xt744j09zs39 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09zs39/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-10-01 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 01, 1981 1981 1981-10-01 2020 true xt744j09zs39 section xt744j09zs39 a3. ”f, ”.3: '5". ) - ,a ‘ . . r si . I . g "13.1 2" “’3- ,Wrr‘ ‘ ‘1; a; u: Ivy-3:33)); ‘3”: >_‘:"'{I:‘}ll,"" . 1:; L35: ._It;;3’.if‘“yj '71 :‘i 3 ' .- F 33...: is.” . a 3' ‘ ' m“ " ' _. ia'a’fi‘ . if; ' '1' 5;".4 $31.11? ‘W3rfy..tinjo;_;y 1.3.5:],(‘rlsrqft‘14‘taz t: 3 , ' titlirn' éfme’f at”? .‘ '
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' Today bringsa noticeablechange in 3‘. l
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33.‘ andalOpereentchancedW- if... 325’“
. 3 sluwersllightemperahlrcswillbein i .1 4
, theupper705tolowatn.Clouaanda g ' ’.
Q temperature drop will replace the L, .
i warmth tonight and Friday, We. . - - ‘
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inthedibi‘riday. <33 ;
t ___-M“- M ‘ .
. ‘I Vol. LXXXIV, No.34 All W m m m m Universityof Kentucky .2
1 Thursday, October 1, 1981 1:0th- Kentucky 3 I -
ovem 0 ~ To ”
I . ‘ Ea : -' . V m if: "7"? t . . I_ it‘ll? "its-7.2%: ‘ ’ 3. f) b j .. ms“: .
o ' :y . , ’ ’ .5 _, -- 2.53: *3 ';._3i_;ata;?’.;?a a . véé'ra‘f‘sif‘sis . Pimps! to" ,.
W “'9 . Here 3 “a; . 3 ‘f‘a . 3 3’ .3 r .. {Nihijxatg . 33.33.33,
" E‘ ,9; M ' . " , s a» w "'3
i 4... . may ,' y. ' _ . .' f i v v i u — d‘ a ‘w‘”“ v a “a s _ .
___—___ , . at V .1 ’ ,: _. - - r
' ByJAMESEDWlNHARRlS McGovern socomrng hereon the date . M; ’ . if .JB'E alu'l "c‘fl TI'S us!""~~ ’3
Burea Chief When Frame” Reagan 5 budget r. ' . ‘ M y..._. ‘ ‘3 . , . ..; ass . . 23*; m if" ;§"**'i;fi~’ -‘ ‘ "£1121“ M“? 2
ll - so“. . » . .. ‘. ’-, 2 jg“. ' "36-" “1". ' . . ’w a“
and slashes go intoeffect. M . .3 3 ”is: , _3 5%,; . _ ”if,“ 3% $3,333,333 zwmés ,3
i NANCY E. DAVIS McGovern’s speech will focus on ' ”‘ p t 3. 3 :3 Magyar fiisyj" .3,
- - uieslashes,buthewillalsotouchon . , --...- , . :1 ' . ‘ ~~ . -~ *5 ~.~~ *- - ' . _
Semor Staff Writer , _ . «2 . .
_ the Umted States’ developing cold . . k- W W ..
__“w war withtheSoviet Union, theuseof E w; -‘ ~ - a g 3,” . ._
' . . . world hunger as a tool in international -‘ w as? 3 . ;.
Memorial Coliseum will be the diplomacy and the future of ’ _ H "‘ ~
Stage for mu“ Sgt-minim! War.“ Mel-jean wliucs ‘g i ’V . . I . .,r a..- . ~ a?“ u
,1 by 1W2 Democrat normnee for presl- McGovern‘s political career in , ,3 , 3% . / 3:? x“ 3 '
dent George McGovern. Washington began in 1956, when ht: 3 3_ _, W, ,. 3’ 3y... 3
“11ng :2)“: figmt: was elected tothefirst of two terms in a; Q: 3 - fig ' _ ' I 3"3 _
pear . ' ' theHouse of Representativeslnlilso, Qty m m . .. ‘ ‘ *
. the free speechls expected to reach he was appointed the first director of 3; i777"? 32'turt-a'3iw3yafi’3s 533.5732 :3 jf'j‘s ’ ;, . '** 3
:51? gwblo-nunute tm-xlstlw: the US Food for Peace program by “9" a 9“” ~ 3 , . ‘
3_ 9 O‘Zn y a ques in President John F.Kennedy. - Ctr/Q3311?” _% ‘ a" '
‘ sessr ' 3 . . . . He was elected totheSenate in 1962, ‘ ~ {fii 4% £3.33 new" . " ' .
co-sp'ldn‘esfiring the eventnwiThmcgt: ‘8 elected in 1968 and 1974' but ff ~ 4%; .i‘é _. ‘ ,si ;:.- . .
