xt747d2q850f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q850f/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1941-02-10  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 10, 1941 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, February 10, 1941 1941 1941-02-10 2020 true xt747d2q850f section xt747d2q850f  



































J. '“7‘,,1_ ;',_ 1'11. .~. 13' TF‘I'I
lulanue (1);. u.’.‘{;3 WELT/t, 1‘81 By ,€-1( L313 "' ngihhflfu', Jl, _j1l;

Cand1dates for the Degree of Master of Arts in Education

' .‘ ‘ BI. ‘ *‘ Rio fill“. Olsen "'7‘


lease ‘aCKebu 19.:rKe11‘leer 1 am 11 ..
Elirabeth lane? Garnett IELQ Cromwell 1356

Harry Winfred McClintock Stcr we’aLl JecKson Stover
Helen Frances Markwell Ho ger Ke ureth Haters

gobert Henry Mosby







Candi ate e3 for tr e Deere f Master of Sciegce in Eaucctlon
James Mitchell Boles Hugh Leonard vai<
Candida es for the De eqree 07 Doctor f Philosonhy
Jane Haselden Thomas Edison Monullin
’44» a4 w
Febllary 10, 1941 3
’The Univer tv Senate met in the Assembly 30 m of Laffetty Tall Monday:

Bebruwry 10,1941. Presiden Coooer oresided.

(- ,

The minutes 01 January 13 and 31 were read and antrGVed.


Che follow:_:: co.mitteeq Urovided for at the January 11 meeting of the

Senate We1e :‘mnounced: “A
I w

l. A seven member council to investigate ac»

University may nrcoerlv engage in connection witl the de

airman; Dean Al
EVans; ant Professors E. Z. Palmer, C. S. Grouse, Geo
E. Adams, and Alberta ”1157n Server.

orogram. The members are Professor W. S. Hebb, Ch

co mmitlee to nlan activities for women students in connection
1 efen se nro mr m. The members er Mrs. Sarah 81 Holmes, Chairman;
Jr. J. 8. Chambers, Alice Mkrrison, Col. How .rd Donnelly, Profeesor

J. W. May, and Miss Kat :leen Shedd.

J. COmmiLtee on Senedule of Classes: Colleze of Commerce, Profes*
College of L,w, Professor N. L. Roberts; College of
‘ ro

? or «urlcr Seav; College of A rlcultore, feesor l.
11’ . l . ~ . ‘ ‘ " "‘ '
u. “Ollnkber, C llege o: E‘ngineering, Professor u. V. Terrell; College of
J , V _ a : A ~ . : '1
arts an :cl noes. Professors Adolnh Blgge, Amrv Vandenoo or A. C. Vcfiar lan


end Horris Scnerago.

 Hinutes of the University Senate — Februnrv 10, 1941 i W

'7 1_ ~1. ‘ ‘ _ . ~ 1 » ‘ o l
Premiieut Coors. stoke briefly of a recent conference of college and un1~ W
M Versity reoresentatives which he had attended. Thi 5: conference was for ‘3'
- the nu ”Ohm oi discussing the olnce oi collegiate institutions in the de~ “

fense nrogram. .i\

rs ‘ ...; H, s - . ,. ,1, . i z w v '
ihe idllOWiLy renort was oresented totne Senate by Professor h. h. Neaver,
m .

n - ' ‘ -. f ‘ ' ' ‘
At its last meeting the Senate gave the committee the tower to my
give final approval to the request for Education 270a,b. Problems

in Distributige Educatigg (three credits each). The committee has ' l


been confronted with an annarent difference of oninion in the various


divisions of the University concernina the tyres of courses to be
offered on the 200 level. At nresent, there are no University regu~ i
laticns or ooinions to guide the committee. Dean Funkhouser has 't
agreed to bring the uroblem before the Graduate Faculty. With this “
in mind, the committee has voted to aoorove the requested course for
“a the 1941 summer session, with the credit number reduced to 115mb.
,0 This will allow reconsideration of the course next year by which it
time it is honed that the Graduate Faculty will be able to supply t
some definition of a "graduate course". The course descrintion as i»
aooroved is as follows: ' 5'


‘ sleeping} lliadg. 319133335 i2 Distributive Education. (3 credits

g each) Summer Session 1941. The course deals with oroblems involved "'§

1 in teaching vocational distributive education in day, oart~time and w
evening schools. The problems will be selected in accordance with the
needs and desires of students registered in this course. Prereouisite:
Education 112 and Education 128.

