xt747d2q836v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q836v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2007-03-02 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2007 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 02, 2007 2007 2007-03-02 2020 true xt747d2q836v section xt747d2q836v Back on the field:


he finishes school

lls’ll )AY

MARCH 2, 2007

Former UK infielder takes coaching position on the team as





inority interaction necessary for diversity efforts

81 Juliana Vaclion

ivachon®kykeinel com

L'K nialses an intense effon to recruit minority
emplosees and students but once the) arrive.
the} often find tliemsehes In an uncomfortable at<
mosphere, said Stephen \"oss, a political science

Voss. \s ho has done research in areas of race
and politics. said discrimination occurs at UK de-
spite nell-mtentroned facult} and staff.

“We get tminorit) facult} and staff) here and
don't hut)“ ho“ to ssorls With them." \oss said.
"When the chips are down. man) people don‘t
treat people of other races the same ssa) the} treat

Project works
to free wrongly

Berll Lester

raster-@kvke'nol cont

In I080. Herman Ma} .lr. \\ as corisicted of
rape and sodom) and sentenced to It) )ears in
prison, Thirteen )ears later. he \\ as proseii iri-
nocent and freed \sith the help of the Keritucles
Innocence Protect

"He‘s an ama/ing human being islio has
been through hell." said KII’ manager Man
guerite Thomas.

Representatiies from KIP. including
Thomas. spoke about their ssorls last night in
Memorial Hall as part of the I'K Student .v\cti\'-
it_\ Board's (‘oriscious (‘ampus Ifll lecture se—

“The Innocence I’roiect (iurlts l'ntil I’ro\eii
Innocent" focused on the protect's commitment
to using llt.‘\\ ciidence to free inmates sei‘sing
prison sentences for crimes the) did not com

After [)N:\ testing and legal help ‘from KIP.
Ma) became the second of the three men that
llitVC been freed b\ the proiccl

"Izseri single da} of those H _\ears. he told
People he was innocent." Thomas said "I:\ei')
single da_\ of those I3 _\ear‘s. lie begged people
to listen to him.”

KII’ began in lfllll after a Hilllflll grant
frorii the Is'cntucls) Bar .»\ssociation allmscd the
protect to ioiri ssith its first partners. the I'Is'
(‘ollege of l.a\s and the [K (‘ollege of Social

KII’ sponsors a _\earIone internship for stu
dents. including students in the [K ('ollege of
Ian. Students participating in the program are
in\ol\ ed in the man} aspects of one comicted
criminal's case. Thomas said

“Our students lia\e to get tloisn and dirty”
Thomas said.

so Innocence :iaae 5

people of their own."

UK faces a collectise challenge as it mo\es
for“ ard “Ill! its disersit) efforts. according to a
report released last “eek b) the (‘ouncil on Post»
secondar) Education

The report said the university‘s dl\Cr\lI_\ mes-
sage isn’t consistent across Its colleges and depart-
ments. FocUs group dichssions showed that some
departments fail to promote the di\ersity strategies
outlined in the Top~2tl business plan and the Post-
secondar} Education Public Agenda.

“As a part of our Top 20 and strategic plan—
ning processes. We are re~e\amining how we
translate our commitment to disersity into reality,“
President Lee Todd told the Kernel in an e-inail.

This includes recrurtiiient strategies. impro\e-
merits in academic and social aspects of the urn
versit). and structural and organizational changes
that include a tress Vice President for Institutional

But. a large part of the problem \sith disersit}
on campus lies vsith faculty interaction \sith .stu-
dents and other facult) members. said Mahiabeen
Rafiuddin. director for student dI\L‘r\lI_\ engage,

"We don‘t have culturall) competent faculty."
Rafiuddin told the Kernel in a lieb ll article.

When professors single out blacls students ask
ing for their view point because the) are a minori-
ty. discrimination occurs. ()r \\ hen I'Is' says. “we

A little pz'c/e-me-up


base to get blacks to make blacks more comfort
able." it is actuall) reinforcing disciiiuiiiaton
ideas. Voss said

Todd said mans black students ha\e told him
that the_\ look to other blacls faciilts and statt as
mentors, guides and friends

”I think that's onls natural to some event. and
I think it‘s a responsibiliis that most oi our rat NIH
and staff of color embrace \sith enthusiasm.~ Iodd
said. "But it's a r'esporisrbilits that all of us. re
gardless of our color or gender or orientation.
should eriibrace as \\ ell "

