xt747d2q811t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q811t/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1985-10-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1985 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 07, 1985 1985 1985-10-07 2020 true xt747d2q811t section xt747d2q811t W
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33/011“?HAAS votes short It’t the necessary two- At the White House. spokesman and we will be facing a financial sort of balanced budget legislation is the president too much pom-i 'U cut I , 'I 3;“
Associated Press :h‘rds Talorlty and megntthitehattfur' Albert R. Brashear said he could not emergency." likely and would be worthwhile spendinti ‘- . if, " '. .",
er ac 10" "ii illk‘easm na l0n- sa whats ific roblems would be Debate on the b' 'n . . . . . I . ' . -, .
WASHINGTON “ Despite a last- al debt limit remained stalled. caiyised by pftacilurepto enact the debt plan offered bv Sen:ldl’ltiieldtiiiijr‘iigntit BU! Democratic leaders. and mm" {ofzenggilil‘ilftfid'i 1‘.“ int“, i (tuh ' t. I‘ {V i .
minute plea from President Reagan. . limit measure Rr’l'exas. Warren Rudman H-'\' H‘ Republicans. have resisted efforts i ll id 9 l ’I‘“ ‘“ V”? ’I W’ I " . z '
the senate refused yeSte’dal' '0 The "mm“ 0‘ the “my “'35 and Ernest F. Hoiiings. bis c has b." (’0? leaders ‘0 for“ qu'Ck 3" iiiirifzht d)lrl.:lr:lgdllnl:-\:fl(ilif tit lr'hl’h if i w 4 -‘ " i
choke off debate on a proposal man- muddled because it did demonstrate ”7km hour is approaching." Rea- held up legislation increasing the na- tion on the plan that is being offered mm in the beginnii g III-”III IlIII ’ in” x ;~. II-I, 2":
dating a balanced bUdSEt by 1991 a. strong majority backed the pen« gan said in a statement issued from tional debt limit which Treasury as an amendment to the measure 1 ' . (ct ‘ I " ‘ ‘ it
and left i" douthurgently needed ding budget plan his weekend Maryland retreat at Department officials have said must raismg the debt “mil fro"). ‘5 cur- ”TEE: (mind 33.132111“. , M...” V t ’i
legislation to continue the govern- After the vote. it was unclear Camp David just hours before the be done by today to avoid disrup- rentSl.&Z4tril ion t0$2.(fl8 mlhon (filings each war and thii‘i‘iii-stvit-n! '," f
ment sborrowmg authority. . when a debt limit increase could be Senate convened yesterday af. tiorts of government financial opera In general. opponents say the pen would hat c the pow-i n, mam ' .- .'».’i."-’I
The Senate voted 07'38If0l‘ the 50 considered. although another vote to ternoon. “By tomorrow iMondayi. tions. ding plan WOUld disproportionately acmssvtlieiioard spending ( u'» in “ w '5 i i' 1‘
called cloture motion to limit debate shut off debate was scheduled for the federal government‘s cash bal- Democrats and Republicans alike hit domestic spending programs that meet the annual tin-gm. .2 ”Hi (“.3 f.’ I'-‘i'.’
0" the amendment. b‘“ 't was seven today. ances will be virtually exhausted have agreed that passage of some have been cut previomly. and give essaryI -. . . :‘I {53“.}
c North Campus in!" . . r. ~ . , l -.-I. , .
* f t ' f d r " ' ‘ - . ‘- ~ , ,
es ralses un S . ’ ‘ u. I «I l », ova IL \ ”E'- i’ \ ‘ ‘I I. ‘: . I“ ' I J .: II"
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. for Unlted Way ‘ é / . . , , ”1’5, I I . , I,
BySAllAJA MALI-IMPATI ' “ ' 13...; I; ' ‘ ., " ‘
StaffWriter 4 , . , - ’ . - '.

