xt74b853gh4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853gh4j/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1992 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 68, No. 2, Autumn 1992 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 68, No. 2, Autumn 1992 1992 1992 2014 true xt74b853gh4j section xt74b853gh4j  ,
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l Dr. Anne Wasson

 US ISSN 0016-2116
Table of Contents
Dr. Anne Wasson - Deanna Severance 1
Meet Joyce Fitzpatrick - Barb Gibson 5
My Experience as a Courier — M. Bushnell, E.Graninger 7
Notes From the School — Dr. Judith Treistman 9
Intemational Visitors - Barb Gibson 11
Beyond the Mountains - Deanna Severance 13
Ruth Blevins - Barb Gibson 15
Courier News - Susie Hudgins 16
FNS Employees - Barb Gibson 18
Field Notes - Susie Hudgins 21
Retum to FNS - Eileen Cunningham 22
Kate Ireland's Reception - Barb Gibson 23
In Memoriam - Barb Gibson 26
In Honor Of - Barb Gibson 27
Urgent Needs — Barb Gibson Inside back cover
COVER: Dr. Anne Wasson, former staff member, former Director of the
Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing and a member ofthe FNS
Board of Governors. Photo by: Phylliss Long
Us ISSN 001e2116
Published at the end of each quarter by the Frontier Nursing Service, Inc.
Wcndover, Kentucky 41775 5
Subscription Price $5.00 a Year
Editor's Office, Wcndover, Kentucky 41775
VOLUME 68 NUMBER 2 ` Fall 1992 I
Second-class postage paid at Wendover, KY 41775 and at additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Frontier Nursing Service, Wendover, KY 41775. J
Copyright 1986, Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. ‘
· I

 , . I Tl
  Dr. Anne Wasson  
  It has been a rare privilege for me to know Anne Wasson, M.D.  
Q;  She is a remarkable woman of many talents. In May of 1992, I had the  
Q opportunity to sit in her comfortable New Hampshire kitchen and ask of  
t her life and travels. Although only a book would do justice to her  
_  i accomplishments, I know many of our readers love Dr. Anne as I do and  
  find her a fascinating character. This Quarterly Bulletin is dedicated to  
 I "Dr. Anne". Q
 Q Dr. Anne was born in 1920 in Buffalo, New York. Her father,  
 ‘f Henry Seamore Wasson, was a 1900 graduate of the University of ‘
_  Buffalo law school. He made a great impression on Dr. Anne. She  
  remembers sitting on the floor near the radio on convention nights with ·
 g a piece of paper. It was her job to tally the votes to see who would be the ,
  presidential nominee. These were the years before television. Truly, the i
 it floor of the convention was an exciting place to be. Anything could  
 t` happen and did! To this day, Dr. Anne remains an avid follower of the  
nifl  political process. She lectures on the health of presidents for historical ;
  associations in New England.  
 » When Dr. Anne was a sixteen year old sophomore in high Q
 Q4 school her father died. The domestic life of her family changed and Dr.  
 " Anne took a larger role and responsibility with the family. She received  
  a full art scholarship to Alfred University in southem New York state.  
  Interestingly, Dr. Anne’s mother had attended Alfred University as a I
Q  liberal arts major. She wanted to write. After two years of study, she S
if  married Mr. Wasson and was never able to complete the course of study. ,
  As for herself, Dr. Anne insists she was no good as an artist and knew she Q
 , could never make a living at it. For those of us who know of her h
  architectural clinic designs, the art scholarship is not surprising!  
  The truth is that Dr. Anne wanted to attend nursing school. By  
 I this time, her mother had moved to Boston to be closer to family  
 I members. She was adamant that Anne not attend nursing school because I  
°{ she would be no good at emptying bed pans and things like that! Of  
- course, Dr. Anne had no thought of doing that for long either. She had  
g it all planned to attend Yale and become a surgical nurse. Her mother -
{ recommended laboratory technique school instead. Dr. Anne took her g
» recommendation and attended the Boston Dispensary which is now a part  
Q of Tufts. The course lasted 18 months.  
·   Upon completion of lab school, Dr. Anne took a job at the lg
  Rutland Hospital in Rutland, Vermont. Within three months she was  
  _ I

