xt741n7xpk26 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xpk26/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1980-03-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1980 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 06, 1980 1980 1980-03-06 2020 true xt741n7xpk26 section xt741n7xpk26 \‘ur. run. Nu. m Ker e] l'nit‘ersiti of Kentucky
Th""‘“.‘- “3““ °~ I980 an independent student newspaper Lexington. Kentucky
t. . .. ”Vii: T ‘
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ii ' “ U n outsells HUtI'ItIOI I
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\\:\ , _ . __ 3% . _ By PH-(ii 80“ K and will establish better eating habits.
.- By the \ssocntted I’ress -:§\§§s§\:‘ . Q . .IIIII : III fifws I‘m 2: :3 .=:s Reporter sht‘Isdld, .
333 33$: .233. __ * _ ::- e {3 j . v; ”is; . Ihe talue of a meal card changes
'i’:"'.-:-s’:\°:=::.\2§-s 3 ‘3‘. 4." 3:9 ‘ ::‘:,'.. : '»:- ‘ ' . “.-“< ' t it“; -'- ‘i'Iiii": - - . '
(ieorge Bush gained a haitsbreadth \rctory oter Rep. 3§\§. W3 3.. . f w . ":‘Tis-‘Is-"i‘ '. . A meatconsrstingofacheeseburger. With each meal: SIJU for breakfast.
John Anderson yesterday when the lirial soles in tltc figs 333$ . 's WW“ I, french fries and a soft drink. topped $2.“) for lunch and $2.55fordinner, It
‘ s \‘s : .-: .. -_.: F. 5. ;:3;:.' «:55. 3:: ‘: ._ . , . . . _ . - ~ .
Massachusetts prcsidentral primary were cotrnted lriother . , it"s .~ .fii 3 3 33 is‘ 3., -: off with a package ol Twrnkres for is possible to get a nutritionally
deycloprnents. Senate Republican leader Howard Baker 3W \- * -I- s: “- ': ,.I-_.;.3s' . i. 3 W dessert is standard fare at a campus balanced meal at the grills if one -
quit the race. and former President (ierald R. l'ord said the “33 33 3t"! s f grill. according to Richard Clark. knows what foods are most beneficial.
contest for the (i()l’ nomination is “a wide open ballgante" “3% ‘ '= 3. . j?" , i s‘ g? i manager of the Student Center's Menus yary in the different grills-
which he may yet enter 33.333333; . 3 . ‘33'-si~ . ..:. WW 3 ' a... Wildcat Grill. The StudentCentcr(irillserycs only
' l-ord said the r'a/or margins by which Bush won .x\si\§\‘¢‘;i$§:fl;g sis ,3 my}. 5- :-. : s I .- $ . i . . , . . _ .. . . doughnuts and beyeragcs tor
- 3.3.3sz 3. ,.~,_: t ,3" - :- .. _ ._ . lhey' re killing themsely es. ( lark . . .
Massachtisetts and Rttni'ld Rt‘i‘ts'i'“ “121°” “mum” 1” \§I§>§§ .3933 iswsfsz-r '* i X i "ii i & said referring to students who eat breakfast, lhe (ommons and Kim”
, Vermont were “'i clear indication to me that there is no " ?i=: ,. s‘ic ' is ‘ ; : "* ’ ' ,. - .‘ . ’ (irills serye eggs. bacon. ham. -
-~ ' . We.“ ". .é .. - -- t. . there. and I think they re crazy. . .
consensus among Republicans. ..:;:;-s: . ' “t: :‘ ‘35. $33.. , - . -,- ._ ~ - - . . . . .. r- - . ~ . hotcakes. toast w’lthyc‘lly. cold cereal.
. . . ) _.:-- -:, _ =3. 3 3- 3'33 . _ .. ._ lhcrc arc somc nut.rtrous foods . . . -. . _ ,.
He said there wont be strch a c‘onscnstls before the (t()l _. .- - . . ,» . - 3:33.33 - -~ : . 3. . . . _.: milk and yurce. Burrier suggested that
. . I: .- _ : g g.»- ayailable at the campus grills. hc said. . . _ , :
national contention. arid thtis forecast iust the kind of : , - .- ; ~ 5;, .5 __- _. . ~ - . students not eat food made with a lot
, . .t , _ ts- . ,. . .. s ..;.,3te°33 .33 In fact. all food has some nutritional _ '
campaign stalemate that would giye him an opening tor cs»:- M * $3.? 33 3°33. “We; nets . . - . of sugar. such as doughnuts or .