. ' defeated in 1980 D James Abner, a rs; . " “t . . . .
dent Center Board, sought speaking conservative Republican. He reached 5m“. M . “grail r 3 .. ”’ ’8‘”qu -. is,“
l “mmmfigbgmmfgfilexfg his national political height, however, By DAVIDCOOPER/Kernel SW
own 1 . .
in 1972, when he was nominated to rim
have... . . ,3, . .,_ o- a... presidency. as loss .0 Hey Look Ma Over, Lend Me An Ear
The SA 5 901m“ airs comrru Richard Nixon stands as the greatest
tee began late last May ”.10“ fly a landslide in presidential history. Judy Metcalf “"416 the day '5 offerings at her usual Lane Allen and Har- become slightly more than a hobby. 'lbey raise vegetables. selling them all
‘ ti" speakers Former president Jtm‘ rodsburg Road produce stand. The 85-acre farm she and her friend own has season long. A pound of fresh tomatoes, anyone?
my Carter~ astronomer Carl 5388“ Susan Antonilt of the son said the
. andtalk showhostPhrlDonahuewer-e m problems which plagued last I
was as We mm m year Memorial Coliseum ar- [Ive attracts 0V9, OHOIS
‘ i loumahsts wa’lteTSacwcnlllmend m pearance of journalist Hunter S. ,
‘r mm “”3; 32,3338: MEN‘W‘HMMWQWWW‘ ——-———-——- by far the CKBC goal of loo pints. tablelcallitmy naturalhigh." especially when you think at the
Roblmon were ex tseums sound system will be used By JANE mason . . . . - -
. But McGovemis availability and , , . Staff“! .3” Natty-six prospective donors were Scott Ruble, an undecrded reason you re grvrng, that you are
. f 'me tonight, rather than ,the SCB S equip " turned down for reasons ranging from freshman. and Bryan McLaughlin, a helping somebody out who really ‘
$3,000 speaker 5 9'3 were P" ment. A combination of the two . needs' .. ~
33. {or bringins him to campus the ___—___... colds torecent dental work. pre-pharmacy sophomore, came to It. Hunter said.
Jim Dinkle SA communicators systems caused the problems at 3 “The kids have just really been donate together so “if one of us got Hank Davis, an employee of the
- senator said' Thekey toMcGovern‘s mmpm‘smhhmm‘k ”.‘d- For two days the signs In front of wondertuigrsaid Lee Peretz, donor sick the other one could carry him Nursing College, donates blood to
‘ a ra‘nce hm have been the bill McGovern has filled speaking '18.“: the Student Center Ballroom read, service representative. “We are home,"Ruble said. ”keep me offthestreets."
: pmassed earlier 5135 semester by the on 93mph”. across the nation 1n- “Take 45 minutes and 58“? 8 life," thrilled with the turnout. We ap— “There are a lot of benefits to “You get personal satisfactionfrom
i SA tewhichsplittheres ibili- cludlng MlChlgafl State, the Uhlve’t?“ and, “Givesoothers may live." preciate everyone who came in and donating," McLaughlin said. “You donating," Davis said. “Plusdiseases
,3 t {Sammie financing “uneven" 1'3““ ty 0‘ “0”", “'9'” at Chapel "1" During the semester’s first blood triedtodonate." guarantee your family is given blood such as hepatitis could be stamped
I sh l ‘ tworthirds of the finances and the Unrversrty 0‘ Massachusetts drive, held MOM” and Tuesday, ‘32 Bob Lewis, a history senior, was incaseof an emergency,plus thereis out if people would donate blood so
.fgsygggmm the mama at Amber“: students and faculty members donating blood forthe 12th time. a degreeofpersonal satisfaction. they would not have to use blood that .
Mn ng ' Student tickets for the event are answered the 08“ 0f the Central KBD- “It (donating) is an experience you “It makes you feel so good after hasbeensold."
He was the most popular 3933“” available until 4 pm. today at the SA lood Cent - .. - - rr need] .. he 'd
we considered ,, Dinkle said of 3 tuckyB er. Will never forget, Lewrs sard. It they removethe e. sal .
McGovern ' office, 120 Student Center. TheISlupply A total 0‘ 155 pints 0‘ ”00“ were makes you feel good inside. I get a Denise Lee, a telecommunications Davis said his hero. Robert '
Di nkle also reflected on the irony of 0‘ tickets {0" the general pubnc has donated during the event, exceeding light-headed feeling when I get off the freshman, had a different incentive to Heinlein, a science fiction writer, has
beenexhausted. give blood. made a personal career promoting .
“I came for the cookies and the free blood donation after his life was saved
' I I I I I t-shirt because all my clothes were bya rare blood type donation.
, c u active in ma new 9 mm
t On the more seriom side, Lee said Davis added.
I, l l , . .
