xt744j09x20f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09x20f/data/mets.xml The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. 1930 bulletins  English The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Frontier Nursing Service Quarterly Bulletins The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VI, No. 2, Autumn 1930 text The Quarterly Bulletin of The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc., Vol. VI, No. 2, Autumn 1930 1930 1930 2014 true xt744j09x20f section xt744j09x20f l   ... 
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j The Quarterly Bulletin of A
The Frontier Nursing Service, Inc. t
VOL. VI. AUTUMN, 1930 NO. 2 n
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Puhlislxeal quarterly by the FI`l)HII€‘I` Nursing Sl‘I'\'I1'&‘. Loxinglrm, Ky.  
srruscmvrxox pmcrc sum mm mmm U
"Eutcrcd as second class matter June 30, 1926, at the Post Office at Lex- L
irugtcn, Ky., mulcr the Act of ]I1(l0`C]L 3, 1879.”

 y .
\ .1.
. But for the superb work of the American Red Cross, we
4 should be facing Christmas with the bitter knowledge that early
  in the new year nearly half of our population would be entirely
, without food for themselves and their live stock. Even with
l the major disaster of a famine averted, the task of the Frontier
} Nursing Service is not a light one this year. With four out of
, every five wells dry, and the only drinking water a foul slime
i for months past for thousands of people, with water for bathing
A often one and two miles distant, the results in sickness—especial-
_ ly dysentery and the skin conditions, can readily be imagined.
l And now Christmas is coming upon us again and we are A
E sending out the only printed appeal from headquarters that we
send out during the whole year. There are over 4,000 children
I among our patients now; only a few hundred among them have
( toys or even enough warm clothing, and many will even be with-
l out shoes unless the great hearts of America remember that
  mountain children love gaiety and a glad time at Christmas just
  as much as city children do. Last year we appealed for Christ-
l mas supplies for over 3,000 children and got enough for every
  child. We are confident that this year the little cabins, so hard-
j _ hit and so uncomplaining, will ring again with the laughter of
I ii the children whom Santa Claus has not been allowed to forget.
[ l
ll l
l l C
if l

if Tl-IE QL'A1{'I`ERLY TlULl.E'l`lN
September 13, 1930. l
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge, **7
Wendover, Leslie County, 1
Kentucky. { ·
My Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:  
I want to thank you most warmly for the Opportunity of I
studying the work of the Frontier Nursing Service on the ground l
and for the many courtesies extended by you and your colleagues l
during the five days I spent With you in Leslie and Clay Counties. E
I have of course long been familiar with the general pro- E;
gram and policies of the Frontier Nursing Service but after  
studying it on the ground I find that my admiration is only {
. deepened and intensified. A program of fundamental sound- I
ness is being carried out with efficiency and economy by a staff
of remarkable quality and unexampled loyalty and devotion. I
The significance of what the Frontier Nursing Service is
doing extends far beyond the areas to which you are bringing I
comfort and relief. All over the world the outstanding health it
problem of the moment is to devise means of bringing the bene-
fits of modern sanitary science to the remote rural districts. I `
have had opportunity to study efforts being made along this i
line in France, Italy, Poland, Jugoslavia, Hungary and other
countries, but I know of no district in the world suffering from .
such economic handicaps as yours to which so complete and ad- ll
mirable a maternal and health service is being rendered. The l
work of the Frontier Nursing Service is an inspiration to all of I
us to spare no efforts in the difficult task of bringing real equali- L
ty of opportunity to the backward places of the earth.
Cordially yours,
Signed: C.—E. A. WINSLOW.

