xt744j09x27j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09x27j/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 2010 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 85, No. 3, March 2010 text Frontier Nursing Service, Vol. 85, No. 3, March 2010 2010 2010 2014 true xt744j09x27j section xt744j09x27j 4
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US ISSN 0016-2116
Introduction to FNS 1
The Joumey — Nathan W Lee 2
Beyond the Mountains 4
Field Notes 6 ‘
Courier Program Update 9
Former Courier and Stan" News 9
Footprints - Mary Breckinria'ge 10
Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing Update
- D1: Susan Stone I2
A C0urier’s Diary - Anne Eristojj" 17
Legacies 18
In Memoriam & In Honor Of 22
Urgent Needs 32
Cover Photo — Wendover Cabin — Winter Scene
Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletin is published at the end of `
each quarter. Subscription Price $5.00 a year for Donors/$ 15.00 for In-
stitutions. Periodicals postage paid at Wendover, Kentucky 41775 and
at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes
to FNS, Inc. 132 FNS Drive, Wendover, Kentucky. Copyright FNS/lnc.
All Rights Reserved. The Frontier Nursing Service does not share
its donor mailing list.

Introduction to Frontier Nursing Service (FNS)
Mary Breckinridge spent her early years in many parts of the
world — Russia, France, Switzerland and the British Isles. After
the deaths of her two children, she abandoned the homebound life
expected of women of her class to devote herself to the seryice
_ of others, particularly mothers and children.
After graduating from St. Luke’s Hospital Training School for
. Nurses in 1910, Mrs. Breckinridge established the FNS in Leslie
County, Kentucky, in 1925, as a private charitable organization
serving an area of 700 square miles. It was the first organization in
America to use nurses trained as midwives under the direction of
a single medical doctor/obstetrician, based at their small hospital
in Hyden. Originally the staff was composed of nurse-midwives
trained in England. They traveled on horseback and on foot to
provide quality prenatal and childbirth care in the client’s own
Today, Mrs. Breckinridge’s legacy extends far beyond Eastem
Kentucky. FNS, Inc. is the parent holding company for Mary
Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Frontier Nursing Healthcare, Inc.,
which includes five rural healthcare clinics; Mary Breckinridge
Home Health Agency and the Frontier School of Midwifery and
Family Nursing which offers a Master of Science in Nursing de-
gree with tracks as a Nurse-Midwife, Family Nurse Practitioner,
WO1H€H’S Healthcare Nurse Practitioner and a Doctor of Nursing
. Practice (DNP) degree.
Mary Breckinridge’s home, The Big House, located at Wendo-
- ver, is a licensed Bed & Breakfast Inn. For more information or
reservations, call 606-672-2317 or e-rnail: inforrnation@frontier-
nursingorg. You can also access our website;
Frontier Nursing Seryice - www.frontiernursing.org

The Journey  
by Nat/Ian Lee, President & CEO I
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As I write this article, it’s cold outside, very cold. There is an l
icicle, easily approaching three feet long, hanging from my i
porch.There’s snow on the ground, lots of snow. As bad as we  
think we have it here in Kentucky, there are others who have it  
much worse. At last count, there was almost three feet of snow  
in Washington DC. A vendor based in Ohio recounted similar  
statistics. According to a recent news report, snow was on the 5
ground in forty—nine of fifty states (ah, to be in Hawaii just now). l
We’re not used to this kind of weather here in Kentucky!  
l’ve heard some friends and colleagues decry the recent weather l‘
as an irrefutable evidence that global warming is but a myth. E
Others emphatically assent that our unusual weather is proof  
positive that global warming is real and already wreaking havoc  
on our lives. *
From what I can tell, the best scientihc evidence to explain I
what we’ve experienced here in the "lower 48" this winter is El
Nino. That’s right . . . El Nino. Unusually warm waters in the
2 l

