xt744j09zn6v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09zn6v/data/mets.xml Lexington, KY Pride Community Services Organization 2000-06 This collection contains newsletters produced by the Lexington, Kentucky based Pride Community Services Organization. Included are publications from the organization through multiple name changes, such as LinQ magazine (July 2013-2016); the GLSO (Gay and Lesbian Services Organization) News (August 1986-June 2013); the GSO (Gay Services Organization) newsletter (1979-July 1986). Accession number 2016ms055. newsletters  English Pride Community Services Organization Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Pride Community Services Organization publications LGBTQ community--Kentucky LGBTQ culture LGBTQ newspapers Gay men Lesbians Bisexual people Transgender people Sexual minorities Gender identity Drag culture GLSO News, June 2000 text GLSO News, June 2000 2000 2000-06 2019 true xt744j09zn6v section xt744j09zn6v fix 2
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- " "If?
. is“ Vol. 15 June 2000 No.6 d
. gone
, fig * A publication of the Lexington Gay and Lesbian Service Organization
, . “"gflaa ‘ I
gag-@Lgb‘ - 7‘ , Our Voices Win Freedom Falryless pride EVQVIT
I LMC Celebrates pride
. Barbara Kingsolver and Fenton
- On Saturday night, June 17th, Johnson return to their native
the Lexington Men's Chorus‘ 10th Kentuc and bin Nikki Finne for a
Have No Fear... Anniversary Season will culminate readingy to blenefit the Kgntucky ,
. ...Pride Is Here with their Pride shOW. " Our Voices Fairness Alliance. These three great .
Win Freedom." Since 1992 LMC has authors will crete n v nin will
vommeeh Awards Bahqhm been proud to be a part of the Pride not want to miss. :heecgst isq cw, the ‘
Please 10m us for the 9th Annual Month celebration for Central time is 7 PM on Sunday, June 25 and
VO'Untee’ 0f the Year Award? Kentucky. the place is Memorial Hall, UK cam-
Banquet as we celebrate, recognise Tickets are $12 adults, $10 stu- pus facing Limestone.
and honor those m our community dent and senior and $6 child under Kingsolver made her debut in the
Whh have volunteered so much Of 10 and are available from ChOiUS literary world a dozen years ago with
their time andtalent over the past members or from the Singletary The n Trees, a novel about a
years' A deliCIOUS meal’ wonderful Center Ticket Office at 257-4929. young woman who leaves rural
entertammgnt and a SpeCla' guest Please be aware that the Sat. night Kentucky and moves to Tucson 1
speaker hhh also be a part Of this June 17th is the ONLY performance. Since then, her novels include Animal
pridefllled event. _ Some previous promotional materials Dreams and Pigs in Hgaven both
It '3 earlier m the month ”"3 year, referenced a second performance on bestsellers, and The Poigonwood _
Sunday, June 11th} cochtalls ath pm, Sun June 18th. Bye which has spent the last year on
0"”??? at 6pm (”The HMO". su'tes at At the first Pride show, 19 men the New York Times bestseller list.
Lexmgton Green. The ChSt IS $25 per performed in tUX shirts and rented She has a committed international fol-
person' ca” Terry for ”Ckets 4252‘ cummerbunds the color of the pride lowing, but is finding time to return to
2867 (day) and 2555490 (eve"'”9)' flag The evening was billed as a "tai- Kentucky and read from her current
Pride PlCVliC ent " night and LMC shared the stage works. .....continued on page 2
The Pride Picnic the largest of Arts Place with local singers,
. ’ dancers and comedy acts. Over the
queer pot luck in Kentucky and our next 7 years LMC brought together
best attended pride event, will be the best regional gay and lesbian
Sunday, June 4 at Windy KhOh Farm, choruses for their Pride shows, per- Sponsor 0f the Month
. ram or 5mm: (D'reCt'Ons .0” pages 2 forming with Indivisible, SisterSound
and 16) Parking may be tight, so plan and Voices of Kentuckiana -
to whiz hhhh‘iéhgirchii‘c will kick off this The 2000 edition of LMC Pride R. I. S. K.
year with a softball game between under direction of interim Musical
Lesbians & peODIe in Drag. The Director Richard Giles with accompa-
...continued on page 3 "'mem by ...continued page 2

