xt747d2q5h83 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q5h83/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1984-07-oct16-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-07-oct16-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1984-07-oct16-ec. 1984 1984-07-oct16-ec. 2011 true xt747d2q5h83 section xt747d2q5h83 

    Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, October 16, 1984.

    The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky met at 1 p.m. (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday, October
16, 1984 in the Board Room on the 18th floor of the Patterson Office
Tower on the Lexington Campus.

    A.   Meeting Opened and Roll Called

    Mr. Robert T. McCowan, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 1
p.m., and the invocation was pronounced by Mr. William R. Black.

    The following members of the Executive Committee of the Board of
Trustees answered the call of the roll: Mr. Robert T. McCowan
(Chairman), Mr. William R. Black, Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr. Tracy
Farmer, and Mr. George W. Griffin, Jr. (ex officio Secretary). Mr. T.
A. Lassetter was absent from the meeting. Members of the Board of
Trustees attending the meeting included Mr. Thomas P. Bell, Professor
Timothy A. Cantrell, Mr. Timothy B. Freudenberg, Mrs. Edythe Jones
Hayes, Mr. Henry E. Hershey, Mr. R. Larry Jones, Professor James D.
Kemp, Mr. W. Bruce Lunsford, and Mr. James L. Rose.  The University
administration was represented by President Otis A. Singletary; Mr.
James 0. King, Vice President for Administration; Chancellors Peter P.
Bosomworth and Charles T. Wethington; Dr. Raymond R. Hornback, Vice
President for University Relations; Mr. David I. Carter, Associate
Vice President for Business Services; Mr. Edward A. Carter, Associate
Vice President for Planning and Budget; Mr. John C. Darsie, General
Counsel; Mr. Henry Clay Owen, Controller and Treasurer; Dr. Paul G.
Sears, Special Assistant for Academic Affairs; Dr. Wimberly C.
Royster, Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School;
and Dr. Jack C. Blanton, Vice Chancellor for Administration, Lexington

    Members of the various news media were also in attendance. The
Secretarv reported a quorum present, and the Chairman declared the
meeting officially open for the conduct of business at 1:03 p.m.

    B.   Minutes Approved

    The Minutes of the September 18, 1984 meeting of the Board of
Trustees were. approved as written.


- 2 -

    C.   President's Report to the Trustees (PR 1)

    President Singletary announced that the Executive Committee
meeting scheduled for Monday, November 5, may be cancelled, and he
reminded the Trustees that the full Board will meet on Tuesday,
December 11, 1984.

    President Singletary then reviewed briefly some of the items in
his monthly report to the Trustees, calling particular attention to
(1) the University Debate Team, an outstanding program, which has once
again received national recognition; (2) the selection of the College
of Business and Economics as one of 40 schools in the nation chosen to
receive $12,000 from the International Business Machines Corporation
to write a proposal for one of 12 $2 million grants to be awarded by
the firm next spring; and (3) the three alumni recently honored for
their service to the University of Kentucky Alumni Association, to the
University, and to higher education in Kentucky: former Governor Bert
T. Combs, Trustee George W. Griffin, Jr., and Mr. Dan Abbott.

    President Singletary added one item not in his report. He
announced that at the meeting of the University of Kentucky Athletics
Association on October 15, 1984, it was voted unanimously to recommend
to the Committee on Naming University of Kentucky Buildings that the
new aquatic center be named the HARRY C. LANCASTER AQUATIC CENTER.

    President Singletary then called on Mr. Freudenberg who reported
on the '84 Free For All fall festival, sponsored by the Collegians for
Academic Excellence. Mr. Freudenberg announced that $5,000 was raised
and that the money will be used for scholarships for freshmen and
transfer students. The following students were in attendance and
introduced by Mr. Freudenberg: Student Government Association
Executive Vice President Jim Pustinger and Senior Vice President John
Cain; Student Activities Board President Louis Straub and Vice
President Scott Mustian; and Andrew Oppmann, President of the
Collegians for Academic Excellence. The students were given a round
of applause following which President Singletary expressed his
pleasure with their genuine concern about academic excellence at the

    D.   Personnel Actions (PR 2)

    After noting that the personnel actions in PR 2 were routine in
nature, President Singletary recommended its approval. On motion made
by Mr. Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black, and passed, the appointments and
staff changes recommended in PR 2 were approved. (See PR 2 at the end
of the Minutes.)