. r ,, V, \ » "‘~ I.tr i.
Games. music and some free food attracted a t 1 \ . ‘ ~ .- it, ‘1': II ‘ , iI ' .- I--
large crowd to North Campus yesterday. ‘ ‘ y . ' . 'ih; ‘ . K . .
The annual Oktoberfest celebration is a good way § ,' _\ , -— 'f k, . — .» _ ' . a. . I I_I II »I
to raise money while prowding “a fun activity for ‘ ‘ , I, ‘ t» 4“!) I. ' J ‘. I ~;
thekld§_"saldJlm Smith.programcoordinator. - I 85 ,i e III“. a. _ -. . . .. .
., o i -;.'-7 fi ».-.._ II .‘.
All proceeds from the event go to t'nited Way. “In J ' ., 3‘ . I \. j .‘ ‘ I, . ~ . . ' ;'
years past we‘ve raised as much as $800 through Ok- . t I t ' ‘ I. -' i» 1. .i . . ~ _." ‘ .
toberfeslI..Smith said. ' p t I c . r) : I . . . .II .
The event. which lasted from 1 to 6 pm. yesterday \ . ._ _ , 2"”97'. ' git .. . - . , . r ‘I I.
in the North Campus courtyard. was sponsored by ‘ ' Ir)“ I . . "it 6. ”~' -. . f t I; I _ I. v. . . . .
the North Campus coordinate government. 7. , " " . , ' ;, ' _ . r . . ‘ 2
Each of the North Campus residence halls coordi- , ' I .. ' 5- ». - . . .'
nated several different activities ranging from cam- II,/ "4 - - I ‘ . : . . -
pus carriage rides toa lip sync competition. ' f .. .‘ T.‘ ‘1'.- L . I; ._ * '.- .
Boyd Hall provided a jail. which people could be y g - - _.a y£\ . . I r . ' .7 . '~ ,-
sentenced to for five minutes at a minimal cost of 25 i ' . . I" l . is r I . . . ‘- . ‘-
cents. twig?! E i: fix 5",“ .3 - i». »1
“We have some big guys acting as bouncers to ;, . .543 - ‘czrr .. ‘ t - rt . '1' . . . -
bring people to the jail." said Melissa Chapman. hall ‘ . g t‘ t .. ._ I, I I '. I
directorofBoyd Hall. ~ . ,. ‘6’ . . ' . “. “ ., ' ».
The lip sync competition. which was sponsored by "if! £1! g'egxifl-zffl " I . . . , :
Haggin Hall. attracted six group participants as well - _ . , 1 4'? at , , A, :. . . .
asalargeaudience . ' « . ""' - - ‘, i.
Above, Richard Jones of the Lexington bond * ' . 3" ' , ‘1’ ' ’1 , ‘
“Once people sawIwhat was going on. 1 knew more Paradox, donned a gorilla mask at the north . . , . Le . f ',
would get PP there. said Don Simmons. hall direc- campus Oktoberfest yesterday. Right, Kelly ‘ f” - :v' ‘ . . . i ‘ I. ‘ ’ l I A
‘ torofHaggin H311 Evans, 0 toshion merchandising freshman, - ’ t f; ifi t /" :- ' . .
Karmel Koontz. an interior design freshman. de— competed in a lip-sync contest with her im- 31%.- :3»- - 6 g . e , , I' , . '-.
cided to do an impromtu presentation after she saw pression of rock star Madonna. . , .' s ‘ ‘ .5 I .' ’ . II 3,
the first act. “I‘ve always wanted to do something ; . C -. I ». .
like that.and this wasagood opportunity. she said. Vnc'ashy).D.VANNOOS( “we WI I II 1.3% c ‘ c . . I II ., . . I .
Patterson Hall raised about $100 :rom 15-minute ' I. .' 5‘
carriage rides around campus. which were available which hall can raise the most money." said Donna turnout than in previous years. “It seems more orga- The band Paradox performed throughout the n: I ,. . I ‘
for $2.50» Dupris,a biology sophomore nized.andthere‘s more going on " ternoon The band was paid for with money il‘lll§. ”it ' ‘ ' _' , . I.
Mike Ekman. a psychology junior. said Oktober- other activities included a dunking booth. a White North Campus government fund. used for ”nous ' . ‘ . ‘ , .
"There‘s sort ofa friendly competition going on for fest was particularly good this year. with a better Castles eating contest andaslaveauction residence hall functions . ' . .1 . . '..-:'
R 't t d' t' 'd h - t l '
601111 or 0 1801185 na lOnWl e marc agalns nuc ear arms ,.
3‘ MELISSA BELL sored by Socially Concerned Slur ar weapons. Marchers must be misinformed about what the arms steps through 15 states and 37 Cities a church. a peace organization vr a " '. ii , fi
Staff Writer dents. ~ physically fit and dedicated to nucle- race l5 8“ about. The PRUPeace To quality. a marcher must be over fraternity or anyone Villti utii. iiil‘lpt 'U .' 5 , f '. l r . .
“I'm hoping to excite people . . ar disarmament. About half of the March will raise people‘s awareness 18 or accompanied by a parent and them ; . '.‘I , f
Five thousand people Will march to take information around campus marchers willbestudents. across the COUNTY and get the truth be willing to be gone for nine Fund raismg on campus til>(l will " .. . 3 .. ‘7
across the country in Opposition to to get students involved," McWil~ “The young peOpie are going to be out to the American peeplehesaid. months. be used to support the murcl: \lcr . . ' .~ i. 3'
nuclear weapons next year, and UK liams said. He said the nature of the the leaders of the future." McWil- Shortly after the march. a civil Many supplies are needed. includ— Williams said lfh' organi/amns I . 1’ . ; .
is the only Kentucky university lobe experience will attract students _ iiams said. The marchers will be fu— disobedience campaign Will take mg 3.000 tents. six mobile cafeterias, should decide what fund raisin-s -.tiii . _ -' * '. . . a
recruited for this PROPeace hike. the adventure of walking from Los tuft? leaders in disarmament. he place. involving 250.000 P9091? at dlf‘ many mobile toilets. thousands of work best at L’K He asks that the .I - ’ ._ , " .' .
00118 McWilliams. regional re- Angelas to Washington. DC. with said. Students may be placed in W‘ ferent locations across the COUDtl'y tons of food and 75 vehicles to carry t‘niversity purchase lit to an itinls to ';'
cruiter. for PROPeace. Wm speak to 5.000people fora nonpartisan issue. sitions involved with disarmament At the same time. they will try to itall. bcused by the marchers ioratcdz ' ' . ' I
interested students today from “00“ Several recruiters are involved in at the end of the march through a communicate with people in the 50- To help pay for supplies. each PRUPeace director llatid Alixner :I’ ‘ i ,
to4p.m. at the free SPC‘GCh area and interviewing and recruiting 5.000 placementservice. viet Union and East Germany. marcher must have three sponge“ thought of the march an“, m. I~, .- ' . ‘, - , .'