  equatorial Pacific, through weather patterns far more complicated
  than my simple mind can comprehend, have resulted in sledding
in Texas, snowmen in South Carolina, and three-foot icicles here
i in Kentucky.
And it’s not just the weather. As I watch our nation work to pull
. away from the worst recession in decades, I have found myself
staggered by the decimating effects that the domestic problems
of nations thousands of miles away can have on our own fragile
· economic recovery. How can it be that the sovereign debt of
I countries like Portugal and Greece can have so much bearing on
our own national economy?
K In truth, I know the answer to that question. It is the same reason
K that weather in the South Pacific can have so much impact on what
happens here in Kentucky. Ours is truly a small world. What
happens in one remote corner does affect what happens in another.
  I shouldn’t be surprised by this. Mrs. Breckinridge knew it. If
i she hadn’t, I can only imagine she would have chosen a title other
  than “Wide Neighborhoods" for her autobiography.
  And you know it as well. What other reason could there be
? for your concem for the health of the folks we care for here in
  Kentucky’s Appalachian Mountains? Why else would it matter
  to you how our graduates take the message of the FNS to the
communities they serve'? Whether you read this in Boston or San
  Francisco, Dallas or Des Moines, London, Kentucky, or London,
l· England, you have shown you recognize that the work we do at
the FNS has meaning throughout the world. A life made healthier
. here in the mountains is a life made healthier in the world. And
Y as Mrs. Breckinridge knew, our small world is really just one
  shared Wide Neighborhood.
  The journey continues . . .

Beyond the Mountains I
Kentucky Hospital Association l
Hospital Preparedness Program
January 20th, Kevin Cook, Hospital Preparedness Program Region
l0 Chairman, attended the Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA)
Hospital Preparedness Program Meeting in Louisville, Kentucky. —
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare will receive a Blanket/Fluid
Warmer for the Emergency Room and several Oxygen Regulators
totaling more than $10,000.00. The Hospital also received many ‘
HINI supplies including masks, gloves, hand sanitizers, vaccine
refrigerator and syringes. I
During a December snow storm Mr. Cook and Frank Baker, Chief
Information Oflicer, assisted Mary Breckinridge Hospital by
bringing generators for power and water. As part of the Hospital
Preparedness Program, they took the "Medical Surge" trailer
with cots and supplies to serve as a shelter for people at the 9ll l
Kentucky Hospital Association (KHA) District Meeting  
February l2th, Nathan Lee, President & CEO, Mallie Noble, Mary ‘
Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., Administrator and Robert Besten,
Vice-President of Finance, attended the Kentucky Hospital l
Association (KHA) Cumberland District Meeting in London,
Kentucky. Mike Rust, KHA President, presented an update on
issues conceming the Kentucky General Assembly, Healthcare
Reform and the State Health Plan. '
Women of St. James Episcopal Church
During February, Susan Stone, DNSc, CNM, FACNM, President y'
& Dean of the Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing  
(FSMFN) and Denise Barrett, FSMFN Director of Devlopment, l
recently visited friends and alumni in Connecticut. They traveled  
to West Hartford at the invitation of the Women of St. James l
Episcopal Church group. I

i The Women of St. James are long—time supporters of the FNS
and it was a distinct pleasure to meet with them personally. The
group hosts a monthly luncheon and featured FNS during their
t February event. Dean Stone provided a wonderful, in depth
» history of the Frontier Nursing Service complete with historical
I photos, an informative video and an audio recording of Mrs.
. Mary Breckinridge.
l A reception preceding the event provided time to visit with the
· women’s group members, several whom were retired nurses!
FSMFN graduates Elizabeth Benson (CNEP 23, DNP 3) and Carol
$ Gerjuoy (CNEP Class 18) also attended the event.
l Many thanks to Mrs. Edwina Bosco, President ofthe Women of St.
I James, for extending the invitation to speak and for coordinating
I the event.
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Women of St. James Episcopal Church,
West Harford, Connecticut