    E.   Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3A)

    There were no supplemental recommendations.

    F.   1984-85 Budget Revisions (PR 3B)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and carried, the proposed routine
revisions in the 1984-85 budget were authorized and approved. (See PR
3B at the end of the Minutes.)


   G.   Proposed Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 3C)

   President Singletary recommended that the proposed amendments to
the Governing Regulations be received for preliminary consideration
and placed on the agenda for action at the next regular meeting of the
Board of Trustees. On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr.
Farmer, and carried, it was so ordered. (See PR 3C at the end of the

    H.  Amendment of the Community College Code of Student Conduct
         (PR 4A)

    At President Singletary's request, Chancellor Wethington explained
that the proposed revisions were largely editorial changes and would
bring the document in line with the Lexington Campus Code of Student
Conduct. The motion, which was made by Mr. Clay and seconded by Mr.
Black, was voted on and carried. (See PR 4A at the end of the

    I.  Patent Assignment (PR 5A)

    On motion made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Clay and passed, the
routine patent assignment as recommended in PR 5A was approved. (See
PR 5A at the end of the Minutes.)

    J.   William L. Matthews, Jr. Professorship (PR 5B)

    President Singletary indicated his pleasure in recommending that
the Board establish in the College of Law the William L. Matthews, Jr.
Professorship, in honor of the late Professor Matthews, whose
distinguished service to the University spanned a period of nearly
forty years.

    On motion made by Mr. Clay, seconded by Mr. Black, and unanimously
carried, approval was given to the establishment of the William L.
Matthews, Jr. Professorship in the College of Law as recommended in PR
5B. (See PR 5B at the end of the Minutes.)

    K.   Dorothy Salmon Professorship (PR 5C)

    President Singletary said it also gave him pleasure to recommend
that the Board establish in the College of Law the Dorothy Salmon
Professorship. The late Professor Salmon was the first woman to serve
on the College of Law faculty and she was the head librarian for many
years. He explained that this professorship will be funded primarily
through a challenge gift provided by Mr. H. Wendell Cherry, a
distinguished graduate of the University. On motion made by Mr.
Farmer, seconded by Mr. Clay, and unanimously carried, approval was
given to the establishment of the Dorothy Salmon Professorship as
recommended in PR 5C. (See PR 5C at the end of the Minutes.)

- 3'


- 4

    L.   Bachelor of Health Science Degree for Physician Assistants
        F(PR 6A)  

    President Singletary called on Chancellor Bosomworth who explained
the need for a Bachelor of Health Science Degree in Physician
Assistant Education. He added that the proposed program, which has
been approved by the University's academic councils, is consistent
with the University's state-wide education mission in that it is a
unique program not available elsewhere in the Commonwealth. On motion
made by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Clay and carried, the Board
approved for submission to the Council on Higher Education a new
baccalaureate degree program, Bachelor of Health Science Degree in
Physician Assistant Education. (See PR 6A at the end of the Minutes.)

    M.   Appointment to the Council of Supervisors (PR 6B)

    With President Singletary so recommending, on motion made by Mr.
Farmer, seconded by Mr. Black, and carried, approval was given to the
appointment of Mr. Henry E. Hershey to the Council of Supervisors,
University Hospital, as a Board of Trustees member, for a three-year
term, effective October 1, 1984 through September 30, 1987. (See PR
6B at the end of the Minutes.)