"l ___—___— pecting membership to increase 30 to Members will also be shown out- The honorary is also sponsoring an that wggsfgigxsnzgnfinw heart scmhedulgdmfgrsorc‘fma flfidfizzéz
By “'ng BROWN 40 percent as more students learn of dated equipment from days when open symposium on child abuse Nov. ~ ' ~
- Staff Wrrter - - . . . surgery she was refmed as a donor. Hall recreatlon room. The event is be
- theorganizatlon. shock therapy and electrolysrs were 17. They are urging all interested . - .l . -
, . . although her entire family gave. I 1ng cosponsored by the resldents of
. ? ___—___— Peggy Brandenburg, club lustorlan accepted methotbof treatment. students, faculty and staff members . .. ~
! . . . could not give then so i gave now, Haggrn and Donovan Halls, and the
, and psychology sophomore, said, Club manbers wrll also be babysrt- on campus to attend. . - -
t .. - . n - H . . . . . she sald. hours Will be from 2 pm. to 4 pm. in
Out of Sight, out of mind .15 a The club has a lot of practical tlng handicapped children, Branden- Prospectlve members do not have Debbie Hunter a physical therapy the afternoon and again from 6 pm.
‘ 3' phrase that has plagued the Ps1 Chi aspects. [can actually see making a burg said, giving students the oppor- to be psychology majors to join Psi freshman said donating blood made to 10pm. that‘night.
; club, a national PSYChOIOEY hODOI'BI'Y. career outof psychology now." trinity to earn extra cash and to gain Chi. They mist have eight hours of her feel she had done something im- Peretz encouraged all students who
for the past several years here. Psi (iii has planned many activities experience in dealing with children psychology courses, however, along portant were refused during the first drive to
But when the going gets tough, the geared to those interested in how who have emotional and behavioral with a 3.0 cumulative standing. Duos uh doesn't hurt to give blood trvand donate againorlOct.8
toughget going.ThePsi Chi club isat- psychology is applied,not in just book problems. are $25 and may be paid anytime ' ' '
telnptingacomebackoncampls_. knowledge, Wagner said. Psi Chiwillbestaffinga psychology through Oct. 31. The dues include a O O
, ’ The honorary was reestablished The group will be visiting Easta'n resource room which contains 820 national induction fee which en- 1 s l e
I . laSt year after several years Of State Hospital Nov.3where they plan psychology journals, abstracts and titles members to lifelong member-
absence. Sflid Dianne Wilmer, Club to tourthefacilities, talk with person- reference books, Wagner said. This ship intheorganization.
president and PSYChOIOS)’ senior. nel, see a film on the mentally retard- “mini-library" will be open to both Brandenburg said the next meeting Bowie presses on despite a fractured leg. See page 8.
“it‘s taken a long time but we’ve real- ed and interview patients. students and faculty, and is a first at- will be Oct. 19. The scheduled gust The new TV season shows little promise. See page 4.
~ ly picked up,”shesaid. “We are excited to get this oppor- tempt at establishing any kind of speaker is a forensic psychologist Dohigh bookstore prices got you down7 See e 6
Although Psi Chi hasonly30return- tunity since outsiders are not usually reading room for the psychology from the Federal Correctional ln- ' pug '
ing members. Wagner said she is ex- allowed," Wagner said. department. stitute.
R's by rate of crime to h I ' I t' o I
- , ., . ,— .2:— . '————_—" 'll and the McClure-Volkmer Bill
, y/ / , "' - ,;:222; - a DAVIDPAULEY 3' . . .
\ // //’ ’/’. . ’ :f-T——;:1;.— 3 y ~ are the two most recogmzable peces Data from the “FBI Uniform Crime Wu
3 , .. , :__. —. 1;: Staff Wrrter . . .
, - ; 7 5:3 5:2: ofleglslatlon proposed tlus year. percent over
., / / l 3"; '1 .. :éé—E’ 3.2—: ——-————-—-——-———— The Kennedy-Rodino bill, created .93» 1979 1978 1977
'31 ‘ , -.; 1" 5:33;? ;;i- h d s by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, 1)- Murder 234m 21.456 [9,650 2.3
" 3:2? .5??? KRF (Ke'm‘c Y Rev"? tam“) Mass, and Con essman Peter J. .
t. / r; ’51-??? 33:3.“ ’ . 533.060 - When a person has been Rodino. D-N.J.,grif passed, will Forcrble rape 82.088 75.939 37"” 55
" , 2 ‘ 's . “3::— £95.? convicted of an offense which is a establish a 21413 waiti riod 3" 30
3, ’ /. //7; :1 ::_; . . Class A. B. or Cfelony, andacommis- from the time a pzrson anhgfes a Robbery 535399 4563’" 7'0” '
i {:;;;:3-5:-_:;’.“ // 2- 5 _——'.-_3.; 4—2:; "'0" 0f “C" °ff"'"_"""°"’95 "‘9 “'9 0f gun until he or she can receive it. Aggravated assault 554.957 614.213 558.100 6.3
. / / , r; .3. ‘2" a weapon from which a shot 0' Pro- The bill will close the loophole left .
