xt744j09zs7n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09zs7n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-10-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1982 1982 1982-10-19 2020 true xt744j09zs7n section xt744j09zs7n ”inducements-
Magazines considered Doug Williams an
All-American during his years at Cincin-
_ noti's Moeller High School. Two seasons
‘ , later the offensive lineman has left the
‘ Kentucky football team, the sliith player
. ., to leave or be suspended since the sea-
.23» "fit, son began. See page 6.
,_. _ W
Vol- LXXXV. NO- 50 Tuesday] 0005‘" ‘9: ‘93? An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
'5'“ ‘ .W -":'?""- ' 31 ;.»s?1'" Jags-a
“Z. I iii/$96111 I I
I? . ,
as ' i - of Israel to prevent U 8 ma nation
' , .551; ,5 " at __.. ___—__ After speeches by 30 speakers ei- of South Africa became of its apart-
, 9 " By BARRY SHLACH’I'ER ther urging the ouster of Israel or heid policy of racial ”cation.
_ Associated Press Writer declaring the resolution was a politi- “Israel, like South Africa, should
* ,, cal issue inappropriately or illegally have no place inowunim,”hesaid.
3:: —_._..__..._ placed before the technical working _ .
group. the session was adjourned. An American defame said the
, 5 .. ,4! NAIROBI, Kenya — Britain, at- It is to reconvene today, when a United States oonsidued illegal the
l : " tempting compromise in a fight over vote is expected. moves against SouthAfria end Por-
. I . p * ' . Israel that has the United States it would be the first m of tugal. which also visualised nine
, . l threatening to pull out of a UN. strength of anti-Israel sentiment years ago.
. . agency, proposed yesterday that the among U_N, members since Secre« The Portuguese, SW for
» g ' .V agency express alarm over the inva- tary of State George Shultz said Sat- “racist colonial" m regained
‘1 . , sion of Lebanon but not oust Israel. urday the United States will with- membership followiq til I975 inde-
" The amendment was proposed draw from the UN. General pendence of Angola and Mozam-
. . after US. chief delegate Michael Assembly if a resolution to expel Is- blque.
g Gardner told the 157-member U.N. rael from it passes. I . the -
agency, the International Telecom- That resolution is tentatively ex- B .23. propodsmg ho ctomgfomlse.
, munications Union, that the United pected to be up for a vote at UN. "tn "1“?“le that peg] do fem:
States would “immediately and per- headquarters in New York next :31: en m nd cafise iwrec bl
. memently" realm if an Algerian- Monday. (Clo r etc in ITU It "3833:
sponsored resolution to bar Israel is Western delegates said the vote on amage 0. uld . ' l 58' . r
., ‘ passed. the issue before the International EOE“ neslwo {serialfiy reappraise
' He said the United States would Telecommunications Union would be b: eh‘ ‘I‘, ”e 0 con mad mem-
withhold its annual contribution to close. A non-aligned ambassador rs '9
' _ the agency, now $3.2 million, 7 per- said the outcome hinged on the large The compromise would amend the
m... ,_ cent of the budget. contingent of black African coun- Algerian resolution tom alarm
Wm..s,,_.hk Iran, lining up with the Arab tries. over the grave Middle East situation
'er states supporting the resolution, said Algeria’s delegate said the agency resulting from land's invasion of
a, it was willing to make up the US. has a precedent for the move Lebanon. It removu mm to
, ‘ contribution. against Israel — the 1973 exclusion ousting Israel.
£3; i A‘ -' TUESDAY Light Co. and the Columbus 8. Southern Ohio
_ z N '”\ " f3; 3 Electric Co.
\ . é xx 3’”? ., . I?” MWMM Miami Valley attorney Tom Devine said
’ )3 I? at 1 ‘ there is widespread cheating in the welder
an , . “‘4 »—- - ”it“ . recertification program at Zimmer ”through
2 a; I I" I”? g special handicaps and falsified records.” The
_ ', 3,“; W“ k _, .- 2 'fi State OI'dOI'S hlflng freeze group wants the quality assurance program
3 _ ,. - 3‘ V, ,. i- turned over to an independent third party.