7 pm. in 228 Student Center Addi- people from all states to march Gerald Morse. an education senior asking them to take Similar action to contribute spoon each. Marchers yearold niece told him the mint I .' 'I _ . 'I ._
tion. to FECFUlt them {01‘ the 3.235. across the country for nine months and member of Socially Concerned to ban nuclear weapons. can get that money from an indiv1d- think she was going in ]l\'(‘ twir‘ntise . . H .‘ ; ,
mile hike in March. His ViSit iS spon- in a movement to bring down nuclei Students. said so many peOple are Each marcher will take 10.098.000 ual. or 10 members of their family. of nuclearwar * i‘ I' .' .z I ."t
UK quarterback hospitali ed V t h l t h
t ' t f l t' ' ’ ' '
Chest injuries Will take Bill Ransdell out of upcoming game 0 1'6ng er 01' 9 CC 10“ .- a - . .. .- i .-
Staffrepons when he can tolerate returning to lapsed lung is no more dangerom Q . Staff reports Eighty students registered to vote .‘ ' '
practice." he said. He added that his than the first injury. and that be- ‘ Sept 25 at a live remote broadcast '
The Wildcats may have won the return depends upon how soon the cause of soreness. “the cracked rib '- '44,) If . Today is the last day for Fayette conducted by WKQQ-Hl In addi» . ' ' _ ~ '.
game With Clemson Saturday night. lung reinflatos. could give him more trouble than V I " _ County residents to register to vote lion. SGA set up booths at all the . , ~ . " ~
hilt they have temporarily l°St lil' . . . the collapsed lung." ‘ " in the Nov. 5 elections Voters can cafeterias andmthe Studentt‘enit-r » . ,
nior quarterback Bill Ransdell. Ransdell 5 “the“ Bill. _Sa‘d at the , . . register at the county clerks‘ office '
hospital yesterday that hlIS 50" was After “S‘tmg Ransdell yesterday, downtown. located at 162 E. Main St To promote the campniar ind add . ‘ . . _
The Hoot-1. 225-pound quar- in noIshape to talk. adding that he aSSistant coach .Ilake Hallum said David Botkins. the Student Gov- to registration. H Um sieve Be- - . .
terback. who suffered a collapsed was tired and very sore. All calls Ransdell was domg well and that ernment Association's assistant de shear spoke at a luncheon at the la .
lung ”(1.8 cracked rib against the from the. media were being p05“ ‘h‘? satoughindividual. , rector of governmental affairs. re- fayette (‘lub in Lexington Sept 26 ' ‘ I ‘
Tigers. wtll at least miss UK's game poneduntil today. ‘You hope (injury: doosnt hap- ported an unofficial total of 305 .
with Mississippi State this Saturday. In Green‘s experience Mth the re- pen. but it does.“ Hallum said. “I ‘ students registered to vote through i
UKtrainerAlGreen said yesterday. covery from similar injuries. he never think about (it happening). 80 A ‘ _
Ransdell was taken to Central said, “It varies from a week to six You just hope nobody ever gets . ’ I .
Baptist hospital. where he spent the weeks. No two injuries are alike. hurt." BILL R ANSDELL . Botkins said what appears toIIbe a
night. and could be released today whether you're comparing collapsed . small registration tuIrnouItIis very .
ortomorrow.Greensaid. lungsorkneesurguries.” The injury occured on UK‘s first scramble. and was hit hard by respectable IconSidering its an off The IWIIcha-ts Saturday scored a
offensive play of the game, when Clemson‘s Brian Rabers. He imme- year in elections-' Stunnlns W“? 0V" the Clemson Ti-
"There is a waiting game to 509 Green said a ”injury of a Col- Ransdell rolled right. was forced to diately left the game for X-rays. gets. with a great effort by Kenn
Dooley. For the game story. see
Cross fire “WW"
I O I I O O a A w . ~
Campus organization’s weekend survwal game tournament introduces part1c1pants to strategic play 53:30,.r.g;:;;,:g;;;.ei;1;.
By BRAD COOPER find he had been “killed" but not in nition and carbon dioxide cartridges and undergrowth. They have 45 min- shoot people without killing them." be held tomlhi- For dflaili- we DI-
StaffWriter jured. tooperatethegun. utes to reach their objective. said Steve Hatton. an electrical en- mm'm7'
Yaw-day, 40 UK students, divid- Cost for gun rental. two tubes of At the start of play. attackers gineering sophomore.
As he approached the ridge the ed into four teams of 10. mixed paint pellets and two carbon dioxide branch off into the woods and begin “After watching movies like
enemy come into view. perched be- imagination with reality in a survi- cartridges is $10.50. a Myard ascent to the flag at the ‘Rambo.’ 'Commando‘ and ‘lnva-
twee" W009” attlletorwfthe hill. val tournament sponsored by the I . top of the hill. Trying to keep in sion.‘ you just can‘t help getting in-
His ”Offbeat widened and the Semper Fidelis Society. The gameof The defending team is led by the sight of one another for coverage. volved in this type of thing.“ he
feeling of anxiety m in. The attach- survival pits two teams against each lmmmt referee to the location of they spread out to prepare for the said. .
or was circling around to surprise other in a warlike situation. One theflag where members take strate- assault. 0" the hill TN“ "F be “9“” sunny and
lit! Opponent. when M heard a crack team chooses either to defend the gic Witt” to intercept the attack- The sound of gunshots breaks out . . :32“ n; lengeI of ti: m "t" the “'3“ “a" 70- T“
fromadlm'lttu'l- the" —-Iplatl flag or play the role of the attacker ers. and paint flies everywhere - the "mm". ‘ "MN! m "t“ 5' mostly “at "id “0‘ Is
~ . flag. while some play to relieve tan- and with the low in the u 40.
undattempttocaptureit. battlebegins. . we . .
A: red fluid streamed down his After the defenders take their po- Slo'l- I . Tm will be moldy sunny with
camouflaged uniform. an attacker Each combatant is equipped with sitions. the attackers. begin their Some participate in this event for “It is 8 out release of tension." autumn.
reached down to check the wound to an air gill. paint pellets f0" ammu- jourmy W the tor-1m. brmh the action. "It is fun and excitim to SeeSURVlVAL.me6
‘ - I A

