xt747d2q5k38 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q5k38/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1952 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 23, 1952 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 02, no. 23, 1952 1952 1952 2012 true xt747d2q5k38 section xt747d2q5k38 1 1 1 3 1
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  1 if] ']
i   it
Q   , They Have Earned Their ‘ ‘L ’ ’ For Loyalty   A QU‘
yl 1 _ ;~The Ka
, l Contributions to the 1952 Loyalty Fund Drive are now bemg accepted, and , ptioiilsneo
` . . . iKen uc Y ¤¤
  It 1S devoutly to be hoped that the quota will be reached before the end of the tatLexington.
1 . . . , lszon. Memb
41 Alumni Associations fiscal year, on May 31st. ;;’Association
A {Alumnus.
4 L.
"1 . . . ;£ Entered as
g Hurry a11d send 111 your part to the Annual Giving program, so that another g glffice at l.;e>
= . . . . . . e ac o
1   youth may en]oy the privileges of a11 education at YOUR UNIVERSITY, during gmomni Assc
` ;
1 the next four years. aaeien G. xii
{G. Lee McCl
1 , ;MBIgU€flt€ l\
; , ;-Mary Caldwe
1 1   1951-'52
. { &r.ouis Cox, 1
i Frankfort,
. ` ygouglas Pam
; 1 G. I
John G. Allen .... 328 W, Elsmere Pl., San Antonio, Texas Louise Freeman ......... 145 East High St., Lexington, Ky. `— gg;-Q Ave
Be ' A. s1
_ Joe C. Arvin ..................... Box 171, Mt. Carmel, Ill. Esther F. DeCou1:sey ....................................... ‘ glgggetics,
. ............. ., .W., h‘ t ,D. C. R. R. D r
‘ Finley H. Davis ........... 216 S. Hanover, Lexington, Ky. 3247 Chestnut St N was mg cm ph-es 1;;%,)
~ - _ Mae Wyan Locke .......................................... 1G. Lee McC
, C_ L_ Arnold ____,,. 2815 Branson Blvd., K3l81'¤¤Z¤0» Mich ____,______ BOX 33, Winthrop College, Rock Hill, S- C· M¥;Ie§3g352Il
' l H' B' McGregor '''''`'' 878 Anghana AVE" L€’““g*°“* Ky` Glenn W. Denham ...........,........... Middlesboro, Ky. ‘BDI&lgsV%1°·
 _ John C. Benson .. 938 Investment Bldg., Washington, D. C. H. Dean Burgiss   2888 Bmwnsbow Rd" Louisville, Ky) éwzwg? 1];;
· A James F. Corn   Merchants Bank Bldg., Cleveland, Tenn. Richard G. Ben   gmggglueég
' V A. D. Kirwan ........... Washington Ave., Lexington, Ky. 204 Commercial Bldg., 680 Broadway Ave., Bedford, Ohio 1 Owensbrm
* ?J .
_ James M. Buell ...... 1109 Standiford Lane, Louisville, Ky. Miss Edna Mann   3420 Preston Highway, Louisville, Ky. g Eggs? gms,
A 1-J d
 p H, B, DeAt1ey ...... 3128 Patterson Pl., Washington, D. C. Morton Holbrook ......................... Owensboro. Ky. ;HuF§nkg§i
g sally H. C. Dunlap .. 414 Pennsylvania Ct., Lexington, Ky. Miss Hattie E. Boyd   1284 Cherokee Rd., Louisville, Ky.   lggggsvliie
i *1-i. D. '
· Mi-S, satan 12.. Holmes ........ 282 Rose St., Lexington, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Klein. .Rye Ridge Place. Harrison. N-Y» C Trustgggln
 , lHe d E
' John M. Kane ......,..... 4010 St. Ives Ct., Louisville, Ky. Mr. W. H. Townsend ...... . ................ Lexington, KBY l 'llillusltlales)
1 .Guy A. H
1 Madileen Small ..... 2517 39th St., N.W., Washington, D. C. W. C. Matthews .............. Box 498, Santa Maria, Calif. 1 Ky_ (BOS
_ ‘·J11dg Ed
‘ L. F. Colbert ...... 1931 K Street, N.W., Washington, D. C. Joseph K. Roberts ..... 910 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111.   (in;-,~,Ed&
Q I lMa1· ‘t
Mrs. John N. Browning .. S. Washington Dr., Sarasota, Fla. H. D. Palmore ............................. Frankfort, KB'- 5 Ltgdtzilgtdn
` QD1·. G
John C. Myers, Jr. ....... 319 Holliday Rd., Lexington, Ky. Fred S. Karn ......... 518 Dickson Ave., Pittsburgh 2, Pa. g Lexiillgxtgg
1Rob t H.
