xt74b853h09q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853h09q/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 8, March 1, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 8, March 1, 1920 1920 1920 2015 true xt74b853h09q section xt74b853h09q . • ,
T• Editors: Tm
·•·~• ··· ¤··· ¤¤···¤·· THE UNIVERSITY OF
R mpmd fw tm KENTUCKY E,,....., .. ,,°,,,.,
press and is released °t“° matter *t tt"
for publication •n p°°t °tt'°° at L"'
receipt _ lngton, Ky.
’ · Vol III N0 8
  = : ' ' '
UNIVERSITY MEN T0 m4) Reconstruction ot Education in POINT SYSTEM ADO
" *5) ideals and Citizenship (For High —-·— ENT PLANNEDU1nT’]?l:§ERS T T0 VISITING ORATORS
’ ' ‘ . I * ‘
Womens Clubs, educational, social SchOO1COmm€DcBmentS_ The point system has been incor· ;__, Y ,
l Tl ri t t · k
and similar organizations thruout th€ . . porated into th c0ust't t' { tb In ns no nnn S in Mnnnn win
_ Edward Tuthill, Ph.D., Head oi the Do. B t u ttm 0 B At a recent meetin ot the women .» · -
State may procure upon request the mrtmem of Hi t r d P lm Womaxfs Student Government ASS? g Lrark a period of debate at the Unlver.
following members of the fafltllty of Science. S 0 Y an 0 can ciation ofthe University of Kentucky. Students Of the Unwnnnny nn Ken- eity et Kentuekx During that ttm°
the University or kentucky for leo- (1) TIG Tr d f th T_ This assoclatlcn is composgd Of all t110kY Plans Were set f01‘th f01‘ the O1`- the University will be the hosts of
Lures on the subjects indicated. Lec- t en 0 B *m°$· , _ - - . nnlzetlen lg W · . .
, young women residing in the dormi- g 0 9· Omahs League f01' two assocmti .
_ _ Ed`, d W. _ h ons, the Southern Ora
tures on agricultural subjects may be DEE` B Lt€¤E¤§ ·D·· Ijtaad °t the De tories. The installation oi the system the purpose of bringing together all teylonl Aeseelellen and that gf the AS.
nmnineil by application to the Dean ot m he 0 °°¤°m*°$- is in acm dance ‘th tl · . t' r -· · - . .
the College of Agriculture. Lectures tl) Ptcgtams ef Industrial R&f6t°t¤· other proniinent tlenivengtnersncolsntlne nnmnnnnnnnnts °m"’Un1Y°tS.1ty’b°°h nnnlnnnn nf Kentucky Cenngne
on subjects other than agriculture may te) Price Ctttmggs and their Social country, especially among women stu- ignnn 11-W-mn ·m the nnrmnnmnn nnn Merch 1 the State emterteel eentest
.,8 l,.t,c..n.i through uw D€D~£1I‘t¤16¤t _¤¤¤S€¤¤€¤¤¤s- _ dents. According to this gcnm., all w‘QffO‘;t‘;fdt$);lfQ;Q if mn;‘;§jfIl‘;f]‘;°iQ‘1t will be held ~¤¤¤¤¤s Berea. ¤=¤¤r·r<=.
uf University Extension, of which Wei- h·   Wood. A- B-. B. S,. M. A., Prin- college activities will bg rated agoord- mgumtgd at U U   .t h. Georgetown, Transylvania, Kentucky
liggton c, Patrick is Director: mal of University High School and ing to the amount or work required in Qhm 1,0 bt In nwnnn y W mn Wesleyan and the University of Ken-
Geeyge M, Baker, M. A. (Columbia). Assistant Professor of Education. their accomplishment, and n, young LéagugWIE1;€\;E;t;;:€$lnlt;;n' inns; tucky. The winner of this contest ‘
Associate Processor of Education. (1) The Cradle of Democracy (illus- woman is allowed to partlolpale ln in March. Among its acgvitiiznlxll will represent the State in an inter-
(1) Community Organization. tfated). _ them only up to a, certain number of . . . State contest held in April against the
(2) The Teacher as an Artist (2) The Ca11—America’s True De- points;. . nn tnn nnnglng nf wnmnn npnninnstn winners of the State contests t 0hi
(Q) The New Immigration tense Th to the University from time to time _ e °’
· - e purpose of the system is mainly for the ur O { . . 111616113, IlIlI10iS, Michigan, Wisconsin
(4) The Irish Element in America. (3) A MHn's Job. to disseminate college oiiioos llitherlo talks mngirns ig gid iiggnin Lncntilnnnl and Minesota.