    N.   Board Appointments, McDowell Cancer Network (PR 6C)

    President Singletary recommended that Mr. Ivan Jett, Mrs. Carolyn
Kenton, Dr. Ben Roach, and Mrs. Vivian Weil be reappointed as
non-faculty members and Dr. John van Nagell as a faculty member of the
Board of Directors of the McDowell Cancer Network, effective November
1, 1984 through October 31, 1987. Mr. Farmer so moved. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Black and carried. (See PR 6C at the end of the

    0.   Policy On Conflicts Between Football Games and Keeneland

    President Singletary described the current University policy
between the University of Kentucky Athletics Association and Keeneland
Association in an effort to avoid conflicts in schedules, The
University policy is to schedule football games during evenings on
racing dates with the only exception being as to dates in which there
is an invitation to appear on network television. The President
explained the long-standing cooperation, indicating there had been
occasional conflicts in the past and that conflicts would likely occur
in the future. He asked the Board if they wished to change that
policy. After a brief discussion, the Board endorsed the existing

    P.   Interim Financial Report (FCR 1)

    Mr. Clay, Chairman of the Finance Committee, reported that the
Committee had met on the morning of October 16 and reviewed the six
items to be presented for action, the first of which was the Interim
Financial Report for the two months ended August 31, 1984. After
noting that the University is "on target", Mr. Clay moved acceptance
of the report. His motion was seconded by Mr. Black and passed
without dissent. (See FCR 1 at the end of the Minutes.)


                               - 5 -

   Q.   Disposal of Personal Property (FCR 2)

   On motion by Mr. Clay, and second by Mr. Farmer, the Board
approved the disposition of obsolete and surplus equipment as
recommended in FCR 2. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes.)

    R.   Acceptance of University of Kentucky Audited Financial
         Statements and Related Reports for the Year Ended June 30,
         1984 (FCR 3)

   After reviewing the audited financial statements and related
reports of the University of Kentucky for the year ended June 30,
1984, including the Management Letter and a Report on Compliance with
House Bill 622 submitted by Coopers and Lybrand, Certified Public
Accountants, the Finance Committee recommended and Mr. Clay so moved
that the reports, as submitted, be accepted. His motion was seconded
by Mr. Black and unanimously carried. Mr. McCowan complimented the
staff on an outstanding job. (See FCR 3 at the end of the Minutes.)

    S.   Acceptance of the Financial Statements of the University of
         Kentucky Affiliated Corporations and Other Related
         Organizations for the Year Ended June 30, 1984 (FCR 4)

    Mr. Clay, acting upon the recommendation of the Finance Committee,
moved that the financial reports of the affiliated corporations for
the year ended June 30, 1984, as audited by the firm of Coopers and
Lybrand, be accepted. Included were audited financial statements of
The Fund for Advancement of Education and Research in the University
of Kentucky Medical Center, University of Kentucky Research
Foundation, University of Kentucky Athletic Association, University of
Kentucky Alumni Association, University of Kentucky Hospital
Auxiliary, University of Kentucky Business Partnership Foundation,
Inc., University of Kentucky Mining Engineering Foundation, Inc., and
Health Care Collection Service. Mr. Clay's motion was seconded by Mr.
Farmer and passed without dissent. (See FCR 4 at the end of the

    T.   Pre-Tax Contributions to Employee Health Insurance Plans (FCR 5)

    With the concurrence of the Finance Committee, Mr. Clay moved that
the Board authorize the establishment of a health coverage plan
pursuant to the regulations of Internal Revenue Service Code Section
125, and approve the Plan Policy Document for purposes of
implementation as recommended in FCR 5. His motion was seconded by
Mr. Black and unanimously carried. (See FCR 5 at the end of the

    U.   Hospital Receivables (FCR 6)

    Mr. Clay explained that the University's external auditors,
Coopers and Lybrand, recommended that the reporting practices of
University Hospital with respect to outstanding accounts receivable be
amended to conform to standards generally in effect in the national


- 6 -

hospital industry. The Finance Committee so recommending, he then
moved (1) that the reporting practices of University Hospital with
respect to outstanding accounts receivable be modified, as recommended
in FCR 6, and (2) that the appropriate administrative officers of the
University be authorized to cause the charge off against the allowance
for doubtful accounts, uncollected hospital accounts receivable when
same are referred for collection to Health Care Collection Service.
The motion, which was seconded by Mr. Farmer, carried without
dissent. (See FCR 6 at the end of the Minutes.)

