xt744j09wc47 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09wc47/data/mets.xml Wildcat News Company 1987 Volume 11 -- Number 33 athletic publications  English Wildcat News Company Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Cats' Pause UKAW University of Kentucky Men's Basketball (1987-1988) coaches Sutton, Eddie players Thomas, Irving University of Kentucky Baseball (1987) Madison, Keith University of Kentucky Football (1987) Claiborne, Jerry recruiting Rice, Russell University of Kentucky Women's Basketball (1987-1988) Fanning, Sharon E.J. Nutter Center Bennett, Winston statistics schedules Cats' Pause Combs, Oscar The Cats' Pause,  "June 27, 1987" text The Cats' Pause,  "June 27, 1987" 1987 1987 2012 true xt744j09wc47 section xt744j09wc47 ’ *X`?£¥$1--`£%·?w§;‘.":·V‘·€"‘*`==QE$·E—'   `·‘”-J·¥—F`-I§;f§f$€'Z--f*-7  · -‘  ’ 4  A   ‘·~¥·   7%-""* '.   *'4 ·”"" · ` ’   ’ ‘”*`““ 4,-;.--—    4,-;:.  "€-~ -   nz;-.4      ··•*~·  `._  ==‘ 4*. ·  # »  we-·. 4 -v · .   --4 . - . V` V V- V VV` V V - -. -
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C Eye 2 gze 6Zmv .%w& jute 2Z {Qc?}
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bil E Thomas ’ Discontent Ends In Depa ure Hom Squad
M i' • _ i
` Irving Thomas, Joe B. Halls last Wildcat L di `——   _`  ¤ ~ 2 .   » . ._ i  . i "
ecmit MS left the UK basketball tm-   A -   >1»    * · it . · 1 ,
  @ E Thomas announced his decision after com- Q; 2      E    so _·—_ 2   _   ~ y , 
pleting his classwork last month.       _`__     _     `
His ¤ ¤¤ we MS bleed Ort ~~’¤¤· .o..   sis. A       · .
. __ _ r  ,-_ d ting more playing time and to play in Florida.   ¤  i   ` _  {   ` *%:2;  _   _ L
  his "O**‘““*‘°-       ·t   t-t -».       .,_. 0
R  ` ay" _ "'l`ll€I`€ BFE HO llard feelings at all_" Thomas     _    ,  2   V C   ’   . V A
·   said in a statc11ic11t released by Kei1tt1cky`s   K., `‘`.~ Qf ‘  · °`  `   J  A  _' 405** Given the ‘OK’ [O talk to other Schoold the Thomas. Less than a week after his depar— tothe McDonalds All—American squad while L_
andaddmml Mailing Omccs · I th M` `H Id rted that Thomas l d` v his club to 1 remarkable ?R~l mark —
’ former Wildcat now must End a new home UW C fa"}! era r€P0 » ea ing, . ` · _ ~_ — - _ ,
Editor and Publisher ` {O take his basketball talents was Considering St. Johns and Maryland. and a 4-A State Chainpioiiilpip. Dtirtnghthc  
OSCAR l__ COMES “This willgive me a chance to talk to some Liiél 5€¤5t;lhlThp111§S il\·’€{)&§€d B.? porn}? '198¢;teaIrly signintgdpleiioddniontzislnitdiogt ._
S H Wm Schoolsy Said Thomas ·—l {cally wom to got per game vt ie p aying in - games. eig t an o Aiea trip tot t 2 LXIHL tn on ip .. . gv  
ta et Closer to home and l wom io go Somewhere of which were stamng assignments. In Ken· ed with Kentucky. T hus, he would be Hall s  
A NICK NICHOLAS where l can get {WO years Of 2 lot Og playing tucky’s 71-69 opening win. Thomas. making only recruit during his final cainpaign.  
- V Staff Write? Llmgy his first collegiate start. nailed the winning l Thomas became interested in the Kentucky  
MIKE EST-EP Although, me 6_{OO[_7 Sophomore forward basket with 18 seconds remaining. Against i prograin while wattcnding Halls summer  
’ Staff Wfltéf had desires Of Wan[ing` io play in his Indiana he turned tn his best overall pertor— L camps on the Wildcat campus. During his  
TODD HALLUM hometown, he roponodly turned dO“in d mance. Though Kentucky lost 7l—66 at senior year hc axeraged l8.b ppg. lil) rpg.  
