xt74b853fs8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853fs8s/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1950 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 21, 1950 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 04, no. 21, 1950 1950 1950 2012 true xt74b853fs8s section xt74b853fs8s % X V  
` I
    V { _A{ ` Aff!   Y :  
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T 49 \   E E n   1950  I’ILDC,#\T STEERING COMMITTEE E `
 olume XXI November 1950 Number 4

  » 771
to   ._ They Have Earned Their ‘ ‘L " For Loyalty  A A QUA
 N he KQ
 V Official Qrgl
.  i the Umve
 '  uarterly on tl
 : exington. S1
j  ,00. Member
_  on includes s
With this issue of the Kentucky Alumnus ]. Carlisle Myers, ]r., ’48, of Lex- _Eme,,,,, as S
. ington, takes over as 1950-51 chairman of the Alumni Loyalty Fund drive.  *;lgj,“‘°}§,‘,§
. ‘ _ _ _ _  elen G. King
» It IS hls urgent d€S11‘€ to make tht) CuI`1`€11t Campaign for funds the m0st suc- ·;?€x;C1l/EE;
l . . . . 4 ..1 
1 cessful since the inauguration of the annual giving program four years ago, and  ooo Adams .
1 . we hope that you will cooperate with him to the full extent of your resources.   EXEC
l  udge Edwin I
¤ Carlisle is a World War II veteran who came back to the campus to complete  ,j’,‘é,,K,§· Hi,
  his education at the close of the war. He knows and values the opportunity of a ,3;:9%*- {EQ
  college education even more than those of us who “had our cake and ate it” in  §=;§;¤AAg*;i‘
1 the good old days before and between the threats of two great world wars. He Athlegcié gg
. . . . . . .  0ll‘l€l` . H
. brings to his new assignment the enthusiasm of youth and the ability of a seasoned 1 ville (term e
 , 4 h   k . .  ames S. Shi
· veteran. Lets elp 1m ma e this a great year for tterm expire
i  ouglas Parri:
Y 12;. .. Bl
i"  1 . 2
i i pires 1952)
 ,_, . ‘ rs. Ben H.
i . r Iijouisvgle it
n  0 crt . Hi]
ries, Lexingt
~ .1 s. John N.
 ` ` Maysville Ita
.  ars all Barn
 _ — _ ` Owensboro {
 Q Moses Alperm ............,.. 1238 West Elmdale, Chicago, Ill. Alvin Kohn .............._ .. 1921 East 9'Ith St., Cleveland, Ohio  . D. Palmor
· Marguerite Sloan ........ Berea College, Box 1900, Berea, Ky. Col. James R. Hester ........... _ .................. _ .............  T;,¤¤g§5> I
; William S. Sullivan ..............,.........., Henderson Club --··---·--·· Hdq. U. S. Marine Corps., Washington, D. C. lee;) °l`·
  w. B. rhorozoo ........ 4441 Hornet Ave., ivnooeoooiie. 1/noo. W· E- Pulvermaii ·~-··~—·~·- Sierlma l’l°*¤l· Wilkes-Barre. Pa- uy A. Hugo.
" Louisa B. Freeman ........ 608 Elsmere Park, Lexington, Ky. Dl`· Jallles C- Nash ··-······-·· 709 Sherman Stn D€cat“l`· Ala· lB°al`d of Tl
. -Z John A. Rassenioss ..... 4133 Noi-thcote Ave., Hammond, Ind, W- D· Sullivan -»-- B¤b¤¤¤k & Wilcox Tube. Beaver Falls, Pa. ‘tSt°l’ll"“ W?
. _ _ l on ummedi.
g 2 W, R_ Ingram ________________'__ 322 March Stn Easton Penn Henry M. Bialick ........ 804 Hamilton St., Schenectady, N. Y.  Tigueme MC
; 41 R_ W_ L€ak€’ Jl-_ ______________ 450 W_ Mai], St__ Danville, Ky_ Cl‘l81‘l€S M. Wh€€l€l‘ ........... 624 Wataga DI`., L0\1lSVlll€, KY. l€ lTl€mb€·1
  Nick T_ Puckett __________ BO! Layman Avev India¤8p01iS_ I“d_ E. T. PFUCIDT ........... .. . .. Westview Ave., Nashville, TEEN.    
' William E. Butler ........... 41 Cliffside Di-., Tuckahoe, N, Y, Paul S. Powell, Jr. ............. Crestmont Dr., Aliquippa, Pa.  fem- Trave-
ye. Dr. Carl Pigman ............................. Whitesburg, Ky. D. S. Sample ............. 201 Cherokee St., Kingsport, Tenn. exlllgton il
  Mrs. Irene L. Downing .................... Nicholasville, Ky. E. Zuckerman ............ 2017 East 38th St., Brooklyn. N. Y- App.
