xt747d2q8155 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q8155/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1989-10-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1989 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 11, 1989 1989 1989-10-11 2020 true xt747d2q8155 section xt747d2q8155  

Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XClll. No. 42

Established 1 894

University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky

Independent since 1971

Wednesday, October 11,1989


President Ford addresses high school students

srév: SANDERS/Kernel sun

Former President Gerald Ford talks with area high school students
yesterday at the Lafayette Club in Lexington.

Associate Editor

Former US President Gerald
Ford told 50 select Fayette County
High School students last night
that he is in favor of Kentucky
Sen. Mitch McConnell’s recent
proposal for American military to
shoot down planes carrying illegal

“I have no reservations with the
military taking drastic action,"
Ford told the group at the Lafayette
Club yesterday.

Ford, who is the nation’s only
president not to be directly elected,
addressed the students‘ questions
that included his views on President
Bush’s drug policy, changes in the
Russia, the recently failed coup in
Panama and his least favorite mo-
ments in the White House.

The informal meeting preceded a
closed speech on “America’s Eco-
nomic Challenge at Home and
Abroad" that was part of the Dis-
tinguished Lecture Series sponsored
by the Executive Women’s Coun‘
cil and the Board of Governors of
the Lafayette Club.

In dealing with the nation’s drug
policy, Ford said more education
and treatment is needed. He also
said that more interdiction is needed
to stop drugs from being imported
into the United States, and addi-
tional prosecutors and judges also
are needed

“We must stop the demand for
drugs," Ford said. “(Marijuana and
alcohol) are gateway drugs to hard
drug areas."

Ford also said he is concerned
with the smuggling of assault
weapons into the United States.

Referring to the shooting at
Standard—Gravure in Louisville,
Ky., in which nine people were
killed, Ford said that although he
has never owned a gun or had one
in his home, he believes people
who use guns properly do have the
right to own them.

“Those who use the assault
weapons are the criminals that
should be put away," he said. “Re-
strictions we currently have on im-
porting assault weapom ls abso»
Iutely desirable.”

Ford suggested changes I "ed to
be made concerning how guns are
purchased in the United States, in-
cluding requiring a delay on the
purchase ofall firearms.

Ford said he has been impressed
by President Bush’s desire to be the
nation’s “education president." Ford
said that Bush’s recent conference


Associated Press

BERLIN — Communist offi-
cials met opposition leaders in
Dresden and talks were expected
soon in Leipzig in the first sign
of a shift in the East German
government‘s hardvline stance.
news reports said yesterday.

Prominent Lutheran official
Hans Otto Furian, meanwhile,
said in East Berlin that the
Communist Party “must give
up its grip on total power."

There were increasing signs of
willingness yesterday by some
Communist Party officials to
talk with pro-democracy acti-
vists. But East German leader
Erich Honecker reiterated his
hard-line stance.

Also yesterday there were con-
flicting reports as to whether the
Lutheran Church had taken up a
dialogue with the central govem-
mentor whether the contacts re-
mained on the local level.

West Germany‘s ZDF televi-
sion network, quoting high-level
church sources, said that “talks
had begun with central offices"
in the East German government

Associated Press

BUDAPEST, Hungary —
Some opposition politicians
yesterday predicted political in-
stability as a result 0 of compro-
mises made at a historic and
formed a new Socialist group.

The four-day congress that
ended Monday overwhelmingly
approved a new party line call-
ing for “a constitutional state
based on a multiparty system
where the source of the power is
the will of the people expressed
in free elections."

11 adopted a manifesto pledg-
ing commitment to democracy
and a break with the Leninist

But still unclear is whether
the new party will divest itself
of all remnants of Communist
rule, and how fast.

The congress elected Rczsoc
Nyers, formerly Communist
Party chairman, as president of
the new party. It named a 25-
membcr presidiuin, where re-
formers are in the majority.

lmre Pozsgay, a key reformer
on the presidium, had com



East German officials meet
with opposition leaders

about the unrest. It did not
elaborate or identify the partici-

ZDF said talks between local
Communist leaders in Leipzig
and pro~democracy activists also
are set to begin. It gave no time-

Talks between Communist 0f-
ficials and opposition activists
already have been held in Dres-

West German radio reported
Dresdcn‘s mayor, Wolfgang Ber-
ghofcr, told activists that all
demonstrators who are still
failed “who were not accused o f
violence would be freed.”

