xt747d2q841g https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q841g/data/mets.xml Kentucky Negro Education Association Kentucky Kentucky Negro Education Association 1940 The most complete set of originals are at Kentucky State University Library. Call Number 370.62 K4198k journals  English Kentucky Negro Educational Association: Louisville, Kentucky  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky Negro Educational Association Journal African Americans -- Education -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.11 n.1, October-November, 1940 text The Kentucky Negro Educational Association (K.N.E.A.) Journal v.11 n.1, October-November, 1940 1940 1940 2020 true xt747d2q841g section xt747d2q841g  






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VOL XI October-November, 1940 N0, 1 I




Winchester. Kentucky
(1 w. ADAMS, Principal BOSWELL B‘ HODGKIN, Supt,


“An Equal Educational Opportunity For Ev¢ry Kentucky Child"




The Kentucky State College

Established 1866

Frankfort. Kentucky

A Progressive State Supparled Instiiufion





Class A Four-Year College

For All information, Write To

B. B. Atwood. President




Lincoln Ridge, Kentucky
Courses Offered







Fur Further Information

Director Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge. Ky.



 The K. N. E. A. Journal

Official Organ of the Kentucky Negm Education Association


VoL XI October-November, 1940 No. l



Published by the Kentucky Negro Eduwtion Association
Editorial Oflioe at 1925 W. Madison Su‘eet
Louisville, Kentucky


Atwood S. Wilson, Executive Sedetary, Louisville, Managing Editor.
S. L. Barker, Owensboro, President of K. N. E. A.

Lyle Hawkins, Louisville Whitney M. Young, Lincoln Ridge
.3. Poster, Paducah Victor Ki Perry, Louisville

Published Bimonthiy during the school year: October. December,
February and April

Membership in the K, N. E. A. (One Dollar) includes subscription
. to the Journal
Rates for Advertising space mailed an requmt
Present Circulatiom 2,000 Copies. 1940 KlNl EA. Membership 1460


K. N. E. A. Officers for 1940-41
Editorial Comment 4 . . ,,,,,
Minutes of the General Sessions of 1940 Convention.
Extracts from Departmental Reports.., .....
Resolutions of the 1940 Convention ...........
Report of the Governor‘s Advisory Committee.
Report of Committee on a Program of Equalities in Higher

Education l
Secretary-Treasurer 5 Financial Report .
The Auditing Committee Report ......
Special Report of the Secretary-Treasurer .........
The Negro Mother (a poem by Langston Hughes).
Honor Members of Ki N. E. A. for 1940,
K. N. E. A. Honor Roll—1940 ...........
K. N E. A. Kullings ......... . . . .............
“Keep Out of the Gutter,” Dr. Charles Steme







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TIME FINANCE co., Pioneer,
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Without obligation, send full
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 K. N. E. A. Officers For 1940-41

. Owensboro
. .Lexington
i .Louisville

S. L. Barker, President .....
Theda Van Lowe, First Vice President .
J. Bryant Cooper, Second Vice- President ..











Atwood s, Wilson, Secretary-Treasurer . . Louisville
L. V. Ranels, Assistant Secretary .i i . . . . i i. .i i i Winchester
Elizabeth G. Clark, Historian ,. , ..................... Springfield
S. L. Barker, President ..... . . . , i . .Owensbm'o
Lyle Hawkins (Term Expires 1942) Loukville
Victor K. Perry (Term Expires 1942) . . “Louisville
Whitney M. Young (Term Expires 1941) .Lincoin Ridge
E. Poston (Term Expires 1941) i. ..... Paducah






J. T. Williams, High School and College Department . . .Frankfort
Lucy Hart-Smith, Elementary Education Department . Lexington
M. L. Copeland, Rural School Department . .Hopkinsville
R L. Carpenter, Music Department ...... Louisville


