xt741n7xpk99 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xpk99/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-09-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 26, 1986 1986 1986-09-26 2020 true xt741n7xpk99 section xt741n7xpk99 l i
h -'_'-. _——-—__
3 Vol. XCI, No. 23 Established 1894 University ot Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky Independent since l97l Friday, September 26, I9“ I
. I. V l

2 6 By.l:\\I'Bl,;\.\'1‘t).\ cause the LnIiyersity can implement clean up some possible misconcep- upon the interpretation of the law." long as they kept alcohol in an came from somewhere." Botkim ‘ . " -
News Editor their policies as they see fit. lions about whether or not a dorm Burch said “UK has a right to opaque container said It "had to have been passed I . ‘- ' ;
- II Botkins, though. said Burch was room isapnvateor public place" make regulations for conduct not They go under the rationale that down somewhere " ' t .

Despite a recommendation from very cordial and receptive to our Burch, however. thinks the issue based upon interpretation of public “as long as I drink my beer in stimt‘ he request to the attorney general. ‘ ' '

the administration. SGA Senator at cause iandi seemed very concerned is not about the privacy of the dorm place " thing other than a ix.” bottle H I‘ my resolution by Student Leader; -I ,I ' t, '

.I lgrpIp mind Bottom has decided to abOUt the lbbut‘ . , , room In fact Hurt-h says he agrees Burch said the reason {oi the L'Uli~ uK.“ burciisaio It s not Against Prohibition supporting the y . ' ‘~ .

. pursue an opinion from the state at- IHI‘I’“f“ 9“ after Italking >t’5tt’rdal' With BOtkms‘ on that issue ftision comes because of "timing " Botkinsdoesnt seen that way rights of students 21 years or older . 'I iI' ‘ ' g
torney general concerning UK's al- I“! IIthudent (Spernment Associa “In my opinion. IthIeI dorm room “The reason for this confuston "What Dean Burch perk‘t‘lH-s as to drink will come back to the SGA '. . . i. ‘ -
cohol policy In)" awyer KI“ IBaIker. Bolkm“ de- t” not it PUth place. Burch said comes from the timing." he said my confusion on the issue would he senate witha major change . 1“ -

“bed t“ W ahead "”d request an ‘tdt’h tdtSiil-lrt‘t‘ _ it's "really two separate issues confused by .illIHHlt‘ when you \lithin the contents of the resolu- .. .- I' -. . '
““1““. “my Juwph Burch acting opinion He said liotkiiiins confused about ithat‘ might appear ([0 hayei some- are issued an Hpaiitit' container by tan. a clause will ask tor an opinion ‘ '. ' V' . ’ a ‘ ‘,
\‘lt‘t' chancellor for student affairs "That's not to say th'it we‘re tIhe regulation IlheI priIi'aIicthof a thingtodowith lone: another " tho ['ant'rsll} l‘lltlk.li> 1am twin 'hcattoriii-x pent-rut _ .. _ , , -
'I ,_ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ (orin room is no re a e( o e no- . , ' ' L’. :_ ~ -
{l(l\‘l\t‘tl him to reconsider re- going Iagainst Dean Burch s drinkingixilicy at l'K Burch said students have in the Botkins \(llll he ['t‘t't‘Ht'tl 'llt' con ””1”“ twp“ that it rt’QUR‘t from . . "
l (tllt'slllttl an opinion from state At- wishes. ltillkllts stiltl "“0 simply ‘ past incorrectly assumed that it was tainer last year tron the l‘l‘sltlt‘llt't- Vt" “A "m “"“3‘ ””trt' “fight ‘ " T 1.‘ I“ _
. ttll'ht‘} t-t‘ht‘t‘dt Utt‘ht Armstrong tX“ tool that the attorney general can 'tlut‘ regulations are not based all right to drink in the dorms as hall stall 'llii- t'ttll'.l‘..'lt'l olmouslj. \v sl AP mm: 'f t- ,
i . j . I, .
Pt- ’ .
D . . . .' ‘ iI ’. . .
i . . i - . ~
. - . New teaching aSSIStant policy .
.r . i‘ '. t ' . -’ .
I ' O o
. . . g examined by Senate COllllCll -
I . fail . : ‘.;I"':‘
. I. 4; . B) Bltxlit‘tml’lnk requ1re all lili't'lL‘ll teaching ii>>l~ Many students here gripe about -' i‘ .y . ' . V
. ‘ " I' " - Assiistant News Editor tants to earn a minimum st‘ltl‘t' wt VIC-\s dntl yiiu find that the teacher . ' - , . ', . '
' t i. - 330 on lht’ lt'St ”1 English as a For ts triim Minnesota and has. a Swed- - , ~ . ». ‘ - 1'
, I~ A ~ I “ The Senate (‘ouncil yesterday Mr cignlanguagc ishaci-ent. Lyons said l . ‘ - ‘
. .. .. 'L ~ animal the L'niieisity's proposed TiiEi-‘i. tests a foreign studcr‘. > Robert Altenkirch. chairman of ‘ 3 ’ -- -. .
I\‘- " policy on foreign teaching assistants w ritten expression the mechanical engineering depart- .' i, ' j ‘ .
'. ' L . Q I . . and made four recommendations to A foreign teaching assistant rand; mwi .md the Prtlpu‘ed policy may - y
‘ \ d the Vice chancellor for academic at (late under the proposed pilllt'} reduce the number of \ludents who i. . y “ '. - ‘
li’ilt‘s uould also be reunited to wore Lil iiaii' to comi- from overseas to work ‘ " -' -‘ . I '
‘ . \~ \ Th" council recommended that or better on the Test oi Spoken l~lii as a research assistant in l'K’s ~. - ' ~ \
.. / . - = Donald Sands consider studying how glish or .in “equivalent cxainina craduatcprogram . ‘ ~ ~ .
i 5 I; I, ‘ 4 ‘ ' I a pom-IV establishing criteria for for» In)“ It a W of students are cut from . _. . I-. . .
