xt741n7xpk5z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xpk5z/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-10-03 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 03, 1983 1983 1983-10-03 2020 true xt741n7xpk5z section xt741n7xpk5z MW
”: —
Vol. LXXXVI, NO. 39 An indopondont student newspaper serving the University 00 Kentucky since 189‘ Monday 0( '06.: J 1933
_ ‘ Q ‘ . . V ' .
,r. 34;. ._ - yr 1 eagan Wins reprieve in battle
-| s. o ' ~ . .59 '
: -3..,.:,’3; 3i» \ _rfci«a.nj f 6 t9 .d N.
p - ..._.
n... .~ .. a, mm, or cover at to icaragua
1" 3‘ . \- {‘t I ): r \ Q 1
4‘ ' 3,\" , s ‘ Associated Press ___.__.__. l' 8 government: in the region stop
’ , . -" “ . , _. “ ,‘ . _- leftutgunmuung
"( 9 ,2}; . ' 2.. "3 , ' 1 WASHINGTON — Preudent Reagan 5.10;” .lng ,“ 90170718 But in letten to the “th and
. . 3,.“ 3 i. .3 7:“ l has won at least a reprieve m (‘on- gomg er’" AlCUrUgUU Senate intelligence t‘unlmtllm li‘
3 ~ 1' — 2.222 2‘2: martini: w Ieflm gum/tn 222' “3.22m“.
. , _ , ~ .' ‘ . . revolutionaries. El Salvador would
2 , ’ , ; ’ X ‘ ' fi 7 33., The Senate Intelligence Comnut- . . mamTI-‘JS‘ “1"” ‘1‘}?! 3‘":
‘( ‘ . 1 h t‘ ‘ ' ta m accept“ a 51m”) ”Vlsed COS, 53w "Illll()n an(l fir. and‘ Al lM‘lnrlllulmmUlltlfi llrt‘l
'3. - 3“. ‘ .1 1-3 ' “d plan find the Home may 35“." I’lSk deeper erS "ll/l- each subsequent year Even .it these
i ' filial-infill; s s W ' ‘ ' ‘ awayfromabead-mfigbttostopit. . ‘ . I II levels little inter'rhninn could he
7" '\ I p ‘ Meanwhile. the “Mm“? con» “If" I,“ 0 lelllé’nl. achieved against air and \satr-rtinrne
, l A. ; i l l o tras -— or counter-revolutionanes Immaum ..
2 ' I ' . , ; 3&3 o - ‘1 ' 9' 3 . — have stepped up attacks against
«3‘ s I ’ ' 2' 4‘s it. < ' . -,-. ‘ « Nicaraguan towns near the Hondu- Pentagon to Nicaragua yflterda) two rebel
l , 3 i new . l I ‘ g ‘ 3 a ran border and against economic movements have intensified the
. . . . l « 3 g , , 1‘ 3- “cum inside the country The # 3909' and "“10"“? M ““3.“ 3"
3 ' . 3 t 1 *‘i ‘ , ‘ leftist Nicaraguan government off effort has lost steam since the army WNW. currylm out .1;
. , “33s , .- .. '_ g ’ ar’l , , fl.” __ 38:25 to have beaten back the at- [J‘utl‘iwvgénlgmsfml mam: m¢ on in; rural"! mph" and
. '“ " e ‘ H .' 1 - " c . vyasaau sm iner lb
, J i _. t“ , . l \xei‘x 3 "+55 Bytakingnoaction before the 1983 ”he mom pressing debate om 1hr attacks caused Em- but:
it . j » ‘ \ ,- ’F fiscal year ended l-‘n'day, Congress theroleofl' S Marines in Lebanon hm nun navy mm.” but ”-1th
. 2 ’ , V W} . I V 52‘ allowed funding for thecovert action °lntense lnlISOVlfl {Klimt 0V" a drive for rebel creditidit) and a
\ 2 , ,1 '9 we 71 ‘ . ' to continue. Proposals to end it are the dawning of Korean Air Line shift from sporadic harassment of
/ ’ ” 3 ' ‘ expected to reemerge later this Flight (I)? that has hardened con Nicaraguan tniups to highly Visible
V‘s- . . f ‘3 . month. but their chances appear greasmnal Whine!“ on I Wldt raids on important fi‘thllllt‘ tar .