· - rn . IG C 00S-
(5) The French Element ln Amerlca. ¤· F- Félfqllhal', M. A}., HB3.!} of the Dc- held by a few among as large a. num- mg their Wmtions The Lea .11 On March 7 the representatives of
(5) The Jewish Element in America. Daftment of English. ber of students as possible in order 1 h .` gun wl, the Southern Oratorical Association
· ·•(7) A Look Ahead, (1) Literature of the Bible. that they may obtain the executive aft; ann nunnnvlsnm nf the girls Virginia, North Carolina Alabama,
Harry Best, lvl, A., Ph.D., Professor ot (2) Shakespeare. training gained thereby, and also that nn msm wml the nnnnnnn Of. nnvnn Johns Hopkins University and Vander: ‘
$0ciOl0$y_ ~ i . (3) P0€t1‘Y. the students may not bg taxed by par. Sgggg shgngvnonielfnglgngh Ofczignlnl nin bilt will icomlpete for the Southern in-
(1) Immigration and Americaniza- *4) Modern Drama. ticipating in these activities to the n nun terstate Oratorical Championship
Men (5) Modern Issues. detriment or their collegiate work or Ma ‘ t t ·
. . . rch 12 th U i ‘ ‘
(2) The Question or Poverty. (6) The League of Nations. beyond their strength, University Made Noble will meet Knentnolgtslny gfegnnggnnzg '
(3) What Shall We D0 With Our L. C. Chalkley, B. L., Proiossol- or Law, ----------.... Contribution to the War tween the orators of their respective
( §31indh Pcgiulationd? D b H (1) The Democratic Spirit ot Nations, ASSOCIATION OF DEANS —·— Universities. ·
4 T e eat an um. in uman (2) The League of Nations. MEETS AT U OF K IN 1922 Statistics lately formulated at the ..a.._......
. Society. {B) Americanization ‘ University of Kentucky show that
. . · · . . · EXTENSIO -
. s_ A, Boles, M. A., Physical Director. (4) Genesis of the American Consti- .Tnn Nnnnnnl Dnnn nf Mens Anne 1,038 University students end elnnml REC¥O§ILI§v{g§EDI (
in History of Physical Educatien. national system. Q;;tf"k""1f   at th8.U‘¥t““S“y °t served during me war in the military c01.1.AB01zA·1·01n it
(2) The Place of Physical Education (5) Legal Rights of Children and as ext nin dy bn ` The lnvnnnnn wnn forces of the United States. This ——— t
· in the General Theory or Education. Children. en e Y Pt°t"Ss°’ C· R· M€t°h°'· d . T . . ~. 2
(3) Amer Athletic G (6 Tl ` I Dulcgata to the Convention mwung number oes not include the 1,244 he Director of University 1nxten·
A _ man Milxzglrlsm 1 s versus el`- L1 16 Lonstitutional Lnvo or Fair at thc Univcrsity of Illinois Bibruary regular soldiers given technical train- Sion, University of Kentucky, has been
Paul P B0 d M A   D D6 I VV       and 21, to meet at K8ntuck`_ ngxt ing   the UI]iV9fSity, n()['   men in designated   the BUTGBJI of Edu*CB,tiOn
College O;'ArtS·ami» Sciénggs an O ie   Ot; sglyi A· Mo DBM! of U18 COI- year, but in consideration Of the the Studgllts’ Army Training Corps, *8.t Washington upon the recommgilda. A
(1) The Social Function eg me (l) gTh Un. . Wishes of Professor Rieno, of Igwgl, e which taken in the aggregate, would t10n of State Superintendent of pub, A
‘ Church and nt; Reggie Evn In Knunmky member ¤f the executive committee of make the wtai number of men which hc Instruction Colvin and Pres. F. L.
_ . Y- · h ‘ ‘ ‘ i M V , »f th ' ‘ · ·
{2) Kenmckws Educational Needs. J. J. Tigérty M. AI (Oxon) Pmfca 0 the Association, and who has been ee. t e University has contributed to the if GY 0 e University, spool.;]
f3) Charles Goodyear ng Psychol ° S n UVB ih the Organization, it was nenln- €0¤¤t1`Y during the great wer 3,167. CO1abOTat0l‘ ifor Home Rgadlug
· . ogy. Sd to hold the next megtm at th _ The nunlbcr Og Student and alumni Courses of the State of Kentucky, " '
(4) The Teaching of Mathematics. (1) The Ex-Kaiser of Germany . g e Un . .
i. s. oi¤iA...i, A. M., pits., Assistant in who wm. ii., WA.? ° ?V“““·y °t tm with the ¤¤“°YS*=m· my mt my °““"’“ ‘“°‘““S* 2 “‘° Hm R“t‘““g "°“”t mu was
Professor of Economics and Sociol- (3) Women and th W 1 lng tnnt tnn Assnmntien Wm eeme t° nnlnnnln 5 nnntnnnnt nnnnnnn’ H lnnnnnnn ny tnn Bureau of Edueetien
ogy (4) Tha Growth gf and War· _ Kentucky the following year. majors 59 captains, 116 first lieuten· at Washington for the purpose of en- ·n .