1·‘liUN'l`ll·Jl£ NURSING SERVICE 3
E, NEW Yonx
  July 17, 1920.
it Mrs. Mary Breckinridge,
6 Wendover, Kentucky. I
i ` My Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:
  During the month of August, 1927, I spent three weeks in- _
{ specting the work of the Frontier Nursing Service, and in June,
{ 1930, I revisited it, stopping for one or more days at each Cen-
l ter, and studying its records carefully. ' In the three years’ in-
* terval there has been a marvelous growth in the work: First, in
Iii enlargement of territory covered and number of nurses en-
! gaged; second, in comprehensiveness for health purposes of the
g kinds of work attempted; third, in the thoroughness and effi- ·
  ciency with which each project is carried on; fourth, and, for
I permanent usefulness, fundamentally the most important, in the
regard of the mountaineers whom it serves.
_ The fidelity and enthusiasm of the individual nurses is be-
yond praise. Their faithfulness is supplemented by sagacity in
E emergencies and matches the skill of the administrative force
it and the farseeing wisdom of the original planning of the enter- .
prise. *
I11 my judgment, from the points of view of economy of
operation, efficiency in meeting an appalling need, and cooper-
. ation from its constituency, the Frontier Nursing Service is con-
ii ducting the most challenging health demonstration in the United
I States. It deserves the liberal support of all who are interested
I in the problems it has set. itself to solve.
Sincerely yours,
Institute of Educational Research.

» I
4 THE QU.\ll'I‘l·}l{IiY l€['LI.l£'l`lN  
October 23, 1930. .
Mrs. Mary Breckinridge,  
133 East 40th St., I i,
New York, N. Y.
My Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:
This is just a note of thanks for the hospitality extended to
Mrs. McAllister and myself on our visit to Hyden 'I‘uesday. It ·
is indeed an inspiration to see the results of your vision, your
courage and your energy, and to know at first hand your people,
their devotion, their sacrifice and their limitless contribution to  
the welfare of your Kentucky mountaineers.  
I regret exceedingly that I missed seeing you on the occa-
sion of your visit to Mr. Fies·er’s office here and also on my visit
to your section. We are most grateful to you for the cordiality
which your girls have so generously given our people—Mrs. Mc-
Allister and lVIrs. Connolly. I hope that as our work develops
in Kentucky we may have opportunity to repay your organiza-  
tion as well as to render some service to these very interesting l
people whom you have been helping in the field of health in
such a signal and successful manner during these years.
Very truly yours,
(Signed) A. L. SCHAFER, __
Director, Disaster Relief.  

  I·`I{<')N'l`Il·Il{ XVHSING Slill\`l(JI·] 5
_, 5th August, 1930.
, l_ Mrs. Breckinridge,
* Frontier Nursing Service,
The Cosmopolitan Club,
133 East 40th Street,
New York City.
Dear Mrs. Breckinridge:
I have read with very great interest the story of your
, Frontier Nursing Service. I do think you are doing a most won-
, derful work, and those brave nurses are really doing pioneer
E work and must have tremendous difficulties, during the cold and
} wet seasons.
I The founding of this Service must have been very thrilling,
 1 and I was interested to note how you had taken a course in gen-
1 eral nursing in order to be more proficient in the work.
A With kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
1 (Signed) RoBERT JONES.
I 1

tl 'l`lllC LJL';\|l'l`ICRLY HUliI,l·Z'l‘lN l
The death of Mrs. Clinton Rogers, which occurred in this _,·"
city Sunday, has brought to many people not only personal sor-  
row, but a realization that with Mrs. Rogers there has passed f;
into memory a quality of life not easily recaptured and measur-  
able only by value of the spirit. gl
In the daily press comment is often made upon the death E
of men conspicuous in business or philanthropy, or the world of ·
letters, and upon women whose efficiency is undis·puted. It is ¢]
not often one’s privilege, however, to pay tribute to a gentle-  
woman whose last and perhaps greatest achievement, after years i
and years of unremitting activity, has been that of a rarely j
beautiful and serene old age.  {
Mrs. Rogers was almost the last leaf on the tree of her gen-  
eration, yet her hold on life never wavered, her keen perceptions  
never failed. None of the bitterness, the futile fussiness and I
obstinate clinging to outgrown codes, that so often disfigures  {
old age and makes it tragic, marred the latter years of Mrs. i
Rogers’ life. She lived in the present—men and women, the  
world of affairs interested her enormously, yet in her presence {
young people were conscious always of a gracious past, a past  
rooted in traditions and in the loyalties overlooked today. *
It was, perhaps, this blend of past with present, that added f
a special flavor to Mrs. Rogers’ gift of companionship. Certain- i
ly it can be said of her, as was written of Henry James, "It (ill-
ness) wore out his body, which was too tired and spent to live W
longer, but he carried away the power of his- spirit still in its 1
prime."  _
*Written by (Miss) Katharine Van Cott Stebbins. l
Mrs. Rogers was the mother of our Rochester Chairman, Miss Helen Rochester
ioizxgiisglrgs tribute is so exquisite and so true that we have begged for permission {

