xt747d2q5j97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q5j97/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1929-03-15  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1929 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 15, 1929 1929 1929-03-15 2012 true xt747d2q5j97 section xt747d2q5j97 NOTICE JUNIORS





D'Annunzio's "Gloconda" Is
Most Ambitious Play of
This Season

Elaborate Stage SettinRs Are
Arranged for Production
by Thomas Lyons
The Gulgnol's fourth offering of
the year, "Gloconda," by Gabriel
D'AnnunzIo. will open Monday
night, March 18, for a week's run.
This most ambitious undertaking
by these versatile players promises
to be their best production so far.
The cast, which Includes Miss
Jannette Kimbcrlln as Silvia Set-tal- a,
MlssTJeorgette Walker as Gloconda, Miss Louisa Dudley as the
child Beata, Mr. Melvln Nolla as
Coslmo Dalbo, and Mr. Frank Fowler, as Luclo Settala, Is so well
known as to speak for Itself. Miss
Kimberlln and Mr. Nollau have
given excellent exhibitions of their
work in past Guignol productions)
ana Mr. t'owier, as director oi me
theater, has won much commenda-wo- n.
Two elaborate stage settings
have been executed by the stage
manager, Thomas Lyons, for the
One Is the summer
room in an Italian villa and the
other a sculptor's studio, and both
are beautifully and skillfully carried out.
A special music accompaniment,
a new feature In Guignol productions, will be used as a background
for the drama. Dress rehearsals will
be held Sunday afternoon and
night in final preparation for Monday's premiere.
Gloconda will be the last production of the theater as a single
organization this year and is a fitting close to a successful season.
Their final offering will be the
operetta "Rosamund" in colabora-tio- n
with the music department
during the week of April 15.

Reproductions o f Famous
Etchings and Trims to


Re Shown Monday

An exhibition of over 400 reproductions of famous German and
French paintings will be held Monday, March 18, in the Art Center,
according to an announcement from
Miss Ann Worthlngton
acting head of the department of
The collection which has been
brought from Germany by Mr. F.
L. Protham, includes not only reproductions of paintings, but etchings,
prints, and color etchings. There
are numerous copies of the old masters, including some of the more
noted Rembrandts, and those of
such modern artists as Paul Cezanne are especially fine. Miss Calllhan says that the original colors
and brush work are reproduced almost perfectly.

University Orators Will Face
Centre College Tonight at
Harrodsburg; Team Goes
South on March 27.



Names for Three
Men's Dormitories


Thoughts of Mud
Students Turn
As Spring Warns of April Showers

o ,aiti?i?t



nn if t yii An Foreign Speaker



Be Feted Tuesday
TO Noted
to He


Drought to Lexington by
University Women



Capacity of 1,000.000 Rooks
Is Planned; Will Have
Four Floors

April 5 Named as Date for ton under the auspices of the Final Contests Will He
American Association of University
ducted Tomorrow
Event; Two Orchestras
Women and the Carnegie FoundaTo Play
tion of International Peace.

Proposed plans arc now under way
for the new 1,000,000-boo- k
building, which, when it is completed, will be the largest structure on the University campus. The
plans were discussed at the meeting
of the board of trustees held yesterday in the office of President Mc
Vey, and they will probably be com
pleted by April 1.
It is expected that the contract
will be let and the ground broken
by the first of May. The construction will require about two years.
The new building will be situated
directly behind the mining engineering building and in a straight
line with the C. and P. building
and Kastle hall. It will consist of
four stories in addition to a basement which is necessary because
of the slope of the ground. At
first the building will be 160 feet
wide and 106 feet long, but another
half will be built later, making it
212 feef long. It will occupy 1,000,-00- 0
cubic feet in comparison with
the largest building now on the
campus, which has a total space of
752,000 cubic feet.
The basement will have spaces
for stacking, reserving and storing
The charging desk will be
located in the large rotunda on the
first floor. The second floor will
contain offices for the librarians,
and a reading room, 351 by 93 feet.
Another reading room will be on
the third floor, which will also con
tain classrooms and a room for the
filling of documents. The fourth
floor will be devoted mainly to sem
inars, rooms for specialized study.
The front of the new libray will
be very Imposing, with a main entrance, surrounded by tall columns.
The architect is Warner Mitchell,
of Cleveland, Ohio, who is also the
designer of McVey hall and the
Memorial building. The old library,
which has been inadequate for the
needs of the University for sometime, will be converted into a



