xt747d2q7v97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q7v97/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 1997-03 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, March 1997 text GLSO News, March 1997 1997 1997-03 2019 true xt747d2q7v97 section xt747d2q7v97 vomit: m g
W h 1997
a ”Migration of m a rC
V “the am aster: gay and mm ”Mme organization
OPPRESSION MENTAL HEALTH CARE Peter: pjtayl00@ukcc.uky.edu
Mary Sojourner Crone
SEATTLE — One in four gay men or lesbians
One of the methods the right wing uses who see mental health care providers report Chronicle that Texas fared especially bad in
to propagandize against us is to say we are they received pooror inappropriate treatment, the survey, but had no exactnumbers on hand
mistakenly calling ourselves an oppressed according to a survey reported at a national to document her recollection. She said
minority, equating ourstruggle with the Black science symposium. treatment described was no better in urban
Civil Rights Movement, and claiming for The treatment described included the areas than rural ones.
ourselves a victim status that we do not refusal of the therapist to accept the client’s Houston attorney John Paul Bamich, a
deserve. We don’twant equal rights, they say, sexual orientation, therapy seeking to change former gay activist, said the survey results
we want special rights. For the purposes of that orientation and inappropriate verbal, were “depressing,butnotsurprising.” He said
this article “we” refers to gays, lesbians, physical behavior and even sexual abuse. many gays have become resigned to poor
bisexuals, and transgendered people, or, in “This reflects a rejection of the health treatment by mental health professionals,
short, queers. care field’s fundamental rule to ‘first do no relying on others within the gay community
Examples of this particular right wing harm,’ “Nancy Nystrom told the American for emotional support
tactic can be found within the recent Association for the Advancement of Science at The survey also found that 42 percent of
discussions over our right to legal marriage its annual meeting Sunday in Seattle, the gay men and 1,466 lesbians in the survey
When a spokesperson for gay marriage says Nystrom, a University of Washington doctoral had sought mental health services, an amount
that marriage has not always been available to candidate conducted the study “It is time for Nystrom called alarming. The general
all, that slaveswere often notallowed to marry the mental health industry to break away population rate is 10-12 percent, according to
and that their unions were not honored, (the from ancient biases and obtain more client the National Institute of Mental Health.
language of the vows was changed in some input into treatment.” Forty-six percent of gays and lesbians _
cases to read “until death or distance do us The 25 percent dissatisfaction rate who sought mental health services reported
part"), that within this century mixed race reported by gays and lesbians is actually encountering a homophobic therapist; 54
couples were not allowed to marry in many higher than the corresponding figure for percent
states; these arguments are met with the “involuntary” mental health patients, continued on page 10
observation that we are using such examples Nystrom said. According to another study, 18
in an attempt to latch on to the “legitimate” percent of patients forced to see mental health
history of African American oppression and professionals report dissatisfaction with their - the gls_o 7
struggle towards equal rights. (Which, of care. Sponsor of the Month
course, the right wing has always supported?) Nystrom called for the mental health
In the face of such rhetoric, we need to licensing organizations to create avenues for .
be clear about what we say and what we complaints about inappropriate treatment. C
believe concerning our status as an oppressed None of the survey respondents who r0 8 S l n g S
minority and what similarities and differences experienced proper treatment said they knew
there are between our status and that of other how to go about bringing a grievance.
continued on page 2 Nystrom told a reporter for the Houston