. y a “‘ I k. V FRANKFORT — The Brown administration other than CGEE or its contractor, theNenry
\ t , , , . ,- ' «‘7- has ordered that an indefinite freeze on hir- J. Kaiser Co. of Oakland, Calif.
, i v fl .2“ ”W . , _ . , ing in state govermenf take effect immedi-
3‘ R‘s -' l.” “in, °'°'Y- Photo shows Tylenol unpect
.. , , , , . Agency personnel administrators were
My 'fl 1“ ‘52 . . ' advised Of the freeze early yesterday, CHICAGO — A surveillance photograph
tst ' " .3“ 2'! ‘4 a i: Q «3 according to state Personnel Commissioner shows a possible ’prime suspect" in seven
3. ,. p 8% Dee Maynard. Revenue shortages that could cyanide poisonings watching a woman buy-
?‘i 2 be caused by. logging coal-severance and ing the bottle of Extra-Strength Tylenol that
t , VI ”My! sales tax receipts as well as preparations later killed her, a Chicago television station
4» ' w t for the pay program would receive the ben- reported yesterday.
’ '- my» efit of savings from the freeze, she said. The photograph shows Paula Prince, 35'
She said only about 100 new workers on airline attendant, at a checkout counter
1 would be hired each month underg the in the Chicago drugstore where authorities
.,_.: g 1“ freeze and they would be used to fill critical say she purchased the fatal can”... accord-
” s positions such as nurses, hospital aides and ing ,0 WBBM-TV. '
Who are o", J'D'VAN ‘Meme's'w correctionalofficers. . In the background is O beardOd man re-
y . _As many as 200 fewer people w'” be sembling Theodore Elmer Wilson, described
Tickets went on sale yesterday at Rupp Arend for 0 Nov. 29 performance by the British rock hired by 5""? government each month be- along Wi’h his wife as "prime WC“, in
group the Who. Some fans camped out two nights in anticipation of ticket sales. cause of the lob freeze, but there w'“ be no the killings, the station said.
layoffs, she said. . Illinois Attorney General Tyrone Fahner,
The Who to appear Nov 29 .. .. hoped t... dunng .t. team 0...... w... headmg t. M... ,h, WW
' chiefs will try to fill positions from within said the photograph is "not affirmative
state 9“?Vemmem as part of the odministra- proof" that Wilson is responsible for the kill-
- “9n 5 internal mobility program. Maynard ings. He added that investigators have other
no e rumors a rac
"We have a number of photographs that
‘ Accrdent kills miner we have not released because we did not
. think it would be prudent to do so," Fohner
overnl cam ers HAZARD — An accident at a Whitaker Coal said. adding that the photographs are being
Co. mine near Big Creek in Perry County enlarged and subiecfed to other tests.
yesterday claimed the life of David Shep-
By BILL STEIDEN ’fik concemggfiugp (“eluding the Dickson said the station had not hard 36' °‘ W°°'e"r °c°°'d‘"9 '° C°'°"°' American wins Nobdm
- _- _ - 035"th out. , . announced the date because “we Eugene Mullins.
Editor m Chief "There are ways 0‘ {"1de out. have to keep (Lexington Center‘si A - , h d l d f 10
I‘m sure." he said. “People who confidence. I have to scratch their n inques w.“ SC 9 ue or am STOCKHOLM' Sweden — American physi-
—"““‘_“’.—“”“——“ work in hotels, caterers. chauffeurs back.and they scratch mine." t°d°Y' Mullins-said. _ . cist Kenneth G. Wilson won the Nobel Prize
ROCK ‘n' roll fanatics seem ‘0 have - they’re told they may have ‘0 The prevalent belief among the Shepherd d'ed '" ° r°°f fa” Wh'le w°rkm9 in physics yesterday for his theories about
a sixth sense: they rarely err whet; mork some extra hours, or tha: campers was that the ticket sale OS 0 helper on 0 cool-mining mOChine some changes in mane, and British biochemist
it comes to guessing the dates 0 t ey‘ll be doing some sort of specia would be in at 3 am. At 6:45. as two and a half m'les under round, the coro- ‘ . .