The Committee recommends the aunrOVal of the request f the College of
Arts and Sciences for change in number of History 226 to History 150a. The
course as recommended is as follows:



A History 1805.. History _o_i: the gig South. (3 credits). A study
’ . of the colonial beginnings and expansion of southern life, economics, ‘, 'H
and society. The growth of slavery, stable agriculture, and sectional fl
oolitics will constitute the major interest. The course will consider 1
the various points of sectional develoument which led to the break~un i
of the Union. The South will be interoreted in both its relationshio

and contrast to national develooment. " fl
Prerequisite: One year of AmeriCHn History. R

The committee also recommends the aouroval of the change of number of
History 180 to 180b. The course as recowmended is as follows:

History loob. History of the New South. (3 credits). The evolu-
tion of southern life and society, agrarian nolitics, relationshins


with other sections, industrial growth, and new leadershiu. g;

“a L

>5 . . .. . r: T H"
,,. PrerequiSite: History 1COa. : ,




. ~. 1 - -]71

The committee also recommends the aooroval oi the folloWing reouests l” “f


from the College of Commerce:











































‘Y‘ ‘ A.“ L1 7' ; :1‘ r1 .1 _‘ er1, r ‘3",
minutes U1 tne JDMVCFSbe n;naue fictin IV 10, 1,41
hips.“ 1‘ If. ,1 . I
la VanJUche i 1.1 , I‘LU_\I,:VLC€C



inis course is design: nr
who ere reauired to give 5?
tencive reading; nr.3n-rnti

critical 3L31Y2is of mode?“

:nnnfiqgem01yu apj zm:rxet THESE“
Przrlorisite: Commerce ll an; consent (5 instructor.



1 ~ 1 — r-\ ~ 1 ’ 1 l‘;. T ,—,. ..., - .‘
2. commerc. 134. Urban heel sstate.tv CTGQIUS . JILHE land economi
nd n] «unin; 0. urban communit ‘ t

the gro owth

; o

buniness and insti M1 C115; essentiais of real estate law and contracts
the financing of rte t:el es
uation and qnnre ital; th
nroblem of ownershin ersus rental; tne nrcbiem of real estate necuri~

ti.s as investments; governmen tel activi

Frerecuisite: Commerce 117.

The Committee also recommends tee aboroval of:
me Kc: nomics 129. Food '

sion. Stody of the n incitle o: nreservirg 1- d by drying, Genuine
re t

f1 s given in

1ckling, salting, nd Quick zi
nine of fruits, veget en los, and meats; tee nick

tables; and the makinw of jellies and nreserves. (2% weeks (Jet'ufsel
5 . \ V

Prerec uis't 3: Rome Economics 6a” Bacteriolrvy 52.”

,.__. _. .. __ ___ 1
This renort was adooted bv the senate as nresented 0} $11 airmen Weaver,

On recommendation of the U niversity Coun( il, the Senate anoroved the neti~
tisn of a groan of freshmen women to form an honorary orvanizaticn in
journalism, to be known as the “Cu' Club”.

As a result of nrevious action in the Unive15;ity Council, the Sc mate was
nreS‘nted with a question of whether or not the midyear commencement should
be discontinued. The Council had voted that it was the sense of that body
tiat this commencement should be discontinu uea after the exerc Ms c in Februa
31y, 1941, and had suggested thet the Se ate recommend annrooriate action
to the Bo«1 of iristees. The Uz1iver itv Senate voted to reco mend to the

30 rd of Trustees that tie midyear commenCement be discontinued”

Dean W. U. Funkhouser r~ad the fr.lowing reocrt to the Senate for the

ALVlSGry Atnletic Council:


Submitted to U’niversit by Senate, Februarx 0, l l
J. D. Funkhouser

Lne Athletic Council is not str1ctl/ 8. Se nete Committee since it was
set on by the Ecsrd of Tr rcstee s to


nclude members of the student body and
alumni association as well as faculty members elected by the Senate.


