xt747d2q7x3t https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q7x3t/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1929 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, April 1929 Vol.1 No.3 text The Kentucky Press, April 1929 Vol.1 No.3 1929 1929 2019 true xt747d2q7x3t section xt747d2q7x3t . _ ._ ‘ i .__,,.____=r._ ~‘q
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0f, By, And For The Kentucky Newspapers 33
Volume 0110 APRIL, 1929 Number Three 3 l3
._ . ,.., ,,., .., r . .,_, ._ v- a. .wv - .,,..,. 4n.- ._,,,_A , “a. _ 3 g
on l0 ASi-iiiiil’ For rennet-we Hens unueanced SIMPLE cosr FINDING i i
T i
“— 'l‘cntativc plans for the annual prize “— 1 . E3
Eastern City Makes Attractive QWSIMXCY loglteltt 0f] ”If: Illientu‘t‘fiy Tabulated Figures Give Easy 3 ' l
, _ _. u li‘css ssocm ion ‘0 )0 rec at e '
l ”‘18 for. Vlblm‘s Ashland mid~sunimcr meeting are Methgds t0_ Fmd Hour . gt
.h-ntmfttimmcnt herewith announced, subject to change. I reduction COSt I .333
———— This contest is open only to members M- 3 333
(By J_ T. Norris) of the association. 3I‘lic contests Will‘be As was foretold in the March issue, ,-.3
All Ashland was elated on Friday. the some as last year With the addition we are giving a short article on the .3
March 31’ when the news that the 0113. new classrfication as announced subject of cost finding for the hour . 3333
Kentucky Press Association is to mcct ”cf“? 33 , 3 1 A , 3. cost many till-:0 theirs from hour cost ' 33
in that city in June was received. The “PM?“ 10"““59‘112 W1“ ”.9 Elven the finding of typographical unions or l i
decision was made by a unanimous “T331131?” 9f first piacc'. Wlth a cash other sources Wthh have made an cx- 3‘ 2
vote of members of the executive com— afm’dv to the Wll'lllClS. Final almfmnce- tended study over a long period to ar- I i
mittee at the Kentucky hotel in Louis~ incnt 3""??? :30 made 1.11“” ‘May 155““? 0f rive at a legitimate and adequate fig- 3 ]
villc on that day. Immediately. prcp- the $19”? PRC (1354.510115 We All-mound UFO. 3 l
nmtions for a series of entertainments 12337?" CRJFCCEL: 1' “ERIEEC contcst, and It is DOt hard to arrive at a basis for .
that would make the Kentucky ncws- I??? 113011013“ 31mm t0, “me “119‘? the hour cost of production in your ‘ r;
paper than and women want to rc- 50"EC*;"S 'z‘hcraslicd 3‘30 Smelt 131313391} own plant if you follow a few simple .3 3 3
turn frequently was begun by B. F. “shim" 3390101118 to ”he followmg 109‘ rules and kccp an accurate check on 3 ;!
Forgey and J. T. Norris of the Aslilztnd u “10‘“;- your expenditures .and overhead costs. 3 .
Independent, in cooperation. with the . Ail~Amund Paper Howcvcr, the majority of newspaper 1.3 Y.
Ashlanrl Chamber of Commerce and Eutrant to select two issues, one publishers make a guess, sometimes i :3;
other civic bodies. published flinging cinch} oat-avgzgnoiiths, lvery (1:1de as to Vzhattitemsushould
. _ ,, .. A, t . i _ January. 92... Zinc. prl, l . rum *0 incu c in a cos sys em, 0 men go .3
ccfggeplcgivliilirilttcae: (gitlhilt‘éd 383152; (a; which one copy will be selected for the by tho “hit and miss” method that ‘ j
incctinn' is. so arranged as to admit entry. ' 905$ $051255)?” EVGI‘Y day the plant , i
‘ n- 0., l: a enterminmcnt fea— First Page Ccilteset 1‘3 c . ' ' . . t
3111;}? gcgigtl-ibatfgn will begin on the Entrant to select fOUI‘ iSSUGS‘ tWO 1111c sfcrct‘of arrivmg atancccurate ; $33
cvcninar of Thursday, June 13, at the from publications fI‘OE‘fl 03011 0f the 19].”? 1" found 1‘1 the follctI/ing‘plan 3 3%}
chryVClny 1101313 Ashland’s new, up» two inonlhs of February. 1929, and 3113031 1331i DIOV‘CD successfu fOI the i 3331
to—thc-niinutc hostclry, completed one AiJF'iL 1929. from which best first page g’m-ll- licilcpapfiei office and commun- l $33
rear am. The opening session will be Will hi3 sclcctcd for the entry. "by ‘}]€"V°pa'pel°‘ Fowl? the tabulated ' gzi
‘ -" c a y, M {a r h , figures that appear With this article. 1, egg
hold in the bull loom of thc hullly ltd Elllnfiliitl chums» ”Wm“ li'vnrcs ‘ve‘c civen by a Wiscon— 3