concert ticket sales. duty on a given day. and they can though ongcue, they hurriedly rolled ner said . 9 Aaron KIUg won the Chemmry prize for r?-
Responding to their instincts. or put twoandtwotogether.“ their blankets and sleeping bags and j 3 , search that the awards committee said
tips from inside sources. about 175 He also said he had heard reports formedaline‘ The “(I'm 5 deY W05 taken '° "‘9 ”01‘3"“ could result in o better understanding of
Who fans camped on the plaza in that an impending Who concert in Eight came and went. There was APPO'OCh'On Reg'O'Wl HOSP'IOI- cancer.
front of the Lexington Center ticket Rupp had been announced by the no official announcement one way or State Mines and Minerals Commissioner Wilson the 46th American to win the
office Sunday night and ‘most of yes- promoters of the band 3 Oct. 7 show another. although dozens kept porta- Willard 0. Stanley said he had no, been h _ , d . f - c N u .
terday. waiting to buy tickets to the in Louiswlle‘s Freedom Hall. ble radios tuned to WKQQ. Some We" details t the accident and other offi- P YS'CS OWOF '5 0 Pro GSSOr 0' 0'09 m-
group‘sthen-unannounced concert in But the biggest contributor. 'he campers sat back down. sipping 9. ' ° * . versity in lthoco, N.Y. Klug, who was born
RuppArena. _ . guessed, “IS a report that 513ml“ whiskey. smoking joints and visiting crals 0‘ h's department were not available in South Africa, is a molecular biology re-
As one camper described it. ru< WFMI in Winchester had “covertly the restrooms of the Hyatt Regency for comment last night. searcher at Cambridge University in En-
mors of an impending ticket sale, announcpdatizket sale fSunrilay. Hotel next door. Some said the sale gland
said to be scheduled for yesterday “Peope sai one o t eir jocks would not beginuntils .m. . ‘
morning. spread quickly. had said something like. 'You might Then. just before {)0 am. when Group complains about plant
"A friend said he had heard it want ‘tobeat Rupp Arena tomorrow the ticket office regularly opens.
from a‘ friend. 50 when I 80‘” 0” morning because they ll be 59“"‘8 WKQQ confirmed the Who would ap- CINCINNATI — A consumer group opposed
woak {‘bjgigigafiayivgegenglgidhjrg- “:1: :figsrézgr‘r ' ~ and the“ P‘“ 0“ pea:l Nov. 29 but laniittliunced ticket: to licensing the $1.7 billion William H. Zim-
Sal - - “wi not 0 on sae is mornin a -
people camped out, so I got in line. WFMI Station Manager Larry RuppArenga.” g "‘9' Nuclear Power 5""‘00 alleged '0 the \
[00." 'I‘rimmer would not deny the report A similar announcement over the Nuclear Regulatory CommlSSlOn yesterday /
Some of those he joined had al- but said he had not been informed of piaza‘s loudspeaker system {0]. that substandard work has made the long-
ready spent a night on the plaza, anysuch announcement. lowed, delayed plantunsafe.
confident they would have first dibs “I can‘t say :whether or not it SanIV‘ the crowd. cold and ex- . . P P . ATH —
on the choicest seats. although the happened) because I don‘t know.“ hausted. began to disperse, Some hThe MI'.°m' Valley GMT-r. rolect alleged
concert had not been officially an- he said. campers expressed anger and disap- '_m qua 'Fy assurance v“? atlons are com'n' / \
nounced. Nevertheless, a number of the pointment. Others said they had an Uing despite a $200,000 fine levied last year
"They'll be selling tickets tomor- ticket campers insisted they had joyed the excuse to party, About 50 for sloppy record keeping and that NRC
POW.” said one, “is sleeping bag heard the sale announced on the stayed. many saying they didn‘t safety guidelines are being circumvented. Today "I" 5‘ mostly “""W '9‘ M
nudged against the wall below a radio. differing as to whether they trust theradioortheloudspeakers. David Altemuehle s k f m ent with some cloudiness In the at-
. . , .. . . , . , , po esmon or e
‘ ticket Window. I cant tell you how had heard it on WKQQor WFMI. Lexmgton Center Manager Bill C‘ . , l , , ternoon and a high In the In?“
know.l 'ust know." Dickson 5 id WKQQ as one of the . inclnnati Gas 8 E ectrlc Co., said there was
I J ‘ ' a . Humphrey. reached at about 2 pm. _ . . There will he Increesl CW to-
Others said they had first heard sponsors, had been informed of the confirmed that a contract for the no bOSlS to the allegations, which he called "0
the rumors from veteran scalpers at coming show and date of ticket dis- concert had been signed but said he "a smear campaign.‘ "'9'" With 0 3° POND!" cheese 0' *0"-
aganother ticket sale a few weeks 3:22pm welltin advance, but rthe did not kllilmw when elrijCkets 31%”; go CGSE is ,h. operating Dormer in the MOS_ :;s by mo‘rglng. end the low wIII be In
. u a 0» _ , , . campou came as a 5‘11”!) '59 on sale. eestimat it wo at - , b , » » eupper s.