 ‘ minorities. Most of us do believe that we are The history of queer people and of
“gwéggggj oppressed as a group and yet we know that not homophobia is more difficult to unearth as part
gig 353‘ 32%;; all of us have been discriminated against as of American History. Not that African
«gaijigkéif’ig: individuals and that all oppressions are not the Americans have not been short changed and
$W§§§ same. Or if we don’t know this, we should. African History missing from our history
mgggp Oppression can be defined as institutionalized classes, but our queer ancestors are perhaps
‘ (on: Kentu‘l‘y discrimination that functions to limit the lives even more hidden. As scholars begin to explore
. Lexiflgv of a group of people in a variety of ways. our history they are questioning how to define
27% “Institutionalized” means that there are laws sexual preference or gender identity in differing
or policies of government and/or of other major cultures and times.
institutions (religious, educational, social, It is clear, however, that although our
economic), differences were deeply repressed within the
t h e ng_0 N E WS There have not been many explicit laws, western tradition for centuries, queers haven't
Published Monthly by the although now we have DOMA, but there are been through anything like slavery within the
Lexington Gay /Lesbian many policies within institutions that exclude last several hundred years. We don’t have a
. _ _ us, label us as deviant or sinful, and encourage shared history of that sort.
semces Organization discrimination. We are oppressed in that we Your race is something you share with
P-O- BOX 11471 can and have been denied employment, your family (yes, I realize there are exceptions)
Lexington, KY 40575 education, and housing on the basis of our and this has both positive and negative aspects.
sexual orientation. One positive aspect is that an individual’s
Editor: Our oppression is supported by ministers family will understand the difficulties of being
Peter Taylor who tell their congregation that we are sinful a racial minority making “home” a place
and a danger to the American family I am not where you can talk about the effects of racism
_ arguing that queer oppression is worse than on your life and a place where you can “let
Layout Editor: other forms of oppression or that it effects all of down your guard” and be yourself.
Charlie Perkins us equally As individuals within the LGBT 0n the negative side, the effects of
community we may also carry with us oppression can be passed down within the
959 Annual Dues and privileges of race. gender, class, or education family. Economic disadvantages, fear, or
Newsletter: $15 that enable us to protect ourselves from some of hopelessness are often passed on from one
the effects of homophobia. generation to the next. For example, a parent
Dues and NEWSletter for I want to focus on some differences I see who has not been allowed access to a college
Couples: $20 between queer oppression or homophobia and education will be at a disadvantage in helping
racism. Most obviously, queer folk have never his children prepare for college.
suffered the devastation of slavery. Slavery tore Sexual orientation and transgendered
Views 0, opinions expressed in the GLSO people from their homeland, denied them their characteristics are not something lesbigaytrans
News are those of the authors and don't mama), language, culture, religion, heritage, individuals usually have in common with their
represent those of the GLSO Board of Directors. Slavery prevented or destroyed emotional family. Too often this means that our
Submissions are welcome. All submissions bonds by separating parent from child, differences are something we first face alone.
become the Property 0f GLSO and mu“ indicate husband from wife, for hundreds of years. The LBGT children and adolescents often feel a need
full name a“? addw‘spd the who“ The Staff effects of slavery are numerous and long to hide who they are, or think they might be,
men/a the {lght to fad“ SmeisswnS and ad? to lasting; the legacy for African Americans in from their parents and friends.
meet publishing requirements, as well as the right . . .
to reject any submissions. particular and forour country is emense. The Of course, some parents are supportive,
Placement of advertising in GLSO News Oppressron of racrsm began wrth slavery and but often not at first. Other parents and
denotes neitheraperson’s sexual orientation no”, has continued with embellishment since that extended family members belittle,harass,
business customer preference. time.
continued on page 10
GLSO News Page 2