~   Dr, Richard G. Elliott ...... 322 West 2nd St., Lexington. Ky. Dr, Samuel H, Ad3rr15 ,_,___,_____,_,_,______,,,, London, Ky.  illiam H, T,
M¤lvi¤ R- Sebree   -····-~--·-—-·-··~--·~-~·- €¤¤€¤¤¤¤· KM Louis r. Mouor ................................ Louisville, xy. Bgdgviygjglg
A l1‘;"-;“°;"’;fS·;- L- K"“‘°’· ·”°‘5 gjlwlgjg 1;* Ng; ’?;la“‘aiVfa· w. H. McAdams ............. 31 Claremont st., Newton, More ton ‘
I'. . . €I‘ HSOI1 ............ V€., BTI l£1l"l, ISS. , . ,  yy w_ D ·
- o ................. . . , K- . all
Mrs. W. H. Nicholls ............. Box 528, Bowling Green, Ky, Rqmcm Young 14_E Third St ' Maysville l Lexington
J Owen Jones 18 Hillcrest Ave Montgale N ·l- ohn R B
· A, D, Langford .,..... 115 N. Broadway Park. Lexingtvn. Ky. ` , ''``'''*''`''' ll Y lh Cincirinatimg
i James w, Stark ._,....,,.,,., 211 Lisbon Ave,_ Buffalo, N, Y, Juliet Bradley ·· ···-······-···- 809 GFBHSEF. Arm AFb¤1‘. lVll°Y·  at Rankin; S,
  Logan L. Ratliii .......... 5073 27th st, North Arlington, va, Stephen A. Rapier ............ 61 Broadway, New York. N. .  chord 1;;,,.},,,
li George Becker ................. 814 Gwinn St., Medina, N. Y, William McDouglc .............. 550 S. Main, Minticello, l¤d·  xaxcecll Wil
 _ W. J. Foster ............................ Rt. 1. Stanley. Ky. William L. Bowles   34 S. Wittenberg Ave., Springfield. Ohm  tgge Brady ,
aducah. K;
 . M is R. Kilgu
Q c1
.  dilir County-
1 an sounty-
j j sr Count;
 _ ¤¤n County
" H E K E
  Q-X 1

 L  l
Bell County—R. H. Barker, Pineville   .,
he Ke|1l‘uCky Alumnus gogglsgliligggrnéy—isasr1Fnslyalsn, pans
oun y— re eters, Hardins-
oiiicial Organ of the Alumni Association burg The Cgvgr
 ¤ or ”¤“’"s“’ °‘ "?'l§.“°‘{¥·‘°“"i€S""‘1 giliiliglgiilg-i»liili¤l€i»_lTr0wry1é:lllliiwli»il'Ellllcelllll
_ lr the campus o e mversi y, a . — esse ei _, op insvi le V . v
 ilflglgnllllsnnsorlptlons Atol nrlrl-rn;mborS_ C1glr1;StgJ;>unty—Henry A_ qulssnoarryl Wim Ti’1€ l\O\€Tl1b€T .~\LUMl\US
IM b rship (Type 1 in e ssocia- _ » . . _. ,r· · _
 oliioincliliiilesesubscription to the Alumnus. (éiéy C°¤1'1YY—C¤l'l Stinson, Manohester A (Ol Cr lelllllres the “ lldcm tool s
. S d C1 M tt t lm Cli;Q§;1g;1I}ldC0¥:1;ll#r§\}01i1;S& C%ppé. Marion ball coaching stall, hard at w0rl·&
d s econ ass zi era e os _ .— 1 c omas. _
 §l;f‘§lL1xl¤gt0n_ Ky__ May 22_ 1929. under Burkesville preparing strategy.
E agi of March 3. 1879. Diiylsss C{J¤}g1tyl{—l\léa)rshallJBarnes, owensboro F [ I f _ h
——— r i°“*-’i an · WMS OPO ront row, rom et to rig t:
l G. K g _____________ _ __________ Editor Estxll County—Stephen Rice, Irvine _ _ _
digs Mcégln ____________ Managing Editor Floyd County—Chalmer Frazier, Prestonsburg Prank Moseley, Carney LZlSi1€,
 hrguerlta Mcrsaughllrl ____ Associate Editor Franklin County—Edward Bennett, Frankfort ,
 Dan Adams .......... Vital Statistics Editor f`_¤1\0¤ Co¤nty—Jenmngs Keairby, Fulton Coach Bryant. and CiZlI`€nC€
l __ ___ erarrrrard t County—Miss Iona Montgomery, Underwood Back row Same
l » ancas er . .
· EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Graves County—Sam D. Neely, Mayfi ld . . ‘
l Ed _ R Dermey PmSldenl_Ml vsp Grayson County—Marshal1Hearin, Legchneld Order' Charles Hdrpcr (l`llllln€ll)’
udge KW111 · · ‘ Hancock C0unty—Harry Black, Hawesville Frmal Xllen George Chapmanv
11¤11· Ig-Hman Vice President _l.lth and Hardin County—Robert McNamara, Eliza- ` ` ’_ _
 ;l§§g,_lsr_Louls'villo Hl·’r‘i;i;‘1t°(‘é‘g:l¤ty Ted Creech T _] Bill McCubbm and Dick I-l0l·
 81911 G· King- .Exe°utiV€ S°°mtmly_522 Hart Countv—l; W. Povnteii Hlolis; Cave WB.
 i—l§;eAég(l`llV{;E’)flr'i€`l;;`r;UY€T—D€p8r[m€nt of   C0unty—ThéOdOI`€ S3I1f()['d_ Hen- Y
Athletics. U. of KY- _ r _ ·  
 omer L. Baker, 2242 lgiglllierford Ave., Louis- IIiI§;ikr};la(f1‘£i;lil;g’rrlg irEllgVI£$l}5?;§gy.CED;2lg§nce
` ·‘ll {term exp11'€S ,_ ~ ’ · ·  
 alla? 5, shropshire, Route 4. Lexington Hopkins C°um°,j‘ C‘ Fm1=~=y· Madis°’“'iu° Todd county-Logan Webb, Guthrie
_ Jefferson Counts W. Howard Clay, 803 Ky. . · ny ld
iterm expires 1951) _ Home Life Bldg Lmllsvllle · Unron county-—Lowe1l Truitt. Morga 19
 urns Parrish, Paris, Ky., lterm expires Jassamlne COunty]_WllSlm Hmm Nicholas won-on county-Preston Cherry. Helm
19'l) l . ' Hotel, Bowling Green
 llliam w, Blanton, Pai-is. Ky., (term expires Jolgélgm C0umV__,Vll_S Alpharetta Archer \Va5hiylg[0n county—Charles J. Ha:/don.