“I donl know how this particular tohim. least "a week to 10days.“ :9“! firm“ '. 0.0" .30 m'les Up "16.0.“, tomorrow wIll be mostly cloudy wlth
rumor got started.“ said Gary Dick- “The first I heard of it was whenl "It's up to the promoters." he ”er rom C'""""°"~ Other Donne's in ”‘9 h we lIk ' d M h ' h Id
son. program director for WKQQ. came in at six this morning." he said. l0-year proiect are the Dayton Power 8 ' ° rs .Y °" ° I n ' 0 M '0
when contacted yesterday afternoon. said. “They said the calls had been ”PP.' ‘0’-
The station cosponsors most major coming in all night." See sums, page3

 Kernel *
"MUM Andvaem-m Jduan smut-worm unused-be 1.0. Venn..- mallard -
Edilomn-Chiel les Ednor Aru “not soon- (dilor special Protons Edna: Photo Editor Groomer Editor I'
P E RSUASION Jlmld‘vln Marlo (Indy Bod-r WEI-Ibo Ildoy MM Klohlo MIIIIOII Ion VIII“ Chris Ash E
MM‘IOMQNI'O' EdnorlulEdilor URLMJU. Auinombonstdllor SpecialProiensAwstonl ChmlPhologrophet Copycat-Chief
Alslltan' Am (divers
I I ~ 5‘
reats 1 en an er nlte atlons .
I I al
Extortion is the most insidious of wrongs: threats to withdraw from the General As- it
it involves the use of force or threat to en- sembly and withhold payments it makes to 01
sure a favorable outcome for the stronger of support the body. . ”’PERHAPS @1me ‘V L
two parties. Were it any other nation, that might not , ' MY POSlTlON F CL—A iED ri
Its inherent injustice is especially appar- matter. But the United States contributes ap- I I RIF ti
ent when it is used against those who have proximately 25 percent of the U.N.‘s annual [T A BIT W5”- _ 0]
no recourse to higher authority — there is budget—more than any other nation. . , , . _ it
then no chance {01: an unfairness, once per- The withdrawal of the US. would perma- / ”WW/I q‘ j 1‘
petrated. t0 beset Ylght- . nently cripple the body and its programs \‘II / // , ‘ I:
In the arena of nations. this has long been throughout the world, virtually ensuring its \.\\ ~ ~ I If/i , ‘
a problem of immeasurable magnitude. But eventual bankruptcy. I.‘ ' 4 H I a . . .. p
".1 1945 under the aUSPlceS 0f the Allied “3' Jeane Kirkpatrick, US. ambassador to the . fl ~‘.‘ ." - I .
tions emerging Victorious from World War United Nations, described the threat as ' , . ta _ 'sfl'bn 0]
11- a hOd)’ was set up to arbitrate SUCh dIlS' “full-press tactics.“ A more accurate phrase " i_. I .
putes in a fair and reasonable manner. With might have been “intent to extort.” ”a 7 .. _/ / 9‘
each nation voting as it saw fit. Rath th . ‘ ’ :34 '» 1/ / - ' W
That organization was and is the United er an appeal to reason or argue “5 .. . i "I ’/ \ 5
Nations case rationally, the US. has resorted to bul- II. ' '. ‘ ‘ , ‘ tII/I ‘ ; _
' lying of the worst sort: it doesn’t like the '-'--‘:"r - 7' . - ." . ~
Last week. several members of the UN. party so it will sen d all the guests home (7/) . 2: . t _ .