2 - KENTUCKVKERNEL My, mm 7, 1“
Information on this calendar at events is collected and
coordinated through the Student Center Activities Office.
203/204 Student Center, University of Kentucky. The infor-
mation is published as supplied by the on-campus sponsor,
with editorial privilege allowed for the sake of clarity of
expression. For student organizations or University depart-
ments to make entries on the calendar, 0 Campus Calendar
form must be filled out and returned to the Student Activ-
ities Office.
‘ m s a e n r Deadline: Forms will be accepted no later than the Man-
_' day preceeding the publications date.
- -‘ ' _ e Other Rolling Stone Career Expo- if“ SC Great ' Concerts Octubafest. UK Tuba-Euphonium, Skip Gray, 0 Meetings. SAB Concert Committee meeting, 228 SC; 5 ' COMOT'SI PK S'UdG'" 195° 5 Euphonium 50'055'5 W
I - ' ' . Hall 11 o m to m Call 78867 director Center tor the Arts. 8pm., Coil7-4900 p.m.; Call7-8867 the Octubafestivai band. Skip Gray, director: Center for
. . Lectures 0.5,,n9m5hed Speakers Program Mr Mi- 0 Concerts. ‘Roiiing Stone' Music Showcase Concert: ‘ Movies: My Favorite Year; $175 w UKID; Worsham theArts:8p.m.;Cali7-e9w ' .
‘ chael Novok wme, 8 neo-economist 7 30 p.m. Call 255 Lone Justice w the dB‘s- 58: SC Grand Ballroom: 8 p.m.. Theatre; 7:30 p.m. 0 Meetings: UK Fencing Club meeting; AlumniGym: 7:30
’ , . 8566 Call 7-1378 . P f h 0 :thedr: INSSLHATgxneI discussion with speech patholog- p.m.:MCall 233-3201“ 0 't Yea, $1 75 UKID war h m
‘ " ' . 0 Lectures 'Crisis in S A rica erspectives rom t e ists au io ogists; ;6p.m. 0W”: V V l" 0 - - W - 5 0
'- If . 7 Jeri/'95 F'rs' Blood 31 75 w UKID Worsham Theatre FOG-Africanist Congress of Azania" SC Theater: 8 p.m., 0 Rec‘ital: Octubafest Giéesut Recqigl: Fritx Kaenzig, tuba. "1:03;; 732011;“ d Roll S m’nar b Ma nath Chr‘ t’a
' . - ‘ . . I - Ca 7-5641 Center ort eArts;8p:m.: a 7-4 0'1 0“ 9 | V '0 0 ISI "
. . .. I '. 5290:? Ct::'er0,c;:ib:ete::'sugpiumbaccznlcj7E‘iggtaonium Student e Meetings SAB Public Relations Committee meeting, 0 Sports: UK Football ticket distribution for game against Fellowship- Free; SC Ballroom; 5:20pm., Call 231-7CDI
- . ‘ . V - 0 Sports UK Football ticket distribution for game against ”5 5C 4 pm. Call 7-8867 Mississippi St.; Memorial Coliseum; 9-4 p.m. 0 Plays: Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the
_ ~.: ~ . -. ' M5559”). 5, MemoriaIColiseum 8a m -8 pm 0 Movies. First Blood. $1.75 w UKID; Worsham Theatre; e Other: Food for Thought discussion group: 5.an Re- butcher block- SS-pub:, $4-stu.. Guginol Theatre. 8 p.m..
'-' . ' ' ' - e Qihe, Apply to, Nev ‘_ Nov 3 on campus interviews, 7 30pm. acquainted w- Yourself' by Paula Hammer-Higgins; 119 SC; Call7-1385 . y
"i . ‘ . v , 201 Matthews Bldg Ba,m.-4 30pm - Sports- ux Football ticket distribution for game against Noon: Call7-3295 ' Meetings ‘Pre-IVe' Club meeting 106 Animal Path.
‘ ' '. " ‘ e Workshops Resume Writing, 2m Matthews Bldg, 5-6 Mississippi St.; Meorial Coliseum: 9-4 pm. 0 Meetings: Lambda Sigma meeting; 206 SC; 7:30 p.m.; Bldg. 7-30P»m-- Ct" 25"825‘ : '
_' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ p m 0 Sports: Entry deadline for Intramural; 135 Seaton; 4 Call7-B-2320 ' Concerts, Out to Lunch- noontime concert series w
i . ' ', p.m.,Call7-3928 00ther:On Campus Interviews Priority sign-up A141 ("“hOdUlCd '0'" date); BG’WOO" 5C 5 5. Lime,
' ' I - l l 7 0 Worship: TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student 0 Meetings: Students with a Purpose; Maranatha Center; N00": Call7-8867
‘- . 'V 1 - Union; 429 Columbia Ave.; 7:30pm.: Call7-3989 7p.m.; Call231-7001 0 Meetings: TOPs Effective Career Planning Strategies'