 \ V}
l We have had a stupendous summer! Aside from the drought
_»° and the extra work that involved, including the fearful difficul-
fl ties of nursing the sick and taking care of maternity cases when
  the nearest wet well was a mile away from the patient, aside
al from all that, we have put over the heaviest working program in
il our five years existence.
l In the first place, we have opened up two entirely new ter-
il ritories—-one in Perry and one in Clay County, and have been
  building new nursing centers, through the generosity of Mrs.
; Hiran Sibley of Rochester, and the Hughitt family of Lake For-
  est, Illinois—each center a memorial to a loved mother. One is
 , called the Margaret Durbin Harper Center, and the other, the
 l Belle Barrett Hughitt Center. We have also had the money for
 i an Annex to the hospital given by Mrs. Warren Thorpe and Mrs.
  John E. Rousmaniere of New York, which enables us to hous·e
 E the district nurses outside the hospital and also provides a wing
{ for cases of infectious diseases. We have put badly needed im-
 A provements on the Georgia Wright 50-acre pasture land and have
E built a "horse hospital" at Wendover——in fact, we have kept
` from 20 to 60 men employed the whole time and have done our
i bit to lessen the miseries of unemployment.
We have extended our territory in still another direction by
5 placing a nurse under Dr. Harlan S. Heim at Beverly at the
‘ Evangelical Settlement School. Dr. Heim in return, is giving
us clinics every six weeks at the two nursing centers, for which
, he is the nearest physician. Our nurse under him carries his
normal deliveries and lessens his load and he in turn comes to
 . us more often to help lighten ours. Miss Ellen Marsh, an old re-
l liable in our service, is the new nurse at Beverly, and her ter-
ritory takes in the borders of four counties——Leslie, Clay and
{ Belle, and the Stinking Creek section of Knox. This raises the

territory we are covering to over 700 square miles. We are on
the last lap of our first 1,000 square mile demonstration area,
and we are moving a little ahead of schedule time.
We have had many guests this summer—·all delightful peo- _,` ,.,
ple, and six of the best young horsewomen in America have acted M
as our volunteer courier service and taken guests and patients
and physicians over the long trails. Miss Marvin Breckinridge,
with one or two helpers, and Bluey, the pack mule, following
after, have gone around for the last time to get the final scenes
for her wonderful motion picture—"THE FORGOTTEN FRON-
TIER." With the help of Miss Ella Woodyard, from Columbia,
three of our service spent the better part of one month in putting
into final shape the material for our RECORD ROUTINE, a
copy of which will be sent any health organization who writes
for it.
The immense part of the summer’s work, however, lay in
the huge clinics we have put over through the courtesies of phy-
s·icians on our Medical Advisory Board and from the State Board
of Health, whose services have been given us in full. The little
18-bed hospital at Hyden from May 10 to September 16, inclu-
sive, took care of 318 patients a total number of 1541 days, an
average of nearly 12 patients a day.
The first of the clinics was one held by Dr. Scott Breckin-
ridge for three days in July. He made 29 gynaecological exami- E
nations and did 12 operations with entirely succes·sful results.  
Next came Dr. Thomas’ eye clinic for three days in August.
During that time he did complete refractions on 103 patients and
prescribed glasses for 84. Five of these patients would have be-
come quite blind had they continued to use their eyes without
glasses, and all for whom they were prescribed, desperately