» , WWW w: - Plgh teaching asSistants might dllt‘Ct Another reconiniendation made by ,m, progr'im Altenkirch said the .' . ' ‘ . ‘ - ' ‘
"* _. 2‘” ,a— " a». thet’niversity‘s graduate program ”)0 ("tilint'll was to changi- the name would ,h“ it“; ”10“,,th “‘alon th: . > . p
. , . 9* f . 2i . it was also suggested that Sands gm”, “foreign teaching assistants >’riix-\'l)i(ie:' “I the; relatiyegs In . - . ‘.
""_ .. . 4 , i .~ ‘T'X‘L ‘ . . consider how the policy will affect ti; "miprnaliiinal tough”);gmdpmx kill“ . II I V , . . . . . '. ‘I'.
‘ w - 1’." ,- 1 x‘x-ffi 4 ‘ Q the teaching ‘dSblblémlb ll tht'} 811‘ This i‘i-i'oii‘:niendatiiiii arose from H H U)umIru§n“H0(0me [OLK ; _ t '
, . . .‘v " ‘ - unable to meet the criteria alter ar ;, c'i‘itii'isn‘. .idtll‘t‘sst‘tl It} Michael ’lht‘ lhl‘trmilItttth Wt“ 80 (:1le that . '
, 4' . . 4;. . . i'ii'inginlhe United States Baei‘. dean of the t'ollege ot .\rts Si " you mef' ere you C0 get ; i l. -. .
V ./ l 4““ " “ ‘ ‘ (.‘ouncil members also agn‘t‘d that Sciences in a memorandum sent to t‘ht‘lllh‘tt‘ltt‘ he Silld - ~ . . : . .
h t v i a“ teaching GSSIStflnth: regardless Of Art (iallahi-i‘ chancellor for the law “3‘ President [)Onn'i Ureenwell . I ~
{ ii Q” k their ability to speak English. should iiigtoncainpus iii August “Em m'idc ’[hh issue a; part of bet: . . ‘ ‘
l . - 0' '~ be required to participate in an ”III . I _ I .. II . . ‘ I . .. . . I . I. 1 .
I . . . 'ttttltt'lll ill>(U\\t‘tl by the N .t‘ iaiiipaign platform last year. said in ‘ . .
. " ‘ ' ' V :, . orientation program ate council was the pttSMlllltl} that her office after the meeting that the » ,_ ’ ' ~
1‘: The orientation program under the . _ ‘ . ‘ . . ~ . » .
y , wt llC\' would require a the proposed policy might distrimi proposed policy is something stu- ., .
\ HOP?“ p0 ta t .. ddzt' to ,1 nate against foreign lt'ilt‘llllttl tlh>l> dentsneedanduant ‘ ’ '
.h _. ' ' tat mg ”“5 n can l H .‘l ’ tants who are naturali/i-d l' S cm . y . .
. . . O Q unc- tend at least 12 hours of orientation ,9”. MUM ”WW 1mm ,P h PM [i it is unfazr to toreign ' ' ’
--. .. , . ‘ acquainting them with the l’niyersir anlish ' ‘ ‘ “L ”31%,”. students it's wiually unfair . I ~ ~. .4
. , .. ty‘s ilicies and rocedures ' ’ i cud -nts i hi ~ime h .n. to learn ' l ,
A}: . . ~ " 'S’a‘dtds said h: would reyiew the Hill Hons. a t‘tlllllt'll nie'iilii-r and .ilid ciliit ukiiderSIand their teach- ' ' 1' ' A
‘s - m“ ‘fi fi' cri-unCilA'srecommendations and in "WWI?” M'IHI‘IU’ l’rlttt‘>»‘0t' M'kh‘h” i‘t‘s silltl Hreenwell. who is an ex- ~ ‘ ’
x. ' ‘ - ‘ ‘ W. ill ' it x “.3 w... .n. . . .
‘ . ‘ " a" ‘ to incorporate them into the draft be “it“ ml 1 ”“1”” ”H“ ““1” "t“ t’ ”W“ ‘l ~l-‘ mt" r ‘ .
. i . I 1’ th" th complain about foreign teaching as . ' _ .
, : drew upearier ismon sistaiits there- .ll‘t‘ occasions when 'H'V“ many “lu‘lbnth 511"” from . ,
“~"‘ . ’ Th0 proposed POtlt'."~ 't approved .-\incr:can ti-aghers .irr itittiriil' to b‘” “M“ “"3““ tht'.‘ don‘t Uh‘ ' . I .- I
r v “ by President Otis A Singletan. will understand \cc( til \(‘Il Pages ' r ,
t I . . . 1
‘ ' * ‘ UK’ ' ° '
- -— ~> ~ ' .. - ' V.- s handicapped students require “ - -' ’ * ._
, ‘ ' t l . II I .. _ . .
. i 3: ~ ... «r v: a" i . . - , ‘
.. i o o o . , . .-
— ~ ~~~-~- . . , J - equa a Vismg, c assroom serv1ces .~ 1 r , .
. . , . V Editor's note This is the last in a “’73. Hi must ensuri- that qualified .-\ux1liar_\ aids are provided to ~ l= ~' _.‘ 51::
. ‘ y @ l b' ‘: ~~ " E“? I ‘ th'Pc-Part WWW” ”'1 handicapped handicapped students are not counr handicapped students as necessary ‘, r . .‘
’ ; gr" students at UK seled toward a more restrictiic car for i ual artici 'llltm in r ram. . 1 . f - . '
r- « ‘ 3t .. . , ‘(l P P P 0g . .