Teaching Lecturer


of UnRnllotiiiK Will Re Held From iversityAmerican AssociationInterna- Championship
Meet Opened
Women and the
Thursday Morning at
9:30 to 12 A. M. and
tional Relations club of the Univer1 to .
sity wffl entertain with a dinner
fl o'clock
P. M.
Tuesday night at 6:30 o'clock at
the Phoenix hotel in honor of Dr. .12 QUINTETS FROM ALL
Ruza Lukaska-Steurof CzechoPARTS OF STATE HERE


Senior Dinner to




Contract to Re Let, Ground
Broken by May 1, Is

debating team
to discuss
the subject, "Should Some SubstiJury System
tute for the Present
Be Found?" at 7:30 o'clock this
evening in the high school auditoThe Unirium at Harrodsburg.
versity will be represented
James S. Porter and Sidney T.
Prof. W. R. Sutherland, head of
the department of public speaking,
also announced other series of debates which will be held during the
month of March.
On March 20, 21, and 22, James
S. Porter, William R. Peace, William H. Dysard, -- nd Hugh R. Jackson will appear in three debates on
the same subject, to be held with
Berea College before Berea College
and Berea College Academy students.
Wednesday, March 27, the Kentucky debating men will start on a
..Committee Chooses
trip south. The first meet will be
held some place near Somerset, Ky.
Then the team will proceed toward
Knoxville, Term. Thursday, March
28, the team will debate the UniThe names chosen by the execu- versity of the South at Sewanee, uptive committee of the board of trus- holding the affirmative of the subtees for the three men's dormitories ject, "Should Some Substitute for
on the campus were officially an- the Present Jury System be Found?"
nounced after a meeting of the James S. Porter, William R. Peace
committee last Wednesday.
and Richard Weaver will be the
Tho namoc nVinspn nrp W. C. P. speakers. Saturday, of that week,
Breckinridge Hall, W O. Bradley! Clifford Amyx and Richard Weaver
Hall and W. B. Kinkead Han. xne will uphold the negative of the subname of the cafeteria was changed ject, "Should the Government Own Former Member of College
to University Commons.
and Operate Hydraulic Electric
of Engineering Faculty to
Plans for a 1,000,000 volume li- Power Plants?" in a debate with the
Talk on Air Conditioning
brary were inspected. R. Bruce University of the South. Three deof Buildings.
Price, who comes here from the bates with Vanderbile University are
University of Minnesota, was ap- planned and two before Kentucky
pointed head of the department of high school groups, before the squad
W. G. Hilien, formerly of the Col
rural finance. James Park and Lou- returns to Lexington, Mr. Suther- - lege of Enginering faculty, will de
is Hillenmeyer were appointed to
liver a series of lectures on "Air
arrange dedication exercises for the
Conditioning," next Wednesday,
new Memorial building.
Thursday and Friday afternoons
Membefs of the committee presfrom 1:30 to 4:00 o'clock in the heat
engineering room at Mechanical
ent were Dr. Frank L. McVey, Dr.
Patrick, Judge Richard
on May 2 hall. Hlllen was graduated from
Stou, James Park, Louis HillenMr.
meyer, Senator Froman and Robert
the College of Engineering in 1923.
At a joint meeting of the faculty After graduation he went with the
and senior committee Tuesday af- Speer Carbon Company where he
ternoon in Dean Boyd's office it was
1925 when
reWITNESS decided to have the annual senior-facul- ty remained until University as he inFROFESSOR WEBB IS
turned to the
dinner Thursday, May 2.
structor in the Engineering College.
Plans have not yet been complet Since June, 1927, he has been with
Prof. W. S. Webb, archeologist at
the University, appeared in federal ed, but it was announced that Dr. the Carrier Engineering CorporaLouisville, Thursday, as a ' McVey would be the speaker. Other tion of Newark, N. J. At present he
court in ...
"ton plans will be worked out more in is in charge of the Training School
witness in me TJI
tory" case. Other noted scientists detail later by the committees. The in Air Conditioning maintained by
upon as witnesses for class of 1929 decided to have the the Carrier Company.
will be called
is one
the state. The defendants in the annual dinner as an opening feat- cently conditioning fields of of the reengineerdeveloped
case are charged with using the ure of the senior activities.
The committee named by the se- ing. The successful production of