.- 2 A . . I ' ' Workshops: Payroll Procedures, instructor: Scott by Drema Howard, placement center: supper following. 21
. b .1 ‘ ' Wood, payroll: ISMemorial Hall: 9a.rn.-Noon: Call 7-1851 8 over: 5:30 p.m.; Call 254-1881
' I / - U ‘ l I Other: Apply for Nov. 4- Nov. 8 on campus interviews, ' Workshops: Effective Delegation; TBA
- ' ‘ y. i 201 Matthews Bldg; 8a.m.-4:30p.m. 0 Other- On Campus interviews Open Schedule sign-up.
I I . . ' 0 Other On campus interviews Priority Lists published: 201 Matthews Bldg-
' I 201 Matthews Bldg. 0 Workshops: Interview Techniques. 201 Matthews Bldg,
L A ' Workshops. Non-Traditional careers for teachers, 201 11 a.m.-Noon
‘ ' ' ‘ Matthews Bldg.; 3:30-4:30p.m. 0 Other: Porn Rock by (Maranatha Feiiowshtpi Free SC
: 4 . . Grand Ballroom 7 pin: Call 266-5267
1' ' _. . Meetings UK Badminton Club: Section. 5.30 p.m. Call 0 Movies: My Favorite Year; $1.75 w UKiD; Worsham 0 Exhibitions: The Armand Hammer Daumier Collection~ . Films: Ashiand Kiwanis Club Film Series ”'50 at Ash-
4 '. - . . 278-7138 Theatre: 7:30 pm. free: CFA Art Museum: 12-5 T-Sun.; Call7-5716 land Community College, ACC Auditorium 7 37 pm . Call
' ' e Movies My Favorite Year, 5‘15 w UKID Worsham 0 Plays: Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the 0 Meetings: UK Badminton Club: Seaton; 2:30 p-mfl Cali 3294999
_ , ,I . _. . Theatre 7 309m butcher block- SS-pub.. $4-stu.: Guginol Theatre; 8 p.m., 278-7138 . . _ 0 Movies; Cat People, $i_75 w UKID Worsham Theatre,
. . 0 Plays Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the CO“ 74335 ' Plays' Beder Farce: E"°m'"°"c_’" °l marriage on the 7:30 p.m.
' butcher block- SS-pub 54.5.” Guginol Theatre; 5 p.m. 0 Sports. UK Football vs. Mississippi State: Common- butcher block- $5-pub:, $4-stu.: Guginol Theatre: 3 p.m :
. ' Cali 7-1385 wealth Stadium Call 7-1385
_ ll . I ' 0 Sports UK Baseball vs. Campbelisvilie (2) at home; ' Sports UK Baseball vs. Evansville (2) at home: Shively ' Recitals Faculty Recital: Skip Gray, tuba: Center for
' ’ Shiveiy Field, 2 pm. Field, 11 am. the Arts. 3p.m, Call 7-49CX) . .
_ ' . Other National An" Apartheid Protest Day ROHY ' Exhibitions. The Armand Hammer Daumier Collection
' ' I {Democratic Socialists) Free Speech area, Call 7-7052 Reception CFA Art Museum Noon-2 p.m.. Call 7-5716
. 15 ~. '1 ' ‘0 7 First Blood 51 75w UKID, Worsham Theatre, 730 p.m. L0": 8?;fizlsltf.y9fnmba Euphonium, Skip Gray. director Center for the ;?C:|ilsJ:u;oc38t:arlrl1tieclrrtndistribution for game against MisSissiPPI St., Memori
. , :3 <8; Erséaiood’: Svi 75 :IU7KSID, Sasha? Tmeatrefl-SO 9:30 10/8: 'Rolling Stone' Music Showcase Concert: Lone Justice w d8’s: $8: SC 1'0/8-9:.UK Football ticket distribution for game against Mississippi St., Memo-
‘ ' . y avori .e ear ' w ' ors am “"9' ‘ p.m. Grand Ballroom; 8 p.m.; Call 71378 rial Coliseum, 9-4 p.m.
\ .- - , 12 11’ 1222:2122: :12: 22222.1 1221:: 1:222 U. . . o............ .... s...... - me
. . .‘ ‘ . ‘0 12 My Favorite Year: 51 '75 w UKID‘ Worsham Theatre. 7:309"; Skip Gray. director: Center for the Arts; 8 p.m.. Call 7-4900 10 11:UK Baseball vs. Campbellsville (2) at home: Shively Field12 p.m.
- . '- ' , . ‘0 14' CYtP | 51 75' UKI h Th ’7‘ ' ' p. ' 10 10: Out to Lunch- noontime concert series w AZ-lZ (rescheduled rain I0/121 UK FOO'bO" VS-N‘lSSlSSlPPi 5"”95 Commonwealth S'Odlu'“
- i - ‘ ' .' : ‘ ° °°° °‘ ' w 0' W°" °'“ °°"°' 30"” date); Between scss, Lime: Noon: CaII7-8867 io 12: UK Basebollvs. Evansville (2) at home; Shively Field, 11 am.
' . . , , ~ - . . I0 13-12 8: The Armand Hammer Daumier Coliection- Free; CFA Art Museum;
~ - ' - ~ 12-5 T-Sun.; CaII7-5716