, . -: .~ - .-, s, . c. 5 ., 3; .W -, salue. But truly wholesome food iu.st .
another Vt hrte House bid ' . ~ -\ -- - . 3 3 Wmv“ . 3 ’ ’ hotcakes with syrup.
- -. is . ~ .5. . ~ taxes“ doesnt sell. ( lark added. _ ' . . .
\thile I-ord hinted in I audeihill. l la. that he may get in. . f '3 ' .t ' . 3“ ssssr. ' - .. . - .. - - - Another food to ayoid if one is ~
- ' ‘ 3 > ' ~- st: .t::i.,..-_,: $3“ g...” Empty-calorie foods (high in . . , .
Baker conceded in “ashrngtori that he is out . s p.335.- Wyn-43.3 ‘3 ._i; : ' . . . . counting calories or is nutritionally
.. . ‘ . . .. s s. gs.» 1’ calories and low in nutrients) outsell : -
It s pretty clear the campaign rsn t going anywhere. he . é. -‘s~ _.; i...~..-_..-..;gss’.t:. s3. 3. . - - - . - concerned is bacon, A person would
- , s s ; . , 3, -t.-,:t~s <§=f3sse+s 3 fresh frurt at the grills by a 5 to l ratio. 1 , ,
said alter laggrrig far behind the leaders iii the first fiyc ' ~ ‘ ,: {if .s. . s . ' . ha\e to eat I- slices of bacon.
’ ' - » i» 4‘ .3\ as} according to ( lark. Examples of . -. _
. : Republican carripargn tests, Baker said it was clear that the ‘= , _. : ,.2%- 3’s» 332233 at”. . - - approxrmately ”3 “1'0““ P" ‘llCti 1" '
.. » ‘ .. . vs“- : >333... empty-calorie or .iunk food are . . ~ . .
. principal competition is between others He did not say - --3 - 3 333 :s- .; , _' , . . recerye the quantity of protein one
, s ._ . - . ._ 3- a; ass. sass, chips. cakes and pies. ' .
who he is supporting for the (MI nomination. : 3.3-» . is 3. needs each day. Burrrer said.
Becatrsc Anderson had taken the lead Iuesday night. 3. '=:_ . ' _. - f s s. _._. '-= Hamburgers outsell fish 3 to l. FOE lunch and dinner Burrier
seyeral news orgaiii/ations declait-d him the w rririer. orily to .. 3 i 5 . 1 ‘ sfi“ "\ ‘ french fries o\ er cole slaw l I to I. and S U ggcsted ”1 at students ll“
. 3.. . Q. : _ - '-I;I_ ,3" .. s.,I""._I,s'\g-.:s-.I.33,‘I' _ . : i . :
pullback w hen later tallies show cd no one is itlt a conclusiyc . tr' ' " "g:s3.':~-s:\ - soft drink sales surpass those of milk hamburgers (dFCSSCd 10 g61 additional
' lead Ihc ‘\\s(tc‘l.’tlc‘tl I’ress wasamong them. haying grycn '.. . . ,’ was; 33? by a 4 to I mark. Clark said these nutrients from tomatoes. lettuce. .
,- Anderson the yicioty ill the early exerting : - ~ 3:“3: ratios indicate students‘ lack of onions). cheese sandwiches. fruit.
While the Republicans ran toyirtualdcad heats irithctwo 'II_.: .3 3 concern. or perhaps simply a lack of salad. soups and milk. . i
i Itiesday primaries. President Carter and Sen Isdward M, .5. ’ nutrition awareness. Clark also suggested that students
Kennedy won l.)eriiocratic landslides ' -s. Potato and corn chips. cream-filled Cat pina. He said adding mushrooms. '
Kennedy won his home state Massachusetts prriiiary with . _ . cakes and sugar-coated fruit pics are onions. and other items will increase ‘
65 percent of the one to (‘artcr's 29 percent. lhe president : 3 - § \ carried out by the bag as weekends the nutritional \alue. .
