xt747d2q802v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q802v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1977-11-16 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1977 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 16, 1977 1977 1977-11-16 2020 true xt747d2q802v section xt747d2q802v  

Volume LXIX. Number 64
Wednesday. November 16. 1977



(Ill independent student newspaper




University of Kentucky
Lexington. Kentucky

Code revision gets no response today—~

Kernel Staff Writer

For the second year in a row UK
students are showing no interest in
revising the Code of Student Con-
duct, according to Academic Om-
budsman Frank Buck and Dean of
Students Joe Burch.

Both officials are members of the
Student Code Revision Committee, a
panel created to evaluate revision
proposals and present them to the

Board of Trustees. No suggestions
for FCVISIORS have been submitted
this year, though.

Student Government President
Jim Newberry said “I think first
there‘s a general apathy or in-
difference to the code. and because
of that students are not interested in
making changes. Plus students are
pretty well satisfied with the code."

"Those who come in contact with
the Student (,‘ode haven‘t felt un-
fairly treated. . . we don‘t

discipline that many students
without having the facts straight,“
said Rurch.

Another reason for student silence,
added Hurcb, is that "basically it
(the code) works well. is fair, and
students perceive it as such so it‘s
not an issue."

The number of code violations have
not increased over the past few
years said Rurcli. Disciplinary
action was taken against :34 students
last year, he said. ”This is the

Acid-filled train derails;
2,500 persons evacuated

LOUISVILLE. lAl’l —Ab0ut 2.500
people were evacuated from a section
of western Louisville for about 11.:
hours yesterday while two derailed
tank cars containing over 30,000
gallons of a highly toxic chemical
were upriglited, poice said.

“The cars are upright and stable."
a police spokesman said. “the fire
officials are satisfied that the im»
mediate danger is over.”

Originally, police said the
evacuated area. mostly to the north
of the derailment site, would be
sealed off between 7 am. EST
yesterday and ti am. today and that
anyone found there then would be
subject to arrest.

But the Illinois (‘entral Gulf
railroad tanker cars were restored
to the tracks sooner than expected
and police began allowing the
evacuees to return to their homes at
around 8-3!) pm

None of the chemical. hydrocyanic


acid. leaked from either car during
the upriglitiiig operation, police
said. Each car. as well as a third
that derailed but had been uprighted
before the evacuation began, was
ftill and contained about 11,001)
gallons of acid. officials said.

Police said most of the evacuees
lived in the eight-block by eight
block area. which one spokesman
described as So percent industrial.
Factories and businesses in the area
already had closed for the day when
the evacuation began. the
spokesman said.

There was no indication that the
chemical. liydrocyanic acid. also
called prussic acid. was leaking
from either of the cars. police and
Illinois (‘entral officials said.

An official with Louisville General
Hospital called liydrocyanic acid
“deadly” when it combines with
oxygen to form hydrogen cyanide


to begin improving
freshman experience

By (ill. LAWSON
Kernel Reporter

A recent progress report from the
Commission on the Freshman Year
shows that certain proposals,
resulting from a report published in
August 1976, have begun to be im-

One such proposal. designed to
increase student-teacher in-
teraction, is the Freshmen Seminars
series. Available to all freshmen, the
seminars have been established this
year to provide opportunities bet-
ween students and their instructors
in a small-group situation.

According to Dr. Lewis Cochran,
vice president for academic affairs,
and Robert Zumwinkle, vice

president for student affairs. the
seminar program has had limited
success. however.

Dr. Robert Chapman. assistant to
the academic affairs vice president.
explains this by saying most fresh
men are too busy trying to fulfill
their academic requirements to take
part in the seminars.