exerCised their perogative, supporting a . ’ . ' // ' ~~N ‘ ‘ \ ~ " '
With the wer it holds to make or break /’ - ' .
move to expel Israel from the General As- th . W. h l" ‘ :- 3? - 7’ _ " s ‘
sembly on grounds it had participated in the e °F§fimzatl°nv t e U.S ha: a grave re- ’5 *~\\: I, >———=I" Q\\ n
planning and execution of massacres by 339nm lliltySt: eiéercIise 1t w“ careI, some- I z 3. F: s- I IllllllU" H ‘\‘\\\§\V i.
right-wing Lebanese militia in the Palestin- S mg t at ftur ay 5 threat. as v01ced by . ~ '3 ._ W " ‘ \\\\\\, n
ian refugee camps of Sabra and Chatilla. IecreItaryi 0 State George Shultz, lacked I I ' I \ \“\\\\‘\, \IW “I . V V 8
The evidence against Israel is clear: De- comp ete y. s '. ., "W ‘ . I ., I’ “r I, it
fense Minister Ariel Sharon has admitted to The brutality and finality of the withdra- '2' ~ - . '2‘:.'{:‘i.7.37'.;- ' i \\.I .H j ’
planning the raids on the camps with rep- wal proposal. a move long urged by such ' .f . ‘ as . ‘ ‘ ' . . a
resentatives of the Lebanese militia, and Is- far-right fringe groups as the John Birch So- 3 g m ‘—-. ..~\ g
raeli troops surrounded the camps before the ciety, are comparable to unleashing a bull in t.’ t’ ‘I‘II I‘I ‘ “"-*“"" ' ' . ‘ ’ . . - .I -» I5
militiamen went in to do their deeds. 3 china shop. The essential fragility of any It II I I ' I . , I III I I ‘;. III 12;“. ‘5‘ . . -.~\ ”
Any sanctions imposed on Israel would be worldwide organization intended to preserve it I III I I i II i i I 'I. I I I I H II! finit- l . . ‘ ~ ‘
well-earned. peace is all too obvious, and the US, as its 2 III III I II I:‘ i I. I i II; ii I gig I II. "t . .:» .{Ii _ ' °
But the opportunity of the assembled na— most powerful member, has a responsibility it II“ . . i . ’ sis-sail If -- 1w °
tions to exercise freely their will on this to see that it maintains fair and equal rep- ~
question was subverted Saturday by US. resentation. .
Gut reactlons are not the answer for draft re Istratlon "
Ordinarily. I ignore hysterical col- for personnel costs and spend more And a final point about the all—vol. dents left for Canada. they didn‘t money in front of his hungry eyes, out the draft. It's just a fact that the d
umns about the draft written by for conventional arms. thus reduc- The enlisted marines. the first ones stop the war; they just made factory can anyme say that he is not de Army can never get the people it SI
sophomore theater majors. but a re- ing pressure to resort to nukes. to go. are 50 percent black now. The line workers take their place. factodrafted? needs most without a draft. became
cent diatribe by James A. Stoll is while spending less for the military soldiers, the second ones to go, are Organizing political opposition and the most talented young peqite
going to break the silence. This overall. approaching 40 percent black. That voting nuclear freezes help to stop We reeIIly already have a draft. won’t join unless theyareforced. .
issue is far too important not to ——-——-———- means the UMC/wealthy powers war. Refusing register for the draft When your! port young and ““9“: And surely it is a fact that poor
have both sides presented. or to that be won‘t even have to sacrifice does not. It just makes Joe from the played: you often have no eh°‘°,e‘ and black Americans shouldn't have ‘
allow demagoguery to prevail. GUEST their own sons to defend Exxon. ghetto or unemployed Sam go fight Y“! 10m the Army. But when you r: to fight to defend the overseas multi-
We need a draft badly. and we I while trendy Ben Sasway and his mi middleelass, and Mama an nationals that are owned by well-to-
need to realize that such a more is O?! 0 Hey. what a great way to reduce middle-class friends intellectualize Daddy can Md you to college, you do white stockholders.