19521 , Paintsville ` l ` ' S¤’i"g‘i°i‘i -
bi1;§§1lg15zClain. Bardstown. K3. {term eX- Kllorlncounts-_Barnard Mcxaahany Barboup   %::)i‘l1x;:§;}(§1éollrd 'lérladearélgggrxrsoews-
. ,3 H, Collings, 2200 Newberg Road. ,_ _ _ . liomsburg.
ijouisizlnle (term expires 1952)   gg3§R,_g;snl;‘vGA I§;k§;·£§d;i?ll€ wol5e.Everett Miller, Campion
 obert H. Hillenmeyer, Hillenmegiglrl Nurse- Laurel C0unly_MlSs Lala Mail"; Lonillm Woodford CountY—Mrs. Eugene Barnes. Ver-
‘ . L xington (term expires · , ,_‘ ’ . sgilles
 TS Jollin N. Browning. Edgemont Road. La" mlmce Clmmti Gauge R' BurgeSS’.L°msa Gl-eater Cincinnati—Leon McCroSkY. 21 61911*
Maysville tterm expires 1953) E§§lg°gg3lTI3;Dih,f;;d§:;;QlSBgliégzigiie way, Ft. Thomas _
l  arshall Barnes, Owensboro Nlational Bank, Letcher COugt\__J L Havs whltésburg Chlongo-Preston H. Williams. 29 S- Uisaiie
0w€iisb°r° iterm expires 195 l Lincoln County Robert Baughman Stanford SL · ·
. . . . .— · _ · - , Clff cl .
¤d.0l11·¤  ;l_l_i?lgl€i;2}m°i`°· Fiankf°rt’ KY iBOard of Logan County—Granville Clark, Russellville N?I,‘:'lcl?a°l;§e william E' Bullet lll l Sl e
____,___ V _ Lyon County—J. Phillip Glenn, Kuttawa . DC__A M_ Edwards Jr-_, 4423
      Fl “““'°' “ K" 'B °a’d °‘   M;$i.2¢¤*.2;*:..‘2;i*i‘*‘·B€“   15°2 B r°a“‘ `Vgllii$Z€‘·· Wilt"- na.     DY
arre. H- uy A. Huguelet. Barrow Road. Lexington Nlccrééw COum`__C. lv, Hume Stearns Detroit- omas a ers. ll 3203 W 71 Y SY. .
‘“" All °ili°llil °l»iiit`i$l°“l4s E rr ir si i. - M°i~°a“lC°““*yLCha’i€S Gaim- Sacrsmemo SL€Y§§iT§§§i£l’€5ir§Vi..$DXY”£uitey, s12`Jei~ich¤
“¤115· Pi 'of'Ti.$.’}...a?a.é“.'°§;.sr presraéiti " '”““g` M=·=s¤ffi¤C¤¤¤p$>‘;Mqr¤gS M¤¤¤r§;1yeS~’111s Road. Abington, ra.
iv. N- Y-  arguerite Mcraughiin, 226 E. Maxweu st.,   lVjllSa“lnezW€“S· E i‘“°“ Atianta-Hugh Adcock. gels rlllurtnlsllollsll Bch
ylllol Ky. Iiife member honorary) Meade C0m_?ly_Wliliam Henrv Allen Bran- N;;wt%rlleans—Bernard ee 11*13 .
.Ge¤rge H. Wilson 200 N. Upper St., (life ’ ’ Fis · ,
le, Tenn. l * denburg h Cl b ts second Monday of each
uma Pa  liliiilillirililéiéligitll szi Henry Clay Biva Mercer Cggnlvi-Qlurtgs P;r1¤· Kr  mm 1* .T¤-’¤Se¤<1· Bank of Commerce N¤1s¤¤ €¤¤¤¤>‘—#Bs==m1S 5em¤*=iS· Bere oi‘.iZi°.$’.iftiHé’iSl; meets am Tuesday or mr.
ville Kv. mg" L°"i“gi°“ . , town , , month, 12:15 p,rn. Hotel Sinton.
iw ` lg Myers, Jr., 319 Holliday Road, Lexing- Noi-theasteriii IEly,—Paul Kinnaird. 1108 Bath Loulsvllle Club meets ovary Monday_ nggn,
on. 655- 11 Ave., Ash an H prin 5;
vllle Ka  ry_W. Daingerfield, 437 W. Second st., ghgo Coonty-whayne Priest, Hartford Excggmvlgugomrllllraa moot; second Monday
* · Lexington Owen (;oonty-chai-les Arnold. Owenton night or each yngnfhl september through
¤1€·N·i· Dgli   %iiii‘g’§· 603 Dixie Teiminai Bidg·» P€1‘1"Y C01111tY"‘iVi· K- Ebiem H;;i(rd.ll May 6:30 p.m. Colonial Room, Lafayette ·
M' h. , i“°1¤¤E* 1· io pk county.-James w. wine, i evi e ‘_
lol-’ Nlcy  1ilhR811k1n, Stanford, Ky, Pgyjgll Cgunty—Ralph B. Conlee. $tH¤t011 gzgllsel. of National Editorial Association
)1`k· · · rcs aégcgiénvlrgr, Pineixéllllle/l Iiy.St S t Pulaski County—J0hn Prather. BOX 106- Kentucky press Association
9110, lnd, K- 1 lams. ap e ., omerse , somerse f  
i€id· Ohm  iid; Brady Stewart, County Court House, Rllgiilllgylle C0lmly_RudOlph léurdettl Ren ro Vernon Frederic Kalb, ’47, of Brooks-
 llligllgalfglllgs Maysvllla Ky RisSS§},:gs?°unly'OlhElla Gasllllll Russell ville, Ky., obtained his bachelor of
· — . . ¤ . .
