ian available to have or find children,
pregnancy and raiSing Alex info. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 10)

In the spring of ’ 89 we contacted
the Atlanta Feminist Women’s Health
Center and heard about “some lesbians
were getting together to talk about
having kids.” “Some lesbians”
turned out to be about 50 women— some W? K
with kids, some pregnant, some not MO 5°0fo D‘CDTMUE

: 8

so sure, some, adopting, some WAN n ‘ smwt
fostering. It was incredible.l U‘ I :2

We traded phone #’s and v
eventually divided into “baby groups”
of 608 couples and began to meet mmmgoa
every 2-4 weeks to discuss creating UC' MAOOI2773 (606) 259-8
families. Our group helped Ann and —— 7H


 ‘ G180 Gammauuuuuunuuuuuuuuuououzs1-0335
I I us GLSO Board(Craig).............271—8477
GLSO News (Jeff). . . . . . . . . . . . . .253-9729
Ads(Tom) .................233—4812
G| SO News Folding (Lee)............277-9365
_..____ GLSO Speakers Bureau (Bill) . . .266-9175
— GLSO Phoneline (Tony). . . . . . . . .266—9175
LBG Business Coalition (Brad) .266—8187
1 Bluegrass C.O.L.T.S. (Mark) ...233-7266
80am AVOLBwy ICBE—Imperial Court (Tom) . . . . .255-2299
Rainbow Bowling League. . . . . . . .267—2127
_ Tri—State Gay Rodeo (Terry) . . .233-7266
9.00m: anlrunnera . .
10:00am HIV/AIDS $me NAMES Progect KY (Katie) . . . . . .223-3855
Lesbian Potluck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .231-0335
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Bisexual Support Grp. (Barbara)268—8053
. . . ' Esmerelda’s Parlour.. .. ...255-3851
$2001): Ga/LniquA 5:30pm CAP (AVOL) 7:00pm Gay/Lesblan 250%“! Lesbian Wmmm HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. £535; 2“; Me“ 5 Front Runners Joggers (Chuck) . 275-2089
.2. 7100mei$ppt Mtg. . Al-Anon 6:00pm Rape Crisis Ctr. Ben... I Tm' "l V Lex. Men. S Chorus (Shelby) - - - - 231-0090
{69}: GI‘P- “0&0“th 7:00pm New Mommg 7:30pm Partners of 7:00pm Ethnicity Tn1k2253-0... 9:00am ann'unncrs Lesbian Overeaters (Nancy) . . . . 268—3941
HsJRichmnd Rd. Coffeehouse Mtg Hw+ Sppt-Grp- ggooinn 233%?” 8:00pm Gay/mum: AA 10mm HIV/AIDS Spin-Grp- Gay/Lesbian AA (Dave) . . . . . . . . .2 93—6822
909'“ y 5 AA Gay/Lesbian Al—Anon (Robert) . .293-0515
9 10 11 12 13 ' 14 15 LesBiGay Parents Group (Jeff) .253-9729
. . ~ . ' . ' Religious Groups
12%;: ivéLlfmdAbfitg. 22:: 3;]; (312%. gift: 7:00pm Gay/Lesbian 22%: unbmnTmmggi Ell 13;;le G GLSO News Deadline 9:00am Frontrunners Dignity: Catnolic (Don) . . . . . . . 299—4 458
513mm“ Gen-M . 7:00pm New Morning Al-Anon New 54:an Coffeehouse Sppt. rp. 8:00pm Gay/Lesblan 10:003m HIV/AIDS Gay Men’ 5 Spirit Grp. (Steve) . . 233—1782
