xt747d2q5g1f_1 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q5g1f/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q5g1f/data/M-553.dao.xml unknown 0.1 Cubic Feet 1 reel of microfilm archival material m-553 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. William Sylvester Taylor papers Assassination -- Politics and government -- Kentucky. Governors. Speeches, addresses, etc. William Sylvester Taylor papers text William Sylvester Taylor papers 2017 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt747d2q5g1f/data/M-553/Reel_1/0001.pdf 1899-1937 1937 1899-1937 section false xt747d2q5g1f_1 xt747d2q5g1f oe-e am °1 no
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‘ ‘ V . . V ‘1
--._.........__. £35-“..-WM“ ' 1 ‘ " ' ‘-
. .. crat and'thS‘t no one is a ném'oe
“NA ‘ Colonel of Old School Who is may 1° I"
» ‘ V nominee of a. regular conventl
‘ ___m “E; ..__ that all matters of principles, _‘
. fl; * “ t . questions of conscience and mo
. NDER M ' 3! 1:31:41: than” all claims of honesty” and M“ d l
, _.'_f‘V.;;-‘V§g§_j-:5g; 1:21:23: V fV' Zig'sii-‘T-t‘é'ffva? __:.,. . mg are out of place in such a, 1‘
' , 5555'”. .J ' 33,115.33.“ “‘1 _:_" 7 3(3’5 ' '_‘:’5" cussion; that all a Democrat . h
" , ——_—._..__.__ f: _v 7;, Vi.“ " 3 . 3‘94 V V_ tithing? any right to ask, the only muttcr '.
, "Taylor, Leading by 2,383 Votes ;-' 11% vfio _. , ‘ has any right t° ”name" ““4“ "r
‘- i ' o Ret L t Off' I, 55i555'_%_..§[,fViggggi. '. 7,5555 “N131 .; ~ - “9*“ V nomination by a regular conv
n 'ums, 03 Ice y v : 3,153 it $115113 tion? If SO. he mUSt V0“ for .
l , Legislative Action After 1:: 1- ; WWW nominee- matter Who he 18*
Taking Oath .. ~ ~ “‘1 What he believes, 0’ "not he .-,
. ' "v“ ., :« 52.... §KV§MVW . .. , (103,18. .0” 110.“ ,and What methpds '.
~—-~—-~—~~ 1 a, V tit?“ 'i'T: . ' tamed the nomination-
VICTOR FATALLY wouunlan 11 so it ....:_ ‘ "on the ooer side this *9 dam .,
. 1 ' o‘ it 1m and it "3 moods» that-aim Dam“:
‘- --.~. . is i i . A bound bi their-lowoofhomo 1.1
Kenmk has {am far morel to l » fair dealing: .fioisrouddmo i s.
.- than its share of mcmoru hie DO» *">1”’:?*<., $53-53 ~}':?j;\;I-{:'jg§::f“(“le V Br» intimidétwno‘parm' “Ola“-
Wflgfiuteven the lively gub- £3313 in“ ;. declared locomotion tia-oot 8» v
» ...rnat- n e'ooofest or. 1935, m which in 4 1%: nomination it obtained...px~§uch .2
. A; B. ”handler finally emerged vic- ‘ 1):}: 9%ij .y -.... . - V. fat“ 1-5 .53 failings ' means; and Vthatflthef ‘1
“,3 torious after several months of 13¢ 32., #53 a? A, 1.; ' I: f. V‘ . object of-"fthe ficrmgtiun of: ’1 ‘_
campaigning, could not quite meas— gs? ~"::5.-'5:‘5§§ ' . V 2" t. he preservation of our institutio i
ure up to the gubernatorial cam- .> . i" ' ‘\ t 1 “5.;- " . ~ V ‘ ,L. and that when this object is "'1‘
paign of 1899. Ext; “VIA-.31.; ., .‘ $11151. . , 'J; — 3": sight of and a nomination disho
That was the year in which W’iL ‘i-{g‘ ,r V :w‘n ' ' - ‘ ostly obtained also means anti-Do ;
liam Goebel, then a state senator, *3?ny f- ‘q f' " ,Vs, _ ,7 V5555“ ‘1 ocratic policies and dishonest ole '
was nominated by the organization Afi§fi$fi ' k: " ’ ‘ "1' "f 555555? ‘ lions, every Democrat, every honyst
Democrats in the memorable Music vV§“*i*'i{ ~ 91 If ,,..-:. .."'-'".-"“ 5559:": man. must unite with all good men
Hall convention at Lonisvillé—an. :flfi’Wx .: 2331115.”? .T 3"" '1 " ff; "0 defeat that nomination al‘d' "-_
act that finally was climaxed. early ‘fi’é‘fi, .. 1.“?- V ,1 t“ fffffjfvfi-g-‘Ei V: cue that party from such fate. on
in 1900. by the assassination of gx . 1:." $31.2»; {a 3 j-.-.-‘:‘_.V 1 "5‘3; “In a discussion ”p0“ SUCh if
Goebel and. the elevation to the ,W‘ifié‘ ESE; >~<~§§ ”3555f; ics, in a, contest about such matter“ .
8'")an 01,18 chair of J. C. W. Beck- I fly» . ”51";"151: ‘57:: 1.,r"~*§‘>’¢%? '23, MM attempt to interpose other (may.
harm, nominee for lioutel'lanl Stove“ l }§{%~;§¢Em;ifi V ; “wwfi‘é :7 [Vi-j "E: gtions is futile. The Herald in
nor in that same COIIVGHUOH. 3:232:3“ l1. ’+l‘ ”WW t??? I . lotten rcpcat ed that at the bar 0
' The can] l)” ig‘n rcall .Y started in fixmw‘ert‘bV . 1,: :p11l1llc opinion Mr. G oebcl tilt} Mi 1 .
in the Democratic party, succeeded ‘ -.. , 1;. "- Vi? 4:51-7:11: » . Estauds is 0" trial; he stands- zw
in securing through action 'of the ”*3 i "la g1» ,; I” 10.8 ntralized power in party in ele ‘ ,
state legislature a new election law, l if. h g V *1: ,-V~~"_',-"5_f.~j':1‘" ‘3; :1, ; “OHS—*a- DOWEI‘ that can be: 5‘ 3'
. generally 7' eii' erre d to as the “G oebel ”V ; ~ 1 373:7"; _V ~ ”fix“ V r l ruptly used; that has been c1;..'
law." By this act the election mo- 3",” ' f ' v ~ 'l'm’tl-V “58¢ 11? Kentucky desil‘
chinery wan placed in the hands of ivy " I. Vii-£1! 5: .-:£:.‘ .35": r. 1'5 ~ 77:11: 1 I . the perpetuation Of that system 3:1???
three commissioners chosen by the EM“? - .:. f *o g 1 Wm 919“ Mr- Goebel~if She (101‘s
assembly. and in county boards ap- 2"”? ""7 ‘ 5r: . “on then Mr- G09bel Will be 071‘»
‘ pointed by these commissioners. w1a‘i5tfia ». " .,.'iii"i,-g}..;§.':. 1 “Z feated. This is the issue.” 7
This law was ‘ condemned bitterly ‘j i I 3' ,_. i ,1 ,1 . Headlines From The Herald. l
by the Refublican party, and like- “3% -. 1 ‘5'.“‘5’fii‘5hr:3.i:.t 5155., Most modern newspapers, no mat: V