.. I ‘ :3 reer than other >lu(l(‘!ll\ uith \lllll They include such things as ll‘ltfl‘ ' j , ' .. 3 " 1,;
:1); , ' t t ‘i ‘ By1‘Ol)l).l()T\'l~IS lar interests and .ihilita-s ,\lso. preters. \lSUill‘lt‘t‘hnlqut‘S. readii‘ ' . , c' :.
I .' w "4.. «2“ Staff Writer cyery student should haw ‘tic sonic machines and spt‘Clal note'taklm I . ‘ ' 1 ’ ‘, - a
" 4i options available in selecting paper l'K also has a room at t)! . ' . j
l " . thh all t'K'S emphasis on re- (‘UUI‘SP‘ \1 l King library with speCial study ' . . - .. ‘.' '.
i ‘ i ' . . . t ‘ ‘ . ' . t . , '.
' . ‘t‘ stIructuring d hutlIdiIng. my??? ”There‘s concern ior eiiiiiloi'iiciit t‘ttwpment for the disabled. geara‘l . ‘ . 1 .V . '
not? a! $3..) ' it“ -. ”my. ,. lit , a» '. “15595 an main "1mg 5 u e 'ifter 1r'iduiiioii said .l.it‘0l‘i toward Visuallyimpaired students ‘- ‘ : - . . 'L
Q ~ «a ‘éfi‘fl'filfi “$21.- 5:95, 4 I.) “~931- ffi.‘ {R f‘ ‘ buses. "‘5 9353' to forget disabled le’arnes‘fdirector ol the [K hand The law states that denial of ad- , " 'h I. .,
y, . «I, 1.313;”, . 3‘ "’ ' "A" EQI‘I’I-ws: ."II “\IIr .-:~I "9 students are Just that students. icapped student wruw program ”“55“,“ to a program may not be I- A :I
k . - .39: 41;": “3.3”; , . :,5'h%:§r§ 5w " wquystefi ?W'3 UHandicIappedI Student: all: at ”1:10 “Some seyerely disabled students ._ hitSt‘d on the ”9"? t” proy'ide angina. :' V - , ‘ I. . .
_ . .. , ’I ,. --. -:. . _ m Wat“ .k‘ . . Sf niverSI y o IeIam Jug i e 0 er ood students graduate and lace p}- aids And l l\ must take t he . . r - . .' .‘-'
. I; i". .' w” .1 "*-~1..‘."'“~"".: -a at its!" .. ' a .. ,1; students, And its the schools duty g; tough time ”mm m find In“ “m cesmry steps to ensure that no . . '. , i . y . .-
. t ' 1:: “ w . ’3’» - " A. ,. ” ' 1‘ ' to make any changes necessary to ‘ .- ’ ‘ ' h id " st d- t 1 ed tin " ‘ -. " '
_ a} gun-J... .. . ”I I .w I . ‘1 . I “a.“ . . . at all M itapped . u (n is (fill _ . , ~. .
. . w ‘ I; ' " ' w ~ ' Se N 1.4“”; ' f I” VL'E ensure that academic requirements -. I . ‘ . . ,_ . \ best Opphrtunity because of an ab- . vI . -I ‘1':
.‘h Anni .. ”no" ': 9.. ., .. _, I“ . ”I ._ QM“ .Ii .fit‘r‘: ',.;.M_”,II.“_. do not discriminate against them harms said Ii the l niursity , seiice 0f appropriate aids and serv- I I . , _ ‘. I ,
.- - - .,. ,3",ii. «5739-» 0 ’ .' “latte-:52}- . D , ,1“ ., sf‘ .' ~ .13 ad _ academic program is discrniiinato I I , . - . .I' I
; swcm" "r ~~ 1.3.... «1- . _ ,. ~ . > I ‘ 4W3: " 1-m3_..‘—’M.y Before most students deCide on a ry ”.5 up In l'K m make a change iies . . I. ,-. . .
;' unaumo "mum career. they usually receive 5.0"“) For instance. this. might mean suhr One problem the academic pro .I . j
Penci'ed in ady'ising. The disabled at“? entitled stituting one course for another or gram faces is testing to measure . ,« ' ‘ - I‘ .' . I
. to this help. “’0' But ady'ismg ‘5 "Ot increasing the amount ol time allow student achievement The danger is ' . ‘ '
Former UK basketball coach Joe 8. Hall takes during the celebrity home tun hitting contest enough. , , ed to complete degree requirements tlItéltI “It?“ will reflect 1:9 (1:8:wa . I . I
o swmg with a large pencil instead of a bot belorethe Wildcotbosebollgome yesterday. In accordance WithISIectIion 30“ of lsually. though. these changes m 5 men 5 impairmen an no '5 (l' . . .
the Vocational Rehabilitation Act of \‘0lvcauxiliary aids sci-whim APPH). Pagcz , . . I . ‘
' . .;..1.s. .. ..:.-_ . .;,W_.-;. , . . . . y . . I .I
' » I urpln Brown found ~ ' --
~."~i.;41§:IL’1‘§I, .; , : ' .
Law caucus v v1, 1m , . . . ~ - .