[y PRIDE MONTH PLANNING them very much. For those of you who don’t be interested, come and see what we do. Q
,5 The Lexington Pride Celebration ‘97 know, Pegasus gives GLSO 1% of all tickets
re will be from June 6th through June 22nd. sold to people who mention us when they SUPPORT GROUP
ye The GLSO Pride Planning Committee is are ordering tickets We use to get more A new support group has been
ig open to everyone and in need of your help. income from this than we have lately, so organized to meet the needs of community
Our next meeting will again be at the don’t forget to ask for the 1% donation! members who feel the need for some support
1r downtown Public Library on Wednesday Pegasus added a donation to the 1% this or would enjoy talking about their
1e March 12th from 7 to 9. We meet in one of year and we appreciated that. experiences as a lesbian, gay, bisexual, or
pt the conference rooms on the forth floor. If In the coming months Pegasus will be transgendered person.
1e you are planning a pride event please let us writing some articles informing our readers The group is meeting on most Thesday
a know by this date if at all possible. of travel possibilities. There has been a evenings at the MCC building at 587 Waller
We have sent out one letter asking for great increase in tour companies that offer Ave, just behind Imperial Plaza. Karen has
It community participation and will follow specialized programs for the gay and volunteered to lead this group and she is
;) this up by sending out Pride Event Planning lesbian market. There are more looking for participation from a variety of
5, forms to groups who have participated in international offerings and special interest community members. We know there is a
)5 recent years. If you do not receive a form tours. need forthis group for people who are in the
ig but would like one, call Mary (266—5904). You can find trips based on activities process of coming out, who are new to the
:e Already on the schedule are: U. U. such as skiing, hiking, or kayaking, cruises, area, or who would like to meet new people.
n Church Interweave Program Wed,}une 11th, tours of specific countries, and even a Interested people should call Karen (245-
et The Men’s Chorus Pride Concerts on Murder/ Mystery tour in England . Watch 2271) before attending the first time®
Saturday, June 14th, the family picnic on for the Pegasus articles about some of these
of Sunday, June 15th, and the Banquet on interesting possibilities in the next few MARCH SOCIAL POSTPONED
1e Sunday,}une 22nd. months and if you need tickets before then, The March Dance planned by
)r The Pride calender will fill up fast. give them acall at 255-1644. Q Interweave and GLSO has been postponed.
19 There are already seven events planned, but The roof of the Unitarian Church has to be
u there are still weekend nights available. NEW BOARD MEMBERS repaired in March and sowe will notbe able
£9 Preference of dates will be given to The GLSO Board would like to welcome to use the building. We have a possible date
ig organizations that send a representative to two new members, Tim Banks and Jane in late April. Watch for flyers and ads next
planning meetings and/or that send in an Minder. Jane has been active with Dignity monthfi
2d event form by March 12th. and has attended and chaired the KISMIT RELOCATED
15 Another meeting is planned for the ' Networking Meetings. Tim served on the Kismit, the store with UniVersal Gifts for
.ir second weekin April. Afterthe April meeting Board many years ago when we were 030 the Cosmically Inclined, has moved to a new,
Jr a brochure will be printed advertising the and has rejoined us to serve as treasurer. bigger, and brighter location. We are now ar
e, Pride events. The Pride Committee, which is We appreciate their willingness to serve 521 S., Ashland, near the comer of Euclid and
3d open to all, will be making the final and welcome them to the Board. If you are S. Ashland.
e, decisions as to what to include on the final interested, we still have one position open. New Items include a huge pride line,
calender and in the brochure. @ GLSO Board meeting are on the calender gargoyles for every home, avast assortmentof
e, and are open to any interested members of scented candles, and as always, fabulous
id PEGASUS TRAVEL NEWS the community. We meet at the MCC selection for bumper stickersfi
;51 Pegasus Travel has recently made a building, We will also be having elections
donation to GLSO of $75 for which we thank for board members in June so if you might
to n
_ GLSO News Page 3