‘ ° Compooltlon Coordinator Scholarship Offer {mm me University or Bloomington, Thomas scored l0 points and 4.2 spg and 3.0 apg. For his ellorts he also ·r
WINFRED JENNINGS Miami. On June 4, Miami Herald sports- grabbed l0 rebounds. L earned Dade County Player of the Year  
, f National Recmiiing Columnist writer Ken Paiiaieki tene rcp that raaiaaa Gln he Hot three sameslw combined for honors { 2 _ L 2 2 { 1 UK L  
BQB GIBBONS now was heavily considering two Florida in- 3·· POm[$~ H0V~‘€V€Y· he `¤€V€Y stored lh doll- With Thomas leaning llc squat , i I tits  
‘ ` C I i Stitutions Flmidd lmcmdiioddl and Florida ble figure the rest oi the season. As a 16 players scheduled to be on scholarship lor {
. Oumnst ` ‘ , ., ·lo. ·.d 1.,,, C ,ltl,l\jC;\,\l"‘-li ,
swig freshman Thomas played in A games an nest season. urrtnt y, tie. .1 . llllll is .. e
’ LARRY ZAUGHT _ Thomas also is looking at the possibility alemgcd P3 PDQ His YY€>hm?·ll·hl§h wine __
StBt€ Co Ul’¥l!`IlSt `    
BOB WATKINS KJ • d W- h 1 B S • S it
. saaaaai Basaaiaaii eciamaisi U S   Slgflé zt g€Hl` @@7% €l’llOl” €CLS`Ol’li  
C I Columnist l i lt`s been learned that former University of l ji; f Q K 4    ’ y  It_ L     l  
x MEL HOLBROOK e Kentucky running back Marc Logan had sign-   A . . K     §_;_;;f .“·‘.‘,=I g ‘   it ··.··`·_ j ‘   et..4    
2 . . ._ _ . _ I l { =   2   .    T  ,1-,: .·_.=     _, ;·_; .l-,_.I— ,1.X`a--T!   .. .    -.1
_ em; C lumnlsl 2 ed with an acent prior to his senior season at      ,,,2 do   V   _4_4.4-     2    2;    
- sfaiv roiiioensoiv E UK A W<·>¤f¤t SO were the St¤o* here i¤ i in L- it     ;.;.;. e·.   ‘;.:   . ’ · . - ————.-   ·    
C I i F the May 23 edition ofthe Lexington Herald-     gd 1    3; . . `  if     ~  * . 5;   2*  
I Digg;/m§E§L ‘ Leader, Wildcat coach Jerry Claiborne found      4 2  _;;l»;t;  A Q    -.-.   Q     
i out about the infraction following a meeting ",   “   ;  t   i A `     "  " ``“‘  
- _ Kentucky Basketball Recruiting   with two FBI agents and Logan.   LAIAFI   _ .-jg i i   -.-·   ii  , ° A ,4    
Rica Bows ncaa rules do not allow athletes to come   rt     *   »      
contributing columnist   te tm with mtr- we ¤¤<¥¤¤i; et all ahem      ’  i gigs  
i Janie vauorir 3 m¤¤et¤r>* Hnansements ¤¤¤l after they me .        ..t.e   ‘..'    »·ee   .-e" in    
I Sport Hobby Columnist j played in their hnal eollegiate gamo     44t4t Ny  44.4 a   ,,;.;,2  A. .2  4  
A JACK Maiaaiv F L;   as
Buslness M““ag‘" ’ weekend trip to New York tsummet Ol 8*% 2 II.I       .tt~ °"i‘*  V  *
DONNA COMES J c<>¤¤e¤ tickets ¤<>¤¤en1>¤sSeS which ¤ll<>W- *Kf;> iftté   , . _     ·
. Staff Photographer · ed Logan backstage, and telephone calls.       _ t° i
, GARY CROM WELL L Already a iederal investigation for alleged   L A,_ 2 V»Il‘’'V·   A· V:   . de  {   ‘*‘ *‘ t    
. Staff photographer r3Cl<€t€Crirlg by sports agents is hanging over L  is ” ‘‘’‘ >   v‘‘,   n``{   _‘,V_  fl ’‘_‘-  —     V L   L_ L  
_ _ CLARENCE MILLER JR Walters and his partner, Lloyd Bloom.     ·.··_   _VV_ ,4_”’`  {jg ·.;‘f ,;,2; g§:j_  L_e'_L' A V, V     »;,l_ do _;  . _ e s  
Ci I ti C di t Walters` firm has been accused oft   ·’i’l.¢.   °     .·V’V‘      l7i'.iZff: ’i’f"    ’ `-``  K M      
» rcu a on our na or _ _ _ _ _   iV,,_2 , · ’*=*’-     L »‘_· , v   ·l.·» .·  j    ··    V&L_. _   .»-_ L     ._ 1  