not reactionary but a progressive re- black teenage unemployment. Put about how moral they are. "0‘ only get to stay out Of the Army,- . The draft won‘t solve all the prob-
sponse to the realities of the 19805 em all m the Marine Corps. then So that leaves is with the draft as but you can even make theTthad- lems of the world. and it may create
and 19905. —_———_—— send the "Marines to El Salvador. the only remaining alternative. “n”,by,"°t‘3‘“8 to register. tills a few. But, if we want to cut mili-
Don't think that Stoll and I are in Now I don’t feel any pressure to Perverted. That 5 what we re domg. It is indeed a light form of slav- the Jutlce and freedom or the a ' tary spending, have a better Army
total disagreement. or that we look use nukes. no matter how many Mk5- ery. especially so if military pay is ”1““th system. and ensure a little social justice
at the world in entirely different Russkies march into Bonn or Paris. And will Benjamin Sasway’s refu- brought down to earth. But it‘s a This opinion doesn’t propose any within the military, we’re going to
ways. We are both displeased with But. you see. I‘m not the president. sal to register change our military choice of temporary slavery for a easy answers because there are have to draftafew people.
the political status quo. and we both Ronald Reagan is the president. and policy one bit’.’ I wish it would, as few young men or unlimited mili- none .. not for the draftI not for any I wish there was another way just
agree that death and destruction he or a like-minded person could be much as Stoll does, but let‘s face it. tary spending for an Army that social problem. It jmt serves to put as much as the next man. but there
from warfare are thoroughly unplea- for a long time. You can preach all people. it won't. can’t cut the mustard. and a racially all the facts on the table. so that isn't. We need the draft.
58mI things. day to our commander-inchief and Sasway‘s billet is going to be filled unbalanced situation that is in itself anti-draft form will be faced with
The difference between us is that I it won‘t decrease his willingness to by an unemployed worker who asocial injustice. the hard choices they now refuse to Roy N. Cowherd. business admin-
look at the concrete circumstances fight one bit. couldn‘t afford Sasway’s lawyers. It When an unemployed teenager is make. istration junior, is a visiting student
of the situation and choose the lesser Now if he is hell-bent (no pun. happened during Vietnam. and it is forced into the Army against his bet- It is a simple truth that we cannot from the University of California at
of evils. while the anti-draft Stolls honest) on going to war. do we want happening now. When college stu- ter interests just because we dangle have a cheap. effective Army with- Berkeley.
think and write on gut reaction him to go with F-lSs or with MX
alone. missiles? And wishing that he just I .
That is the real issue here: Wheth- “won‘t go” is a nice wish. but that‘s
.. .. .. i. .. .. .. an Inn cou an up em a eagan re eren um
based on gut reaction. or on the consequently can‘t afford enough Ml
basis of fact. reason and probability. tanks. what do you think Ron will do
My gut reaction is the same as when he‘s backed inacorner‘.’ All the evidence valued in Wash- seek re—election. That was taken by to put American back on the track politicians in both parties agree
Stoll's. After seven years with the Having been in the service both ington suggests that 1982 will be a some administration officials as a or whether we will slide backward that turnout is the great unknown at
Navy and Marines. I wouldn‘t wish pre- and post-AVF. I can attest to Democratic year. and the size of the Sign that Richards expects the worst into another economic binge like the this election. Money counts in turn-
the draft on anyone. But an exami- the depressing decline in the quality prospective victory seems to get big- and does not want to be made a sac- one which left us with today‘s ing voters out by buying lastsminute
nation of the facts convinces me that 0’ military personnel. Marx‘s "re- ger by theday. rificiallamb. poundingnationalhangover.“ ads. direct-mail solicitations and
the draft is indeed the lesser of serve army of the unemployed" has The standards by which to judge —————— Bad as the unemployment figures phone banks.
