xt74b853fr0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt74b853fr0j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1929-02-feb7-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-02-feb7-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1929-02-feb7-ec. 1929 1929-02-feb7-ec. 2011 true xt74b853fr0j section xt74b853fr0j 

     ;'inutes of the regular monthly m-iieeting of the Txecutive
 Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Ken-
 tucky for February 7, 1929.

     The -xecutive Committee of the Board of Trustees of th.,
University of Kent     .-uy ,et in the P'residents Off ice at the
University of Kntuclky on Thursday, February 7, 1029, at
11: 30 a. m.  The fol'loving memirbers were present: Judge R.
C. Stoll, Ar. Robert %rdon, Mr. H.. LI. Froman, tr. James P.-r.
;-eeting with thle Cominmittee were President I1cVey, 11r. Louis
Hilleemeyer, Wellin;ton Patrick, Secretary of the Board,
.1r. L. K. Frankel, iAr. J. J. Curtis and 7Ar, ..;. J. Crutcher.

     1. A-Prroval of the 1rinute-0.  The minutes of the previous
meeting of thd 2xecutive Committee were read and on m0otion,
cluly seconded, a2proved as published.

     2. Appointments.   The following aTpoointmients were on mo-
tion of President McVey aniproved:

    Mro Joseph K. Hall, temporary assistant in the library
for four months, February, March, April and Irlay, at a salary
of l100 a month.

     Mr. Harvey Cunov as assistant bacteriologist in the De-
oartment of Public Service Laboratories at a salary of pl4O
a month, effective February 1, 1929.

    Mr. Wesley R. Brooks, field agent in creamrr grading, at a
salary of "180O a year, effective February 21, 19294

    Mr. TV R. Ro-y, assistant chemist in the Experiment Station,
to be. increased from :"1.500 to 'tlB0O a year, effective "larch
1, 19294

    Mr. Paul ID. Gard, assistant in the Bureau of School Serv-in~ce,
for the year 1929-1930 at a salary of l1000 a year.

    iMr. B. T. Inmaln as assistant in the IDenrttment of Agri-
cultural. 2:ducetion at a salary of I60 a month.

    I.r. Jarimes D. Hutchinson as instructor in rmat lermatics for
the second semiester at a salary of 3750 a Y

    I.Miss IMargaret M!cLaughlin to be acting head of the  Depart-
:e^ient of Journalism for the second semester.



     ilr. Neil Plumrier to be ezployed in the Department of
Journalism for the second semester -t a salary of )900 for
thle semester.

     Ir. 1-'arry G. ';a.age to be reapooint-ed as head football
coach for a fivc-:car neriod. beginning July 1, 1929, and enr`-
inEg July 1, lU4,r.- University to pay .;2400 of his salary
each year n.-nc t ie re;:lainder to be naid. by the Athletic Assoi
-at ion.

     Mr. 3. L. Prib ble to be instructor in tne Deoarti aent o f
Physical Educ)tion for one year fror-I January 1, 19 29, at a
salary of 1.'2000 a year.

     Er. El.er C-ilbs to be instructor in Physics 1 Education
for 1929-1930 at a salarv of .1700 a. year to boe -paid by the
Athletic Association.

     iMr. John DevereauX to be instructor in Physical Mducatior,
at a salisry of i800 for the 1929 baseball season, to be 9ai6.
by the At: letic Association.

     14r. Richard Haynes as student assistant in the Denartment
of Physics at a sal3.ry of 320 a month, effective FebOruary 1,
1929, and to include the mronths of February, hlaxrch, April and

     Mra7. Lorraine Yost as student assistant in thre De-oar tment
of Ph'jysics at a salary of  O0 a. month, effective February 1,
for the months of February, Mlarch, April, and ' ay,

     Miss Lec.:oma Galliher as graduate assistant in the
Departmient of Botany for the second semester, 1928-1929, at
a salary of -40 a, month for the five months, February 1 to
July 1.

