xt744j09wr24 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09wr24/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1935-05-10  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1935 text The Kentucky Kernel, May 10, 1935 1935 1935-05-10 2013 true xt744j09wr24 section xt744j09wr24 Best Copy Available









Sigma Delta Chi ENGINEERS'


And Initiation




Two Hundred and Two



to Re
Main Speaker



Trophies WTiII Be Awarded In
Memory of John E.
Two hundred and two athletes,
representing twenty-tw- o


Wallace, Louisville

Kentucky chapter of Sigma Delta
Chi, International professional
journalistic fraternity for men, will
hold Its annual founders day banquet and Initiation ceremonies at
8:30 p. m. May 17 at the Patio.
Tom Wallace,
the Louisville Times, and nationally known speaker and writer, will
be the principal Rpeaker, and his
subject will be "The College Journalist and the Metropolitan Newspaper." Other speakers will include
Dwtght Pitkin, Louisville, and T. C
Stiles, Louisville, representatives of
the Associated Press.
Guests of honor at the banquet
will be four men recently pledged
to the organization: Sag Kash, Carlisle; Norman Garllng, Chicago,
111.; Dave Salyers, Lexington, and
John Reidy, Waterbury, Conn.
John St. John, president, will
preside as toastmaster. Short talks
will be made by other officers who
are Frank Borrles,
Ben Taylor, secretary; and J. D.
Palmer, treasurer. Other members
of the organization are Morton Collins, Howard Green, and John
Arrangements are in charge of J.
D. Palmer.


will Rather on Stoll field tomorrow
for the running of the 16th annual
lnterscholastic track and field meet,
sponsored by the Department of
Extension, and under the direction
of Coach Bernle Shlvely. Preliminaries will begin at 10 a. m. with
the finals scheduled for 1 p. m.
The trophies for this meet will be
awarded in memory of John E.
Madden, Lexington sportsman, who
was a star track man at Lehigh
University. Each point winner will
be given a medal and the Individual
high point man will be given a cup.
The winning team will receive a
plaque and the coach of the winning team will be awarded a gold
track shoe.
DuPont Manual Training High
school, of Louisville, was the winner of the meet last year, edging
out Holmes High of Covington.
Male High of Louisville carried off
third honors. All three of these
teams are entered again this year.
Best, represnting Manual of
Louisville set a high school record
last year in the high Jump by clearing the bar at six feet. Paxton,
running under Male High colors,
covered the 880 yards in 2:01.1 for Aviatrix
Makes First Nona new lnterscholastic record.
stop Flight from Mexico
Good Shepherd of Frankfort will
City to New York in
enter a real one man track team.
14 Hours
James Adamson Is the student, and
he will participate in 100 yard dash,
a distance he can cover in 10 sec- MOB SURROUNDS PLANE
onds, the 220, 440, 880, the high
jump and the broad jump. This
New York, May 2 (INS) It's all
lad is expected to carry off several in the day's work for Amelia Ear-ha- rt
honors before he leaves Stoll field
Putnam, A tough day's work,
but Just the day's work.
Some of the outstanding high
ThaUs the way she took her latschool track men In the state will est record as she lolled in her
participate in tomorrow's meet. apartment today a refreshed AmeBonne 11, Barrett Manual high of lia from the almost hysterical girl
Henderson, is entered in the pole who swooped from the skies at
vault and has cleared the bar at Newark airport last night after a
12 feet two inches this year. He
vigil alone in
also broad jumps a distance of 20 the air, droning over the difficult
2,075-mifeet. Woolum of Barbourvllle and
"Coast and Gulf" stretch
(Continued on Page Four)
between Mexico City and New
"It was very uninteresting," she
crossing the Gulf. That was not