I ~,‘:-_-'-';_-'3-»'3., ; // . 3-3:, .;;;-:‘::"‘:" jectile. may be discharged that is by the 1953 handgun bill, which pro- Burglary 3.759.193 3,299.484 3.104.500 1.7
. 3 5;}: ; .l/ ’ E :3 __ -. 3 readily capable ofproducing death or hibited the im rtation of “Sat 113
I »._:,'f;:5;:.5:;'.;;5:," %' if: - . . Egg—f , “in-on, physical injury such person night SPeCialsP'o (small, easilymcm}: Larceny (theftll 7,112,657 6.577.518 5.983.400 1.3
. , /¢ :; ' 2:; shallnot be eligible for probation or cealed inexpensive ham“). but Auto theft l.lld,&5l 3373“” ”LOO
3 _.3.;333:3._-.._-;_:'-__..__ . ‘ . iii-if conditional discharge. Class B Is not the. importation of their parts.
. . 3i - ' 53:;35“ Assault 1. ClassCisAssault in the se- Another part of this bill prohibits Total 13,295,400 13,025,730 “.141,“ L9
. {ff-[£35555 ' . i777? cond degree. ‘ -
" ‘ I, z Wh'finhé’é’suém ‘ has“ °' 3°" Violent "mm lam-339 Wm 5-2
‘ . ‘ ‘ T: ‘5 With crime increasins each year at The McClureVolkmer Bill, the . .
‘:}'.-‘5~j.-'.~‘§.~‘_-‘.-}'.-':}'5"55v ’4 : E . » ‘:' a" 8'8"""8 rater Specialists in Cfime brainchild of Sen. James McClure, a. 0"" ”mm“ ”in?“ “$2: [figfifim A
‘- \ , '— PM.“ ”‘3 ”"8 t“ “W 1mm. and Rep. Harold Volkmer. n “m
-';.-';~'_:_';'- ‘ i t if , What”)- Mo.. proposes that the government Homicides ill 12 11
. . _-‘:_‘__-‘.'3:' vii-'3 » ‘ ‘ ‘3.- 3. . (I '1 According to Clarke Arpert, guarantee exemption to convicted
3 n =; . 3 3,, 3 s 3 Coalition to Ban HIM“. the At- dgim,unlossthegovernment provides Rape as I! 50
_ r, t f: f y - 2:"? 3’ ‘ tomey General‘s officerecommended the information to not grant such an
. p - -25: .3 , .5 "nthatldmmberecomindasbetm exemption Robin 3 as an an ‘
- - .‘(c 7'. E: .‘ I 7 " responsible for the occurrence d The bill would also allow residents '3
l -'3 g: ;= f ' many “elem crimes. 3 of one state to purchase guns outside (theft from Person)
i-V ‘ ’ l g / 3 :3.“ .__. He and many studies have been oftlieirownstate Assault! 37‘ 521
ii: I- 4% 2 . I . and are being conducted from the Arpert said, “Over It pieces of 310 '
“£5 7; l W m, ‘tmtomdthtmd legislation have been prodtxcd this Burglary ‘ .
. m5; 3 whfiygm wlieh Wt" invent year and urge from those whidl
u 1 ' i )t 4% . sa "Qum- would repeal the 19d; bill to bilh that i 3270 3359 ' L .
‘ drift: 5% Amoximatelysopercentofallmb would "we.“ 3h, sale of “WW (39:13:: Swelling . 3 3
3 ~ . - $7" 3. .t m“ del” the me °t “mi and ammunitions." ‘ '
. . .. -' r " ‘ ‘ exact y 50 PIN" Rebecca Overstreet assistant . ‘ .
. . . .t . 3;; 3 , . . . n - .
3‘ .fi‘q .. 5:,» , hunicldes were commltted with han- Fayette (‘ounty Ittmy. said, “In “Re y ' 7" “1:3 5“ i ,
3 'F .31, ‘ ”,1 r "fir ‘ (tum. COMM to data ”"09““ by Kentucky there are no laws as far as Auto the“ In. m 071 ' q , . , 5
‘ . Elia??? :5 ’ \ theFBl. . t. . it \\ln.l \ tut I..\. pagr.‘ ‘ I. -
' " W said the Kennedy-Mm ‘ . . . gr
I t“ W33e‘§’~
i — . at
. flfifikfig.‘ rj
’ ' ‘ ‘- ‘ s . “Jaw vii 1:!rat‘?*c.;;a;..Ws 3”»? '. 1‘7 “ f ’
. ‘\ . ‘ . ‘ . 5 .‘ , .. ' 2‘37 fight” 1 Wt; .77“ i‘t?‘w 7‘; '»
i . . . ‘ " a a; ' ’ " ~§>tatiefitéiii ‘tigrti‘t *
7‘ . . .~. , . '. .2 . | . ’ - ' s i- . - . ‘ . ‘sr one, ta 51% . at: ' '
' a . a t" . . ,a “ - ’ ‘ . r‘. . ' l '-.~. -. “are 3.. has: ‘ . .73., “1%;- stiol * ' ‘ '

 _ 4, ._ , ., , , .,-a- . . .u, . . ,s- » tarps: wacgafi‘awttsgslu,j,1'ufra;~ " ijzii'fl‘a MS ..‘:a“_,sr~,i s... “1,3 .