· Irene L. Downing ............ RR No. 1, Nicholasville, Ky. Dr. Arthur Bishop Beaumont ..............................   01:;-s repr
 ` l\/Irs. Edwin W. Humphreys ................................ ' ’'`'''‘``''`''''''''`' "‘285 Amlty St" Amherst Mass'   K
...... . ......... . ..... 615 E. Main St., Georgetown, Ky. M. M. MeEuen ......... 1319 N. Branch St., Chicago 22, Ill. [Marion Mot
to . K .
Mrs. Paul G, Blazer ......... 1412 Bath Ave., Ashland. Ky. Julius Wolf ............... 33 N. LaSalle St., Chicago 2, Ill. }Edwr;n-d  
Miss Elizabeth Colegrove .. 2025 Carter Ave., Ashland, Ky. Perrin Rule ............. 9355 Kreiter Ave., Chicago 17, 111. l. 3;;;  
` T. H. H
. Robert H. Hillenmeyer ..................................... Harold F. Waits ..... 9546 South Hamilton, Chicago 43. Ill. t ton, Klxd
l _________,,,_ o,o 1—h11enmeyer Nurseries. Lexington. Ky Hmry C10 _________,______ 228 N_ Lasallg Se, Chicago, Ill. I vang?] 
Gerson Lowenthal ......................................... gG€0rge P_
K ............... 280 Doctors' Building, Cincinnati 2, ohio T°"‘ P°S°y ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 565 P°p1"“ A‘“"·1 El“‘h‘“`st* m' Jlftgz  
h ............... . 1, · ·
Susan Grey Akers .................. Box 766 Chapel, N. C. C miles Gordon 535 Oak St ’ Glen Euym H ,?°gmWPhg
John G. Stoll ......... 1620 Richmond Rd., Lexington, Ky'- l A ‘
l Adair Cou
` A.ll&l’1 Cou;
Anderson (
‘ burg
. Ballard Co
 1 Barren Con
T H E It

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, Pt. { qq
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  · E {E.
 .5* l ’:'
  'he Kentucky Alumnus  
gk  i :,1
= . . · _ · · 11 . - r
 ' Bath County—George Gibson, Owmgsville Montgomery County Mrs. Rezm C. Howe . , 1 
      Bell C0ul‘lty—R. H. Barker, Pineville igrcamorg  §;?1`%£l;1§nEr West Liberty   {  
  §°“fb°‘};°.§’,§2"E$Z§1I§?yd§3r$L°ii`S cmu M3$22¤e?g @Z»¤¤o—¤¤¤·¤¤6¤ ¤¤¤·=¤¤·  
fif-gpublished quarterly by tlgc-:thUni}¤re;`siEt`5;it;>,£  .l¤. the Alumm B¥§’§,;“"dg" C°““*"F'°" P°*°“‘ H“°‘“s' Nigholas c.,unty.r·..t crmiey, ca»us1e_ l ; ,
Aésogiamn includes S\1bSCI`lDtl0n t0 the Ca1dWeuC0unty_LOw,y Caldwell, princeton Northeastern Kentucky-James D. N1¢k€U· V .i
A1umn¤S· Carlisle county-izeipn Ear-mgcon, Arlington Box 566. Ashland. Kv- _ M {
· ";`" - Ca 11t Oh1o County—Whayne Priest, Hartford r
  P St Carroll County Talton K. Stone, 1'1'0 OH .b t . `,
 Entered as Second Class Matter a e 0 Casey C0unty__G€0I_ge Noble, Liberty Owen C0unty..E_ G_ Tygylgr, New Li er y  
`bffice Ht I-·°Xi“gt°“· Ky" May lf 1952’ under Clinton County—Charles Lutrell, Albany P€1‘1'Y C¤u¤tY···M· K· Eblen. HaF“'d_ 4
t of Aug. 24. 19l2· Edited by the · · _ T B thin Jr Pike County-—James W. Wine, Pikeville j_ ,
—§‘§,,n$ Association. °’§§f,§§‘Q,S§§§‘;“" Ed“’“d ‘ "" ’ " Powell c0unty-Raiph B. cmuee. semen . 