Strollers Leads EXPECTED VETO Irene Foster,
BE To Be Played By SPURS SENATE Virginia Thorp
17 Dunn, Hertzsch ON 'BONUS BILL' To Give Recital

of Various Departments of Engineering College to Fea-

ture Program

Members of Faculty Towns-Peopland Student Rody
Cordially Invited


Day will be celebrated
of Engineering of
May 17 from 1:30



an annual

by the college of
Engineering, for the benefit of the
students of the University and the
general public who have never had
a chance to see the workings of
the engineering department.
The seniors of the college will
act as guides for the visitors. They
will show them through the various departments and explain the
points of Interest and the various
workings of the students.
One of the most important demonstrations will be In the Wendt
forge shop, where there will be
demonstrators on hand to show the
work of the students in the departments of machine shops, wood
foundry, and the other work that
the student has In this shop.
The mechanical and electrical
laboratories will be open for inspection and will be put in operation
for the benefit of the visitors. These
tests runs will be explained in full
to the visitors by the regular in-

structors and the students.
Another feature of Interest will
be the operation of the assaying
laboratory in the Mining department. All features of this work will
be explained by actual tests on
minerals. The short wave radio station of the University will also be
put in operation and explained in

The thesis work of the various
engineering projects will be opened
and explained by the senior guides.
These theses are on all sorts of
projects and should
prove of Interest to anyone remotely interested in this sort of work.
The famous rock and mineral exhibit of the University will be on
display In Dicker hall. This extensive collection was donated to the
University by the late William
Boyce Thompson of New York. The
rock garden by the side of Mechanical hall will be open for inspection
by the public. This garden was
established by the late Dean Paul
F. Anderson.
The college extends a cordial inparticularly pleasant."
vitation to the students of the UniAnd as to the swell job she did versity, the faculty members, and
in clocking off the span, hitherto the public to attend this celebration.

State Educators
To Assemble Here
For Annual Meet
Committee of College Officials Accredits State
Secondary Schools

Members of the committee on the
accrediting of secondary schools
for the state of Kentucky will
gather at the University tomorrow
morning for their annual meeting.
This accrediting work has been

done for the past 30 years undet
the supervision of the Association
of Kentucky Colleges and Universities In cooperation with the state
department of education.
Members of the committee are:
Senior college representatives, Dean
Paul P. Boyd, chairman; Prof. F.

M. Heeton. Asbury College,
Dean T. A. Hendricks, Berea
College, Berea; W. S. Ashby, registrar at Bowling Qreen College of
Commerce; Dean James H. Hewlett.
Centre College; Miss Ann Poindex-te- r,
Georgetown College, Georgetown; Professor T. E. McMullin,
Kentucky Wesleyan College, Winchester; Dean W. H. Vaughan,
More bead State Teachers College,
Morehead; President J. W. Carr,
Murray State Teachers College,
Murray; Bister Mary Anastasia,
Nazareth College, Louisville; Professor V. F. Payne, Transylvania
College, Lexington; Dean Charles
R. Wimmer, Union College, Barbourvllle; Ralph E. Hill, registrar at
the University of Louisville; and E.
H. Canon, registrar at Western
Kentucky State Teachers College,
Bowling Green.
Junior College representatives are
President Kenneth C. East, Sue
Bennett College, London, and President J. O. Creech, Cumberland College, Williamsburg. Secondary
schools representatives are Dr. R.
E. Jaggers, director of certification,
member; Prof.
A. Carman, Athens High school,
Fayette county; Supt. Paul Garrett,
city high schools of Versailles, and
Prof. J. T. Em bry, Jr., Stanford
High schools. Mark Godman, high
school supervisor
and secretary,
state department of education,
Frankfort, Is also a members of the
commit fate.
Wll-mor- e;


Charles E. Morrow, a graduate of
the University In 1831, has accepted the position of research chemist
with the Standard Oil Company In
New Jtraey. Mr. Morrow received
his masters degree from the University of Minnesota In 1932.

untried as a non-sto- p
flight, at the
rate of 151 miles an hour "Why,
all I did was to use the radio
clothesline the Department of Commerce Weather Service hung out
for me." And that was that.
The aviatrix said she was tired
when she landed. She looked tired.
Her face was lined, her eyes tense,
and her hair rumpled. A racing,
pushing mob of 3,000 rumpled her
more, almost precipitating a minor
riot as it ganged the flier and her
plane as they came to earth. A
mass of humanity surrounded the
tiny plane, pulled the girl filer from
atop, seethed and squirmed to touch
her. Finally police broke through,
beating a path with sticks. Furious,
her husband, George Palmer Putnam, crashed to her side. Amelia
was whisked Into a little police
coupe and across the field to a
hangar and from there to her hotel

Transy Students
Extol Annual Day
With Festivities




rode In automobile Interspersed between the floats. Miss Mary Inglo
Tenn., was
crowned "Miss Transylvania" at the
pageant and Mr. Edwin Bobbltt,
Covington, was crowned Mr.