. . I ‘3' l: , Cy! ‘- Q 2' doubtful rangeofsecunty issues gets
* x . ' all. ‘ ,= mkdmmtstration pleas that covert l'ntil recently, Hunt at the lighting
" . ' '1 . 3 c " ‘ . ' The House, which voted 223.195 on action is cructal to its overall politi- against Ntcaragua's leftist Mndmls
2’ ‘ " I ' ' . ‘ , 3 a ) "*{js July a; to kill tlle program. is sched- cal strategy in (‘entral America and ta government has been claimed in
We ' - :, ‘ ”’2 e .1" l '* “led to consider the cutoff prom] has already SUM In forcing NI [he Honduras bun-d Nicaraguan
23‘ ’ ,3 3- - 3 3 , 3 again in about two weeks as part of caragua to soften its negotiating po» Democratic Force. u rightist led
2‘ ' ' ‘2 I 3 .- ’ t , . . the 1984 intelligence authorization smon movement that gets 1‘ 5 help It
,_., 4 . ywww’ ‘3 " 3 , 3:3... ,, .33 .. M bill. The Senate never took up the -Pentagon (stimates that an overt may have as many as lulu) trmp
. w....:2..., M... 2 Ma» "C“ l . House passed bill to kill the pro program for stopping weapons gomg in or near Nicaragua
. 3 . 3 LllNS/KemelStafl - to ba k can rom . icara us to eftist llan But the (‘mta Kira tmml ltrvnlu
The rock band Helix, which Will open for KISS on a national tour, plays during the Fall Festival {$23331 mmwhile irisisting in El Salvadgr would costmérlonnul- tionarv Democratic Alliance led in
last weekend. Despite the bands and the booths, the festival only drew one-tenth of the crowd in ontighterbudgetary controls. lion and risk deeper US military in diaem‘hanted former Santlminhl
comparison With 135‘ Wat’s CTOWdS- volvement leader Eden Pastors (lid mut‘h oi
Congressional staff aides of both The Home bill. approved in July. the fighting In September nvenhad
. ’ . parties, speaking on condition they would have replaced covert aid With owing the iluxiuran halted rrtu-ln tor
a estlva a1 S to ra W not be identified, agree that the cut an open $80 million fund to help pro them,“ tum.
as many students as in past Rape
ByELIZABETH CARAS sold popcorn from the Student like a given work or not but can't Myths, misconceptions $11,70qu rapists, [8(‘! ur er says
Staff Writer Center. Coca-Cola was distribut- explain why."
ing freeDietOokeail afternoon. The Michael Joy Band began By ELIZABETH CARAS average I88 for a min to canmit that din-mentions to out mn’um r”
Attendance at Saturday’s Fall Although all registered organi- the show followed by the band StaffWr-iter his firstrape." stances. because pretmdtng to him
Festival ’. was mt}. the size rations were invited to' attend, Stroke. About 4:00 pm, the main 9” said mo" ra fall into three the mentality of a rapist could be
of last year's, according to David there were only four booths at the band, Helix, played for about an It's easy to blame the victim for 3 cm 0'15 -. the pa er 3,. the very thruerous
Bradford, president of the Student festival —- compared to more than hour. Paul Hackman, the band’s rape, and it's easy to let the rapist cg], ra and "3:2:qu pr: .. She said only two out at every to
Government Association. 16 last year, said Laurie Anne lead guitarist, said the band was off the hook for the crime. But those men w?” named b “can rapes are "pitted today which
The event attracted about 4000,. Bradford. glad to attend. ”AS 10118 as the beliefs an mytlu and stereotype, Groth is his clinical soldier; of ra has increased from me out of to in
500 le t. the do as The SGA offered samples of the people here had a good time, we says Jaque Wmelbacher, commu- ists p recent years This in often because
comm “towawooomor ‘ (my last materials and services they pro- hadagood time._” nity education specialist for lexing- . mat "P“ N" “Q“llmd Mm W
wheed 'd l . v1de throughout the year. 'It is a Helix is planning to make snoth- ton’s Rape Crisis Center. Power rape is the most common Victim. who may not want to mt
ywv 3‘“ - chance to find out what the orga- er video and will soon begin a Wunelbacherspoke about miscon- type of rape and ohm involves no itstruid
“I think that a lot of the reason nization (SGA) is all about," Tim seven to nine week European tour captions concerning the rapist and quaintances. 3"? 8W1- "PW" Ill) .——-——-
had to do with it being the first Freudenberg, SGA vice president, with KISS on Oct. 11. Hackman the mpist's motives at the Office of ists plan in advance and fantasia;- I
free Saturday (with no football said. said. Continuing Education for Women on abouttherape " I .NS'DE
game) and many people went One of the organizations at the “All the bomb did a fantastic mmyinsnam Hall. The power rapist doesn‘t feel in
home,” Laurie Anne Bradford, Fall Festival included Young job," Charlie Fox, WFMI pro- One of the most W113? miscon- control of his life and the rape
festival coordinator, said. Democrats for Collins who regis- gram director, said. “They were 09an is that men rape because makes him feel that he is in charge, v
She also said several profession- tered students to vote in Novem- twice as good as they were last they are sexually deprived, she said. Wunelbacher said. ”Hi8 mode 0‘ 09 k C. D“ we h m I
a] school entrance exams were her and promoted Lt. Gov. Mar- year." “This is the biggest myth that per- eration is capture, conquer, can; h M ill hst ”by .4
given that morning and may have tha Layne Collins and the Everyone was a little upset by vades society." trol." m d h My Hans M.