  Clark CQunty;J0€ Dennis, Winchester   Prathel-’ Box    
— , Il ........ .......... ....... _ · ~
EPB?. ivicclélxi Uéml ··-·· lgggogggg gggg; E{?,¥,,,‘E.°‘&’$E’,.§iEhZ£i2§°£a}¥i.Z%YhXit?¤y R;;gg¤ ¤<>¤¤*v—R¤>* N- D¤’d¢¤· Mt- xi 
° au . . . · _ · T · . ' ‘ 1 | V .
`lilgguégliwelf Wharton.Vital Statistics Editor g;rg¤§gg<;;dC0Lél;tirnt3ls;1£1;s& Cgi/E;;pé,0lV]l;:1g1gn Rockcasue C0umy_RudO1ph Burden., Rahim [ ` n 
  K" Burkesville Valley · ·
,- 1951452 Execuwrvr. COIVHVHTTEE Degrees gounty—Wi1liam Gene, Masonic mcg., RL§;;£gg¤¤¤ty—0m¤¤¤ G¤S¤¤¤S· Russell ,
? · · z- H elrigg and €¤><· .“’€“S °’° . s tt c c -.1. c. McKnight, Georgetown ;
EL°x·~"$$¤§?$¥t.P{&e;Td€n % az . K §§§};{,§°§§f,¥,g,S*i§‘f§g, *§‘;§§;,§"}{.‘° % W T siiiby °5`S`¤Xty-French smc:. shgwgle  
,gg;;¤§¤S§a",;S,",,;_,f";’,,§,’§€§,$’§“‘s..E3§§;y3'm Earls Az¤¤¤v· Carew T¤w¢g1Qi¤¤g;¤·¤?¤· Q; §§§;,§’;§;‘ §§.§‘,§‘§;.§E;%?§°i”0$§°$gyr..?§`..¤i2 _ =
ln, Ky-   Sayre AVCDHB, L€XingtOn»   t t of   C0unty—_Dr. C. D. au`, enung T3y§i)T County--Harry R.   CBH'\pbEuS' 1 
‘ ‘ A, Shi ely, T1‘€8$\11'€l`* €D¤!' men vi e _ ‘
....... imgnthletics. U`;1lV€Y$ity of Kentucky glloy?ICOlg]tyTR;l§§;;¥_g1lgl::r;€1;:e;$:E§§l?§.$ Todd County—Logan Webb, Guthrie ` V
.3 R Dawson Bloomfield. KY· (term ex- 1`a“‘ m °““ Y ' Trigg County — Tom Magraw. Cadiz. Ky. _ V
' D` C· E · ires 1952) ’ Fu1t°“ C°““ty"Ern?st Fam Jil" Fulton Trimble County—J. G. Dye, Bedford .
_' iG?]_,ee MeC1ain, Bardstown, Ky. (term ex- Sarrard County—M1ss Iona Montgomery, Union C0unty_T0m Harris, Morganiield _ _
````V   piygs 1952) L""°""t°’ · 1 Warren County—Preston Cherry, Helm ~ _
· S· C {Mrs. Ben H. Cclllngs. 220 Newbérg R°¤d· Graves C°““tY*S“m B- N°°1y· Mayh? dm ld Hotel, Bowling Green
  Louisville, Ky. (term expires 1952) Graysml C°““tY_MarshaI1H°ar1“’ Leng 8 Washington County—Charles J. Haydon,
F0, Ky· Robert H Hiuenmeyer, Hiuenmgygr Nur- Hancock C0unLy——Ha1‘ry Black, HHW€SVllle Springfield I
Y   series, Lexington (term eXDl1`€5 1953) Hardin C°““ty_R°b°rt M°Namara' Eliza- Webster County—Harold Trader, Providence ,
le, K5. Ewathen Medley Box 593* °w°“sb°r°’ Ky. Hazjrtlgikrfoéhloxtlnty Ted Creech Twila Whitley C°"mty—G1eIm W' Denham Wil-
F t pires 1953) . ’ . . ’ liamsburg.