S tt C unty-J'. C. McKnight, Georgetown _ Cool. C yvashlll [Orr
_ CLUB PRESIDENT5 Sgglby %0unty_FI,Encll smootl Shelbyvllle laws dCgl€C fl‘0II1 l g g
 dai" C¤11nty~—Ear1 Hudd1eston_ Columbia simpson county-Woodrow Coots. Franklin University, \Vashington, D. C. lHSI
. 5*1 C¤¤nw—1¤hn Pedigo scottsviue Spencer county—Haro1¤1 Love- T¤>’1¤1‘5V*ii° _ ‘
 nziéi €°111l1Y—g{eith Kelley, Wickliiie Taylor County-Harry R- $1T11th· C¤m1’b€ii$' spring.
" °1¤1 >'—— asil Preston, Glasgow ville _
i ' .
i HE 3
l i

Ellzaheth Ewmg, 3 , ame ~
' ° ’ 2 N d V
Prof. Ezra L. Gillis, our bc, l
Supt. At Anchorage School md   ¤ 1»St   in I
_ ,_     ....,,_ .   .. . one copy of thc ALUNlNiw ·
" »‘—; S ‘  .—;’,· - ijuf;   YK . ‘ . ‘
—····=····—···‘·‘’’‘ ’ `‘°‘‘ ’ `‘’° ' ·‘;‘‘ ¤   22;;; magazine to make his ovqgl-wt i
_.   ..- ‘ » `‘`‘ *   ' "’ '"*
_ ·_ -_   New GuId€bOOk records complete. l
= ‘   *_ · ’‘'`     • .
·_ I w _-       "Z}‘: To Communlty It IS Vol. 10, December l913_ ]
e · .   T __:=   ;==  Ts;  ‘,.’i  _,  =j __:_ >_;;:¢¤ —-—e¥   · · _ , ,
{ .¢    ·»···    :_§ _   Llfe ln Ky, Il ANY ol you happen to lun ]
.   --.—           . , ·- » · · » ·» -.   l
·-       nr. toon T. smaeu. item ot me rlllt levy ··¤€lll AHH Ewing. 32, of lvoll Dr. Sanders, whose 'Balkan Vll— t 2. The owner is: (If owned by o con;  
Pen Road, jeflerson COUHKY, KY-, ls the lage was published l2l$[ YGHY by the als; ais; Iirértnmiaiigtilyrdtitrésguriggittil;  
new Sl1p€I`iIlt€ll(l€I1{ Zllld principal of University Press, WHS selected H5 the ;2lidi;?gjdi€;;i·(ge;3f oi·tOr$io}:glCi§rStogiVni?yi·
. ¤ll€ All€ll0Til§€ School College of Arts and Sciences’ "Dis- or Sr°°k· lf “°r owmd by ‘? °‘?rP°l“'l°*-`
_ _ U · _ _ H names andvaddresses of the individual ons;
Appointed last july by the Anchor- tmgulshed Professor of 1949-50. must be even- If owned by a partner
_ _ or other unincorporated firm, its name=
_ age Independent School DlS[TlC[ Board   addriss. as wleg as that oi each indiviill  i
_ _ _ mem El`, TBUS 6 glVEh.) ‘
of EClLlC3[1OIl, l\lllSS Ewing assumed l`l€T Alumni Association, University of Ke: i
duties this Tau       tl-lglgg. Lexington, Kentucky (non-stockter; T
· icers are: Edwin R. Denuey. ll ~
_ , _       Vernon, Ky., president; George P. H1}?  