. . . . ,ru 4 .a W '3 3 “MT?“ \ s“ T“ r5. . . i ‘41" ”Tut.” R MT - “ X~9s"‘¢,a*
- a , : u as MM “is“ . ’TTTm a T To .7 Ms uoTTTTT" “We“, sata-
,1 ' " Tr . s. hia',Ta ‘ 3,: 1i M‘s,“ eds‘Zgfi‘fi‘t‘fieggtu'wwt‘gwm IgTegT‘W TTTT‘TseuTT’sti‘U “idea
. I , , - II. If ~31; . husaifitiafzhfigfi’p sghhfisgtghf :2st i. Q ,‘ . ' 43,». it” [allia- 53‘“?- ZLY§§TrTITT¢h¥EVt$r1Qu ’Y'T'Knt Twas Illa? the 'I'hfiwg’fighnfiehhh :' If}: MlIIIuhdrII‘ItIISII L: ,L§Q%1&:TT%% ‘ I "The"?
~. , ' lime. Haiti’s .".4+~ - . ~ . Tut “visqfl "T ”was T'TTVU, “Tit‘a‘lfi -. is: Totes." a. . T
c ‘~‘ TTTTTT‘TTEJLQaAWs Lisa. ’3‘}; ' " «TWoT‘mkM‘a‘T " ‘T “To“--‘o—onL-L‘ T'T “ W it.“ M? .
f. sail
‘7 ' 'll't‘ .
, ,4; a, . —~——————————-————. ~~———-—~—————--—-~———————~-——-—~‘-»-——~‘~—-—- ~~ -- —‘——-~-—-~—-~~»--— ..
Tait“; unsigne- mam . mule. Amman-le- Lanullace M. Chlldlerflolln ; I
‘iérItpzeg ' . utter-innit! uila-ul Editor Jar-ca Edwi- Ilarrls spun. caller Minot m M Editor . -
“T“ 510 mam W I a
IhTTTy . re" y lloecli unmo- mmu. Steven w.llowuier rulchlcnelson IW "
“.14.:55' T? “3", Jack] It.“ 0.” Editor Assistant Sports Editor All-hut aluminium: Editor mehe'
5‘3“"ka 3Q, A-ucieulditln Kirby Stephens ‘
Tijé..." ‘3": Graphic-Editor
. , . , -—————_u ——.___..___.____————_4 -.._._________-__ .
"“ Come che McGovem’s cam i n- bud et outs begin T
a , . G 0 Pa 9 I 9 , ,
. 5 Many students may view former Sen. and cheer him on in his fight. The politics of (\\\\\\ ‘- 'ul, . r " , T ”WNW" .y' . ' H ”MW/7 ’" " // .' f ' ‘
, . . ; GeorgeMcGovernasafigurefromthedistant hatehasalreadyspreadtoofar. \\~\\ rmfirfi‘n ,...~' , . ' 7, I, .. x/ ‘ ‘ 5' . 'u
5 past whose importance and influence, in the Q . . g\\ \ a-tigl‘fsfi’fii" *6er . , III‘ 4 5;...“ .3? // / : ._ 1 a
- a present day, is inconsequential. Today marks the beginning of a national §\‘ * «rah ( r i; «- zIz ‘ I a 5:05 fit / é , - .3 ; a
tragedy —President Ronald Reagan’s budget " th ' ~ ‘ 49;, . ' a}. IJ’ _: a - l‘, . / ,' 53:.- 6 ‘ t; i u
' But many more correctly recognize {ital Ihls and tax program, passed by Congress during . r‘ I - ,, . . ,. i .‘ T, l ) r ‘l l r. ' . *- II 1 ’ / /%Z I
“Americans for Common Sense’ campaign the summer, will take effect. “:5; ' i I? 2 ("I _ . f), ,. Q" /" //’ l it
represents the first blow in the battle against Tax cuts solely benefiting the rich, huge cuts . ' ad II J -'. ‘3 . '. "9'“ e5 7 '3 h.
the dangerously conservative political action in student financial aid programs, slashes in if! :3 if}; .040; ) m ‘ l h. ”I? til
committees which are threatening our basic Aid to Dependent Children, starvation of the ‘II; «3"? I! I «I I - a . I I h , I /: “
freedoms. The response to ticket distribution school lunch program —-all this and more will i . ' ~' .‘3 ’ . 3;; .I -, ' ‘ , ' . ‘ ., 1 , )// , u.

