xt744j09zx91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09zx91/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1967-11-13  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 13, 1967 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, November 13, 1967 1967 1967-11-13 2020 true xt744j09zx91 section xt744j09zx91 ‘Jr




The University Senate met in regular session at 4:00 p.m., Monday, November 13,
1967 in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Sears presided. Members
absent: Staley F. Adams*, Jacob H. Adler*, A. D. Albright, C. E. Barnhart*,
John J. Begin, Harold R. Binkley, Ben W. Black, David K. Blythe*, Harry M.
Bohannan, Fred J. Bollum, Eugene B. Bradley*, Thomas D. Brower, Lester R. Bryant*,
Richard L. Butwell, David Clark*, Lewis W. Cochran*, Carl B. Cone*, Arthur L.
Cooke, Steven Cook, Donald J. Cotter*, Glenwood Creech, W. C. DeMarcus, Marcia
Dake*, Kurt W. Deuschle, George W. Denemark, Henry F. Dobyns, Phillip Duncan,
Hartley C. Eckstrom*, W. W. Ecton, Frank J. Essene, Robert 0. Evans*, James E.
Funk, Michael L. Furcolow, Roy F. Gabbard, Eugene B. Gallagher*, Art Gallaher,
John W. Greene, Jr., Joseph Hamburg, Bobby Ott Hardin, Thomas L. Hayden*,
Hubert P. Henderson*, J. W. Herron*, James C. Humphries, W. M. Insko, Jr.,
Harris Isbell, Donald W. Ivey*, William H. Jansen*, Malcolm E. Jewell, R. D.
Johnson*, Catherine Katterjohn, Robert L. Johnson*, James B. Kincheloe*,
Robert F. Kerley, Aimo Kiviniemi, Donald E. Knapp, M. K. Marshall, Eugene F.
Mooney, Dean H. Morrow*, E. W. Ockerman*, James R. Ogletree*, John W. Oswald,
J. W. Patterson*, Howard C. Parker, Stephen Puckette*, John L. Ragland, Leonard
A. Ravitz*, Mary Ellen Rickey*, Thurlow R. Robe*, Robert W. Rudd*, William
A. Seay, D. Milton Shuffett*, Doris M. Seward, Wellington B. Stewart, Paul Street,
W. G. Survant*, W. C. Templeton, William J. Tisdall*, Sidney Ulmer, Warren W.
Walton*, David R. Wekstein*, James H. Wells, Tom F. Whayne*, Raymond A. Wilkie*,
William R. Willard*, Charles G. Williamson, Jr.*, and Kenneth Wright.

The minutes of October 9, 1967 were approved as circulated.

The Secretary, University Senate Council, reported that the Academic Council
for the Medical Center had recommended approval of the course CBS 844, Community
Clinical Laboratory, 6 credit hours, and further approval of a special grading
system for this course only; that CD3 844 had been approved by the Senate Council
and circulated under date of June 22, 1967, and he recommended that the University
Senate approve the special grading system for this course. Following his reading
of the following course description, the Senate approved the grading system of
"Honors”, ”Pass”, or ”Unsatisfactory” for CD8 844.

This course provides advanced clinical experience in a field setting.
Each student spends four weeks providing care for children in a rural
county on dental trailers under the supervision of faculty members

of the Departments of Community Dentistry, Pedodontics, and Restorative
Dentistry. Students also are given assignments to study various aspects
of the health needs of the area. Evening seminars are utilized to
review community health problems, unusual conditions noted in children
under treatment, care of the homebound and handicapped, etc. Frereq:
Admission to fourth year curriculum.

The Secretary, University Senate Council, stated that January 8, 1968, the
regular meeting date for the University Senate, would occur when the University
is not in session, during the holiday period, and if there was no objection from
the University Senate, the January meeting would not be held. No objection was
voiced by the Senate, and the January 1968 University Senate meeting will not be

* Absence Explained




















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Minutes of the University Senate, November 13, 1967 (con't)

Senate Committee, presented the four recommendations encompassing size, ‘

composition, election procedures, voting members of the University Senate, W
as set forth in the circularization from the University Senate Committee dated
November 1, 1967, and recommended that the Senate accept, in principle, the
recommendations made on items one through four as presented. The recommendation
was seconded. Motion was then made to amend paragraph 1 under item (2)
Composition, to read as follows:

Dean Robert Drake, acting for Dr. Richard Butwell, Chairman of the Universuyg"

”The committee recommends that the University Senate continue to be
composed of both elected and ex officio members and that the elected
members represent proportionately the members of the fulltime teaching
and/or research faculty* with no administrative title above that of
department chairman (with the rank of assistant professor or higher)
of the following groups: .”

The Senate approved this amendment to the original motion.


The Senate recessed at 5:00 p.m. to reconvene at 7:30 p.m., Monday, EN
November 20, 1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. ‘

The Senate reconvened at 7:30 p.m., Monday, November 20th, in the Court Room 1
of the Law Building.

The Chairman stated that while it had been expected that action would resume ‘
on the recommendations made in the University Senate Committee Report, it was the
belief of the Committee that the greatest advantage to be gained from this
reconvened meeting was broader discussion and more feedback concerning the size,
composition, election procedures, and role of ex officio members of the Senate;
further, that the Committee would like to make itself available to confer with
individuals and/or small groups about these matters during the week of November Nd
after which the Committee would reconsider its charges in the light of the over-afl‘.
discussions and present a revised report to the December meeting of the Universiw ”
Senate. He reported that the Senate Council favored this course of action and ‘5!”
that he was asking for the general consent of the Senate to refer the report MF'
back to the Committee for further study and, simultaneously, to charge the I
Committee with presenting a revised report at the December 11, 1967 meeting of Hm
Senate. w

Following discussion which revealed differing opinions, a hand vote was takw
which gave approval to open the floor to discussion of the Committee's recommendaflma
further conference with individuals and groups during the week of November 27th,
and report by the Committee to the December meeting of the Senate.