Field Notes
First FNS Baby for 2010
Mary Breckinridge Healthcare, Inc., is proud to welcome the hrst
FNS Baby for 2010. Baby Girl Chloe Sue Miller was bom January
llth at 11:26 A.M., weighing six lbs, 13 ounces. Proud parents,
Nicholas and Bertha Miller, along with Chloe, were presented with 1.
a Congratulatory Gift Basket on behalf of the staff  
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Di: Ric Ascani, OB/GYN Physician, Baby Chloe
Sue and mother Bertha Miller
Pediatric Rewards Program
Pediatric patients brought to the Mary Breckinridge Healthcare,
Inc. Emergency Room (ER) are rewarded with a toy from The Y
Treasure Box for being brave during painful procedures. The idea
originated from Marlene Maggard, RN, ER Manager. The toys go
really fast and Marlene has been having bake sales and soupbean
lunches to keep it stocked. She has also received several donations
which are much appreciated!

Wendover Guests
From December 1, 2009 — March 1, 2010, Wendover hosted a total
of 356 guests. This number includes overnight guests, tour groups
and special luncheons/events. The Bed & Breakfast Inn was closed
from January lst to mid-March due to renovations.
_ Mary Breckinridge Healthcare (MBH) Employee ofthe Year
The (MBH) 2010 Employee of the Year is Michael Feltner,
Maintenance Project Director. Michael has been employed at MBH
· since 2001 and has shown much hard work and dedication. He
is also well known throughout the community for his volunteer
work with the Thousandsticks Fire Department, Boy Scouts and
I the Mason’s Cha ter. Con ratulations Michael!
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U lllichael Feltner, 2010 Employee ofthe Year
Frontier Nursing Healthcare Clinics
· Visit volume is down 8% at the Anne Wasson Clinic. The Kate
Ireland Healthcare Center continues to grow at a steady pace.
  Growth continues at the Beech Fork Clinic and at Community
I Health Center. Christian Family Health is showing consistent
l improvement in monthly volume compared to the previous
l year.
i 7

Housing Maintenance Update  
The Big House - Skilled craftsmen from Leatherwood, Inc. I
which specializes in historic preservation came from Nashville,  
Tennessee to Wendover to restore the foundation and various  
portions of Mrs. Breckinridge’s home, The Big House (Nathan
Lee wrote about this project in the Quarterly Bulletin, Volume 85,
Number l).
Renovations at The Big House (Bed & Breakfast Inn) began
January lst. The windows in the Dog Trot were removed and the ·
wall behind the large refrigerators was cut from the bottom. The
floor was raised up to the nomial floor level. Numerous supporting
pillars have been installed under the weight bearing walls to ensure
that the raised areas will stay at their current levels. Deteriorated
logs at the back of the building were split so that the front of
each could be removed and replaced by new logs. The new logs
were sanded to blend with the old. The concrete drainage system
adjacent to The Big House was replaced.
We extend a special thanks to all who donated toward this proj ect.
Upkeep of The Big House Bed & Breakfast Inn is on-going and I
we appreciate your continued support.  
Joy House - The master bathroom was remodeled with the I
installation of new linoleum flooring, aqua tub, vanity and
bathroom fixtures. Also remodeled was the first floor bathroom. A  
new dishwasher was installed in the kitchen. Water leaks that had I
occurred in the living room ceiling were patched and painted. »
The Frontier School ofMidwJery & Family Nursing - The
Maintenance Department is designing a new layout for community ·
bathrooms in Haggin Dorm. In Mardi Cottage, the kitchen will
be removed for installation of new dorm rooms. A new heat pump I
was installed in Apartment Four of Morton Gill (old hospital). I
, _; l

i Mary Breckinridge Healthcare — Patient rooms received a
T new coat of paint. Chair railing and baseboard were installed
  in the hall between the Anne Wasson Clinic and Admissions.
Renovations, including new paint, chair railing, baseboard,
cabinetry, countertops, sink and ice maker, have begun in the
Emergency Room.
Courier Program Update
Laura Gagnon, Pittsford, Vermont, arrived at Wendover February
‘ 21st. She formerly attended State University of New York at
Albany and now attends a local community college where she
plans to apply to nursing school. Laura is excited to be able to
shadow providers and to work in the local schools.
Former Courier and Stay News
Luke McDonald, (‘2000) San Diego, CA, wrote that after three
years in general practice as a Naval Flight Surgeon, he returned to
San Diego to complete a residency in Orthopedic Surgery. During
his time as a Flight Surgeon, Luke lived in Japan and during the
{ last year was deployed to Iraq.
i Quotes
  The most important thing about getting somewhere is starting
right where we are. —Bruce Barton
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.
—C/rinese Proverb
. lf you don’t place your foot on the rope, you’ll never cross the
chasm. —Anon.
I 9