Whitney M. Young, Vocational Education Department .Lincoln Ridge



Nora Hi Ward, Principals’ Conference ............ .mNewport
Blanche G. Elliott, Primary Teachers‘ Deparhnent .Greenville
Eunice Singleton, Youth Council ................. iLou‘sville


Ouida Wilson, Art Teachers' Conference ........ .Louisville
Rufus Stout, Social Science Teachers’ Conference Louisville





Cabell, Merritt, Science Teachers‘ Conference ..... Richmond
Virgil Perry Ford, English Teachers’ Conference ...... .Maysville
Naomi Lattimore, Librarians’ and Teachers Conference, .Louisville
William Summers, Physical Education Department .i Harrodshurg
Margurite Parks, Guidance Workers' Conference . . . . i i . .Loujsville
Hazel B. Williams, Foreign Language Teachers’ Conference. .Louisville
Lyle Hawkins, Adult Education Department .............. Louisville

Plumer Nichols, Hickman .. .First District Association
Austin Edwards, Earlington . Second District Association
R. H. Sewell, Glasgow . . i Third Distiict Association
Amos R. Lasley, Hodgenville . Fourth District Association
Etta Taylor, Harrods Creek . . . i Fifth District Association
Whitney M, Young, Lincoln Ridge . Bluegrass District Association
H. R. Merry, Cavington ..... Northern District Association
William Gilbert, Wheelwright . . . Eastern District Association
Al F. Gibson, Pineville. , . .Upper Cumberland District Association









Built For Your Protection




Louisville, Kentucky





615 Wyandotte Street
Manufacturers and Distributors of:




Kentucky State Supervisor





Editorial Comment


The new Oliver Street High School of Winchester has just been
completed. It is said to be one of the most attractive modern buildings
in the state. It has 29 rooms, and is equipped with the latest conven-
iences. The new addition was erected at a cost of $40,000 and the en-
»tire building is at present valued at $58,480.90l This school has been one
of the most progressive schools in our state and is under «he eflicient
leadership of Prof. G. W. Adams.






We welcome all new teachers into the profession and extend to
these and others who worked heretofore, greetings and best wishes for
a successful school year during 1940-41.

During the school year, the K. Ni E. A. will sponsor certain activ-
ities for the professional improvement of teachers. We shall continue
through our representation on the State Retirement Board of Direcmrs
to safeguard the interests of our teachers Our cooperation with the
N. A. A. C. P. for removing the inequalities in education will continue.
A special effort will be made to bring before our various communities
the building needs for colored youth in Kentucky. There is an urgent
need for better school buildings A general comparison of the build-
ings for colored and white children will reveal ibis situation.

We shall sponsor during the school year a State Spelling Contest.
The secretary will shortly send out a list of words and the rules for
elimination contests in the cities and counties and for the final contest
in Louisville, April 18, 1941.

We shall send out the K N. E. A. Journal and make it as large as
funds permit. A program for the 65th Convention in Louisville, April
16-19, will be arranged, bringing to us, as heretofore, educators of na-
tional reputation.

Our legislative program will include plans to urge a large appro-
priation for the Kentucky State College at Frankfort and an additional
curricula, such as business, engineering, and aviation. We shall push
forward the program of vocational training at Paducah, Kentucky.
There should be certain vocational schools on the junior college level
Our high school graduates should have advanced training in electricity,
plumbing, carpentry, auto-mechanics, home economics, dressmaking,
etc. It is possible to secure federal aid for these courses at this higher
level. Both types of schools are needed to adequately serve all the
youth of our state

The program outlined merits the support of every colored teacher
in Kentucky. Send in you: 1940-41 enrollment, one dollar, to the sec-

retary as soon as possible.