wise by 3. me of’ the state’s most max} , 1 I .:i’ ‘1 $9" what “1917‘ DO'ltiCS. give space
influential lDemocrats. ‘ E 'f' ‘ ' _,-;E?-‘-y ‘1 ' are .1 m We". news columns to bOth Side.’ ‘
Goeblél Began Campaign l V‘fii 43’1“," 17- , a {if}; ”V3" during election campaigns; but, .1
1 A, . In 3 " .. 1:“ = 21:5? or? “5311257:-r'zfi’i‘v Vf‘ .~ii-.~i'::7”‘ ', (““3" JV”IE’UGS- “The Herald. Wu
Therefore When 9"e“’ej’ 0” Jam“ {fi‘.1-,,-:--1T' 32L. ji " 13: * 11,3’ "Vi-"e progroésivo than some of it."
.ary 20' 31899' res‘gne“ “‘0'“ ”"3 a: '. . " -. .. 11"477? -' 1Ct‘mtonmoraries; its columns 'n-é.‘
Democratic state central committoc ingVRVVV .1" if." .’ V‘s-:V'ffVqu-V.’ v.‘ ’\.: qvuently contained news storic.”
and fol-rl'ially announced his mum» giv’ti‘im .jg..'..r.§.'-:'”f-‘3' _ giving the arguments of pro-Goebel
«lacy. 1011' g‘OVCI‘llQI‘. strong nno‘ d9 {‘co ‘ "“5 ' 5" -* .-' 5": 1' as Well as anti-Goebel speaker :
termineo oppos1t10n arose Imn'ledi— .Noverthelcss, The Herald didn’t e ‘
ately Within the ranks of his own 0017- WILL'AM GRUBBS (actlv praisc “091,91 in mp h 1'
party. The Herald. whose editorial 1 . , f A . 1mm; Amon ”1.31;, 1 ,. i; ‘ can
policies were at that time directed This pit-turn was: taken by Mallcn, lllc Lomngtolr photographer the Iclooin dg x“ ""f "Adbr GUI?“
by W. C. P. l:>’rcckinridge, was Whose name IS Signed to so many 01’ tl'ie:_e.1((:cll(:nt old prints in llcxinp, [\vere. “Vang $11}: ”r HWGVC'ampalgn.
among the newspapers and political ton‘s family albums. it shows Col. \\llllalll Lirubbs. well known in‘ ‘ ‘ y ‘ ’ 6"” 'lebev -
leaders Who stated that Goebel was Central Kentucky sev‘cral decadcsVago, but the elaborate uniform h"! FIRST DUTY OF TODAY"
not the man for the place and ex~ gworc was not that or. a. coloncla 1t appurmiily was that of a Knight; ._._.; '
pressed the opinion that he could (lieniplar. The plcture was submitted. by Mm. .l. M. Sloan, of 126 Clay; Is the Defeat of Goobelism
not win even if he were nominated. avenue. :
Goebel nevertheless started llis’.--~———____..——————-~———~—~—-——__-—:—-———-————..-——-——-l BRYAN THE SUFIli‘ERER
Cu‘rllpaig‘n almost lmmmliately, the ‘ . 7 . . . i . -~—-~--~- H
_ fol'n‘iul opening inking place at, lleb- Hcckhum were nmmnatcd as gov-lalso convening in [.chlngtq‘u'l, hall I HJS Visit to Lexington Did Coolie,
anon U“ Janoury 23_ The crowd ernor and llculcliul‘lt g0V01'nOI', dc-Ilon July 13 nominated William S. Little Good and Rexultcd in 5
WW5, large and his speech was ap- spite cries of "steam-roller" andl'l‘aylor as governor, and the 911-13-! Harm to His Own Chances '3
plaudod at times, “but there was “steal” that resulted from the. ambition calrlpalg‘n was on in earnest. ' _,
no strong demonstration from the 198“?” “mm-1"““n tactics “'39" by; Stump spccches by the nominoesl KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN l3:
audience,” said The Herald in its the G‘mh‘” wing togmn the V“"t")"-V"i:inil their mppr.1riters in half it! ---~ ‘
¥news columns the following morn- Second Democratlc T'Cket Named dozen chit-H and towns were re-lThQ Struggle of the People Against .
111g. I Relfusiug to bow to the converh corded almost daily in the pages, tho. Mali'l'line; Goobei Can Not
Some of the foes ”r Goebel within tion’s verdict, the Democratic fact of The ilcruld: and in almost every l Be Elected on a. Fair Count
'1‘ the 1‘)(:-m«f'cratic Dam, hogan to cast tion which had opposed him in tho; coltion, during the last three! _
about 1’0! a; Dari)" lcador'wlyn could convention immediately made piano! nmmhonl‘ Hm cainpulun. H19 insuos‘ b DUTY OF" EVERY MAN ‘
enact QM grunt advantage: * ilmt H" 3”". 4‘ Lnggr‘fn“: :UC‘ZWLMQJW‘ "I’IHT‘J dimeumed in one imflnm'erqzl'fi‘ x h b ~MM- “w" ‘ H A V‘-
lcoehe] mam through mm“), M the ticket in the field. A convention]torials. on Schtmnlwr 12 The rim—['19 lfvspoot ‘His Own Right and
Iparty organization. As a rcs‘ult two was u,r'l'u.l1g(::ll, to be llcld in Leftwald said editorially: Deicnd the HOBO? 01’ the State
men entered the iicld against him film‘s)” ”” August 16' and at ””51 "Tho true lh’b‘lH’S of this calllpaig'll “"“"“ '
--—P. Wat Hardin and \Nlllium J. (5‘r"’V'e‘1ti”l'lJQJ'" \'f’l'1’g1%'.()wn (notlam honest lutrty government. and .Illnally came the rod~letter 3180--
Stone. The cal'npaign svat dra- the present Jolln Youm,r Brown Othlme and ham-st: clcctions. On these “011 day of the centurwaovember
matically through the late winter Iva-Wit"; couty) was chosen as gup'ossucs this contest is waged; here 7' in. mu’rf’ headlines the following
and spring months to its climax ernatorial nominee otwlmt It was, is the line ol‘ battle. On one side morning, I‘he Herald asserted;
in the convention at the old Music dccidcd to call the “fVIOIWSt E"3'C'|it is contcndcd that party rcg‘lllar- GOEBEL IS DEFE "
Hall in Louisville, hold in June. On tion Democratic party. llty is the prime and supreme qucs- __ ALED
the 27th 0? that month (ioohel and In the meantime the Repul1licans,|tlon to he answcrod by every Doan- The Machine by W n. , , , l
. ”'“M-——w—-——-——-—--—»--~..--._._.t,,-,_______-__,._.__.-,__1_..__-._.._.._......_.-.__.---._.H-_....__M-.._~_V__V__V__VV_M___ _ _ ,, ., _..-...m_.-_,.‘.._,~___.... to .; war“ ’