named head technician. She served at Rutland for two and one-half years. »
Dr. Anne went on to attend the University of Buffalo to obtain F
the necessary courses for the American Society of Clinical Pathology l
certification. At least that's what she told everyone. She had the idea that L
she might be able to attend medical school. Emma Detters, the Dean of  
Women became fascinated with Dr. Anne and did everything she could !
to help her succeed. Dr. Anne worked her way through the AS CP course ,~
by designing labs. She obtained her ASCP certification and went on to I
take more courses in physics and German. At this point she received a I
full scholarship and could quit work and be a full time student. i
Dr. Anne remembers she was taking final exams when Franklin
Roosevelt died. She had gone to the organic chemistry exam and heard
that three girls, all from outside New York State, had been chosen for
medical school. She called her mother in Boston depressed because she
was living in New York and knew she could not possibly be one of the A
three chosen. Her mother said she had a letter waiting for her in Boston .
from the University of Buffalo. She had forgotten that her official B
University address was Boston! .
Although Dr. Anne did not receive an undergraduate degree she
was accepted into and graduated from the University of Buffalo Medical
School. She put herself through school working three jobs: (1) The
Goodyear Williamsville Convalescent Home. Dr. Anne had started this ,
job as an undergraduate. Patients at this home had serious problems such I
as Tetralogy of Fallot, Graves Disease, Rheumatoid arthritis on IV gold  
therapy, and the like. She continued here for three years; (2) Dissection I
of special projects for surgical residents at the Buffalo General Hospital `
I for 75 cents an hour; and (3) Assistant Instructor in Physiology Night I
I School Lab.
I In 1950, Dr. Anne graduated from medical school and went to
Bangor, Maine for a rotating intemship. Dining this "rotation", she
delivered 125 babies!
In 1951, Dr. Anne set up her private practice in Bradford, New
Hampshire. She practiced in Bradford until 1965. At that time she moved
to offices in New London, New Hampshire. Here she built a house,
designed a large clinic, worked at the college infirmary in Henniker, and
was on the Colby Junior College Infirmary staff. ’
By 1969, Dr. Anne was exhausted. She did not like the new  
practice. It was too "Fifth Avenue". There was "muzak" in the offices. }§
Colby College had a Kenya exchange program, and she mulled over the   ‘
I thought of going to Africa. Her long time office nurse and friend, Alice   I

  Whitman, told Dr. Anne there were enough poor people in this country  
Q and she should stay right here to help. Dr. Anne had heard of the nurses ’
E on horseback from an Australian physician who had worked at the FNS.
[ In fact, that’s how he came to be in the United States. She received a  
'{ Quarterly Bulletin, wrote to Helen Browne, and the rest is history. She
t took the summer of 1969 off and came to the Frontier Nursing Service.
, In the fall of 1969, she and Anna Mae January, FNS midwife, returned ,
  to New London. Dr. Anne sold her house, closed her practice, and moved l
, to Kentucky. She practiced with the FNS until 1983. §
{ Dr. Anne did anything that had to be done while serving at the l
FNS. She was the only physician for a time. She designed the 1
Community Health Center Clinic. She set up our home health agency. g
She read x-rays, did surgery, taught clinical students, caught babies, §
served as the head of the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family  
i Nursing, taughtmidwifery and family nursing students and even operated ,
{ on a pig. In New London she had been on call every other weekend and i
  every other night. At the FNS, she was on call 24 hours a day for seven l
y days a week. She soon discovered this was not the place to come for a  
1 rest; but the need was so great... She saved the lives of some and 1
influenced the lives of so many more!
Throughout her life Dr. Anne has maintained a marvelous sense
of humor. She is both philospher and storyteller. She has the ability to
5 laugh at herself. In her presence I become like a child wanting to hear the ]
  stories over again. "Dr. Anne, tell the one about the Texan!" She is l
l always willing to oblige and indulge her audience. In fact, I could not end  
E this article without repeating at least one story. {
} Dr. Anne had worked in the clinic and emergency room until  
late one evening. There had been a shooting. When the victim was  
brought into the emergency room, he was dead. In those days, the funeral  
home director would come and move the body; however, Dwayne  
Walker, the funeral director, was temporarily unavailable. In such a case  
the body would be held at the hospital. There was a little room just off l
‘ the x-ray room, and the body was wheeled in on the gumey to wait for Mr. Q
Walker. Dr. Anne left for the evening with everything under control. The  
· next momin g the nurse reported to Dr. Anne that a long, tall Texan with g
t a ten-gallon hat and high—heeled boots had come into the emergency  
  room about midnight. He was working on one of the oil rigs at Red Bird.  
  It appeared to the nurse that he was quite drunk. He was complaining that  
li someone had hit him on the head. The nurse told the cowboy that x-rays  
E t would have to be taken. She led him into the x-ray room and told him to  