The secretary of the K. N. E. A. would like to commend the super-
intendents of Kentucky for their interest in the Kentucky Negro Edu-
cation Association. As one may note in the Honor Roll published herein
that many superintendents have sent in the enrollment fees of their
colored teachers to the K. N. E. A. secretary just as they have sent in
the fees of their White teachers to the secretary of the K. E. A. Each
year the number of superintendents who show an interest in the K. N.
E. A. increases. It is hoped that the superintendents will mention en—
rolll'nent in the K. N. E. A. when they address their colored teachers.
Some superintendents have some teacher or principal to see that the
fees are collected and sent to the K. N. E. A. Secretary. Many superin—
tendents look forward to receiving their honor roll certificates for the
100 percent enrollment of their colored teachers in the K. N. E. A.


The K. N. E. A. Treasury is at its lowest ebb during the last 18
years. The meager balance shown in the financial report is not suf-
ficient to publish a comprehensive “Annual Proceedings" in our Octo-
berrNovember Journal as heretofore.’ The balance does not permit our
K. N. E. A. oflice to operate in the usual manner performing the serv-
ices of previous years. The membership fees of the Association, ap-
proximately $1,500, permit only the expenses of our annual program.
speakers fees, meeting places, etc., expenses of our annual spelling con-
test, the publication of three Journals and the clerical hire for the
maintenance of the ofi'lce of the Secretary-Treasurer. Any other activ-
ities of the association that require expenditure of funds regardless oi
Qha worthiness of lhe activity should only be planned with some pro-
vision for raising the revenue needed for the added obligations. The
voting out of any sum without provision for raising that sum is faulty
financing, and unless this practice is discontinued, it is possible that
the K. N. E. A. will go backward from the standpoint of its present ed»
ucational activities—the alternative being to have the association as»
sume objectives of a nature difierent from heretofore.

Because of the situation outlined principals and organizers are
asked to collect fees for 1940-41 as soon as possible. We call upon
you in this emergency.


Joseph s. Cotter. Louisville Negro poet, and the principal of the
Samuel Coleridge Taylor School in Louisville, is the author of a play
in blank verses, “Caleb the Degenerate," recently published by Henry

The play is a study at the contrasts between culture and degradation


 found among members of a Negro group, A review of the book, in the
New York Dramatic Mirror, says that “Joseph S. Cotter is one of the
few American Negroes who have turned their hands to the making of
serious literature, He is the principal of a ward school in Louisville and
he owes his education and his position solely to his own eflorts. A play
from such a man demands attention, particularly since the author has
chosen to Write his own people and of subjects that lie close to his



General Theme: Education for the Common Defense

Sunday November 10—Enriching Spiritual Life
Monday, November 11—Strengthening Civic Loyalties
Tuesday, November IZiFinancii-ig Public Education
Wednesday, November lS—Developing Human Resources
Thursday, November 14 —— Safeguarding Natural Re-

Friday, November 15—Perpetuating Individual Liberties
Saturday, November lift—Building Economic Security

How Schools Develop Human Resources

Schools Develop minds and bodies

Schools Search Out and Develop Individual Talents

Schools Seek to Provide Universal Educational Op-

Schools Provide Guidance on Life Problems

Schools Prepare for Home and Family Life

Schools Seek to Develop Good Character

Dedicated to the Improvement of Human Resources

.4935”? 975‘!“

Let every school system plan a comprehensive Am'er—
ican Education Week Program that the people may know
what the schools are doing, and can do, for the common




 Minutes of the General Sessions of 1940 Convention
Louisville, Kentucky. April 17-20. 1940


Wednesday. April 11. mn

The K. N. E. A. met on the
above date and place for its 64th
annual convention. Mr. J. Bryant
Cooper, Vice President of the K.
N. E. A. presided and made the
weloming address. Past Presidents
and officers of the K. N. E. A. were
seated on the rostrum A response
was made by Mis: Carrie D. More
ray, of Carlisle, Kentucky. Two
main addresses featured this pro-
gram, that of President 5. L
Barker of Owensboro, Kentucky,
and Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown
of Sedalja, North Carolina. Pres-
ident Baker reviewed the activities
of the K.N.E.A. during the past
year and urged that teachers at
Kentucky assume their respon-
sibilities in doing things which
would improve the educational
status of the colored children of
Kentucky and tend to eliminate
inequalities in educational op—

Dr. Charlotte Hawkins Brown
was fittingly introduced by Dean
David A. Lane of Louisville Mu-
nicipal College. Dr. Brown dis
cussed the theme of the conven-
iion1 “Democracy in Edumtion”
and stated that democracy was a
state of being Where an individ-
ual could have an sxpressinn for
the benefit of the majority. She
said that 20 years ago we fought
to save the World for democracy
and that today we are trying to
save democracy.