is alleged that
mails to defraud. It
they have been turning out Indian nior students is composed of James foods, silks, woolens, photographic
alrelics in a workshop in Clinton Hester, Lydia Roberts, Mary L. Mar- plates, tobacco, candy, In fact,
county and selling them as genuine. vin, Job Turner, and Russel Davis. most every manufactured product
today, depends upon the building up
of an atmosphere especially adapted to the manufacturing processes
involved. Air conditioning engineerto
ing is the medium through which
our great auditoriums and other
places where people gather are provided with clean, suitable atmosphere for comfort.
A large number of this year's
show." And off he went. We hope
By Sara Elvove
that's not the census of current seniors in engineering are going
Tis spring, and the student's opinion.
into the field of heating, ventilating
fancy turns to thoughts of oh yes
Mr. Hillen
This week also has shown many and air conditioning.
mud, as great masses of slimy, U. K. students that their minds are brings to these men the most recent
reddish mud, as so much muddy water which is practice in connection with this
oozy, clayey, beautiful
clinging confidingly to the dainty a roundabout way of saying that phase of engineering. Mr. Hillen,
high heels, and stout mannish soles. the faculty has chosen to indulge while at the University, took a very
And April showers are coming soon! in its favorite sport (quizzes). Such active part in literary and dramatic
"Mud?" The occupants of the things give a reasonable excuse for circles.
Administration building lift inquir- that malady prevalent among
ing eyebrows. "Where is the mud?" schools, known as spring fever, es"Stupid," growls Kastle hall. "The pecially when every professor
The annual Kentucky Woman's
around me. Ask the chem- chooses to give his quiz on one parmud is
Oratorical Contest will be held Satistry students they know where it ticular day.
In the field of Journalism, we have urday evening, March 23, in the lecDon't you think I saw that
hall, between
heartless reporter, standing in that this week experienced the failure of ture room of McVey College,
Kenalcove on the second floor of McVey a grand idea for a feature article, speakers from Berea
fruit. Perhaps, however, tucky Wesleyan, Transylvania, Cenhall, grinning with glee as she to produce
watched my students wade through the idea will sprout into form next tre, and Georgetown. Mary L. McDowell, of Pisgah, Ky., a sophomore,
that slough of despair? Where is week, so don't give up hope.
The mind of the repoter often in the college or Arts and Sciences,
the mud, indeed I"
But with the spring, students are goes muddy, too; in fact, as one in- will represent the University.
occupied with other thoughts far structor informs his students, any
from mud. For instance, there is reporter, who keeps at his Job long
the basketball tournament which is enough, will eventually become InThe English club of the Univerbeing held in the Men's gymnasium. sane. Which Is neither here nor
What are the thoughts on that sub- there, besides being a slam at the sity will hold its regular
meeting Wednesday at 4 o'clock in
ject? We quote a freshman: "Did journalism department.
At the moment this is being writ- room 211, McVey hall. Professor
you say it cost 50 cents to see a
basketball game? Whew (expres- ten, the lowering clouds overhead Dantzler's class in language will
sive whistle). I can't take time to are predicting more mud. And give an interesting program on dialects. All members and all stusee a Kentucky game. As for high when we turn in this copy the eddents interested are urged to be
school games, I never cared for itor will snort, as he should:
"Aw, mud I"
them anyway. Guess I'll go to a

will meet Centre College



rOIlRTU filllfJVini Art Department
i vuHiii uuiunvu. Exhibits Paintings





The speaker is coming to Lexing-



Dr. Reeves, professor of education
at the University and head of the
bureau of school service, offers a
great service to the faculty of the
University and central Kentucky
colleges in the presentation of a
series of six special lectures on
"Problems of College Teaching," for
the benefit of an invited group of
Kentucky college teachers. The
fourth lecture of the series was given last night at 6:30 o'clock in McVey hall.