Gradllatéd fI‘OII1 [h€ UHl\'CfSl[y lll At a meetin Of Cincinnati xlumni Louisville, Ky., vice president; Helen 
19 9 , E . b I. 1 g ‘ King, Lexington, executive secreiary= ,
_ 3-. MISS Wing figflll f€?l€ llllg {lo Club Ogicersy Past Presidents and Bernie A. shively, Lexington, Ky., new ,
· _ _ _ 3. The known bondholders, mOTl§E§' I
Q thu-d and fourth grodos at Anchorage Standing Committee Chairmgny   and fthe? seciurity holders owning or hill  
- , ‘ ‘ _ lng percen or more of tota amounl ‘
V m L933. ·S1¤€€dl93§ $ll€.lla$h tayglit Tuesday, August 29 at the Hotel Sin- lppintzlsl, mortgages, or other securiliei %·  i
mat ematlcs an science ln t e ll l · · ere Me hone. S¤ State: hone)
h 1 I 1946 h b _tg[ ton, lt was decided to hold monthly §_ pi;-lag,-aphs 2 and 3 include,  o;  y
SC OO . n s e CCHITIC ZSSIS an · w ere e stockholder or security ho cre
to the superintendent luncheon meetings ofthe group on the {warts upon the bucks of the cO,,,p,F,- {
. _ ·- rus ee or in any other f'd c‘ary react _
_ _ first Tuesday Of each month at 1210 the name of the person or ‘i;ol·porati0nl ;
A HHIIVC of _l€it€I`SOl'1 county, Miss at the Hotel STHTOTL whom such trustee is acting; also the Shi Z
. ments in the two paragraphs show the; 3
F d d B ll d Sl l d · · · · · · · l
, .WlIlg` HUGH C 21 HI` C100 HH Leon Mccyogkyl Clnclnnatl Club fiants {ull knowgdge gid bellefdas I0} s
' · _ , _ clrcums ances an con iions un er ll'-  Q
was graduated from A¤¤h<>r¤g€ Hlgh resident resided at the committee stockholders and security holders who  l
` ‘ P not HDDQBY 11DOn the books of the C0lTlP° i
Sohool and the UlllVor$llY· Sllo has meeting, and Helen G. King executive as trustees, hold stock and securgiei  ‘
' ' . . ` Ll ’
dollo graduate work at the UlllV€r$l[}' secretary of the association addressed givpjggy wher than that °f 3 on
of Wisconsin and the Universit of 5. The average number of copies llltf 
L . .11 Y the group §?ue cg tglis publication sold ortdiSll§>l·;_ `
OlllSVl C. ‘ roug t e mails or otherwise, 0 Dill ‘ l
_ _ _ Tmlmuve Plans were also made [O scribei-s during the iz months prcceglmz T
Prior to going to Anchorage ln 1933 organize a motorcade of Kentucky date Sh¤W¤ abvve was 359*% trhls l}‘{°l·
I , _ _ _ _ _ tion is required from daily, weekly {je
Sll€ taught OHS y€2lI` Ht tl`l€ kentucky Zllllllllll llV1I`lg 1l'1 the Greater CIHCIH- weekly, and tri-weekly newspapers 0lll?·
_ y _ . . HELEN G. KING
Chlldrgng Home at Lyrndony and ln HHH HTC?. to 3[[€I`ld the K€H{llCky·CIH· (Signature of egigvfl me ··
, · · - - Sworn to and subscribed ew?
1942 taught at Halleck Hall, Louis- Clllllall folball gamc lll L€Xl¤gl0ll on 18th day ot september, 1950.
Vlll€. October   (My commissi0nJA;`l¢PgJi1réS N{‘$lrg:)Lrll 195  

 AGAIN;   - · .
Ol1l` bg.    
ian, lacks  
JUMNBS i · ;
s over-all ; I g
-1918. ;   "7   l
~n to imc  ·       [fs`?
e parting  V
*0uld like 1
I This is a challengel, It marks the initiation of a project which has been in ;
Q the back of your editors head for some time. and IF YOU AREN’T AFRAID
I OF THE RESULT, you are going to like it. —
owrmzsir  z ‘ .
%£gL%§S;    l · -With the February issue of the KEN FUCKY ALUMN US we hope to
gig éggu.  ; initiate a quarterly feature, in this magazine which may be the means of waking
code. sei. us up and putting us hep to ourselves. It will br: an open forum, from faculty,
  _ students and alumni in the form of constructive criticism of ourselves and of
is of they each other, in order that we may. know what the other fellow is thinking of _
:, and busin us, and, through that knowledge, improve our services to the institution which ·
ntucky Alnr 1 106 T€pT€8€Ttt.
 ii i ..,i
rxmgl mk . I l just to set the ball rolling, we would like to state right here and now that
1 by 3 com sitting here at our desk, wrapped up as'we are‘in the progress of the University
mitts;   of Kentucky and the Alumni Association which represents its graduates and
grstogfngrriil former students, we cant understand why it is like pulling eye teeth to extract
  memberships in the Alumni Association, from some of our potential prospects.
- stspggmijr Maybe it is our fault — maybe we dont use the right approach — maybe the
each mimi  University failed to inspire some of us with a feeling of loyalty while we were
 C1;. I students on the campus — and maybe — somewhere along the line — we’ve lost
meme-,Vx¤ that sense of responsibility which is a part of good citizenship.
igiieiéiizis  Anyway, whatever it is, here ·is your chance to analyze that problem, and
L?;.m'§°2?“i¤·.  many others, and send in your comments. Let’s not be vitriolic, prejudiced or
Jgiiuiiiigini.  unwilling to be convinced. This will not be a column in which to air your per-
eiilgg in it  I sonal and private gripes but an opport·unity to help the Alumni Association, the
xrity holders , _ _ _ _ _ , .
Liiaiginiizggil I University and individual alumni to do a better job.
corporation i  —
;a;i1(l1xirhihi%u ,` University graduates are equipped to approach problems with analytical
;E1§1hd;i*li"  and unprejudiced minds. Let’s use that ability to develop a smoother-function-
i§j§§H$§¤0  j ing, greater service organization within the University of Kentucky Alumni
i 3 bmi  y Association.
%?»"Z§’£i?ii  I
se, to paid *
Si¥£‘i§E?$ii  · _
week1>'.$°" L
papers onli-I  
before mf ' I
cr~roLs . I l
Aug. 6, 19: gg .