 ‘ '- - . ‘u ’ - . ‘ '1' ‘ ' . ‘ rernor, de- on uy 13 n‘ - "l“ , Q ‘ ’ ' 0 ieXinf-fiion Did Go be ‘
was large and his speech was ap-lsplt€ Cl‘rGS of ”Steall’l-rollerv andl'l‘aylor as gogglgitegnr£2,321“;! Little Good and Resulted me -
mended at times, “but there Wasi"51€’al" that resulted from the al. tion canlpaign ywas'on in pé'm'e‘m'f Harm t0 His Own Chances
h0 strong demonstration from the [39890 SU‘UI‘ILr-arm tactics used by \‘tump r I- h 1~ 5’ ,
andience." said The Herald in its the G‘Jebel wing to cam the victory. and ItheifpeGCheS by the nouuncesg KENTUCKY CAMPAIGN
DEWS columns the following morn- Second Democratic Ticket Named doze] wit' supporters m halt 8'l M.“
lug: ‘ i ..[ Lies and towns were TG- The Struggle 0f 1hr P - '

, I Refusing to bow to the convem corded almost daily in th . a I th M r: .. .eople Against
Some of the toes of Goebe] within Iltl'én’s verdict, the Democratic fac. of The Herald. and'in almo:t fifés B: Famwez Goebel Can Not 1
, stile l)”_lnv.¢:lratjc party began to cast l tion which had opposed him in thcledition, dining- 1,10 ’ IN; this?“ - .lectcd on a. Fair Count
“"7"."— f‘“ 8 Party leader who could CODVeDtiOn immediately made plarlslmonthulnf th 5 "(in "f; .‘ "l r A _ _ _ . . _‘ .
fig'W“ We ens-at advantage what ‘ "T "- ¢~ éi'fi'saiihs' [RF-.loclailltfj were manages"flingfié‘fg'f,::,fsfl?5 ,' ‘ ’11]le 3P PY‘PTRLMA-N . a .
.(roebel held through control of the {ticket in the field. A convention torials. On September 12 Thevllclxhl‘o R: We 1 Hem-«.2. , .
»Paf"(3’01‘ganization. Asaresult two was arranged, to be held in LexJald said editoriallvzr — I ’1 l Defend th Apls Clwn R'ghf‘ and .
In?) entered the field against him Imgton on August 16, and at this: “Th, true isms 6f this an” 2 V 9 mm” or the State ,
-‘ . , . . . .C n . - r v . S ._ “’ i yang”, 1- _ NM ,, l
Stonewa'l‘hgacradg and Williamd J'ltge ‘Sygézfithgfinlgléng Brown (notlare honest party government. and, .I‘Inally can-is the red—letter elect .
. pang“ swept raw i “ng Brown oflfree and honest .31 pt‘ [Hon day of the centurv—N . ,
matically throu h the l t winte Trayette COUtS’) was chos _n. - ' ‘ €-JODS. On ““359.- ..._.- l. ,. i ~‘chn1ber
_ g a e I”, , , en as 8’11.” Issues thls contest 18 WaO‘ecl- home i 7' I” 1' My Headlines the. tollowin
and spring months to its climax ernatorial nomlnee of what it was is the line of battle 0 ‘i ' “,morning. The Herald afieftpd. g ,
in the convention at the old Music demded to call the “Honest Elec-lit is contend d h J .‘n one bide H ' '
31a” in Louisville held in June, On tion Democratic party," ity is {be prifne tara; :3;::'n::-:”9: GOEBEL IS DEEEATED I:
8 27th of that month Goebel and In the me nt' * ' f. . J i 'f. uw- ——._~. .‘
MRWMGO ’19:} Demo‘ The Machine by which He Sought, -
' a“ to Sleze the Governor’s Chair “
\— Could Not Save Him "
' From the Wreck / '.
‘ It It a“
Taylor Leads in .Vote Count
The count, nevertheless, was! :
lclose, and it was nearly a week!
. before it was indicated. on the a
4’ face of the returns. that Taylorfl .
Republican, had received 193,714
; votes; Goebel 191,331, and Brown
12,140. .
The Goebel then immediately /“
charged Governor Bradley, a Re-
publican, with intimidation of vot- . ‘
ers by use of the militia in Louis-
ville on election day, and an at:
tempt was made to have the votel
of Louisville thrown out on the;
grounds that Bradley had been'
guilty of “illegally using the militial
and overawing and intimidating,
l the voters.” Other frauds also were.
‘ charged. l :3
In the midst of the fireworks, ‘
Mr. Taylor and the remainder ofl
the Republican ticket was inauguf'
rated at Frankfort on December 12. l
But the Democrats, in the same]
‘ election, had gained a substantiall If
and uncontested majority in the! *
legislature, and immediately afterl '
the assembly met on January 2,,
1900, formal contests for the officeS' "
I of governor and lieutenant gov-I '
’ ernor were filed by the Goebel men.
Goebel ls Shot l
While these contests were being?
heard by What foes of Goebel;
[charged was a partisan and pro-é
' Goebel joint legislative board, the"
— storm center of the controversy,’
Goebel, was shot and wounded at|
11:10 a. n1. on January 30 as he' '
walked up the sidewalk toward the! ,-
old capitol, accompanied by COL";
Jack Chinn and Warden Eph Lil-; ‘
- lard of the state penitentiary. the:
shot coming from a building at the‘ f‘
geast of the Capitol in which thel W
, offices of Taylor, the Republican
lsecrctary of state, Caleb Powers,E
laud other leading officials werc'
Elocated. ,‘ ‘
E On that same night, while Goebel ,3
lay critically wounded, the legisla-l
ltive board, by a strict party votel
of 10 to 1, declared Goebel elected!
as governor. Taylor then ordered; g ‘
the assembly adjourned, to meet in;
London. Ky., February 6; and oni -
the next night, at 9 o’clock while
troops under the direction of Tay!
lor barred the legislators from the
r capitol, Chief Justice Hazelrigg ad-
ministered to Goebel the oath as!
governor, and to Beckham the oath .5
as lieutenant governor. l
On February 3, at 6:45 p. m.,'
Goebel died from his wound, and’ '
one hour later Beckham was sworn
in as governor by Samuel Shackel.
ford, clerk of the court of appeals
, The Democratic majority in thc
. 4' assembly refused to go to Londor
to meet with the Republican minor.
ity. moving instead to Louisvillv " v
‘and early in February Taylor, st/
lclaiming he was the duly elect!
, . t