(1) Community R€Cl.QmiOn_DGSign€d France em°°m°Y m  ; ants, 189 second lieutenants, 24 Couraging the adult nltlzens to reed e
to interest Civic associations, w0_ (5) The Unification of Italy. UNIV§[1§ISéggIZT§;Rg§E$S0R lisiitrgianti whose grades were not north Whhile bofoks and to guide them   ·—_
I men, .t 1 b Y t ’ 6 Tl _ _   5 3 9 _ T gre \vgl•3 glgg 66 Of hou. ll} IE C OICG 0 SlICh books. P»&l`ll·phl€lZ
(2. .A5.§€”‘E.‘;“‘.’§..i.$ ST§.;... .... Ei? viii R£§i.§f.§L2“S§I.“.; .).,.0.. A —··   me CBYS » it   “ the C Ourses *¤ leaflet me ed also
· — a. c . - . · - , .
TG3_chG,I._,fm. t€ache_I.S» associations. Background Of the World War- S0? C§;1iIb;eIt;>r;X§§;`e;§ed byf Protest; ni -c;rpora;ls, im; 544 plrivatesé The ;;;gli;¤;;?G;J;a;;<}y which Shah lead in time October 16-Miami, at Mi3mj_
` W9Ui¤gt0n Patrick, M. A., Head of De- lien releee carried Ou thm mma years m¤t€S of the school for the past num· te the mstttutttm °t tt mtmthly magm October 23—S9l·V¤¤B<>‘, at Lexington.
u;)nr'i__I;en;r°t University EXt€hSl0¤ t1‘0m it class- A evaporation Station ber Ot m°¤thS» ih which time he haS Zme' Oet°bet` 30‘VttHd€I"bil·t· at Nash-
e arket Value of an Educa- wl 'ch P f . S · subjected all Of th9 Studéht t t l vine
mm. ju; H ro etssor hull operated in con- tests AS a penal msmst "Beute Miss Blacx wms HONOR. Novemb 6_U - - · -
.2) The Man Wortl While H 0.011 w ll fhg Weather Bureau of C -11 t t th t th e, 0c or t GI` HIVBYSIEY of Cincin-
1 .’ l). orne sa ‘ . ',tL' ,
charles A- Shun PhD Head I D ie epartment ot Agrlnnlgnl-e_ H t A GS a e school is el; Miss Mimm Beck, head of the DB- Pai a exmgwn
» - ·· 0 e- The American Journal gf geelelegy ce eh ~ S a. feformatory much is partmgnt of Arts and Desi t th November 13—lCen1;yo Cgllggg, ell; —
. Pmtmellt of Botany. will also puplish in an early issue an t° be destrel m·m€tY· better DhY¤i0¤·I· U · gns n n Lexington.
(1) Social Hygiene, or School and article b Pmf H better mental Su Brvi _ _ nivers1ty of Kentucky, has been hon-
_ ~ Y GSSOT afi'? Best, Pro- . P $*0% better eyed by the eeee tene g t { h November 25—University of Teu·
_ Community Hygiene, resale]. of SOC- 1 A- teachers and above all · l D n 0 we 0 er
n te) Luther Burbank and His Work Meltin P0l;v'1‘O0`lay,]{;(;n gow Fm; tn? training school ‘ ly nnlllvnnnnnnn pninnngs tn be exhibited at the en` nnssnn nt Knnnvnnn
· (3) Heredity and environment in Hu- lnoggd gupgn lhiegen mnggm nmnncn, may learn a tran}; W 'tn bl ntmmittls nnnl nrt nxnibn new by mn Phtlade A gnmn with Gnnngntnwn win pnnnl
man Life. Qvhue al SO i I ;S i 6StS studleg future Smit 9 0 t 9 Y pllia. Water Color Exposition in Phil- ably be scheduled, either on Octobel" nl
A _ ° it WOT er ¤ New York - - adelphia, December 9 to 14. 2 or November 20. .