&_____________i___ i I .
i I

 O O 1
Alumm T0 lmmortahze Home Floor Net Record `Ky }
Plaque To Teams T0   l=»=~··.   » A A 5   5 0 `—  
Be Ded1cz1ted Dec. 9 v;»o     - _ • · “°rS 04 AFTER
_ y   =¤    .~·, ¢= _»`<   ’ A1lll11IlllS of  
()l1 bzittnrduy ufternoon, Dec. 9, the  LL,. _,·__   Nw Wim
\ (12llC on which Kentucky meets Purdue   if   7.1;;   11. 1’. licllcy, `0·1, 111 B¢.·1‘11e11·1·. (l;1|1.. .1,1 \\`lll(.ll 141
y l·ni“_1_Siu_ [Ol, [hc dcdicmom, buskcb     · `   · [)1`01('>>U1` c111L*1`i111S 01 wil 111e111i1111 1 mgm 11111 p
I I · I- , -    , f *~   1 · · 1· 1 · . it Y
if 11:111 gzune 111 the new Metnoriul C.011-    1     _·_»   the 1111I\`('1`Sll§` 111 (1:11111>r111;1. 11,. _m(111-\\1’il111·
scum. the :\ll1lllI11 i~\ss0c1;1t1011 ol tl1e   1.0       L_ l1(l11l11C(l 111 the U11111·1·g111‘ 1\.hl(h li snmlmmwl.
l1111\'(’1`Sl{}' 01 lientuclay will unveil :1           lm, $111-1-11 [111- 311 yg'§ll`§ \\'l1<‘l1 1111111.. ’1`11t· high
_ _ it          _  `·   e._;§g ’  - - — _ _ _ _ . '
1:111let \\'l1l(`l1 ll has hud ]112\(lC 1lI1(l     *.`  y     >lll\lll<)ll 10111111cd upon 111111 11__ \\`11h \\'11(311
erected 011 the liuclid Avenue side 01 .1 y   11<111<>1‘&11‘1‘ LL.1)1 degree :11 its 111111111 11111ite 1·l)l` s1
·» *1.%  .
.\11111111i (iylllllihllllll. (01111]1(3lll()1`il1.1llg {1  "’1““""“i“‘“““1 °“`1"'“"”· .11*1* 111. $.1Z·(i»» 1)*111
the record o1` home games which have   M1; Kelley 11-1111-11 11s 11111111. $[1111* 'l`igC1`>
1)('Cl1 11*011 by l{€l]lll(`l·L}' 1>z1sket1>:111 ’ 1-1111·1·i111s 0[ soil 1·11e111ist1‘1 111 111, 111 il s1`01·e
[0211115 since the contpletion 0[ the ;1|11-1~ lmying surreal the (1111111111 "§11l11€U1i [111
l)l11l(1l11Qlll 192-1. _ · s1t11<111l since 1913. Sinte 111111 11,1.1; "‘1`111· "l1i1
`l`11e (lC(l1(`1l1.()l`}' exercises will be held 1 ` l1;1s l)('Cll engaged i11 \\'1`1l1l1g` ;11111 1. `11‘it11 :1 25-0
I :11 l`()lll` p.n1. 011 Euclid .-\1‘enue. just l1;l(1 one l)()()li l)lll)llSll(.'(l 11s :111 .11111;- 01*1111 TCW
l)Cl\\'(fCll the double €ll[l`2il1(`C 10 0111 ` 1(1111 (1ll(3l1l1(T2\l$()<`1(‘l}‘ Nl111111g1·;1p]1;11;{ 111111`l11’€€1<>
.\lll11ll1l Gym. und it is hoped 111:11 1111 Ad I h F R ;11m1]1c1— 3, mm- 1-,;;,111- 11,11 l)ll1)1mw {heir 1.1.1) 1,11
‘ 1 . . . 0 . I1 · · · · 1 1 .‘ '
y i\lll\]1l]l 2l]1(1 friends 0[ the Ull1\'€l`SlL}` Y _ _ _ D _ _pp 4 1** ***191110*] hc 1* $<`1"“*11§ **1 1>1`<‘~¤111  1··5·1‘· glldn
and its basketball [mms will be luv lhc X.1111111.11 l1111t.1t11111z11 1011111:1- mmulmm [O the (mu Rc5Cm.l1]_H— 1l1e11· 11111111
` 1 ment (il11llI1l)l()]1Sl1ll). 1946 . 1 — · 1· . my 1·c11e11¤·€
sent to p;11‘ honor 10 (1021ch .-\d0lph F. _ 1)1·1 (‘l<)l)l11L111 (.0. 111 1 lll§l)lllg11. 1‘.~. ¤
11111111. 1111 11».1111s. 111111 11111»t~ 111111-11es :11111 1“"f’ “"""""1 °‘T’H“`*‘_*"“ ·“1‘1""" 1* 11111111 1>·1>i1i·>¤1 1=·1<<·> 111111 1·> 1‘i1¤~11111.:.  “"“1‘ ""‘i"1‘“
Hmm “_hi(_h PH_“_(l(_d his rcgimcl ><)(`l2l[l()l1 (.l1I1l11I)ll)IlSl1ll)S. 1918 ill1(l >c\.Cm1 limcs U ycmx 1§e11111g11y`;
· - - 194*1 · ~ 'llliu 111`1`e11se
1`he tzthlet. <`:1s1 111 bronze. will he ‘ ` 111 11 letter t0 the 011111- \I1;111·11~. * ·
;1ppmxi1n;11e111 -11 i111·11e5 wide by 52 I {hc 0l1`m1"° (‘h"m1’“’"”11'1’· l·‘“" sz1i¢1: nl1I)l>l1 looking 111·1·1· 1110111;.1 611 l"’1“1$ 1
. ` - ' . ·` ‘2 . 19 ` . . · ‘ t ;‘·
mches deep. :11111 11111 l12l\'€ two basket- Um Lnglmd 45 1111- 1901 11.1ss \\l1l(l1 1011 >(‘lll lll(‘ 111; 1*1   '“·"1`
1- hall players 1111 either side :11 the top. In toinmmml lu l_h°`° 11111)*1 11111<‘ ·1§<1. 1 11.1s s1111<1> du L“m`U”ll1 U1 l‘“m“(1`1 111 the 111 yeztrs 51l1((' lllilk 111e111111·.11·i, Il" lb°1”‘