W “:7 ,l .. . . d -  
. conference . W . ..... ...... guilty in mur er case _ _ p
\ *3? l (r;:17 .93“: "‘5. year's Woodland Dance .
g 6. \U) @\ Fostival. For a preview, :00 Staff reports engaged in a conspiracy with Karen - ' ,' r ' I
‘N’ U fix , i i“ PAfllMl! p09. 3_ Brown. who was acting pursuant to . ~
tomorro \ ’ Z , \\t i, :95; ' Elizabeth Turpin and Karen a conspiracy with the defendant . . ' . -
' Brown were found guilty last night Elizabeth Turpin to kill Michad .
i . ‘ , _ \ W .
ll) l.h(iR(.l-.AII.I.AR[) I" Cl... ”fin." 0"“ 0'0"" of murder in the stabbing death of Turpin " .'
(oniriiiuiingWritcr nl combine to heighten UK- Michael Turpin. husband of one of The sentencing stage of the trial - '
.. , UC rivalry. 5.. m, thedefendants begins at 9 am. Monday. Circuit '
“Women and Money M" be the ,; P090 4‘ The jury announced the verdict in (‘ourt Judge Armand Angelucci ad.
thf'mt‘ ,mmttrm)" for the b'enma' 1' front of a packed courtroom at ii 20 monished the jury not to discuss the -
pg“? ll [£1291 aucus conference at mfmfiv’wwuifi 1‘ » gm. p m after nearly nine hours of do trial or read or watch anythir‘ '
5 0 9 9 law .. "W“ ‘3' 'J 92:? l'beration 'bo tit ‘
. . - - t \ PM“; sages» - ' d U .
AmlI Lf ”321?. :El‘dnafitmfcnll \ I l K ’l‘\ a: “IL.“ .3“ try-1!?» “Inf fiery Some spectators had to be turned Fayette (‘ounty Commonwealth's .
enunse or or raI ‘ 91583 _ ' ' away. Fayette (ounty sheriff s dep- Attorney Ray Larson is seeking an
and t*""‘l"pm"nt (orporation m uties estimated the crowd in front of death penalty inthecase.
BmltIln. Mass , Will be the keynote / w, 1m Wl" b. “‘an hot Ofld the courtmuse at more than I“). The prosecution charged that m_
S9““ *‘r m According to the ‘ "s deCision beth ‘ lotted to have b.
, , mldwlthihoh m N0 ~a WWW
. [filllzlll :1“ S‘Xidn; 33w Btmilc‘ann flflml lunochoDNn ” 1mm. w." 3mm.” Bro‘vn “'35 f0und gu'lty 0f m‘ng hmband killed in Order to collect a
yes in . iscuss peop _ - .. . - ~
meet om, financial obligations ference because of thf‘IqUallly of the ftuh. who finds the conference inter- clear with the low around 33:23:: thflfiefil§$tifli3°§g§fi m'mm'mumme whoa
withoiitsacrificingtheir principles agenda and the timeliness of Dom— estingand needed. 70. Bouchard"inkilling1\irpin Michael Turpin. a May 1&5 pad-
Domini author of EM" 1 i t ml skeynote address, “Women have "9‘” concerns. 5P9 . uate of UK. was stabbed to death
n has '8 ar ed n “'32.“. 38:; Bratt stressed that the conference eially in money management.“ Wei- Bouchard Plead“ “my la“ early on Feb. 3 in his apartment at
luff“, ‘ if]: ., no“ digs . how '5 ”"0t geared lUSt for “Wen" lt‘hnllhsatd the Women‘s Law Caucus. the Ken- month ‘9 ."Vb'd "‘9 ”path penalty 3200 Lochnm Drive. His body w.
would-“t: Invétgg ca I’I finbd‘bsubt how and she encouraged all women to at “The need is out there." said tucky Commission on Women and and tezgfiedmthat the defendants found the next day in a pond It
mm Imm n‘vcst n d s n d the' tend. Ellen Skinner, program coordinator Alternatives for Women. compir ,‘“ mm to murder M" LakesideGolfCoum.
mm? f dl'vt' I; hepe bl‘ tr Stephens encouraged men to at- for Alternatives for Women. chaelTurpin. The ’N is had I | I
iv cila‘ifliniazryiaretimmwmefl tend also, but "they must realize the “Women need advice on taxes, re- The conference is free to students AS for Elizabeth lurpin. the jury onl six [3:95 at the time d a.
l'awt‘aucus seminaisare focusedonwomen.“ tirement planning and the like.“ but non-students must pay 815. If found that Bouchard killed her hus. muz-der
‘ . The coordinators are hoping for a Skinner said. “We can no longer as- non-students preregister. the fee is hand “at the solicitation 0f. 0r 9"-
(arolyn Bratt. chairwoman for the large student turnout. sume there will be a man out there 810. Registration forms are avail- gaged in 8 conspiracy with lhert Elizabeth Turpin. Brown and Bar-
Kentucky (‘ommiwon ,0" Women. MIany studean have already pm to take camofthingstike this " able at the College at Law. Students . ,. and/or that he did so at the so chard were arrested on Feb. 3 and
expects a “nice turnout at the con- registered, including Sherri Weifen- The conference is spammed by unmanned topreregister. “citation of. command of 0" white chargedwilhthemurder.

 l . 9 . I
. ‘ i
' :' 2 - KENTUCKYKERNEL Frkhy, W26, 1!“
0H d'capped
‘ i I 1L 1 Continued trom page one
‘ ' = . 1 1 . 1' his problem occurs. sive and Willing to cooperate." cation. L'mversny funds and private universities on the East Coast and in than one from a newly formed "I'm sure we‘ll be ‘getting rec-
y..;_ ., . . , 1;. must be used Karnes said a-There's going to be gifts But if a school can‘t arrange Kentucky, and I think UK stands up student group. th 1 l t mnmenuatims‘iromustudentgm- .