. swept Vermont‘s non—binding primary with 7'5 percent ofthc Q g." I‘ _~ : approach. when students with meal Carolyn Adams. a dietitian at (iood . ‘
tote to 25 percent for Ketirredy - . i. cards may be going home or do not Samaritan Hospital. agreed. She said
Kennedy. saying he had a lift for his carrtpargn and his . ' -- i . plan to eat another meal that day. pirla is one oftbe more nutritious fast I
. . issues. turned his effort to \ew York stateyesterdayseekrng i Such food items make a quick. tasty f00ds. Mushrooms and onions are ’i
support in a March 25 primary that is one ol his niaioi .1 3 snack for parties.study sessions orjust Vegetables and additional nutrients .
targets. ' .. ‘ -' late—night munchies. can be obtainedfromthetomatosauee
( arter said he was ready totompcte for 4|ts Democratic , I_..,«f I...- , , .-, . - Sue Burrrer. a food specralist at and meat.
dcicgates in it) states. w here primaries will be held or multr- ' --'- - i - “ UK‘s College of Home Economics. Burrier suggested that bologna. h"! i
' ' . step dclcgatc~sclcctron caucuses will get under way nest §it.\Q said if students were more aware of dogs and coney dOgS be ayoided. Sht‘
2 week . --., .. 3‘ . ‘ nutritional importance. they might cat said these foods are not filling and are
' “hits “oust Pts‘s‘ srt‘rs‘tur} Jodi Powell said in Boston . rt, IMHI) \I,:\\\-\RI),/Kernel stair more nourishing food, She said a not worth the cost. Other foods to be .
that Massachusetts didn't do Kennedy much good ngh hopes possible reason students eatjunk food avoided are cakes. PiC$~ and chips.
. nationally. because the challengcr‘s first yictory came front at college is because this may be the These foods do no more than proyide -
i . h” own Senate s‘””»‘“‘“¢’”‘ (onnie Ilngle. a ciyil engineering freshman. the Florida State-Toledo game to be played first time on their own. and now they quick energy.
. ‘ "l mini TWIN” l‘tllss ““Uld ‘ '3'“ 1‘ ( arter “ I“ ”1 (is‘ms’ld crosses her fingers in hopes of obtaining a Friday night. Si\ hundred students showed up must teed themselves without mother Burner and (‘lark agreed that when .
. . its a maioi eycnt on the political hurl/OIL” hs‘ sittd- ticket to see the l K Wildcats play in the for the lottery distribution last night at there to balance the meals. people eat properly and get suffrcrent
. (artcr e3pects a \ictori thcrc nest lucsday. when \Iideast Regional game in Bowling Green on Memorial (Queeum. but only .19 tickets were As students get older. they; become rest. they are able to control their li\ es
' . . (‘ontinued on page 4 Sunday. The Wildcats will play the winner of aiailable. more 8“?er of nutritional importance and handle “1595 better.
i i IWO UK d t CI 1:- I I t I 6W pUbIICEtIOI'I
. s 3) KATY BANAIHN gastrointestinal surgeons. McRobcrts amount til calories." (iritfen said. McRobens said his concentrations ' 5." . i = ’ i
W start that: is listed under urologists. "He concluded that the gastric to urology are in three areas: male __.:-s“ e ,'
s ' . (iriflen. a graduate of Princeton (stomach) bypass is superior because infertility. cancer of the bladder and ,. i .
s . Iwo doctors from the l K Medical I'nrycrsrty. (‘orriell Medical College of the complications of the bowel pediatric urology. '33s __- .
. . (‘cnter are among l4 Kentucky and the l riiycrsity of Minnesota bypass. Consequently. that's the only McRoberts. who studied urology'at _. .