Discomfort and ignorance priinai’rls plague
I'K's campus. not liostilit_\. \oss said

so Diversity ' :aae5




* ., .,e,. .,. .a”, .,.,.a,\ c,_,,_ ,cci.,\’..,
than hats at undeclared fres it? a i osest .t: f’a‘ pastor in" aetes with '~ it tundra s w .iaruf, Rex: at

..,.‘,. h... an“
(Iii sag-1' ‘i

Brats s ’ea'i t’ie " atr ="

Students played pick-
up basketball games in
the Johnson Center
last night, relieving






cv‘.‘ .- arr ‘.., ‘9. ..
ii . . i. . i


midterm-week stress.
The Johnson Center is
open 6 a.m. to mid-
night during the week.


students to
showcase talent

By Diane Dawson
news @kykernel ron‘

Aparria Roli Nigam is a lll‘flgc‘lft‘hlllnlt Ameri-
can. but tomorrois slie \\ Ill be shoucasing her lIILlle
an heritage as she competes for a $1in pole at In
temational Talent Night at Memorial Hall

Nigam. a bios_\ stems and agricultural engineer
mg sophomore. is one of the I5 performers show
casing their talents at the merit. \xhich runs from
7 Ill to ‘3 XII p.m :\tlllll'ssl(m is 83.

International Talent Night is a great ua) to
learn about other cultures from around the \sorld.
said Intemational Student (‘ouncil President Rohan

“I cncoura_gc escryone to come because it is a
trul) drier-sc and high energs esening." Kalathia

International Talent Night “Ill shimcase per—
formances such as folk dance. martial arts. story
telling and singing. The esent has been at [K for
more than 25 )ears \iith the premise of tlleltlHlIl.’
the talents and cultures of the World on campus.

Nigam said she plans on performing a content
porar} Iridran dance.

Nigam. \s ho has been dancing for nine scars.
“as first trained to dance Bharata Nat}am

“Bharata Natsam is the oldest fomi of dance in
India and it is more than 2.000 sears old." Nigam
said, “It is one of eight classical dance forins of In
dia, I love the dance form Bharata Natyam because
it is a very structured and articulate dance. It incor-
porates music and dance movement. and one must

See Talent on page 5

first issue inc. Subsequent luau 25 cents.





Mppr'ai {a w G "guy, ,
JP“ T», ”his“ [7‘ h) c the b, “w? ‘ -~v

[.J‘.’ 3,1 .,:..


anoeBlue raises funds for cancer tonight

By Linsen Li

tiakykernel rorr

IJaiiceBlue participants hase nearly doubled
in its second scar. and organi/ers are hoping
that momentum \siII carr) them through
tonight‘s 34VTIOIIT marathon The) ‘re also hop-
ing to see a proimnionate increase in the atone)
the men! raises

“We are hoping to raise more mone} than
last year. biit we don‘t set a specific goal for
ourselves.” said Alex Mcllsaine. an agricultural
biotechnolog) tumor and dance marathon pro;
gramming chair.

l.ast sear.

"Raising monc} is not all this e\ent is
about,” Mclbaine said “We are hoping to ha\e
fun and to gi\c the lsltl's a magical night to re

This e\cnt, \shich begins at h tonight. raises
mone} for the (iolden Matrix Fund. vshich sup
ports the [K Pediatric ()ncolog} ('Iinic

DanceBIue is modeled after a similar lll-
sear-old esent at Penn State I'niversit}

Despite its short histor). l'K’s

the dance marathon raised


marathon is spreading .mai'eness among the tin.
dent bod) qllltlsl} This _\ear's dame riiarathou
\sill hase ll" \olimteer dancers, a significant
increase from last scar‘s lfitf

The dance marathon is do idcd into hours
each hour \sith a different theme

"We base a \arict) of fun themes for each
hour.” said Rob ()akle). a political science and
integrated strategic communications double ma
ior and rules. regulations and operations chair
man of DanceBIue ”There is a salsa hour. an
Nils hour. a countr} music hour There “I” not
be much repetition at all ”

The funds raised from the t.‘\s.‘ltl pr‘oside
families ssith emotional support and financial
aid. said Susanna I)enomme. director of de\el
optiient for thc ('ollege of Medit inc

"W hen a famiI_\ has a child \sith cancer. it
atfects e\ers member of the famils.” I)cnomme
said “We ha\e social \sorkers and I‘\}\lll.tlrlsls
helping the families cope ssith their struggle "

Ilie funds raised by I)anceHIue are matched
b) the state. all of which goes to cancer re
search. Denomme said.

