xt744j09w93j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt744j09w93j/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1918-03-mar20-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-03-mar20-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1918-03-mar20-ec. 1918 1918-03-mar20-ec. 2011 true xt744j09w93j section xt744j09w93j 


                       UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY

                           MIARCH 20, 1918.

       The Executive Cormmnittee of the University of Kentucky

ret on the above mentioned date in the office of President McVey

.wi th Chairman Nichols . Dr. M.arks, Mr. McKee and Mr. Johnston

Of the Committee and President MAicVey and Enoch Grehan, Secretary


       The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was

dispensed with.

       The report of the Business Agent for the month of Pebruary

was read and ordered filed. The report of the Business Agent,

including summary but exclusive of details, with the action of

the Board on recommendations cont ined therein, follows:

                                      March 20, 1918.

President F.L .McVey
The Executive Comnittee;-

                   FINANCIAL REPORT

       Financial Report for February 1918 is filed, Exhibit No. 1.

                   MULLIGAN PROP3RTY

       On the advice of Combs Lumber Company I informed the
Phoenix and Third Trust Company that it was advisable to have
additional insurance on the Mulligan dwelling, amounting to
$5,000. Mr. McDovwell said the insurance would be taken out at
once. Mr. Smith of the Combs Lumber Company values the property
now at 420,000.00. The total insurance now is ;11, 500.



         The barn was sold as directed for $85.00, The money
 has been received and the barn removed.


         The total placed to the University credit by the State
 Auditor on half cent tax to March 16th is $57,587.09. Our
 estimate for this year is $59,500. Upon examination of the
 Auditor's accounts with the bookkeeper it appears probable that
 the ,amount collected would have reached the amount of our estimate
 by June 30th, had not the law..-been changed.  Then as E is to 14,
 so $2,000 (approximate) is to amount yet to be received, or-
 $7,000o00, that is under the new law the University will probably
 receive $5,000 for this year in addition to the estimate of half
 cent tax.


         I recommend that the salary of Miss Ruby Stivers, who is
 now acting a.s Secretary and Bookkeeper in the Business Office, be
 raised from $60.00 to $75.00 per month, beginning March 1st. The
 increase is deserved, and there are sufficient funds in the
 Business Agent's budget to meet the raise. Referred to President
 McVey and Business Agent for action)

                           FLAG POLE

         A Mr. Hart who painted the flag pole in 1916, agrees to
  take the pole down at the second joint, and cut off the bent part
  and replace the remaining part for $45.00. He asks that we have
  the threads cut. I am reporting this as Captain Royden is very
  anxious to have the pole straightened. (Authorized).

                        S U M M A R Y


                    February 28th, 1918.
       Sche-                                   Bal.on      Balance
fund   dule Estimated Receipts     Expenses     Hand       Available
                         Detail-l-  67 693.43
3en.Fd.  1 224,299.15 162,439.84   133,060.09 (38313.68)  23,545.63
,S.Fd.   2  256,386.o6 173,488.16  147,839.19  25648.97  108,546.87
.yt.Fd.  3  101,491.09 94,033.02     73,539.40  20493.62   27,951.69
r:ust i. 4  21,548.20  17,530.83   14,384.29   3146.54    7,163.91

            603,724.-50 447,49177  436,516.40 10,975.45  167,208.10


D .HPeak


      ,President McVey made an oral report regarding pf-greP , on

the President's house.  He said that selection had been made of

lighting fixtures and grates for the residence now being improves

on the Mulligan grounds.  President McVey submitted plans for a

garage which contemplated servants quarters in connection there-

wih.  After discussion of the plans, on motion of Dr. Marks

seconded by Mr. McKee, President McVey was authorized by unanimous

vote to proceed with the erection of the garage in accordance with

the plans submitted.

       The President suggested that plans be considered for im-

provement of the campus and asked for authority to take the matter

up with some landscape designer qualified to do the work. On

motion of Mr. McKee seconded by Mr. Johnston, the Committee

adopted resolution authorizing President McVey to select a designer

to map out plans for improvement of the campus and submit them

together with estimate of cost to a subsequent meeting of this


       With reference to the item, Y.M.C.A. building, President

McVey asked that the Committee authorize him to get in communication

with the Rockefeller fund and ascertain what steps the University

would have to take to get help from this fund in establishing upon

the grounds a Y.M.C.A. building. He said in this connection that

the University had been in communication some years before with the

Rockefeller interests to this end. He desired to take the matter

up again and ascertain what might be done toward establishing a

Permanent and ample home on the grounds for this important work.