evils. The all-voluntary force is the become the American “army of ac- the event are these: Although the may be, and winerable though Rea- If unions and civil rights groups
greater of evils. beyonda doubt. tive duty." party out of power traditionally wins NEW gal might seem to charges of con- are fired up to register voters and
It must be made clear by any re- Is that good. you say? Makes us an average of 32 seats in off-year trolling inflation by throwmg people drive them to the polls that will
sponsible writer that we have only less likely to fight. knowing we have elections. the average in the first out of work, it would probably be a help the Democrats as Will nuclear
three — repeat. only three — choic- a lousy army? Nada. That makes it off-year election under a new presi- REPUBLIC We to. mutilate the per- freeze ballot initiatives in jurisdic-
es in this situation: 1) we keep the more likely that Ronnie will get dent is isseats. suasivenesoef alast-minutelteagan mm accounting for a W of the .
all—vol. 2. we start the draft and 31 pushed into a comer when his illiter- Back in AUSUSt, hOth White House __"'.——_—'— television “are“ tht combined the U S population
we unilaterally disarm. ate soldiers can‘t read the “how to pollster Richard Wirthlin and offi- In spite of the generally gloomy thernesd: ' ' ' .
Gut—reaction time again. Unilate- operate“ instructions and subse- cials of the Democratic National outlook for Reaganism, there are a 1) Iinherltoda Deinocratic mess; The freeze draws overwhelming ,
ral disarmament”? Sure. Saves lots quently fold like the Royal Laotian Committee were predicting Demo few reasons l0Ithlnk that the conven- 2) you elected me to turn things voter support, which up president is ‘
of money. no one carries M465. and Army. It‘s going to be 1.000 Desert cratic gains in the 15 to 20 seat tional Wisdom is not necessarily cor- armmds; 3) inflation and interest trying to match With his aweal for a
we can finance school lunches. Ones all over again. if something range. rect. . . _ rata are tbwn; 4) sorry about un- balanced-budget amendment, WhICh
But. without a navy. the West may doesn't change. Lately, however, Washington's One item IS buried In a June NBC employment, but the recovery is has 3 to 1 public support. Neither the
lose imported oil and world trade. — conventional wisdom has turned P0“. When YOterS were asked What comm. and 5) what‘s the Demo- freeze northeamendment Will ac-
reducing Gross National Product by . abruptly worse for the White House they think is the most important craticalternative? complish its intended result. but
depressionary amounts. and then we Lane’s P Ollc y and better for the Democrats. Pub- problem for the government to help Reportedly, there is a fight in the they are the bread and Circuses 0‘
can‘t afford those school lunches, licly. Wirthlin is predicting Republic control, 43 percent said unemploy- White House over whether the presi- the 1982 campaign.
Backto square one. Readers of the Kentucky Kernel losses of “25 seats. plus or minus ment. 34 percent said interest rates dent should make such an address, President Reagan also has been
Is that going to hurt the middle are welcome to express their vlem 10.” Privately. he reportedly was and 19 percent said inflation. HQW’ but lcan’tbel'lcvehewon‘t. trying to recoup favor with groups
class or the wealthy? Not really. on the odloorldlpcoe. telling the White House in early ()c- ever. when they were asked Wthh The Republicans have some other that supported him in 1980 but that
We'll drive Pintos instead of Fire- To be considered for publicuion, tober toexpecta30—seat loss. problem personallyIaffects them the advantages. too In and of itself. the may be disillusioned So -called EC-
birds. watch black-and-white instead loner: summed to the Korngl Regardless of the numbers. the most. 19 percentIsaid unemployment legendary Republican money advan— BC voters ‘__ “ethnic Catholic blue
of color. But it's going to hurt the should address their common" Democrats mean to make the elec- and 47 percent said inflation. tage is not all that it’s cracked up to ll .. _ ha bee t ed ‘ff b
.~ ~ ' f d Re ' lnfl tio indi tabl h com -co ar ve n urn o y
poor big time. and with so much leSs typed and double-spaced lo the “L tion a re eren um on aganomics, a n Spu y as e be. the econom . Reagan is trying to
GNP. we won't be able to bail them lorlal .dllor do 114 Journolslm and practically all of Washington be— down under Reagan. and other polls It's in: that the official Republi- et them baik with tuition tax cred-
out. lulldlng—UK,40§06-0042. lieves Reagan will lose it. Television indicate the public is beginning to can campaign organizations will fisand ra er in schools I
Gut reaction No. 2: Keep the all- Writers mun Include tholr names, news ls pounding homea message of realize it. The Republican National spend four times more this year p y ‘
v01. addresses. telephone numbers and economic pain night after night. pro- Committee is exploiting it with a thenDemocratie committees — $100 Hard-line conservatives fee] lg. .