 W" ._ I ’JSIIIIIf” I_ 'W
' ‘ 'iq'éapubfloan‘
A tin the ‘ =
clashingtion for Gowrnor I
at Lexington laatWst I
, "Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of r
i the Convention: Could I command I
' 5 words that would breathe and scn- I
i tenccs that would burn. I could 30': I
i express to you the gratituch whic‘
' wells from my heart 0‘ hearts for,
”this splendid testimonial of your 90..
fidcnce and esteem. One 111181“ well i
be proud of this nomination, itit I
came alone from thigfilflgfinfittu 9‘ I
. semblagc oi gtuckiairs? but when l
1 “acct that'i is the gift“ the plain
' I, people of this commonwealth. borne
s to me by such honorable "presents?
tlvcs as yourselves. and that your ace
tion is unstained by force or iraud, ‘
I am overwhelmed with supreme grat- ‘
ification. ’ . i
“I accept this nomination upon the i
' superb platform of principles: you I
have enunciated. The sirugglc which _;
lies before us is more significant than ’
any which has taken place in the
State during the present generation. .
Shall a Democratic form of Govern-
' ment perpetua in this proud old
, monwcaltj’lg; shall it perish from Q
the .’ an be henceiorth but a }
memory? Shall the‘ most sacred gush i ‘
antce ofthc bill of rights, that ‘all
_ elections shall be free and equal,’ rc-
' main as the safeguard of a free peo- .
pie, or'shall it be allowed to stand
repealed by legislative enactment?
‘Thesc are the paramount questions
- which now confront Our people for
solution. The Republican party ‘
stands pledged to the restoration and
maintenance oi the civil rights of the
people, and to the’cxecntion and ful~
~ fillment of which you have named
me, I shall not abuse its prerogatives
byanassault upon any industry in _
the commonwealth-Ibut shall guard
each and every interests with Jealous I
care. Moreover I shall do all I can I
to develop the great resources of the I
State and to increase the prosperity I
of our people; and I shall cxc.cisc the '