3.‘ 3 ,1 . , 1 1 1 1, 1_ times when you may haw a faculty to have these serxices paid tor “llh well I like the arrangement here I‘II‘SI. though, e rosou ion emmeni, he said, We re inter.
1‘: 1.: ‘ '1 hill1‘ifllm‘lns1tjr member that may not cooperate t)r public or private tunds. it must {Ir tnorethanatother places . must be passed on the senate ested in what students have to
."‘ L, I' i‘ (11111”‘1‘11111‘11‘11130‘; :111111 a you ma) have .i student that may nance them itselt Ashed hm:1 he thotuglght LKchom- floolr Illueriiknesmy 'entious SCA 54;).1 f th bl B h
H '. " M ‘ , create roblems for themselves . .. . 1 _ , paret to ot er insiuions. 'rnes ‘ any consct .. ar 0 e pro em, urc
' ' -. ‘.-‘ ‘ "‘"l‘l’me m" It“ "a“ _1 , p 1 1 . I K pa)s for mu“ m [h‘ ft 5H1“? said: "I would say there are a group senator is gonng to vote for our soul. is that a request of this sort
H: n 1_ ~11: «v \l'sit the test can be “e tr) to tell the students that itself The Lniiervsity“ retftius ha 111 colleges and universities that ”15011111011... Botkins said. The hasneverbeen made
' 1.35“ _ .i.r_'t Ape or put on tape the} need to go to the teather and swooo grant e\er_\ )iar rom t e have superior servrces. We're not in senators have "got a chance to "I‘m not aware that we've ever
11 71-11. ’1' , - a»: rim) give the stu explain their problems and that we state to pan for the tenet‘tare pro- 111111 categor) I‘d like to sa) we fall 1.1111, on an 1551“, that could 1.0” been asked." he said, "We
.— 111 .1 1‘11 . . min-v test instead ot \Hll be glao ttrterit) or talk to the gram This program helps care“ for m the next category A above aver- €911,111”), change the policy of the seemed to have very few resi-
~,"- _I. 111'. faculty member disabled students “ho li\e otl tum- age .- t'niversity in a progressive 110111521 (orolderij'
s, ', _ 1 pus . . . , . .
11.11 .1 .11, .; won-en llblrud Other students agreed te.icher-stu— . ., 1. 11 11 1 “d3 1 Rosemary Pond. assocmte
”\1'."$~'1i‘_‘. * ~i-’“”lUlt'l_\ tTlllNl dcnt relationships are ten good at The state. in addition to the 1;‘);::§pt::i1fi:m§: 1:339:5353‘: As for the chances 0t receiving 111.11" of residence “fa sand that
_"‘-L'.'1'.- -_. "1 I program But L'K money. prondes a subordinator and the ‘1; mm}: ped The architecture an opinion from the attorney gen- 1” this time she did not have the
1-“ IT'S. -'; T» ~ s especialh so for a secretary d " p1 . . . ”“1- Baker thinks they are EXCEL exact statistics. but she thought
~ " " ‘ -~ ~ , ~ - oi the campus helps features such
.- '; 7,9 .~'. _ ,.~ . Because mam dis- The WWII?” 4““ “’r.‘ personal _ I , ' 1 19'“ the percentage of students 21 or
‘t W' ' -. . ' - ,. '. ”Ge “- 1 think w. t :1. as mde halls and electric doors. 1
1 ._ .11” ,1 . 1011,19 11 \ 1m, and llltndl}. s.i.i. sophomore htnt nera }. ( ge at 1 . -.~ . . , older “as not more than 111 per«
133-11.} f 1‘ 1‘ 111‘ h_11 H1.” equate funding“ Karnes 58.11 --1 specrally designed restrooms, water Md Baker Sd‘l‘d that-while an ‘1 1 ..
11-12, -l.-'\‘Z ; ‘ 'M - "H‘ L‘ L‘ ‘l ‘ .. . . .. ' lountaiiLs and bones. and accessi~ attorney genera. 5 opinion ‘5 “0‘ P n
.1 ,1 1.1., 1 11,.11 111 1111 h-md would sa) basicall) he re prett) P V 1 ”.1 h , 1
.11.1V,-..1::1.-1._;:11 1 11‘ .11 1111111111111 N1111- 1111111111“ Rho “11H 1”"de but ”111”“, 1111111“ .1 ble 1.1911110“ m the buildings and binding‘by Ia“'.Al‘I does carry ‘lond sdlt tat in himan
q if: I ‘1 31112:“‘01‘; ‘1; ties. at llll.illt‘t‘ iunior “the instruc- need tor more. Anybob) “0111111111,” ramps combine to help make the some intluence. 1"lts tanli indica~ 71‘)!“th lllt‘lft'ou‘tc'huuly 931’slu‘
.q 1315155511.“. “‘ ‘ ‘ tors treat me better because ol my more momsy as long as 10“ 51.1. (lull) student lite ol the handicapped “011 “f‘lhe’PUbllC trend (1:13]? out 0 MI “ 0 “9"“ J ‘"
").f I: If; handicap needs. {Honey solves anythlng” u lllllt‘ Illlt‘dslt‘l' Above a“. Burch said he IS m_ I U 1‘ h h h
:3.1.L:?;1.1j1‘:j . rnaioring in 1 1 1 1 _ .. 1. 1 1 1 1_ _1 11 terested m what the students To liot'ins. t oug . t c statis
(‘31:, l':-‘-‘).’. .1 111‘ “6111. been The higges. prohlcn. lacing, the In the long run. Karnes said. [K I tdlllt halt to school betaust think «bout the issue And ‘1 1h,” 11151111111111.1111“:
""‘-"‘-'~" '02 L ‘ Handicapped Student SerVice Pro» tuldg a way [0 sort throu h the h_ all l “as doing tit home “as sitting ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 1
1.111;..3111 iv . thlt'ut'ltlr .\nd 1 1 5 . g 1 . 1 1. .. means a proposal requesting that "l tlont care ll there's one 21
'..‘...-"»',‘-lt . gram and handicapped students is nanCial roblems and hel 111. h'ind- .iiountl. Bcndtr said I thought it
;1 ;',.1---. . , V. -. Julinshlps be 1 . . _ P - P s ‘ 1 . 1 . .. students 21 \eurs or older be .11» \car old or 100.000 ol them ” The
-.:_2' (.:‘, 11 11 1 1 money soincbod} has to pa} for the icapped students. \xoultl Ix good tor mt to go batk to 1‘ 1d 1 1 ~ It 1 ‘1 m _ 1h) . 1 1 '1
511-1931Nj. I 1'1“1\i’\d‘)fi' '\ U .iids' and .s‘cr\ices l'sually this is ac school. and it has been I've met a 1):” ”1912““ (n L“ pus. “1 "5'”? ”mm“ "d'd- must I)"
"'"fi';3’,!."j'11”‘,=f ‘ I. I I t‘tIlllpllSht‘tl \uth .i combination ot "I‘ve been treated great here at lot ol people and made a lot oi k m 1“ m “mm
t-~f}’q‘~:.‘.¥;f’ . . .. v s H» he respon urants ironi the L‘ S lllllt‘t’ ot Edu- l’K." Rhodes said "I Visited several tricnds hcrc "
If: ‘1".‘5 . uni;
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uni-1.; .