discouraged some students from Democratic nominees. Laurie the poor attendance this year, A rapist's rationale for raping is The timer rapist comprises one New at ills m ss-
attending. AnneBradfordsaid. LaurieAnneBradfordsaid. about the same as an alcdiolic's third of the offside". Wunelbacher IO!-
Others did not know about the The Citizens Utility Board was “Next year 1 hope that there is reason for drinking, she said. “It said. “His assault is motivated by
event because of insufficient ad- available to speak with students more resporse from students as would be the same thing if an alco r889 Wthh he "BIG”!- by "I! t. u lo. M m ~ 1"
vertising, Laurie Anne Bradford about rising utility costs “Anyone individuals and from organiza- holic claimed to drink because he rape " "" " W M '- vol-M.
said. “We didn’t get the posters who gets a phone bill should be in- tions," she said. “We wanted ev- was thirsty." Force is always used and these " u " W' M- '3'
until verylate.” terestedinthe group,”shesald. eryone to enjoy themselves as stu- Wurselbacher said studia have rapes 8" We" med by I ”In!" ’mz' ‘
The annual SGA event, which The newly established Art Guild dents of UK and hopefully we can shown over 60 percent of rapists mastranser. she field.
includes an outdoor concert and displayed artwork, and members doitagain." were married or had a regular sex The third “below. the “dink
merchant’s fair, was held from were available to speak with any- “We're only doing it for them." partner. rapist. comprises only about 2 per-
noon to 6:00 pm, Saturday at one interested in their work. “We she said. “We're not making any ll beca cent of all rapists. Wunelbacher
Commonwealth Field. Sponsored showed up to let people know that money withtheattendence.” M3: usua y rape . use they said “These are the ma everyaie
by WFMI, a Winchester radio sta- we exist and we’re on campus," Laurie Anne Bradfa'd estimated 2;. M' “Wk“? 2" 3" hears about like Jack the Ripper.
tion; Panama Jack, a beach prod- Giarlotta Brunson, secretary of that the SGA received about 8500 "‘8 revenge, ’ 33"" 53’; although theyare very rare." 3 | {WI
ucts company; and Coca-Cola, the theguild. said. from the sale of T-shirts and pop- want to eagwa ' “m This type of rapist finch it intrinsi- a“ “ .3 w .-
festival featured three bands and ”We're trying to educate the corn. The money is being used to “mm ' cally atcitlng to hurt mm and :' 2 : “thou“
fmtrstudentbooths. public so they will be able to ap- help renovate the Student (h-gani- The maja'ity of rapbts are :5 it often mctloes baidap and mutila— “i“— "m ilii ii
_ Panama Jack T-shirts were preciate artwork when they see zations and Activities Center in younger and are acquainted with the tion,she said ~*.~h~‘-
available for $5.00 and the SGA it," she said. “They know if they theStudent Center. victim, Wunelbacher said. “Rape is Wurzelbacher warned sgaimt the
a repetitive crime with to heirs the compulsion fa wanen to adapt
Assrstant professor receivesfello wshlp for studies
W riter to document history of black workers in Appalach'a
ByDAVEENASEmN a“culturalmlna'lty,”hesaid. fellowship at the University of Appalachian Cents, said blasts in “
Staff Writer 'mrner received a bachelor's de- Penmylvania's Moton Center for in Appalachia “are an invisible people
gree in sociology from UK in 1903. dependent Studla and the Institute lnaninvisiblereglon." _.