WANDA HOO RE R *COHllIlg to an agreement with this past   VV_l   y _ Z    L.     2;2_2.i;;;. ..l. L  L·_. .2.2 L.d.E   2 L.;._ L Q   .2 .___ ll
Season-S   hOOp player Op the yea!. SZ?/¥2T2?’.xzac:‘a€z¢a,Za4 ‘:e .    · .       ·_‘.j.»j¤f_ 4 ,     V:  ti   . .,i.·;,.      V V
Crossword Puzzle Editor · · - - ’ . R
Alabama lumor sensation Demck McKey. LO an SI ngd   al Cont '  
. . . . . eg ract With Agent N rby W I rs  
DAN KRUECKEBERG McKey will miss his senior season and 1n all Q g O 8 tg  
_ Published weekly; SWL ILAPYH H llkglihggd bg 3 liisoiouiid NBA Soloolioo last week?" Claiborne said in the story. to see Diana Ross when she perlormed at  
_ Monthly: May, June. July. August *I-laving juniors Cris Carter (Ohio State d lxcgrqlii tOf_?h§ UK   Cgacgj Leganj Rupp Arena m March Ot 1986 HC also was  
Advertising Rcpmscmmvc receiver) and Lorenzo White (Michigan smc Bra el in. id 1 tmrpditd   tje 1nc1nnat1 given tickets and backstage passes to see  
WILDCAT NEWS COMPANY running back) under commu. enga s, sign wi a ters 1n anuary lQ86. Luther Vandross Lin Louisville and Atlantic 2 
2 2625 Rdgcnq Rddd *T ll_ l_ h _ 1 _u b b k _f It (unethical agents) ts one of the things Star in Cincinnati.  
, ` Lexington Kentucky 40503 th i mg aicfgtsf ?_" egg wl C TO Cm the coaching profession is combating," Before working with ath1etes,Walteis' lirm  
. Subscription Price L (TY Leave 8 ncl S Wm- · · Claiborne said. "When an agent comes in and was known primarily for its relationship with j 
V _ $2500 pdr year in USA   Neither Claiborne nor athletics director knowingly signs kids with eligibility remain- entertainers, including Patti LaBelle and Kool  
sasoa per year in Canaria § Cliff Hagan believe that UK w1ll be penaltz- mg, these people should not be trusted by any and the Gang.  
V ~ i Phonc;(606)278e3474   ed in any way by the NCAA. UK reported the player. I’ve told our players, ‘lf a person would "l like him," said Logan when asked about  
Ldmmsm Send Address Changes ld   incident to the NCAA the week before the cheat before, there’s a good possibility they’ll Walters. "I still like hint. He`s been good to  
L A rmt; Cars PAUSE, RO, Box 7297,   story appeared lh the local 1’l€WSp2ip€r. cheat after they Sign you.’ " me. I saw his operation. It seemed clean to  
· _ H Lexington, Kentucky 40522 2 L The kl;lCAAkknows—;vell, Lgssuripe they LOBes1des receiving money from Walters, me. He never offered me drugs or women or  
L i§§M,_Lm.,    _ . ,     .._. , _ ._._, , A  ‘ *now-t at we new not ing B. utt is unti gan was given tickets and backstage passes that stuff,"

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i   H B ` AZZA ndKetukyY71' S
A · There was a time when summer was for be competing with the exception of super another against several NBA stars in ing that it won’t take long for Eddie Sutton s ’
» _  the swimming hole, a day at the ole baseball junior Allan Houston of Louisville. Ford said Indianapolis. to realize he’s got the short end of the stick
V park and a time away from the rigors of a Houston was invited, but declined because The Indianapolis NBA battle will be Tues- because it’s obvious he has never witnessed a` ‘
l ` bouncing basketball or a popping ofthe pads, ` of a prior committment. day, July 28 at Market Square Arena. "lickets game in person at South Bend.
