xt74b853j33c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853j33c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Ky. University of Kentucky 1992 1993 1994 The University of Kentucky Gradute Schools course catalogs contain bound volumes dating from 1926 through 2005. After 2005, the course catalogs ceased to be printed and became available online only. course catalogs English University of Kentucky Copyright retained by the University of Kentucky. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Graduate School course catalogs University of Kentucky: The Graduate School Bulletin, 1992-1994 text University of Kentucky: The Graduate School Bulletin, 1992-1994 1992 1992 1993 1994 2020 true xt74b853j33c section xt74b853j33c    


University of Kentucky
















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Unlverslty Archlves
MOC'QQ‘G‘ l. King Library « North,

4 / 1992-94 L$X*:;::;:ec:gm
‘Fraduate School



UnzverszgxofKentuc/ey Bulletin


Q Falll \ ‘1

/ ‘ ,c 3 , _ , Number5

, _. ; The UniVersity of Kentucky BUlletin (USPSi384-610) is published six times a year, once in the spring, three times in the summer

* (Summer l,iSummer ll; Summer i ll) and twice in the fall (Fall I, Fall ll) by the University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506. Second

Ciass pOSi‘age paid atthe‘ Post Office, Lexington,/KY 40511 . Postmaster: Send address changes to the Graduate School. Att:

: \ Mailing (Bantam-Universityoi Kentucky 40508. A cooperative publication of the Graduate School, and the Publications Bureau
.- \‘oi Public Reiaiions'sand UK Photographic Services. ,




Calendar ................................................................................ 3
The Graduate School ........................................................... 7
Admissions ........................................................................... 10
General Regulations ........................................................... 15
Advanced Degrees .............................................................. 19
Academic Resources ........................................................... 28
General Information .......................................................... 36
Degree Requirements ......................................................... 41
Programs and Directors of Graduate Studies ................... 46
The Graduate School Programs ........................................ 49
Council on Higher Education Residency

Classification Policy ........................................................ 111
Index .................................................................................. 115




The University of Kentucky is committed to a policy of providing educa-
tional opportunities to all qualified students regardless of economic or social
status, and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex,
marital status, beliefs, age, national origin, or handicap.

Compliance with Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, which
prohibits sex discrimination, and with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
is coordinated by Ms. Nancy Ray, Affirmative Action Office, 303 Administra-
tion Building, (606) 257-8927.

Efforts to comply with the laws and regulations applicable to qualified
handicapped individuals are also coordinated by the Affirmative Action
Office, as required by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Questions concerning compliance with regulations may be directed to
UK’s Affirmative Action Office, or to the Director of the Office of Civil Rights,
US. Department of Education, Washington, DC

The University is in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988
and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989.
Questions may be directed to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the
Administrator for Personnel Policy and Procedures.



Students should check the Schedule afClasses each semester for any calendar changes which may have been approved after publication of this


The approved Calendar for the academic year 1993‘94 will be published in the Schedule of Classes each semester.

1992 Fall Semester

February l-Saturday—Dcadline for International
applications to be submitted to The Graduate
School for the 1992 Fall Semester

February 15—Saturday—Priority deadline for Fresh—
man applicants: Applicants for the 1992 Fall Se-
mester by this date who meet automatic admission
criteria will be guaranteed general admission; ap-
plicants after this date whether meeting automatic
admission or delayed admission criteria will be
considered on a space-available basis only.

February l5—Saturday—Deadline for submission of
all application materials, College of Medicine, for
Fall 1992

April 15—Wednesday—Deadline for applying with
college deans for reinstatement after a second
academic suspension for the 1992 Fall Semester

May I—Friday—Deadline for undergraduate Interna-
tional applicants to submit 1992 Fall Semester

June l—Monday—Deadline for submission ofapplica—
tion and all required documents to the Office of
Admissions forundergraduate applicantsplanning
to attend Summer Advising Conferences (includ-
ing registration for fall classes)

June l5—Monday—Earliestdate to submitapplication
for regular and Early Decision Program admission,
College of Medicine, for Fall 1993

July 24——Friday—Deadline for applying for admission
to a program in The Graduate School for the 1992
Fall Semester. Applications for readmission, post—
baccalaureate status, and visiting student status will
be accepted after the deadline.

August l—Saturday—Final deadline for submission of
application and all required documents to the
Office ofAdmissions for undergraduate admission
for the 1992 Fall Semester. Non