. . a .
t ye transactions; toe nroblem o: LTOQGJEY vala
e mar eeement of real estate aroeeétiee; the

Jreseiv ticn. {2 credits ) bummer 88$"






Minutes 0; the University Senate ~ February l0, 1941

However, the Southeaster Conference reouires tnwt the control of all

Athletic Rowrds, Committees or Councils must be in the hands of the faculty

so that the majority vote f our own Council is with the faculty members.

the Conference re og-izes only the hresident of an institution as


the of;i

who has a financial interest in athletics to vote on Conference matters.

cial renresentative of that institution and does not permit anyone


Consequently while coaches nnd athletic directors take a very active nart


in discrssions and considerations of nroblems, their activities can be only

in an 8.11171 S“

My canacity, and they have no vote.
ihe Athletic Council has two functions, (1) in matters concerning in-
tercollegiate shorts on our own campus ~ the Council has nothing to do
with intermursl or other nel-intercollegiate snorts - and (2) as one of the
twelve units of t Conference.
In the first of these functions, the Council has to deal largely with
nroblems of finance, schedules and eligibility. College athletics and Dar~
ticularly football can now be considered in the class of ”big business”.
Our gross receints, not counting student fees, are in the neighborhood of
$100,000 a year. In this resnect we are about in the middle bracket of
the Conference. Some of the institutions in the unner bracket, such as
L-S.U., Tulane, Tennessee and Georgia Tech ofter take in twice as much,
esnecielly in years in which they have ”Bowl” games.

The matter of arranging satisfactory schedules is becoming increas~
ingly difficult. We try to arrange our football schedules five years in
advance and the nroblem of making Sucn schedules to include satisfactory
teams on the ”home and home” basis; the fact that students are allowed
only a Certain number of days off the camnus for trins; 'he necessity of
having good drawing cards on our own field; the imnortance of staggering
hard games and ”breathers”; the question of guarantees; and the all~imnor~

tant matter of ”money gates"; are the cause of many headaches.

Probably no groun of students on the camnus who renresent the Univer-
sity are as carefully checked on scholarship and residence as are the
athletes. Every student who narticinates in intercollegiate athletics
must be certified to the Commissioner of the Conference as to his scholar-
ship, his residence, his academic and athletic standing and his years of
Darticination and these certificates must be signed both by the Faculty
Chairman and by the Registrar of tne University. We have about 150 stu*
dents each year who must be thus checked and certified.

In the second of the functions of the Council — that having to do
with the Conference ~ the work is even more imoortant, due to the fact
that the organization is now undergoing drastic changes in its set*un
and in its rules and regulations which makes it very imnortant that the
University have a voice in these matters since we have to live by the
rules as established.

The two most imnortant nroblems confronting the Conference at the
present time are (l) the matter of subsidizing athletes and (2) the estab-
lishment of an office of Commissioner.

Unouestionably the most serious onesticn in connection with college
athletics all over the country is that concerning subsidation of football





, ,, , A w~ . . 4 ~. H - 1 ‘1':
mlflflip o: tne University Senate “ February l0, L941



I. . _ i . x . - a _‘ . A A f 2 L

olqyers, Tn}: has regene; tn; noxnt wnere 1t tizexdeus tne enrxre ;qulfe

of college shorts. The Southeastern grca: ieo‘ ‘sh
» ‘J. ‘ 1, c. i " i ‘ . 5' ,N i.

o: Dilbll o:_tv' * 130’ t; , 1.1r0149t Le nrui <, t>{ Jug; -






fnctt tiwwt it is ifiie (nlly 51thlezti Ues
_‘.. has: onuuc ox;t oneiflly 021 the (vuee 71ce ‘35
;' without subterfuge and nvnocrisy. “mnendxolc as this 4ttituic miv we,
’§ it has been greatly ebuseL and the situation has reachtd the \olut whwch
p makes it necessary to enect very definite rules and SGVenaneneltles t3
,; . ..“ mm. m ' i H r . r.“ , 1.. a:
ti keen 1t Witnin bounds. 131s tee Southeastern Conierence #5 ibing~
1‘ '
;t But rules :Ld regub‘tions are useless Vniess they can be enforced
_§ and the enforcemezt can no; be left to toe college nre;~;1-ents who nave
‘} other things to in than the investigation of evevv ellebed “iolntion or :
:3 1 t

to the COacnes who are naturally anxioie





TlVfilS in offering inducements to atnletes but to go 2 1 tie farther if
they can “get bv" with it. The Conference na‘ always had good rules end
regul 2 ion but hes had no machinery for tie enoo rcement of its laws.