Clay at 7:30. B. F. Foi‘gcy, president of Euti‘cnt to select one editorial pub— 51;“131311’?‘ 5.3301”) Aof Uaveragn size with 3 3
the Independent, will deliver the ad- lisi'ud in any issue of his paper ’00— iicccssvy type furniture Va cylinder l 3
dress of welcome. The response will be tween the dates of May 20. 1928, and “35' ‘a‘ alaten revs and yall necessar i
made by some member representing 3133231339. i‘ fil' 1. l"- p ”' t . I wry 3.
the Kentucky Press Association. A prize will be awarded in a new ”,rfl” mac Inlay—a ypica, aveiaoe i H
_. . . . . ,. . . . community newspaper plant. _ . 1- i
To Visit Steel Ming diViSion this year which Will be a _ 7. _ 3 3 33 3.3 1
After this brief opening session, the feature of succeeding contests. This illffhmeli (1:128? F100? Sp”? . 3 g; 3
editors, their wives and other guests award will be called. “Community {Owe not: “a he mac me.” 15 3 ‘
will be taken in automobiles to the SON/109” 311d 15 Ell/€11 in I'BCOEllithH 0f C{}w1§9‘}_ fioorf space, then such items i
plant of the American Rolling Mill the splendid service that many of our “5 13“?“ $7891} 31g“: andhpowel are .;.
Company in lowcr Ashlund, where 133339111 3‘10 giVng their community. 933.5631 again" thf: nfiag: ine accord- ‘S l
more than thirty—three hundred men ROD-cl the following rules and explana— “"3133 ‘9 Page“ age 0 {$15933 00‘ 1 3; 3
are employed in making sheet stccl by tion'i carefully and then send in your 91113193“? 3115 _ inf“ 991‘“ a e c ‘arge. 31;; 3
the newest and most modern method entries. The geneial expcnscus also ”(Kama 1 . 3‘,
known to man. The trip through this The Kentucky Press Association has 35 zhi 59281.21] other item: tot e per- 3 3: 3
mill, under escort of experts who will f9? its ObJ'SCt the further development ccnaoc‘ 9 .invcs 1:191) ' T e account so 3 [>1 i
conduct the visitors in small group'; of Kentucky along economic and social changes 15 indicatcd on the chart. ;.
and explain every 131-0093; 1;, one of lines, and realizing that it state-wide P1F3§et¥10te $113th evgryoitem carg‘ies a 3 llq
the most interesting features oi‘ the development is impossible Without. the 519928012‘ 10“ C 3185‘ 0 1t per cen ff?“ i 5&3 3
entire entertainment plan. This special maceration of the local communities. “a?" type Flt _25f 1’51 9,9“ ), and an m“ ' i;
continuous process for the making of the newspapers have been asked to “3135‘; on mlesimeflt Qharge 0f 59”.“ lit l
shoot steel is spectacular in the ex- lead the way and the Kentucky news— DC} “cm“- In.°th°‘_ W01‘d5'the “05‘; 15
treine and is thé most rapid process in paper that SSI‘VES best in this I‘GSDECt fiéunld on thls n.8W5p3‘mr plant exact— . .5 1
the world. The entire course of the iii to be handsomely rewarded. If?“ a modern industrial Pm.“ would if
metal from pig iron to finished sulo- Rules Al”: Few .113”? on an‘ hour “051; has”: 'SUCh 3|‘
mobile body steel will be followed. The rules governing the contest are It??? as rollers, and other incldentals 3 3"
. Friday morning. the business session Very few. In fact about all a Kentucky l’vlllllent to a certain (16133131111161? are , :3, 3
will convene in the ball room of the newspaper has to do ‘30 participate in changed accoidingly. The he“? gen- 33 .
Henry Clay at9130. The proposed plan the contest is to lay aside the issues 313311 ‘expense IHCIUdeS the office; fur- 3- :2 3
for auditing the circulations of weekly containing information regarding a. WP”? 3.1151 fixtures, and administra- f 33 1
papers will be discussed, both pro and community . enterprise that‘ has been tive affairs. . 3: [.5 3
con. Secretary J. c, Alcock, of Danville. helped across by the support of the In explanation of the chart, the top ;; 3 2
plans to secure a speaker from the paper through its news columns and line carries the total investment of the ‘ I: 1
Audit Bureau of Circulations to ex- see that these copics are transmitted plant according to the yearly invoice :
plain this subject in its entirety and it . in a well wrapped package. Some news- (how many make a yearly invoice?). 3 3
(Please Turn to Page Five) (Please Turn to Page Five) (Please Turn to Page Four) 3 3 3
ii . ;