Q ‘ but not today. Games will be played throughout the day are $15 and Sll each plus a $2 per order If he had,'there’s no iway he’d agree for his
‘ As the world of sports broadens its horizon, and night on Friday and Saturday with the handling fee. The deadline for ordering home game to be in Freedom Hall and I don’t ·. ,
i each sport’s season continues to expand into championship game set for late Sunday tickets is July 1. information can be obtain- care how good that facility has been to UK » _
F a year-round mission. aftemoon. ed by calling any Ticketmaster or writing: over the years. To top that off, the other third
Take the next few weeks for example. Ofticiating for the tournament will be Pam Am Pro Am, Market Square Arena, 300 of the deal will tip it off in Indianapolis where
I _ ‘ The annual Kentucky—Indiana All-Star under the eyes of veteran NCAA referee Paul East Market Street, Indianapolis, Ind. 46204. the crowd is likely to be about 75 peroent anti-
» ; Classic stages its two—game series June 20 and Galvan. Some 200 college scouts and coaches information on the exhibition in Louisville UK. When was the last time either IU or UL · i _
¤ 1 , 27 (the first in Indianapolis and the second are expected for the three—day event. on Saturday, August l at Freedom Hall can fans rooted for Kentucky? i
; Q at Louisville’s Freedom Hall) where UK- be obtained by calling (502) 367-0265. This is one contract Eddie should have
  » bound Deron Feldhaus, John Pelphrey and * * * Tickets for the Louisville game will be $10 turned over to former Kentucky coach Joe B.
I . . Sean Sutton will compete against the likes of _ and $7 per person with a $3 handling charge. Hall for negotiating.
> ‘  IU-bound Jay Edwards and Lyndon Jones and If the Kentucky Prep All-Star Classic is the You can also write to Kentucky Fair & Ex- You gotta figure Notre Dame will have a
; UL·bound Jerome Harmon. ultimate in high school recruiting, then the position Center, Pan-Am Basketball Exposi- winning percentage that is as good, or maybe
> ` This could be one of strongest Indiana Pan American Games in Indianapolis later tion Tickets, RO. Box 37130, Louisville, Ky. even better, against UK in South Bend as the t .
t   teams in history and the Hoosiers should be this summer will be a must for the sefinus 40233. ’Cats will enjoy in Louisville. That would -  Y
- l an overwhelming favorite in both games. The basketball fan. leave the rubber game to be decided in the . ` _ _
; Indianapolis game should attract a near- By now, most of you know Kentucky guard * * * _ state of Indiana. And youcanbetW`1ldcat£a11s A ‘   °
l j sellout crowd Saturday. Rex Chapman (the only freshman to make the V _ ‘ A aren’t looking for another @500 series. `
v ‘ · It most likely will be a different situation roster) was selected along with U of L’s Per- While basketball continues to dominate the If Kentucky is willing to play its home ‘ » _
· _ (as far as attendance is concerned) when the vis, Ellison and lndiana’s Dean Garrett and . summer months, football is not leftout enQ game in Louisville, UK should have insisted { ‘
l ‘  games come to the south side of the Ohio Keith Smart to the team by Pan American tirely as the Kentucky football All-Stars will that ° Notre Dame play its home game 1 ° 
_ River. I coach Denny Crum of Louisville. , travel to Knoxville next month to take on the somewhere other than South Bend. That is l_
> p - Indiana officials are growing restless by the By now you also know there has been a l Tennessee All-Stars at Neyland Stadium on a decision UK will come to regret. And you
' day as the Kentucky half ofthe series con- 1 great deal ofcriticism as to how both the Han Q the University of Tennessee campus. { can bank on that.
tinucs to lag behind in both attendance and American and World University rosters were ` Our good friend Mark Dwyer at Tennessee   .
; A promotion of the series.   picked by the selection committees headed tells us that UT hopes to promote the game E * * * ’
r A Indiana promoters have been disappointed by Indiana coach Bob Knight. as the Vols staff did its Orange and White l —
_ F with the manner in which Kentucky officials Most vocal was Florida coach Norm Sloan spring game a year ago in breaking the all- On to a summer grab bag of notes. com- "·
I V have approached the games for years, and in- who watched helplessly as veteran guard Ver- I time spring game record. » ments and controversies around the world of i
i siders say the time to end the series could be non Maxwell was snubbed by both teams. I " Local businesses in the Knoxville area are sports in general. and the University of Ken-
'  very near if something isn`t done soon. Sloan charged that politics was the reason going all out to promote the events and a goal tucky in particular. ~
Those supporters of the game in Indiana that several Indiana players were picked to of 30,000 or so has been targeted for the *Wh€n Universit`, Of Virginia athletics