. ‘ _ .\ . I. { 10 13 The Armand Hammer Daumier Collection Reception; CFA Art Museum;
.' ,, '. . . Noon-2 p.m., Call 7-5716
i... ‘ ‘ I' . . . ‘ 10 7: Octubafest‘ UK Tuba and Euphonium Student Recital; Center for the
.‘ " . I . Arts 8pm. Call7-A900
. . y ‘I ~5 ~. ' 10 9: Octubafest Guest Recital: Fritz Kaenzig. tuba; Center for the Arts; 8
‘. . p.m., Call 7-4900
I ‘ ,'._ j.’ . ‘ . ' 10 13: Faculty Recital: Skip Gray, free: Center for the Arts: 3 p.m., Call 7-49“)
1‘ ',_.
I. ' -' ~ ' - '- V - 7 ' ‘ ’ P r m Mr. Michael Novak, writer 8 neo-econ- . : - - - _ .
. I» . 2 -; , . .' Liisrogihwnrgrfiéfi'1w53;goIQCZH 255-8566 '10 elfACACShAlgggofi'wnT;3$|Ufinfiglls§$§§9§3'50 at Ashland Community Col 10/15;'Undergrads. planning to participate in Nov. advising conference for the
‘ ’- ' t. . - - - - 99 . . u ' , p ' 86 Spring semester should apply for admussion or readmission.
. . _ I. , I 10 8 Crisis in S. Africa. Perspectives from the Pan-Africanist Congress of 10 7 g 3: Rolling 5.0". Career Expo— Free; 5c Great Hall; 1] a.m.-4 p.m., 10/15' A E I 'h i . . / .
-. ' Alania' sc Theatre.8p.m,;Call7-5641 I Cali7-8867 pm 20.33;?“ w" A MCQW‘ “"‘uu‘pUb' sc Gm" 5°"'°°'“' 3
" ‘ ,' ‘ . I1 10 8 5A3 Public Relations Committee meeting: 1155C 4 p.m. Cal 7-3367 10. 7 8 8. Ap | lor Nov.4- Nov. 8 on-campus interviews: 201 Matthews Bldg; ‘ _ I .
. ' ' > : - ' ' , lo 9 SAB Concert Committee meeting. 2285C. 5pm., Call 7-8867 80.m:-4:1Dp.‘:nyf {312,th3,3'22203.°3372'¢Z;'mf'3;7{"i’f‘;,,"'."s°c"g“;.' Call 7-49!” . i
v- '- ‘. - - - l0 9 Lambda 519"“I m”""91 206 SC- 7'30P-"L CO“ 84322 11 23 7M1 108: On campus Interviews Priority Lists published; 201 Matthews side. a m -5 p m 'Cali 8m cu . . on, o room L°‘"‘9.- 0
7 ‘ ' I - r ‘0 9 Students WM‘ 0 PU'PO“ M°'°"°’h° COM.“ 7 P-"L- ° " 10 9- NSSLHA Panel discussion with speech pathologists Ii audiologists; TBA ' l . ' " .
~ , . ‘J . 10 10 UK Fencing Club meeting, Alumni Gym, 7 30p:m.. Call 233-5201 10 9: Food for Thought discussion group 'Getting Reacquainted w/ Yourself' 50.11":th Rogmgzulpx‘wsembie, J’ Shy.“ Moore, d"“'°" "”5 C.""' ’°'
5; . ' f - ' 10 10 Pro-Vet Club meeting. 106 Animal Path. Bldg: 7:30 p.m.. Call 254-8254 by Paula Hammer-Higgins: 119 SC: Noon: Call 7-3295 ' p. "
,' v, ‘ ~ ' 10 10 TOPs- 'Effective Career Planning Strategies by Drema Howard, Place» 10 10 Rock and Roll Seminar by Maranatha chri’yian Fellowship; pr... SC
'_ .' l . _- I merit Center supper following: 21 lover: 5:30pm.: Call 254-1881 gammy", 5:30pm.; Call 231-7w1
3' . ' . l0 1‘ UK Badminton C'Ub- 50010”- 5 3” P-m- (0” 773'7‘38 10 10 On campus interviews open schedule sign-up 201 Matthews Bldg.
' ' " . ‘ 10 ‘3 UKBOdmi'l'OHClUb? 500°"; 2imp-"l-c‘1ll1'73‘7‘38 10’10- Porn Rock by (Maranatha Fellowshipi- Free: SC Grand Ballroom; 7
i , - - p.m.. Call 266-5267
. ' .' . ' I ' 10 11 National Anti Apartheid Protest Day Rally (Democratic Socialists); Free
-‘ ' - - . Speech area. Call 7-7052
, ‘ . 10 8 TNT- Tuesday Nite Together- Baptist Student Union: 429 Columbia Ave-
; - ‘ ' ‘ . nuo,7;30p.m..Coii7.3999
, . ' . 10 7 Resume Writing; 201 Matthews Bldg; 5-6 p.m.
' , , 10/8- Payroll Procedures, instructor: Scott Wood, payroll. 15 Memorial Hall: 9
’ ' r . a.m.-Noon Cali7-I851
' , ' 10 8 Non-Traditional careers for teachers. 201 Matthews Bldg. 3'w-4:30p.m.
' , 10- 10' Effective Delegation: TBA; Call 7-1851
‘ _' 10,10: Interview Techniques; 201 Matthews Bldg : ii a.m.-Noon
10/1012: Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the butcher block- 35.
. - 90b2, New“ Guignol Theatre; 8 pm.
. 10’13: Bedroom Farce: Examination of marriage on the butcher block- 85-
pub., SLstu. Guignol Theatre; 3 p.m.
A .