Coffeehouse Mtg. 7:30pm Partners of 7:00pm GLOBAL-Louisville AA Sppt.Grp. Interweave: Unitarian (Craig) .271—8477
magnum“ , HIV+ Sppt.Grp. 8:00pm Gay/usuanAA 10:00am Men‘s Network B’nai Shalom: Jewish. . . . . (502) 583—0528
Mtg.-UU Church Student Groups
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 UK Lambda (Andrea)............253-0955
_ _ (Jeff)..............253-—9729
' .l‘zg. P1232: 1551’“ 5:30pm CAP (AVOL) 7:00pm Gay/Lesbian 23w gab“: Wan“ HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. 0 “Q . , 9:00am Frontrunners GLSSO: EKU (Laurie) . . . . . . (606) 623-3072
.. Mtg. Al-Anon 13:13.1 Bison” ' 5715121933 3ng 8 10:00am HIV/AIDS B—GLAD: Centre c. (Gary) . (606) 236-4547
4001mm“ [be m 7:00pm New Morning 7:30pm Partners of 7:00pm GLOBAL-Louisviuo Sppt.Grp. AGLF‘ :53 (Pat) - - - ° - ' - - - - (603) 572’5604
: 3' AA 8; / ' WK L L ....... —
7:00pm1mzm'al Court Coffeehouse Mtg. HIV+ Sppt.Grp- 00pm Gay mm M 8:00pm Gay/Lesbian AA GLgBAiz U? éfalrilfleavid) . (:82) Egg-$223
AIDS Information/ Services
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ‘
Kentucky AIDS Hotline. . . . .800 645-2437
. . 5:3lm CAP (AVOL) M _. 4:00pm Lnsbinn Oven-eaters . NM - ‘ - AIDS Vol. Of Lex. (AVOL) . . . . . .254—2865
2.00pm Lesbian/Gay , , 6-H-m Fumes/Lotusvflle _ 8.00pm Gay/Lesblan 9.00am Frontrunners
Parents Gm 6:30“, GLSO News Folding 3%: Sigfpfmo:§ao HIV/AIDS Sppt.Grp. AA 10:00am HIV/AIDS HIV+/AIDS Support Group. . . . . . .254—2865
. ' ‘ ' 7:00pm Gay/[Labian Al-Amn Tin Hunger Sppt.Grp. ANONYMOUS AIDS TESTING
4:00pm Gay/Lesbxan 7%:fizefigns 7:30pm Pm“ of HIV+ 5])... 7:00pm GLOBAmevme , Lexington—Fayette County. . . . . . 288-2437
AA ' 8:00pmGay/LesbinnAA DontLet the Sun Madison County. .. .. ...623-7312
30 Jessamine County..............885—4149
31 July September Woodford County. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .837—4541
4:00pm Gay/Lesbian 3133:!!! SAP $9M Ms- S M T w T F s s M T w T F s Nati°nalGaY/L95bia“ CriSisune
AA : m cw ormng -—————--—— ——————- (800) 247—4283
“fl“‘nm M“? 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 National HateCrimes Hotline
5 6 7 8 9 1O 11 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 (300)347—4233
Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me 11 Benefit 12 13 14 15 15 17 13 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Teenage Gay & LesbianSupport
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 (800) 347-TEEN
- 26 27 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 This line is staffed by teenagers.
WA 1 777"", , rwAv~;:W,iW, W , ”Wig” , H 777 ”H , “fl ' W ,7" , '- *fri'b 'wrrmrwfii‘w 'r' " ' if",