 4 I ‘4,- 44 I
4i 1 , .
4» i 4 =
.‘: 4
4 work in the back room. Inasmuch as 4
4 T H E K E N T U C K Y P R E S S the building in which the Courier is. 4
4 4 located has been built especially for a f
-————————-— newspaper office, the back room is ex- 4 4
' 4 . 4 4 . . . ceptionally well lighted. 4
4 Official Publication of the Kentucky Press Assocratlon The press room of the Courier office 4
' '4 4 —____.___.-__ is in the basement of the building. It, '
4 4 . too, is lighted and clean and a clean— 4
, 4 . VICTOR R. PORTMANN, Editor-m-Chief up hour is a regular part of the work 4
' 4 4 —————_———-—-— following the printing of the weekly ,
4 4 4 Published by The Kernel Press, University of Kentucky, Lexington issue Of his paper. 4'
. i 4 ’
i i ————-————— 4 4
4 4 !k v at 4:
44 - 4 Application Pending for Entry as Second Class Matter Warren D. Leary,"T4he Rice _Lake 5
4' 4 __4_4_ (Wis) Chronotype: Selling advertising
4 4 ___________________—~._ "' ' — in your paper to the kind who does not 4
4 i 4 PRESS ASSOCIATION OFFICERS advertise at all but succeeds in busi- ,
! J. M. Allen, Cynthiana Democrat, President ness, calls for use of every argument
- 4 4 4 on can summon. 4
4 44 4 J. Herndon Evans, Pineville Sun, Vice-President y When I first began selling advertis—
4 4 4 Joe '1‘. Lovett, Murray Ledger-Times, Chm. Ex. Committee ilgatle giififlégfisitggrggégdgge 35133;
4 4 J. Curtis Alcock. Danville-Messenger, Secretary-Treasurer BVrigley’s success with a 5c article of i
4.‘ ,4 ' ______ merchandise; the one about the angry
5114' 4 DEATH OF WILSON P. HOGARD pondence. The percentage of such several hours at4the tailor shop With
4 4 papers is small, yet far too large. And the boss’ only pair of trousers and got
4 , 4 AS we 80 to press, we learn 0f the it is these papers that are doing all CUfied. whereupon the boy, retaliating. :
4 7 4 death 01 Wilson P' Hogard, editor of the harm,—and hindering the effeort changed a .1 "10h ad to a page; the ‘
' 4; ,1: 4 the Crittenden Press, _Marion, at at?” that is being made to bring the news- b055, hurrying t0 the office 45° beat
44 4.4 4 ducah hospital followmg an opera 1:04:41. paper profession to its proper plane. the sheriff, found his shop thronged :
44 1'4 4 This news comes atsha all: It“ if 00 0 These publishers will not answer a with clients and so started on his first 4
' 4‘ $34 4 the members] 0f e l enluc gibgtegi business letter, 0 pray any attention to m1111°n1 etc. . 1
:44 4: 4 who knew W Stimtias a 031a meublisher their correspondence. Yet if they hap- These stories have he ped to makte
4 i "44 4 the statef 84:51:00: 3“ an we}; in the pen to write for information, etc., they new advertisers, and regular ones 0“ ‘
4 .4 444. 4 0f €118 ° iell 651 “$45ng43“ smile are the first to roar when they do not 0f the occasmnals. 1. t b
4 144‘ 4 sta e. ‘lNeblN mssl at? our mseetin 5 get a return mail reply. One of the 4Thte averageh pulbisher doe; :10 te- =
‘:4 4 4 3‘1““ Vgrua e (£11358 the s mathies got. greatest advance steps that could be gin °.g“’e t e ocal adYSr snfgt llie .
‘z, 44 4 T e €155 e; x; 5k wys a rs at made. would be for every publisher to study It deserves and “’1 pro aby
' 544 44‘ 4 3;? 51:11” f be,“ uc yeti? mph/Bf: Ho- give decent, courteous, and reasonably pay out.—NPJ.
4 44 E s e o ereavem . ‘ prompt attention to business corres- ;
4 .7 4. 44 gard and the sorrowmg family. pondence. * p p
' 4 i ‘4 ‘ ,1 ‘4 They owe it to their brothers of the L- 11- Porter, instructor, Dunwoody
; : 4 4 4 craft The time is here when news— Institute, Minneapolis, tells where to -
4 .514: z A WORD TO THE WISE a er ublish 4-, d - look when there is trouble in the press
, 4,4. 4 f 1 p p p ers mus o busmess as
4 444,4 4 4 The advertising manager 0 l: arge business men, or get out of the proces- room: In press work, if the page ap- 4
4 4 44,4 4 mail order house said. We ave a sion of progress. Answer your business pears too light, check these pomts: 4