Thursday, April 18. [sen

The Second General Session
was held on the above date at
which time reports were made by
the Neurology Committee, Mn
Amos Lasley, Chairman, and the
Legislative Committee, Mr. A. E.
Mayzeek, chairman. The feature
address ms made by Dr. Rodney
H. Brandon of Batavia, Illinois.
Dr. Brandon spoke on the subject
of “How to Keep Boys Out of
Prison.” He stated that education
and Sunday School attendance
were the best of insurance against
going to prison. Professor S L.
Barker presided at this session.

The report of the Legislative
Committee outlined the Work of
that committee and emphasized
what had been done by that com-
mittee toward equalization of
educational opportunities in the
higher education of the Negro in
Kentuclw. Professor Meyzeek ex-
plained how the Governor’s Com-
mittee ms 3 result of a move-
ment begun by the K. N. E. A.
Legislative Committee.

Thursday Night, April 18, 1540

The Third General Session op-
ened with Professor S. L. Barker,
presiding with presidents of the
various district associations seated
on the rostrum. A report of the
Nominating Committee was made
by the chairman, W. E. Newsome,

 and received by a general vote of
the body. President R. B. Atwood
of the Kentucky State College
then made a summary of the re—
port of the Governor’s Committee
regarding higher education of the
Negro. President Atwood‘s report
indicated that some progress was
made in having Kentucky State
College have an appropriation for
giving those courses which would
tend to equalize the offerings of
Kentuchr State College with those
of the University of Kentucky.

For the interest which Presi-
dent Atwood took in this commit-
tee and the general improvement
oi Kentucky State College during
the past year, he was awarded the
Lincoln Institute Key Award by J.
Mansir Tydings of Lincoln Insti-
tute, The feature address was giv-
en by Langston Hughes, poet, nov-
elist, and dramatic artist. ML
Hughes was fittingly introduced
by Mr. Robert Lowery, chairman
of the English Department of the
Kl N, E. A. Mr. Hughes used his
poems as a basis for his address in
developing the topic “The Doors of
Tomorrow." A highlight of his ad—
dress was his tribute which he
paid to the Mothers of the chil-
dren of today who toil to see that
their children have better educa-
tional opportunities than they had.
Mr. Hughes urged the teachers
who have our youth not to lose
courage and faith because of the
depression. He stated that we
should stress the achievements of
our race and the progress which
has been made so that we may be
encouraged to have faith in the


roman-I GENERAL sssszou
Friday. April 19, 1940

The Fourth General Session
opened with a band concert un-
der the direction of Mr. Otis
Eades of the Kentucky School for
the Blind. The invocation was
given by Rev. M, B. Lanier of
Simmons University. The Seme-
tary-Treasurer made his annual
report The Secretary showed re-
ceipts of the fiscal year up to
April 1, 1940 which amounted to
$3,033.39, and payments that were
$2,476.56 There remained a bal—
ance of $556.83 in the bank and
along with the Research Commit—
tee balance, the final balance was
$609.97. The Secretary pointed out
that he planned to retire from of-
fice in the near future because of
the increasing demands made up-
on his time by the growing activi-
ties of the association He pointed
out that he had sent out from the
oflice during the year three K. N‘.
E. A. Journals. newsettes, many
letters and kept the K. N. E. A.,
ofl‘ice open at all times

The Auditing Committee made
its report in which it was stated
the report of the Secretary—Treas—
urer was correct in detail The
committee went on record as com—
mending the Secretary an the ex-
cellent records which he kept
Mimeogtaphed copies of the Sec-
retary~Treasurer’s report were
distributed throughout the aud-
ience at the time of this report.