T. Hertzsch, Jeffcrsonville, Indiana,
will play the leads in the Stroller
production, "Pinafore," which will
be presented May 16, 17, and 18, at
the Oulgnol Theatre, according to
an announcement made yesterday
by W. T. Bishop, president of Strollers.
will be
Musical accompaniment
orchestra diplayed by a
rected by Alexander Capurso. Frank
Fowler and Miss Mildred Lewis are
In charge of direction of the production.
"Pinafore" is a musical comedy
based on the tangled love affairs of
Sir Joseph Porter, a ruler of the
ship. Josephine, daughter of the
captain of the ship, and Ralph
Rackstraw, an
lad. The complications which arise
are solved by the timely disclosure
of Buttercup's mistake in baby
Buttercup of the show is played
by Helen Rich, who appeared in the
"Counsellor-at-Law- ."
Guignol production,
The cast of principal
characters will be supported "by musical choruses. The characters are:
The Right Honorable Sir Joseph
James Baird
Porter, K. C. B
Captain Cochoran. . .Morton Potter
Ralph Rackstraw.,.. C. T. Hertzsch
Harlowe Dean
Dick Deadeye
Kenneth Alley
Bill Bobstay
Harold Smith
Tom Tucker
Ruby Dunn
Mary Louise McKenna
Helen Rich
Little Buttercup
According to present plans the
production will be presented at
8:15 p. m.. May 16, 17 and 18, and
a matinee performance will be given at 2:15 May 18.
Committee chairmen in charge of
the production are business. Phil
McGee; costumes, Marjorie Crowe.

Uniting of Forces for Useful
Program in State Is
Purpose of

The University will be host from
June 3rd to June 8th to the annual
Workers Institute.
Consolidation and systematizatlon
of Red Cross forces in Kentucky
for a useful program of service in
the state will be the purpose of the

meeting. A series of five one-da- y
conferences on various phases of
Red Cross work and several courses

in organization and administration

English Profs' Are
Engaged for Summer
The coming summer session at
the University of Kentucky will be
the first one in which ail the professors of the English department
will be engaged. The demand for
instruction in various fields of
English has always been great during the summer, and the department has always endeavored to
meet the wishes of both the teachers of the state and the students
who wish to pursue academic work
during the summer.

Compromise Would Give President "Discretionary Payment Powers"

Washington, May 9 (INS) The
soldiers' bonus, far from settled by
passage of the Patman Bill, hung
like a dark cloud over the Senate
today while advocates of immediate
payment sought to compromise
their differences In order to override an expected presidential veto.
The Patman Bill, already passed
by both branches of Congress, was
held up in the Senate while its advocates negotiated with friends of
the defeated Vinson Bill on a compromise measure.
The proposed
compromise would authorize immediate cash payment of the veterans'
adjusted service certificates in one
of three ways:
1. By issuing new currency,
provided in the Patman Bill;
2. By a bond issue, as provided in
the Vinson Bill; or
3. By allocations from the
work relief fund.
The compromise would give President Roosevelt discretionary authority to use any one or all three
of these plans to finance immediate
payment of the bonus.
It was designed to win over 19
Senators, who supported the Vinson
Bill and then voted against the
Patman Bill on the final roll call.
Ten of these senators were Republicans, who previously voted for
Immediate cash payment but who
refused to support the currency expansion issue presented in the Patman plan. They were Senators Austin, Barbour, Hale, Hastings, Keyes,
McNary, Metcalf, Townsend,
and White.
Senators Thomas (D) of Oklahoma, and Long (D) of Louisiana,
leading advocates of the ' Patman
Bill, were conducting the compromise negotiations with Senator
Clark (D) of Missouri, leading advocate of the Vinson plan. Clark
charged the Patmanites were led
Object of Organization Is to into trouble by administration SenPromote Retter Underators, who helped vote down the
standing Between
Vinson plan only to oppose the Patman plan on the final roll call.
"The Vinson Bill was defeated
WILL PUBLISH BOOKLET by a Coughlln," of Roosevelt, Long
said Clark. "Now
Roosevelt has deserted the coalition
Cwens, national women's honorary fraternity, will hold their ini- and Long and Coughlln find they
get the
tiation May 13 at the Phoenix hotel won't(Continued bonus paid,Four)
on Page
at 5:30 p. m. The initiation five-yebe followed immediately by a
anniversary' banquet.
The speaker of the occasion will
be Mrs. P. K-- Holmes, assistant
dean of women; Alice Long Vance,