44 444 4 4 ifiureaulgo readtlt‘helcogntghiégwsvgaggg letters promptly and courteously. Cuts or plates may be too high, rollers
44 ;l 4 ram a 01:76: tlse argerGhants are not Common decency demands a marked “947 properly set, not enough packing -
4 4 4444 4 a own w e e 1 4 improvement along this line. on the cylinder—the latter should be 4
4 4. 4. > advertising in the local paper, we im- packed about one sheet (.003 m.) high-
4 ; ‘44 4 mediately flood the territory With 1113- a o a er than the cylinder bearers; cylinder _
‘4 4,4 4 erature. It always brings “35111455 far bearer not riding the bed bearers hard
44 3‘ ‘ 4 in rifcess 01: thetl‘famle effort 13111145 14? LET’S CLEAN HOUSE enough.
44 ,. 4.4 ter ory w ere e oca merc an s The first im ression is alwa s 1 t- Too much impression: Cuts and
4 ‘I 4} 4 use their local paper.”—0regon Press. ing. This stateriJnent works outyin atshe plates not built to proper height; type '
4 4 Show this article to your advertisers. newspaper business as well as in any high is .918 inch; bed bearer not prop- -4
4 4 .44 4 other. That’s Why it behooves the er height, should measure .917 inch or E
4 3 4 4 ° ’ ' country editor to run an orderly shop, never mom; than "913 (gr less tlhan ‘91?
4 i g SEND IN TEAR SHEETS and pay especial attention to the ap- Wifngf‘a 8“: 4‘56 f? P“ mg CY '
4 3 4 4 A clipping of an ad does not take pearance of the front office where vis- “‘45“; may ‘i °°Vs° ' . m t.
2 3 the place of a checking copy or tear itors, subscribers and advertisers are or] ups. 'mlpiapgrt J44; 1m“ afion, '
4, ‘ , 5 sheet and is not satisfactory evidence received. poor s ugs,qu01n 0° e 00 g 1 orm
4 4 f . ti f th r on that it 4 improperly underlaid, column rules 4
4 4- 4 o msei' on 01' e 835 That is the opinion of E. A. Silfles of wrong, “spring" in form. :
44 4 4, may be made from any paper. Person- the Clark County Courier at Clark, S. Ink distribution: Ink should be suit—
1 4 31le we dont need anything b“ Nn- D. Mr. Silfies’ office is certainly an in- able for the paper, fountain in good :
4 v ”1095 because we are sure no ‘3‘ Vitatlon to anyone who may enter. It condition and properly set. The foun-
4 4 braska publisher will bill us for4serv108 is clean, orderly, well-lighted and has tain roller should be true and the .
,= j; _ 4 not given. Bill? other 1'0““ dont know a couple of chairs where visitors may fountain blade free of dirt or dry ink.
4 4 4 you as we d0, 50 if PTOOf is required be sit down to chat a while with the edi- Make sure there is no buckle in the .
4 4,44 4 sure to Stend 81:1 anilplefe CODY Off *4le tor and give him news items or ex— blade after setting. When setting the *4
4 , 4 sheet. A gr s ee 15 a ways pge ege . plain 4.40 him how they would like their fountain have the duct roller against _
4 4, gear :éiee thare use essh agugf thu ess advertising set. Furthermore, his desk the fountain roller. Start adJusting the 4
4 . . , ey ar e runn ng e o e pa- is m a class by itself comared with fountain screws in the center and work 5,
44 4 4 4 per and date line—Ole Buck, in The many country newspaper office desks. toward the ends. Never cut the ink en- 4
44 j, a 4 4 Nebraska Press It is not littered with papers or ledgers. “9813’ °ff “any Pa” 0‘ the “351mm“
4 4 . ,, . Furthermore, it is separated from the tam roller. ,
4 4 back shop. Pagbes offset: Causes: (1) short run _
- 4 4 . and acked up before the ink has a }
4 , , 4 03%?fiig ggfinnlfiemglvm He 81111311351265 the fact that such an chance to set. (2) Fountain not prop- '4
4 4 4 e news- arrangement more than pays for itself 1 ’
, 4 4 , h in bsol ery set. (3) Static. (4) Press feeder ~.
.4 . 4, paper c a , is the a ute disregard in the time that it saves. Now people who cannot keep the press running -
4 4 4 4 on the part of many publishers to give who enter the shop seldom interrupt steadily. (5) Slur. (6) Ink not suited
4 4 44 decent courtesy to business corres- the labors of compositors who are at. to paper.—NPJ. 4
, : “4'54 4. 14
, 4 4 §:‘: 1 . I». .-. .g .- ' V:

N E A President built for envelopes and package goods. CEMENTING NEWWSPAPER WITH ‘ll
. - 0 Subscription records and Job records BUSINESS 0]“ COMMUNITY 3 1‘
- ' ' are kept in a card index in a fire proo -——- -‘» ,
GIVCS Many HlntS cabinet with steel drawers built to fit Miss Iris Hart, manager The Ips- -‘ l

, our special needs. Wich (S. D.) Tribune, conducted a fel- i

Tear sheets and invoices are mailed lowship dinner for local business men »

li r he ers to advertisers in manila envelopes. and county officials, designed to ce-
(AErizngEililiréléiaaubpigderfi Ngfinal As we found that these bulky letters ment the newspaper and printing bus- '
Editorial Association, 1923-29: While sometimes came unsealed, we now iness with the local business institu- J
visiting an a Pullman with Editor John paste a strip of adhesive tape across tions. (The plan was started years ago 1
Meyer of The Printer Journalist, I the flap. As this is our regular sealing by the late Editor Trace of The Trib- 5
chanced to mention some things we do tape, with our advertisement on it, it line.) A banker told of concrete ex- g
in the office of the Rogers Democrat, helps identify the letter even though amples of profitable advertising in , g
and he asked me to put them in writ- the return address should be obliter- newspapers by banks. ‘
ing. Maybe you do them a better way— ated. , , Field Manager Charles McCaflree . E l
I hope so. But to make good on my Subscriptions at the desk are taken made these pomts: The newspaper is g!
promise, here goes: down on either green or yellow blanks. the nucleus of the community; it gives a i

What books should a country editor A green blank means that it must go the most favorable approach to the 3 I
have on his desk? Here is what is on back to the mailing department for a audience; advertising is a direct selling :1
a 3-foot shelf within my reach at all permanent address; a yellow blank, force; people show more confidence in ‘
times: Standard dictionary' Postal that it is to be written, and is ior printed selling arguments than in oral; ,
Guide' World Almanac for’ current either a single issue or for a period the local paper, properly conducted is i
year- ’the last acts of Arkansas legis- that does not justify placing on the a medium not approached in eflective- l
latur'e' last Congressional Directory- mailing galleys. 11655 by any other method of adver- it
last report of Secretary of State of We use a large sheet each. month on tising.—NPJ. ‘
sizz- egeeeeee,y,3 new 31.315222 2*: 22: reissues; ———— l
a con ense IS cry 0 m e a es; . . If you are having trouble translat-

Radder’s Newspaper Make-up .and SfeitSDteeiiigl If:Dalila-slugole1 a; $1325; {1:39:22 ing the copy from your rural corres- -
Headlines; a type foundry Spemmen will be required1 that week and how pondents, try this: Instead of fumish- 2!
book; Blanchards Essentials 0f Ad‘ much or how little copy will,be needed. ing plain paper on which to send in

vertising. . A special card is used for a record the news, furnish ruled paper with a a:
thTEerehmfi’} be °c€§51°na§ :11: anges ib ut of the work of each country corres- space provided at the WP Of the sheet. E
Tiger: is: refillioolfggs: in itshgn‘cil‘ifrilcge pondent and a glance will show jug; for name Of neighborhood, name of $3
with a little of everythin and more how often they have written during writer, and date. On the back of the $3
at the house with mostg’everything the entire year; and it also carries a sheet, print in 72-point type across the

but 9 out of 10 queries that come to record of the stamps furnished the page, “Do not use this side." i
the editorial desk are answered from C°rfsp°§d§§tghélfgc§f£3 ofifi‘éfi‘fé’é’ W E
above the Mt Elsavlvcerlll a: post office is contained iii Editor Bowmar 0f the Woodforrl 2|