Another innovation this past
summer was the advising con-
ference which lasted two days in-
stead of the usual one day. Students
spent the night in dorms, and were
given more time to meet faculty
members and visit their individual

Chapman said students and
parents gave a favorable evaluation

('ontiuued on back page


.\cting niayor (‘rciglitoii .\Icrslion
said officials were approaching the
derailment and the uprighting
opt-rations \tllll "an abundance of
caution ”

Signs on the tank cars read:
“I’tllStiN (HS This car contains
llydrocyaiiic acid. Liquefied. .\

poison . . . and \ l’laminablc
I’lnl Hogan. si-iiioi production

supervisor for I‘ll Ilul'oiil dc
.\ctnours iv (‘o in .\lt'lllplll\. Tenn.
which produced the chemical. \ttltl
the derailed tankers “are heavily
constructed cars built like a tank

\\ ith an outer shell and a thick inner
shell. The cars are pressurized,
keeping the contents liouid."

Firemen and train crew members
on the scene appeared unconcerned.
One said. "If it hasn't leaked yet, it‘s
not going to."

t'oiitiiiucd on back page

second straight year marijuana
offenses were the largest violations
in iitiiiiber.” Twenty four of the
offenses were for marijuana, 13 for
theft and various other offenses such
as drunkenness.

. 'I‘lic Iieaii‘s office acts mainly in a
counseling role; depending upon the
situation, some student offenders
are not officially disciplined. said

Violations such as improper use of
student ms for football games
result in special punishments. Rurcli
said “We catch an average of 20740
per game. and if the II) is in-
tentioiially used improperly we
penalize the student," either pun~
cliing out one other football game,
the whole season. or a basketball

The Student ('ode went into
operation in tuna and has undergone

Library evacuated after I

third fire th

.\I I. King Library was
evacuated at at out i; p in.
yesterday lit‘t'illle' ot a tire iii a
trash can. the third such fire
flit-re iii the last llltllllll.

.\lartliu (‘rabtri-c. an employee.
look the indial action of pulling
lllt' .iIarIii. \iliicli warned the
approximately Jo persons who
were in the library at the time By
the time tirenicii arrived. the fire
had been extinguished by eni-
ployce ('barley Ilcllcbuscli.

'l'lic library‘s three recent fires
had two things in ('OltllllOll' they


- -- . a, stint. twwasmmvtwdwtwtwhuzm ' vhf-v "~ .. - ‘

minor revisions. especially in the
last 6-7 years: one year the only
modification was one of gender~
changing all the ‘he' and ‘him‘s‘ to
‘tlic studeiit'.

Another revision was the end of
the judicial appointment policy and
use of the random assignment
lttt‘lllOd for selecting officials for the
Judicial Review Board, which
decide alleged code violations.

The Revision Committee is
chaired by Zumwinkle, and is
composed of ti members including
faculty members, Burch, Ruck, an
attorney, and several students.
.\chberry said a meeting at the end
of November was likely to evaluate
proposals and present recom-
mendations to UK President Otis
Singlctary and the Board of Trustees
in the spring.

' l

is month

were all trash can fires, and they
took place in a women's
hatlirooiii The first and third
tircs occurred on the first floor.
The second was in the basement.

Major (ill. (‘ook of the
Lexington Fire Department said
the fires arc under investigation.
“We have also had these unex-
plained fires." he said, “in the
Slia'wncetown area. These, too.
are under investigation."

.\t this time. it is unknown if
any of these tires are related,
(‘ook said


to the kilt

'l‘lic regimental hand of Her
\lajesty‘s Grenadier (iiiards and
Her .\lajesty‘s Scots Guards ap-
peared in .\lemorial t‘oliseum last
night. courtesy of the (‘cntral
Kentucky (‘oucert and Lecture
Series. The guards are touring
.\iiicrica this tall. as I977 marks the
Silycr .lnhilec of the reign of Queen
Elizabeth II. .\t left. the leader of the.
tirenatlier Guards is spotlighted.
“llllt‘ in photo above. a group of
t.',ll:|l'(l\llll‘ll march.

, ~l'liotos by llill Right


TIIE SllAll OI-‘ IRAN was greeted at
the White House by a 2t-gun salute and
the sting of tear gas yesterday as rival
groups clashed near the presidential
gates in the capital‘s largest and
bloodiest street protest since the end of
the Vietnam war.