_ for the McGovern speech tonight has been of go down as the grim legacy of this administra- - . or '- sva,‘ \. Axe-r" 0. - . ' /“ I m
such magnitude that the site of the program tion. . I . a. ~.I.‘_ II . '9", ~ - Q. o o I . a I In
has been moved from Memorial Hall to Wall Street, supposedly a prime beneficiary .1 '. , P .' , .v with . a ... O 5 w
Memorial Coliseum. of the program, has already shown its lack of ' a; -. ' r :\ ’1'.’o. (:7 . ‘aaze 1 3 d1:

confidence in the supposed economic ‘ ‘\\\ y. ‘3 ‘ . x2 ‘ ,h 4393‘ . ,, ,a - . . . I
Although other groups are becoming involv- “miracle.” And its reluctance to approve a I \s: '2} fit it; ’\ ' be“ M/ KW an
ed in the growing challenge to the oppressive program which may very well spell monetary ‘- s ,. . r“ it v _~ t/ ‘u\ i MI 4,- 1m
policies of the “New Right,” McGovern will doom can only be further aggravated by the g a". . 447a: 33:5 h . £3» , - ~ fut
- remain one of the movement’s recognized Republican move to elevate the national debt 43;; v' , ~.,,. ’ - éz" \“ \§ 1... be}
leaders. Symbolically, he is perfect - as the ceiling to a trillion dollars, the result of il- 3.:- ,oflz. “(3‘ 3."; \ q, 1%: ~ \ -‘I ‘ ho

' ' f 'd th - - n - a, fists (2-, ,_ . U , I. 1 4.. ; _.

, 1972 Democratic candidate or presr en e logical tax cutting and uge boosts in e f, ’4 {A . I ,-'-' I - o I _ . 4 11% r
warned against the threat to come, and he defense budget. I?” I III .4 _; 3‘ ‘ . , I ’ \‘Qi II: ‘\\\\_\ ed
himself has been the victim of a massive AsIevery financier realizes, the prospect of u ' ngfifi [31¢ ‘ I' . ' T”. ’ 31‘1-4\1‘-\;\;\\\‘7§ ‘ he

’ , PACssfinanced hate campaign, losing his long- “happy days” on the horizon and Reagan’s I5 r- '-’, ’ , ,I, . . Jig . ,\\‘ , c s 2 s \S E 3“,,

. time seat in the Senate toaconservative oppo New Deal fantasies are merely the stuff of ' “-1 _fi ' 4 ,‘I I . “s . .- I ; y .~ 5 i pr:
’ nent last year. wishful thinking. Let us hope that 1984 will not ' '. ‘- f. I . . ’-. . $9,”: .. "Up-m1 1 1. : :5“; I; , _ die,
. The Kernel encourages the members of the be too late to mend the damage and turn this he ‘1'; . I ' ,I {a \ is ' 4.}: I g g ‘» ‘55 \;- -' : 1 “I
. UK community to attend McGovem’s speech country back toa more reasonable path. g/gz‘, . 3" ‘ I. I331!" l I' §~ § Ii ' ‘s- N
. ' 4'. .1 0' - '_ . 5; \\\
E D . i ‘6 ‘ .' ' y‘i“ W I ’ .‘g I {II ' \v . ., l I _. ‘I‘ _
Salvador 3 “3"“ “W9 m "9'” "“99 -~ so» /'// ./' . . 2i :' ‘
As President Jose Napoleon The “,me and colleagues ofthe I/ "7 . l. ‘ 5 h - v I/ )- . 4 '~ . ' 4 II— :. UH
Duarte, the civilian president of the women finally were received at the '6 ‘-.‘_ II a. .' . “$11 L*-;. g' ‘3 I ‘1’??? g . «4T7 (III
El Salvador junta, makestherounds n g 0 a State DepartmentinAp'il, after Sen. .. . __ ...-- arms-ax, x/‘V‘ ”I I”, a: r" " mm, “3“": om: “stars? g. P"
in W35hin8t0'1.h€l5 fighting ghosts. Edward Kennedy, D—Mass., intervens ,Iaej, 4.5, rig-'5’, etetfgg‘fitg ‘ifi'fisvt,€r‘.wfi , .‘-;.1"2.-.-:<:(_,.I~'3" writeg‘wflfefc‘tkfififlgj: } . T we
The specterof Vietnamhas hovered But thesix soldiers have neverbeen ed. They were granted an interview .2‘gfi‘Tflv‘g‘wfiffa%‘%$T§3:¢}§6,SQSE.ATJK—bgég' {’31. t: g*¢,¢7'g 15“???