Dherefore the Confe3ence has e:,ablished the office of Lommiss-onev
who shall be resuonslble for the enfoccement of rules an& shall inflic
Denaliu ies For Violut‘ons. ”‘ogu WflulilfC Lu; effect bot1 the ctndent

*‘ dishonest he is declaref ineligi—

and the institution. If the student is
ble for athleti: COmnetition in any coll

institution is guilty, it is subject to



or e? Tnulsi on from the Con- torence


the olan has ]ust been 0


1t int' oneration. Thus far it stems to be
working very well inde ned If it n: e s
one of the most serious nroble s in aunle

the doom of our college snaits:"





A nw“

renort was received and is ‘ade a hart of these minutes.



m w— . _

absence of Chairman «turine Seav, Professor Dunre read to the

n, as follows: a

February 10, 1941

l 1
Senate the eoort of the Committee on Exte nsi



It is believed that the University of Kent uckr sbou li be in close
reintionshin with the homes of tie state to the end that euv citizeL


qht feel Iree to call unon the Univer:


ty for any assi

tance Whi oh the
s nuoted from e


general ca 3'
i_versity Exten—
ates through

institution can render.‘ This sentence




log of the University under 11

31 on'. In carrying on its functions



the following bureaus:



I. Bureau of Home Study and Extension Classes
II. Bureau of School Relations
III. Bureau of Club and Community Se vice


IV. Bureau oi Audio-Visual Aids






The on alogue of home studv or corresnondence courses li
credit courses in lo dennrtments which may be taken by st


emnus. There are Moduy 523 students in the active fiLes o.





eniversity Bengt: - February 10, 1941 I.”t
- , _ |,_

Jitn some students comnletlng daily find others registerinu, the num— ‘H
‘Ea her of re gistered students remnins anorexinetely constant thr ouvhout the ., ii
‘ Every msil bri gs t t rom st11deents from all sec tions of the .
stat: and some from o t s. Host of tlie students are nersons who,

imnrscticable to enroll in resi~

H .

Lence bvt th want to continue their work toward 2 degree or the renewal of
a teaching ce r 'ificate. In addition, there are students who are taking

I 1

courses for t1ei1 vocational or cultural Values and without reference to 2 'W

The tyuical corresnonderc e student registers for only one course at a ‘1-


e; however, some register for two courses st the same time and occasion- t
v one may register for three. Nearly all corresnondence students ore . V

I f ‘.
n ages from 20 to 05, the


1.4 .

edisn age being 28. A majority
0; ton students have junior or senior clessifi loations; Only 2 few students
have freshmen classification. Before completing a course, the student is
3 ts fice a. written examina.ti on, niensred by the instructor and adu
t ed Hlle 7,e or bv a sunerin~

ted ni gh school. The ex— t

.1 [[1


is the bniversity, at some accredit
tendent of schools, or the nrincinsl of an ace
. . e .

esl vith soec ific instrue~ ,w
ons ior stminis trp tion and is returned by him to the Exte on Denartment.

(n 9-“

ha to the examining officer under

Due to the very limited field, class extension, that is, nersonnl in- . W
ruction in class by a nrofessor, is not as extensive as correspondence ,
struction. During the last academic year there were 217 students re7is~ ‘1
red in extension classes. Under existing conditions this these of Unim
rsity Extension cannot become extensive, but with the remOVsl of certain
imitations on extension and with additionsl nersonnel, there could be s
most substantial develonment. Including both corresoondenc e s 7Ludy and ex~ M
tension clq sses, the Deusrtment has had enrolled more than 12,000 students
during its 22 years of existence. These have come from every county of the

state, from a m.ajority of the states of the Union and occasionally a stu*
dent from s for reign country. Although the number enrolled in corresoond~ QEF
ence courses and extension classes at the University is for below the num~ -.f'fl
‘I‘ bers doing this type of work 2t such institutions as the University of W,
'31 Chicago, University of California, and University of Minnesota, it annesrs
that our enrollment ma.y comnere favora.bly with other institutions having dl
comunrable resident enrollments 2nd comn2 Mrable limitations. A great many ' ,
students have their first contact with the University through its Extension '
Denertment, later enrolling as resident students. Other students enroll
for corresoondence courses on the recommendat ion OI their dean 2nd trans~

j fer the credit earned to their own institution. 1H

The Bureau of School Relations onerstes mainly through the Kentucky vl
High School Speech Lea.gue, music festivals, and achievement tests in high
school subjects. Through these activities the Denartment has maintained
rather close contacts for several years with mos st of the high schools.
The Dena.rtment nrovides an organization in which the high schools function
and which anoears to be mutually helpful to the schools and the University.