, , . . . . . r_M§r;;l!;lHE}éarn€S, Owensboro National Bank! Hafflson (:01:1:]-ty—W11113¥l’\ Renaker, Route W0lfe_Everett Miller, Carnptoq » 
d, Ohio T Owensboro, Ky. (term expires 1953) _ N°· 1· Cy“_*a“a B Q Woodford county-John W. Wxllmctt. Jr.. 1 
· R R N 4 Lexmg- Hart County R. W. Poynter, Horse C v H _
K} ekgges   S3§?,ih;§;i1.€é 1954) O` ` Henderson County—C0ve Heilbronner, Hen- Versal es ’
ile, ’·   rr, . J
Judge Brady Stewart, Court of ADD€¤l5· d°rs°n t O L M EE0 Eminence Greater Cincim1ati—Cameron Coffman. 15 5
ro. Ky- # Frankfort Ky. (term expires 1954) H'?“’y C°““ Y- ; ‘ ° y' - covert Run Pure, Fc. Thomas, Ky. i
Homer L. .Baker, 2242 Rutherford Ave., Hlckmen C¤¤¤ty_-Toe Johnson. xt; %¤¤g¤¤tt Chicago C1ub_T0m P¤s€y_ Commonwealth
ue, Ky. Lcuisviue, Ky. (term expel? meg d { H<§l;k¤*§[ag;g;5{11€J°h“ C*‘S“°"· · °° Edlson (30,, 72 west A;i5g1stS&u W b t e
H. D. Palmvre. Frankfort. Y- ¤¤r 0 ·· _ New York City-Vernon er , e s er .
ni, N.Y· {Trustees) J°g§§‘§;‘d,SCg:§ty31§l%$n vgmgi nd' Jr" St., Malverne, L. I. New Ynrk _
Herndon Evans, Pineville. Ky. (BOBTCI Of J . C mh _Wi1S}m Routt Nich0]as_ Washington, D. C.—Warren T. Ellis, 10611 ` _
on, Ky. YG'1‘rustees) 1 B R d L _ t isiggune ° y ’ Lockridge Erivg, Eilvéer §€;1ngs,JMd.184q_) r
, uy A. Hugue et, arrow oa , EXIHB OH. _ Detroit, Mic .— ic ar _i es, r., _ ·.. `
L Calm _JLI§y_ (guard of Tlgustees) Mt V K Jolgrazxotxgvigénunty Mrs. Alpharetta Archer. RiV€1_sid%D§v§’ 1.5-  7, .%m§§3§l§;l,m61“/{l§l;_ :
.¤ Be dwirl R. e¤¤€Y. · €1`¤0¤. Y· _ Cievelan —- 0 er c owe , . S_ -
ago, lll. Mgimmediate past president)E M H St K';?§eC°“"ty_Bar“ard M°K°°ha“• Barb°ur Phiiarggirxiga-yiihgm A. Lurtey, 312 Jericho _
. rguerite McLaughlin 226 . axwe ., . , Roa , mg on, a. ‘
Ort, K., LEmgtOn_ Ky_ (me ’memb€,._ honorary) Knott County—Lov'—M‘”S· rrwm Hudd es °“* ‘"' May, 6:30 p.m. Colonial Room, Lafayette I ·
Araderson County-Waiter Patrick, Lawrence- r<>d5bur€ t J sms L Ems Tompkins- H¤f€l· I `
LB uu? . Monroe Coun Y- u ` ’ Member of National Editorial Association Q
a rd C°umy`K°ith K°u°y· W‘°kuE° vme K t ck Pr ss Association ` ¢
Barren cou¤ty..Bes11 Preston, Glasgow en u y ° *‘
....j-#   j`  _;
1 l '
r X

 A   yr _ 2
· The Herald is publishing a series THE COVER NAMED FOR GREHAN  
. vt three ”’“ttete$> Ott the move that Dr-_ Alfred M_ peter, tggi Oldest Upon the recominendation of ltriltl
y   nat? been undertaken by the Un" iiying alumnus of die University, dent H. L. Donovan, the new jounii ti _
1* versity of Kentucky board of WHS- of Kentucky will Ccl€b1·atc his ism building, dedicated last fall, }ll_,QTl‘lbllt
    tees to get the General Assembly to _ ggdi birthday on May 25th_ A been oilicially designated the End   Bcl
it sponsor a study ofthe need for ad- life member of the Alumni AS. Grehan journalism Building by Q i 0
V   ditional medical—school facilities in sociatiou and its first president, U¤iV€1‘SiW of K€¤¥¤<‘l<}’ B0=¤Yd Of Tri Alumni U
t this state. The value of such a. Dr. Peter has been one of the ms-   aaa] ic
i   nada mini ba annaiaai ia all Kaa_ associailaas moving Spirits since Naming oi the building for Proil ilmmcem
yi laaklaasi and iaaillaalally those in its inception, Happy birthday, lor frlelian lionors thcfiounder ilgild [ha 3
  t       the S Cd’° tr Ot P"   ‘”"“‘ ““ °‘ ’°“” t°" i‘§E°..§’,.f.Z?.f§i?§tiéiii ilfiiii   ¤¤