wm mad us follows: .\ll1l11lll.\hb()(l111lUl1. hm (lu} m Ilmc wm. “_h(_H “U_V ;1111tl1 111
_ __ ,.. .-1 tr . ` 1311.*; ·
"'l`111s l)1l1l(ll1lL§ >(‘l`\'('(l us the home .. D°‘“"‘1’“‘ "‘ 1‘)‘)U . 5('l111)lC(l 111 the <11(l (’ll1lI)(‘1 1111 11.. it M 11
_ Y ‘ _ [he ('()l11})lCIC ])I`()gl`21lI1 10r 1111* , l1e111111~k1·‘1
(`()llI`L 01 l_1l]l\'Cl`S1(\' l)2lSli€ll)2lll te:1111s dum Him] \ iu bt mb1i`hL(l i [lu >l'<’<>11(1 110*11 111 1111111 11115 111<‘11 11111 uk lll;
V 1 _ _ _ · 1 1* · . · 11 - . . . . . . 111"e1 11h
110111 1924 10 1900. l)lI1`111g this l)Cl`10(l . 1. . 111ll1l$l1`2ll1\`C 1)lIll(l1l1g. 1l1i1ll\ 11111:1 H1
» 1 _ _ _ l111ll\' l1(’\\'>l)11])(‘1`h 215 11111C lor the game K ‘ 1111c-11111 p1
. il11(l 0n [lll$ 110or te:1111s l'€])l`CSCl1lll]Q ‘ . . . 1111\`C l1i1]>]1<‘11<‘€1 111 1110 111t‘1111>l‘1‘> 1*1111 .
` _ _ (M _* (l1`21\\`5 11e;1r. 11111 1l1~ls ])1`Clll11ll]2ll`\' an- . , . V .111111* 11e111e
1 the L1I`1l\'€I`S1l\` played 1.13 g;1111es. 11*111- . . ‘ class. lztpnznllv l111])l`CSSl\`(j 2\l1(1 111111.1. _ . . ,
_ __ * _ ’ _ 1101111t‘e111e11t 11215 been \\'l`l[lCl1 111 (')l`(lCl` . * 111 1>1`11ls111
11111g 201 amd losrng 241. k __ I , . _ _ V . _ more l111])Ul`[11l1l (lC\'(`l()})I1l(‘11l\ 1111 li _ . 4
_ _ _ 111 tcp rllllllllll I111l111l\€(l 01 10111111;;, , . , , 1111101111 p.
Ul‘I“(')lll 1931 to 19:10. under the 111- L ( l I ll lll k tl , 10111c to the 11l1l\`(‘l`$lI\'. \\111·11 1:111- Uljpumm I
_ _ _ ·1· T11 s :111c so 1:1 1e1· 1Il1l\' 111·1 ·e 1(j1l` ‘ , 11
1`C(`[1(`)l1 01 (1()il(ll .-\d01ph F, Rupp, 1 [ I Lp [I ‘ ‘ llZl{(i(l the 101111 (‘l11`()lll]1Cl]I 11‘:1~1111.= ml) mis H
I _ _ I12ll1> 11 1e )l`(I>(fIl or 1C 1ro Tlllll. F M - 1
Ul1l\'€l`Sl[}' tcznns (3S[21l)llSll€(l il home I I S 11110111 100. y Ilmmgh Ur
` l`C‘(`1)1`(l 11f201 victories und eight losses, Henry H. Hornsby. ’38_ of Lexing. N11: Kelley. :11t11111p111111·t1 111 11  Immm
During the szune period the teams of ton, has been nguned {mm ediwy fm 11*i1`1·. l)l2lllh 111 he i11 I1exi11gt1111 *111111 The whe
(i<1z1c11 Rupp 11*011- the Lexington Hemld. A mnive 0[ 1i1111· this 11111 11s he was pl:11111111¥ mk\.»Sul)_U
lilgllly-[()lll` (`()Ilh(f('ll[lV€ home 1·i1·- Goose Creek in (11111* county, he has 1¤‘1¤¤1`¢1§‘ i111\<>1¤1<11>11<‘ U`11> *1** "111 11111s1111111ju11»
· 1 V ' ' . - . °'
I()l`l€S. 19421-00 been on tl1e Herzild-Leader stuff since 1|111<‘ 11C \\'1`<>l€ 111Si ¢\¤g11$1·  11111; play 1,
SlXL1'·[Oll1` (`()11bC(ll1.1\'C victories i11 l1is gruduzntion from the University. -... ` 11611111 (le
the S()lll.l1C1lSlCl`11 (10I1[(jI`CIl(`C. l9·l5-50 He was il Nieman fellow ut Harvard in Will'. SPM-k
']`\\’(’l\'C S(1ll(l1(f2lSlC1“I1 Conlerente 1946-47 und his novel, “I1()I`l€S()I]l(§ B. B. Mclnteer, ]1·.. ’41. 1111*1 (121111. 111C 1
rl<0llI'l1ZlI1l(Cll[ Cl1Z\Il1l)1()I1Sl11!)S. 1933-50 Vz1lley," with :1 Kentucky motmuiin ington. obtained his t1o<‘101` 1*1 1'111 111111 11*1111iu
Three Sugar l’1011‘1 (il12l1l1l)1Ul1Sl1ll>S. setting. was published by \Villi;nn osophy degree from the l111i1‘<‘1`$11‘° 1'111'11S 111 111
1939. 1940. 1950 Sloane Associates in the spring of 1949. Nlinnesotrn lust July. "“1110\'i11>le ;
1 __________e_ 4____,_ ____,/ .»»· ·  
6 THE-xE1v7·11·c_1<1y ALUMNL THE K;
- if

 tl H "On 'I‘w Pun he ·
0I` ' °
 Ky. as e- 0 c 111 Pa1·1ll1 and Leskovar
LEADS CONFERENCE   s cjvw- *,=’‘ v-   sustained in the early minutes. The
AFTER THREE GAMES     undaunted Kentuckians only played
I _ _    to    ‘ harder afte th · -
° ‘ ·l‘lIC wlnlllllg ol three g?illlC$» LW0 - ¤      'I ( ltlrmgr r C IOSS Of these key per-
- ,·  2  s.