Jr}. ‘- 3,3..3.“ . .‘ Ave. Of Champions
‘ ‘ - " U _
jag; 315111.} ._ ' " ‘ at Rose 5'.
I; {'1'}
. 2: "tuft-"5" Drive-up Window
1 (4.". ' ‘I to —
“,9 '. " n2: -' -' ,l-v ,
~33" "1_‘1.'.::":_‘17. . Open 9o.m. - 1 o.m.
..1 '1”..-",".:’1' .
Ti" Tiff-55. 6 Canadian Mist I Bortles 8 Joymes
.'i'.,fzf';:.:f;.‘-_;f;:_ ’5dml $5.99 Wine Coolers 4 pk
2:. *- $2 .99
1' Stolichnoyo Vodko
1 ‘SOmi $9.99 GiocobozziRosoto
”.3“, ‘l'l-z” 3- .
15:33; {,3.‘ E l.5 liters was $5.49
1.2;:1:.‘1'1‘3'i‘11'1hi'15 : Bolton Blended now $2.99
429255 l t‘nskey 750ml
"3 ' “ "i“:n‘l. c . .
1-, 1 xoemol $4.99 Killian 5 Red 6 pk
2 Special $2.75
it i Anne-Time Coolers
; c :k was $4.75 Miller 12 pk
.v.};'_fi*;'i€<‘-‘-':" 1‘1 “; W $2.99 Cold 44.99
.-,..-_, .r ' '1'};
_ New Kroger Super Combo Store at the
,I;-{’;“.. 11.1.41}, . . 1
' ' f T C k d M 'O W
intersection o ates ree on on or
,1 :3 K 1 . . . .
Kentucky erne Blvd. in Lexmgton, KY. Many openings eXIst for
4 ( ’1';".1,::¥‘;.’1’ I o o I a
. an... in «Net 5...... The fol IOWI ng port-time posmons.
.'11"~5’_'; 1,; Managing Editor Scott Wocd
{'51)}; News Editor Joy Blonton
11.1113. Assistant News Editor Brod Cooper
.‘=-’_.‘-'1"‘j';_".“-',‘;'r’ , Editorial Editor Cynthia A Polormo
{‘N‘ 1
1 1' ~1 . Sports Editor Andy Dumstort
',":'11" ‘ AFYS EdI'Of Erlk RQE’CE’ .
" “.:‘ ’ Special Proiecis Editor Sean Anderson G c I k c h
'2 Photordnor A... Lessxg . rocery er 5 as IGI‘S
- E
5.1";3'39 1 Adviser Poole Anderson r s is
.112 in; ,-_'_.~. ~ Advertising Manager ng‘o Collins P o ‘ ‘ osme'o 09 1
~'-'-" v.:._!'1' 3 1
‘tsii’fff-i-5L-ig , Production Manager Rhonda 0 Non r u ce e
5-5.- 4 C c
: -‘1':"_" /\."-." 1 nen'ucky Kernel a published on class do s Lu 9 We ocode'wi: Yedr M t I ks No FOOd I k
I " 3| :5 "y, ‘ ’ . C " ' w." '“e' sessron V ea e r n - e r s
\1‘1.‘1x.’_f; 1115.1“ ; ' Us,» pct} as Lex ngton KY 405‘? Mo 'i-r: \vaS" c‘ : '0‘95
.:’-11" 9‘53, 1 ' .1». ‘6' 3"” $30 per year
V'.-'-7:~“.“:1-I1:~15--'1‘I ‘- Kernel ;"“96 at Standard Publishing and P' V" '7; 5.3.: Bu.“ “on
"'-.-“-'-."."Vi"::"' . . w . KY4C'65 . . .
; .. Uh IITy Clerks / Customer erVIce
.. 1.13- "s ‘ . 1‘ ‘ '1: v" «9's ‘v OI Kentucky Ler'-g'c." “V 4C500 Stu/£3
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i ; PARTICIPATION/ENROLLMENT All . d - d' . d I h Id 1 the
. 6110 P intereste in IVI uo s 5 cu come 0
; HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN Totes Creek Gol curse on ecreotiono
,, a}! 93-151: : .