_   doctors is most alarming. °w alumm one uiumur
I   The study that the General As- popular tear
E sembly has been asked to sponsor _ _ S. LOUIS WARE, ’17. ischool — Mi
A _l is aaaaaiaad primarily with ilia the. dean of the Louisville Medical M AKES GIFT T0 UK who will CO,
l l iilaa af Saliiaa an and maiaiaiaiag School, have. reported in favor ofa S L i W l in 1 U l W this june :
’ Y a state medical school at the Uni- Second medtcttt School at the Ut"` ° .0mS ne t’ nn I It ‘tS°Pt€t“b€*"
l versity Such a move has been ad- versity of Kei»lliiCky_ Such a Sahaala of Chicago, Ill., presented to thc L; "Misg Mm
t in UOCl1f€el f01‘ tears bt individuals tt ts potnted Ont, would enable Ken- vcrsttlv Ot K€“tuCkY 130 shares of (Gi known by
J J l ck i i i- li · _· d mon stock in the International hiwjll bg hop
V both within and Outside the med` u y 0 Tam more P yswmns an erals and Chemicals Corporation ug; on the
V: ical P’tOleS$t0’t· In past years, the ainjhe Sage ftme mamttu?1 Small which corporation Mr. YVare is piwgllie James
· ; high TIGUET has been pushed or en- t att tt" t ttt $t'l°tt2t”t°" tttttt asm. ‘ sushi, ah
 ' I couraged by University of Ken- $16 tit S°tt°°tt"t=t tetllttttt Om Ot —~—·—————~·—#2spesksr, U
_ tneky 0ltltelat·$`» the entel Tensen be ii Citegiilrgtmwnts, tri tw;)  Ot tt need or the desirability for a mtP¤Pil Of M
I g ing ntrlwns that vnernttng rt rntd- SC OO " t’“"gt°” ts tmt t "S ttm ical school at the Uhismshziy of Kitbtmtluct ¤d<
l ·ical school is costly and the Uni- hit tnttttge httttmbig Ol qnettlted iiicka The glaai ililliciilia will} Another
” . versity never has had an abundance P _yfgtCttmS w 0 wu Sctue On the in getting the financial supporitwllt be the
l nt nwne!/· lt doesnt have an abut"' Clmtcal faculty Of tl '"tdttttt Sctwgt put a new medical school in olrattatt Of Mist
(laaaa naw, fm, iliai malian laiii ilia Lexington also has the advantage ann. A plan for nmmcing Suanby ihe The
iiasiaas lama Sliawa a willingness of being a center for medical and pmgmm Oauigusiy wai be aw in,L.ei<1ngton. l
= ia Sal a a madiaal Saliaal   a bl. mental institutions. _ , iwlllltml P-
P lu tc O n .ii b Ci, to any solution of Kentuckys riiilpaimei. and
i ·WPP0't it ieltneemtng iiCai;/Coiztitsisiiiifiiinizg agility az; ical educational requirements. imadg Possil,
E fKentnekl/ is ine vt the fin Szttes ` Lexington Herald, March ll. li*A1exhud€r
‘ o its size in t e nation t at oes iT€im_’ Prasl
not have a state medical school tCoal Coin -
' , , , , ,’ I"1lb l)&l< I ’f2.‘ ‘} ' ‘;*L_-i r·_ ‘   _ pt
. sha in ri short time it possibly will "' C ‘° fn “" ‘t "S "““"’“ M " tt ttl ———- t’°` "‘ "°> end hieishi
V be the Only State in the South with- Reserve me 21 plate i01‘ tllC Zlllllllill Alllllllll   Theta Sig
A Oni Such 0 School. Of Course, Ken- Banquet, Thursday night. May 29, 6:?·i() p.m. (yes or no)   Miss Lai
lucky daas liaaa Ona Ol ina naiianza Reserve me a plate for thc Connnenccinent iingmn, has
- Onisianding medical Schools at ina Luncheon, Friday noon, May 30 ____ (yes or no) [fil il room
University of Louisville but the t Pttttt my ttm "°““t"“ Pttti te bt isthool te b‘
hhhhuih school which is hhhhi-     Mn 2**    I ilttt   Mn 29 ——-— <‘M tnct Y Mn 2n iM§f§"t"‘t"
, ’ L , , rawi ‘
; pally operated, does not have the __..(L¤¤chenn,l\In5 29 nlnctiotnhé