of the national


committee, and Lois Neal, first
president of Cwens upon the campus.
Mrs. Holmes subject for the evening will be "The Development and
Progress of Cwens Since Its Foundation on the Campus." Mrs. Vance
will speak upon "Prospects
Cwens Nationally," and Miss Neal
will talk upon "The Foundation of
Cwens upon the Campus."
The speaker's table will consist of
Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Vance, Miss
Neal, Miss Lois Robinson, national
extension director, Nell Montgomery, president of Cwens in 1932,
Louise Johnson .president in 1033,
Mary Webb, president in 1934, Virginia Robinson, president in 1935,
and Miss Sarah Blanding, honorary member of Cwens.
It has been Cwens' object to promote a better understanding between the students of the University, and to do all they could for
the betterment of the University
generally. This year more than ever
Cwens has furthered this aim. During the past year Cwens has presented a Walnut Corner Cupboard
to the Women's building for miscellaneous trophic t. gave a tea for
the second semester freshman girls,
sponsored a tea dance with Keys to
establish a student loan fund, sponD. K.
sored Cwens-sing, sponsored a Japanese bazaar
and benefit bridge party to finance
Cwens for the year, assisted with
general open house at the Women's
building, gave a skit at the W. A.
C. banquet.
It is Cwens' plan to publish a
booklet announcing all women's
activities on the campus and distribute them to all the Incoming
freshman girls next September.

Washington, May 9 (INS) The
Post Office department today sent
the following notice to all postmasters: "The attention of all postmasters is called to the fact that
letter scheme, and similar enterprises, now being operated through
the mails at various points is in
violation of the postal lottery and
fraud statutes. This Information
should be communicated to all per
sons making inquiries as to the
legality of the schema."

University will present in a Junior
Irene Foster,
assisted by Virginia Tharp, violinist, and accompanied by Miss Anne
Ooodykoontz and Martha Sue Durham at 4:00 p. m. Monday, May 13,
at Memorial hall.
The program Is as follows:
Auf Der Riese zur Helmat
Im Kanme
Solvejg's Lied
Erin Schwann
Ich Lie be Dich
Miss Foster
(Miss Ooodykoonts at the piano)
Miss Tharp
(Miss Durham at the piano)
The Little Gray Dove
Miss Foster
Miss Foster is a junior in the
Music department and has studied
under Miss Josephine Parker and
Mrs. Dudley South.
Miss Tharp is a freshman in the
Music department and Is a pupil of
Prof. Lam pert.
Miss Goodykoontz is a senior in
the Music department and has
studied under Prof. Lam pert.
Miss Durham is a freshman in
the Music department. She is a
pupil of John Shelby Richardson.

Kentucky Is Accorded Good
Chance to Capture
Prize Again
Pershing Rifles will hold its sixth
annual drill meet tonight and tomorrow on the campus of Ohio
State University. University of
Kentucky representatives at the.