    V.   Meeting Adjourned

    There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:27

                                Respectfully submitted,

                                George W. Griffin, Jr.
                                Ex Officio Secretary
                                Executive Committee
                                Board of Trustees

(PR's 2, 3B, 3C, 4A, 5A, 5SB, 5C, 6A, 6B, and 6C; and FCR's 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, and 6 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the


                                            Office of the President
                                            October 16, 1984

                                            PP 2

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:

                          Personnel Actions
Recommendation: (1) that approval be given to the attached
appointments and/or other staff changes which require Board action;
and (2) that the report relative to appointments and/or changes
already approved by the administration be accepted.
Background: The attached recommended appointments and/or other staff
changes require approval by the Board of Trustees in accordance with
Part VIII-B of the Governing Regulations of the University. These
recommendations are transmitted to the Board by the appropriate
chancellor through the President and have his concurrence.
Under the Governing Regulations, the authority to make certain
appointments and/or other staff changes is delegated to the President
or other administrators who are required to report their actions to
the Board. This report follows the recommendations requiring Board

Action taken: Approved_
Date:- &i  tbt'N i C



, 1984





                       COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM



            Lexington Community College

            Fried, Judith A., Associate Professor in the Community
                  College System (with tenure), effective 10/1/84.


             Henderson Community College

             Thomas, Stephen R., Associate Professor in the Community
                  College System (with tenure), appointed Chairman,
                  Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and
                  Related Technologies, 9/l/84 through 6/30/87.

             Paducah Community College

             Williams, Catherine, Associate Professor in the Community
                  College System (with tenure), appointed Chairman
                  Division of Sciences and Related Technologies,
                  9/l/84 through 6/30/86.


             Paducah Community College

             Crisp, Jayne, from Assistant Professor in the Community
                  College System (without tenure), to Associate
                  Professor in the Community College System (with
                  tenure), effective 7/1/84.
             Irby, Betsy, from Assistant Professor in the Community
                  College System (without tenure), to Associate
                  Professor in the Community College System
                  (with tenure), effective 7/l/84.





             Ashland Community College

             Elliott, Terry G., Instructor in the Community College
                   System, 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.

              Henderson Community College

              Thomas, James G., Assistant Professor in the
                   Community College System, 8/24/84 through

              Hopkinsville Community College

              Von Lanken, George D., Instructor in the Community
                   College System, 8/l/84 through 6/30/85.

              Jefferson Community College

              Burton, David, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Daly, Gaynor, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Koch, Mary, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Lynch, Julie, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Pauley, Lanny, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Puckett, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Schaefer, Joan, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
              Volz, Tina, Instructor in the Community College
                   System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.

              Lexington Community College

              Doty, Sarajane, Assistant Professor in the Community
                   College System, 9/1/84 through 6/30/85.

              Madisonville Community College

Tague, Kathy A., Instructor in the Community College
     System, 9/17/84 through 6/30/85.



         Paducah Community College

         Moss, Linda D., Instructor in the Community College
              System, 8/1/84 through 12/31/84.

         Somerset Community College

         Cronan, Cecil E., Assistant Professor in the Community
              College Assistant, and Associate Director for
              Academic Affairs, 9/1/84 through 6/30/85.
         Girdler, Sara, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
         Meade, Ricky, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
         Ratliff, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
         Taylor, Peggy, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
         Wade, Tim, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.

         Southeast Community College

         Hairston, Linda, Librarian IV in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 9/17/84 through 6/30/85.
         Kaylor, Noel Harold, Jr., Assistant Professor in the
              Community College System, 8/29/84 through


         Henderson Community College

         Chapman, Donald A., Associate Professor in the
              Community College System (with tenure),
              appointed Acting Associate Director for
              Academic Affairs, 9/1/84 through 12/31/84.