sit down and wait while she called the x—ray technician. The technician
would have to come down to the hospital from his apartment. Dr. Anne
said, "Judas’ Priest! You know a drunk can’t sit stil1!" The nurse had
been gone only a few minutes when the cowboy found her and said he was
leaving. "Honey", he said, "There’s a man in there that needs you a lot II
more than I d0." The nurses were concemed that no x—rays had been ·
taken. Later in the morning the cowboy retumed, sober and in much pain. I
When the x—rays were finally taken, he had a fracture of the cervical spine. I
Today, Dr. Anne is a member of the FNS Board of Governors I
and the Frontier School of Midwifery and Family Nursing Board of  
Directors. She serves as the chairman of theMary Breckinridge Healthcare {
Home Health Advisory Committee. This involves reviewing charts, I
ensuring that licensure requirements are met, and chairing a quarterly  
meeting in Hyden. I
Twenty three years have passed since Dr. Anne made her first  
trip to the Kentucky Mountains and the Frontier Nursing Service. I have I
leamed much from this great lady, and I know many of you who know  
her share these sentiments. Thank you, Dr. Anne, for sharing your sense I
of humor, your knowledge of life, and your time so generously. I
-Deanna Severance I
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Dr. Anne relaxing at the "Big House"

  Meet Joyce Fitzpatrick
E Joyce Fitzpatrick PhD,
Q FAAN, EMBA, will become a
_' member of the FNS Board of
  Govemors in December of this  
4 year. Joyce is a Professor of  
Q Nursing and was appointed ,    
1 Dean of the Frances Payne ·~     QW r
l Bolton School of Nursing at   ‘U_{   ' ,
l the Case Westem Reserve ' ‘  
University in Cleveland, Ohio  
in 1982. During her nine years  
g as Dean, she has raised the  
t School to a consistent ranking /
in the top five nursing schools g
; nationally. Her areas of ex- Joyce F itzpatick
, pertise are educational admini-
t stration and innovation, gaining financial support for nursing educational
i research, editing nursing research publications and suicidology. In 1989
, she was named one of the top five academic administrators in fund raising
l in the country.
  Last year, Joyce reinstituted the BSN program at Case Westem
I Reserve after gaining finanical support for students from University
Hospitals of Cleveland, the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Metro-
Health Medical Center. Through her leadership, the School now has an
MSN/MBA, an MSN in Nurse—Midwifery and an MSN in Nurse
Joyce eamed her BSN at the Georgetown University, her MS in
psychiatric—mental health nursing at the Ohio State University, and her
PhD in nursing at the New York University. In 1987, she completed a
· course at the IEM at Harvard and received an EMBA degree at the
Weatherhead School of Management at Case Westem Reserve University
in May 1992. She has received many honors and awards in her
. profession. In 1981 she was elected a Fellow in the American Academy
of Nursing, received the American Journal of Nursing Book Of The Year
A Award six times, the Midwest Nursing Research Society Award for
Distinguished Contribution to Nursing Research, The Ohio State
University Distinguished Alumna Award, the Sigma Theta Tau
I International Elizabeth McWilliams Miller Founders Award for