meet will Include sixty members of
Pershing Rifles, Major and Mrs.
Brewer, Captain and Mrs. Scudder.
drill master. Lieutenant Le Stour-geofaculty adviser, and Miss
Elizabeth Barbieux, sponsor of the
1935 company of Pershing Rifles.
Companies competing in the 1935
meet are Ohio State University,
Indiana University, University of
Illinois, Akron University, Michigan
State, University of Cincinnati,
Dayton University, and the University of Kentucky. The drill,
which consists of a group of prewhich
scribed movements
company will execute, will be witnessed by General John J. Pershing, commander-in-chiof the
American forces in Prance during
the World War.
The program for the two-da- y
meet will consist of drill competition followed by a regimental parwill
ade in which all companies
participate and exhibition drills by
the Ohio unit of the American Legion and Purdue's Zouaves on Friday night in the Coliseum on the
University campus. On Saturday
morning, Harry Bullock, Robert
Stivers, and Sam McDonald of the
Approximately One Hundred University of Kentucky will represent the school in the individual
Persons Attend Membercompetition to determine the best
ship Dinner at Maxdrilled cadet of the meet. They
well Church
will be tested In the manual of arms
and the school of the soldier. A
RISHOP ABBOTT SPEAKS rifle match for different teams of
the competing schools will finish
The Rt Rev. H. P. Almon Abbott, the program for the morning. Rebishop of the Episcopal diocese of presentatives attending the meet
Lexington, was the chief speaker will be taken on a conducted tour
at a University Y.M.C-A- . member- of Columbus and its vicinity on
ship banquet held at the Maxwell Saturday afternoon, sponsored by
Street Presbyterian church Tues- Company "A" of Ohio State UniEvening's
day night, with approximately 100 versity.
persons in attendance. Those
will consist of a banquet and a
members of the Uni- dance at the Neil House in Columversity Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. cab- bus. Two orchestras and two ballinets and members of the Univer- rooms have been secured to accommodate guests at the dance.
sity Y.M.C.A. advisory board.
Dr. Hume Bedford, chairman of
The University of Kentucky has
the advisory board, presided, and won the drill meets for the last
Rev. Wallace McPherson Alston, three years when they were held at
pastor of the church pronounced the University of Illinois, the University of Kentucky, and Indiana
the invocation.
William Bryan, Lexington, retir- University. Captains of University
ing president, related the purposes of Kentucky companies for those
of the organization, and Bart N. years were Bill Saunders, Joe Mills,
Peak, secretary of the University and Charles Kaufman. Oscar RenY.M.C.A, presented keys to Bryan ter is the captain of the present
and Julian Cox, who were out- company.
Pershing Rifles was founded six
standing in Y.MC.A. work. Prof.
Adolph Bigge, of the University years ago by General Pershing
German department, installed the while he was in the military de-p- a
rtmnet of the Unlversty of Nenew officers.
President Addresses KentThese included Donald Reister, braska.
Frankfort, president; John Darnell,
Four seniors, eight juniors,
ucky Association at a
Robert sophomores, and 30 freshman comFrankfort,
Luncheon Meeting
Olney, Lexington, secretary and prise the 1935 University of KenTuesday
John Spragens, Lebanon, treasurer. tucky company of Pershing Rifles.
A vocal selection was sung by
Arthur Smith, baritone, Plcadome
high school 6tudent, one of the
McVey addressed the winners in the recent state high
Macon, Mo., May 9 (INS) Fedluncheon meeting of the Kentucky school music festival. His accomeral investigators from the U. 8,
Association of Personal Finance panist was Miss Lula F. Olney.
Bureau of Air Commerce were to
Tuesday at the Lafayette hotel,
arrive here today to open their
speaking on the subject "Small
formal probe into the crash of the
A business meeting folLoans."
giant TWA airliner Sky Chief,
lowed the luncheon speakers.
which cost Senator Bronson CuttR. M. Rutherford of Louisville,
ing of New Mexico and four other
president of the association, intropersons their lives.
duced Reverend Farish, pastor of
the Woodland Christian church,
who led the Invocation. A welcome
address was made by City ManaGraves-Co- x
Co. and Makers
Rome, May 9 (INS) The Baltio
ger Paul Morton, followed by the
of Arrow Shirts Will
and the Balkans occupied the cenprincipal speaker, President McVey.
Give Prizes for
ter of the diplomatic stage today as
In speaking on the subject Prespremiers
Best Ad
and foreign ministers
ident McVey outlined the imporhustled all over the continent for a
tance of the small loan agencies in
series of nearly a dozen important
the national relief program. He WILL CLOSE ON MAY 18
Preliminary to the
likened his remarks to the man
In Rome
"who carried coals to Newcastle".
Graves and Cox, men's store, In Danubian Conference
He pointed out that the agrarian connection with the makers of Ar- June 3, Chancellor Kurt Bchusch-nig- g
of Austria was on his way to
turnover was slower than that in row Shirts, Is sponsoring an ad
other businesses, and was being writtlng contest, using as subject Florence to see Premier Benito
taken care of by government agenmatter the well known brand of Mussolini Friday and Saturday.
cies. The man who wanted medishirt. The awards and Judges will
cal attention, a new suit of clothes, be announced later.
and other small, immediate loans,
Cuts for the advertisement may
was the one that the association
be obtained in the Kernel
must care for and protect. In office In the basement of business
closing. President McVey invited hall.
There Is no entrance fee for
the visitors to inspect the Univerthe contest, which will close on
sity of Kentucky campus.
May 18.
Seated at the speakers table were
The rules of the contest are as
President McVey; Mr. Gotchalk,
the exponent of the recent bill in follows ad may be three
1. The
the legislature regulating small
loans; R. M. Rutherford, president by ten Inches or less.
Alpha Zeta will hold a discussion
2. Each contestant is limited to
of the association; Judge Nichols;
group meeting at 7:30 p. m. MonMr. Dorm an and Mr. O'Connor of three entries or less.
3. No contestant will receive more day, May 13, at the Agriculture
the State Treasury; Mr. Paul Morbuilding. Dr. H. R. Price will lead
than one prize.
ton, and Thomas Underwood.
4. The contest is open to all stuthe discussion and the subject will
Mr. Paul Staples, of the 8tate
dents except the staff of the Ker- be "the AAA Program.
Board of Directors, traced the hisnel.
tory of the association from its
6. The winning ad will be reMembers of the new Y.M.C.A.
in 1908. the Russel Sage
senior cabinet are requested to be
He showed that In printed Tuesday, May 21.
6. Graves and Cox reserves the present at the first meeting at 7:18
states where no uniform law prevailed, exorbitant rates as high as right to reprint any or all entries. o'clock Tuesday, May 14 as the
7. The entries are to be brought
meeting is very important.
600 per cent were charged. The
or mailed to Graves and Cox by
present rate charged by the assoSaturday .May 18.
Strollers will hold a very importciation is 3 per cent.
. Address entries to "Arrow Conant meeting in Room 111, McVey
Mr. French Thomas and Mr.
Homer Stone were also heard.
hall, today at 4 p. m.
test Manager," Graves and Cox.