Each year several thousnnd high school nunils come to our cnmnus as oarti~ ;

cinants in oratory, debating, and other sneech activities and in the music y

ufi festivals }

nteins contacts with the 1

The Bureau of Club and Community Service moi
women's clubs of the st ate, the P.T.A. and imilar organizations. Itfi aim ht










m. :=.



















a no Iwro'rii “ Intt (uxlxr to OZ?F‘ f.ti:n1s ’ho7 to . “hits
he 1 o i 5; mo :3 t o it :71 n rev i d ed t hro ‘3 '7 h the co “ o 5 re t i o .71 . as 1 ': r 1-, m :11 ‘3 ‘5 M
with the Hutcnsiun Deoertnent, for excmnle; books from tne University ' ‘
l D"ir7 2‘6 lonnei; W13; m1 ms on mv>cific subjects are nreoércd and arrange—
meitr 1r mode er sneaker? for vome n's clubs, P.T.A. meetings, conmence~

he Eureo of Audio~uisusl wids has esfiembled a libreT? 05 several

‘ 1 . . i 1 w ‘1. _“ 11- a
hundred eaucwtionql mot ion pictures and lrntern Sllddh flulCu

Vailable to schools, CCC Camus, c2* ,3 ,

lhe rentals ere ised toward mainte ininr tne cost of She librerr, includ—

ing r=olncements and rcoqirs. It also ftrnishes lilnC, Wilda; ‘nd ‘”0~
Vice for the cemnus. 1h: excess OI rentals over mainten 2::29

jection 861‘
is used Sor additions to the library. ' e film service of the Deofirtment


‘ . W 1. ‘31 ‘: r a h -.
has had a most sot»si~e orv arowtn GmCfl yee1 mu m

subscribers to tie service rind the number of “,oilo eiu students Ior wh>m
the oicuures tire nrovided. Line edccauioril film circulrtion "113‘ Isl en
. .1». ,4 .3 ,_ 3 7 n. 1 ‘ '
average 'ruinUnl increase or 500:0 during tne nest iive Iver), m
The Extens1on Comlittee was a“ L nrei to serve in an advisory Canec-
eczing ertensinn nolicy. it Was not charged with any

administrative functirn . It has net and given serious consideletion to


matters referred to U by either the President or tne Director. Durir



nest two years, the life of the oresent Committee, several imoortan t

matters have be een given considerrtion in one or more meetings. The fol~
les 0 t

lowinp ty n:ica.l e12mo e the tvoe of work done bv it.
1.) u -,

ine work of the "omen s Cl ib Service, which is an imoortent cert of
the Drovram of the Extension De~tertment. was studied carefully by the
Committee and tne following renort was made to the President of the Uni-

'In re.i\om1 e to vour reouest the Ext nsion Committee has made a
ho: ouqh stu d3; 0



t f the nrogrem of the Women’s Club Service of the .
Exte -sion Deonrtm ent. l‘ie have corferred wi th Mrs. lafferty at her off c H

d her orgqn'zet ion and fe we; lities for Ex ' work; a detailed TBDOT




ch member of the committee ‘
and it has been carefully read by each member; the Committee, as a group,
visited the exhibit which Mr

of the oct1v1ties of this Se ndce was sent to ea

s. Leffertv nrenared for the Library; two Com—
mittee meetings have been held during which this Service has been discussed.

As at esult of our stndv, we desire to revert that we believe the
work of th: Women's Club Se rvice has been effective. We recommend that this
Service be continued and that consideration be given to the exoansion of
the orogram to include other imnortent nhases of adult education. It apnearfi
logical that, since this present nroqram has been so well established and
in some resnects routini7 ed, new activities could be included in closely re'
luted fields of eiilt interests. We 5 the Committee are aware of the oublic
relations asoects of tb is service and feel that the nrogram is also signifiv
Cent from this noint of view.‘

Another imnortant nhase of the nrogram of the Extension Deoartment which /
was studied bv the Committee is the orojection service and the supplying of
mo ion nictures and other forms of visual aids to other denartments on the



‘. "It‘l:
V l

1 3/11

C ~11

Edie ite. oi‘ the

Campus. Two meetings were held to consider this matter. ifter discussing

the various ssnects of the motion niCture film and orojector service on
the cumuus, w motion was made, seconded, and nassed unanimously as follows:

1. That the nrojector and film service of the Extension Deosrtment
should continue to be made available to all densrtments on the
cwmous which find it useful to them in teaching and in other sunro-
nriete ways.