         Jefferson Community College

         Brown, Sam, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
         Canton, Philip, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
         Cronin, Karen, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
         Frank, David, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.



Julien, Joyce, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
Lamping,.Sr. Mary J. Clare,. Instructor in the
     Community College System (voluntary),
     8/1/84 through 6/30/85.
Sudduth, Sally, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 6/30/85.

Somerset Community College

Davidson, Betty, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Eaton, Kenny, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Farmer, Melissa, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Galloway, Debbie, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Leis, Charolette, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Pearson, Dale, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Singleton, Debbie, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through
Weaver, Bobby, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Wilson, Paul, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 3/1/84 through 5/31/85.
Winchester, Lula, Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/1/84 through
Wright, Bob E., Jr., Instructor in the Community
     College System (voluntary), 8/l/84 through

Southeast Community College

Bathija, N. R., Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.
Blevins, Randy, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.
Campbell, Donna, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.
Henry, Maxine, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/84.through 6/30/85.
Hensley, Denny, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.
Hensley, Elsie, Instructor in the Community College
     System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.



        Hopkins, Roxie, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.
        Howard, Charla, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.
        Mabelitini, Greta, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through
         Metcalf, Phyllis, Instructor in the Community
              College System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through
         Wynn, Don, Instructor in the Community College
              System (voluntary), 7/1/84 through 6/30/85.


         Ashland Community College

         Reed, Sharon, Assistant Professor in the Community
              College System, Leave without pay, l/l/85
              through 6/30/85.

         Hopkinsville Community College

         Morris, Edward J., Associate Professor in the
              Community College System (with tenure),
              Sabbatical leave with half salary,
              7/1/85 through 6/30/86.

         Paducah Community College

         Draffen, Carla, Instructor in the Community
              College System, Leave without pay, 8/1/84
              through 12/31/84.



                               LEXINGTON CAMPUS



              College of Agriculture

              Aaron, Debra K., Assistant Professor, Animal Sciences, 8/27/84
                    through 6/30/85.

              College of Arts and Sciences

              Chilukuri, Santaram, Visiting Professor, Physics and Astronomy,
                    8/16/84 through 5/31/85.
              Razzaghi, Mohsen, Visiting Professor, Mathematics, 8/16/84
                    through 5/31/85.
              Szpakowicz, Stanislaw, Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer
                    Science, 8/16/84 through 6/30/85.
              Truszczynski, Miroslaw, Visiting Assistant Professor, Computer
                    Science, 8/16/84 through 6/30/85.


              College of Architecture

              Levine, Richard S., from Associate Professor (with tenure), to
                    Professor (with tenure), effective 7/1/84.


              Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

              Griffith, Kate W., Executive Assistant, after 24 consecutive
                    years of service, effective 10/12/84.


              College of Education

              McClure, Nancy, Coordinator of Advising, Dean's Office, 9/1/84
                    through 12/15/84.

              College of Fine Arts

              Briggs, Wallace N., Professor (part-time), Theatre, 9/1/84
                     through 10/15/84.





