xt744j09wc22 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09wc22/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County) University of Kentucky Alumni Association 1929 v. : ill. ; 28 cm. Quarterly, Publication suspended 1922 and resumed with v. 1, no. 1 (May 1929); v. 5, no. 9 (May 1933) not published; issues for v. 37, no. 2-v. 40, no. 1 (spring 1966-spring 1969) incorrectly numbered as v. 38, no. 2-v. 43, no. 1; v. 40 (1969) complete in 3 no. journals  English [Lexington, Ky. : University of Kentucky Alumni Association, Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Kentucky alumnus University of Kentucky. Kentucky alumni 2002- Kentucky alumnus monthly Kentucky alumnus, vol. 05, no. 01, 1929 text Kentucky alumnus, vol. 05, no. 01, 1929 1929 1929 2012 true xt744j09wc22 section xt744j09wc22   ij .
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· I , If you are not an active member of the Alumni Associa-  
tion prove your loyalty by sending in your check for $3.00  
i _ · for one year.  
I I 1 will make you an active member for life It The money is  
 I placed in a perpetual trust fund and the interest alone  
 I- is used.  
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  mvers1ty ol Kentucky . gl  :    , 
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,2,};  Published by the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky `.   f i  i
  —»L»—;._*__ .E_- +___ I Pill i i'  5
  Volume 1 NOVEMBER, 1929 Number 5       Vl,;   l
  RAYMOND L. K1RK,·z4   A I
  ‘ VF  l {
  Editor and Manager ‘·.r``  °’ l i
was ’ ·  
  Marguerite McLaughlin, ’03 - Helen King, ’25   .   Z
  Wayman Thomasson, ’30 f rr  
  3 i`    ll?.  .
  Dr. Garrett Davis Buckner, ’08, President       ,
  Sarah G. Blanding, ’23, Vice-President _   1
 , ‘ Raymond L. Kirk, ’24, Secretary-Treasurer g v_    
  fat · I   r l
  W, C, Wilson, ’13 Dr, George H. Wilson, ’O4 Dr. E. C. Elliott, ’02  
  Lulie Logan, ’13 Wyland Rhoads, ’15 ·  
  Walter Hillenmeyer, ’11 E; .  
  _r___IrA.- A------L--E-.E_  
  Oiiicial organ of the Alumni Association of the University of Kentucky.    
  ‘ Published monthly, except ]u1y and August, by the Alumni Association .   V
  of the University of Kentucky, at Lexington, Kentucky —   E
  Entered as Second Class Matter at the Postoiiice at Lexington, Kentucky,  
  May 22, 1929, under the Act of March 3, 1879  

 l 5 if A C .  
i ‘l - e
    Qj   See l"lOlT1€COII1ll'1g Game j 
  `· V Blinding Snow Storm Fails to Dampen Enthusiasm of Vast Crowd When  , Atl
  ° Kentucky Outplays Tennessee to Tie Them With * 
‘   Six to Six Score  
l K   Approximately 20,000 persons sat through an opening whistle blew standing room was being   Tl
J . § I almost blinding snowstorm on Thanksgiving day sold at the gates. This will give some idea of the   gm?
J   V to watch the Wildcats of the University of Ken- huge crowd that saw the thrilling contest.   Ce?
VQ   * Z tucky outplay the Tennessee Volunteers in every Tennessee came to Lexington with a record that   0 e
it   department of the game, only to be held back from no team in the South can equal. They have been   llslll
  V   national fame by a six to six tie at the end. It undefeated for three years. They had been tied   C ill
¢ ~   V was the homecoming game for Alumni of the Uni- but once and that time by Kentucky in 1928. They   {
Y _ Q V - versity and they made up a goodly portion of the were supposed to beat Kentucky by at least three   Wl
j eV   V . t ·. largest crowd ever to witness a football game in touchdowns. In fact most of their supporters   reel
‘  c ; ‘ I Kentucky. were too sure of this.   ee?
l   l K l I The inclemency of the weather did not dampen AS eel` elle gellle lteelt It Wee el eleeelej The   jug
j -   ' the spirits of these Alumni. It only served to in- Seete le by me meets en llleleellell of elle llllle el   phat
° l crease their enthusiasm for the best football team eeetleell that llle Wlleeelle pleyee· Tlley were e"‘   Witt
  ” V which the University has had for years. They ellylltllele ell the llllle‘ There Wee ellly eee eX‘  . fort
F E were loud in their praise for Captain Covington eeptlen and thee Wee Wllell Deee¤ elle Superb Tell‘   any
.   $ and his team mates who held themighty Tennes- neeeee qeertetbeele tllleew e lone Dees to Heele   Con.