, executive power to maintain law and I
order and protect every citizen, how- I
ever humble, or of whatever station.

“Gentlemen. with the adjournment I
of this convention the struggle with- .
in the ranks of our party ceases. and .
I’ the people’s light begins. Bearing!
' Mmission which you have just '
' confided. Ipromisc you that I shill
use every honorable died to him
about the people's triumph in Noe
“I thank you; I thank you; “has!
7013:" ~ . - "

Former Kentucky Governor Buried in
Crown Hill Cemetery.

Several hundred friends and busi-
ness asSociatcs of William S. Taylor,
age scvmity—four. vice-president and
general counsel for the Empire Life
and Accident Insurance Company,
who died Friday at the Methodist;
Hospital, were present Saturday aft- ‘
ernoon at funeral services held at
the Taylor home, 2143 North Dela-I
ware street. j

High tribute was paid Mr. Taylor,‘
former Governor of Kentucky. who
was forced to flee his native state fol- '
loy‘jpg the assassination of his polit- 5
led opponent, William Goebel, in an ,
address by Bishop H. H. Fout. of the.
United Brethren church. who offici- I
ated. Mr. Taylor's ability to re-es-l
tablish himself after sacrificing the?
highest office in Kentucky was praised
by the speaker. I

Honorary pallbearers were Dan V.:
' hitc, judge of the Marion county;
municipal court; Charles S. Drake,|
president of the insurance company
with which Mr. Taylor was associated;
James M. Drake, secretary, and H. L. I
Drake. assistant secretary. Active I'
pallbearers were Charles Shipn1an,I
C. F. McLain, Louis Messang. Jack;
Robinson, Jacob M. Branaman andI‘
Louis M. Head, all superintendents of I
the company. Burial was in Crown;