4. That the service should be given without charge by the EttenSion
Denertment. It is believed that this method would be more econom-
ical to the University by eliminating considerable bookkeening
and in other ways, would lessen the nossibility of friction, and
would encourage the use of motion uictures and other visual aids
in instruction.

3. It is recognized that the nresent eouiument of the Extension De-
nnrtment is inadequate to Cere for the camous needs; therefore,
its service is necessarily very limited. The Committee is con~
vinced that motion nictures and other related materials can be
used to great advantage in college instruction, and that the Uni-
versity should make urovision for these materials in some way.

Minutes of all meetings of the Committee are kept by the secretary and
recommendations are sent to the President of the University.

It annears to the Committee that the Extension Denartment is in a nosi—
tion to be of even greater service to the University if given an opportunity.
It is quite likely that the activities in which it is now engaged have not
reached their maximum effectiveness. Furthermore there are several nhases
of adult education such as short courses, forums, and conferences in which
Extension Deuertments of other universities successful y Chgn c and which
it seems would be desirable for the University of Kentucky,

Increased effectiveness and desirable exnension would nrobebly re~
quire more money than can be allotted to it for the coming year, but it is
honed thmt the annropriation for the n xt biennium may nermit a reasonable
increase for University Extension which we believe can be well used and
contribute much to the welfare of the University as a whole.

Maurice F. Seay. Chairman
J. Huntley Dunre

A. Hn Eblen

Louis Clifton"

This retort was received and is made a nart of these minutes.

President Cooper cafled to the attention of the Senate the need for a re"

View of the existing rules and uolicies resnecting admissions to the Uni~
versity and to the various colleges. He indicated that it would be heln~
ful, both to the President and to the Pegistrar if some of the administra—
tive uolicies now in force could be suuuorted by Senate regulations. The
reaction of the Senate seemed to be that it would be glad to COOnerate in
a review of these rules and nolicies, and it was informally sgreed thfit

.niversity Senate “ February 10, 1941 t








,mx-“Vzn _ h _ .1." .1 1. ,; .'
» “Him _ I H ‘l


the Registrar would send to each member of the Senate a summary of such
rules and uolicies before the March meeting.






.7” .__-._....,...., .. .4...—


fl’I’m v1~-}1 3 .T‘,
ii bmmAiE

The University Senate met in the Assembly Room of Lafferty Hall Monday,
March 10, 1941, President Cooner nresided.

The minutes of February 10 were “cad and anuroved.

On recommendation of the University Council, the Senate eporoved a neti~
tion for an organization to be known as the Students' Art Club. This


petition had been submitted in accordance With the Senate regulations
and carried the signatures of 69 eligible students.

In the absence of a formal report for the month, Chairmen R. H. Weaver
informed the Senate that the Curriculum Committee had given considera~
tion to the request for apurOVal of Hygiene 51a and 51b. He stated that
the Committee had voted not to annrove Hygiene 51a, but that on request
of the College and the Department, additional time had been granted for
submitting more information on this course. He added that action on this
course would be renorted at a later meeting of the Senate.

Chairman R. H. Weaver made the following report on the work of the Currie“
ulum Committee since its establishment:

“The Curriculum Committee was established at the March, 1938, meet*
ing of the University Senate~ The committee cousists of the chairman,
elected by the Senate, and nine other members, annointed by the Chairman,
subject to the apDTOVal of the President of the University. There are
five members from the College of Arts and Sciences, including one from
the social sciences, including nsycholcgy, one from the-physical sciences,
and one from literature, philosophy and the arts, and one from each of
the other colleges.

The function of the committee, to quote the resolution which estabe
lished it, is 'to examine existing courses and to make recommendations
to the Senate as to the need for and desirability of these courses; to
recommend to the Senate the action to be taken by that body to eliminate
dunlicati f courses between deuertments and between colleges; and to

on 0
ll pronosed new courses or changes in courses and to recommend
to the Senate the action to be taken to prevent future dunlication of

courses and unwise expansion of the curriculum.‘

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