A facilities to train all the physicians Yours u·u1y, lcoimibuic I
. the state needs. It could not pro- Name lihc mom] a
V vide such training under its present  iMi5g Lyons,
 l setup, Address iihgtou Lead
A number of persons connected Clan i The port
with medical education, including iMtS· Thom
` iU¤derwood
i (

 1 i 1  
ly   · 1 1 ,?ii 
l   Q l  
l -i l i  
E  1 tf
Alumni To Honor MISS lVIarg1e, May 29t i  
of Pre  l  
Y   ' ° I Class of 1934 — Thursdav noon Mav l  
fall]   T0 Be Pald Vlrl 29, Football Room, Student Union l  
fi   Beloved Teacher ‘/     A U · Building, Carnpus 1  
°    _, ‘ Class of 192/ — Thursday noon, May l i; t
V of Tl .‘`" §.Alumni returning to the campus on y  29, Campbell House, Suburban Hotel.    
_ _ i·Mny 29th for class reunions and other A  _    Harrodsburg Pike l  
n Pmll,  · k fertivities will ’ 1 1 `    Those class secretaries who have not    
mer ngtymmencement nee s   i W   A i  
its cslziiiind the annual banquet, program   ‘·   yetimade luncheon arrangements for {  
  l~fQcu$€(; on the gllllllersltg $dnUllll)€;     V.   -- ' [11Cl;     u(§i(;;l€S[()     ` el.:
gone a umna, an 0116 0 IC ITIOS     ·_= Onc . 1 l1H1I] an 1*  
__ innpular teachers in the history of the  y `    secretaries are: 1895, Miss Mary Did» l  
igghool - Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, ilifjj  i ia    ’i`’‘’ V lake; 1896; Mr, ]. WV. Carnahan; 1897, l  
iwho will complete 38 years of teaching I   I Mn pnul \rVard’ acting secretary; 1898, y  
{this June and who will retire next it     ,_°.r Miss Margaret I. King; 1902, Dean T. * ( V 
irs. lliiriseptember.  °*    _____   '1`. jones; 1912, Mrs. Cleo Gillis Hester; l   ,
the tf i"Miss Marge," as she is affectionately   _A —·   1914, Mrs. Scott Hieathers; 1915, Prof. ~ ,
2s of tolknown by thousands of UK alumni,   R. D. Hawkins; 1916, Mrs. E_ T. Proc- r _
mal Nliwill be honored at the reunion ban-   tor; 1917, Miss Carrie Blair; 1933, Mrs. ‘ 
ration, quet on the evening of May 29th when ‘·   John B. Tyler; 1934, Prof, vv, ]—l_ i , 
e is pi;()llie james, Cincinnati Enquirer c0l— `   Nichols; 1935, ]. D. Palmer; 1936, Mrs. j 
.umnist, distinguished after-dinner A_ E_ Barnes, Jin ]Q27, Mm E_ l)_ D 
·+speaker, UK alumnus and former Kentucky Kernel and member of Shinnicky acting S€Ci€t;n—y_ I i 
,,. a mtipupil of Miss Margie’s will give the Theta Sigma Phi. The complete Reunion 1/Veek pro— V
y O): Ktibanquet address. Following the banquet on Thursday grain is as fqllows; y 
y wiH;j`}iAnot_li€r highlight of the banquet evening theMcLaugh1.1n Room will be Thursdayv noon, Mny Q9_ Clnsg i
wpmy  be the presentation of a Hne por- open to the public u§tlr1Theta Sigrpa lunclieuns
in Opc[%l[§ii.l[ of Miss Margie to the University Phi acting as trost, an a lguests at Ile rhursday afternnony May 29, {On, _;
g1' the Them Slgma Phi Alumnas Of banquet are ml ned to visit the .l°“Y to six p.n1., Reception, Maxwell Place ‘
g Sucllilgexington, The portrait, painted by nalism School and see the portrait at ·rhn,.Sda,, evening Mn,. gg_ annual A
2 {lm     \’V€lSl`l, \V€ll-l’- and *€¤·‘>iV¢¤
· . . t ere in . h
T0 Address Alumn    Secretary Of A•L•A• David’s first position was that   I1
iii    __::    _ _ reference assistant, New York Pnl, _
Q1** O; ·~v    *‘ .-     David Cl1f*»_’$0 1a1a1·ar·y, 1931-37; from issv to is-tt Associ.