Footprints i
Excerpts from Wide Neighborhoods I
by Mary Breckinridge, Founder
Chapter 13 - Reasons for decision to work for
rural children and their mothers
In France, midwives were not nurses. In America, nurses were g
not midwives. ln England, trained women were both nurses
and midwives. After I had met British nurse—midwives, first in
France and then on my visits to London, it grew upon me that
nurse—midwifery was the logical response to the needs of the
young child in rural America. Although my life was dedicated to i
the service of children, there was no partiality in my regard for
them. Whether in city or country, they mattered more to me than
all the world beside. But in America much had been done for city I
children, whereas remotely rural children had been neglected. My I
work would be for them.
Work for children should begin before they are born, should
carry them through their greatest hazard which is childbirth, and
should be most intensive during their first six years oflife. These  
are the formative years — whether for their bodies, their minds or  
their loving hearts. Our health records in America have no name
for children between the ages of one and six years. At one year I
and one minute old they cease to be babies - save the mark! They
become school children at the age of six. During the intervening
years they have no title of their own but are called pre-school, as
one might say sub—deb. .
ln England, they call little children toddlers on their health records.
The French called them "jeunes enfants" (young children). Their V
word for schoolchildren is "ecoliers," a nomenclature of a different
root. But whatever we call them, their short span of years after
babyhood are the formative ones.
I .. EE  E i

i Thus reasoning, I came in time to see that I could be of use to
I children if I worked for them in a remotely rural area and, most
intensively, from the period preceding their birth to the school
age. But I realized that I would be faced with a staff problem
even more difficult than the one I had had in France. Over there
we left childbirth and early infancy in the hands ofthe splendidly
_ trained French midwives. My difficulty then had lain in getting
nurses qualified to take on the job where the midwives left off.
For work in rural America, on the other hand, I could get nurses
but the lack of qualified midwives would be total. This led 1ny
thoughts to England and the nurse—1nidwife. But first, I need to
I learn more about America.
It seemed to me, as I relected further, that I would do well to spend
I an entire school year in Teachers College, Columbia University,
I to get abreast of developments in public health nursing and allied
subjects. After that I should spend a summer riding through the
Kentucky mountains to learn, at firsthand, of conditions there
and to become acquainted with leading citizens. Only after these
two things had been done would I go over to England to take my
  training as a midwife and to study the work of nurse—midwives
  in the rural parts ofthe British Isles. It will seem from all ofthis
that my plans were practical.
I had the same conception ofthe way to go about my work for the
children in the Kentucky mountains as I had had for the children
in the devastated countryside ofthe Aisne (France). In both cases I
. thought it would be better to do something before talking about it.
It was not until our demonstration in France had been successful
and had produced results elsewhere. The same reasoning applied
V to America. First, we must give a demonstration in a remotely
rural area of the value of nurse-inidwives and only then, backed
by statistical findings, would we be ready to awaken public interest
in the development of the nurse as a midwife.

Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing News
by D1: Susan Stone, President & Dean
Increasing Technology t0 Improve Both Learning
and Healthcare
Federal initiatives are pushing the adoption of electronic medical
records (EMRs) throughout all healthcare institutions by 2014 i
(NLN, 2008). This initiative will change the way nurses practice.
Therefore F SMFN has the responsibility to ensure its graduates
are prepared to utilize the EMR to record patient data and,
more importantly, to analyze health outcomes in their practice.
Additionally, recommendations to schools of nursing from the
National League for Nursing, based on input from the Institute of
Medicine, the Technology Informatics Guiding Education Reform
(TIGER) Initiative, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
include: faculty development in nursing informatics; developing an
informatics champion; incorporate informatics into the curriculum;
and partner with clinicians to help students develop competence
in informatics. I
Based on this information, the Frontier School of Midwifery  
& Family Nursing (FSMFN) has plans to enhance the nursing  
informatics through the increasing use of technology within the
curriculum. The ultimate goal is that graduates will be able to “
use technology to make their practice more efficient and more
FSMFN has offered distance education since 1989 and as
technologies have advanced, the School has worked to adopt
the most up-to-date systems. Faculty are continuously working ·
to improve and maximize their use of teclmologies to deliver I
quality education. All faculty attend a bi—annual on-campus faculty I
meeting where there is a focus on presentations and discussions y
of distance learning strategies.
l2 I

ln 2008 work began to implement new technologies, including the
ANGEL course management system and a student management
system named PowerCampus. All courses have been transitioned
to the ANGEL system and the response from students and faculty
has been very positive. Comprehensive faculty training through
on-site sessions, on-line courses, webinars, and conference
, calls with ANGEL consultants helped to make the transition to
the new system a success. As with the implementation of any
new technology at FSMFN, the goal of training is for faculty
‘ to understand all of the capabilities and functions for delivering
their courses.
FSMFN is also in the process of implementing a new student
management system, PowerCampus. PowerCampus provides
improved admissions management, student data collection and
transcript services, financial and student billing management and
financial aid services. Most importantly, faculty will be able to
access secure student information appropriate for advising while
students are able to access personal infonnation such as transcripts
  and financial aid status over the intemet from wherever they
I might be.
  These systems improve the functional operation of the School
p in both the business administration and curriculum delivery and
A interaction. The systems also orient students and faculty to the
potential that technology has to improve operations.
· Faculty are being encouraged to include a variety of technologies
in their courses in a direct effort to reach many different leaming
styles and make the leaming more realistic. To prepare faculty for
' this effort, they attend meetings, conferences, and/or workshops
A for continuing education specific to distance education methods.
j They share best practices with each other during informal
. discussions in the Faculty Lounge forum online as well as through
y conference calls. Faculty utilize taped video lectures, live chats,
` voice recordings, and interactive exercises to further engage
; 13