On the first week or each year, The this very simple and handy record. Sun, Versailles, defends the 9-column. E
Democrat publishes f1 review 0f the Our galley rack is an invention by “blanket size’ o'f his paper in the fol-
§ear Just closed, wihlch runs_four or father many years ago. It carries 50 lowing article:
ve columns. These yearly reViews are single’galleys and does not occupy 3, “Some people no doubt wonder why ;
pasted in a small book and are always space more than 36 inches square. It we stick to the old style “blanket
within reach to refresh'the mind as to was built of two upright timbers sol- sheet” of four large pages, instead of 3
dates 0f past happenings, .and they idly braced with splanting iron brack- using the smaller form, With eight 1 V?
quickly settle many a local dispute. ets on both, sides each bracket holding pages, which is now almost universal ' ‘fl

Our display window always shows a two single galleys. It is a space saver among weeklies 0f Kentucky. A5 a , {l
CODY 0f the last issue of The Demo— and I ought to get it patented. matter of fact, we haven’t “stuck to it." . 3,:
crat—and the first copy Off the press We bought regulation drying shelves, We went back to it a number Cf years ii
goes there. It attracts more attention and then had the carpenter build a ago, after using the eight page size for g
than the big Slgn across the entire case open at the front and closed at years. . i,
front of our building. and has more sides and back in which the racks “It is all right to take the city dailies
than tripled sales across the counter. slide That protected the jobs from apart, one member of the family read- é;
It hangs at any easy height to be read dust'and from the wind as it stands ing one sheet and one another. Prob- ,i
by the passer'by- And, they do 5‘09 between two windows ’that caused ably no one reads any issue of a daily
and read it. Someone is there at all trouble in the summer time. paper through. But the subscribers to a .‘
times of the day. As our slogan is “The paper That Is community weekly usually have a per- é‘i

Our desk in the front office is 12 Always Well Printed,” naturally we use sonal interest in everything it contains, “3

- feet long by 42 inches high (we took a trimmer through which all cuts must and they want to read it all. Also, they i
the height from the postoffice desks), go to insure their not being over type- like to find things in the same place -9
and most of the business of the office high; a router that cleans up the mats every time. Very few weeklies print all ,
goes over its top. A steel cabinet in cast in our own office, etc. the pages at once, like a daily. and ,
one end contains our legal blank sup— Our waste paper box is on casters, their news frequently gets scattered. 5
ply : sliding doors protect shelves as is the slug dump, and it saves a lot You have to look for the same classifl- 3
where job work is ready for delivery of work when they are to be moved. cations in‘ diflerent places. The Sun is it

_ is placed; open shelves furnish room A well-equipped, well arranged oflice all in one piece, and you have got it all ,ii
for the current papers which are for will just about save a paper the size of when you hold it in your hand.
local sale; ofiice stationery, cash draw- The Democrat the salary of one man, “Some time ago I took some fine iéii
er, blanks, etc., occupy the remainder for two men can do the work of three. Kentucky weeklies and checked them '3’,
0f the space. You W111 find more ex— There is no loafing equipment in the against the Sun for the number of if?
pens“ and more "mammal 5195““ office it is there for strictly business different items and the variety of local :3,
butnot one where every inch 15 fully purposes and has to pay its wall—0r it news. No doubt I was a prejudiced 3:“
utilized. goes to make way for something that judge, but according to my figures, in a!

Every sheet of stock in the oflice is will pay—National Printer-Journalist. the amount of strictly local news, the 4'-
ibn dust proof cabinets; a. special card- _________ Sun beat ’em all! We concentrate 0115 Iii:
oard cabinet, each dravuer holding “ energies on the careful gat er ng, an up:
two piles of full size stock or cover S If?” you ggfcfigfdstfly 3:23 the equally careful editing, of local
paper has solved the problem of keep- co (1: manbw ?,, p y news to an extent that is, I think, not ii:
ing cardboard clean and smooth- book yeu- 8%“ us quite usual. We try to give a good l5
paper is placed on movable shelves “No; ,, birdseye view 01' general happenings, 3 'ii
that are removed and laid on the Hes still riding. but the Sun’s subscribers take it first ,i ,
floor, the paper carefully stacked in Wanted—Irish terrier pup, four of all to know what is going on in 9 2
proper position, and the shelf shoved or five months old; must be cheap. Woodford. We ‘edit’ news as laborious-
back in place; special cabinets were Sanitaray Meat Market. ly as if the Sun had a million readers." ‘