 . =   see team to a tie and who outplayed them to a de- mem lllelll teuehdewn eee Tllle ness teek them   u ha
t I U gree that is hard to believe in face of the evenness from elle Center ef the field te Kenteekyle tmlee‘   out
* I ot- tho Sooho _ yard line and paved the way for their touchdown   not
C F   l     ' d fg d f       the Score-   tOuCl'lldOW]`] Cafng lgtg  
I g - Unigégliggggatieizglit g;_l;l;;1;‘rl;C luéxlgyes Ohomg in the final quarter when they were throwing pass   the
I = _ _ after pass.   l e
V X t Ioluetgignogitivpgspogyigi guiorgiggiieg;p1t1;;uinH;;§ Kentucky surprised not only Tennessee but a   gglle
l . t time after time some ardent Alumnus would be- gree -milQ1y O hel fogellfrs l’y_§?‘llll“§ lllf1°ll§l‘ .;  I. A
i l l ‘ moan the fate that made Captain Covington’s kick stile lglh 6 §em€’ gv flc _eeeOl lll? 0Ke tlllkes it  are
i · t . . . , s ou ave een a en v - .   ‘
  T tjgltgxggilggtggjuecigly mist the eel which would The first two pa-sd; mititeglfiea §Zltmt`iZgl§uZi   eine
Y   I l g _ _ y   Vl ery' _ _ between Covington and Dodd. In this department   celll
  V   V C10; Thahks1g1v;ngdn1ght·th<;1LeX1n1gt0n Alunnnl · of the game Dodd seemed to out—punt Covington   Wlle
    i _Hll wish es e tec ilneieén t e Bi; etl;e·2)l0]g’u1ld‘ and from a standpoint of actual yardage succeed-   ;;ll‘
l i l l g* W e Weee en e Y mere an » Pet"' ed. However, Captain Covington was placing his   l ll
_ up — sons.V Here agam the spirit of the Kentucky fol- punts so that tho famous MoEVo1. Could hot to   Pte}
-· L loweis asserted itself. The members of both the ooivo thom_ In doing this he Suotiuood yardage ga  lei
t · Kentucky and Tennessee football squads were the for accuracy   V10}
g guests of honor and a large number of visitors The gamol was u tribute to Kohtuok » .   tim·
_ ys gieat  
V V V_ fiom Tennessee also were present. line_ They allowed but two first downs to the vit-   iielll
 V _ V Seats for the Thanksgiving game were so much itors,'one of these resulting from the long forward   pig
._  m demand that Several W€§>kS b€f01‘€ the game It pass in the fourth quarter. The famous ball-can Vj iet  l
g i was apparent that the stadium would by no means rying combination of Hackman and McEver WHS   ll
  V , hold; the crowd that wanted to see the contest. S. thrown for losses time after time and their gains   tllee
i A. Daddy Boles began to plan to use bleacher through the line and around the ends were he1d‘¤0   lll l
  · i seats itlone endloilthe ileldh Thgse seat? also were a minimum. In all they advanced the ball but S€V·   iid
  I i I _ soon a cen an en e ace a rea problem. enty-eight yards and more than forty of this WHS   e
  r ; Dleacher seats were rented, borrowed and begged a result of the one long pass which they complet   out
o » V VV V fi om every available place, extra field boxes were ed, In running plays they advanced but twentY·   , ille
 t t · V · stretched along the c1nder track which surrounds nine yards and lost from these plays fifteen y2r1`dS·   fll l
»· ‘ the field. Finally 3,000·extra bleacher seats were Kentucky fared much better. The total ya1·cl2¥g€   lOl
 e V I . boiiowed from the University of Tennessee and gained was 246 and twenty of these were the 1‘€‘   mel
I     V shipped here for the game. By the time that the (Continued on Page Fifteen)   me

 · no . t hi
 g K E N T U C K Y A LU M N U s . 5     _.
r  Centre Dropped From Schedule    
n  V Athletic Council Decides to Sever Relations With Praying Colonels; Eligi-     . 