The fact that I)anceBlue brings different
student groups together makes it special. .‘TLTl'

more said
”lllsllttl1tlsl(rlc'i'f.s it's t’ot flinch.

brings the \sliolc camp: s ’occ‘l .-: \I..I .a'


'liaiiln Ta" for "

‘l- .M ‘: " 'l‘o

Denonime is await
fcers' efforts in helping

"If \ou find out about

i 'llt'IT
l).ili\ cl’iltic. \t‘ll .i
ltiid otif that our student bodx is the most gericr
ous. Iofial. and totiipasstoriarc " Ilciiomme said
’You can find a small group wt tallll}; students
on an\ college campus. but to see thousands of
students committing themsclses '1‘lll1s cause is

Nllltlt‘lll mute the I Is strident
bod_\ and I c\ir‘;'to." ioti‘riiiiitits to support the


went and the dancers b\ .it'criiriiic 'ric \l.|llst‘

l’t‘ltl‘ls‘ ali‘ :‘sl‘s‘s ‘.iil\ c‘lliiitilitic's‘il lit unite
for the last three hours of thc dance marathon.
(Ialcle) said The amount of moiic\ raised still
be announced during the tinal hour

“\\ hen the kids come to the marathon. the)
base smiles on their faces." \Icllsaine said
"That's “lien \xe reaii/e that this is a great

cause. .ind that it‘s bigger than “C are ”

Nmom: 257-1915, ammo”: 257-2872







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your daily dose of entertainment, pop culture and fun








’ 4






By Linda C Black
To get the advantage check the days
rating it] is the easiest day [1 the
most Challenging
Aries (March 21 April 19) Today
(5 a 7 You may he leeiing ilkt‘
goofing ott more than usua1 Bi:
aware, not everybody thinks thats
cute You H s tl‘thtfti anyway :t you
.font trio
Taurus (April May 20) Today
is a 6 The work you re doing now
:loesnt show it the outside You and
your tanniy know however and thats
enough for yit. You if get. the host it‘-
wards later
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today
.s a 6 You to Just about to ‘nakt
itlt-liltJt niaiiir disrioyery Actually

.. tttirt'tit' finds the .ihsysor You


eye opener is that. tit-s other ()("siili :s

a lot smarter than you thought
Cancer (June 22-July 2) Today
(5 a 7 Keep upon the latest tech
nology so you can he the lost In line
You (an do inore with less energy and
less. cost it you re smart which you

Leo (July Z3-Aug. 22) Today is a
7 Listen to what your loved ones
want and do you! host to otoyidtz ll
No need to wonder what you it; trying
for now you know This is it
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept n)

a 6 You yi: been through .i tough
iliivtllt‘ it days and yoisro getting
‘rtu know that the
person who yells the loudest is not air
iys the smartest Keep. studying
Libra (Sept 23—Oct 22) Today is
i 7 Quit kly do smoothing {l‘iit'lttlli
than you were doing retort.- EMU“
gent res like this got your tiliiod puny;

:tiki illli .l't’ [l i fi‘il‘iti'si’lil 5W ili'i i“

7, iii \*
.ltiily l.s

".otc ttrizf do”!

":e‘ss til
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov. 21) ‘iitiay
.\ .th it Viit, N: am to resort: t and

as a result, your Job is getting easrer
Don't slack oft. continue to provrde
perfection Your success is assured
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

Today is an 8 As you understand
more, you naturally take on more re
soonsrhrlity You ve been learning
more than you realized You're getting

Capricorn (Dec. 22—Jan. 19) To-
day is a 7 Only buy things that will
Increase in value relatively soon Only
trayel to find either products or mare
kuts or both Take care of business
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) To-
day is .i 7 You're not really fond of
rnticrsrn, hut ll can be good Discover
the other guys weaknesses as you
r‘ortert your own

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) To
day is t 71‘. Push hard, and get as
’iiili,.li door as you car: today while
yi. have good conditions Be as elh
:iuii: {ls iiossil‘it‘ You ran than! your
oar'iiritts later

"-'_‘P. ..
ll Ht"‘v. v._"ii vst v




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1116 DiSI-l

8y Joey Bartolomeo

Many aspects of Anna
Nicole Smith's lil'c — and death —
arc still urircsolycd. but one thing
is certain: 'I‘hc blondc bombshell
loved pink. And if her boyfriend
Howard K. Stern has his way.
when she is laid to rest. she will
be wearing a dress by Pol' Attcu
in her favorite shade. "Howard
talked to Pol' about the dress and
what it should look like." Smith's
close friend [)cnisc James tclls
Us. adding. "Shc will look like
an angel."