 _ Men’s Chorus continued from page 1 Finney, poet, lecturer, and English pro-
”WWW“ Loren Tice will offer audiences a 1935‘” at the University 0' Kentucky, fl 1
MMw"”“»1"“\:“§ diverse range of LMC talent. will read from her current works as well
\M Highlights include: "Ella's Song" and " as emcee the evening While Nikky
\‘xiite‘tflg In This Moment", songs that have hails from South Carolina, she has ‘
3%}; become lesbigay Pride standards. made Kentucky her home since 1999- ,1
\\:§ "My Favorite-Miss Things," a parody A" proceeds "O"? ”“5 '9?de '
y by Eric Layne Barnes skewering benefit the Kentucky Fairness Alliance. 1
’xK" everyone from Newt to Jan Brady We are truly honored to have these - f
v36“ and Cher, "The Gift You Gave", the incredible authors share their time and
1%} final commissioned work to celebrate talent With “5- J01“ “31 1
1 LMC's Anniversary, and "Somewhere
Over the Rainbow", need we say more. A P1122 00???? ti
In addition to the chorus pieces, n open ” e ner ommi ee 1
The GLSO News individual members of LMC Wm shine meeting will be held at 7 pm at the - :
Vol.15 Issue 6 in solo performances including: "1 Pride Center on Tuesday, June 20,a
Published Monthly by Know Him 80 Well" a duet from week later than originally scheduled. 5
Chess, with Shebly Reynolds and We will be reviewing materials for the .7 1
. Scott Stivers, ”Being Alive“ from Gill Grant and discussing the future of j
The Lexington Gay Company, performed by Milton Minor, the CTehmer. “u 1 t
° - "Brin Him Home" from Le Miz, sun '5 commi ee '5 open 0 new i
Lesbian Service by Joghn Hawks, and 'Stars" a stag: membership. You have to attend two ' 1
Organization turn by Richard Giles as he moves consecutive meetings tobeconsidered '1'
from the podium to the spotlight. for apporntment 33 a VOth member. 1
321 Second St. Don‘t miss this fine Pride Concert. But anyone can come and express an ii.
. opinion. Since we work on a consen- 1
FGWIQSS. ---00m- from P3991 sus model of decision making, non
Editors: Fenton Johnson grew up near members often influence the decisions.
Gethsemane, Kentucky, a Trappist The decisions we are discussing . 3
Mary Crone monastery in rural Kentucky. He is the include: 1. What are our priorities for 1
Peter Taylor ninth of nine children. He is the author the Gill Grant and other grants for 1
of two novels, Qrgeeing the River and which we are applying? (office staff, .
Seiesgrs, Paper, Heck, as well as rent, equipment, phdne line, 7?) 2. 1
GLSO Annual Dues Gmreghy 9f the Heart: A Memoir. When our lease is up in February of j
and Newsletter: $15 fieiesgrs was nominated for the San 2001, should we consider moving and
Dues and Newsletter for Francisco Bay Area Book Reviewers it so where? 3. We are not taking in as 1
Couples: $20 Award and the Boston Review Fisk much money as we pay out in rent and 1
Award for best fiction of 1994. Portions utilities. What else can we do to raise 1
of Ggggraphy ef the Heart appeared in money? 4. How can this center be
Opinions expressed in the GLSO News are the New York Times Magazine, and more useful to our community?
those of the authors and don't necessarily have been anthologized in college liter- 1
represent those of the GLSO Board. ature textbooks. It received the Directions to Picnic 1
Submissions are welcome and become the American Library Association Award From loxingtnn, take Winchester Rd 5 1/2 ”-1
prep-any 0f the GLSQ‘ 'The Staff "359W“ and the Lambda Literary Award for miles past New Circle Rd. Cleveland is the 1
the nght to edrtsubmrssrons and advertise- best gay/lesbian nonfiction of 1996. first left after the second blinking yellow
ments as well as the right to rerect any sub— , . . . - . . - ?
missions or advertisements. Johnson rs workrng on a thrrd novel, light. Windy Knoll Farm IS 1/2 "Illa low 1
Pinging Faith; A Skgptig‘g shuffle!- the road at 3263 Cleveland Rt, North. 1
But wait“ there's more! Nikky BRING rooo T0 SHARE-N0 ALCOHOL PLEASE 1
oLso Page 2 1