.‘1 , . II doctors listed in a recently published (iraduate school.speciali/csin surgery one I perform now." he added. the Mayo Clinic and holds degrees _: _._ r
i _ \ ., book The Best Doctors in thel'.S.: A to treat obesity. He said he considers (iriffcn is now doing an "ongoing from Princeton University and ' . ' "
' -; Guide to the Finest Specialists. his study comparing two surgical study of obese patients their Cornell Medical College. said he ,' £3- . .‘ 3 i “i
Hospitals and Health (enters “ riicthods forreducrng weight one of his respiratory functions. their works in developing non-operative c i - . . ‘
" s\\ ‘ \Iard (ir'rffcn .lr.. chairman of the most significant contributions. distribution of drugs iii the body and treatments for male infertility. .33 s ‘3. ‘
I \\W department of surgery. and \Viilraiii “lherc are only a couple of their nutrition. whichispoor."he said. According to McRoberts. l5 percent *- imi - '
s W3 _ McRobcrts. chairman of the operations that reduce weight. ()nc is (iriffen is also in charge of treating of all males are infertile. s :3- ” ' ‘
. is; _. .. department of urology. were included by passing the small bowel. lhe trauma patients at the Med (enter. McRobct‘ts said his research in -
‘ s i in the book written by \Vashrrigton concept is that the oyerwerght patient including the initial treatment of cancer of the bladderinyolyes“finding ' .
. treelartce writchohri l’ekkaneii can eat pretty muclt what they want \ictims of automobile accidents. as how the body fights cancer and . 3 ‘ - .
. - :3 3 I’ckkanen based his research on and the L".Ct'\\ is discharged by the well astrrcnds and relatiycs of suicide applying the information clinically." -
I i questionnaires and rtitcr \ tests is rtli 501) bowel. I he other operation is to and homicide \ rcctims, He predicted He said cancer ofthe bladder is “much
nationally known specialists. (irifteii bypass part ofthe stomach sothat the trauma would re lace cancer ‘ts the rarer than infertilit ' but certainly . - ~ -
WILLIAM .\IcR()BF:RTS l d h- i . ' . . _ . . . . . t. . , p i . i ' WARD (.RIFFENJR.
is rstc irt t c took tintict stomach can only takc iii a ccrtairi numbcr two killer in the I9K0s, (onttnued on p.394
' S i // f. d
pr/ng enro ment Igures 0 a) P——————————————-
2 ' hours and ctrrrictiliirn with a teachers' organi7ation. panel. Foreign Minister Sadegh (lhotbladeh said he -
8 0w 4 percent Increase was backed by (im .lohn Y Brown‘s administration. hoped to announce today the time of the meeting.
' calllpus It was one ot Brown‘s main campaign issues ordered by the governing Resolutionary (‘ouncrl
B JIM (. ( F\ 57‘ . Brown accepted his first legislatrye defeat “This meeting one way or the other has to be
3 ' . A ' - [”le i’ ”I" “Tm"?- reptcscntrngthc‘ :\ ('\RI IR ”AT FOR ("mm“"wm‘n‘ “I‘d philosophically. declaring that while he IS effectuated. it has got to take place and this is a
stair writer largest minority group in percentage. {cit-commUnit'ttllttn's iiiaiors takes place today in zoo disappointed that professional negotiations for decrsion of the Revolutionary (‘ouncrl and it‘s not
. black students make tip 2.0 percent oI siirtit-iir ('ciiicr from 9 am to 3 p m tcac'hcrs lost. “it showsthepoliticalsystemis healthy." gotng to be resersed.”he told reporters inthc lobby of
Spring on~campus enrollment at I'K‘s on-campus enrollment." I)ririri Represeiitatites from local gmernment. business , the hotel where the commission IS staying.
I K has reached WWII. according to said toiporittioiis and radio and telesisron stations will be natlon
' - . , - . - . . - . tl s st . - us trons about their ner'atr in anl ' ‘ ' ‘ ‘
56”” mm” “‘“mm R‘g'm” l‘" "““n ”1"“ WW" “”‘ ms” ”“ “R " "M“ q “ , ,. , , ‘l ‘ ‘ ‘ l\' yrsss-tcrrt snrs. (retina: Bush was the .GOVERNMLM “cannons ”‘ ”"g“‘a‘
Statistics. percentage of blacks rises to ,1 3 “hi" ls‘h s‘i‘l‘mmn'm‘s 4“ d‘sl'ls‘h" mm In the middle (olumbia. offered a deal yesterday to the guerrillas
.i . ‘ v < ‘ i , l
Ihrsfigtire rcprescntsa 1.4 percent percent. or 65/ students. when total state An Associated Press—NBC News poll of yoters. holding :5 Ambasshador ”'1ng min“; in" iv“:
increase in on-camptrs enrollment tiniycrsity-s3stcntfiguresarernclirded \hmwd ”m Ronald Reagan bested Hush among doicnfith CYP":0nH at WOUI ”if uthe WHOM“! .