When she‘s finally buricd.
that is. {\t prcsstiiiic. Smith's cs»
trangcd mother. Virgic Arthur.
had appcalcd a l‘cbruaiy 22 rul—
iitg by Broward County. Florida.
circurt court Judge Lany Scidlin
that gayc custody of thc remains
to a coiin-appointcd guardian for
Smith's daughtcr. Smiths body
rcmains in Florida.

As for hcr own angcl. daugh»
tcr Danniclynn. born Scptcinbcr
7. Smith made sure to surround
hci‘ with pink. too. Especially thc
nurscry - a "dollhouse" of a
room. "all pink. ycry girlie." En~
tcrtaiiiriicm Tonight correspon-
dcnt Mark Stciiics. \\ ho micr-
yicwcd Smith and Stern at their
homc (most rcccntly nine days
bcforc Smiths dcathl tclls Us.


But life for tl’ic o-month—old.
thc ccntcr of iniiltiplc court bat-
tlcs. is not so rosy. Scycral nicn.
including Stern and Smith's cx—
boy fricnd Larry Bit‘klicad. main-
turn they arc lici’ lathcr. and
Arthur is tigliting to wrest cus~
tody fi‘oin Stci‘ii. whom slic bcr
|ic\ cs playcd .i rolc iii the dcath

of Smith. 39 (a toxicology report
is expected in early March: there
have been no signs of foul play l.
l‘nscttled too is Smith‘s disputed
claim on the estimated $500 mil~
lion estate of her late husband. J.
Howard Marshall. who died in
1995 at 90. a claim to which
Dannielynn is solc hcir. "Think
ycars and years of litigation and
tons of money." says Nancy
(iracc. (‘ourt TV and Headline
News anchor. "Good luck. Dana
Quiet Lite

Whilc the adults in her lifc
tight. Daiiiiiclynn liycs a sbcl-
tcrcd life in the Bahamas. where
she was boni. cared for by a
tcam of nannies hired by Stem iii
a Nassau mansion guarded by
men and attack dogs. Touches of
Smith surround the infant. cspc-
cially hcr cxpansiy c pink
wardrobe i"Shc ncycr worc the
same clothes twicc.” Stcmcs says
of thc baby i. but the position
of Dariniclynn's crib - by a \Mn-
dow — was Smith's idca. "She
thought it would be nice for her
to scc thc daylight." says James.

But the baby might now lose
the only home shc's know n. Dc~
spitc a February 26 assurance
that 81cm and Danniclynn will
not bc c\ ictcd. (i. Ben Thomp~
son. a Smith cx‘ she says gayc
licr tlic housc. is putting it on thc
niarkct lor $10 million. Either
way. if Stern rctains custody of
the baby. be is expected to con—
tinue living iii the Bahamas.
whcrc hc and Smith out rcno—
\ating a sccond propci‘ty. "Hc
w ants to bc ncar Anna." says his
sistcr Bonnic. adding. "Hc fccls

met (’QP


likc it would bc a quieter life for
Danniclynn. without all of thc

Father Figures

Most hotly contested is Dan—
niclynn’s patcmity. TMZcom re—
ported a settlement bctwccn
Stcrn and Birkhcad was in the
works. and a sourcc closc to
Arthur tells Us the two started
talks after Stcni's lawyer swiped
a cup used by Birkhcad — pre-
sumably to test his DNA. Specu—
lation of a deal grew after Birk—
licad flew to the Bahamas and.
the Web sitc reported. finally met
the baby. Meanwhile. on Febru.
ary lo. a Bahamian judge lcft
custody of the child to Stem until
a hearing in mid—March and.
says Arthur's lawycr. hc has so
far refused to lot hcr \isit the

Bahamian law may giyc
Sicrn tlic cdgc regardless of
DNA rcsults. bccatisc hc liycd
with Smith and cares for Dan»
niclynii. He is also named the fa~
thcr on her Bahamian birth ccr-
tilicatc. ”Thcrc is a \cry strong
lcgal presumption that what is
statcd in that docutncnt is accu~
ratc." Bahamian lawyer Thomas
A. E. Evans told CNN.

chul’dles of whom Dan-
nicly'nn's father turns out to be.
Stcm's sistcr Iclls l's Dan-
tiiclyiin. w ho was born just three
days bctorc licr half brothcr‘s
death. was not meant to be an
only child. "Anna was trying to
gct prcgnant again." Borinic tclls
L's. "That‘s why this is so dcyasv
tating." —





Party Pics...
We're Covering You



Student Government


Make your voice heard in the upcoming elections.