, Hill cemetery.- {

 ’ William 8. Taylor, age seventy-four, I“: an; - .- ‘ if .Q 2.
Havel-norm Kentuckano colorful figure infill: {4" «7", that no
and who fled to Ind '0. 1900 following the to ,1; ., “f :. homo.
erotic opponent. William “seem, died It the... _ _‘ , : 7*” - ~ uy’
of hfirtdlsem. g .- . ‘ .
. nl ough he . d returned to Ken- ' l «
ucky several ti I am he was par- m-..
owed by (love Wicca. of Ken- \ . ‘
tucky. in 1909, the exiled Governor V, .-
had never expressed-a desire to return ,3“. _
to his native state to live, preferring .ézg;g§;§5§:§§:"a-=.-:-::"-jf::M . ,
the state of his adoption. where he ”*‘7- 1,, i, 1., , .
had lived for twenty-eight years. ya ' ' .,.
. “Mr. Taylor loved Indiana. He want- 9. @v
ed to live and die here," said the ,‘\ .. §;
. . ldow. “He often commented on the , “ ‘ , ' ' is;
great number of friends he had in " , ‘Q-gx:
Kentucky and they often urged him f“; .ég‘s lg; ~1§§
to come back, but he always said that §,:;._«‘.-'I§§§§2 11595;...»9.‘ .:
things happened for the best for him. ,3 $3 It‘ll
; "He seldom talked about the clr- l..;;f.5;:gg§§§§§§§§:- “5.5- ‘2",
cumstances under which he left Ken- 3,33» , "
tucky and mention of the subject al- . x
' ways brought tears to his eyes. He! ‘--_=_...‘:" * , ,
felt that he had been cruelly treated," ' 3: we
. Mrs. Taylor said. , *‘ri-F
Taylor was elected Governor of Ken- ,
tucky on the Republican ticket in
1899, after a bitterly fought cam-l ' ”.3; .
palgn, but the following year the Ken- . $5? :5 .-
.tucky legislature voted his election; - 7;fs;:~j1"..é§;~3'*7_'
fraudulent and declared Goebel as the ‘ .5“ _~ ‘ \ >51€?:&9'4,-;;;‘,.,
legal Governor. . I ‘_ ' '3 if glgf‘iffiif'if' ‘i;;5_5;?§,.s,-:r¥f§§:-u,.
As a consequence two govern ents ' " ’L;:-":r.=‘§;’e’.;§?f'0?:‘*55:':55§3-'*“1¥;i': “‘6‘"
,were set up in the Kentucky cgitau f; ;§..:~‘-"?E§53_i:;:‘.‘:3";;_»’:§-"§5 .‘_\¢
'both guarded by armed camps, Tay- 1‘ " ,,.,,;§j>;._~§_\::
lor heading one and Goebel the other. 3 29’ I31: ‘Ig; 1:2 dW.>,;-: ,
Followers of both Governors flocked.| ~”' ’ 6.355%; 4533-71" ,
to Frankfort and on January 10, 1900, ---'-""————‘—-—-‘“““”“‘“""'
as Goebe was walking to the old state "
Capitol building in Frankfort, he was WILLIAM 3- TAYLOR '
shot down by a concealed rifleman. M“
The shot came from the chief offices {Ml-s. Mabel Miller, 1309 West Thirty-
ln another building. Goebel died a second street and Wendell S. Taylor.
few fdays after he had taken the oath IofISan Gabriel, Cal. 1 d M N A
0 ’ 0 108. n 1912 Ta 'lor marr e M ore, .
Taylor held a certificate of election Myers, of Grgenwood, Ind. The couple
from the secretary of state and held quietly went to Kentucky and were
the Office through legal channels married at the old home of- the bride
“when Goebel contested the election at Jamstown. Their presence, ,how-
4‘ dn‘d‘fisuwequcntly the legislature held ever, soon became nolsed about and
. [that Goebel was Governor. ' Taylor received the congratulations of
I]: I Extradition Denied. hi; friendsCharles Linden Taylor age
. son, .

. I Taylor fled to Indiana where ef~ twelve, survives the second marriage.
forts to extradite him were denied! A b th 1’ T Ir 1 Mar a -
by Governor Winfield T. Durbin, thel YOKer- 16m afo - 0 8 n I
Indiana. Governor. contending thatttognu' 3;" a.so surv vests h t
Taylor would not receive a. fair trial. be nera latnaangemdein one f ”0'
.In the meantime a conspiracy to mura’ .en comp e e pen ng “7°" tom

the son in California, although burial I
der indictment had been returned by will be 1 Cr Hill e eter l
a grand jury against Taylor, Henry] n own c m y.

* Youtsey and Caleb Powers. Youtsey, -——- , 3 .
then twenty-six years old. confessed ~ "
and was sentenced to the State Pent,’
tentlary. He served until December '

12. 1918, when he was paroled. E

Powers was tried four times, but} .
each time the case was set» aside, and
he was pardoned by Governor Willson}
in 1908 and when attempts at: ex-
tradition of Taylor were frustrated,
Governor Willson pardoned Taylor .
the following year.