Kampus Kat To
Release Gale of
Mirth Saturday
"It won't be long now!" In fact,
tomorrow is the day when the students of this great University may
satisfy their craving for humor, wit,
etc., for the exceedingly small total
of one thin dime. Think of it! "One
dime, ten cents, a tenth of a dollar!"
Rarely (only once or twice a year)
is anyone prlveleged to know all of
the dirt at the same time, ,and for
such a reasonable sum.
No matter how much we deny it
we all of us like to know the "goings
on" of our neighbors. Now we may
know what Kitty was whispering
about to Katie that afternoon in
the Tavern, or who it was that spent
the night in a cell telling fairy tales
to some hardened criminals to relieve their boredom.
To many of the uninformed will
be revealed the secret of how the
have so successfully
solved the drinking of problems.
the past,
Drinking is now a thing
or one's "past" as the case may be.
No more do ve see inspired humans
who have "drunk not wisely, but too
well," behaving in such peculiar
ways as they did in the days of the
Smith Brothers.
Now but again you nave almost
been included in the numbers of
the lucky people who have had their
! troubles remedied, and their
relieved. During the forenoon and
the afternoon the second edition of
the Kampus Kat will make its
appearance. Copies for the
regular subscribers will be delivered
fraternity and sorority houses
at all
at noon.
Due to the large number of persons who have left names for copies
in advance, The Kat cannot reserve
any copies after noon. First come
will, of course, be first served. Get
'em while they last.

Balloting for the election of the
Junior Prom Queen will be held today, at poles placed in front of the
Administration building, McVey hall
and Dicker hall. Ballots may be
obtained at the places of voting.
The Junior class is asked to have
a 100 per cent vote. The polls will
be open from 9:30 to 12 a. m., and
from 1 to 3 p. m.
The following nominations were
made by the respective sororities to
which the nominees belong:
Miss Lucy Davis, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, from Winchester; Arts and
Sciences. Miss Frances Baskett, Alpha Gamma Delta, from Cynthiana;
Arts and Sciences. Company Sponsor for R .O. T. C, member of
SuKy, and a Stroller eligible. Miss
Maude Van Buskirk, Chi Omega,
from Orlando, Fla.; Arts and Sciences; secretary of Junior class, as
sistant business manager of Letters,
Kernel Staff, member of Kentucky
State Press Association, Chi Delta
Phi, Stroller eligible, Guignol theater
staff, and English club. Miss Kath
leen Fitch, Kappa Delta, of Lexing
ton; Arts and Sciences, Theta Sig
ma Phi, Kernel staff, and president
of Kappa Delta chapter. Miss Dale
Smith, Delta Zeta, from Hindman;
College of Education.
Miss Leura
Pettigrew, Alpha XI Delta pledge,
from El Paso, Texas; Arts and
The election of a Junior Prom
Queen is an innovation at the Uni
versity, although It has been the
custom for several years in Eastern

April 5 is the date which has been
chosen fo the Prom this year. It
will be held in the Men's gym, and
unusual decorations will mark the
occasion, which is an important one
in the social calendar for the school
year. The music will be furnished
by two orchestras,
Winstead's, which will play in opposition to each other.
An elaborate ceremony will mark
the crowning of the queen during
the progress of the Prom, and a
will be held in her

Culver Military Academy Is
Winner of Snooting Honors
With 7,460 Out of Possible
S,000 Score; U. K. Sixth.
The scores of this year's results
the Fifth Corps Area Rifle Team
Match have been received by the
Department of Military Science and
Tactics of the University of Kentucky.
Culver Military Academy, the
team that won the match Jast year
by only a few points from the Uni
versity team, won again this year.
Culver's scored 7460 out of a possivle