. over American policy from thebegins “presented to thejudge" and Duarte with James Clark, deputy assistant ,.-'>' s ‘ . ."..r ,. res-.5 . . la, .. .I .s W . _ . .4 ; I pa
ning. When he moutls phrases like never gives the same reason why secretary for intersAmerican affairs I P9
“dominoes" and "geopolitical twice. . Subsequently. the families were in n n . n
. areas." he uses as usuau doubts suuau. on a "Face the N......~ one. an David sum. am or Political action commlttees pose threat . ——
‘ about US. intervention in a dubious broadcast, he said that under theEl Salvador task fme, who advis-
. struggle. Salvadoran law, circumstantlal ed them to retain the same “Would you believe this man has the extreme right-wing ps tint:
When he tries to explain the unsolv- evidence is not enough, that Salvadoran lawyer who took the case gone as far as tearing Wallace W targeted certain politicians for d efeat;
ed murder 0f four American mis- 93’9th are requrred. Yet, man of the two other murdered stickers off the bumpers of cars, and ,, in 1900. I agree with B y Goldwater ;:
sionaries who were Killed on a road interview published in July, boasting Americans, a he“. of agricultural ex- he voted for George McGovern for S te as the New Right cashed his that they don’t represent true con-1.:
patrolled by the military, he invokes about his own detective work m hn' perts who were shot a month later. president . . . He's a friend of them check with his constituents back on servatism. :
wate'gate- S‘mewamw cover“? ding the bullets, he .smke °f havmg The lawyer. the families were told, long-haired lumpy-type “Whom“ ' ' ' the prairie. Hence, his nonchalant “You can’t impose your views on an: ‘
leap to mind. The Salvadoran army is had information “from charged$500an hour and would have 1'" bet you he's even got a Commie response to queries about his defeat entire group based on your religious .F
”mum“ “5 W“ investiga‘m TYTWTTW'" . . tobepaid $20.000upfr0m- flaemched “PT"T‘d‘T “38“”39- - simply indicates his familiarity with beliefs.andsomanyoftheissuesthey:
which has all the credibility of the 'hlesday,atabrlefing forthc- House Duarte makes a much better case scum -bag politics. are involved simply have nothing to:
relentless V006 0f Watergate that Foreign Affairs CIomrruttee, Mary for himselfthanfor his cause. He was lyrics from Charlie Daniels’ “Uneasy McGovern accepts his fate now as do with religion _ the Panama Canal :1-
= m'jcma'waldemanm "emu“ 5°” 0‘9“" Dom M” W“ ‘° brutally Treated and “He" by The “er." with earlier setbacks. The Old Left Treaty. SALT ll. even the ERA are :T
j. ly John Dean conductedon Watergate school wrth Dorothy Kazel, oneof the military that he now defends- 0“ a —©‘973 Rad“ D3” ”“5" stalwart is comfortable with and not religiom issues. To impose their :5
““a‘me“ . View“: asked Why "mung ““5 “a? 1977 visit. be was befriended by Rep. , . . dedicated to his philosophy. views in this way )eOpa' rdizes both 5' .
For reasons he cannot explain. the pened smce April. _ Tom Harkin, D-Iowa. Harkin This facetlous association of warm” (“he I reIIgIon and mums}, 4;
‘ six soldiers arrested last April have Duarte's answer . surprlsed remembers him sayilfl that the radicalism witll the 1972 Democratic Tactics empcIonrylseedquebnyces ultra- The New Right hasgained notoriety .: k
5:. not been charged andIseem unlikely everyone. The famllles of the military was the root ofall evil in his presidential nominee represents a rvativ es in the 1980 campaign during the late 19005 by preaching an 3 I.
i? ever tobebrougnttotnal. murdered women have to demand country - “They see communists stereotype of the cand‘dT'T‘T That reminded many liberals of Spiro ultra-conservative “social-pOlicy" 1':
I In a country Where in this y ear that Charga be bmugm'. he sald. everywhere.“ amounted to more than reg'm‘m- Agnew‘s mudslinging campaign philosophy. 3'.”
T alone, 10,347 noncombatants have Under Salvadoran law, It seems, Now, with US. alcouragementJhe Incumbent Richard Nixonslashedhls rhetoric. For instance, poor Frank This concerted effort grew in:
met violent deaths in what everybody there mist be a prlvate accuser and army sees communists everywhere, slim hopes for the presidency Iby Church, D-ll I ,never ha da chance m e to what these religious h I;
in outsitb the Reagan administration anofflcl'al accuser. - and Duarte " who is intelligent stomping him in ‘9.“ 50 states, In. after conservative political action zealots perceive as the erosion of i: .I
considers civil war, the murder of Heofferedtomeetwnh members of enough to give full weight to the cludinganupsetinhls natlve state. committees financed television ads morality an dthe dissolution of family: "i
, . three nuns and one lay worker cannot the tamllles to supply “all the W0" poverty, illiteracy and hopelessness Considering that George claiming tllat as can of the units in the United States. No official 1: I
a loom large. matlon “”m' to the famllles so as causes of the current bloodbath - McGovern, 59' a three-term US’ Senate Foreign Relatiom Committee date, event or ceremony marked the :3 -
T; But for Duarte. who is here to they could bring the charges. At the rather uncomfortably parrots the senator from South Dakota, the he single-handedly dismantled our emergence of this movement; ’1 ' f