The president, his wife, the Shah and
Empress Farah forged coolly through
formal welcoming ceremonies on the
south lawn of the White House while
police fought demonstrators with tear
gas on the Ellipse nearby.

Carter apologized for the “temporary
air pollution“ as he and the Shah
dabbed at their eyes while exchanging
words of greeting and friendship.

A dozen persons were arrested, two
for assaulting a police officer and the
others for disorderly conduct. Most of
the injuries did not appear serious.

Ky.. says he has not decided whether to
run for Kentucky governor in 1979, but
he will seek a third term as lst District

The Mayfield Democrat told a break-
fast fund-raiser Monday in Washington
that “I'm still seriously considering
running for governor in 1979."


UNION is embattled on two fronts in
Kentucky this week, with non-union
miners apparently preparing to operate
the strike-bound Justus mine at Stearns
and bargaining challenges coming to a
vote in Harlan County.

About 19 miners entered the Justus
mine Tuesday, said Paul Fortiiey,
press secretary to UMW President
Arnold Miller. It would take 20 to 25
miners to operate the mine, he said.

CHILDREN to Christian schools in
Kentucky won a round in court
yesterday in their fight against the
state‘s accreditation powers.

Franklin Circuit Judge Henry Meigs
continued a temporary restraining
order blocking the state from
prosecuting parents of children in
nonaccredited Christian schools
schools for truancy law violations.

Meigs set a trial April 17 to determine
the basic issue of the state's authority
over ,privte. church-related schools.


members of the cast of Oh ! Calcutta
have filed a motion to dismiss charges
of indecent exposure on the grounds the
ordinance was previously held un-
constitutional in Fayette Qarterly
Court here.


Menahem Begin formally invited
Anwar Sadat to Israel yesterday in
response to the Egyptian president’s
offer to make such a trip.

ln Cairo, Sadat called the proposed
visit, which would break the Arab taboo
against any leader visiting Israel, a
“sacred duty."

born yesterday to Princess Anne,
giving Queen Elizabeth II her first
grandchild and crowning the queen's
Silver Jubilee year. But the royal baby,
born a commoner, will be known just as
Master Phillip.

The radiant grandmother drove to St.
Mary‘s Hospital in west London
Tuesday night for a glimpse of her
grandson. A crowd gathered at the
hospital and cheered the queen. who
waved from the steps as she entered
through two lines of policemen.


Increasing cloudiness with an 00
percent chance of rain today and
tonight, high near 60. The low tonight
will be near 40, with skies beginning to
clear tomorrow, highs in the 503.

Compiled from Associated Pros:

and National Weather Service







editorials 8: comments

w News am (his! Photon-Di" Ce" Idlers
be m sienna Durham Bill Kight
Judith unless
laugh. m Meet-to Idler Ether Lynn rm
M Gabrtel Harte Ills-hell David lllbbltts Betsy Pearce
Phil Rutledge
Martel use. Stet! Artist Ans utter
Joe Ker-p Milton lulsle norms Clark



From independence to dependence

Radicals are part of the soCial galaxy

WASHINGTON—They were the
vanguard of an army that never
formed. These were the hip radicals
of seven or eight years ago who
dropped out of the line of the anti-
war march and curved away for
Mendacino in northern California,
for Vermont and for other not only
rural, but rugged places.

A number of the first arrivals have
held on these past years, bunched in
their improbable retreats, not even
the object of where-arethey-now
type media attention.

But a report from Jacqueline
Mitchell. a counter-culturist, a self-
exile from Reno. Nev, to coastal
Maine, tells us what happened to
those who had the once well-
publicized dream of establishing a
different way of life.

Beginning to wonder

“We are just beginning to notice
that we are well into our 30s. And
rather than being the heralds of a
new lifestyle to which clusters of
bright, post-industrial apprentices
are drawn we seem to be a social
phenomenon peculiar to our own
generatioon," she writes in the

October issue of Maine magazine.

“Our children—the Lamaze
babies born to the Original Hippies
and the Original Activists—are just
now entering their adolescense and
we’re wonderimg if the whole earth
assumptions will apply to their
futures any better than those we
inherited from our parents."