The following questions were raised and discussed:
Should the Directors of Aerospace and Military Science be included in the ex
officio membership. If so, department chairmen should also be included in this


What does the chair envision is the function of the Senate outside the ¢%i
Senate Council.

Why should the associate dean of Agriculture be included in the ex officio
membership and not associate deans of other colleges.

 am >




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Minutes of the University Senate, November 13, 1967 (con't)

Paragraph (3) (a) of the Committee's report covering eligibility should be
clarified. The Senate informally voted that there be no time restriction on the
eligibility of an assistant professor to be elected to the Senate.

What persons now listed by office as ex officio members should, in fact,
be ex officio members.

The chair asked for an informal indication, by show of hands, of those who
favored the Committee's recommendation that ex officio members not be eligible
to vote. A majority indicated that ex officio members should have n9 vote.

The chair asked for further expression of whether or not the three student
members should have voting privileges. By a show of hands the Senate indicated
their preference that the three students not be allowed a vote.

The Committee should consider the question of whether or not an alternate
student representative should be designated to attend when the President,
Student Congress, cannot and to spell this out in the regulations concerning
ex officio members.

Should the ex officio members (including the three student members) be
subject to the same rules that govern non~attendance for the elected faculty——

that of expulsion for three unexplained absences during an academic year.

Question was raised of how to designate the groups in item (2) of the
Committee's Report covering Composition. A member of the Committee indicated
that a flexible mechanism might be instituted for determination of ex officio
'members rather than pinning the membership down by specification.

Where there are joint faculty appointments a mechanism should be instituted
so that they are not counted in both places.

Clarification is needed of whether the election is to be conducted by the
Secretary, University Senate, or by other means.

If an Election Committee is not re—established, an interpretative body should
be provided to help the Secretary of the Senate resolve points of doubt.

Those who are eligible to vote should be spelled out.

The Committee should consider means to implement transition from the presently—
constituted body to whatever size body is approved.

The Committee should consider the matter of representation as it relates to
younger members of the faculty (under—representation by the younger, less well—
known faculty).

The Senate voted informally that the present size (1—5 ratio) should govern
Senate size.

Should item (2), CompoSition, be stated by college or school rather than
divisions or groups.






















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Minutes of the University Senate, November 13, 1967 (con't)

School of Architecture and School of Allied Health Professions should ‘
be added to the groups under (2), Composition, of the Committee's recommendation&gR l

The ex officio membership of the Senate contained in the Appendix of the ;
Committee's recommendations should include the Deans of the Schools of
Architecture and Allied Health Professions, and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies


The chairman of the University Senate Committee stated that the Committee wmh
be in the Lounge of the Faculty Club or one of the adjacent rooms on Monday,
November 27th, from 2:00 to 4: 30 p. m. to confer with faculty.

The Senate adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Kathryne W. Shelburne
Acting Secretary f


The University Senate met in regular session at 4EOO p.m., Monday, December 1L
1967, in the Court Room of the Law Building. Chairman Sears presided. Members
absent: A. D. Albright, Albert Balows, Roger W. Barbour, Co E. Barnhart, Harry
M. Bohannan, Fred J. Bollum, Peter Bosomworth*, L. L. Boyarsky*, Thomas D. Brower,
Marion A. Carnes*, Cecil C. Carpenter*, Virgil L. Christian, Jr., David Clark*,

Steven Cook, Carl B. Cone*, Emmett R. Costich*, C. M. Coughenour, Glenwood L. Creech,
John E. Delap*, George W. Denemark, Kurt W. Deuschle, Robert L. Donohew, R. M. Drake,M
Hartley C. Eckstrom*, W. W. Ecton*, Joseph Engelberg, Robert 0. Evans*, Marsha Fields
Irving S. Fisher, Thomas R. Ford*, Michael L. Furcolow, Roy F. Gabbard, Eugene B. (
Gallagher*, Art Gallaher*, John W. Greene, Jr., Robert H. Greenlaw, Joseph Hamburg, ’
William Harris, Ellis F. Hartford, Thomas L. Hayden*, Charles F. Haywood, John L.

Howieson*, Harris Isbell, R. D. Johnson, Robert L. Johnson*, William S. Jordan, Jr., A'r
Robert F. Kerley, Bernard D. Kern, Aimo Kiviniemi*, Joseph Krislov*, William L. Cf
Matthews, Jr., LeRay McGee, Michael P. McQuillen*, Michael J. McNamara*, Eugene J

F. Mooney, James T. Moore, Alvin L. Morris, J. A. Noonan*, Horace Norrell, Elbert .

W. Ockerman*, Howard C. Parker, Stephen Puckette*, J. G. Rodriguez*, William A. Seay,
Doris M. Seward, Gerard E. Silberstein, Kingsley M. Stevens, Wellington B. Stewart,
Joseph V. Swintosky, W. C. Templeton, William J. Tisda11*, Lee H. Townsend, Warren >
W. Walton*, David Wekstein*, William R. Willard, Charles B. Wilson*, Ralph F. Wisemmfia
D. J. Wood and Fred Zechman.

The Senate approved a request to permit Miss Elaine Stuart of the KERNEL to sit
in the meeting and report its proceedings.

The minutes of the meeting of November 13, 1967 were approved as circulated.

Dr. Richard Hanau presented resolutions on the death of Dr. Charles Ernest Snow @gfl‘
with the recommendation that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the .X:
University Senate and a copy be sent to the family. The Chairman asked the Senate ‘
to stand for a moment of silent tribute in acceptance of the resolutions.