The Taylcr forces, soon after Tay-
lor’s indictment. look the case to the
federal court in an attempt to ovens}
ride theleg‘lslature's decision, tut Wild

llam Howard Taft, now chief justice
of the United States supreme court,
then a Judge of the United States
court of appeals at Cincinnati, up--
{leld‘the assembly verdict. J. C. M. ’
whim, Lieutenant-Governor under
. Goebfi. assumed the governorshlp.
Th‘er‘ the United States supreme court
"Wield the court of appeals and it was,
6 .1' that decision that Taylor fled to.
Indianapolis. I
l Taylor had spent a fortune in his

.race for Governor and subsequent le-
‘gal controversies. He came to Indi-
anapolis with his family, practically
penniless. After he had established
himself in exile he entered the prac-
tice of law and later was one of the
founders of the Empire Life Insur-
ance Company, of which he was vice- .
president and general counsel at the!
time of his death, having recuperated
hlsg financial losses and built another

f for .une.

.~~ Taylor was born in Butler county,
Kentuckyl. He studied law and entered
politics at the age of twenty-two when
he was “feted clerk of the Butler
county Smauit court. Later he was
elected Judge of the court and then
for light years he. served as attorney-
Somaral for the state of Kentucky. It
was while he was attorney-general
that he ran for the covernorship.

He married Sarah Bell Tanner, who
died in Indianapolis in 1900. Five

,c ildrcn, four daughters and a son.
survive this union. They are Mrs.

Tyler 1". Davidson. 1006 West Thirty-
fourth street: Mrs. Anna B. Wilson,
753 North Meridian street: Mrs.
otha Belle Bailey. of Columbus. 0.;

 pom WAYNE "omrrm .10 m1 eAzm‘rrc. WED. FEB. "I" I900.
. fl . '0 13y F.P.Dunn3:

Well,31r, said Mr.Donloy, tie to see that the gloryous 01'
Commonwealth iv Kentucky in iteilf again."

" ' How's that?” naked Mr.Henneeey.

F r some time past "said Mr.Dooley, "they's been nathin' doin' that'd
make a meotin'iv th' Epworth league inthreetin'.Th' bystanders, in
Kentucky has been as safe as a Journey man hifhwayman in Chicago.
Perfectly innocent an' unarmed men wint into th' state an' come out
again‘ without a bullet hole in their backs. It looked f'r awhile as
if th life iv th' ordin'ry visitor was goin' to be as harmless in Ky an
in Uteh,th' home iv th' deethroyere 1V American domestic life. But Ky
as Hogan cave, wee not dead but on'y eleepin'. Th'other day that gran'
ol' etate woke up though two iv its foremost rapid firin' citizens.

"They met he chanet in a hotel contagious to a bar. Colonel Derr-
inger wee sittin' in a chair peacefully fixin' th' hammer in‘his Fourd
ty-four Colt flun,preeinted to him be his constituents on th' occasion
iv his mem'rahle cpeech on th' nicieeity iv spreadin' th' civilization
in th' United ”baton to th' ends iv th’ wur-ruld.Surroundin' him was
Major Bulleeye, a well-known lawyer, cattle-raiser an' Journalist iv -
Athena, Bulger county‘ Whose destruction iv Captain Cassius Glaucue

\ Wigfiine at th' meetin iv th' thrusteee iv th’ Second Baptist church
excited so much comment arong cportin' men three or four years ago.
Gen'ral Rangefinder iv Thebes, Colonel Chivvy 1V Sparta, who whittled
Major Lycurgue Gem iv Thermopolae down to th WlSh bone at th' anti-
polygenint meetin' lafi' June, an'others well known gintlemcno" .
"Th' party wan suddenly confronted be Hajor Lyddite iv Carthage
' . an' a. party iv friends, who were in town for th‘ purpose div protectin'
th' sufferege against anny nolution but their own.Col. Derringer an'
Major Lyddite had been inimies f’r several montne,iver since Major
Lydditc, in an attempt to deetroy one of his fellow citizens, killed
a cow helongin' to th' jamial colonel.Th' two gintlemen had sworn f'r
to slay each other at tight, or 30 days, an' all Ky eocienty had been
on what Hogan calls th'quee veev, or lookout,f'r another tragedy to be dgi
added to th' long list iv eim’ler ivinte that marks th' hietory in th'
'Danflfand Bloody Ground' ___ which is a name given to Ky by her affec
, ~tionate eons.