William H. Tumor has spent al- His doctoral degree is from the Uni- for Educational Leadership at “There has been a long-standing 2;“...
mostmyearslnltarlan County. versttyofNotreDame. George Washington University need for the kind of salvage all!» 1 "WM
'lheassistantprofessorofsociolo- Althoushhehasspentthepast amuleNIWCenta-forfid- papldcworkthathet'l‘mierlis .1: 3 3
gy and Amhchian atudia pew up three years marching Black Har- ”Mandates. m, and he is the “I penal to 33’ f ’7 .
mLM'Ky.,agmnnAmh¢hun tan in addition to teaching his 'mrna' has held teaching, re- doit.lleismeofonlytwoorthree j}.
mining town. He was recaltly pant- mat UK, hisinterests have not search and administrative posts at — los than a handul, let's say — .4 7 no:
edafellowshiptowriteahmoryof alwaysbeenfocmedonblackAppa- severaltniveniti-Jlenuu-nsdto doinganyjaiincantwrkonblack g. .._.,.‘3 2"
thearea. “an t decade in the all oifn industrial“ the A cod “id- ' ”if. ‘- V ’
espens ( lmHoa- t“ the ' of mu torotnlocluin = 7-. .
W‘wrufim‘figmfi chimanddoingmearchinthegen— mummpouticalandm Appalachiemmlnloamato >3
“mg: umwh‘” CalamofAfro-Amerlcansocial toricalpligntotblacspeoplem bepublahedistormayeubyun ,‘
dwty‘dcomplimenyrathsl-‘cdm and political movements. “1 was partoftliesocialandllstoriealex- UllvaityPrusofKaitucky. The g
' hikingatthemalnsu-eamofblsck parlawedblackpaoplehawala- mamzsalscudnad- ,
of as fellowships available this year :~ 2!“ "9"“ .. ' h“ ‘“ “ . ~ .. we, ..
the Postdoctoral allkinthofquotatiom, bound. 1 unsound mach mil-e about and dam from Black Harlan kl $5, 33,333. 33...,
growl foernu‘ltlaPro‘nm “I dldl’t mderstand then, that, the [null mow, rotation that it h macro-analytical in its a? . 3-" ffiwg “2:27".
ellowahips ' hadlspmtmyaiergiulookingat mmmdmmn M,1Wsaid.“.wt{a '
wmmuiemior mmmmmma theUiitedStatu—andlnrhadthe Mahmuedmrd .2.» , .3
flieStudyovallRldltsandRaee hlackshAmaladilaJmlldhave Md-byshdyhlflachhthe ‘W,"lsanenl¢ttadthe -‘ - ifilfigfig‘ . ,
muons, Tint will outline bsdannichclonmptcunot WWWMW ms may Soda! aw. s;
niochflarlamthsnsultofsttne blacks in the who ms and cflanblackwmm wfldlaarvas-"a WM ‘ m...
yaarruearchefforttormmn Uhmthntlmtl'. sauedthemewatdd- Micheline daaparato biggie -:
thesacialtbhy,odglm,adapta- comtllgtoleamsometlaiigsbout," mammoth.“ mm black cunni- . f1“
lion and ”migration 1! blacks in Tina-said. Autumnal utias Ii those stat. m to g . _.
thaAmaladlancoaleed "lna'htoknowthetailvu'aal, mummy-oi. Myrtisnidfllcemdfl f- ‘ it???
hmm. youreallydobasttfyouknowthe unmamahlndln- «median-summit“ '
mmwmmthemm partiadan,"hssald “instants-usual... with, in also cities - Donut.
dltfefaa‘Wminalty"wltfln He also has bald Wei w.mmtrum MMdMWm. Wit-WIND
I f 3 . '

a-mmvmm.onebera.tm “q
' 1 00 O FF ' ‘ f
O 0
'.' $ - : Lady Kats Improve to 22-2 after LSU wm
MJWNWUW mmmmmlaatwed’a McMSimpmstartedinUK'as-l
: tn wgp‘gxgg: : BES TYPE Newt-”Writer lt-toPadnc. his muchwflchxargyltllgsrhy, still an:
' . ‘ - Tanya Diammd and Marsha nond spiked an new; allallder hampered
I <2" E"‘”"'"°'“‘ | Tundyxlblfiflmwmflm anddlnkedamillinthellrstumewflle lattll‘mtlleoganaettxdlmteamFBy
" N - and mun: anew yelled-ye 0! lsUcouldget oatnothinggoing. uses a e: ense Kirby Irene
: EE 'oseo'ua'rsnmoton : ”mm“ mmgmméutwumuemummh ufiwumwzhgmngbdm Smytllscttlm.