are particularly upset that Kentuckians have the two teams. game. director Richard Schultz Wagpicked [O SuC_
1 so little interest in the games that they Many Kentucky fans were surprised that Tickets will be Ion sale at the gate. Kick- cmd Vlhlter Byers as executive director Of
V couldn’t even get enough support to televise Chapman made the Pan American team with off for the contest is 7:30 p.m.. Saturday. July the National Collegiate Athletic ASSOCimiOn_
g the games. Crum being the boss. Really. it shouldnt have 18. The game will be carried on a statewide mam, heads were mmcd around the nation
g The g1rls’ game gets underway at 6 p.m. shocked anyone. radio network in Tennessee and the game can Thege were Some who thought the NCAA
Central "Eme with the boys` game to follow Everyone knows how hard Crum recruited also be heard over Radio Station WVLK in would mm to 3 person with a émng academic
in in the second contest. Chapman and Crum is well aware of the Lexington. A _ background to mn the Ship but {nsmad me
g fishbowl coaches live in. Chapman deserv- Just how successful the game is this year Selection Committee Called upon a man who
I . * * * ed the selection, but it’s doubtful he would in Knoxville could go a long way toward at one time coached in the U€nCh€S_ TO Sa`,
li have been denied the roster even if he had deciding the fate of future games according the Coaching profession applauded the Seleé ,
`Q The biggest basketball event of the sum- not been impressive during the tryouts. ‘to those close to the classic. It is patterned MOH would be the understatement ofthe yum
’ ’ A mer in the state. as far as high school Had Crum bypassed both Chapman and after the Kentucky—Indiana basketball classic *C I H _ _ W Sch,“ _ , . — 
·— recruiting is concerned, will be in Lexington teammate Ed Davender, it would have and ofncials have been pleased with the sup- I 9 ‘ al-Wy ' I el-‘ wmmlssloner
  July 3, 4 and 5 at Memérial Coliseum on the become a central issue when the Kentucky- port it gained during the two games at UK`s Ofthe Sqlthcastem Confcrcnca was the other A
  University of Kentucky campus. Louisville battle approached this winter. Commonwealth Stadium. cwnnahst Chosen before SYMRE was ngmcd .
  A l6—team AAU-type basketball tourna— Besides, I’m convinced Denny’s feelings However, the attendance was a major ? glue [OF;] pgiaxiy giggling thm? mo 23
  ` ment involving some of the top high school toward UK have softened considerably in the disappointment two years ago at Vanderbilt .m_ mS’ t B . , i { ne W aut want
  prep stars around the country will begin at past few years, especially since the two University in Nashville. Of course you know in 155 t°g_p°Sm?nT`t ats 3 man Ugh immg
  9 a.m. on July 3. schools now meet on an annual basis. And UT’s Big Orange fans want the world to know ca ers lp qua mes an A man “ O UOWS V
  Two Kentucky teams will be entered in the we all tend to mature a little as time moves which Tennessee city can best handle a foot- business'
  toumey. One team will be the club which just along. ball promotion. *I¤ the what g0€S around Comes afourld
  recently concluded a European trip, and the As far as the cries of "politics" are con- <>¤¥€g01'y· 100kS like $0¤lh€¤Sf€Y}'¤ C0¤f€Y€¤€€
E second Kentucky team will also include some cemed, you can bet it has a role in who is * * * football coaches are Enaliy Waking up. At the »
g of the state’s top underclassmen like Travis and who isn’t selected. It always has and \`€€€¤i ¤¤¤¤¤l m€€U¤gS }¤ D€Si1¤· Flaw. {00*
I Ford, Dan Hall and Kenny Smith. always will. It may not be fair, but that`s the Kentucky`s l98'/-88 basketball schedule bill! €0¤€h€S W€f€ S€€kl¤g WHYS Y0 return I0
But the really big names will be those com- way it is. should be released during the next few weeks fh€ Six-game |€8g11€ $€h€dUl€· For lh€ WST _
ing from far away states like California, It is ironic that some (no names but rhis and dom be surprised if Notre Dame isn`: several years. coaches were upset bewuse
I Mississippi, Colorado, Georgia, Indiana, man’s initials aren`t Denny Crum`s) who back on the card. this year for a date in ih€}’ Pl¤}’€d only Six l€‘¢1g¤€ opponents. ¤Y§¤· A F
S _ New Jersey and Tennessee, among other preach fairness and truthfulness find Louisville sometime in late January or img that ii did H0! detéfmihe H IMC Champion. _A
B states. themselves violating the same sermon they February. Th€y`v¢ Gflally realized that H 90 P¢Y¢€¤¥ Wi¤·
C l Shawn Kemp, the highly touted prepster so often preach. And for what it’s worth, If all goes as planned, the Kentucky—Notre ning P¢F€<>¤¥¤§€ (outside SEC`) will result in
out of Elkhart, Ind., will be competing as will Norm Sloan certainly struck the nail on the Dame classic will be alive and kicking, but {1 b€lf€f wonjloss f€€0td than $0 Defvérli (HS
n Califomia super pr