 (PARENTING CONTINUED) our friend is still inseminating and
whether both partners are really is Willing bUt “Ct hoping to be a
freely choosing to participate in single mom.
parenting, work and family responses, If there is one lesson I’ve
your own expectations vs. reality, learned through this, it is that
life after kids with finances, child discussion is necessary. If you're
care, time management, where do you in a relationship and both partners
fit in to the gay community with an are not making a free and informed
infant and the dramatic effect on choice to have kids then you are
your relationship. setting yourselves up for bitterness
In our Atlanta group two couples and anger. And, if you are single,
had sons— Alex and Andrew. One I hope you create a consistent and
couple decided not to have children broad support network. Parenting is
and one woman realized she was only hard work peppered with joys. We are
agreeing to parent because she feared fortunate in that we both wanted
if she did not, she would lose her kids and have had such great support
lover. One woman realized how from family and friends. I would be
important it was to her to have a girl happy to host an organizational
child and that she needed to ensure meeting for a Lexington “baby group.”
that by choosing different options You can contact me by writing GLSO
for D.I. Another couple had a major News. NEXT MONTH: Turkey Basters
upheaval in their relationship but 101: the How—To’s

 PRIDE CELEBRATION celjegrlaiiotn a success and wet
wou i e oex ress our Sinceres
MADE US PROUD thanks to: Th1; Pampered Chef,
by Debbie Currie Crystal Visions, Everybody's
Lexington’ s 1992 Gay, LeSbian Natural Foods and Deli, Lexington
and Bisexual Pride Celebration Taekwondo Center, Ann 0111993:
was a success,with nearly every Chuck_Smith, Mart: Crone, Steve
event well attended. The total Heinrich, Timo hY Branham,
attendance for the 10 day Darrell 5 Hair DeSign, Linda’s
celebration was just over 2,000, SandWich shop, Thomas Harvey Salon,
which is up dramatically from last Darryl S Gratz Park Flowers,Athena
year. In large part, we have the Productions, Joseph—Beth
Kentucky Theater to thank as the Booksellers, Fred Mills, Teresa
showings of “Desert Hearts” and Isaac, the Rev. Kelly FlOOdr
“Poison” accounted for close to LeXington Men'sCorus, Interweave,
half of that total. Another standout Altafa' 5, UK Lambda, LOUlSVlllle
event was the the presentation of Fairness Campaign, Gay Men 3
“Dos Lesbos” and “This Brooding Spiritual Group, Imperial court
Sky” by Between the Acts. The of the Bluegrass, Harp Enterprises,
plays were a sellout with a total AVOL'. The Bar, The Metro,
attendance of nearly 400. Arts CroSSings, Joe s Cafe and Bar, the
Night and the Pride Church Service Rainbow bOWlJ—hg league and all the
at the Unitarian Church were also other people we would like. to name
quite successful with each topping but can t. Once again our Sincerest
100 in attendance. We hope that thanks. We would have been lost
these big numbers excite you as WlthOUt you!
much as they do us!
We are pleased to report that
the Pride Celebration also did
we l financially. The 1992 Pride
Committee will be turning over a THE COPY
larger bankroll to the21993 Pride
Committee than the 199 committee C
recieved. Part of the reason is ' OMPANY
that the Tri—State Gay Rodeo
Association andAthena Productions 233/] B
took total responsibility for V
three of the celebration’ s largest WOODHILL
undertakings: T.S.G.R.A. with the
Salute to Lexington Volunteers
Banquet and the barn dance, and DRIVE
Athena with the plays by Between
the Acts. This year's celebration LEX'NGTON KY
could not have been all that is was ’
without the commitment of those 40509
two groups, and we thank them.
We also have the Pride Raffle
to thank for the improvement in 268‘4056
our financial position. There was
a total of 19 prizes raffled off,
and we raised over $300.
The communitie’ 3 support was
invaluable in making this year's

 Prevention is
For more information, call your
local health department or the
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.