       Mr. Johnston moved that the President be authorized-Ito enter

into such communication and report to a later meeting of the



Committee. Doctor Marks seconded the motion which was udcr.-e.

by unanimous vote.

       Concerning the item, Public Health-Laboratory, Presidenn

McVey reported recent action of the Legislature in this ma".ter

He said that the bill adopted by the Legislature provided that the

laboratory work of the Board of Health should be done by the

University. In that event he said the University would have to

provide quarters for this work and-.he tho.,it.'wvsalllhe the

Committee was considering the matter as the law is to go into

effect July 1l

       On motion duly seconded, the Executive Committee author-

ized President McVey to ascertain what the University would be

expected to do to meet the requirements of the Public Health Bill.

       Dr. McVey reported that complaint had been made that

night prowlers had been seen recently upon the grounds and about

the buildings of Patterson Hall and that the Board of Control, of

Patterson Hall suggested the protection of a night watchman. He

said that he believed that such watchman would be necessary and

that his duties should comprise also certain rounds on the campus

of the University.

       On motion of Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. McKee the

President was authorized to employ a night watchman temporarily

at a salary of $50 a month.

        The following matters were *disposed of by the Executive

Committee as indicated herein:

        Leave of absence to Doctor Blumenthal for the period of the
war without pay. Doctor Blumenthal has been drafted for war

Appointment of J.J.Flocken, student assistant in assaying,


a;; 15o 00 a month., effective March 1, 1918.  (Ap pr c- God  

       Application of Mr. Arch L. Hamilton for renting ba~rt
located on the -Van Meter place which is now rented 'y the j.::pe-
_ient. Station. He wishes to rent the barn for the storage  
tJbarCo, from September 1 to January 1. Dean Cooper recomnmInrd~d
%.-{fvorable action.. (Dean Cooper authorized to enter into SA1CK
-.ease of the barn as he deemed proper).

       Application of Dr. J.J.Tigert for leave of absence fcr one
reD r, as Head of the Department of Psychology, wit hout pay.

       Increase in salary for Dr. Pontius, from $1,800 to 4$2,0003
effective January 1, 1918. (Approved)

       Appointment of Mlr.- J.W.Lindsay, student assistant in
Chemistry, at $2000 a month, effective February 1, 1918. (Approved).
       Appointment of Mfr. `WiE.Rhoads, student assistant in
Ch-nemistry, at $10.O0 a month, effective March 1, 1918. (Approved).

       Increase in salary for Miss Carrie Bean, from $6o to $75 a
month.. (Referred to President McVey with power to act).

       Appointment of Miss Aline B. Proctor, stenographer in the
Stenographic Bureau, at a salary of $5 .00 a month, effective
I arch 5, 1918. (Approved).

       Increase,in salary for Miss Kate McDaniel, clerk, Department
cf Horticulture, from 50 to $60 a month, effective April 1, 1918.

       Doctor Marks reported to the Committee that as he would

1e compelled to enter the service of the Government with the Barrow

Unit March 31,.it would be necessary for him to surrender editor-

shin of the University Alumnus, the journal of .the Alumni Associa-

tion, to other hands. He said he was aware that there was

objection to the placing of the editorship of this journal-in the

hands of any one in the active employment of the University, but

that, in this emergency he desired the Committee to give its

sanction for Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, instructor in the Depart-

ment of Journalism, to take up the work in his absence. He said



ohe had been assisting in the work heretofore ancit )rl     .-

so acceptably he was satisfied that she was the be    -.i. i..d

person in the Alumni Association to handle the work i   o.'.


       Upon recommendation of Doctor Marks and uPoir his mroion

seconded by. Mr. :dcKee, the Committee gave its sanction to A

appointment- of Miss McLaughlin as editor of the Alumnus in the

absence of Doctor Marks.

        The following recommend.ttions made by Thomas P. Cooper,

Dean of the College of Agriculture and Director of the Experiment

Station, were approved by the Executive Committee


       Iviss Daisy Dryden, stenographer to fill the vacancy
       created by the resignation of Miss Lena Hottes. Appoint-
       ment to take effect March 1, 1918 at a salary of $60 a

       Miss Helen Wilson stenographer, Extension Division, to
       succeed Miss Lillian Lisle, resigned. Effective February
       1, 1918 at a salary of $60 a month.

       Mrs. Marie Allison. clerk assistant to District Agent
       Nelson at Hopkinsviille, Ky. to succeed Elizabeth Rich,
       resigned.  For five months, effective February 1, $30 a


        J.W.Worthington, County Agent, Campbell County, Ky.,
        effective Januairy 1, 1918 at salary of $1600 a year to be
        paid as follows:  Department of Agriculture 4$300, State
        Federal Smith-Laver 1500, Campbell County   800-. Salary
        to include expenses.