- ‘ .- ’ l‘ir
f to 3 “ ”‘a Jr” '
i mmwfigfi’l'3 ' j I geneml Cemm‘unéti‘ News 7 on page this molvvttltw
=; .I q .. r “ -5, " a”! (4' . . . .
33 4 M . .4 J I Videos Will be shown at the Unitarian S 0 C 31 all Course 38 3
'3 * game begins at 11:30am. There will Universalist Church (3564 Clays Mill p
i be entertainment and good food Road) every Thursday throughout the Mark your calendars f0f the
' E starting around 12:30. Fairness and month. Videos will begin at 7:00 pm. weekend 0f June 10'“: Social
3; I! GLSO are sharing the work of the except on June 15, whenwe will begin Concepts and any. other Interested
ff ’ picnic this year and we could always at 7:30 pm. to allow time for people to people W'” be helping to construct a
3, use a few volunteers to help at the eat at local restaurants participating in new playground for GardenSide
~ :. event. Call Mary Crone (266-5904) Dine Out For Life. \fideo night is free, park, off, Appomattox which is off
If you can help set up that morning, but feel free to bring snacks or soft Alexandria. They need 50 volun-
- 3 sell soft drinks fora while during the drinks to share with others. teers, so put 0“ your work clothes

picnic, or help clean up. Information about the movies can be and help US! We plan t0 meet at 8

,5 Everyone that comes should found on page 7' :mrinats :ntsrhelterf negar Se 3H3”)!
bring adish to share using this divi- 0" Sunday, June 11 Reverend p g. ance or rea. as. lou

sion as a guide. (If you have a Cynthia Cain and Inteniveave mem- can arrive later .m the day If sleeping -

7 favorite item you want to make that bers W'I'I lead the Unitarian-Universalist '3: flip”??? inttertles on Saturday

doesn’t fit this list, go for it.) ChU'ChS annua' Gay Pr'de Semoe- ° 9' 9. 0° 5: .5“ screen’
‘ i A_F SALAD on BREAD The service will begin at 10:45 am, and a communlty spirit. I need a

3‘ G-R MAIN DISH(can be veggie) and child care is available. Interweave head count 0f_ those planning to
S-Z DESSERT will host a potluck lunch after the ser- attend 50 call Ginger at 389-7598 or

if Cold soft drinks and water will vice, 30 please bring a diSh. to share errgailivat 9343f0153icv9rhotnliaglcom. l
I be sold by GLSO to cover the costs Sememoe; everyone In the com- 03 9 9 Y0 9° ° 3 a S -

of th 3 - _ Pl ase do n t brin mun IS inVite to nterweave events.

5 e p cnic . e O - Q You don't have to be a member of the Spud/5 93‘0"! l

alcohol. In addition to food, bring a . .

‘ ? lawn chair or blanket to make your- Unitarian Universalist Church or . Vl/ednesday, June 7 '5 Prom d?”
3 self comfortable. There is covered Interweave to participate. For more In l.exmgton_. Once again the Imperial

3 space in case of rain. information about Interweave events, court W'" be DTOdUQINQ a prom for the

3 - There are lots of expenses to please call Davina at 271-6174. Lexmgton community. The place WI"

. . . , . be Club 141 and doors Will open at

- putting on this event. renting sound _ . .

- . . ,. - 9.00pm. And you Will believe Club 141

eqUIpment, tables, porta potties, , Rainbow . .

l . ,w ’ IS Lavender High School!

3 buying paper plates and forks, etc. V v Volleyball . . .

i . This prom WIII have liberal dance

3 You can help by spending some . Tournament .

r, . . f , .' I breaks, so you can dance With your

3 money on cold drinks, raffle tickets, .4 . .

a . . . t ' sweety. If you are temporarily Without

. t-shirts, or other pride items. . . ,

i . . Come 10in us for a sweety, there Will plenty of opponu-

. Fairness and the Pride Month . . . ..

3 Account will benefit from an rofits some free, fun, friendly competition! nities to meet a new one.

Directions and on yap e 16- Refreshments, supplies, T—shirts and Entertainment will be provided by

3 H p g ‘ trophies provided. Saturday, June members and friends of the Imperial ‘
3 3rd 9 am - 6 pm at the Dunbar court of Kentucky.

3 @ INTERWEAVE @ Center, 545 N. Upper St. no charge Prior to Pride Prom, Mia's at 120

3 J , l t , J f . Sponsored by AIDS Volunteers and 8 Upper St. will be having pre-prom

3 I 9'; n erweave '" ”fidorMsgvfh- Volunteers of America HIV/AIDS dinner specials (resen/ations required).
l a 39W. "5‘3“” oe'fb'ate "nae 3e 3: ' Prevention Program. Call 455-9903 for reservatIOns. In

3. Beginning une ' gay a S tan ..Pride News confinuedpage4


addition to the dinner speCIals, a pho- {S‘s 93‘ 6921213891941 tt th t 'l y'lLl)b _ th 3i
tographer will be on hand for profes~ «£3 ' wan 0 come, é Irai w' e m e 33:;