     11r. Leona-~rd M1iller as student assistant in the Departme3nt
of Physical 3ducation during the fall of 1929, at a salary
o' ;al50 a month to "De paid by the Athletic Association.

     The following list of county agents and home demonstration
aggents was ao; roved:

     MIrs. Bernice Chute Carter, home demonstration agent,
Boyd County, effective February 1 to l'ch 31, 1929.

     Miliss Mrildred O'Haver, assistant home demonstration aa ent,
3'ayette County,

hiss Helen '11. Wlhite, home demonstration agent, Daviess



     R. B. 1-cClucreo, county agent, G-arrard County.

     J. C. Hornino, county agen't, Barren County.

     M. F. Goff, county agent, Pulaski County.

     M. P. Tichenor, county agent, McLean County.

     P. 3. Willpon, county agent, Calloway County.

     lirs.  ernic. C-':te Carter, county home demonstration ac-- t
Knott County, effective Deceimber 10, 1928, to December 9, NS`,c

     Floyd. McDaniel, county agent, 1.ontgomery County.

     J. F. McClure, county a;ent, Daviess County.

     H. A. '-cPher. on, county agent, Fulton County.

     H. R. Jackson, county agent, Shelby County.

     rIT. F. 2. Lowance, r.raduate assistant in the Department
of Physics, effective January 31, 1929.

     Aiiss Helen King as assistant in the Publicity Bureau at
a   salary of A100 a month, effective February 1, 1929.

    1. Durbin Ker:;per to be awnointed as teacher in science
and m-athematics in the University High School, effective at
'tJe beginning of the second semester at a sal.ry of $150 a

    lirs. Lola Robinson, student assistant in the Denartrment
of ...iusic, at a salary of ISO a month.

    Mr. Ja .es F. Shropshire, manacer oL student puJlications,
at a salary of .7300 for the second.- serester.

                         Resig~nat ions

     The following list of resicnations was present and on
motion,duly seconded, approvred..

    MIr. James W. Cammack, instructor in the University High



        ;|. eorre Inllko, field azent in cream.1 inprovcment, ef-
fectilve Febri.lar.-- 2'1, '929.

    Dr. Bullard as assistant bacteriolo-:ist in t'he Denartl-.-nt
of Public Servics laboraO1tories, effect-ive January 21, 1929.

    'Irs. Bruce X. Lorch, home demonstration agent Of 7-1ayettel
Countv, effect-ive Jhnuary 31, 1929.

                     Leave of Absence

     Sabboatical leave of a'bsence on one-half nay  as gr.anted
t;. '.:r. Dena G. Card, assistant in marketingfrom October 1,
1929, to SeptembJer 1, 19.30.

     3. :Bids on Of:ice a-nd Dairy Building-.  The following
bids w~rere recei-ved on t'e office and dairy buildinu , and in .he
presence of the ~c      es they were onexned.  T-he bids were i3
.ne amounts in:. icated as follovs:

W. B. Catching Company..........
Louis des Co.-,nets and Company......
Conll--leton Lumber Cormpany...........
71* T. Con-leon and Company.......
J. F. Hardyrnon Cornpanany.........
George hToskins Lumber Company.....
J. T. Jackson Luraber Company.
Jack Nelson, Richmondi Kentucky...
Srmith-Has-gard Lumber Oompany.....
:Hugh B. Smith and/Washington, D.C.
                C ompany

.1103 3, 44. 00
  91174' 7.00
  lo, 254.08
  114, 000.00

     The bids on the building were tabulated, the various al-
ternates in the specifications considered, and the following
r-commnendation was made by the architects, which was, on rmotion,
duily made and seconded, aonroved:

          We recorrmend that the contract be let according
     to plans and snecific-ations with alternate No. 3
     inc].uded and. that the nrooosal of the J. T. Jackson
     Lumb;zer Cor.nan- for It90,650.00 be acceoted with
     their su--contract for screens and weataerstrips
     placed  It -kh :-I 'iricks and Shouse for Higo-ins




     equim ::cnt, a:n& r.i th their sub-contract for linoleum.
     floorfs nle. d with R. B. Hays for Bonded. Floors
     "Sepilex" linoleum.  Also other su.b-contractors must
     be accevtable to the o.ners.