Pick up filing information in the Student

Government Office. You can find your petition and

any needed materials in your packet.

Filing Deadline: March 2I 2007




Any questions?
Call: (859) 257-3191








r. m-rr-x—n







March 2, 2007

Chris Miles
Asst. Sports Editor





I guess Mitch felt like he needed to
make a comment, from what I under-

stand. ” "

—— head basketball coach Tubby Smith on
Athletic Director Mitch Barnhart's comment on Monday


saying he will wait until after the season to discuss the program.








Former player takes on his new role as a coach
By Eric Lindsey look on the game. he's been phenomenal around llic itlllkk' His most ‘ll‘il‘ln ‘::.: .. ‘fi . il.. .'
elinos‘ev'Zkakeineicom "I look back oti it no“ and l \\ish 1 “mild Hastings‘ otticiai duties include assisting ings said has be; o no int '.‘c -
ha\e thought more “hen l “as pla}ing kind of \\ith the das-to»da_\ tasks in the baseball i‘lllts‘. on the tield aeani \\ b. 5t l.. . ., .i l 'l..
As his team was celebrating I!“ historic WA, slim do\\ ti the process and focus more on the coordinating camps and platci piattite st lied casioiiai )ca'nin. to it .a'd -' s .,;
son at L‘K. ”1me” Brian Hastings kneu lie game mentall}_" Hastings said ules. and interaction \sitli the team on a dails the desire his beet. T.:'I.\ Hunk s' ‘ u .- c s
wouldn't be graduating with his fellow As a pla)er. Hastings made \aluable basis alteadx on 'lic belt! w: a i.. ll o' s .1
seniors, 7 contributions during his tuoeyear lisen though Hastings is onls a scar 1‘! too llespit; the I'la'i" ' s: . v' il.
And while Hastings w“ deter tenure Hill] the ('.its alter transterring older than some ol the plascts. his l'cslts‘il has mes sa\s ll~' s inwicsui' . z w ' rt
mined to sta\ in school and finish h“ from Hutchinson (‘ommunirs (‘ollege nexcr been challenged b} ant. ot the piascis, in; care-g: ttti ’t ti . \l. \
sociolOt~'.y degree. he l\llL‘\\ he couldn‘t '” K“”““ (\“hC” “”‘l ““1 l“ M“ l V ‘ ‘ " ' 3 K P‘-
be on the field anxmore He led l'ls' iii batting \HIll a Wt) "He has the desire to help our kids. to help thcic s an “l lt‘llllp.’ :i.::‘
so he decided that Mm! m the a\cragc through the first 1" games in the plan-rs get better.. ('oheii said 'I tliinl. he ltiai s so stilt,- ; l ' . »
dugout “()uld lime to be woman. lllll‘. but his season “as cut short b) a does a great iob ot toittiiiunicating wilt them into ll.isl'l‘.:‘s l ' 2.» ' .. _v
‘Hastings \\ent to ““hml‘n coach haiid iniur} lii lellb. the Kansas ('it} and coitiinuiiiciting \\ith the \t" ali'ii: st lll and l \c alum}. “cur .it' ~ _
Brad [Mugnmn \ch the “it, ol being natise baited .27o and dro\c iii 14 RBIs fun as a pl oer he h ltl tot.Ii ls spett lioni tlic coaclniie piozt ‘\it" l‘ - t ~
an undergraduate assistant coach ‘ . \\lii|e helping the (‘ats to their tirst pla}eis and I don i think it: it s ch meet: at ali’ cial to ll‘c‘ io .2 war . H l ' i 4
Once head u“Ch .lohn ('ohcn Hastings regulaivseason Southeastern (‘onler lh it doesn t me Ill the :ot .an t bt tough at and ( oath it i.ll\ llgwiszs
caught wind of Hastings idea. he cnce championship times. coaching L’ll\s that lie st;l. calls his \\ iicthci li. l2» e .
went straight to the former infielder Though Hastings tlltllbl put up e\traordi friends. not ( olien as .ovw ‘ Hi i
“It was kind 0“ mutual." (‘ohen “mi. "He nar} numbers at the plate. he e\hibited leader "lt's detiiiiteh a littic bit tét'tt. iunt ’ llast cess in ans in a:
had mentioned n belore and l \se‘icoitied H be- ship and poise traits that (‘ohen said helped iiigs said. “I lsll‘ol ot hot to than a tine line be “l tli:nk no» st H -: ' . - :. '
cause I kno“ the kind of character he has. the hint sticccsslull} transition into coaching tuecn a coach and a t‘laM‘i instead of being \\.it\.ls to do 'his loin: at“ t , n s: 1 ii I
kind of \xork ethic he has ~- llc s helped us otle much and detcnsnc buddies \\ith the ja'llky “Inch 1 siili am most oi ltc det ides to l »
As a result. H‘ng‘ ioincd tlte coaching l_\. (ohen said ‘He sci\es as kind of liaison the time. I lime to drau that tin. in order to get \=‘_l\l| “
staff a mme m. said “M changed 11“ out betasecn our plasers and the coaching stall and their respect troiti thein a \ oa- li '
Dennis Felton thinks etioiigli Kentucky no“ iii his loiirtli )ear \ersion betxxeen football season
is enough. That‘s \xh}. after he at (leorgia. is right This is not and spring football season
thought about holding his tongue. Adolph Rupp's Southeastern Just as (K neglected its toot
he thought better of it I had inst ('onference. and brace )oui‘- ball program and its “omen's
asked the L'nhersit} of (ieorgia sel\ es this is not Adolph basketball and baseball aitd soc- "pr