Several hundred people, and
possibly thousands, were anest-
ed in weekend demonstrations.

Communist officials in Dres-
den first met with opposition
leaders on Monday. Berghofer
said another meeting was sched-
uled for next week.

The 77-year old Honecker has
given no indication he is about
to change his hard-line ways.

In a meeting Monday with
Chinese Vice Prime Minister

See EAST, Page 5

Changes in Hungary mean
domestic unrest, critics say

plaints about the new party,
Hungarian radio said yesterday.
It quoted him as saying in an in-
terview with a Finnish newspa-
per that “too many differences
among the reformers” exist.

The opposition initially re—
acted to the new party with
skepticism, and some people
privately said they were not im-
pressed by the change because
economic problems persist.

Speaking at a rally of about
600 people yesterday, Nyers ac-
knowledged that the new party
had image problems.

“Some still feel that the Com-
munists are incapable of demo-
CFdllL'inon," he conceded.

He told reporters later that
“major changes are required for
the party to win the people's

In his speech, Nyers said three
issues divided the party: party
chapters at the workplace, the
workers’ militia, and the assets
of the disbanded party.

Radical reformers demand end-
ing party representation at the
workplace and abolishing the

See STRIFE, Page 5






MAJOR DECISION: Nathan Miller, an English sophomore, talks with Penny Medley of the Qt-
fice for Experiential Education yesterday at the “Major Affair."



Grades weighed heavily by

USA TODAY/Apple College
Information Network

on Gaskin sits in her cubbyhole
guidance office at Wewahitchka
High School and holds up a list
ranking the 51 seniors by grades.

The boy sitting across from her
sees his name in the bottom half.

Homosexuals celebrate

protest march.
Column, Page 4.

“You want to go to Florida? You
want to go to the University of
Georgia? You want to go into fo-
restry? They look at people up
here," she says, gesturing toward
top of the list. “You still have
time to get there. But it‘s up to
you to do it."

Gaskin is one of three counselors
who serves the 600 students of We-
wahitchka and Port St. Joe High

Schools. the only two in rural (lull
County on the Florida panhandle.
In a pilot project coordinated by
two college admissions directors,
the counselors try to persuade stu-
dents in an area where college is
not a tradition that education be-
yond high school is essential.
Their message is the same as
that coming from other US. ad-
missions counselors; The first

in ChariollcsHiic \‘a., that
brought the nation's govcniors to-
gether also was impressive

“One of the lllti\l enjoyable
things I‘ve done \lll‘ct‘ leaving the
White House is imcting with c01—
legc and high school ~.tudcnts en-
couraging their: in. participate in
govemmcnt, ' nc Milt:

Ford said the L nit-ed States must
continue to provide 'Llltit‘llb with a
better cdmation l'i mic-r for the na-
tion to remain competitive in the
emerging global cc. in =lli).

Students at the twtnt. who were
selected by like :49. \.'\ilt)t)l\ (in
the basis of ma. . aid attcndancc,
said they weir." unmoved by what
the former [li'c"~iti:.‘i:l had to say

Chas Klimt-r .: Armor at Henry
Clay High School. said he thought
Ford‘s “way (29' 1 g with people
smooths roost: : "


Staff Wizte'

Home; oniing tiaecn candidate
Ashley Judd was dct‘laretl ineligible
last night M‘L‘Llihc‘ of a personal ad
vertiserncnt that appeared in the
Kentucky Kernel yesterday, the
Student Activities Board announced
at its weekly illi‘t‘lmy

The advertwsrncnt broke one of
the S:\B‘\ contest rulc< and require-
ments that wure handed out to eve~
ry organization and made publicly
available, according to SAB Presi-
dent Michael Bowling.

“The responsibility lies on the
organization lw ho sixinstircd Jtiddi;
it's a very unfortunate situation."
bowling said

The rule broken \ilg'MliltlL‘S that
no campaigning or it iblit‘ity to
promote a candidate I» allowed.
Failure to cornva w:th the rules
“w ill be grounds for immediate dw
qualification." the rules said.

Judd said there was some discus»
sion among 848 officials about
the dt‘Cision being reversed because
the classified was approved by an
employee in the adxertisement de~
parimeniat the Kernel.

“i'm a victim oi circumstances,"
Judd said, “ l d» =n‘t see how
someone having placed an ad in the
Kernel would haw caused a spot on
the contest. I don't think the rule
was Lilliulf, i think it's unfair
someone told the Kappa to go
ahead and put the ad in the paper."