 i I. ‘,
' l. ‘ 4 sion Division in cooperation with the over several months. ‘1
i :: SIMslglslngcngsg‘s PIIE§KII)’ILli\CiVED Wisconsin Federated Printing and At the bottom of Page. 1 .we ran a l
1' i: J 1 Press Associations small display and subscriptéon blarzk, [
l i? ... . ‘ -’ .. *_ ~ s’ “i
. .. 3; .~ - - ,-. If our readers have a cost system ofieilng a 0 months ti.a1 a 25 cen s. g
l . (Continued From FHSt mg” of their own that is workable and suit- This brought good results. When they l
l 5} The item under Hand Composition in- able for a community newspaper of- began 00 tall off, we followed up with E
’1 ii eludes—type. $330.10, and furniture, fice, you are invited to pass it on to circular letters enclosing subscription :
I . l! $146. The second item the percentage your brother editors through these blink;- a return~addiess envelope and _
' l 1 j of investment, and the third line, the columns. Inquiries about the above it 00111 card. NO 1301391131 canvassmg ;
- :I I percentage of floor space occupied by system will be cheerfully answered. was done. except Wlthm the town. In E
'7 il‘ { each- department. The succeeding 14 5 months there were added some 1,800
i 1 i items are taken from the cash book for —————-——————-——— ti-iVavle 53303001062216 6 months period for E
_ 1“ ll tgfy whole year and ale self-explana— Harry B. Rutledge, Oklahoma Field 25 cents to old subscribers who paid .
T1. ‘l . Finding Monthly Cost Manager: Some publishers .do 119+“ use all arrears and a year in advance, but .-
‘l I 1‘ The item “Monthly Total" is found B-pomt, but larger sizes, In printing each subscriber was: allowed this priv- i
1 {l by dividing-the yearly total by twelve legals’ .but g‘pomt 15. the bas‘s‘ F91 11336 but once-
l . l! Added to the monthly total for each “9‘“’9me.nce m measumng legals 0f .fi‘f' Eighty percent of the trial subscrib- T
ii if department. is the direct monthly pur— V ferent SlZEd type the milowmg gives ei-s became regular. This effort includ- .
‘_ gi . 1! chases'and the pay roll giving the to— the correct number of lines to con— ed printing a serial story of the life _
l ll tal department cost. To this is added smute “ 188’” “Ware: 01’ a great American just then of con- .
l ‘L ll the general expense pro-rated among 6 pt. type—10 lines per legal square. S‘L'iming‘ interest to 011!‘ field. TYPE was ’
2‘ u: 1 ‘ , ’ .. . 8 pt. type—13 lines per legal square. : i. 1.. rinted com lete in news-
. - ‘ the several depaitments, givmg the to- . . . . . sade anc 0p p .
‘i 3‘ l tal departmental cost for the partic- 10 pt- type—16 19195 19"" 1632‘} fiqume‘ paper form. Copies were offered to all . ;
1 Th 1 ular month Dividing the departmental 12.1“: type-‘20 lines p'.” .193” mug“? new and renew. paid-in-advance sub-
‘5 1 i 1 cost by the actual working time Michigan Press Assocmtion has Just scribers.
‘| 1 ‘. expressed emphatic disapproval 0f Stoned subscription blanks were ~
.1 1. 1 (hours) charged to each department, . , 1 tth .. - one or o ,
' 1 l ;| gives the cost per chargable hour. How 13111311511913 W10 cu e plice 1“ .. . H shown to the merchants as real evi—
l ‘3 1‘ do these figures awree with your charg- another way, on legal M151 0" split dence of enlarged circulation for their
i ‘l able hour cost? DThe last two items mth lawyers.—NPJ. ' adVGI‘tiSinB‘ at an increased rate. .
.125: it give the labor and overhead cost per We have sent the paper free each ;
l jig v chargable hour. week during school terms to every ru- .