.. locatl . aw ca on. cur-game allowlm Tigers .2
I «K on Wm“ M m n u M me mm m’ M u_ to score the next six points. Frullnan Lisa "It’s may. aoodIIor my new on».
------------— 1“ ea vitnri Damnaeeinama'e plainutimethan Kirhyaaid.‘...lmlearnin¢maem
Southern nlinois Duke and Temple in m- V '1“ 2
I I gulbnmeeClusic'inKnoavllletom "w wlmtheneat five ”in" “I“ ackintherefihoudhandlmmlnnek
. W. .
' $2.00 OFF I W'mmn‘z- 'lhetldrdgamestartedomndreoppoalte
I I 'l‘heKats,l-ankedfifthamlaixthinsopa- manner,withl.SUjumlin¢uptoa12-2lead. IheKataareatEasta-nxultucky'mea-
I rate polls, allowed dominance in the nrsttwo 'lheKatacamewithinll-labutfellahort. thy nllht and on the road until they host
{ l U, $2.00 on any 16" pizza. I games and the ability to hold their maid UK watched its 11-3 lead dwindle away in layola Marymolm Oct. 11. The Oct. 14
I I Q ' One coupon per piul- I when lSU threatened to turn the manentum the fourth game as the Tigers kept clawing match against Hawaii in Memorial Coliseum
I I S Expim: "-641 its way, which pleased associate head coach and finally tied it at “-14. After three side- will start at 9:!) pm. atta- an appearance
I 2 2 -: ' MaryJoPeppler. wts,KimMartinsenludathundemusspike by'l‘lleallckalatsp.m.lnconjunctlonwith
i .0! SN Eggd'mnfi'mgm I ”They‘re playirg better. I think theyre and last Dpenbeck had an equally lntim- the met men's basketball practice at the
: 2 I o a a location. I kind ot inspired after the U at p less. idatingblocktoendthematcb. aeaaonatlzzmam.
KK 0
..--..-----..--..-.I Bat Cats batter Cumberland Wlth home run show
2 a»: 2 7 ' ‘ .— -
" I.,, “Idal’tknowhowman homemwere onetayingupimteadotorouchingandlgot
e I ___. f, s. // “'” H “NESWALTER hit today,” said UK Coaghmlieith Madison, a: month my; got meandhetrfmto hit
. ' ‘ ‘ Repl- “hutbothteamswelehitting m." e m, power. ’3 my
I/ 2 . . l e n
‘ .— H ' '- 2 fl ‘ on B l Shively Field was the scene Saturday of an Campbell went hm” the m“ same, b“ jw'mtfimvfimdfiy cm his
I f“ WAREHOUSE unusual brand of baseball — the home rim fins out of me dam, 81mm” switch to s Tmmm driving home!” mmmma
7" 2 derby. theNo.23potseemedtobringulthisbutin singlelanda’homerintheflrst‘game and
.. 2.3-: , I; The Kentucky Wildcats blasted six home me m ”M The junior Mr“, W m menu“ 3 Cumberland m with a
*‘ 2” \ CLEANING m in a dellbleleeder sweet? 9‘, ember- tlrreetor-tlueeotticially,buthealsodr-ovein andmmtmmmmm
-. SALE ' (04-0. Clark’s homer in the fimt 83mg was his RBIsfortheFallseason.
. Three romld-trippers were hit in the first first of the athibition season, and it seemed Dan Wt 8180 homered in the flflt
_: ’ _ me—thefirstatwo-rlmshotinthefourth toindicatebebssbegtmwmakeoreadjust- sums.