Bowling said last night, howev-
er. that it appeared the dcctst0n
would stand. adding that the Kernel
is that arbitrator of the rules.

Michaci Agni. Kernel general
manager and L'K student media ad-
viser, said his company ‘s clasSified
advertisement OiiILL‘ was under the
impression that alter the in candi-
dates were announced in the paper,
personals were permitted. He said
the official rules were not given to
him on paper.

“ lhe rules have never been given
to Us in writing,” he said. “I think
the homecoming committee needs
to look at ll\ rules and make them
clear to all the people llinliVCd,
[don't feel it‘s the Kernels respon-
sibility to police the homecoming
committee \ rules. ‘


thing a college looks at l\ .i stu»
dent's grades. In many cases, a stu-
dent who starts to think about co|~
logo as a high school senior could
be three years too late.

Eight of It) college admissions
officers who responded to a USA
TODAY survey said a student‘s ac»
adeinic record grades, rigor of

Sec COLLEGES, Page *

Equestrian club
off to strong start.

Story. Back page.


 2 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, October 11,1989


Author moves from spy genre to religion with new book

iUSA TODAY/Apple College
Information Network

Having recently crossed that rubi-
con of adult life. his 40th binhday,
Ken Follett is having something
akin to a literary midlife crisis. The
author of such best-selling thrillers
as “Eye of the Needle" and “The
Key to Rebecca.“ has turned his
back on the genre.

At 973 pages. ”The Pillars of the
Earth" (Morrow, $22.95) certainly
requires more than one airplane
flight to finish. Set in the 12th cen<
tury, the book weaves a tale around
the building of a fictional English

While Follett admits switching
from the primarily male spy genre
to historical fiction is a gamble, he
points out that it is not his first
switch. in 1983, he wrote the non-
fiction best seller “On Wings of Ea-

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gles." about the 1979 rescue of two
US. businessmen in Iran.

Follett‘s fascination with cathe-
drals began in 1973. A reporter for
the London Evening News, Follett
found himself in East Anglia kill-
ing time before his train departed.
He was struck by the splendor of
the Peterborough cathedral, built in
the 12th century. “It was the size
and the majestic perfection of the
whole thing," Follett says.

Although he abandoned his career
as a journalist after his success
with the World War II thriller “Eye

....An us,
/ W“mw:‘w



of the Needle" — written when he
was 27 — Follett pursued his in—
terest in medieval cathedral archi-
tecture through visits and books.

It wasn't until 1986 that he be-
gan working in earnest on “The
Pillars of the Earth." Follett hired a
professional researcher and consult-
ed experts in different medieval dis-

Writing a longer book didn’t
create problems —— “Oddly enough,
it didn’t feel all that different," Folv
lett says. But he found describing a
character‘s whole life rather than

\ilho's that

Aristocx 2..
,1 ‘~



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just a cenain period to be challeng-

The book took three years and
three months to write. “And that
was working six and seven days a

A resident of London, Follett
keeps office hours at home, writing
from 9 am. to 4 pm. Before he
actually starts writing, he works
out the plot.

Of all his characters, Follett
found Philip the monk the most
sympathetic “despite his celibacy
—— which I have no identification

with." Married for the second time,
he is the father of two and stepfa-
ther of three.

Nor did writing about religious
fervor of the Middle Ages stir him.

“i like Philip‘s passion, his am-
bition, his ideals, but his theology
leaves me cold. I’m not a relig-
ious person at all."

Critic Gary Jennings savaged the
book. He particularly loathed Fol—
lett‘s 12th century “Liberated
Woman" who defies the monks.
Follett defends his depiction of
women. “The information is suffi-


Kb Bowma
Arts Editor

ciently inadequate to let the novel-
ist make his own choice."

Despite Follett's semi-monastic
life spent at the word processor —-
or because of it — he employs a
hobby rare among novelists.

He is the bass player in a rock
band called Kevin Small and the
Trousers. organized by his 21-year-
old son. “It's one of my favorite
things to do." Writing requires so
much “plotting, thinking ahead,
contrivance. When you‘re playing
in a band, you just play. It's such a
contrast. I find it totally relaxing."