' ° P
Heidelberg stipend 1 . - i aper says
3" I " man in on
allows UK students .i y -
. . ta» " ‘1.- " | 1 .
to study in Germany ' . drug drop _
j ' ” 3 , Drug agent links ' ~
1:,» 5.1 1 ' "v >" . . .X s .’ ‘
By MOLLY A.FA|R 4%. i.» - . ' ' .- _ .
Contributing Writer Studying at Heidelberg 39%, % .~ -_ Thornton, V1Ct1m . . '. . } y;
‘ ' u " ' ' ‘ ' ’ . . , . ’ , 1’. .- .

Students with a strang backgrwnd Universny was very 443;, . _ ti K§‘)X\lPLE- Tenn 1;“? ”he -‘ ,. . ,.

. Ger nd des' t tr l _ , , - t ., . . s=~:“_ of 1. Victims who died last week in a . ,~
in man a a ire o ave DOSlIlVC In my COllege flu” 3.... it, , He suspicious plane trash had par- r .- '. .'
abroad have the chance to trade , , it» .1 , ., A w- . y t ,. . , ,

l 'th the' y - career and In m hfe ” > . h a . a achuted with Andrew ( lhornton H i. , q, ‘ ,
paces wt 1r coun erparts in y , ' ' . ~ .1 ' on an ill-fated cocaine drop here. a .J" .
Germany. Hays Steilbel'g. -s. . c ’ V" . . newspaper reported yesterda) { I", ._ r‘ . . . .

The Heidelber Scholarshi . now Gel-man senior ." ' '3 ~’ A}. . .s at. s. I“ The Knoxhilr Newerwitinel. I'_ '. i1 ', f;-
in its 3th year, fitters studenpts who f” ‘ .._ 6 5‘ 3“: 1;"- quoting an anonymous drug agent. 1:1‘. 4' . ‘ -
are sophomores and above the op- — is ‘ \ tn ' ' ~ __ said (‘niomtiinn smugglers sao Ni." 51".; .li'k"
portunity to spend a year studying study medicme abroad is worth the . A}: . . ~. _. Q ‘ . otaged David 1. \kiliiams plane in . f if g 2 .; .-
at the German university. The schol. extra semester. " a t .13, i," , .. :33. Georgia as retaliation tor botching .1 if ;_
arship pays for tuition and includes Heckmannnsaid he has enjoyed the .Q ‘ >51; ' 5 3. I ‘ fi 33f? u i dell\’er}'t)f $691 million oi cocaine :1": we”: 5.1-1,

a monthly stipend to defer living program ” this semester especial- 2 "VI -‘ (- . :9 - a - ‘ “The plan was to drop the cocaine t- 3' f ‘. ‘
costs. IY- Since I am learning something - ' '9‘ #43 ‘r at :_, , in one spot. bail out in another and It l" .