needed them. The American Optical Company sent a represen-
tative up to fit the frames for all cas·es and furnished the chil-
dren’s glasses at cost, namely, at $3.50 a pair, complete.
.\ ·t. In September, we had a tonsil clinic given us by Dr. C. B.
M Kobert of the Kentucky State Board of Health. In spite of poor
health and the hot, dry weather, Dr. Kobert, over a period of
five days, admitted and examined 202 patients and operated on
148. Children for this clinic came in wagons—some as far as
a two-days’ journey. We had as many as 70 overnight at the
Hyden Hospital. All of the children were kept three days and
nights, the last night in the neighborhood to be near the doctor,
and were then returned in convoys under the escort of the
nurses. There was not one case of hemorrhage-no accident-
no trouble of any kind. The operations were performed under
local anaesthesia. One little girl of 11 got up from the chair, her
eyes wet, her lips frothing with blood, and said, "Thank you,
Doctor." No other child in the world, not royal, would have the
poise and courtesy of a mountain child under a strain like that.
Another little girl, for an hour after her operation, kept exclaim-
ing in a gently modulated voice, "Oh mercy me! My neck is
sore. Oh mercy me !"
We had several emergency operations through the summer,
and one, a case of intestinal obstruction—one of our own nurses.
at the time of Dr. Breckinridge’s clinic. This nurse, Miss Mary
Harry, was nursing during the war in a hut bombed by a Zep-
pelin. All of the patients· were killed but one, and all of the
lg nurses but two—and they were badly wounded, Miss Harry on
\ _ the right side. Five years later, they opened up her side again
3 and took out five pieces of shrapnel that had been overlooked in
the excitement of the war! Now, eight years later, a bit of the
intestine got caught in the old adhesions, causing intense agony
and the greatest danger. As our own surgeon, Dr. Collins, from
Hazard, had gone away, we had to appeal to Lexington. Dr.
Breckinridge called up Dr. Francis Massie of our Medical Ad-
visory Board at 2:00 o’clock in the afternoon, Dr. Massie left

Lexington by motor at 3:00, reached the Hazard hospital at  
10:00 that night, operated successfully on Miss Harry at 11 :00  
and started back for Lexington at midnight to perform his regu- J
lar operations at 8 :30 the next morning. il
. Sometimes we think there is nothing that those of us work-  
ing in the field accomplish for the welfare of our patients quite 4
so good as the resources from the outside world so freely and so  
generously made available, both from the doctors who come in  
to us, or from the hospitals and doctors to whom we send pa-  
tients on the outside. During the past summer we have sent  
whole convoys of children to the children’s hospitals of Louis-  
ville and Cincinnati, where the most marvelous free care has  
been given each child. We sent three emergency fracture cases,  
all young children, within a few days, down to Cincinnati.  
The Kentucky State Dental Association, through the State  
I Board of Health, has again affiliated with us through the cour-  
tesy of their Volunteer Secretary, Dr. Owen, and allowed us the  
invaluable service of Dr. Arthur M. Laird. Complete dental care  
has been given during the past four months to 680 children, at a  
cost of 10c a child, which has been met in about two-thirds of the  
cases, and the same care has been given to a number of prenatals  
and nursing mothers. Q
Under the general orders of the State Board of Health, and
the immediate direction of Dr. Capps, we have given, during the
same four months—from June through September, 11,023 in- .
oculations against typhoid, diphtheria, smallpox and influenza.  
We have gone considerably beyond our own territory, at the J
urgent request of the population in other uncovered acreas, to  
give some of these inoculations. In fact, we have covered con-
siderably more than 1,000 square miles in this aspect of our work.  
In one section of Clay County, we were asked by the Superin- 3
tendent of Schools to come and inoculate the children. A great  
many adults joined them, and in all, in one day, two nurses gave  
498 inoculations. This was at the request of a population where F