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Mike Agin

Paula Anderson
CA. Duane Bonifer
Bernie Vonderheide
Kakie Urch

Helen Winger

John Bobel


Wednesday, October 11, 1989
Noon-2 p.m., Room 230 Student Center

if your group has ever tried to put on an event or program, you know how
important press coverage is in terms of overall success. This session will
discuss important guidelines when working with the media.

Scheduled speakers:

UK Student Media Adviser

Features Editor — Lexington Herald—Leader
Editor — Kentucky Kernel

Director — UK Public Information

WRFL Radio
WBKY Radio

News Director for Channel 27 T.V.

finish it this semester.

See COUFSG listings. For further information regarding this program and other leadership programs,

contact Cynthia Moreno, 257-1109






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For more information come by 101 Barker Hall
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Colleges stress grades

Continued from page I signed up for a series of even-

ing classes to prepare for the
SAT, taught by Carol Cathey, a
counselor at Port St. Joe High.
It's the kind of SAT-prep course
that parents elsewhere pay to get
from private firms.

“When I decided I was going
to teach the course, the school
board decided to pay for it,” Ca-
they said.

Cathey's program is part of a
countywide effort to turn around
students’ attitudes toward col-
lege, embraced by Superinten-
dent Walter Wilder whose enthu—
siasm spreads through both high

“We have a total buyoin by
the counseling staff,” Wilder
said. “And we have it set up so
every teacher is a counselor" —
each takes responsibility for
guiding up to 15 students from
ninth grade through graduation.

Credits, which can be convert-
ed to scholarship dollars at grad-
uation, are earned for grades, at—
tendance, volunteer activities and
parent involvement.

As each report card comes out,
students who earn all A’s and
B‘s get a gold card good for dis-
counts at local stores, free ad-
mission to school dances and
sports events.

In other places, where college
is expected to be the next step
after high school, some new
trends are being noticed:

-Students are applying to
more schools.

-Applications are down at
high-priced, selective Eastern

courses or class rank — gets
most weight in their admissions
decisions. Only 9 percent look
first at admissions exams, such
as the Scholastic Aptitude Test
or the American College Test.

Of the 798 four—year colleges
responding, 59 percent say
grades are the No.

1 factor in deciding who gets
in; 13 percent say it’s the type
of courses the student took in
high school; 10 percent say it’s
class rank.

Among the 82 most selective
schools in the survey, 79 say a
student's academic record gets
most weight

“We just pore over that tran-
script," said Bob Lay, dean of
enrollment management at Bos-
ton College. “We look at the
challenges the kids have accept-
ed. How hard they have pushed
themselves in the program.”

Ed Custard, admissions dean
at Florida’s New College, one of
the nation‘s most selective pub-
lic schools, said: “We’re looking
for people who want challenges,
who are looking for the most de-
manding curriculum they can

If a high school offers no hon-
ors or advanced placement cours-
es, students “should look for
challenges outside school," Cus—
tard said. In Gulf County, Fla,
the messages are starting to be
heard. Two years ago, only 50
of the county‘s 137 high school
graduates went to college. Last


For the first time in four years.
Sam Walton of Bentonville, Ark., More than just the Forbes rank-
who founded Wal-Mart Stores Inc.,
has been booted from the spot as
No. l on the Forbes magazine list
of the nation’s 400 richest people.
The list is in the Oct. 23 issue,
which appeared on newsstands yes-

The new No. 1: investor John
Kluge of Charlottesville, Va., with
net worth of $5.2 billion.

Not that Walton is in the poor-
house. He’s just taken his S9 bil-
lion stake in his discount retailing
empire and divided it among him-
self and his four children — $1.8

billion each. Now the Walton clan
— Robson, John, Jim and Alice —
are on the list. Walton is No. 20;
his kids are Nos. 21-24.

The contrast

ing has been upset this year. The
whole image of the nation's richest
man changes, too. Walton, 71, al-
though fabulously wealthy, lives a
rather humble lifestyle. He drives a
10-year-old pick-up truck with his
two bird dogs in tow. He lives in
the same home with wife, Helen,
that he's lived in for years. He
drops in unannounced to Wal-Mart
stores around the country and hops
behind the checkout counter to
help. He doesn't talk about his

“If we had our way, we wouldn‘t

trotters and Ice
the 6,000-acre

room house that
magazine has c


ish-bom third w

Lay salesman.
Kluge turned a g

be on this list," says Walton’s

couldn’t be more stark. Kluge, 75,
who once owned the Harlem Globe-

south of Charlottesville in a 45-

estate built in America since the

His private golf course was de-
signed by Arnold Palmer. His Brit-

nude in magazines and soft-pom
movies in the late '60s:
From his early days as a Frito

Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, October 11,1989 - 3

Kluge tops Walton as wealthiest man

USA TODAY/Apple College
Information Network

dio stations and billboard properties
into Metromedia Inc. In 1984, he
bought out shareholders in the
company and ever since, he‘s been
selling off the pieces and pocketing
the profits.