~ - El Mark your calenders for easy-moderate difficulty range and :77:
Sional portraits. - Wednesday, June 14- Tiffany we will plan to return with enough i
This Prom Willbe'a great way to Andrews, Briana Carey, and time for everyone to go to that
gear up. for the Imperial Court's July Cheyenne will be in face, in voice, night's performance of the l
Coronation season, culminating July and in person. We’re also looking for Lexington Men's Chorus as welll I
9th at the Radisson Hotel. a special appearance from Anthony. please help spreading the word: l
PR “MING fi‘ These performers put one wonderful and by explaining the general 2.}.I
#1 h) live show for fun and to benefit local Amazon "rules" to non-members. l
”3‘” . . , organizations. This show will benefit . 3‘
In celebration Of Pride and In The Pride Center of the Bluegrass, satirigda‘rjggzggnfllb: Igghfmth: l
SUPDO” Of the efforts Of Bluegrass which is in great need of financial your dog bites (also if your child I
Pairness, the Thoroughbred lnvrta- support. bites ) please be considerate and
tional T9umame'“: lnc. and 8'96“ There will also be a "Know Your leavethem at home Thank youl' l
grass Fairness are icintly sponsoring Partner Show"; it you like the newly Contact Laurie. for details” at a-
the second Rainbow my SIC-9m wed 93va you'll love this one! 606-885-4381 or email at Idavi— Ell
Doubles No-tap Bowling Competition. Admission is $300 at 9 pm at son@pop ukyedu Homepage' http'
The tournament Will be held on Sat., Crossings. // ' ”.- ' /k 2/A - /- ,
June 10, at Collins Southland Lanes, www.ange ire.com y mazons .
205 Southland Dr. . . . ' D“ ’ U ‘ .(Dmmg' ' (2rd The Phoenix :‘il
NO experience In bowling. IS I mmb _ t- . As part of the pride month
necessary for'this type Of bowling I I -xlll H J“ w Observances at The Phoenix, we will [it
and an established average is not me be showing gay movies on l
reqwred. If you do not have a part- ’ Wednesday evenings from 8-10 PM. 1
ner, we ,w'“ find one for you during Please plan to bring your friends The schedule is as follows:
registration. , and dine out at a participating restau— June 1 Billy’s Hollow Scrfin Kiss
The elm” fee IS $1200. per per- rant on Thursday, June 15. All the June 14, Leather Jacket Love Story; ‘
SBgrwlinReiIlfgiitdorbeA/lgobneiglmtgdpg]. restaurants listed below have agreed June 21, Crusing; l
930 p3] There will be caps: prizesy to donate 30% of that dinner receipts June 28, Tricks. i
as well as a chance to win a 50 \ 50 to Moveable Feast, Lexington. More In addition, the Kentucky Mr. t
raffle The winning organization will restaurants will be added. Need Drummer/Drummerboy 2000 contest ,- i,
be announce d at the Pride Banquet more information? call 252-2867 is being held June 9-10 and the 3':
Sunday evening June11 Atomic Cafe Body Work (lunch) Gryphons, 3‘ leather. cum from t
in Scotch ’ Doubles No-tap Bellenotte Billy’s Barbeque Dayton, OH Will be hosting a Leather : ; l
knocking down nine pins (as Cheepside Cosmos Pride Bar Nite at The Phoenix on
opposed to ten) is scored as a strike Dudley’s Everybody’s Helios Saturday, June 17' LEXING _N-s '
and two people bowl each frame as Horestiad’ Parapetrec; 0:9fi Metropolitan vv i
a team in strict rotation. _ 0'18, ans 3 '3 2 3? Community «Mint; , -
For further information, call Jim Ph" Dunn S The Depot (Midway) Church =—__
Dickinson at 252-5801 or Steve Amazons' Community .1‘ \V
Rosenberg at 276-3058 or email Jim W% on Sunday, June 25’ I
at JD47ALJ@aol.com or Steve at "'—‘h' "g" ' /- -°‘ ’” Metropolitan Community Church will , :
LexRainbow@aol.com. We look _ Join the Amazons foraday hike present its annual PRIDE worship '~
forward to seeing you. Good luck '0 the Red River Gorge 0" Saturday, ' service at 10:30 am. At noon, a .
and good bowling. June 17th, I(Raln Date June Prudential Estate & Financial . i
18thltTh'3 one '3 open to a” people .Pride Events...continued on pageS .
GLSO Page 4 1

 is A .
t Planning Seminar will be held at the events are open to the public. For @/ DWEPS'TY
church. LMCC is located at 385 information, call Rev. Mel Bailey at \ HLMS

2i Waller Ave. 255-4016.