Excellence in Nursing Research and, in 1992, the New York University  
Division of Nursing Distinguished Alumna Award. In September 1988, 3
Dr. Fitzpatrick was appointed Elizabeth Brooks Ford Professor of E
Nursing by the president of Case Westem Reserve University. ai
This lady is a dynamic spokesperson for nursing and is an
acclaimed speaker and panelist at professional nursing conferences. She t
is widely published in nursing literature having over 100 publications. X
She is co—editor of the Annual Review of Nursing Resgrch series and I
editor of a new journal, Applied Nursing Research. She has served as a ,
consultant to several state and federal commissions and agencies. In  
May, 1990 she received an honorary doctorate, Doctor of Humane t
Letters, from her alma mater, Georgetown University. In May 1992, she l
received the Distinguished Alumnae award from another alma mater,  
NYU. i
Joyce is married to Dr. Michael J. Donova, psychologist, and  
has two daughters, Maria and Regina, 13 and 14. She held nursing  
positions and resided in Columbus, New York City, and Detroit before  
moving to Cleveland. V
In 1983,Joyce met Kate Ireland who was the National Chairman l
of the FNS Board of Governors. Kate was already involved with Case {
t Westem Reserve at that time and they saw the possibility of an academic E
, affiliation with Case Westem and the Frontier School of Midwifery and E
I Family Nursing. Joyce was instrumental in getting this started and it still A
E exists today.
Joyce says FNS is a wonderful example of innovation and
healthcare and she would like to see the FNS model represented even
more in Cleveland and other places. She is currrently working on the
establishmentof a Community Nursing Center for Cleveland and various
intemational nursing programs, such as Ireland, Uganda and Italy, in
collaboration with the World Health Organization. Joyce says she is
happy to be a member ofthe FNS, Inc. Board of Govemors and we at FNS
are honored to have her serve on our board!
-Barb Gibson
i Z

  My Experience as a Courier
L I first heard of the Frontier
= Nursing Service when I was 14 and _
{ had dreams of becoming a midwife.  
, Throughout the years that followed, §g ;? F . ,·
I FNS kept popping up in things I   I
, read and with people I talked to. e   *  
{ The more I leamed about FNS and
I its history, the more excited I
I became about its importance to the
I development of nursing and nurse
I midwifery in this country. The ’i*· __ _
  women I read about were always A    ..
I independent, resourceful and ad-    
venturous. Mary Breckinridge had Megan Bushnell
a vision of health care that even
today has not been fully appreciated and utilized throughout this country.
Thirteen years later, and finally on my way to becoming a nurse-midwife,
I I had the opportunity to experience Hyden, Kentucky for myself.
I When I arrived at Wendover I was in awe at being able to
I wander at will throughout the Big House and the grounds. Here in
Philadelphia I live among all kinds of historic sites and I have visited
I many others, yet nothing stirred me more than the feeling I got being in
I the Big House at Wendover. I felt the reverence of being at a National
I Historic Landmark and at the same time the familiarity of being at one's
grandmother's house. Being at Wendover gave me a real understanding
of "living history."
_ In addition to finding some historical roots, I was able to make
some important connections with the people of Kentucky and FNS today.
 . I spent a lot of time working at the Kate Ireland Women's Health Center
and Periy County Health Department with Kathleen Isaac, CNM. These
I experiences were great in providing me with excellent role models and
, plenty of nurturing and encouragementfor my own midwifery aspirations.
,~ I cannot thank the people I worked with enough, both clinicians and
; patients, for allowing me to participate in their health care. It has given
me very valuable experiences that I will continue to draw upon in the
 ` years to come.
-Megan Bushnell