        W.J.Pigr-ott, County A-sent of McCracken County, effective
        January 1, i918, salary iP1900 per annum, paid as follows:
        Department of A*-rficulture 4$300, Smith-Lever Li700,
        McCracken County pV900.  Salary to include expenses.

        I.C.Graddy, Emergency County Agent, Muhlenberg County,
        appointment to be effective as of January 1. 1918 to con-
        tinue 6 months, paid as follows:  Emergency Appropriation



Department- of Agriculture, $500, Muhlenberg County $2Uo!
this to include expenses. .

Transfer Miss Iris Boggess from regular agent to
Emergency Home Demonstration Agent of Muhlerberg Ccin~tY,
made necessary by adjustment of funds . Her appcir.'F-e-t
as emergency agent is to be for 5 months, effective
February 1, 1918, salary $500 for the entire pericd, paid
as follows: Emergency Appropriation Dept. Agr., $250,
Muhlenberg County $250, this to include expenses.

S.F.Grubbs, Emergency County Agent, Barren County,
appointment effective January 16, 1918 to be paid at the
rate of $133.33 a month for a period of 5-f- months, this
to include salary and all expenses.  To be paid:
Emergency Funds U.S.Dept. Agr. $550 of the total expenses
and funds appropriated by the fiscal court of Barren
County will bear $183.33 of this cost.

Luther Franklin Morgan, Emergency County Agent for Perry
County, effective February 1, 1918 salary 100 per month
and allowance of approximately $40 a month for traveling
expenses. Appointment, 5 months, salary and expenses to
be paid from Emergency Funds appropriation to the U.S.
Dept, Agr.

J.Peter Ricketts, Emergency County Agent for Bullitt
County. effective January 16, 1918, salary $180--a month,
with  stJ.mated expense Allowance $40 a month. To be paid
out of Emergency Funds appropriated by the U.S.Dept. Agr.
and to be used in meeting both salary and expenses.

W..RDrummorid, Emergency County Agent, Anderson County,
$125 a m3nth, effective March 5, 1918 foP 1 month, to be
paid from emergency Fund, U.S.Dept. Agr.  Traveling
expenses about ,4Q a month from the same fund.

J'ames E. .Kuykandall, Emergency County Agent, Warren
County, salary $75 a month, effective March 1, 1918 to
continue 4 months, paid out of Emergency Fund, U.S.Dept.
Agr, $;-;C a mcntlh. Warren County $?5 a month.

K ,iBuJees, Emergency County Agent, MNlorgan County, salary
$100 a month, effective March 5, 1918 for 1 month, paid
from Emergency Fund.

Mrs. Della Davis. Emergency Home Demonstration Agent,
Kardin County, at 4'120 a month, effective March 1, 1918
for 4. months paid out of Emergency Funds U.S.Dept. Agr.
!p240, Hardin..County $240.



Mrs. Susan G. Weaver, Emergency Home Demonstrati on Agent,
Henderson County, salary $111 a month, effective Marchr i,.
1918 to continue 4 months, to be paid Emergency Fund,
U.S.Dept. Agr. $224, Henderson County $220.

B.t Hensley, Emergency County Agent, Johnson County,
.11l6.62 2/3 a month, effective March 1, 1918 to continue
4 months, to be paid out of Emergency Fund, U.S.Dept. Agr.
$300, Johnson County $166.66 2/3.

Frances Y. Kline, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent,
Livingston County, $100 a month, effective March 1, 1918,
continue 2 months, paid out of Emergency Fund U.S.Dept.
Agr. $100, Livingston County $100.

Miss Etta Potter, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent,
Lawrence County $100 a month, effective March 5, 1918 for
4 months, paid out of Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr. $200,
Fiscal Court, Lawrence County $200.

J.S.Crenshaw, Emergency County Agent, Trigg County, $100
a month, effective March 1, 1918 for 4 months, to be paid
Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr. $400.

D.H.Postlethweight, Emergency County Agent, Crittenden
County, $100 a month, effective M11arch 4, 1918 for 1 month
to be paid out of Emergency Fund, U.S.Dept. Agr. with
traveling expense of about $40 a month allowed from the
Emergency Fund.

J.C.Melvin, Emergency Assistant County Agent, Butler
County, e85 a month, effective March 4, 1918, for 1 month,
paid out of !Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr.
b.F.Floyd, County Agent, Harrison County, $1800, effective
January 1., 1918, to be paid Federal Smith-Lever Funds $600,
U.S.Dept- Agr. o300, Harrison County $900. Salary to
include expenses.