j. l . Naturally, to keep a cost system of Marcy D. Darnall, The Florence ral $30091 11} th? 0°11“th asking news "
H ‘3; 0: this kind, eVery item must be account- (Ala) News; to N . E. A.: We success— “9me f“ :etuin. ' . m . f . d
‘l {i i} ed~for and a strict account of every fully sampled by mail thousands of “We always keep adVEIt‘S‘JS m mg“;
i! H operation of your plant is necessary copies, having obtained the names and 9“ 0‘“ moves, f1 9'11le and as emp a '
it 3:? it for the spending of a single penny to addresses of every white farmer and 1001131135 we 0.3“, 5.1;9wmfighefif9éngy
l 3.; ll the time put in by the employees. This every colored land-owner in our coun- 1,310.01? . 0f 9:11, emitmg t isfis. ‘ a ltls
L’} g method requires a simple gookkeeping ty, arranged by rural routes. The salesmanship ha ge S ne 1esu 5'
g 31 .5. g[ lg system and can be procured through names were divided into four groups, ‘N1 J-
g 1.3. 2‘. this office at a small cost. It is issued sampling one each week. About 18,000 M—‘T‘ " '
*1. 3.5 by the University of Wisconsin Exten- samples were distributed at intervals Send in that news item. .-
3 1.. g {4. Department investment eels-26.10..$2,273.00..t794.50..$297.50..t143.00..$31.00...217.00 E
1 5 it. 1‘ ' :
5,3‘ g5 Percentage of investment 21.4.. 47.7 .. 16.6 .. 6.2 .. 3.1 .. .5 .. 4.5
:1 i ll! Percentage Floor Space 50 .. G .. 20 .. G .. 6 .. G .. 6
.lj i1 Hand Mach. Cyl. Platen Mach. Hand Gen. :
‘ h t Comp. Comp. Press Press Bind. Bind. Ex. -
i ’ 1 i ll Depreciation 234.02.. 227.30.. 70.45. . 29.75.. 14.80. . 3.10.. 21.70
- i]
ll .g g _ Interest on Investment 7% ~ 71.83.. 159.11.. 55.62.. 20.83.. 10.36.. 2.17.. 15.19 ‘
é ll . El Insurance—Fire $60.72 14.92. . 33.26.. 11.57.. 4.32. . 2.16.. .48. . 3.14
3| 3. X "1 Taxes $63.84 13.06. . 30.45. . 10.80. . 4.0.6. . 1.98. . .45. . 2.87
i '- ‘ l Advertising ~————~:. .—————.. -———. ————. . —.. ———.. 48.00 '
f . .l ‘ Assn. Dues and Subs. ~-—~——. ...—~«— ~——. . ~————. . ————.. ————.. 12.00 .
i i “~ l Bad Accounts ———~—..———-.-.-——. W..~——-—.. --———.. 69.96 1
i . C », Office Stationery and Forms »—-———. .—-————. . ——.. -———. . ~~w—~.. ~———.. 48.00 :
l - 3 Accident Insurance $12 ——~#--—.. 3.00.. 3.00.. 3.00.. $3.00.. -..— ——-——
i . . Rollers $$25.00 —~——. .——-— ———.. 18.75. . 6.25.. ——————. . —. . -——-——
i . _ g 1 Telephone ————. .——*--—-.. —~——.. ~—:——. . —-—.. ———-.. 21.00
i 1 Rent $200 100.00.. 12.00. . 40.00.. 12.00.. 12.00.. 12.00. . 12.00
3 g ' , Heat $75 37.50.. 4.50. . 15.00.. 4.50. . 4.50.. 4.50. . 4.50
1 . ' ‘ Light and Power $240 120.00.. 14.40. . 48.00.. 14.40.. 14.40.. 14.40.. 14.40
.j' ‘1 Annual Total 592.43.. 404.02.. 281.99.. 90.11.. 03.20.. 37.10.. 272.76 '
3. ‘ I Monthly Total 40.37. . 40.34.. 23.67.. 8.26.. 5.25. . 3.09.. 21.53 I
,. . '; Spoiled Work (to dept.) :
1, wt; Direct Purchases (repairs) 1.50.. 4.53.. 1.60.. 1.18.. .18.. .18.. 15.93 ,
3 ’ A1”; . . Pay Roll 44.43.. 40.85. . 4.53.. 10.52.. 2.72. . 16.30.. 98.30
E ‘ l . Total Dept. Cost Minus Gen. EX. 95.35.. 01.72.. 39.85.. 25.90. . 8.15. . 19.57.. 135.75
9 ' General Expenses Pr0~rated 46.10.. 48.97.. 13.53.. 12.12.. 5.43.. 9.50.. —— ;
i. . El ' Total Department Cost 1-11.51. . 140.69. . 53.43. . 33.08. . 13.50. . 29.07. . —- E
i 7' ‘i * Chargeable Hours 111.1 .. 147.1 .. 17.4 .. 07.4 .. 11.1 .. 49.2 ..——— 3
l g g ? ' Cost per Chargeable Iiolir 1.23.. 90.. 3.07.. .51.. 1.22.. .60._.——— i_
' i . g} ' ' Labor Cost per Ch. Hour .40.. .32.. ' .26.. .25.. .25.. .33..———— E
. ,1 ji ' Overhead Cost per Ch. Hour .03.. .04.. 2.81.. .26.. .97.. .27..~——— i