\ 2 . . “ember 4 and 5 ignanlng by Randy Clark that broke a 1-1 tie. ment from junior college to major couege Madism med 8 total of seven owners in
l 4,77 ’ 9 am _ 3 m : 'I‘heWildcatswonbythescaeofl-a. baseball. the two games. Starter Jack Sneeze lucked
-—- _ y ' 77% . p | Rick Campbell belted two of his team’s “The only adjustment 13:13:33 gun: :gdthe wm lag: fopener-hallo?“ leeJhlt
“ 3" - threehomelsandcollected seven RBIsin thatmyjuniorcollegecoa - onerun _ mm_ wor. oe
,, 53/ New Student Center Patio — the second game, Igniting a rally from a 7-3 ler (UK assistant coach) have two different Farmer. m telnet. got the WI m the second
22% I! deficit thatendedina l7-8UKrout. philosophies on hitting. I worked last week game.
' .2-" I Books for sale: - ____——_———
, , 2' I GENERAL CINEMA I Lexin n
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’ V ‘ 2‘ [4' Inedividllal maps $1 00 I LENSES ~ $2.00 moasom. lfl‘éjaSagIngs
,- w. - mm ‘= eve n n
2’ . i» I THE KENTUCKY HARNESS Hoase $59.95 gunman Milli"; . moan t¥lestort¥*
g I: 2 ,1 33-00 DISCOUNT PRICES ON THE COMPLETE LINE OF °‘ Iust, blbshowmg your
' .2 " - ' ' ‘h - ' a... ;. ' .
a; T? , , gage,§§gg ,- BINOCULARS To WATCH THE WILDCATS WIN C37“ ; ;
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, x 2 ‘ 22 thlcal Gauss . g“, .,
J; r “ 7‘ TI '.._ _ _n_‘ ,...“ 2417 Nicholawtllc Rd 9660¢law A N ' ‘ e ..'. or ,n .. .‘1:\‘1;;:,‘1.l_~ i
' Hen—dz, ‘“ mlyy [W 2‘ L \ L . —\: 2 if [025;0;'¢3'57$r¢ zss-mmu .lc V ‘i‘ lm;m’%_ :E ’3‘"- (‘A' I‘m" 1 ‘V‘ "‘ ‘I‘ 'V i
’ ‘3' a ‘ NW '_ ‘55:: “ ; . Nldleksvllloload Ive-dag. mnuam ; ‘ ll , _", "Mam § 5:“ 2.322 on :2 i
7, ,:-. not ‘ \> Stet-00p... Mum‘s” ‘~ mamas52‘smumswmmé1 '3‘ 2; . . -. ’2 2 i
g” The Student Activites Bonrd Concert Committee %
‘ Proudly Presents
2.2392 557;
«1:3:- ’4“
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I',‘ 2‘5"
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in Concert
lfl/‘x Mr. W”; ,_ _. V .., ”WM”!
/ " ’ _ ; .
. ;‘ .x: -: " 2‘ A. ”‘24,, '_ “ .1; r. .
uesdoy, O .2 , . . .
'2. “2_:"";;§2§.; :9"? 33.381 to;- '
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Mem . I ‘42 ...
2 3. 2,2 1 -~ “$3:
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Reserved Sent Tick . . 2; , I , d s 1 0.00 on So Ie
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E; 55;»: “3’32‘: fit: :\. I I 3:";
2st 2 ‘2: «2’ W” 2:21.»
of"??? “-317. T . ' Site?
at Student Center : , . 10- 4 weekdays
‘ z a . .

_ C ncer c re mamvamsm.o«wa.rm.a
t... . a a
-~ Okt berfest provrdes . . . . . .
.. 0 Radiation therapy developed at Medical Center increases chances for Victims
“W G b df mmcvwrim Maid-hummus» wean -- -
- ”70, Beach said He aeea shoe in star-darn nan are mu {m-
erman rew an un ”We w in the ”flat! dose lo m a“ da man (i meal cancer year auntvun I
_ .. W‘Sligstalilaniunmin- eachved.wtthasta¢elmrate name-immune «l the
By GARY W.PlERCE IN by W d an A m radiatim Mapy “I can- “mm a! late. m mm d.“ “M_ TI‘ Hid II '"I‘ t‘ll’Ylplit‘.