The feature address of this ses--
sion was made by President H.
Council Trenholm, Executive-
Secretary of the American Teach-
ers Association. President Tren—
hohn outlined the work of that or—-

 ganization and urged Kentuclw
teachers to take out membership
in it. He explained in his address
that the unified efiort was neces-
sary on the part of the Negro
teachers in the United States to
bring about equal educational
opportlmities. Special music was
rendered by Jackson Junior High
School of Louisville. During the
convention various schools were
on the program: Central High
School1 at the Wednesday night
General Session; Madison Junior
High School, on the Thursday
night General Session; and Lin-
coln Institute, also on the Thurs-
day night General Session. Var-
ious individuals gave solos as list-
ed in the April, 1940, K. Ni E. A.


Salutday, April 20, 1940

This session of the K. N. E. A.
was given over largely to business.
The meeting was opened with an
invocation by Prof. Carl M. Bum-
side of Monticello. The first order
of business was the report of the
election committee. The following
officers were declared elected: S.
L. Barker, President; V K. Perry
and Lyle Hawkins, Directors; A1—
wood S. Wilson, Secretary-Treas-
urer; Mrs. Theda Van Lowe and
.1. Bryant Cooper, first and second
Vice President; Miss L. V. Ranels,
Assistant Secretary; and Mrs.
Elizabeth Clark, historian

The amendment for increasing
the membership fee tron). $1.00 to
$1.50 per year was defeated (115
votes having been registered
against it and 48 in favor of it).
Both amendments for making the
Board of Directors of the K. N.
E. A. more representative of the

state received approximately a
hundred votes each but since the
amendments were conflicting and
teachers voted on both of them
the chair ruled that there were
not any new amendments to the
Constitution at the 1940 Conven-
tion. The Association by vote sus—
tained the ruling of the president.

Professor H. C. Russell then
made his report for the Advisory
Committee and also spoke of N.
Y. A. work in Kentucky.

The next report was that of the
Committee on Higher Education
for Negroes in Kentucky. This re-
port was made by Dr. J. T. Wil-
liams of Kentucky State College
and was adopted by the body by
final count of 25-15 votes. It was
then moved and seconded that de-
partmental reports he handed to
the Secretary without being read
at the general session.

A motion was then passed that
the Committee on Educational
Inequalities be given $12.90 addi-
tional, thus making a total of
$512.90 allowed the Committee on
Educational Inequalities of which
Mr. L. W. Gee is chairman. The
$12.90 of this amount was used
for the expenses of the meeting of
this committee and the balance of
$500.00 Was authorized for a do-
nation. A motion was then passed
that a committee be elected to
set up the program for the pur-
pose of raising $5,000.00 to be used
in the promotion of education
equality in Kentucky and that
this committee have control in the
use of this fund, officers to consist
of the Chairman, a bonded treas-
urer, and a secretary. It was then
moved and seconded that this
Committee consist of Mn L. W.


 Gee, chairman, Mr. R. B. Atwood,
Miss Helen Noel, Miss Sadie Yan-
cey, and Mr. F. A Taylor, along
with the presidents of the dis-
trict associations.

A motion was passed that the
business meeting of the K. N. E.
A. be held annually on Friday of
the convention at 2 P. M.

A resolution was pBSSed that
the Board of Directors be instruct—
ed to work out some plans by
which the members of the K. N.
E. A. may have necess to the
seats at the programs during night
sessions of the convention and
that if advisable an admission oe
charged the general public,

It was moved and seconded that
the K. N. E. A.» go on record as
favoring and urging the passage of
the Federal Anti-Lynching Bill
and that U. S. Senators and Rep-
resentatives of Kentucky be so
advised. It was then moved and
seconded that Prof. L. W. Gee
read the report of his committee
regarding the expenditure of
funds by the committee on Edu-
cational Equality. It was moved
and seconded that K. N. E. A. aid
the paying of expenses of the de-
partment heads to the national
and sectional meetings. This mo-
tion was lost.