 » bility Rules and General Policy Causes Action by         T
j. . Members of Board  ri,     Q 
lg  -     Of       made                    i    
me  _ gi meeting following the annual football game with the Board of Trustees of the University and the    i  Q
. Centre on October 26, decided to drop the Praymg approval of a number of prominent Alumni    ; -  {
at  A (jolonels from the 1930 football schedule. The an- throughout the state.     l
Em ` p A._c nouncement was made. by Dr.   D. Funkhouser, The University of Kentucky is the only team in        
Bd  if chairman of the counc1l,follow1ng the meeting. Kentucky which is a member of the Southern ii    {
p It was decided that the University of Virginia Conference. It has the largest student body in ifl    E
By  V will take the place of Centre on the schedule next the state and naturally has more men from which       l
Ee  ’ year, The game will be played on Stoll field on to draw a football team. Several years ago it be-   i_"il.,   E
JS v  October 25. gan to drop the other teams in Kentucky from its p .     i. j
he  y In the statement issued by the Council announc- schedule, retaining only Centre College because of j · B     l
` T ing its decision in the matter, one point was em- the sentiment and historic background attached    T @1*    I j
ff  . phasized. The discontinuation of the annual game to this one game. It was not fair to the other   5Y.i’i?» ·-‘·  if  i ; 
gl- .  · with Centre was a move to further Kentucky’s ef- smaller institutions in the state to discriminate   »   . ~
gx-   forts in the Southern Conference and not due to against them in this manner. The proposition   .;   if i
   Q any unfriendliness between the two schools. The has been before the Athletic Council for the last      iv 
“ -  i Centre game broke into the Wildcats’ schedule at few years. r       p_ 
gl; ~  i a bad place, While they were D1”eD3~l`ihg f0l` ilhP0l`t· It is the consensus of opinion among Alumni, -     i t
Wn .   ant games in the conference of Whleh Cehtfe was students and friends of the University that this      
ate   not a member. move is a wise one and that in the years to come         1
ass V   Another diiiculty in playing Centre arose fr0m° will prove to be beneiiicial to both the University if     fi   E 
 li the eligibility rule in force there as opposed to the and to Centre College.        ij 
t R  ?i rules laid down by the officials of the Southern A copy of the resolutions passed by the Athletic      
my fi  Conference. Centre, which is a member of the S. Council upon·mak1ng·1ts decisionfolowsz   ,3; ¤    
des   I. A. A., is allowed to play men on their teams who The Athletic Council of the University of Ken-   ri it    
k p__.   are graduates from junior colleges. This is not tucky formally adopted the following resolution i. fg.; ..pt,    
[ui; ‘ Q  allowed in the Southern Conference, neither are in- connection with its action regarding the game      
ent .  - conference teams allowed to play other teams With Celltfe College. ·      
ton  rg where this is allowed. This condition gave rise to "It is with much regret that the necessity for I      ; _1  1
,€d_  ._ €0hSiderable difficulty this year Just before the rearranging the football schedule makes it lI`I1])0S-      g_p· _é,l
his ` _i  . game with Centre. They refused to agree not to sible to continue the long and very pleasant rela-   l = ‘  
1.€_ ,i‘  C Play theee men and by playing the team with Juli- tionships with Centre College. It desires to place , l r - gg  ip 
age pi  lor college graduates in its lineup Kentucky was on record the fact that this action is entirely a   ‘  
y   Violating the Southern Conference rules. For a matter of general athletic policy and is in no sense g i tf , 
wm iii  time it looked as if the game would have to be occasioned by a spirit of dissatisfaction or un- ~ V;  
§iS_ .1  cancelled. However, the Southern Conference of- friendliness. · ,» ·   fj . »
'ard   llelals made an exception in this one case since the "The council therefore wishes Centre College an   E `   f _
can  _, Preparations already had been made. interesting development of its own athletic rela-       ·
was I  .- ln dropping the Centre team from our sched- tionships and a continuance of its fine spirit oi _p       ~
grins J  C, ules the Athletic Council and the University came loyalty and devotion on the part of its students, . l ·.·    g