heterosexual youth to attempt suicide. unusually creative talent to work in coming
Studies consistently show that a high If you are interested in receiving the up with everything from the catchy show title
5 percentage of gay and lesbian youth (25-30%) sources for these facts, please contact Peter and the music to advertising. He will be
attempt suicide. Taylor via phone or e—mail. © making his drag debut as the lead singer in
* In a study of 686 gay men, 337 heterosexual the group Angel and Ike Heavenly Rays. He
men, 293 lesbian women, and 140 Mm TRANSGENDERED SUPPORT has lined up such top talent as Natalie Gay,
heterosexual women - 35% of gay men and GROUP IN LOUISVILLE present Emperor of the Royal Imperial
38% of lesbian women considered suicide. 8% A new support group for transgendered Sovereign Court of Kentucky, Tracy Taylor,
gay men and 23% lesbian women had people in Kentucky met in Louisville on Miss Gay Lexington, lexington’s Entertainer of
attempted - compared to only 3% heterosexual December 21. The Bluegrass Belles is open to the Year, Miss Chandelier, and if you didn’t get
men and 14% heterosexual women. The new members. enough of them in E—Male’s Black History
majority of the suicide attempts were before For further information, write to benefit, Leigh Angelique, the first Miss Gay
the age of 20, nearly 1/3 of all attempts were Bluegrass Belles, c/o Anne Casebeer, PO Box Lexington and Miss Gay lexington Natasha
before age 17. 20173, Louisville, KY 40250; pager: 502/672— Colby, Rayna Star, and LaToya Bacall, among
* In a study of 5,000 gay men and women - 8673 plus your area code/ phone number and many beautiful and talented others.
35% of gay men and 38% of gay women had the code 55 (for example: 502/672—8673— This could easily prove to be the most
seriously considered or attempted suicide. 606/387-4598—55). exciting impersonator show in lexington in a
* In a study of 60 gay males ages 16-22, 32% email: Dwi1500@ukcc.ukyedu.@ long time. A sure don’t miss!
had attempted suicide. The show begins at 8:00 Real Time —- not
* In a study of homeless youth entering a DRAGIN’ FOR JESUS DragTime. And the coverwill be $5.00. LMCC
shelter, 65% of the gay youth had attempted contribl‘ted bY TerrY ”Wins, Vice‘ wishes to thank the Bar Complex, Kentucky
suicide as compared to 19% of the MOderato“ Board Of DireCtors' LMCC Wranglers, The Imperial Sovereign Court of
heterosexual youth. Coming to the Bar Complex Wednesday, Kentucky, and E—Male for their cooperation.@
I * In a study of 137 gay and bisexual males, 41 April 9, 1997:
had attempted suicide (31%). 18 made A fund-raiser for Lexington’s -
multiple attempts. The mean age of those Metropolitan Community Church. LMCC is Are you belng
attempting was 15.5 years old. Studies also very pleased to announce a new concept in its discriminated
show that gay and lesbian youth are at least3 fund—raising in order to better serve the . .
times more likely than heterosexual youth to community and its congregation. agalnst 111
attempt suicide. It will be a female impersonator show,
* In a study on gay male and lesbian youth featuring the best performers Lexington has to KentuCky due to
suicide, the .U'S' Department of Health and offer, along with avery promising newcomer. your sexual
Human SerVices found lesbian and gay youth These performers Will be domg very
are two to six times more likely to attempt uplifting contemporary music such as Bette orientation?
‘ ‘ W tb t’ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' tame, Higher Love, by '
P 0|”, a 5 Spirit’s In It, by Patti
. m on and Me, from 7719 Report It
. w
(43 (a fe hot gospels thrown NOW.
Q ‘ —' lfic performances: the Call the GLSO Discrimination
"I" — .etting UP tables Of 1105 Project, and help to put our
confldentlal care for teens adults couples ‘( :q‘ d and over thirty door discrimination on the books.
famllles senlors - specialties in women’s health % fly
men's health - andrew schechterman phd ' r‘ , ,
"‘°“t°‘l.‘""""..l’;’:23l‘:§“&1mm Vivi e m“ °f W 276-5383
33% mam... - 606.873.3361 ’1 ler, Who has pm ms
GLSO News Page 4

