xt747d2q812d https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q812d/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1987-11-05 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1987 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 05, 1987 1987 1987-11-05 2020 true xt747d2q812d section xt747d2q812d  





The volleyball team has its own
tournament this weekend.SEE PAGE 6.





Follow students on a Divine
Right’s Trip.SEE PAGE 2.




Today: Sunny
Tomorrow: Sunny a. cooler



Kentucky Kernel

Vol. XCl. No. 59

Established 1894

University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky






g a

For the second year in a row, the Haggin Hall flag football team
won the annual Halloween Bowl last night. Students living in Hag-


Roll out the barrel

gin and Holmes Halls compete every year to have the name of
their team and the game score painted on the bowl barrel.




Organization hopes
lawsuit will reveal
covert operations

Editorial Editor

Jenny Yancey is trying to help re-
veal the long history of covert oper-
ations that have been conducted by
political officials in the United

Last night. the public outreach di-
rector of the Christie Institute told
about 40 people — many of them
members of grass roots liberal polit-
ical organizations — about a civil
lawsuit her organization has filed
against 29 individuals it alleges were
involved in a plot to assassinate a
leader of a Nicaraguan rebel group.

The Christie Institute was formed
by three lawyers who were involved
in the Karen Silkwood incident.
Since its inception in the early 19805.
the ('hristic Institute. which takes
its name from a term used by a
Franciscan French philosopher. has
fought legal battles against the Ku
Klux Klan and the power company
involved in the Three Mile Island in-

In May 1984. a bomb went off at a
press conference being held by Eden
Pastora Gomez. then the leader of
the contra forces in Costa Rica.

The explosion killed eight people
and injured two dozen. The institute
filed the lawsuit against 29 indidvi-

duals it alleges were involved in the

While researching the explosion.
Yancey said the institute discovered
that a “whole network of terrorists
were working together. "

Included in that network was a
ranch set up in Costa Rica by an
American businessman who helped
supply contra forces by making
drug deals with people from Colum-

Yancey said that as the investiga-
tion continued. the chief counsel to
the institute. Daniel Sheehan. found
that “the men in coat and ties.“ in-
cluding U.S. Maj. Gen. Richard Se-
cord. were involved in the network.

One issue the case raises. Yancey
said is “who's really running this

The court date for the institute's
lawsuit is set for June 29. 1988 in a
Miami federal court. But Yancey
said the group will need more time
to gather information in order to
have a good chance of winning its

Yancey admitted that the group‘s
chances of winning its lawsuit are
not overwhelming. but "it‘s kind of
hard if you look at the truth. you see
the strong side.“


“To not do this and face the possi-
bilty of living with this. we just
couldn't do that." she said.

Yancey hopes that if the institute
wins the case. the victory can be
used to pressure the next presi-
dential administration not to engage
in such activities.

“We want to say that this is no
longer acceptable action in this

Yancey also hopes that once the
facts come out about the secret gov-
ernment being used to fund the con-
tras. the American people will voice
their opposition.

”We know the American people of
all political parties are not going to
stand for this if they hear the whole
story."she said.

Independent since 1971

Thursday. November 5. 1987

Student lobby
given approval
by SGA senate

By (‘HERI ('t)l.I.IS
Staff Writer

Described as a “breeze meeting"
by SGA Senator at Large Susan
Brothers. last night's Student Gov
ernment Association meeting moved
swiftly with relatively few debates.

With no opposition. SGA approved
the student lobby bill for a $5.000
budget transfer. enabling a group of
students to lobby the 1988 General

By transferring funds from the
Senate Appropriations Fund section
of the budget to the Student Services
section. the SGA support is enabling
a group of students to lobby the Gen
eral Assembly to persuade legis~
lators to vote for increased lunding
of higher education.

Recruitment of lobbyists is the
next move. said SGA Senator at
Large David Botkins

"We are appealing l'or students to
come to SGA who have a keen lltlt‘l'r
est in politics and education." Bot-
kins said. A selection committee will
choose the lobbyists.

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4 - Kentucky Kernel. Thursday, November 5. 1907





Wilkinson has to
accept Kentucky’s




It was an eerie feeling at the Frankfort Civic Center
Tuesday night when Democratic gubernatorial candidate
Wallace Wilkinson gave his acceptance speech to a crowd

of cheering supporters.

With a theme song playing in the background and a $6
million smile courtesy of political consultants, one could
have easily thought the event was a chapter out of Robert
Penn Warrren’s All The King’s Men.

It was understandable that many people got caught up

in the euphoria — Wilkinson

had just been elected by the

largest percentage in the history of Kentucky.