Van-denbe- rg



will be features of the meeting.
Subjects of the various conferences are: Monday, a round-tabl- e
Events Include Pageant, Pa- discussion on "Home Service Problems for the Chapter Home Service
rade, Field Meet, and
Workers," conducted by Mr. Asbury
Cecil, Red Cross lalson representative; Tuesday, "First Aid and Life
Students of Transylvania College Saving", in charge of Mr. Paul
yesterday celebrated their annual Goss, first aid and life saving repTransylvania Day with one of the resentative; Wednesday, "Disaster
largest and most successful re- Relief", "Kentucky Roll Call," connewals of the event in its history.
ducted by Mr. Maurice Reddy,
Events of the day Included
assistant director of disaster relief;
parade through the downtown sec- Thursday, "Public Health Nursing,
tion in the morning, a student field Home Hygiene and Nutrition", in
meet In the afternoon, and a pag- charge of Miss Margaret Disney,
eant of Transylvania achievements assistant to the director of publlo
before "Miss Transylvania" and health nursing; Friday, "Junior
"Mr. Pioneer", outstanding students Red Cross," conducted
by Mrs.
elected each year by the student Ethel B. Matson, Junior Red Cross
body, and a dance to conclude the representative.
festivities last night.

Former prominent Transylvania
students who were represented in
several of the fourteen floats which
formed the parade were George
Rogers Clark, Henry Clay, Mathew
Jouette, President Holley, Rafin-esqu- e,
Jefferson Davis, John C.
Breckinridge, James Lane Allen,
and John Fox, Jr. Former "Miss
Transylvanias" and "Mr. Pioneers"


"Pinafore" Will Re Produced Compromise on Bonus Issue Accompanists for Musicians Crack Unit From University
Are Anne Goodykoontz,
May 16, 17, 18, at the
Departs to (Compete in
Is Necessary to OverMartha Durham
Guignol Theater
Annual Drill Meet at
ride Dissent of
The Music department of the
Ohio State
Ruby Dunn, Cynthlana, and


at the College
the University
till 4:30 p. m.
affair, sposored




Representing 22
stitutions Will
Take Part


FIELD, 4 P. M.