The comparative scores of the va
rious teams of the senior division of
the Corps Area are as follows:
Culver Military Academy, 7460;
West Virginia University, 7436; University of Cincinnati, 7432; Ohio
State University. 7381; Indiana Uni
versity, 7352; University of Ken
tucky, 7345; University of Dayton,
7336; Rose Poly Institute. 7324; University of Cincinnati, 7161; Univer
sity of Akron, 6923; Wllberforce Uni
Up to the time The Kernel went versity, 6403.
to press last night the following
Culver Military Academy, winner
scores in the high school tournathis year, has been In communicament were available:
tion with the military department
Class B Boys
in regard to coming here for a
Corydon, 35; Red House, 16.
match to be shot here in the ar18; Almo, 1C.
mory some time In April.
Corinth, 34; Woodburn, 21.
Eminence, 19; Betsy Layne, 14.
Class B Girls
Odville, 46- - Moreland,'15.
Bardwell, 20; Maysllck. 16.
Woodburn, 34; Glendale, 22.
Hazard Baptist, 34 ; Corydon, 23.
Class A Girls
Henderson, 26; Shepherdsville, 10.
Taylor Co. High, 15 ; Pineville, 11.

Georgetown, 12; Marion, 8.
Ashland, 18; Central City, 13.

Class A Boys
St. Xaxler 18, Hazard, 17.
Ashland, 27; Columbia, 8.
Central City, 30; Henderson, 27.
(1 overtime perlftd)


Phi Mu Alpha, men's honorary
musical fraternity, held its annual
election of officers last Monday
afternoon in the Music building The
newly elected officers are Eugene
Royse, president; Hugh Adcock, vice
president; Raymond Roberts, secretary; Standford Evans, treasurer;
Ray Mays, historian.
Initiation for the new pledges will
be held as soon as the province
chief arrives to participate in the

Chi Delta Phi Holds

Initiation Exercises
Chl Delta Phi, national woman's
honorary literarv fraternity, held
Initiation services at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, at the home of Cynthia Smith. The following were iniAlice Spauldlng, Margaret
Wilson, and
Cundlff, Katherine
Maude Van Buskirk. After initiation, officers were elected for next
year. They are Kathelne Wilson,
resident: Maude Van Buskirk. sec
retary, and Margaret Cundlff, liter
ary editor for Trie Kernel, une
next meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. B. H. Pumphrey.


James Kendall, professor of physical chemistry at the University of
Edinburgh, and formerly of Columbia University, will make an address
before the Lexington Section of the
American Chemical Society April 2;
in Kastle hall on the University
campus. Doctor Kendall is joint
author of a series of chemistry text
books known as the Smith-Kenda- ll