My Experience as a Courier
Wendover is a study in contrasts. Nestled into the hills of {
Kentucky, the service is reached by a narrow winding road upon which i
most travel at breakneck speed. But Wendover is tranquility itself, with i
its gracious buildings, terraced gardens, and photographs of past couriers “’
and nurses on every wall. Existing as a living testament to one woman’s
dream and unwavering determination, Wendover lives and breathes
I chose to spend the majority of my time with the Frontier
Nursing Service at the Kate Ireland Women’s Healthcare Center. As an
aspiring nurse-midwife, I was interested in learning about matemity care
in this region and in gaining clinical and empirical experience from
practicing nurse-midwives. Both at the Kate Ireland Women’s Center
and at the Health Department clinics, I followed nurse-midwives during
prenatal appointments, postnatal checks, and basic well-women care. I
was also fortunate enough to observe births in the matemity wing of the
Mary Breckinridge Hospital.
p Words do not express the wonder of observing and participating
i in the birth of a new human being. It was my privilege to work with the
§ nurse-midwives of the Frontier Nursing Service and "locum tenen"
s midwives who come to Hyden from all over the world. The experience
I have gained here will be invaluable in my future as a nurse-midwife and  `
I am grateful both to the nurse-midwives and to the women whose births “
I attended. y
The Frontier Nursing   __ -
Service has proven over many _     1
years that high-quality, sensitive ’   y -     p
midwifery care is optimal for t   . , _.   ik ,, `   ~ ‘
childbearing women. it will be I   .` T ii  L 5   . Q
my honor to continue in the yl 5   v_   ~ i
tradition of Mary Breckinridge    A ., if   W*?*<$¥ I}   _
and her nurse-midwives in  
providing care to mothers and     .
their infants.
—Elizabeth Graninger ‘ " I

P Notes From the School: On the mad with CNEP
{ I deplaned at Denver's Stapleton lntemational Airport and
l` climbed aboard the shuttle bus that would take me to the meeting of the
i nation's nurse-midwifery education program directors. This annual
{ October meeting provides a forum for the program directors to share
°° information, discuss common problems and solutions and look at trends
in health professional education. The directors of nurse-midwifery
services from around the country meet simultaneously and then the two
groups come together for several hours of joint discussion.
This arrangement gives the educators an opportunity to listen
and respond to the needs of the service providers and allows all of us to
"free associate" about the demands and future of our profession. Back to
me getting on to the shuttle bus...directly ahead of me was a familiar face.
It was a recent CNEP graduate on HER way to the midwifery service
director's meeting! Our mutual emotion signified that CNEP had passed
a very significant milestone: Our graduates are beginning to assume the
leadership that we have prepared them for.
At the education program directors meeting it was also evident
that CNEP is coming "of age." The skepticism that always greets
innovation has begun to melt into respect as our graduates (all of whom
are passing the National Certifying Exam) move forward into practice.
The meeting addressed the common barriers that we all experience as the
ACNM marches toward the goal of 10,000 nurse-midwives by the year
2000. Money to support students and faculty is the primary obstacle to
. expansion. Here at FSMFN we have seen dramatic proof that financial
 V support for students makes all the difference in successful achievement.
  Those students who have received scholarships which permit them to
_ decrease the time that they must work while studying are able to complete
` the CNEP program in significantly shorter time than those who must
2 work full-time.
The week before the Denver meeting I was an invited participant
 I in a conference of the Florida Midwifery Resource Center, an initiative
 Z sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The planning group
' has been charged with dramatically increasing tlfe number of nurse-
  midwives in the state. The objective is to have 50% of the'state's normal
_ pregnancies cared for by nurse-midwives by the year 2000. The 300
0,  Certified Nurse-Midwives of Florida are now doing over 10% of the
 d state's births, but the goal of 2000 CNMs must be reached. The planners
t have also been charged with studying how to increase the number of