_ _ beyond my field. It is important for x v. V . _ ‘ send the plane into the ocean ' the “fa ,-.._’|I ;
“Heidelberg lS probably the best everyone to go beyond their ordi- ”1‘” 0‘ g” 3. agent. speaking on the condition he j idlyy't'; I ‘
and Is the .01”! universny m Ger- nary studies." is -. ~ “all“ I H I I); not be named told the newspaper ; -' “,-"-.";ir'_"'::’;”_“

"law", said Hays Ste‘lbgrg’ a 5.8- BrinkSChmldl agreed “At the Hei‘ I ‘ {‘4’} " . H s "When they got (m the ground and _' "1 u; . :3"
nlOl‘ In German who partICipated m delberg university, I had no English. u.‘ f 4‘ were safe the} were to contact '5 (if; .;'-
the exchange program last year. German or anything else. It is a nice _ “ , -. ,2; *,_v_-M~.;it; “5;: Thornton's giriiriend '«ho was wait» if; j} ‘1 ~._;‘
“The". programs in cancer and ge change from medicine." ; " 43; 5’33???" 7““? " ( i. ing therefor them the agent said .' 1; “51:1,;
netic research areworld renowned. Brinkschmidt said she also enjoys i . 8‘33" * ‘ ‘ Robert Feldkamp d spokesman 14;: 59-. 'I.

. the comfortable atmosphere and the . . ' 5.. “WW for the ‘7‘. 5 “mg Emnmemmt Ad- .3. :1; “:73:
David Bettez. associate director of centralized layout of the campus " 3,4,; «it Ii}; , . v 21.; . mmstramm ”1 \ka‘hmam“ \md the .. ‘_.~ 1‘15; _.
the Office for International m “In Heidelberg the buildings (of . ‘ I 1:3,; ' "9- ”a?” -, DEA‘s investigation had not linked 3.51," "J! ".i.v."‘.i

grams, said he considers the Heidel- the mveVSltyl are spread Out all ,1 5: «v if k ' . k' . a Williams to Thornton .11 an} drug- 5 i_ .l-l-“i'E- i”
hers Scholarship one of the best in- over town." Brinkschmidt said. 3‘97 5 . .~ gust w a”; ‘14:, smuggimgmww? v.1 3;;
ternational programs because it is “There is no main campus 1 like M ‘ .1 , , t, 'i ~ .’ Thornton a turnier lldrctlllc> Ulll' ”.1. .‘_‘1_ If? 12“:
based uponareciprocal exchange. thecampus here very much. 7 ’ y: w: . l \ . ‘» . 33") cer 1n insington. died Sept 11 when g 'i‘ 5"". ” 2“

“I think ll 5 a town within 8 ~ ' 3’1." " . 33;", 4”" his reserve parachute failed to slow ; -. '1 31‘
The program allows two UK stir ”“7 Sh“ said "Th-‘5 campus ‘5 a ' - :9" W- him He was found 'Mth 73 munds of -, f

dents to go to Heidelberg in ex- nice mixture 0f everything and a 2 . .- Cucalnfffitrappetllollls‘wtilsl iii-35:. .433}:

change for two Germans who come much less formal. "it "N I. u. .1 - A kex in his belongings bore the \. 3.";

tostudy at UK' . . =57”; "2 N - same numt -rir.2 .~ in tainengine ii. ’.

Education policies also differ be- ’3‘ 5"?“ b a.“ M . J" 7%?" l'l-ssna “'llltfl‘i (‘l'itsl‘lt‘t‘i in \urth l‘ar- 5 ‘ :T. M.
The incoming Germans are usual- tween the two “n“'er5‘t'es~ steilberg fl) ' z». i 'l‘ . as.“ «r 4?“ ohm or. the >anit riiiirrnng as Thom- g ".g‘.
ly medical students. Bettez said. L'K said. ‘ , . Q- ‘ 3 "o E. ‘1‘}? ion “as found g: ‘ (:1

is one of the few exchange programs ‘ ‘ “LE f ‘ “if - _i . 1 ,7

in the United States that offers med- .iThe students in Europe enter col- t . .‘7 fl » 3. "'23 .L. Subsequent ”.filmtmanml turned ’ . i .

ical students from foreign countries 1989 13‘9“ and 3'“ therefore more 1' m ”an? i ‘ _. .- I up three duttvi lldfi‘ mntaining ~.:.'.‘ ‘; -.

the opportunitv to come study here. mature. b99359 the” educatonal ,4 W r7, -';».~;';"".'f}_. more than 21:: pitiillds I” igiicaine ' , .. f: '. . .V f

' system is different and more selec- ‘ a“. " . _ « ,3! hanging lrUlli a parachute in the ~ 17 - - L“ e
‘ tive.“hesaid , y if ' "I" . . north Georgia woods Markings on .'\ ‘ ‘ ’
Marc Heckmann and Tamina "4 * - . :J . , l I the cocaine i)ulltllt)> linked it to V . ‘ i i "

Brinkschmidt who were chosen in Of his year in (iermany. Steilberg .' Thornton \ \hiww, .. ‘1 . y -. H ;

Germany lahl year, Wl“ spend a said the "experience was very posi- ~ “'- 1- ‘- 5 .‘, -

year at l'K. taking general studies tive in my college career and in my _ p" i r N .w M ,. . f . - _' ‘ i. _

classes this fall to become better life. As a matter of fact. I am think- ‘ Chififlo‘nllfifl 3:...“\ugxliipufigiz g: ‘ ' . V ‘
oriented to the L'niversity before en- ing about returning ito Heidelbergl " ’ _ L I (p Imp ‘ d p - . - ‘.- 5 .'
- . - ~ . - - its the crashed inlll't‘nfllnt’ (essna .. . .