� Best

Friday, May 10, 1935



Professors Rannells, Bigge, and Beaumont
Will Conduct Summer Classes in Europe
With Four New Credit Courses Offered
with the work. The
syllabus will organize the material
In two parts: first, according to
time, giving the sequence of historical periods and styles and listing the representative exampKes.
Second, according to place, in the
presented in Europe during order of the art center en route,
the .i.r- ;r of 1936, under die tute- listing the actual mounments and
lage 01 iTof. E. W. Rannclls, head works of art which may he seen In
of the University department of place. The time required for the
Art, and Dr. A. E. BiRge, head of the tour will be a little more than six
Deportment of German, offering weeks, 45 days from the date of
sailing to the date of return. Class
three credits each.
will begin on shipboard and
These courses. In addition to the sessions the time, those that are
six credit course In Psychology, registered for credit will give most
which will be offered for the fourth of their time to work on the course.
time this summer by the UniverThe course In German, 160 a and
sity of Kentucky at the University h. "Llterarv Landmarks In Ger
of Vienna, under the direction of many," will run approximately six
Dr. Henri Beaumont of the Uniwill be devoted mamiy
versity of Kentucky, Department of weeks and
study In GerPsynliolopy. gives the University to directed travel and
student still further opportunity many and Austria.
It is the purpose of this course
to study and travel at the same
to review the noteworthy contritime.
The two art courses. Art 142 a butions of German men of letters
nd b. "Directed Travel and Study and to acquaint the student with
in Europe," which will be directed the actual circumstances
by Professor Rannells, will have a forth the creation of these literary
printed syllabus which will be used works.

Further proof thnt the scope of
activities at the University of Kentucky, Xjexlngton, Is no lon(?er confined to the boundaries of the cam-or even of the state, Is Riven
h Mi announcement of new cours-


Sunday afternoon at

With the advent of spring one of
the most beautiful species of birds,
the Kentucky Cardinal, Is putlng
in Its appearance on the campus.
Dr. William D. Eunkhouser, head
of the department of zoology, says
that the Kentucky Cardinal was
formerly known simply as the "Red
Bird" but that since the publication
of James Lane Allen's novel, "The
Kentucky Cardinal," the bird has
gone by the same name.
The cardinal Is familiar to
as It is abundant in every
county of the state during the
summer months. Its brilliant red
and conspiclous
makes It easily distinguishable
from the other songsters. It can
also be distinguished by its clear
whistle which is one of the most
characteristic bird songs of Ken-

rich rose red except for the throat
and a region about the beak. The
of a




also red,

the crest is black.
the other hand the female is
much duller hue. Her upper
parts are grayish-brow- n
and her
lower parts are yellow-gra- y
tinges of red. On account of her
Inconspicuous color the female is
less likely to be seen by marauders
and can thus attend safely to the
business of raising her young.
The nest Is made of twigs, bark,
grass and leaves and is lined with
soft grass. The nest Is usually located in bushes and vines and is
seldom over ten feet from the
ground. The eggs are
with brown, lavender and gray.
The Kentucky Cardinal is a rather heavy and clumsy bird and
some what of an aristocrat in habtucky.
its. But he Is an excellent singer.
The male red bird is far prettier Proof of this statement can be had
than the female. He is usually a by listening to him.
Ken-tuckia- na


Survey at University Shows That
More Freshmen Choose 1 eaching
Field Than Any Other Profession
The profession of teaching Is first
in the choice of a life career of University of Kentucky Arts and Science freshmen, according to figures
released Saturday by Dr. P. P. Boyd,
dean of the University College of
Arts and Sciences. Fifty-nin- e
of the 294 freshmen expressing
choices Indicated this work.
Next In order of preference was
medicine with fifty-tw- o
and third was a scientific career Including the professions of a chemist, medical technician, geologist,
physicist, and research worker.
Journalism was the fourth choice,

being attractive to thirty-sevelaw was fifth with thirty, and business administration came sixth
with twenty-fou- r.
Two women wished to go on the
stage, one man chose aviation, one
forestry work and one woman desired to become a Spanish interpreter.
For the men students the order
of popularity of the professions was

business, and dentistry. For the
women the order was teaching,
business, journalism, scientific work,
library work, nursing, medicine, and
Dean Boyd emphasized that the