public and private birthing centers available to Florida women. There are I
many opportunities for the FSM]-VN to help with the nurse-midwifery
initiative and the promulgation of birth centers. 1
The next trip was to Boston, where we exhibited at the {
International Birth Conference. Once again, our CNEP booth was a hub
of activity. The "special" excitement came from the presence of many }
CNEP graduates who are now practicing in Massachussetts and in other  
eastern states and literally dozens of CNEP students. It is obvious that I
from here on in, CNEP will add adistinct, upbeat flavor to all professional P
Next week I will be in Philadelphia, representing the FSMPN on {
the National Commission of N urse-Midwifery Education. Our own Kate
Ireland is the Honorary Chair of the Commission, a tribute to her long
history of advocacy for nurse—midwifery and improved health care for
mothers and babies. I will write more on the mission, goals and
recommendations of the Commission in the nextBulletin.
Close on the heels of the Philadelphia meeting, I will be
attending the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association.
The FSMFN will be exhibiting at this, the largest gathering of public
  health providers and we will bring our now famous "Banyan Tree". The
! meeting is going to be held in
i Washington, DC, one week
` after elections. It will be a
time for listening to and in- rv, p
forming the new legislators _  _,V. , f“    .
as they present their health ,    A  if A i if ,
care agenda.  yl  J     Awww   ,
y Truly, ure with me ·   I,-··;.}‘ ~ j
I FSMFN is bringing us to  ~ it   ~·
[ Wide Neighborhoods! 1 I ~».   .
I Judith Treistman *`“ M"`! ;
l !  $5
` Dr. Judith Treistman ..
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J International Visitors
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Deanna Severance and Dave Southern with Chinese Visitors
More and more, FNS is becoming known abroad and we are
, having many international visitors come and observe our methods of
rural healthcare. Among our many visitors this year, we had four Chinese
and their interpreter visit us in August Mr. HE Hongming is the
President of the China Medical Corporation for Intemational Technical
Cooperation Ministry of Public Health. Ms. Chen Bingbing also from the
China Medical Corporation is the Project Manager. She was formerly a
doctor in a military hospital for over ten years specializing in burn
The China Medical Corporation for Intemational Technical
Cooperation Ministry of Public Health is a state—run enterprise established
, by the Ministry of Health to undertake intemational cooperation in
` medical fields. Its activities include constructing and managing hospitals,
. rehabilitation centers and other medical facilities.
A The other two Chinese were Mr. J IN Kuihe, Vice President and
. Professorof Medical Psychology and Director of the Nursing Department
at the China Medical University. He was previously the President of a
two—year medical facility that trained nurses, public health practitioners
  and paramedics in basic health and medical services at the grassroots
 X level. Mr. Liu Kai also from the China Medical University is the Deputy
`.  Secretary of the General National Association of English Nursing
  Specialty. He is also currently the Director of English as a Second
< Language, at the WU Han Nursing School.
I The China Medical University is under the jurisdiction of the
 l Ministry of Public Health and is one of the main universities in China. It

consists of nine departments, a health school, and four attached hospitals,
as well as six research institutes, four central laboratories, 11 research ,
laboratories and an evening school. _
I asked these people what areas they were most interested in at "
FNS and they said. "This is such an advanced country and we want to  
see how you provide health care to people in remote areas". They were  
very impressed by what they saw and felt they could take some valuable (
information back to their own country to improve their healthcare.  
Other visitors were women from 22 different countries. The '
United States Information Agency’s Intemational Visitors Program I
sponsored a project called a "U. S. Experience" in which 25 women ‘
participated. The project was designed to examine the political, social  
and economic processes that women in the United States are utilizing to  
achieve greater opportunity and freedom from past sterotypical limits. In  
workshops, seminars and informal discussions the participants explore  
expanding employment and educational opportunities for women. j
Countries represented by these women included Afghanistan, i
Bahamas, Comoros, Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Gaza, Ghana,  
Grenada, India, Israel, Jamaica, I ordan, Mauritius, Micronesia, Norway, {
Pakistan, Philippines, Sinapore, Trinidad, Uganda, West Bank and  
Zambia. l
We hope their visit to the Frontier Nursing Service showed them  
the impact that Mary Breckinridge had on Leslie County and what one §
determined woman was able to accomplish. -Barb Gibson l
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