The most successful or at least
longest-lived forms of counter-
culture utopianism in the American
past—not counting the Pilgrims
themselves—were the groups like
the Amish, the Mormons and the
Shakers who developed an economic
base which allowed them the
material minimum necessary to live
their creeds.

These practioners of Country Cool,
as Mitchell calls it, came with few
ways of sustaining themselves.
“Some have become skilled crafters
eking out scant livelihoods. A few
have joined the ivy-league
professionals who out-compete local
bureaucrats for administrative
salaries in Maine’s internal ‘human
services,”‘ writes Mitchell, who
arrived in 1971 with her husband and
two daughters, now seven and 10.

At first the family survived on her

$230 a month teaching fellowship;
then for awhile there were VISTA
jobs. “What we did was to learn to
write grants and create salaries,"
she says.

Many of these folks shared with
the more rightwardly inclined a
manful desire to escape the scaf-
folding of big organizational society,
so it must be with a sympathetic

are even supporting those former
youths who used to urinate on the
steps of federal courthouses.

Meathead largesse, maybe, but it
has worked out better, it Would seem
that in West Germany where
yesterday's radical politics in
today’s profitless outlawry.

Our way is not conducive of the
great things these people once in-


Nicholos Von Hoffmon


wistfulness that we read, “After a
decade of oddjobbing, mostly in the
social services subsidized by federal
funding, we are now beginning to
square off with having to earn a
living just like everybody else... nor
will our relative poverty stop being a
nervous irritant as the 705 move us
inextricably towards the
vulnerabilities of our middle lives
and away from the immunities of
our early lives."

Some will read these words and
say that they show what a generous,
fat—hearted people we are; we take
care of everybody; the taxpayers

Many fans show disrespeCt
through illegal parking


Recently, the residents of
Cooperstown were issued a warning
from the UK Public Safety Office
relating to the illegal parking of


bicycles, tricycles, big wheels, etc.,
on polls, railings or in hallways, that
they would be removed.

My complaint is very simple;
possibly shared by many.

How can the UK Public Safety
office issue such a warning when, in
fact. they only enforce the parking
laws when it is most important? I
am referring, of course, to the
hundreds of people who illegally
park their vehicles during UK
football games.

My observation is that these
football fans have no respect for the
students who attend UK and also no
‘espect for University-owned

Student parking lots are clearly
marked and designated. Also,



numerous signs are posted in-
dicating that these lots are patrolled
24 hours and supposedly parking
rules are enforced during this time.
The football fans arrive hours before
the game starts and the situation
that results is often that students are
not able to park in their own lots.

On several occasions I have eye~
witnessed destructive efforts on the
part of these football fans. Parking
violations include parking on the
grass, on curbs, in front of dump-
sters, double parking, facing the
wrong direction, etc.

And, i might add these parking
violators leave the game without
being issued tickets. One parking
violator during the homecoming
game actually gathered several no
parking signs and drove off.

Where are the public safety of-
ficials? If the UK public safety of-
ficials cannot handle this large
volume of parking violators, I
believe the force must be

I might add that recently i had an
unexpected visit from an out-of-town
relative. Since the visit occurred
late at night, I planned on obtaining

a visitor‘s pass the following mor-
ning. Sure enough the next morning,
my visitor received a ticket.

I strongly feel that the UK Public
Safety Division should promptly
refund the money paid for this
ticket. Also, I believe that anyone
who has received a ticket for
parking violation or tow charge
should request in writing from the
UK Public Safety Office, 305 Euclid
Ave., a full refund for money paid.

This action is necessary since it is
a fact that UK Public Safety officials
only arbitrarily enforce the parking

Perhaps a good solution would be
to devote more time to serious
violators like the ones that occur
during the football games and
spending less time on minor rules
such as the illegal parking of

By allowing these football fans to
escape paying the small parking fee
and allowing them the privilege of
parking in student lots, the UK
Public Safety force becomes a mere

Jane Schnelle is a freshman and a
Cooperstown resident.





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