Arch MB. Allen, Eimergency County Agent, Union County,
salary $141.66 2/3 a month, effective February 1, 1918 for
5 months cut of Emergency Department of Agriculture Funds
$88,33 1/3 a raonth, Union County $58.33 1/3 a month.

Mrs. Octavia Evans Emergency Home Demonstration Agent,
Davies Ccuntvr *3$0 a. month, effective March 1, 1918, for
4 months out of Emergency Fund U.6 Dept. Agr. $200, Fiscal
Court Davies County $ 200  Salary to include traveling
expenses Contract to oe renewed July 1, 1918.

Miss Wil'.:ie allude Neguiar, Emergency Home Demonstration
Agent, Simpson County $100 a month, effective March 1,
1918 foe 4 months, paid out of Emergency Fund U.S.Dept.
Agr. $200,' Fiscal Court Simpson County $120, School Board



$80. Salary to include traveling expense.   Contract trJ
be renewed July 1, 1918.

Morris M. Gordon, County Agent, Fulton County $2000 a year,
effective April 20, 1918, paid out of Federal Smith-Lever
$700, State Smith-Lever $1000, Department of Agriculture
$300. Salary to include expenses.

Roy B. Swann, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign.
Breathitt County, $85 a month, effective March 13, 191 .
Paid out of Emergency Federal U.S.Dept. Agr.  Allowance
$40 for traveling expenses from same fund.

W.A.Adams, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Laurel County, $85 a month for 1 month, effective March 13,
1918, paid from Emergency fund U.S.Dept. Agr. allowance
of $40 f or traveling expense out of the same fund.

S.D.Yorrell, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Boyle County, $100 a month for 1 month, effective March
6, 1918, paid from "Emergency Fund, U.S.Dept. Agr.; $40 a
month allowed for traveling expense, paid from the same

'W.H.Hamm, Emergency County Agent, Seed-Corn Campaign,
Russell County $85 a month for 1 month, effective March 12,
1918, paid from Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr.; allowance
of $40 for traveling expense from same fund.

John I.W. Keeling, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Cam-
paign, Christian County, $100 a month for 1 month,
effective March 4, 1918, out of Emergency Fund, U.S.Dept.
Agr.; allowance $40 a month for traveling expense from
same fund.

A.A.Holladay, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Queen County $85 a month for 1 month, effective March 11,
1918 with allowance of $40 traveling expense from same

J.D.Craddock, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Hart County, $100 a month for 1 month, effective March 6,
1918, with $40 traveling expense out of Emergency Fund
U.S.Dept. Agr.

William T. clarke, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn
Campaign, Fleming County $100 a month, effective March
13, 1918 for 1 month. Traveling expense of $40, paid out
of Emergency Fund UJ.S.Dept. Agr.

H.H.Brock, Emergency' County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Clark County, $100 a month, effective March 12, 1915 for
1 month with traveling expense of $40.



G.B.Ferran, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn CampaignH,
Cumberland County, $100 a month for 1 month, effective
March 13, 1918. To be paid out of Emergency Fund U.S.
Dept. Agr.

J.M.Porter, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Monroe County $100 a month for 1 month, effective March
13, 1918, out of Emergency Fund UsJS.Dept. Agr.

George McCombs, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn
Campaign, Edmonson County $100 a month for 1 month,
effective March 13, 1918, out of Emergency Fund tI.S.Dept.

Alva L. Skaggs, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Cam-
paign, Russell County ;100 a month for 1 month, effective
March 13, 1918, out of Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr.;
allowance of about $40 for traveling expense.

J.'.Horning, Emergency County Agent, Seed Corn Campaign,
Metcalfe County, $100 a month for 1 month, effective
March 13, 1918. Allowance of $40 for traveling expense,
to be paid from Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr.

J.P.Ricketts, Emergency County Agent, Owen County, $150
a month. Salary to include traveling expense, to
continue 3M months, effective March 15, 1918 out of
Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr. $291.65, Owen County $233.31.

Mrs . E.L.Grubbs, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent,
Boyle County $100 a month, effective March 1, 1918, for 4
months, traveling expense included in salary. Out of
Emergency Fund U.S.Dept. Agr. $200, Boyle County School
Board $200.

Miss Jacqueline Hall, Emergency Home Demonstration Agent
Harribon County, $125 a month for 4 months, salary to in-
clude expense, effective March 1, 1918, out of Emergency
Fund, U.S.Dept. Agr. $300, Harrison.:?County $200.

Board adjourned..

                         Respectfully submitted,

                                ENOCH GREHAN