Forbes says he made $4.65 bil-
lion on the deal. His cellular phone
networks are cash cows; he just
sold the franchise in New York
City for $1.9 billion.

He still owns 70 percent of Ori-
on Pictures and the Pondcrosa
Steak House chain.

Today, he's worth a cool 81 bil-
lion more than No. 2 on the list,

Warren Buffett of Omaha, Neb.,
who has a net worth of $4.2 bil-

to the new No. l

Capades, lives on
Albemarlc Farms

Town and Country
alled “the grandest

ife, Patricia, posed

the German-born
roup of TV and ra-




Faculty teleconference

Staff reports

A teleconference debate and
discussion on faculty rights, aca-
demic freedoms, and governance
and tenure will be held at 1 pm.
today in the Worsham Theater.

‘Tenure and Governance: Ne-
gotiation vs, Litigation,” will
give students the opportunity to
discussthe issues widr14 educa-

tional rights experts before a na- pate in an important communi-
tional and studio audience- cations event,” Grundy said.

The teleconference is the first The event is free an open to
of four to be presented this year. the public.






Other teleconference topics will
deal with the black athletes,
health care and the shortage of
minority males on college cam-
puses, according to Chester
Grundy, director of minority stu-
dent affairs.

A sequel to “Beyond the
Dream" also is scheduled,
Grundy said.

“It allows people to partici-




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Editor in Chief
Executive Editor
Associate Editor
Campus Editor
Editorial Editor
Sports Editor

Arts Editor

Assistant Arts Editor
Photography Editor

Adviser Mike Agin
Advertising Director Jeff Kuerzi
Assistant Advertising Director Judy Furst

Production Manager

The Kentucky Kernel is published on class days during the academic year and
weekly during the eight~week summer sessron
Thirdclass postage paid at Lexington, KY 40511 Mailed subscription rates
are $30 per year.
The Kernel is printed at Standard Publishing and Printing 534 Buckman St ,
Shepherdsvrlle, KY 40165.
Correspondence should be addressed to the Kentucky Kernel Room 035
Journalism Building, University of Kentucky, Lexmgton KY 40506 0042. Phone
(606) 257-2871.

CA Duane Bonifer
Brian Jeni
Elizabeth Wade
Tonia Wilt

Michael L. Jones
Barry Reeves

Kip Bowmar
Charlie McCue
Steve Sanders

Evelyn Ouillen



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 4 - Kentucky Kernel, Wednesday, October 11,1989


was swayed by



Admitting that you made a mistake is not always an easy
thing to do, but the example UK Athletics Director C.M.
Newton set Monday by asking the UK Athletics Ticket
Committee not to take away 56 of the student body’s
lower-arena seats should be noted by his fellow


Shortly after Newton announced on Thursday that students
would have to give up 56 prime seats to boosters who were
financing Memorial Coliseum’s renovations, the athletics office
realized the mistake it had made: UK students are among the
basketball team’s strongest supporters, and taking away some
of their best seats was perceived by some as an indictment of

their loyalty.

Taking away the students’ seats would have surely widened
the already significant gap between the student body and
alumni. And during these trying times, the last thing the
basketball team needs is division among its fans.

While it was refreshing to see the athletics department act
quickly on the problem, there are still some questions about
how the process was handled initially. Students were never
told about the decision, or even about the possibility that they
would lose some tickets. Furthermore, officials seemed to have
ignored the proper channels to take the tickets away.

Newton announced Monday that the University only needs
42 seats to give to boosters, and those seats could be taken
from the allotment that the University normally hands out to
recruits, supporters and corporate sponsors. That leaves the
question why the University could not have used those tickets
in the first place and avoided the trouble of stepping on

students’ toes.

Before Monday night’s meeting of the Student Athletic
Council Newton said there probably will be occasions when
the athletics department may ask students to give up some of

their tickets for special events.

UK Student Government Association President Sean
Lohman proclaimed Monday that Newton’s decision not to