§ l·`lLON’l`lliR NURSING SlGIi\'1Cld 11
  there had been not one word of propaganda. This would hardly
l be true of any other population in America, for, as a rule, an
I enormous amount of propaganda is necessary in a city to get
ii any kind of an inoculation clinic at all.
i Lastly, and in some ways most important of all, our summer
l was made wonderful by the presence among us of Dr. Gilbert
l Otto, Dr. Harold Brown, Dr. B. H. Robbins, under the direction
  of Dr. Paul Lamson, pharmacologists and helminthologists; all
  but Dr. Otto financed by the Rockefeller Foundation, through
§ Vanderbilt University; and Dr. Otto financed by the American
Q Child Health Association, through Johns-Hopkins. These gen-
  tlemen set up a field laboratory at Jackson and treated 820
  worm cases with a new drug called hexylresorcinol, with
i really marvelous results. This drug (the outcome of years of
  patient laboratory findings) is infinitely safer than any that
i have been used up to now in the treatment of hook-worm, and is
i extraordinarily effective in treating both hookworm and round
g worm. Special cases by way of illustration: A
f Leona S., age 6, had 250 round worms, measuring
  250 feet in length if put end to end; after treatment,
{ four eggs only, equalling one feeble worm; Crit B., 16
  years of age, 2,000 hook-worms. After treatment, 100
2 Ollly.
We have cooperated in this splendid piece of work, in elimi-
5 nating these dev"r‘eting intestinal parasites from our children.
il We would like to make the American public worm-conscious until
jg every American child is worm free.
Q We close, in grateful appreciation, with the closing lines of
  Dr. Lamson’s last letter: "I should like to cong1·atulate-you-upoii
  the spirit in which your whole work is undertaken and the way
? it is done. It is as inspiring a sight as anything I have ever
i` seen, and we all wish you the best of success with it."

New York  
The Frontier Nursing Service is having a huge meeting in g
New York on the night of Thursday, January 15th, at the Mecca  
Auditorium. An outstanding program will be widely published ii
in advance. At this meeting will be shown the wonderful new if
motion picture of the Service—"THE FORGOTTEN FRON- ,~}
TIER," in which the volunteer actors are all mountaineers and  
the nurses of the Frontier Nursing Service. After this meeting, _
The Forgotten Frontier will be released for use by any group
_ anywhere which will pay express on it both ways. Application
A should be made to the Executive Secretaries of the New York
I and Chicago offices:
Miss Anne Winslow, 63 East 57th Street, New York, and i
Mrs. John C. Gardner, 1018 North State Street, Chicago.
 . Map c _
Through the courtesy of the Fordson engineers at Red Bird i
River, the Frontier Nursing Service has a remarkable map, made  
expressly for the Service by the engineers. The whole country
covered by the Service, plus the country to be covered in its  
complete 1,000 square mile area, and the nearest railroad towns, .
are all included in this map which is 19 1-2 x 17 1-2 inches and ¥
is mounted on linen. This will be sent any friends, postage paid,  
who wish to have one and will forward $2.00 to the Frontier ,
Nursing Service at Wendover, Ky. It will be sent to groups   I
sewing for the Frontier Nursing Service, free.  
"And when the time comes . . . hit would ease my mind f 
iffen I could know, and iffen I could know you had a woman- T 
person to help."  f
The Great Meadow (p. 117), `
EMZABETH MADox Roisnizrs. I

T A 4 l<`lQN’l`lEl( iNUl{SlNG SEl{\'ICljI 13
  Two Requests
  In every Bulletin we remind our friends of a few special .
Q6 needs.
xg wm WANT
i Shrubs, hardy perennials, vines and bulbs of all kinds for
the grounds of the Hyden Hospital. They may be sent at any
` time and will be planted as soon as they arrive.
ig We want layettes—and then more layettes! We now aver-
  age a baby a day and very few of them have enough clothing of
` any kind. The baby of this Bulletin’s cover is wearing one of
y · our layettes. Will sewing circles and churches and clubs, please
remember us?
5 l Plants and layettes both should be sent as follows: To the
i Frontier Nursing Service (by parcel post), Hyden, Ky.; (by ex-
  press or freight), Hazard, Ky.
  At the request of the St. Louis Committee of the Frontier
lg Nursing Service, we are conducting, as this Bulletin goes to B
H. press, a survey of certain counties in Southern Missouri and
I  Northern Arkansas in the Ozark mountains. Upon the results
V  of this survey and its presentation to our lay friends and the
>  medical groups in the states concerned, will depend the program
4  of work the Frontier Nursing Service has to suggest for the
l` Ozarks, to begin next summer.