Mrs. Forest R. Black will be in
By Laurence Shropshire
charge of the program, Mrs. Maury
Weil is president of the A. A. U. W.
The eleventh annual Kentucky
and Mrs. Frank L. McVey chairman high school
basketball tournament
of the International
Relations opened yesterday morning at
o'clock when Red House and Corydon, B class teams, tied up In the
first tilt. The finals will be played
tomorrow night in the Men's gymnasium. The remaining two girls'
teams vlelng for the championship
will meet at 8 o'clock, while the
surviving boys' teams will get into
action an hour later.
Field Secretary to League of Thirty-tw- o
teams, eight boys and
Industrial Democracy Will girls teams in both A and B. classes,
Lecture at Engineers' As- and representing every nook and
corner of our great Commonwealth,
sembly Next Week.
breezed into town on Wednesday,
each outfit
Mr. Paul Porter, field secretary Already one-ha-determined to do or die.
of this number
for the League of Industrial Demo- have expired, surrendering their
cracy, will visit the University next final breath of hope as they were
Monday, March 18, and will speak eliminated during the first day's
at the Engineers' Assembly at 11 play.
Severe competition will again be
o'clock and at the Commerce Assem
the order of the day as the survibly in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. vors renew
the elimination series.
His subject on these occasions will
In B class for girls
be, respectively, "The Fight for met in the initial contest
at ten
Power Control," and "Labor's Chal- bells this morning. The class chamlenge to the Student."
pionships will be decided tomorrow
Mr. Porter Is a recent graduate with the first scheduled match getof the University of Kansas, where ting under way as the chimes again
he was the editor of the University toll ten. The class victors will batDaily Kansan, and one of the lead- tle for the coveted trophy, embleming spirits in that challenging stu- atic of statewide supremacy, after
dent paper, the "Dove." He also a few hours' rest.
contributed, "A Student Looks at
The current edition of this annual
Books," "Am I Getting an Educa
high school frolic presented many
tion?" Last summer he accompa interesting teams and bids fair to
nied Upton Close on a study trip outdistance all previous ones from
through China, Japan and Manchuthe standpoint of attendance. Loyal
supporters from far sections, townsThe League for the Industrial people, and many students mix proDemocracy, which Mr. Porter rep- fusely on the sidelines as they cheer
resents, is a national organization their particular team to victory or
with the local chapters .in most of comfort them in sore defeat.
the large universities. Its memberThe Lexington High School Blue
ship is composed of students who Devils,
are interested in the study of social Tigers of St. Xavier with the honfor titular
and economic problems, and those ors, have the best record of all the
who are willing to approach these
is, on a basis of
teams present,
problems with an open mind. The consistency in that
winning the state
object of the League is stated in its crown. Grabbing the first tournamotto, "Education for a new social ment in 1919,
the Devils got off to
order based on a production for use a lead and have since won it three
and not for profit."
more times. Louisville Manual's
Students who may be interested Crimson, eliminated in the regional
in the formation of a chapter of the by St. X., has taken the bacon home
League at the University are asked with them on three different occato be present at an informal meet- sions. Ashland and St. X. are the
ing with Mr. Porter Monday night only other teams entered in the
at 8 o'clock in room 301, Admin- present meet that have won the
istration building.
championship at least once.
A committee composed of Cynthia
The high school tournament
Smith, George Patton, and Profes sponsored every year by the Unisor Troxell Is in charge of the ar- versity of Kentucky. "Daddy" Boles
rangements for Mr. Porter's meet- athletic director, and his assistants
have left nothing undone in an effort to make all of the contestants
enjoy their stay in Lexington, win
or lose. On Wednesday night, ap150
players, coaches,
Club proximately
and chaperones were guests of the
University at the annual pow-woarranged by Head
Dean Edward Wiest. head of the a
College of Commerce, was one of the Coach Harry Gamage and the vaspeakers at a dinner meetinc of the rious lettermen. All expenses of the
Business and Professional Women's teams are paid by the University
Club of Lexington, held March 12, until the morning following the day
on which they are eliminated, which
in me raoenix hotel.
Dean Wiest traced thp hlstnrv nf makes it pretty soft for the finalists
the economic development of the whoever they may be.
unuea siaies, ana aiscussed the attitude of the business man toward
the business woman. He statpH t.hnt
the prevailing nreludices acainst
Seniors may purchase class rings
women in business should be over either today or tomorrow from
come, and that salaries of women salesman who will take orders the
should be based solely on their the first floor of the Administration



Dean Wiest Speaks

Don't Mind That Screaming; It's
Just Another Mu Mu Mu Initiation
By O. K. Barnes
Well, it's all over but the shout-

ing. And they are still shouting I
(The new fraternity men, we mean).
Many profess to have been deeply
impressed in their initiations.
Wise-cracsince the Civil War
have taken every opportunity to
bleat: "Sherman was right I" Yeah.
Sherman may have been right. But
it's a cinch if he'd forseen Hell
Week he never would have applied
the same adjective to a mere war.
Anyhow, gather around folks. Let
us get into a huddle now, and let
ole Oncle Shag tell you about this
state of affairs. It's a sore question.
These new fraternity members are
proud of them there pins. And
rightly. To produce the pin, the
neophyte underwent a process which
led him to
points of Fayette county, carried him many miles
on the figurative shoulders of the
goat, bruised and tore his flesh,
wounded his spirit, shocked his soul,
seared his conscience, enraged his
mind, violated his personal rights,
and gave him stomach cramp from
such frequent assumption of the famous "angle."
Nothing was inviolate In the desperate endeavor last week by the
fraternities to make Hell Week
everything it sounds like. Every

place in the county, from blacksmith
shops to cemeteries, was used in
the process of transforming a freshman into a worthy member of dear
old Mu Mu Mux.
Wagon wheels, tombstones, lingerie, police badges, and even male
members of the cat family were included In the list of articles that
some of the neophytes were compelled to procure by hooK or crook,
(mostly crook) and bear within the
portals of dear old Phi Phi Phi.
It has been estimated that if every
sore foot in the freshman class were
laid end to end they would reach
from here to there, or somewhere.
Statistics of unverified origin are
alleged to prove that neophytes of
Kentucky fraternities
last week
walked a total of 497,574.002 miles
through Fayette county. Some say
yes, some say no. Some say they
.walked that far themselves. Most
Twelve of the fraternities on the
campus installed border mantles
over the fireplaces so that the freshmen could stand up and eat without
too much discomfiture. Some fraternities provided places under the
table so that the frosh might
and thereby save the back of:
their laps for another purpose.
(Continued on Pace Eight)