              College of Arts and Sciences

              Baute, Paschal, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/84
                    through 12/31/84.
              Baynham, John, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84 through
              Berzins, Lisa, Instructor (part-time), Psychology, 8/16/84
                    through 12/31/84.
              Bessler, Robert W., Instructor (part-time), Computer Science,
                    8/16/84 through 12/31/84.
              Birkenhauer, Ann F., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                    through 12/31/84.
              Burgett, James E., Instructor (part-time), German, 8/16/84
                    through 12/31/84.
              Carter, Michael W., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                    through 12/31/84.
              Cerniglia, Constance S., Instructor (part-time), English,
                    8/16/84 through 12/31/84.
              Combes, Linda J., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                    through 12/31/84.
              Crawley, Bryan S., Instructor (part-time), Computer Science,
                    8/16/84 through 12/31/84.
              Hayes, Shirley, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
              Holman, Gaye, Instructor (part-time), Sociology, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
              Holwerk, Mildred, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
               Karbe, Manfred J., Assistant Professor, Mathematics, 8/16/84
                     through 5/31/85.
              McHenry-Hepner, Virginia, Instructor (part-time), English,
                     8/16/84 through 12/31/84.
               Merryman, Nancy, Instructor (part-time), Anthropology, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
               Mozur, Tiina T., Instructor (part-time), German, 8/16/84 through
               O'Hara, Kieran, Instructor, Geology, 8/16/84 through 6/30/85.
               Pope, George W., Instructor (part-time), Chemistry, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
               Smith, Christine M., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
               Tandy, Caron, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84 through
               Vass, Frank R., III, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.
               Zahniser, Ann H., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                     through 12/31/84.

*Special Title Series



College of Business and Economics

Danehower, Carol, Instructor (part-time), Management, 8/16/84
      through 12/31/84.
Dulworth, Virginia, Instructor (part-time), Accounting, 8/16/84
      through 5/15/85.
Kenkel, Donald S., Instructor (part-time), Economics, 8/16/84
      through 5/15/85.
Saidibaghgandomi, Gholamreza, Instructor (part-time), Economics,
      8/16/84 through 5/15/85.
Sioshansi, Azar, Instructor (part-time), Economics, 8/16/84
      through 5/15/85.

College of Communications

Hawpe, David V., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/16/84
      through 12/31/84.
Musulin, Mike, II, Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/16/84
      through 12/31/84.
Oldham, Cheyenne B., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/16/84
      through 12/31/84.
Preston, Tommy L., Instructor (part-time), Journalism, 8/16/84
      through 12/31/84.

College of Education

Bott, Deborah A., Assistant Professor, Special Education, 8/16/84
      through 5/15/86.
Leeper, Hugh H., Instructor (part-time), Curriculum and
      Instruction, 8/16/84 through 12/21/84.
Oscanyan, Frederick S., Assistant Adjunct Professor, Social and
      Philosophical Studies, 8/16/84 through 5/15/85.
Pappas, Christine C., Assistant Professor, Curriculum and
      Instruction, 1/1/85 through 6/30/86.

College of Engineering

Newman, David A., Assistant Professor, Mining Engineering,
      9/12/84 through 6/30/86.
Sotiropoulos, Dimitrios, Visiting Assistant Professor,
      Engineering Mechanics, 8/16/84 through 5/15/85.
White, Gary, Assistant Professor (part-time), Civil Engineering,
      7/1/84 through 6/30/85.

College of Fine Arts

Holloway, Melissa J-., Instructor (part-time), Theatre, 9/1/84
      through 6/30/85.
McAdams, Heather C., Instructor (part-time), Art, 8/16/84
      through 12/31/84.

*Special Title Series



         College of Home Economics

         Jones, Karen A., Instructor (part-time), Human Environment:
                Design, 9/1/84 through 12/31/84.


         College of Home Economics

         Wallace, Sharon, Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Science,
                joint appointment as Assistant Professor, Preventative
                Medicine and Environmental Health, College of Medicine,
                9/1/84 through 6/30/85.


          College of Architecture

          Rozenberg, Jerzy, Assistant Professor, 7/1/84 through 6/30/86.

          College of Arts and Sciences

          Allen, Susan, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84 through
          Bitetto, Vito, Instructor (part-time), Computer Science, 8/16/84
                through 12/31/84.
          Bloyd, Richard A., Instructor (part-time), Computer Science,
                8/16/84 through 12/31/84.
          Campbell, F. Diane, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                through 12/31/84.
          Cetrulo, Christine, Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                through 12/31/84.
          Chase, Dorothy R., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                through 12/31/84.
          Cooper, John B., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                through 12/31/84.
          Crocker, Lina E., Instructor (part-time), English, 8/16/84
                through 12/31/84.
          DeSimone, Shirley C., Instructor (part-tim