. Time for a few undisputed facts their III-Ion. classifications or con. viding the Democratic Party with new series of ads showing a house- mill'mnIvs. $25 million. In the last nored, so Reagan tried a social-issue is":
here. First. we are paying over 50 nocrlon with uK. identification will better advertising than it could ever Wife discussmg the situation. as {01— three election years, however. labor offensive that may only have we
percent of our defense budget for be verified More puhllculon. buy. lows: “Oh. prices are still too high. union contributions hat’e more than ceeded in turning off moderates and 5:
military pay. a higher proportion The Kernel rmrvu oh. rlgm to And there are indications of disar- but they‘re not going up the way compensated for combined Republi- women. Small-business men and
than any other industrial nation. and edll tor grammar. clarity and longlh ray in Republican ranks. too. such they did before we elected President can and Political Action Committee farmersI the heart of the Republican
up from 30odd percent during draft and lo dolor. libelous mtorlul. as the announcement by party chair- Reagan. He said he‘d bring inflation donations to Senate and congressio conStituency. have suffered mightily
days. If we draft. we can spend less _ man Richard Richards that he won‘t under control. and he's doing it . . . I nal campaigns. from high interest rates; rates are t .
think we should give the guy a What does help the Republicans is coming down. but it‘s still not clear
.. ' chance." the systematic way in “midi money that this isa rmanent trend. '
DRABBLE by Kev'n Fagan If and when Republican ads get isspent. pe
. tough on the Democrats. they will The Republican Congressional Both conventional wisdom and
NORMAN, lM TRUL‘i THIS I6 PROBABL“ Th9 RE6FECTFULH, 6iR,l TAKE MN. 100 SHOULDVE only be catching up to President Committee. for example, has estab- some less obvious factors do seem to
0|6A9POINT£O IN 400R UORST COLLEGE EXLEVTION . _ . 5£EN THE ONE l WROTE Reagan himself. whose stump lished an irstantaneous compute. favor a Democratic smash in No-
HISTORICAL REéEARCH RESEARCH PAVER , ‘ “ To THAT! . FOR MWOLOGY ‘, speeches and radio broadcasts have rized ildormetlon network to get vember. but one shouldn’t underuti‘
VAVER'. ffi" . EVER URlTTEN ll, ' ) ’ been withering. material into the hands of its candi- mate the power of mm Reagan to
. I ’ , S“) , . ' / Reagan‘s themetsetting campaign dates. The committee can design persuade peOple that after 20 years
' t, IL..-' I I/i iI . _ \— . ’ q; I \ speech was delivered on Sept. 29 in ads for candidata based on comput- 0f Democratic CONSTGS‘S- he de-
fl é 7- {:9 M? <‘,,_ a “d Richmond. Va. where he said. “The er-registed polling data suggesting serves a four-year shot at turning
.JU .- . '1‘! r J 7 .. ‘ ’6 ’T ’ 3 « J choice that the American voters what issues would be most effective things around.
_,4._ I. ' _I . fl. " ‘5. ' - have this year is just as important in thetfistrictinqtnstion.
I I n ’1" .‘r’ ‘* If I. as the one the" had two years ago. Republicans for outsth Demo- Morton Kondrache is executive ed-
I I 1“ 77—- " , " m I! It is a clear ch. '19 about the kind of crats in the number and quality of itor of The New Republic. Hie col-
I t / I i _ \ 'P nation we will be _- whether we will their training schools for candidates umn is distributed by Field Newspa‘
-———-——— L 0 l‘ " , "a "“‘MWamwSrMmM = . continue our sure and steady course and staffs. P?r Syndicate.

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, -Tuosday, October 1’, 1m - 3
Rad 'sson plans celebration of downtown hotel’s Opening
‘ Gras." Live entertainment and an “Arti for the “Tip-Off Reception." with proceeds 'Ei‘i’ stews
f By TINA DURBIN Gras Gala and Auction" will highlight the to benefit the Kentucky chapter of the Na- 5" ° ° ”
Reporter prese