d to iv  ih for considerable criticism from Centre alumni alumni and administrative Oi-f1C€1`S. gi,    i
Sew A i .·  tlhfl friends of that institution, In some instances Ulf the UH1VerSltY of Kehttlcky eXD€€t$ to l`€‘    
was ‘ i`  the criticism was so strong as to be entirely with- ceive the recognition in the`Southern Conference ._.p   ii 
om. pf  Out foundation or cause. It was not the desire of which we bel1eve It deserves, it will. be forced tt; l   ·> 
ity.   the Athletic Council or the University of Kentuc- schedule more Conference and mtersectlgona g    
u.dS_   ` ky to belittle the strength of the Centre teams or games and drop some games which have no- eaié    
rage  g fl‘0m a feeling of fear of them. It was entirely a ing on conference standing. The Un1ve1s1ty·o _   E} jp
Q   -   matter of athletic and administrative policy, aim- Kentucky is the only institution in the state which _ S .p._.   3;} 
- I  his at benefiting the University. The move was (cehtlhuefl Oh Paso -l-“’€lltY·°“€) i   ii  l  1
.   in

g v €&H O1'I1&S O€ OOp€I' r of i
    D Th P C   N
A   . tion
Q Head of College of Agriculture and Director of University Experiment Sta`  i it it
  . tion and Agricultural Extension Work Is Nationally Known  T ky l
  Farm Leader Q  mac
» 1   _ (By Helen King) is now under construction. Both Agricultural Ex- I ig· 
j ? To appreciate the quality of work of his asso- periment Sub-Stations, at Princeton and Quick- VT 
r ? ciates and to commend it according to its merits, sand, have been established, the one at Princeton of 
- - . is the happy faculty possessed by Thomas Poe consisting of more than 5,000 acres and the Rob-  
    Cooper, Dean of the College of Agriculture at the inson Sub-Station comprising approximately 15,- if 
  l University of Kentucky, and director of the Uni- 000 acres. The size of the Experiment Station ..·,i  ,
  _ j . versity Experiment Station and of Agricultural farm has more than doubled, and a new Poultry  
? ·   ' Extension. plant has been constructed in recent years.  
Q _. I In replying to a question from the writer, as New departments have been put into operation  
Q to the phenomenal growth and expansion of the under Dean Cooper’s leadership, including a de- {rf,
l Q many departments under his direction, Dean partment of Agricultural Economics, a depart-    '`
{ ~ D Cooper smilingly placed the burden of honor on ment of Rural Marketing and Rural Finance, and  
 l the men who work under him, indicating that the a department of Agricultural Engineering. A  
high type of mentality apparent in the men in the Creamery License and Tester law has been inaug-  
; College of Agriculture, and their unceasing edorts urated, together with a Nursery Inspection Bu-  
c E to further the development of experiment and re- reau and a Plant Pathology department. Great  
9 ‘ search, have placed the University of Kentucky development has been evidenced in the Home Ec-  
 _ . l I College of Agriculture upon the high plane educa- onomics department and also in the departments  
tionally on which it rests today. · of Genetics, Poultry and Animal Husbandry.   _
_ » Dean Cooper was born in Pekin, Illinois, but re- Since 1902 Dean Cooper has been almost Con-  
  ceived his grammar and high school education in` thlually €0¤h€€t€d With th€ F€€l€i`El Depnftmsnt  
l · tho sohools of North Dakota, in Whioh State he of Agriculture in several different capacities, hav-    _`
 l lived until he was ready for college. He then en- hlg served during th€ Dust Y€9·1` as 3- m€mh€1‘ of  
. I i tered the School of Agriculture of the University tht? Cummlttss lh the DGP?-Ytméht of Ag1'l0\1lt¤l‘€   ‘
· of Minnesota and later the College of Agriculture for this study of tht? M€dlt€l'1`3ll€El1 F1`ult Fly Sit-  
l l of the same school, and received his Bachelor of notion lh Fl0l`ld3·  
y Science degree in Agriculture from there. In 1925-26 he served as Chief of the Bureau of  
. l S · During his undergraduate days, Dean Cooper Agricultural Economics for the United States De-  
I l | was a member of the Alpha Zeta, honorary agri- partment of Agriculture, and before and since  
Y   T   i cultural fraternity, and Acacia, social fraternity, that time has served on several different commit-  
_   i A and was actively interested in many other stu- tees, including the committee to determine on an  
’ dent activities on the Minnesota campus. organization of economic work in the Federal De-  
i In 1917 Thomas Poe Cooper was appointed Dean partment of Agriculture.  