coach if he felt the contrm'ers)



Rupp's Kentuck) In the past ten
let alone the past 5t)

changed in
Look at the conference

cer and golf and tennis and soft-
ball and \ollc)ball programs
“hile pouring resources into bas—
ketball. the rest ol the league pri»
maril) focused on football. And
inst as (K has iii recent )ears
made a serious attempt to “in iti
football and those other sports

the rest of the league has
“orked to get better in basket»

That‘s allots ed

“This league is as tough as it
can be." Felton said. "There are a


and pant)

The Nation






BRA: _



surround- _\ears
ing Tube things ha\e
b } league.
S m it h ’ s standings. Balance
Job status reign. It‘s almost impossible to
was fair “in on the road.
to ['K‘s Think about Ihls'
c o a c h xx ants to lilet Tubb} Smith like a
H e Lenten fish for losing on the road
paused. at Tennessee and Vanderbilt.
CHRIS and then what did the team coached b)
DELOTELL he stood Bill} l)ono\an do at Tennessee
Kernel up for a and VanderbiltY Florida lost to
C0lumnl5l man who both teams by double digits And
he said the (iators are a consensus pick
he re.

spects and admires.

“One thing I do know is that
this league is not what it used to
be." Felton said. “More schools
are investing significant funds
into their basketball programs
Because of that. it's the best
league in the country"

The former coach at Westem

to make a run to the Final Four
That should tell us something
about the SEC. Miobe Vanderbilt
and Tennessee are pretty good
One thing vse seem to lime
forgotten is that other schools in
this league “ant to “in too. [or a
long period of time. that \sasn‘t
reall} the case At mam schools.
basketball “as a utltl“k‘dlh(‘l’ (ll'

lot of good teams and no bad

Louisiana State the last
place team in the West plawd
in the Final [our last )ear Alaba
ma a preseason national title
hopeful will not finish thh a
Winning record in league pla)

Big Blue Nation has. in the
past week. acted like a Big

See DoLotoll t ” east 4







PAGE 4 | F l Iday, March ’2. 2007 St. Chad’s Anglican Catholic Church
, , 1859) £89785! Imp I/srmo blocsool (om
49m Sundays Holy Commumon Ind/4th Evensonq 15!. 3rd 5 5!"
I928 Boot ol Common Prayer lhe Hymnal I940




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I N E A R Mat-mm: danly belrnu 6pm

The Bcsr Sea? In low“ ', ‘
Imam: womam: mm: m- ‘

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Colllsron Center
Accepting all insurance claims.
l70 I’m-mus Hrrw (3 lllll(‘\ from L‘mnpm) 277'1972

DELOTELL cats p I ay 0 n I n 8 EC to U rnyl a§kebout our, UK student disceyntpreflam.’

,I.' Ill'

will face Georgia next

lIkc II \IIIII‘ILIII I'IL'II lxlkl ,'\llkl ll\ lk‘«l\lCl.
\llllxk'd the lldllk‘x ulII'II III' \IIIIi IIII By Matthew George VI RA/III‘lIuL‘lx IIII’IIII\I'I\. 'llIc ('ulx III’L' 13—3
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