i students and enhance their learning. The goal is to emphasize
introduction of the "real world" technology that students will
encounter after graduation.
Efforts are made to maintain and foster scholarly dialogue
and interaction between faculty and students. Continuing
communication is fostered in their academic work though learning D
assignments that require critical thinking such as concept analyses,
critique of research and practice articles, use of evidence-based
practice guidelines, and graded and ungraded case study leaming  
assignments in all courses with clinical content. Some of these
assignments are done in course forums that lead to asynchronous
debates on issues and problems.
Students may be assigned leadership roles in a course forum, as
well as being required to participate in discussion. Faculty also
provide content, particularly recent research findings related to
practice or political developments related to advanced practice
nursing. At most times the faculty role will be as the guide to
keep discussion focused, relevant and accurate. FSMF N currently
uses social forums in addition to course forums for discussion
and sharing.
An example is the very active "Group" forum open to all members
of the F SMFN community - students, alumni, faculty, staff, and
preceptors - which allows for the type of interaction one would
have at an on-campus student union. Topics include everything
from political and personal discussions, arranging study groups,  
discussing recent professional articles of general interest and
sharing personal news.
The site undergoes continual expansion and improvement. These
types of activities act as role models for students methods that they i
may use when they are in practice, to stay up to date in current
practice information.
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FSMFN is in the process of implementing the ANGEL Portfolio
to complement the course management. Electronic portfolios can
be valuable learning tools. An E-portfolio is a digitized collection
of student work. Students can reilect on their experiences and
their accomplishments. The ANGEL Portfolio function offers
students a method to record and reflect on their accomplishments.
D E-portfolios provide an opportunity for constructivist leaming that
can lead to deeper learning and greater understanding. E—portfolios
encourage personal reflection and can also involve the exchange
  of ideas, including faculty feedback. From their latest scholarly
paper to photos and comments posted during clinical experiences,
ANGEL E-Portfolio enables students to integrate scholarly
work, life, and work experiences. Blogging capabilities woven
throughout ANGEL E-Portfolio enhance course requirements and
enable the self-evaluation that reinforces understanding, engages
learners and places learning in a broader context.
With the technological capabilities ofthe ANGEL system, FSMFN
has been able to incorporate a wealth of information via streaming
video. With the previous systems, video was not reliable, could
prove too large for user’s systems, was slow to load and did not
provide a high quality and user friendly experience.
Many faculty have recently begun using the video functionality to
record themselves with the touch of a button from their laptops and
then stream the video to particular classes or groups of students.
In order to build on the success of utilizing video with courses,
  beginning in 2009, FSMFN plans to self—produce various videos
for use within the ANGEL system. Produced videos will include
demonstrations of clinical scenarios through reenactments.
·r These videos will be shared with students and viewed in pieces
to allow students to participate in discussions about the scenario
and proceedings. Other videos will be used to provide lectures,
announcements or updates from faculty. The increased video
content will serve to provide students with an additional method
for receiving and building upon curricular content.
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Most recently FSMF N received a grant from the Health Resources
and Services Administration Division of Nursing which has
allowed the implementation of the IPOD project. Two groups of
students and the academic faculty were provided with IPODS
in order to facilitate the adoption of the project. The IPODS
provide point of contact information to the students regarding
drugs, current practices, information regarding health, disease and .
management best practices. Students may also access the FSMFN
website, ANGEL and PowerCampus through their IPODS. These
tools are providing students with methods to improve practice as r
the most up-to—date information is at their lingertips no matter
where they are.
Last, the FSMFN is currently reviewing software and seeking
funding to adopt an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) simulator.
This software will allow students to participate in practice
simulations while learning critical content and leaming to use an
EMR. These are exciting times and the changes that occur each
year are challenging to keep up with. But the dedication of FSMFN
faculty, staff and students allows us to do just that.
The Frontier School of Midwifery & Family Nursing Nurse-Mid-
wifery students present lap quilts or Baby caps to the iirst baby
they deliver and the Family Nurse Practitioner students deliver ·
lapquilts or scarves to their elderly patients. FNS receives these
items from our "knitting" friends. As our School continues to
grow in leaps and bounds, we need more and more lap quilts, ’
baby caps and scarves.
The size needed for lap quilts is approximately 40" by 42". Yam
should be worsted weight.Thanks for your continued interest in
our work.

A C0urier’s Diary
Excerpts fum letters of Anne S. Erist0)§’— 1951 Courier
August 7, 1951 - . . . I was sleeping peacefully at 2:30 am when
Katie (Kate Ireland) burst into the room yelling at me to get up and
. dressed. Anna May (Anna May January, Nurse-Midwife) came
out and I helped her load her saddlebags into the jeep and we
set off. She had not expected to be called that night, as the baby
~ wasn’t due for six weeks. The fog was as thick as could be and,
of course, Bounce’s (the jeep) windshield wipers didn’t work. I
had to drive with my head out the side and quite slowly.
. . . Mother, grandmother and sister—in-law were all present. The
girl couldn’t have been more than 17 years and this was her Hrst
baby. Around 6:30 am Anna Mae told me to go into Hyden and
fetch the doctor as the baby was a "footling breach" meaning feet
first and facing the wrong way.
. . . The baby eventually appeared after a good deal of trouble. I
had the honorable position of flashlight holder and general hander
of tools. The Hies were something fierce! Anna May was very
much mortified because in seven years of service this was the
first time she had had to call the doctor!
August 16th — . . . A call came from Brutus (outpost center) to
the effect that one of their horses, Doc, had been kicked in the
· hock by its stable-mate and was lame. Katie called me and we
set off in Bounce. The last seven miles are dirt and what a road!
Mud puddles, 45 degree tilts and ruts. The seven miles took 45
’ minutes. After inspecting Doc it was decided that I should stay
at Brutus and take care of him until he cured. I stayed five nights
and h