Cl<‘\‘.(1ttI1; IIl wlliclr captured the national spot.   I  I h
' ` . . . j X   I I] V -r » ' ' y
nc,,,kIII , IIglII rms pm the Uiuversuy ol Kell- iyii I   .  t {MZ { C wm is Shced the 50
  ‘ , .   ,;    v n scu· ‘ ·‘~
»rni;t_ III IIII»kt— Wiltlcats right at the top ol the ,    t     Gl M _° fvlldcms *5 3 SYCKC 0*16-
I , I I _ I I   g' feat 1n s irit, re·t ' —
' lyllllll   sIlll[l]Q§ISlCl`ll (*()nlcrCn(C hCdl)'   /’€J*“‘ j V g'I`€a[ in $)g]‘[ g   lnrlqollragc, arid
. I I _ _   I Y S ' t . ‘
cn 1lnnI. ’|`ht· highlight ol this young season   I » be the stl mins 1; ns may well
. . _ _  I I J ason t ‘ I
him ll Inn when the Wildcats, pre-season -, § I   the {II UI Isn t CY sohdll Cam
.. I _ . _ . I. 1 e tie ’
ht IIIIIIIII I»lII,ke lor secolld |>l¥l<`C llmlms lll lh'? ¤' _ gOIIIh·· Om? Dame Of the
IIIII. lll $_k_(;__ bowled over the Louisiana ’ I ' ’
» l)]`()ltw SIQIIC fl`lg(gl·S_ [hg third Plglcg (;hOl(;@_ __ / I  
. - . · - - —- l` l4—() in the nation’s — zé ‘  .
I III lng {II ,. stout o I     {_   _
4 ‘ · . II 4 r. · ...1.:, ..’~  
(‘-thlI,III "garne ol the week. `Q 5 { Jones, Odllvak, to
" _ ‘     r. ·   . . . Fullback Bill Leskovar
IIII IIIIII it [ht- ling Blue opened the season Coach at Atherton
. , rh ·. 25-ll romp over the Lagles ol
ng and lt. wu t Th Ch I _I _ __ I
t III lIII. North Texas State College just three C Wh0l€ Story of Kentucky suc. · ar es Robert Jumor Jones, 42,
I,.,I·I,IIlIII.l slnrt weeks ago. They followed with ““$$_ lhus lm ls m one word; they are <>fILotusv11le, and Nick Odliyraky -50, Ol
I,ll|,|{I·IIII, their l·l-0 shutout ol ll1€ highly touted °l 1}*AM- ·‘\ [Cain lll every sence gf Allquippa, Pa., have been named head
t ll, I I · I , _ I ' . I '
t ln·ctt»IlI L.$.U. §§l`l¢llT0ll€TS and continued wtth lm Vlord lY0U1 A to Z. football €0<1Cl1 and assistant, respec-
c`C4IIIIII   III€II_ Winning wuvs bv huulilialing lll lllc   l.I`2lCZlS, lll \Vl1l(_jh Pgtrillj Ullelyy at     .'\[l`1€I`[Of1   SChOOl
. t .1,- ’ ’ . , ,- , · - _ _ . · · I- —
bm II II IIIC I_cI_IIIIg€ mIml€(I Ole Miss Rebels played wth an mluiy fat more serrons H1 Louisville, lor the current school
` IIE I· f IIIIII IIIIOIIICI Slmmul o7_0 than fans believed, the line performed Wal`-
i> lll\>ll1Q{_ ' ’ ` ' _ , - _ I · . . .
IICIIIIIGII,-5 -~OII IlI€ land and III [hg nldgnihcently in protecting the rn. jones, 31. was varsity quarterback at
\I I II IIIIN IIIICIISC has mcked III) II wml of lured player, As one wrtter observed, kentucky during his college career and
. I`. wo __ ·· , , _ · ._ _ _
II I IIII IIIIIIIIS while the OPIIOSIIIIIII has Babe had enough time back there Odlnak played tackle, graduating last
‘ lc hllr _ _ , , . , tr
III III vet to mark the g02ll·llll€ chalk with [U lcdd the blmrlb PagC- JUNC-
I I II lll oflgllslye clg;t[_ ']`h(-jly ghutgut rg. Anolllu umu ol $UP€YlOI` [CHU} Cl- The two I1l€1’1 are the first eoughgs
U till l  _ _ ‘ ,. . . . · · _ _ .
I cortl includes a blankmg of the Ole fort “*” ”h"““ m the Ole Miss §<¤m€ dl UIC school which became co—educa—
\` t Zl\\lll,lil‘ I -   ‘ . . , _, Y, _ · · . _
_ II IIN IIIMI [IIC [wm than I.IIIIkc(l