 THE CHURCH LADY I , w ~ , ' , ' ".‘ ‘ : -
ming by Margaret Christopher Cartwright , ,Q‘e v 613 ' W86 ~. we 1{"EI’C r
Ititle ' , ’ ’ " x , . . :~:-=
11 be This is the first of a series of articles his part, because #1 .he ruins you as a
gr in entitiled “People like us in the Bible.” ‘DL’A‘R GERTiE‘ FIRE source for any future information and #2
,1 He The text of this article is taken from a I'm single and I spend a lot of my he has put you, the friend in the middle of
Gay, pamphlet of the same title by the Reverend time in the local bars, Therefore, Iseealot what could and did turn into an ugly
rem] BiR. Van Alstine, our pastor. The Biblical of people. Well, the other day I ran into an situation. If this Jake has a propensity
1ylor, text is from Exodus 1:6—21. old friend of mine outside the bar and in a toward violence, your “friend” surely knew
ierof A new king arose over Egypt who did casual conversation I happened to mention it and keeping you out of it should have
it get not know Joseph. He reported to his thatlsaw his other half outthe other night. been a high priority. In short, I’m telling
story people, “Look, the Israelites are He was surprised and asked me to do you that he was no friend Do Him No More
Gay multiplying and becoming powerful him the favor of calling him the next time Favors EVER!
asha people. We must do something to prevent I saw “Jake” out. Well, I did as my friend As for your problem with Jake. Are
long their rise to power. If they were to team up asked and now I’m in big trouble, because there any witnesses to his threats? If so, you
with one of our enemies, we would be Jake is angry with me to the point of could go to the police and get a terroristic
nost defeated. The king sent out taskmasters to violence. I am very upset over this threatening charge file against him (the
in a oppress the Israelites. But the more the situation. Didi do the right thing in letting witnesses would make it stick in court).
Pharaoh had the Israelites oppressed, the my friend know? What should I do ifJake You can also get a protective order to keep
-not more they became resilient and the more gets more threatening? him away from you. of course, if he
VICC they multiplied. —Out too much actually DOES hit you, you can not only
icky The Egyptians then increased their have him arrested, but if he has anything,
1 of pressure on the Israelites. They put Dear Too Much you can sue him for anything you (or your
)n.@ horrendous tasks before them and “made It never fails to amaze me how so lawyer) can get.
their lives bitter with hard service, in many of us queens get ourselves into
mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work trouble because we don’t mind our own OK, now all that said, one last piece of
in the field.” Despite this adversity, the business. I think you know you shouldn’t advice... Mind Your Own Business from
Israelites continued to flourish, have done your “friend" that favor, at least now own.
The only thing the Pharaoh could without some agreement of non—disclosure
think of to further suppress these people about where his information was coming
was to begin killing the Israelites male from. That’s where your problem really Laxfie ayzd lame-q.
children. He told the midwives “When you stems from, a REAL friend wouldn’t have Gevéie Fae
birth a male child, kill him” The divulged his source. It’s not only stupid on
morally wrong, they “feared God and did
not do as the King of Egypt commanded themselves. And of course the story goes that we do this, even in the face of a
them.” So the Pharaoh called them in on during this time and had to be hidden “bitter" life that is secondary to society's
and asked them, “Why haven’t you been to escape being killed. oppression. Remember, God was pleased
killing the Hebrews male children?” This story applies to us, as a people. with the midwives and She shall be
Shiphrah and Puah told him that the Like the Israelites, we experience moral pleased with us!
1 Israelite women were different from the outrages yet we continue to flourish as a Come see us. We talk about things
Egyptian women. They are stronger and people. We must continue to come like this at church. Q
. labor quickly so that the births occur together as a people to achieve our rights
before the midwives get there. God was as a minority. We are working to have our
pleased with the midwives and answered marriages recognized and our
their prayers for healthy families for relationships validated, It is imperative
GLSO News Page 5

 . . . . 22..»22 2. 222, 1112.11 “"2“ 1”“ ; " 12.12111121111111121112.111121'
- 2 1 2‘ “1‘1 1221 112 i111 1-5.221121E'll‘ll212‘l iiillii ‘ iii! llillliilii‘lliiiililiiiiiiliii i ,2 ll ...11 . .2
, ,, ,, ,,,,,,_,,,_.,,,., , ,,,,,,_,,,, l ,,.,,.,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,:2,~,~,,»,,2,,,,E,,2,,,1,11111,n,i,,,1,,1,1i,,,,,,2,,,l,l‘lill,,| publish thiggfieywsletter V .

@ .to co-ordingtglsffide Month , ‘

g to supportothef community organizations

tfi to provide zsggiaéire‘rs for various groups throughout central kentucky
’5‘ <3 (to hold soaiglgeyents for our community. ; y,

w «, would you like to helpspgnsor an issue of GLSO next year?

5 , Check out our Queer Ashggl'hgee Dollar Bill campaign (page 9). ,

ii ‘4 ’ ‘ ,_ - - _ m??? ’ v

E 2;}; ,L}: E .' .‘ v . ,, H; i;' H}? é/Eywpa - » . , , 4; “g;:

E aéfitfiQfimm” « _, ' , v Mn ~