· of the College of Agriculture of the University of Beside his undergraduate eiriiietiehs, Dean  
_ Kentucky,   the 3,ddI.tIOII3.l dl1tl€S of dlI`€ClQOI` Cooper is at l·l··l€n*lb€l_· of the Farm Economics Asso.  
_ of the Experiment station end director of Agri- eietieh, the Ameiieeh Aeeeeieiieh for the Ad-  
  i enltnr-el Extension- At the time of his appoint- veiieemeht er Science, Epeiieh sigme Phi, hem-  
Q ‘ ment to the UulVel`sltY of Kentnekyi Deen COOPQY ary agricultural fraternity, and the Kentucky  
·>  was connected with the North Dakota Agricultur- Aoodomy of Soiohoo   .
 ‘ I al EXp€mm€nt_Statllm‘ He has written numerous bulletins, reports,  
j  l Since assumlhg his duties st the UlllV€i'sltY of circulars and addresses on agricultural topics, in-  
l . Kentucky, the College of Agl`leultul`€ has almost cluding a series of seven bulletins for the state of  
 » trebled its personnel, it has increased considerably Mhmosoto oh farm and labor plroblems in that ri:·    
    in site, and its activities have increased in several stoto lh his long list of Writings are included   rl
  I definite lllleS· three articles for the United States Department   tlle
  . During Dean Cooper’s administration as head of Agriculture, Bureau of Statistics, concerning   wlt
  . of the College, a fine Stock Judging Pavilion has the cost of producing Minnesota farm and dairy   tab
‘ been constructed, meat laboratories have been in- products and the organization of research and   the
L 1 stalled and a combined office and dairy building teaching farm management.   ed
· F .i.  

 ; i'
l 2
Not only in physical equipment has the College ture are all proof of the vital influence for good
of Agriculture developed during the administra— which Dean Cooper has exercised in developing i
tion of Dean Cooper, but in an intangible manner that important unit of University service. V
I- V it has woven inself into the fabric of the Kentuc— Because of the cooperation of the people of the i
ky farmer’s everyday life, to an extent that has state of Kentucky and the splendid attitude they  
made its influence far-reaching and definite. have assumed in regard to the Experiment Sta- l
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[ded The €l€V€lOpment of the- many iields of research tion in particular, the College Of'Ag`1'lCLlltlll`€ has T
ient that come under its organization. the standing been an important factor in the increasing devel-
iing with which the Experiment Station has been es- opment of the natural resources ot the state, the
airy tablished in the hearts of Kentucky people and better living conditions of its people and the pres-
and the public interest evident in the attitude assum— tige which the University of Kentucky maintains
°(l by the entire staff of the College of Agricul— in the minds and hearts of its people. l

   Gt l —
t Lk ,1 _  l
 .     i` 3 KENTUCKY ALUMNUS . `  '
i ~ H · .
    A t nd Sciences Colle e K Ship
3   I S a g  l er ui
._ i LQ` · _ { demi
3   c Dean Paul P. Boyd Writes First of a Series of Articles on the Diderent  . or tt
 ` i. 3 _ Colleges Which Will Appear in Alumnus Each . In
·   _ Month i ha?