Subscribe For



And Help the Association







Lexington Cluh Gives Annual
Dinner Honoring Varsity
and Freshman Players and



The Lexington Alumni Club of
L. KIRK, 24
the University of Kentucky was host
to the members of varsity and freshman basketball squads at a banquet at the Lafayette hotel in LexEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
ington, Thursday evening, March 7.
Wayland Rhoades, '15
rroclor, '16
Mrs. E. T.
The affair was open to the public
and was attended by more than 75
W. C. Wilson,
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
supporters of the Wildcat net squad.
Dr. Georjte II. Wilson, '04
Walter Hlllcnmeyer, 04
The meeting was presided over by
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, president of the Lexington Alumni Club
and John Y. Brown, who was graduated from the College of Law of
the University of Kentucky with the
class of 1926, acted as toastmaster.
All the members of the coaching
staff of the University with their
Homecoming is for every graduate and former
wives were guests of the Lexington
club and Coaches Maucr, Damage
of the University.
and Potter were speakers on the
program. S. A. "Daddy" Boles presented the varsity' letters and freshyour class is not holding a regular reunion you
Even if
man numerals to those who had
campus this spring.
won this honor during the season.
are urged to return to the
During the course of the evening
programs include all homecoming Alumni.
the varsity players retired and elected Paul McBrayer, varsity guard
from Lawrenceburg, captain of the
Plan now
Alma Mater invites you to return.
team for next season.
part of the University.
You still are a
to come.
The banquet In honor of the
members of the two basketball
squads is an annual event sponsored
by the Lexington Alumni Club and
Watch this page for complete program.
one of the many activities of that
organization. In the past the entertainment for the basketball men has
been in the form of a luncheon but
is 167 Walnut street, Huntaddress
this year was changed to a dinner.
ington park.
Tell Me
This change was made in order to
enable a great many supporters of
Gilbert, B. M. the team to be present who were
Howard Vandlver McCInre, ex- - is E.,George Hubbard Electric Comunable to attend an affair in the
president of the Sue Bennett Mem- pany with isGeneral in Baltimore, middle of the day.
orial School at London, Ky.
The dinner this year was by far
Md., where his address is 39 West
the most successful affair to date
and plans already are under way to
Lexington street.
repeat the event next year.
Edgar Basil Gaither, B. M. E., is
Clarence Walter Ham, B. M. E.,
a mining engineer and at the pres- is professor of machine design at
ent is located in Mexico. His ad- the University of Illinois, Urbana,
and an inis an attorney-at-la- w
dress is Hacienda El Potrere, El 111.
Potrero, Vera Cruz, Mexico.
structor in the University of Louisville. His address is 903 Reality
Chastain Wilson Haynes, B. S., is
Lloyd Logan Hamilton, B. M. E., operating a fluospar mine at Mar- building.
is the vice president and general ion, Ky.
Robert Singleton Hart, A. B., B.
manager of the Roberts-Hamilto- n
S. 1909, is a farmer and lives at Pis-ga- h,
Company of Minneapolis, Minn.,
Fayette Johnston, B. M. E., is a
dealing in wholesale heating and farmer and tobacco warehouseman
plumbing supplies. His address is in Lexington. His address is R.F.D.
Main street, North East.
Joseph George Herman, B. C. E.,
No. 4, Lexington, Ky.
is a consulting engineer and formerly mayor of Newport, Ky. His
Lncy Joseph Higgins, A. B., is
William Cobb Kelly, B. C. E., is
Newteaching in the Louisville Girls' a contractor and engineer and address is 642 Nelson Place,
Ky. Her member of the firm of McAdoo, port.
High School in Louisville,
address is 1509 Hephurn avenue.
Waddell and Kelly, First and Main
Guylie Benton Howard, B. M. E.,
streets, Union City, Tenn.
is located in Atlantic City