"Wm“ ' K‘“ bydocton ttheMedtcalOaiter ahaelded ~
. "ny Gm” mumg’ u. 1 3 w“ m ' _ mm I'll M ream. Bach said he tlve “qr (stunt 117 an tram
UK: 5-1 ”have days of Bavarian revelry" tracted long lines 0! binary testi- Dr. J, Ll"! Beach. chiel "an. m- rum I 0 mm: ti. wooedin «told he bene timaUy tam nth a urnptteaum
I In“ few at an tlurd annual 0m vmwtl m m (“W tion mfildlt. [lid on W m “NM "m M to m arch II Wim‘hu I’ll! d is MY!“ t!“ u he than
UNI bf ”flat. Md Friday m Saturday mt OM “Wu" u “n W cure I...” {a W can- I'M W southern L‘Ill’tl'flll TH“ percent Mt‘h Mid
my “mum HorsePark. ‘8 800d old-fashioned 50¢ 600' for cen.upecially cervicalcancer .m M‘flin. [PH and nune tech- [hides-developed coimtnea could it a like ill" a base-hall tut n.
“d Irene The event. sponsored by the thosewithmoreAmericantasta. . “cm.“ mautors ”um“ '“ u" W mun-9m- “9"” h“ ' n) W ““1 “3 I“ “' I
lexington Council of the Arts. The dessert booth ode-ea apple Ben" “'dwmmm ””0““! “8’" MP “W “W.“ , MN.» mmnr imam-m mm
, " Lowenbrau and WLAP radio. was strudel and other sweet Wil- med on over coo cases at uterine remain in the morn “they are at Beach said the pop“ began in you can adequately allu‘t a tumor
. flame, designed to raise funds for the fled Schmid, d the Ohio-based cancer. so brain tumors and an as- and out in me day. she said Alta; tin. and a undid by the American \thlltn due“
no tomt council and its member WERNE- Servatti my” Company, said aortment of oralcaVity. breast and vnththe advantage at no Wt Cancer Society to do randomized Martin said they are quite m
u ’ tions; andtheaccent was definite with a trunk, “They say they’re other cancers since 1970. He said hospital stay. there is no post-trn- tots with cervtcal cancer Beach thuaed mth the m pnmtun- she
drone h lyonfun. non-fattening, but I wouldn't there has been an improvement in plant nausea. and the penal re and stage III n much better and said a lot 0! We are new umi
Oktoberfest featured fine Ger- sweartothat." the clearance at stage ll. Ill. and IV mains awake W the attire no ”What any damage that might not have been
man beer, German food. beer, in the main tent, the UK M cervical cancers. with clearance of cedure.Martinsaid. . ~ The t advantage at the Beach said even thou‘h the tint
ky m polka dam, beer, music and Disemble Fwd the “mm stage III being almwttwtce as el- [Beach said this treatment ia addi- mm. In lid. is “the oomph ment ta mt dlu‘tive “aunt widely
boy but beer. As Tom Caywood, an alum- didn’t have to be authentically fective than With traditional treat- ham] to six weeks of X-ray therapy cation rate ta really low A radiuac spread rara‘en. it all“ has many ad
Oct. 14 ms and volunteer festival worker, German to be fun. run me man. . . We put a large tine d radiatlm m tlve W. Caitln m. was tradi vantages relatively iota nut outpa
m put it, “When the worst beer you oom-pahed its way M such The new procedure mes Caliform- the tumor. and then the x-raya clear tlonally med. Will-t. a cornpltcatmn tient arrvttva and Mixed Wymt‘al
m have in the place is Lowenbrau on unlikely yet mm tunes as urn-52. an element that releases it up. he said. A six-week pa'iod rate d 15 percent tan is lens thhn “implication
Limwith tap, you know you've got it made. “My Old Kentucky Home" and neutrons. These neutrons can pen~ must. be allowed when the pelvic live-percent. Beach and .Uthmgh Runs and Japan arr
3 of the It'sbasicallyabigparty.” ”Theme from ‘New York, New etrate into human tissues and re- area is treated.hesaid. because this Martin and patients mpund to tannin ’stmtlar treatmenta Reach
For those who enjoy a little food York.’ n Come nightfall. the lease recall protom which are ex- normal tissue must have time to re the therapy well it seems like the said i it u the 1111} one at the mun
with their drinks, Oktoberfest of- crowd got into the act, Wm tremely effective in causing tumor pflll'. .. Elma melts away. she said try at this time mind the tech
feted a variety of Bavarian culi- their fancy foot work in the Polka death. Patients are all ages. taually be Some patients classified as inoper ntque
nary delights. A food booth oper- Contest. -
. Rea an allies want dela on vote
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