What was troubling was the “mandate” Wilkinson
spoke of during his acceptance speech.

“I think we have a sufficient mandate tonight to get
those programs done." Wilkinson said.

Wilkinson should have examined the circumstances that
allowed him to win by such a large margin before making

such a statement.

One major factor that contributed to his victory was the

weak quality of his opponent.

Although a very knowledgeable man. Republican State
Rep. John Harper did not have the same media presence
Wilkinson had. nor did he have the financial resources to
compete in a million-dollar campaign.

And in a state where a Democratic candidate is almost
assured of winning the governor’s race, Wilkinson’s victory

is even less impressive.
Wilkinson said during his

acceptance speech that it is

time for a change in Kentucky. We hope that isn’t just
campaign rhetoric and that he is serious about changing
the conditions of the Commonwealth.

When Wilkinson is officially sworn in next month, he
will face a budget deficit of about $450 million — something
he refused to accept during his campaign.

He also faces a state that has one of the lowest levels of

education in the nation.

Wilkinson must also face the fact that he will be dealing
with an independent legislature that has become accus-
tomed to deciding things on its own.

During the campaign, Wilkinson did not seem to ac-
knowledge many of these facts. We sincerely hope he will
realize them within the next month, or there is a good
chance the next four years will be more of the “same old

thing. ' '

Letter about UK greeks
was unfounded, wrong

Don't mess with it? Don't print it!
I cannot believe that the Kernel‘s
staff allowed a letter from an “elite
fraternity member" to be printed on
Wednesday. October 7. While the
Kernel may have failed to recognize
the fraternity member‘s point of
view. running that particular letter
did not help remedy the situation in
the least.

Before questioning the quality of
the letter. I must question the au-
thor. one Peter Satera. Did you do
any research before you wrote your
letter? I find it hard to believe you
did. I also find it hard to believe you
are a member of any fraternity.
your statements are coming from so
far out in left field.

As a member of the Greek minori-
ty here at UK. I can attest to the
fact that we work far too hard try-
ing to impress the independent com-
munity with the fact that we are not
elitists for any member of any
Greek organization to write a letter
as personally insulting as Mr. Sate—
ra‘s. Never would we call ourselves
“elite fraternity members“ or use a
phrase like “lower class dorm dwell-
ers.” of almost one hundred mem-
bers in my fraternity only 35 live in
the fraternity house. Fifteen mem-
bers are fortunate enough to live in
apartments or at home. but the oth-
ers. almost 50 members. are. yes.
"lower class dorm dwellers.” And
how we shun them for their immea-
surable sins.

As for the $8.000 in dues during
your four years in college. Mr. Sate-
ra. what fraternity do you belong
to? 1 can assure you that $8.000 is
not even a good guess at the aver-
age dues incurred over a four-year
period. If $8.000 were the average.
some fraternity‘s members would be
paying upward to $1.500 per semes-
ter just to belong to a fraternity. A
few phone calls to different fraterni-
ties and I came up with average
dues of $400 per semester.

As for privileges unavailabe to
those students who live in dorms.
yes. there are advantages to living
in a fraternity house. We do not





have the same limitations on our
visiting hours and we can remodel
our rooms in whatever fashion we
choose. We also have the option to
eat two meals a day in the house.
Our housing costs are about $100
more that the dorms to reflect these

However. we do pay dearly for
these rights in ways most non-mem-
bers never see. Those special
clauses in the alcohol policy came
along with the right to pay for our
houses. All fraternities on campus
either pay rent to the University or
have bought their houses outright.
We also pay for all upkeep and utili-
ties. As for abiding by University
rules. we obey all that apply and a
few extras other students don’t. We
obey state laws regarding private
homes most students don’t even
know about.

Also. some fraternity houses are
not on campus. like Delta Tau Delta.
Sigma Pi. and Theta Chi.

Finally. in regard to the alcohol
policy. which Mr. Satera addressed
with such incredible insight. we
don't wa t to forget the issue! That
won't so ve a thing.

As for you. Mr. Satera. before you
write another letter like your last,
get your facts straight and try to be
constructive instead of just offen-
sive. If you truly are in a fraternity.
it is sad that no one ever told you
what brotherhood is all about. It is
to make you a better person. not
just for other Greeks. for everybody.
And if you‘re not in a fraternity.
don't speak on our behalf. “The
Greeks at UK have enough trouble

without your help.

Jay Hem ness is an undecided
sophomore and an active member of
Kappa Sigma fraternity.

c.A. Duane Bonner Jay Bianton Michael Brennan
Editorial Editor Exe