_ ,   Com
  3 l By Paul P. Boyd   `menl
I   . A It is difficult to select material for a short re- "I certainly am glad that I’m a Virginian.  _ t24‘
L   l port like this, written to alumni and former Stu- But then everybody seems to be loyal to his   ggi
. Q   , dents. You are interested both in the personal native state. Why, there’s Boyd; he’s even  gi a
[ i   A Y.- l side of the college and also in the material and proud of Arkansas!" j_,  Kast
it 7   educational phases that can in some cases be stat- ~ These three grand old men ofthe College of   {jet
5     ed only in the form of statistics. But personal Arts and Sciences have discontinued their active if  Ou?
  i   . items come first, and if there is any space left af- service in_the College and we miss them immense- ~ j  mill
2 .   . . ter them, you will get some statistics. ly, and many of you, their former students, will gf  Wguh
·     . The outstanding occurence of last June was the feel the loss and perhaps have the thought that   gi XV,
i i   A retirement, under our new rule, of three of Oll1` old the College cannot be the same nor your interest   _C
{   ‘iii r and well-beloved professors. It was the first time and affection for her so strong hereafter. But it   em
T C · that anyone so far as I know had been required to seems to me that the opposite should be true.   mm]
· { 3 retire before the "last call" or before the iniirmi— They have lived long and usefully and generations   CT?
l ties of age had made retirement absolutely nec- of you students have loved them and respected   p_€ 3
V ·   3 essary. The automatic rule, however, is recogniZ— their scholarship and caught the messages of their   irc
    I T ed by all as good, even though once in a While it lives and work. You would not, and could not if   mi
  5 I 3 I cuts some one of who is not yet through, mentally you would, prove false to the debt you owe them,   ed it
i Y i or physically. nor fail to see that the only way that you can pay   emo
i E - Professor M. L. Pence, of the Physics depart- your debt is by living up to their standards and   dehtl
3 ment, had taught at the University since 1878- by staying true to the institution which they loved   brim
3 Q , . a long and honorable career. He is now living in and served. Obey that impulse! Write to them!   med
k l . Lexington busylllg lllHlS€lf with WI`llYlHg all ac" Ong Other mg;] has pggggd, not only flsgm the   A]
I 3 _ » count of the early dayS of the University and college scene, but also from that of the old earth’s   mt]
.   Working 011 Physical and maliemallcal Projects in hills and valleys which he understood as did few   of O,
  t — E which he has always been éldepll others in Kentucky. Professor A. M. Miller was   Ship
  ‘ Dr. J. W. Pryor, of the Anatomy and Physiology buried a few weeks ago in his boyhood home in   by lz
  ` department, is here and hearty at seventy-three Ohio. An emeritus professor for the last ten   me
s   i l years, happy and enthusiastic as of old. He is still years, he had been living in the South, where his   qw.,
·   _ l y working on his ossiiication problems and is still interest in science and adairs of public interest    ,.» leadj
-       intensely interested in his former students, in the never iiagged. He was a scholar of great ability   ulty
7 ’ 3 present group of premedics, and in the develop- and industry. He knew Kentucky geology in gen-   tl-av.
i T ment of his old department. His hosts of friends eral and in particular. He was a specialist, but at   N,
A l · everywhere are wishing many more years with the same time he had a breadth of scientific know-   Gd, I
— l the best yet to be. ledge that seems to become rarer in these days of   greg
i Professor Glanville Terrell, of the Philosophy intense specialization. He was a valiant fighter   thirt
, · department, had only twenty years at the Univer- for freedom of thought and the inalienable right   cour
. sity before attaining the honor of seventy years, of our youth to know the truth as it appears to   Stud
  ‘ but in that time he made a unique place for him- the unshackled mind.   cgagj
 . h I self in the University family. Interesting always You older students will remember Professor   M,
5 l · A in his conversation, with one of those universal Miller, because of his intrinsic human worth and   Cons
, minds that finds nothing human foreign to his because of his contributions to your mental life-   Stud
, `   1·ange of interests. He has returned to his be- So the old order changes here in our beloved   men
‘ - » I . ` loved Virginia (Louisa), built himself a den out college and we are sad. But the old is succeeded   digg
S l 3 ` under the trees, where he will spend many happy by a new day that is full of interest and inspire-   uppe
g . 3     3 hours talking to his friends, reading everything tion and hope. Under the masterly hand of our   mort
i ** _ under the sun, and writing on certain matters for President and the loyal, progressive support of   class
S ` the benefit of the University. By the way, he re- our Board of Trustees and the increasing friendll·   deps
· marked to Professor Gillis last summer: ness and liberality of the public-spirited citiZe¤·   perf
~ a   itil 

 ~  A K E N T U c K Y A L U M N U s 9   ~v`    ·
— J  
 . ship of Kontuckyi W9 have been moving with rath- satisfactory students and of our faculty advisory     ·
‘?  er un€XP€€t€d SD€€d toward the place in the aca- system, these should be mentioned to indicate that        
Q  demic sun that rightly belongs to the University the faculty is "on the job" and ambitious to give ii 
Q  L of the State of Kentucky. the best service possible, to the end that Kentucky   *
 g In spite of the continued budding process which may have an Arts College "equalled by few, sur-       S 
has given birth to the Colleges of Education and passed by none."   I 
 g, 1 Commerce we are increasing in size. Our enroll- Nor do we forget that we are doing an import-   A  ~ ;
; 'ment this fall is 1087 and our faculty numbers ant work for the other Colleges of the University.    