  :_:;     1 T Library 01¥1¢1al was assistant ta the 1>a—aa1as— at; t
 4§ "‘   braille C 1 b- ·,     ·   Ken ui
      _ ._»>; Z   Q J   . s, o um ia University, alttt
   ;`   years in this position he was on lt John E. ]
`   _ _   _ 1942-45 for service i11 the U.S. .-\n president ol
      . i     I11 1945 he was sent abroad as a 1111 Cooperative:
  ``K        A A .   ·‘ii t   · ber of the Library of Congress Mia Farm Credj
  M ii 1     to seek books for American rest·.t·1ast lanuary,
··     '     libraries. Later he was chief dt], occasion for
  '`’"=       ;;_ ii   `-»_     of this mission. On his l`¤1ry· 1ag1a1ag the
is   ,! _    ii   s-·.   .‘»r sj ._·‘ 3 .,W~ ‘ ·_-_— _   111 May 1951 David cna was atl aca Ot rt t
Ollie M. James   i‘ ‘   by the executive board of the .\:. [rom the Kt;
Ollie Mi James, radio and television  il.  -· ican Library Association as exet ll Colonel’s cc
Personality, Columnist, Chici editorial  1 l secretary. of this, the national Ofgill Lawrence XA
writer ici the Cincinnati Enquirer and   tion ofiltbrarians, which has a llliill. the honoree
alumnus of the University will be the David Cllft Ship Qt ?0’000 ami il dozen =·*l11{¤SS¤<1¤¤¤S¤·1
speaker at the Alumni Reunion ban- migzlmzauonsi The Yen? ls [hc Mr. Brow
quet to be held Thursday night, May BV Margaret Ii King, iilililigieliilri O **1*i§§$¤1jl l"' in the 1.211]]]
29 at 6:30 p.m. in the ballroom of the iiibmiiaii Emeritus _ 1 S fcgi] dl M Il“f“Su"“l`· 1922. as a
Student Union. pro]ects amounting to $lo0,000 11 Home Ol l
A student of Miss Margie McLaugh- As I think back to the University lust bcc]? gnieu $‘5°r9°° br [hc l d¤€€1l 1111d 11
lin, Prof. Enoch Grehan and Prof. Library of the l920’s, I have a vivid Fomidiméu [O Qsmbhsll 11¤<1€1 ‘1h¢ Bi11gl1a1
Victor Portmann while at the Uni- recollection of the personality of David l’l‘bl‘°_ hbmrli lwdcrshii) °mmm_ Act This le
versity, Mr. james is a former \Vash- H. Clift, Commerce 1930. He came to dlscusslolhluiogmllls On Til? _1iI_?Ui P€T·V0iSl€¢1<1
ington correspondent and was as- the University from Mason county in Of the 1fI'§`A' m Um€S <>*_<·1{S·S- `R model i01`
sociate editor of a Louisville, Ky. news- 1925 and was a student assistant i11 the work will bC_ dtivclolmd 12 SIX Wh acmd 1>)‘ 11111
paper before going to Ohio. library, 1927-30. His work was chiefly C€m€rs’ and lilcldemillly ls slr hi In 1911 11
He has been writing a daily humor- night duty at the circulation desk, and by it former kemuckmn as director
ous column, "The Innocent By- he proved himself a tower of strength (Continued on page my Shelbyville,
stander," in the Enquirer since 1940. and dependability, and was highly re- —·—·—·~——·——— - ’lll’1[1l 1932 x
The title of his talk at the banquet will garded by the whole library staff. Alumni T0 Honor HS manager
be "just An Innocent Bystander." In 1929-30 11e was in charge of the l lural Credit
The radio and television programs old "Science" library in Miller Hall (commued fmm Page 5) Vi`€1111essee_
on which he has been featured include and did a great deal of work with peri- upo11 them Golden jubilee certilt for Coopera