 . . I
EST-rig. NEWS SHOR'is ’lsvl. which finds that 30% of completed
I " *g 1' . .
. _ ‘ m youth suiCides are among homosexual
teens. Weld also addressed the
Louisville— This year’s Stonewall finding that 25% of gay youth are
Awards for service to the bisexual/ forced to leave home for their sexual
lesbian/gay community named Carla orientation.
Wallace and Ken Herndon, the Co-Chairs
of the Louisville Fairness Campaign, Sacramento- Rep. William Dannemeyer
the Lesbian and Gay Man of the Year (R—CA) , the arch—conservative known
respectively. Tracy Fox of U. of as the “Jesse Helms of the House of
L.'s GLOBAL student group received Representatives” for his attacks on
the first Bisexual of the Year award gayS, lost his bid for the Republican
with Melissa Mershon, President of nomination for a seat in the U.S.
the Louisville Board of Aldermen, Senate. Having given up his House
winning the Non—Gay Person honor. seat to run for the Senate, Dannemeyer
The Connection Complex won the award is now Out of Congress .
for Organization of the Year with
Heart to Heart/ AIDS Support Services Louisville- The HIV/AIDS Legal
receiving the Service in the Area of Project of Kentucky received two
AIDS award. grants to provide free legal services
to Kentuckians who are HIV+. The
New York— A monument to the grants will allow the Project to
Stonewall Riots was unveiled June 23 assist with entitlement programs,
in New York's Christopher Park. insurance benefits, and other legal
Commemorating the riots that gave issues.
birth to the mOdern gay rights 53355555353335555555555E5SESSESEEESEEEEESEEEEEEEEE:é55535233553E5E3EEE555E5E5S535:5E3E5EZE;E5E5E5E:‘I3E5:5E323E5E;E5E5E5E5535353E1533f53E55=31SI::2IS13:I:1515‘éiEli-”:Eizisiiisiiiiééifiiiéééfi
movement 23 years ago, the statue by e
George Segal shows two seated women
on a park bench touching lightly with Shinju TI’O din g [:0 m I) O n u
two men standing next to each other. Pearls _ _ flntiques
cnieege— Lenny Beeberg, a sen
Francisco hotel caterer, was awarded
the International Mr. Leather. The
National Leather Association also
announced plans to start a Leather
Archives and Museum in Chicago. For
more information on donating to the
archives, call (312) 878—6360. A
Boston— Gov. William Weld of
Massachusetts swore in the nation’ 5 .4 13;: i"; 3 L
first Governor's Commission on Gay h " '
and Lesbian Youth on June 11- This Gay Konsi - Jim Brosheor
COMlSSl?“ “111. a.d"lse the governor 113 Clay Ave. Lexington, KY40587
on stemIning SulCldeS, homelessness {EEEEEEEEEE 5535553;
and violence against lesbian, gay 231416] 252'5490
and bisexual youth. In his opening
s eech, Weld called attention to a
1389 us. Dept. of Health and Human Tue £91.; 1265”“‘23
services Report on youth suicide

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 M Com munity 0!.) The Two Jam lyidaels
JE~._'!IIunn||| Spotlight Hum-ME; Do “man
I I . .
hosted a benefit for Kevin
c 1 TS“ {Dears ag°_ I , a grouP fr?“ Drury called “Don’t Let the Sun
0 ora o egan raiSing money 0 u -
fight the spread of AIDS. By using GO DEDWD on Me Wthh was
the promotion of rodeo as a fund organized by two men 1.30131 named
raiser, the group was not only able John Michael. LeXlngton 18
to fund many local charities and gay fortunate to have these tWO
Zi‘iimigié’i‘éi’t buftrtialfié’oieiianifi talents to Preeuee “0°“: Let
neighboring states. In time, these the Stan GO Down on Me II as a
other groups joined with the Colorado ben§flt for AIDS VOllunteers Of
organization, and the International LeXington and Hospice of the
Rodeo Association was formed: Bluegrass. Running from Sat.,
snaptifsif{iaerir‘fies‘éattiesiiit’figfiii August 29‘ Fri-r September 4,
formed, Kentucky became the thirty at the new Vlrtual Arts Gallery
fifth state to join. Like the at 117 5: Upper $t- (near J98 S
Cincinnati branch, which supports an Bar) , this benefit uses a unique
QIDS hgfipife _ catlleg the) dCleiiC theme: each day of the exhibit
ouse, e eXing on ranc ona es - - -
money to the Fayette County Health will? fficu.s in :1. §¥$C}ffl.c gtouP
Department for buying medicine for a lg r1? _0 . 1n ec 10n-
AIDS victims. In addition to this, The exhibitions include art,
the local chapter helped fund the Cay music, raffles, poetry and a