                                 Frankel .and Curtis
                                     A rch.it ects

                                 By   J. J. Curtis

     4. Bids for "'echanical Trades on the TraininF, School
3uildinL,.  The co,'vract for the construction of th'e traininr;
schiool builediri  -a.  t In'.t- the last r:ieeting of the Zxecutive
Committee.   Ti-e contracts for miechanicrl trades were not lciJ
at that r-.cetinE, and Aids were received and oncned in the
oresence of the 0idders o.s follovs:

Brock 7lectrical Corao.any.........
1`oore-Young  lectrical CormpTany...
Thirircill _lectrical Company......
Larrington -lectrical Company....
Rosenbl adt and t3iunt .............
Ben C. Inaels ilectrical Com-oany,
     Danv ille, Kentucky..........
Theo. Jansen lectrical Corvipany.
Scott :`1ectric Company..
~arine electric Cormpany.........

Ml 1, 989. 90
18, 800. 00
12 691.00

  9, 974. 00

5. Heotin- and Ventilating, Trainino School Buildin&.

F. A. Klegg and Company, Louisville..
G. C. Virilcoxen, Lexington, Kentucky..
P. H. Jleyer Company, Louisville
J, J. Fitz-erald, Lexington, Kye.....
Robert L. Cranfille, Lexington, Ky...
John H. Scott, Franlfort, Ky........

16,112. 91

     After tabulation of the bids and consideration of the
alternates, with additions and deductions specified in the
bids thle followinr* motion was made, seconded and c.rried t hZ7-;t
the controct for e1ectricl w\tor-.k be arararded to Ben C. In-els
7lectrical Comnany of Danville, Kentucky, at a contract for
!? 9,974.



     Th::t, t ie co n rc:t for 'iluMbinj- ho let to John H. Scot.t,
of Frani,' ort, 17-n-tlucky, for i16,112.91.

     T'hlat the contract for heatina, ventilating be let to
P'. A. Kl:1- g and Company, Louisville, Kentucky, at a contract
r:-icc of 233,)480,

     S. Insurance MCatters.  The question of insura.nce iwas
brough;t un by President I IcVey and a reeor t 7iven by hin to
mernbers of the Cor.mittec as to the am-2ount of insurance tVat
is on the various 'buildin5rs and the nam--es of the com;anies
carrying the various .aounts.

     A CG.:.: uni5'-8tion V.twis read fron Klair and Srott, Lexingtc.
Kent.ucky, recomri ending, that the University of Kentucky rolace.
ninety por cent co-insurance on IcMVey H1ll.  A-fter consider-
ation a notion was made, seconded and carried. that the Bus-
iness A-ent be directed to place vrith Klair and Scott ninety
ner cent co-insurance on McVey Hall, M'emorial Buildincr and
the I en'ps Gyrmnasiun.

     7. Contract for Teacher Traininn Building-.   Notion was
made, seconded and c.rried authorizin- the chairrman of the
Ixecutive Committee to sign a contra.ct for construction of
the Teacher Training Building.

     8. Contracts for Hea.ting and Ventilating. Office and
D:Lir Building.   President :IcVey stated to the Board that the
bids  for Mechanical trades on the Office zand Dairy Building
had not been received because it *as not possible to get the
data ready for the present Board meeting.   "lotion was m.-ade,
seconded and carried authlorizing the President to make the
a:.ards of contracts for  .echanico.l trades in that building.
(This includes electrical work, heating and ventilating).

    7.9. Peabody Fund.  A resolution was offered, seconded,
and .adopted directing the Phoenix and Third National Bank to
'!urn over to the Business Agent of tChe University of Kentuclky
d404,000 in Lib)erty Bonds no- held by that hank and directinrg,
tiue Business A--ent to have the bonds registered writh the
United States Treaesury in the narme of thie University of Kentucky.

                              Respectfully suxmitted,

                                     Wellington Patrick