'1.=-'»":‘*-'.I:1‘..- 3 ' I d . D b I O
: '5 SEPTEMBER 30- 1936 Center ocote on Gomeswoy rive etween
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t: 7 Th d S 25 d b
. 1 o.m. - p.m. on urs oy, ept. on etween
2i.-5'.’L-'"‘Ifi~l ? Troop-ts who wish to enroll in the Student Group . |
‘ ‘-".'..v"1-“;.--. 1 .
‘ “11:5.1'113171. «with Insurance Plan must complete application 8 o . m . - 5 p . m . on Frldoy I Sept . 26 for persona
-"'.‘;'.“71“‘-.",-"f_‘:",'" ‘ .I ~ 1 m tall along with check for the specnlied . .
"i1'i..'111;'"2f“_-;"?1; )' j;t;r‘t by the postmorking deadline of midnight Inferv I eWS ,
i; i'.;:1'"_(.'..;etlf11r;I .t ptember 30 I986.
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‘33’~-_’,.- rm: 2 a. IRANCE COMPANY 1 . 3.1..
”11,1”! : . i.‘ ’2er Avenue North, C ‘3‘, \ .'
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.“fli’f'. . -”, I . may bring enrollment and payment to the
5'2", l Health Service Insurance office, Rm. 1698 Medical
" .4 ' IV 1 A‘ I . . . .
i"; _.', J» ’__ l ‘~’ are behind the wuldcot blue doors, first floor) by
' ‘.'..'. if} I 4 30 pm , September 30, I986. 61:
t :rr 1
j .1 " .1 .' ‘ it you are asking for on extension, direct
j application must be mode through the Insurance 1
7 ' O‘tice at Student Health Services.)
, V 1 1
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I '- "Mush-ltullmn and "Rampant - ‘r . ~ I‘ V ‘ 3‘ l “,j. . {\ y, l. H " ‘ g '1, y 0'. ._
H-sln‘llles” are the “alclnmrds lur ‘ ‘_. ‘ I f ‘ - j- 0-”; ., In}
{ lhlS weekend. , .0 0, P .1 _ I, _ . w a,“ j j v' if r if”:
i Austin City Saloon — 2350 Woodhlll shopping Center. Team. the Gran And the mushroom cloud shaped _ 9” ’ x . {.', ,.. h i... ,, .. .\ ...,.,. {.Il. . I'~ ' I. ‘,
j: A.. .i, amid lturn 9 p.m. to l a.m. Tomorrow. Main “not (country) will play tun-min pl)l\t‘lh\lt‘llt' slruclui'v ’ ’ ( r g r .p . ”HI, M ,_ .- "If E Ilif f6" ‘.
, _ ‘ ' ,,« i. ' -. . ”1.. 0‘... s' ’41
l l». nap in tolo.m.$2coverboll1nl9lll!. filled “1”] balloons and peace g , 7 , . . . . . , . . . . .. ., ' 5’! ’0‘.’ ,
g "to our 224 t Main St. tonight and tomorrow. lap All/disco music on a “um-s that i.» scheduled to rm- and «g ‘ , - ’ . .. ,' ,, j j g "' . ‘7‘ If. t ,..'t‘:I-I,
l I ws'em 4 p m. to I am; after hours tomorrow from 1:30 to 32‘s a.m. (lt'llillt‘ liver Lounglun‘s Woodland I ‘ I . . ,. - ' l .. . I - I lII.I',I 11727113
i 3~-‘"‘“” . Pink Sundu) is just lint purl (ll lhc v’ 1 , _ j. ‘r I, 3.I;-‘,I,«I;‘.I _-‘. '7‘. .',s'
i he Bearded Scale 500 EuclidAve. upcoming 11 hour \l'mdlunil ll.lll\'(‘ ' f . ., ,_. . . . . , j m {2'17 I. " i" r'
i Bremlng's 234E Short St. Disco music lromasoundsystem.82cover. l~‘t-»t!\..] t 900.; ) ' “we I II I 0I.- ‘,I. in Wis:
I ‘ . A" ,_ ,1 ~ .. -‘i‘l :_. -
g “0"”! L"!!! 36‘ W. Short St Tonight. S-W~A-M.M-P- (Jamaican r-aaoo) l1. .i(l!llllllll ll! mi- lll'illt‘ mini; .2“ .. 1,”, ,. , w ,. , . , tr .0
. 0. !~ ' - w .0 ..-. = "s ' ~- .i .5
9»! '~ 4 o m to 1 a m 54 cover. Tomorrow, LS. (American reggae) will play \l'lllCh \ull k't'nlt’l‘ around the .\lu>h- ’ .0 it? . lb V n.t‘llll)(~‘l\ Ill uni .. 0!. .iqwt 'II. -I "-‘I'I‘ AI"
f I " ' “ "‘ ’3 l 0 "‘ Cover isSJsingle‘ SSOCOUPll I lmllOltn. lhi' lt'sln'nl u lll ll‘t'lllilt‘ it “I" ‘3 rvf‘fl , l; 1“ “mm “mm”... 4,, i..,. f.“ wr' f.” ,‘.'.,.'. " ;'*{'I.I'I