33:; Also In June, MCC will offer a For Pride Month, Diversity Films
r3: . . ‘ t‘ - - - .
Bible Study entitled "Show Me the ‘ . PLAIQ Will show h n In rMin Th
1 Moneyl!" on Wed. nights from 6:30- W paom 52W r f r. EV ' n H k t and a
At 7:30 pm. The study will focus on tiff r number Of short experimental "th 't
l how we .Use the resources .God ( . ) ACTOUT by Barbara Hammer. Jom us In the
*.: i entrusts With us. A brown bag dinner Central Library Theater on Saturday
t begins at 6 at the church. For infor- afternoon. June 3 at 2 pm. No charge
5;; mation call Rev. Mel at 255-4016. ACT-OUT, the theatrical 6"" of In the 1950’s Dr. Evelyn Hooker
Lexington's MCC will be in atten- the Pride Center is once again pre undertook ground breaking research ‘
i dance at the Great Lakes District senting a play during the June Pride to prove that homosexuals were not
t Conference in Indianapolis, IN, June ACttVttteS- This year, ACT-OUT is try- “sick" and did not belong in the DSM
2-4_ Other LMCCers will rally at the ing something new: tWO plays tUh‘ as a mental illness. The director,
t Pride Picnic at Vtfindy Knoll Farm on ning th repertory. The Wet play, Bed Richard Schmiechen, also directed
Sunday, June 4. Movie Nite will be & Breakfast, is a hilarious two act Th Life n Tim fH rv Milk for
i on Saturday, June 10’ at 7:00 pm. comedy set in Provincetown. Danny, which he won the Academy Award.
This month's offering is "The Omega the owner Of the B & B COCK and Schmiechen vividly portrays the life
Code." Call 255-4016 for location. BU”: is turning 36- JOihthQ him on his and work of this woman described by
. On Saturday, June 17, MCC will birthday weekend is his Widowed the Los Angeles Times as ‘T he Rosa
e'l celebrate the young and young at mother and a house full of outra- Parks of Gay Rights.”

1, heart. A trip is planned to Chuck E. geous characters. Bed & Breakfast Startling archival footage of
{'54 Cheese pizza and parents and chil- Wt“ be presented 0“ Fttu June 23 medical procedures used to “cure”
- ' ' and Sat, July 1. homosexualit , ima es from the
1" girafritficrfiss LZVEESESJEQS: The second we“ MA L t ’ underground ygay gvorld of the
t for parents and their children is a two act drama. A group of six McCarthy era and "home movies"
: . . ' women retire to a cabin in the woods - A - ~ - l
i ' from that time eriod brin to life a
.i 22:21:35; 'gg:‘g::€st?h:t:::d :3: for a weekend of rest and relaxation, part of our histofy. Dr. H ooEer’s work
A A event at Chuck E Cheese will be only to be confronted With secret to educate her fellow psychiatrists
_. i _ _ ' pasts, long lost lovers, and present . l d of th t f u
i from 5.00-7.00 pm. Anyone plan- desires This show will be shown on me u e d e concep s o_ ga(y mar-
ning to attend is requested to ‘ . riage" an "gay community" a term
RSVP. by Wed, June 14. All sat'gct’tgesfixsnaifigé:‘t”::e3gémral she coined.) Her pioneering work
i ’ and vision culminated in the
: Happy pride Moyfl'fi PUD.“ Library "F downtown American Psychiatric Association
. Lexmgton. Tickets Will be. available removing homosexuality from its
1 : From at the door. For information, email manual of mental disorder in 1974.
‘ ' . Dave Morrison at: terpbear@aol.com . - D t

. Turner COMVISQIIVIQ Please be aware that it takes a This film won the Best ocumen ary
' i in the 1992 San Francisco
: j , (859) 269'6497 greatt dealko; vfolunct‘ee; hour: to International Lesbian and Gay Film
A " moun any m 0 pro ”C '0" an we Festival and was nominated for an
‘ 2216 Young Dr. # are always looking for volunteers. Academy Award

; , ' ., Past experience isn't important. A - ' -

i Beverly K. Turner, LCSW , _ . We Will'also be showmg several
, . ‘ sense of fun and dedication does. short experimental films by Barbara
. 3 John'D. Cutrl ht, LCSW Please consider volunteerin for one -
, , g. .. 9 Hammer. Th it it W rl

. Laura E Kaplan, LCSW , of the many posmons we need help A:::r:!ih;l m a ! asbian traces the
April Tandy, LCSW . W'th' ca"_Da"e at (502) 226A2477’ or invisible and visible reference to
i , , , , _ . . Terry Mullins at 252-2867 days. women who continued page 7

' GLSO Page 5

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