 ‘ l
14 mm oUA1vr1sRLY BULLETIN i
· *——— #~——-—·—·   —·  —····*L `·;*"*i i
- ;l
t . . . l
We are omitting the names of our Trustees and Committee l
Members from this issue of the Bulletin.  
At the request of many friends of the Frontier Nursing  
Service, we are giving the names and addresses of the Nursing fl'}:
Centers up to this date: {
 .;; l
Name of Center Post Office Freight and Express  
and Leslie County Kentucky ,
Wendover Hazard  
I WENDOVER Leslie County Kentucky  
n Kentucky 3
»BE'ECH FORK Asher Pineville  
(Jessie Preston Draper Leslie County Kentucky l
Center) Kentucky  
POSSUM BEND Confluence Krypton  
(Frances Bolton Center) Leslie County Perry County `Q
Kentucky Kentucky  
RED BIRD RIVER Red Bird River Garrard Station  
(Clara Ford Center) Clay County Clay County  
Kentucky Kentucky g
FLAT CREEK Creekville Garrard Station  
(Caroline Butler Atwood Clay County Clay County ;
Center) Kentucky Kentucky  
BRUTUS Brutus Manchester *t
(Bell Barrett Hughitt Clay County Kentucky l
Center) Kentucky
BOWLING TOVVN Bowling Town Chavies A
(Margaret Durbin Harper Perry County Perry County
Center) Kentucky Kentucky  
BEVERLY Beverly Pineville "
(Evangelical Settlement Belle County Kentucky  
School) Kentucky . 

1 F|<<`>N'|`ll·]It NIWLSING Hl·Il{\'l(`l·] 15
  For the convenience of those who may be willing to remem-
t ber this institution in their wills, this form of bequest is sug-
gil gested:
' s
( "I hereby devise the sum of ........................................
W dollars (or property properly described) to the Fron-
l tier Nursing Service, a corporation organized under the
E laws of the State of Kentucky."
i It is preferred that gifts be made without restriction, since the Trustees thereby
have ZL broader latitude in making the best possible use of them. Of course, however,
% they are also wt~lt·o1nt~ where a partieular use is prescribed.
To facilitate the making of gifts of this sort, it is suggested that if they come by
I will there be atltletl to the form shown above some such language as the following:
} "This devise is to be used (here des<·ribe the purpose.)"
  Suggestions for special bequests:
2 $50,000 will endow the work of a Frontier Nurse in per-
  $12,000 will endow a Frontier Hospital Bed.
F $ 5,000 will endow a baby’s bassinet.
ii $10,000 will build and equip a Frontier Center for the work
  of two 1”lLl1`S€S.
gg $15,000 additional will provide for the upkeep, insurance,
ij repairs and depreciation on this center, so that
{ $25,000 will build and maintain in perpetuity a center.
  A number of these renters have been given and equipped, and two are already
{ endowetl.
.I Any of the foregoing may be in the form of a memorial in
iii such name as the donor may prescribe, as, for example, the Jane
I Grey Memorial Frontier Nurse, the Philip Sidney Frontier Hos-
¤•· pital Bed, the Raleigh Center, the Baby Elizabeth Bassinet.
§ Any sum of money may be left as a part of the Frontier
c-  Nursing Service Endowment Fund the income from which will
?  be used for the work of the Service in the manner judged best
1  by its Trustees, and the principal of which will carry the donor’s
_  name unless otherwise designated.

M Its motto:
  "He shall gather the lambs with his arm
and carry them in his bosom, and shall
gently lead those that are with young."
 ‘ Its purpose:
To safeguard the lives and health of mothers and young
children by providing trained nurse-midwives for remotely rural
areas where resident physicians are few and far between—these
nurse-midwives to work under supervision; in compliance with
the Regulations for Midwives of the State Boards of Health, and
the laws- governing the Registration of Nurses, and in co-opera-
tion with the nearest available medical service.

* .
~ A
I ?