"Without a wur-rud or a bow both gintlemen dhrew on each other
an' began a deadly fueillade.. That 15' Hinnieey, they began shootin'
at the bystandere.I'll tell ye whet th pa-pere said about it.!RB Th'
two antugoniwtg waq in perfect form an' well suetained th' reputation
in th’ state f'r acc'rete workmanship.ColDerringer'e first shot caught
a boot an' shoe drummer fr'm Chicago square in th' beck, amid consider
able applauee.MnJor C.Lyddite tied th' score be anilin' a scrub womanon
th' tpo iv a 1adder.Th' man at the traps sprung a bell boy whom th'
colonel on'y winged, th'e goin' back wan,but his necond barrel brought
down a book cnnvaneer fr'm New York,an', this bein' a Jew man. eint him
ahead three. Th' Major had an aiey wan f'r th' head waiter, nullin'
him jiNt as he jumped into a coal hole. our all.

"Th' col thried a difficult polinmnn,lamin' him. Thin th' Manor
turned his attention to hie own frinde an' made three twos in eecceas~
ion.Th' Col rad no 10 fast forch—nate.ne caught Major Bulleeye an' Capt.

. Wiggincbut Grn'ral Rangefinder was safe behind a. barber's: pole 5111' Col.
Chivvy fluttered out iv rungc.Thue th' score was tin th' six at th'
conc1u~ion iv tt' daye' cndrt in favor iv Major Lyddite. Unforchnately

} th' gallant major was enable f’r to reap th' reward iv hie excellent
markmanehip fir in & vain indeavor f’r a larger ecoor, he chased th'
barber 6v th' decond chair into th' street an' there Slipping on a
banana peel fell an' euetained injuries fr’m which he eubeequently died.

 In him th' counthry loses a valu-able an' rapid-firin' son, an societi
a leadin' figure, his meat market an' grocery bein' wan iv th' larges
outside iv Minerva.Some idee iv th’ acc'racyiv th' fire can be gained
fr'm th‘ det iled scoor, as follows 3L ddite, 3 hearts, wan lung. wan
. kidney, sees!- fivo brains. Derrin er, {hearts , 2 brains. This has

seldom been excelled. Among the mgnor casualties rosultin' fr'm this
painful but delightful soiree was the followin': Erastus Haith Muggins
kilt be juwpln' fr'm th' roof; Blank Caseidy, hide an' pelt salesman
fr'm Chicago, burrd'.undher victims: Captain Epaminondas Lucius Quintus
Cassius Narccllus Xerxes Cyrus Bangs iv Hoganopolis,namilcar Township,
Butsoen county,dicd iv hear-rt disease whin his scoor was tied. Th'
las' named was a prominent loader in society, a crack shot an' a gintle
man iv th' 01' school without fear an' without reproach.His son succeed:
to his lunch car.Th' others don't count.

”Twas a gr-reat day f'r Ky, Hinniswy,an' it puts th' gran' 01' state
2 or 3 notches aheadiv anny similar country in the wur-ruld. Talk about
the boar war an' th' campaign in th' Ph'lipeens.Whin Ky begins f'r to
shoot up her fav'rite sons they‘ll be more blood snilled thin thim 2
play wars'd spill between now an‘ th' time whin Ladysmith's relieved {'-
tv' last time.an' Agynaldoo is r-run up a tree in th‘ outermost corner
iv Hoar county,state iv Luzon.They'se rale shootin' in Ky,an' whin it
begins ivrybody takes a hand.'Tis th' on'l safe way.If ye thry to be an
onlookcr an' what they call a noncombatant 'tis pretty sure ye'll be
taken home to yc'er favily lookin' like a cribbage board.$o th' thing
f'r ye to do is to be wan iv th'shooters ye‘orsilf, load up ye'er gun

" ‘- an' whale away f'r th' honor iv ye'er counthry.

"Tie a disrrece", said Hr.Hennessy?Where were the polls?" This was
not the place frr a polisman?” said Nr.Dooley."I suspict,though, fr'm
me nowledgo iv th' ind iv man that uses fire ar-rms, that if some

- wan'd had the pr‘scncc iv mind to sing out 'Thcy'se a man at th' bar

. . that offers tb buy dhrinlzs f'r th' crowd. They'd be less casualties fr'
m bullets, though they might be enough peeple kilt in th' rush to even

. it up. Rut whim I read about these social anairs in Ky, I sometimes
wish some spool cotton salesman fr'm Massachoosets, who d be sure
to get kilt whin th' shootin' began, wud so down there with a base-

, ball bat an' begin tappin' th' gallant gintlemin on th' head before

. breakfast an’ in sclf~definse, I'll bet ye he’d have thim jumpin'

. through thrahnoms in loss thin two minnyits, f'r ye can put this down

_ as thrue,fr'm wan that's seen manny nhootin ; that a man, barrin'

. he's a polisman, on'y., dhraws a gun whin he dhrunk or afraidfi. Th'
gun fighter,Hinnissy,tin to wan, is a coward".

"That’s so," said Hr.Hennessy."But it don't do to take anny

. chances on."
"No", said Mr.Dooley,"he might be dhrunk.“
Wew this in the Evansville, Indianapolis and Kansas City
‘ )

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