A motion was carried that the
report read by Mr. Gee be adopt-
ed. A motion was then passed that
.a Parliamentarian of the K. N. E.
A. be elected.

A motion was carried that the
expenses of the Equalities Com-
mittee be paid by the K. N. E. A.
A motion was carried that the K.
N. E. A. not furnish from its treas-
my money for the Principals’

A discussion followed and a
motion prevailed that Prof. P. L.
Guthrie and President S. L. Bark-
er be the oificial delegates of the
K. N. E. A. at the meeting of the
American Teachers Association in
Pine Bluff, Arkansas, during July,
1940. A motion was passed that
the K. N. E. A. donate $10.00 to
the Assodation for the study of
Negro life and history. A motion
was passed that K. N. E. A. pay
an affiliation fee of $25.00 to the
American Teachers Association
for 1940. A motion was made
that K. N. E. A. will go on record
as endorsing Mr. O. M. Travis of
Monticello, Ky., as a candidate
for the National Secretary of Ed-
ucation of the A. M. E. Church.
This motion was lost. A motion
was passed that the president ap—
point a K. N. E. A. Committee to
evaluate the Association.

The 64th Convention closed
about 2 p. m. on this date, April
20, 1940.

Assistant Secretary.
Winchester, Kentucky.
Louisville, Secy-Treas.
Owensboro, President.



1. The High School and Col-
lege Department of the K. N. E.
A. under Dean J. T. Williams re-
ported an interesting panel dis~
cussion of which G. D. Wilson.
Louisville Municipal College;
Paul Guthrie, Principal Dunbar
School Lexington; Wm. H. Perry,
Principal Madison Junior High


 School Louisville; and Theodore
Dailey, Education professor at
Kentucky State College, were
chief participants. The discussion
was designed to show what Ken-
tucky Negroes might do to facili-
tate the growth of education in

2. The Elementary Education
Department reported three inter-
esting sessions under the chair-
manship of Mrs. Lucy Hart Smith.
Several demonstrations were re-
ported and the music groups firom
Louisville and Jefierson County
Schools made the programs quite

The Annual Spelling Contest
conducted by G. H. Brown was
won by Evelyn Spencer of
Lynch. The first prize of $25.00
was donated by the Courier~Jour-
nal. Julia Wilford won the sec—
and prize of $10.00 which was do-
netted by the K. N. E. A.

3. The Rural School Depart-
ment under leadership of ers. M.
L. Copeland reported a very large
attendance. A feature address
was by P. D. Fanchet, Superin-
tendent of the Union County
Schools. Mrs. Emma Bennett of
Jefferson County cooperated in
making the program a success by
furnishing music from the Jefler~
son County Schools.

4. The Music Department of
the K. N. E. A. held interesting
sessions under the leadership of
Miss R. Lillian Carpenter. On
Wednesday, April 17th, there was
presented a one hour program by
Louisville artists and musical
groups. On Thursday, April 18th.
a similar program was presented
by representatives from various
Kentucky cities. The highlight of

the 1940 program was a demon—
stration and resume of a study
made in Louisville schools on the
use of Negro music in public

5. The Vocational Education
Department of which Mt. Whitney
M. Young of Lincoln Ridge is
chairman, reported a session that
was featured by a discussion rel-
atiVe to employment opportuni-
ties oi Negroes. It was brought out
that civilization cannot prosper
if everyone seeks executive jobs.
If vocational teachers can instill
the right attitude tomrd the va-
cations, we have done a good job.
There are 4,000,000 youths out of
work1 and 10% of this number
are Negroes.

6. The Principles’ Conference
held its annual banquet at Phyllis
Wheatley Y. W. C. A. on Thurs-
day, April 18th. Mrs. Nora H.