T “stroke" American public opinion, Press Club. helntroducedanew and line. forementioned presidentlal cen- Arm edForces. The activity of the New Right 5: . ,
:5‘ theatmdty gives me he towhat he is 0mm Tar-“’1'- If The suspects were Duarte saysheis not here to ask for didate, is visiting campis tonight, lt’s Moreover, moderates and liberals reached frenetic proportions in ;; It I
T“ "103‘ anxious ‘0 convey * namely, to be presented to the Judge, the more military or financial aid. So- now appropriate to revrew the alike, as well as Old Right November of 1330 with the defeat of l
i? that the (5“th junta he heads has judge "light be threatened" — he did meone else in the entourage is doing venerable liberal’s -— and hls Republicans led by Sen. Barry Jimmy Carter and the umeating of
domimon overthemili not say by whom “He {night let the tllat. He says he thinks “more truth ideological cohorts’ — struggleswrth Goldwater, R-Ariz., are more com dozens of IIbeIaI Democrahc Com I
Drum ‘ 4 , a dark-hai . heavyset peeple suinIafew hours . should be presented to the American and opinions of his most recent cemed about New Right PIIIIprIS gmmw The New DeaI/GmI
I: I who was at at Notre meca,.se,lsmless embarrassmgto people." A little truth about the nemesis,theNewRight. . iorlackthereof) ratherthantactics. Society coalition unraveled as I
Dame and kicked around by the US. onlcrals, Iwho lnadvertently murder of the nuns would help him McGovern isnostranger to conflict The bottom line is that the quicklyas it began in 1936 and 1964
MW forces he now claims to run. touched Th? Vletnam nerve 135‘ more than anything in his qust for or low-life politiesFrom early Con- philosophical foundation of our Con- with FDR‘s a ndLBJ’s landslides. ,
told a Natlonal Press Club luncheon winter in their efforts to portray El public approval. gressional campaigns in his staun- stitution, keeping church affairs But the party didn't end there. .
meeth‘that“the armylsobedlent." Salvador as a watershed Sowet-U.S. But it is beyond him. Obviously, the chly conservative home state, separate from state matters, is D len tothe point of delirium from ~_
A sympathetlc audience yelled hernlsphenc clash. U-N- Ambassador reason thesoldiers are being held but through two presidentlal prlrrlary ultimately threatened by these the electoral massacres these .'
. “cdnmumst” and “shut up" at {0}" Jeane 1‘11"than and Secretary 0‘ not charged is that they would im- seasons and one ill-fated collrsron religious extremists. And clearly this bludgeoning warriors of the blood- .
heckla-s, one of whom help up no StateIAlexander Halg immediately: plicate theirsuppwtemfhemilitary with Richard Nixon for all the situation couldprecipitatethebeginn- stained cloth looking like knights . .
tures of decapitated chlldren and went lnto their “blame the “chm couldn’t stand that. Neither could the marbles and many conflicts wrth two ing of institutionalized moral ‘and from that grain d Sparlish Inquisition
5m that .90 percent of the mode, winch is the only possmle Reagan administration. Poor Duarte administrations during his 11-year religiotscodesbystatute. (let's I it for religious in ..
4‘ violence in El Salvador is caused by course when a thuggish allied govern- is the prisonerof both. anti-Vietnam war efforts, he sumv- McGovern is also disturbed by the tolerance) pla their 1‘32 Con- I;
- thes'ecurity force." mentrevealsrtsI character. . I ed. In some ways, he thrived on the long-term repercussiom of religious grossional, hit '1“me headed by that I
By way of proving the opposite, Ms. Kirkpatrlck briskly dismissed ©1931 UnlversalPresI Syndicate national level, most notably the suc- interference into governmental deci- “pinko” from N chusetts T ,
T Dual-to introduced from the floor the the women as “political “hm“ cessful reformation of Democratic sion making. Last week, he told the K “Mum“ hours aftereddythe ; .
f commander of the internal security and Haig went her one better rn con- Mary McGrory won a 1975 punt", Party Convention rules in the aha- Kbrnel that hisnewgroup, 4 amyecfion , I.
a; {01156, My an objective “ma greasional testlmony when . he for her commentary while with the mathofthe1968fiascoin Chicago. for-CnmnnonSenser primarily battl~ inaquint tialmomentof I
and Retained from him in Spanish observed casually that they mlght Washington Star. But as he admits, he was “living on ing this intrusion. dalrklmnessl' they Mmded' that .. .. -.
T that ‘0 W “Tm MM and have Tee" "mung “ “db'mk and WT” Tm?" 1"“ .Nmmtfe“ a “Firstofall.we’re tryimztocounter Falwell should rule the public air- 1:
é: sentdlced by the judge for abuses of heirlIkllled in an exchange of gun- liberal lnstltutlon was silenced m the wave. since obviously his Moral IMa-
T m' . ' -_. jOI'lty pulpit sewer line goes straight .: .
i M“hfi—‘—“—~——MH——__ " totheAlmighty. I; '
- . However, Falwell and Company '5 u
Write" o! lettu- to the editor should address Mr comment- typed and triple-spaced to the edit-till edlter It I“ J-r ,
T I ll- u .Ulmoumoz. may be shocked when they discover -; ‘
i _ x :Ide-mefllfiznllycnploymendmrlmw prion: nutlncledeth