5 Bros! 5. Saloon 2909 Richmond Rd. Tonight and tomorrow, The Bad Guys dance in an t‘lllpl} xi. .mnnnu will. g ' I” « .‘,“ \ my“, 1h“; ‘,I. .‘,“;M 0 Mn,“ ,. I' L“. (if; 13'-
5 ' ; imio mum: wull playlrom9p.m. to l a.m. ”cover. African dance. 0m t‘XLX‘l‘lnlt‘nL'll " 5‘ .Ivfg I?“ - {m MN. “I“: ., {I 4.1”. «I.» ,}l,l'3',“-I _~‘...C,I’.;
.‘ B'eeding's 509 w Mom St. Tonight and tomorrow, Thumper and the Plaid dance on wheels. audience partlcr . ' 1-5:?» . ”j . .i t'Iill'ltl .. um; 3,.1..{..I.,{.{..,..i 1} ”1. .~. if» It}: .’7 31-3.":
:I II I‘ 7' ‘3" “WI op m' '0 l °-m' 53‘5“" 5°“ ”"9""- patlon dattces and “I107“ ' . "a: II I II , .‘SVI'I {that drlhl: .i' mm "lllllll rwu «tr! tI-‘I‘I- IJ ‘IaIIir'IIZ'f‘iIv‘II‘
; Crystal's Hyatt Regency Hotel. The lounge features Top AOdance music on With numerous dance forms pre- ‘ ‘J . j i .I ‘ _ Inadland {70. ii mm .-. ”j . ”u“ l "t if“, .faiifi.‘
‘ .. d‘iystem in addition to tavorilo videosonalorgo-acraanw. sented by amateurs and profession- 9:5,; I ' 0 V i ‘ ' ., q . j " " ‘ ' [.4 i153“ It}; ‘ .,
Y . . j . ! . .-. u ‘ ~ txruse wnn sumo-4. .i tr: Lam . t. .. i-._ “'3- ‘
3 .ho Disco Club Tonight, The New Kentucky Drift." (country) and Joons als,acrowd of 2.00015 expected, pi“. A“ ‘ ) ”MW 0” Km 7, r. My 1”“ ,h \ . ' js'. i“? ‘2 S"
j . u . ariithei (original rock) will play from 9 p.m. to l a.m. Tomorrow. De- The Woodland Dance Festival. an 0.: 2...} ’ " _ ”W ,dmv. .i . -. I... r.- . .0 .'t I’IE'I. tIT
a mum. willplaylrom9p.m. to l a.m.$2cawerbotlt"l9llts. annual daylong celebration in its 1’0. * \u ‘ -, i H“, 1‘1 ‘_ ‘ j H . . ‘ “ j _\ ..t:-‘..‘I;’j»~,,‘.I'.“,U'.;_->g
i 80;: Again at Rldt's Place — 393 Waller Ava. Saturday nights throughout third will; \pltlbtll‘wl it} tho z I; 0: 4.“.31“? I ~ ~ ‘ “I" pun j -. ' . . I I 0‘ , . , --.; 3.;‘~.‘.’f.If £07.71,“
3 :- «:0 «tomedlon musician TomCoolwillpet-formim9p.m.tola.m. Fuyetlvl‘rlxm (hunt; (lmt-ill- " “I’ f :3 ,- ‘ {I a ‘J‘ ' mm, ._ ,p , . ‘H I I l\‘,_'...";-; 'lIi'f- ::
‘ Great Scott‘s Depot 684 S. Broadway. Tonight. Rahal Without a Cause ment'» diuxmu itl l.t‘\lll._ltill p.1l‘l»\\ ' . l R l I V... , . ., .. . I I,. .10.. L. Ifl‘l'31It ‘HIIIL. it I‘
' . ' i" 9 s in to I cm. 52 cover. Tomorrow, Vole 0‘ Tears and 86 will {Ind ri‘t‘lt‘illltlll “nil tum llll‘llt‘ll [m ‘ "jun“ 'a" H; i". I y _ .’, ‘ I j. I’ ,'I ’I_II:II i_ “0.1::
i .,_ . . r,‘::c;e l'c'n 9:3 m to 1 am. ”cover. A local «ldlll t~ nrunni/iitmt: MIC" 7 III” I.U,I.II.I . ,,._i g {,1 rm , \ 'h “0'33 jig!
. Klng 1 Arm Pub Formerly Jefferson Davis Inn; l02 W. High 5'. Tonight and Merial’l Kruw (ll _\'\n(~iip.ili-i: [m Pol Armstrong, 099 lb! p’OC‘lC‘J" C ’ . ‘ - . .I' ‘ ’ " t: ‘7" 7) '1 ) ’, ‘ I \ _ i f " 1 «“7".» r. ’8 .f 3le
l - .. ,, . , - .\ , t r. l .' ~ ' :,' .5. ."tv. i. ..‘. ,0 .. -0 ,'
_ l .i;., “(w Mystery Train (rock 'n’ roll) will play from 9 pm. to l a.m. $2 is ‘.I.‘()!‘l(l!‘.;.’, 3.» (imply: (llrfi‘i'llll‘ u: lhl' Wheels portion Ol Sunday 5 “Dam-”JV”- ' "‘ -’ ‘ ‘ _I 7 l I ._ .f ‘3; :, .g * ‘
‘ 1.3. Il'f.’fi\i‘." l." .i': lawyer-'53:. ' "‘,"i" >—{ _ >
l ~ ‘ operation The purposi- ml lllt‘ lt‘Sll- pt I . J :1: ‘W!
. l A. Oliver's Holiday Inn at I—75 and Newtown Pike. 0.! spins Tap ‘Odonco ml. .lL't lll dint; in KI‘H5tfi i- - =., \hm‘ pt-nst- .icmunt somwheit- ‘1} 'n. - . - g“: Kr! V j j "I‘! W“ ‘ .3. 31.3.; . ';' 1
' _ .. ,_ i. ,1. A.“ .w M! - e u -..‘~. .3‘. .
§ v»! - :- ~ruttd systemlromapm. to l a.m.Nocover. the