“The Voice of the Enquirer," on odicals, mostly foreign, and with geo- making each 1902 graduate a 111t1¤il€110<‘:n111ei
l/VLVV and lN’I.W-TV; "The Ollie logical publications of many countries, of the Alumni .~\ssoeiation's Fhas had th
james Show," and "Variety Hall," on thereby laying tl1e foundation of his Century Club. general age
WLW; "Midwestern Hayride" on work later in large libraries and in the It is imperative that those l)l1ll1ZmiiliSll`2ll1OIT
VVLWV, `WTAM and XVSPD; "Bullfrog project of procuring for American li- to return fill in the blank pulnli He has s
Holler Nite Club," on XVSAI and "The braries scientific journals that were in tl1is issue of the AI.U1\/[NUS 1\l1lK€l1[tt(·l;\·
Cases of Eddie Drake" on XVLW-T, available in Europe during the im- turn it to the alumni secretan UIl1\‘Cl`S11\‘t
WLlN’-D and IVLXV-C. Mr. james is mediate post-war period. order that we may know how1i1‘€cto1· ol
also author of a number of magazine The year after graduation here he reservations to make for each iF0unda;1Ou
articles. entered the School of Library Service, tion,
6 rue xsuruc-iKYIiXiU1MN-THEKE

 zcervet ’ • l
John E. Brown, 03, Retiree As Bank Head  
tl1at Q
k Plll, _   1
)19.lg ASSOCl3.t€S Honor   Honored RHEA TAYLOR, MOST i ’
jlhglqi Kentucky Alumnus By Lexingtonians POPULAR PROFESSOR R
on 11- John E. Brown, ’03, of Shelbyville, Koomckys a]].tjmc All-Am€rlCa qual-, _Dr; Rh€a Taylor, asfisriildr Pr0f€5$0r
.5. _-\il president of the Louisville Bank for lorbaok, vllo ··Bab€·· porllll, whose Or h¤Sr0rY at thi UH1V€fS1ty Of Kell-  
1s :1 1111 C00pc1‘¢1tiV€S and {-§€1r€r?*1 agcrrr 0f rh€ famous No. 10 was retired permanently mcg? was voted most Popular Pmfer  
lg   Farm CI€dl[ .AdlHiHlS[Il€l[lOH I`C[iI`Cd   Coach Paul Bryant at thc Close Of Sor In 3* Contest s1?OnSOr€d   the N€“'-  
i—e,r·_,— last jgiriuary, and his retirement was the [ho 195] football season, was honol-oll ¤¤¤¤_C1¤b, C¢‘~rrr01r€ Student gr0¤P» ¤¤1`<¤ 1*11 lucky banker and agricttltural leader The wizard of the T-formation play- fsssvr of journalism was second in me l
$51011 were 300 men distinguished in the cd freshman and three years varsity brlumirrgi and Dr- lv- S- `V€bb·
f i11<‘· fields of banking, civic enterprise, ed- football for Kentucky, leading the t·m<¢rit¤S1>r<>f<=ss<>r Or PhY$i€$- WM third- 1
Y11 1’11` ucation and the professions, and high- team to two of the schoo1’s greatest
lighting the occasion was t11e presenta- gridiron victories—·over the University
vas t·111 tion of a Certificate of Recognition of Oklahoma in the 1951 Sugar Bowl Shortly after the _]-C recognition
the .\:. from the Kentucky Farmer, :1 Kentucky and over Texas Christian University i11 banquet, the citizens of Lexington and
exct11Co1one1’s commission from Governor tl1e 1952 Cotton Bowl. of Kentucky presented to the "Sweet
ll)I`gil1 Lawrence Wetherby, and a portrait of Last year he established three na- Kentucky Babe" :1 1952 automobile
a l11CI1. the honoree presented by Mr. Brown’s tional passing records to go with the the gift of football fans from Kentucky
1 :111111 associates and friends, one he recorded the year before. and Slll`1`