A 124. Our class-work is carried on in the old build- You know in a general way how large a service     E
¥  ings that all of you know, Administration, White that is, but do you realize the actual dimensions      Q    
 A Hall ("Old Dorm"), Neville Hall ("New Dorm"), as shown by the following figures? During the    Y',   
A2  Kastle Hall, Civil and Physics, Men’s Gymnasium, second semester of 1927-28 the enrollments of stu-  ig   Y ty  i
Af ° Natural Science, Alumni Hall. Art and music are dents instructed in the College of Arts and        
G A housed in the comparatively new Art Center, over Sciences and the colleges from which they came li  i‘»`i·  Y Y1  g
_  ~ near the former "Consolidated Baptist Church," were as follows: (Here each student is counted   f   
  A while mathematics, English, journalism, philoso- once for each Arts and Sciences class he took).       p A
At  A phy and sociology have found quarters in the new College of Agriculture 582; College of Engineer- l A   'A   i _ _
At   McVey Hall. We hope to be given the oldAEduca- ing 1524; College of Education 1107; College of V     ‘
it A A`  tion Building when the new Education Building is Commerce 858; Graduate School 219; College of All Aj     j A, E
Q completed on Upper Street, opposite the mam Arts and Sciences 5770. Thus the instruction Ai;   Q  _°  2 · I
B'   campus. We will profit greatly, too, by the com- load of the College for other colleges and schools F ;`}§A_A it  i  _
IS   pletion of the fine new library building now being of the University was 4290, while for her own ii" is . Q   .
td i·  erected just north of the Civil and Physics Build- students it was 5770.      ·‘ ` H
   A ing. The new Memorial Chapel near the Agricul- There! I did succeed in working oif some fig-    ri?   
It _—  ture Building, facing Limestone, has already prov- ures on you before you realized it. I wish I could     f .
n’  . ed its great worth in contributing to the comfort, give you an account, next, of a very interesting it    
ty Ai;  enjoyment and edification of our faculty and stu- study we have made of the class of 1929. But I     {tg   
ld  ` dents. Our large increase in attendance this Fall have already exceeded the bounds set for me by        Q Y
Hi ‘  I. brings appreciably nearer the time when we shall Mr. Kirk and I must dis-"obey that impulse."        
n`  ¥ need other buildings for the College work. And so adieu! Don’t get the idea that we have     A;  j ·
*8 I j And progress other than the material sort is forgotten you here on the campus, and don’t be-      
Us Q  not lacking. There has been a remarkable growth lieve for a moment that we have lost interest in it ii, i"   'i° 
’W   of our graduate work under the efficient leader- you or your progress toward happiness and use-     1 1+;  t .
as   ship of Dr. Funkhouser. This is retarded of course fulness. Teachers such as we have here are not }        
in r by lack Of library and other facilities, but already that sort! Forgive us whatever mistakes we made ‘ * Eg'. if   _° 
Bf]   five or six of our departments have met the re- in our efforts to help you educate yourselves and A A i{A§,A    
us  A. quirements and have been approved for work let’s from now on remember only the good that i   4i'·· ,'    
*St A 1 leading to the Adoctorate. The training of the fac- was to be found so abundan