. s' . i 0U I' ‘. V1UI' CS C It ) '2 oyernmcn
- from last spring. Dunn said. last springs enrollment figures 1}”; TEN (OMMANDMENTS school mm. m Republican \otcrs with conscryatrye yiews. while :1th cc n 5 ‘ c H ‘ g
. Dunn also reported that spring I980 showed that blly' blacks made up it Kentucky goes beyond religion.Supreme (amusing doing as well as him among older (i()P VOICI'S! / ’ The proposal includes flying the guerrillas to
enrollment in the “tiniyersrty‘ system" percent of total iinr\crsrty»systcm Justice John I’almore said yesterday inaddli'tt" lt‘lhdl- RCP: John/\Indersontook 3“} Algeria lrbya or Svria according m the sources
which includes c\cnrng classes. figures “lhe point I. if the “a“. can make W“ put the the ballots of those with more liberal news on the who asked to remain—anonymous
extension and oil-campus classes. and ()n all Ieycls. I)irnn pointed out. commandments tn schoolrooms. the state can make 11:11:- “ltmgmlh ”‘3 hm“ educatedandtheyounger Thm was no confirmation of the safe-conduct
the Fort Knox( enter totals, 20.767l black women outnumber black rricn 3”“ PU" “"“ilh'ng else up someday that you do"! proposal either from the governmentorthe guerrillas
[here are I} community colleges on campus by an appiosirnate ratio of I'M" ii'l'i‘me “’mm°"l:d:ur'"g ma] argument“ ”" world weather
also affiliated with I'K I II is one 55 crccnt to 45 ercent the case he cotirt too t e case under adstscment I I .
3 . I I up . P and dltl not set a date for a ruling TI”: I .8. EMBASSY MILITANTS In Ichran weather
sUch collcge inthc community system. One interesting indication here is . - , ~
with I‘ Mr .. , 2 ~ I adamantly rcbutfeda new bid yesterday forameeting
. ‘ ‘ H ”mm“ “”0“ “‘ ”W ‘h‘ “Wm“ '“Cmscs ”1 NM trtioy'MARrrrA l.AYNI-1('0l.l.lN!s‘castthe between the l' s commission on Iran and the A PAUSE BETWEEN SHOWERS- Partly to
state , enrollment hcrc recently ha\c been In deciding sore yesterday. killing a contrmcrsial American hostages. despite Ayatollah Ruhollah mostly sunnyandcooltoday wrththe highinthe TOW"
lhe enrollment figures for thc the (ollcgc of ('ommunicatrons." professional negotiations billfor teachers Ithcnatc Khomeini‘s reported authorization for it Iranian ‘05 lncreasrng CIOUd'nCS-‘s and "0' ‘Iu'lf ‘0 cold
community -collcgc system. I I I Dunn said one was 20-I9 against the bill officials. iiist as insistent. said the meeting would take “WET" “'"h the low In ”W ION” 305- (‘loudyand COOI
included. are not included in I'K's “()thcr mlnorttics at l K total an I he so-callcd “meet and consent“ bill. which would place tomorrow W'th a chance ofshowers “um I" ”"3 m'd
unrycrsrty-systcm total. [)unn added extremely small percentage of campus hate required local school boards to negotiate wages. After a midnight meeting with the five-man [LN 405-
“(In-campus enrollment of blacks enrollment." Dunn said

 KENTUCKY lkbbic McDaniel
[tutor in ( hie! Mark Green Kim Aubrey "torn“ ('Inrk John ('hy Clry Linden
er 2 Jay Fossctt Bob ( ochnnc hirermmnren/ Edi/or .s‘lior/y [fill/or 1)!"th of Phologmpiir
(in) “illis ,4y'im lllll’ fililon Paul Mann
lie/racing li/iror (‘indy McGee S. 1'. Robinson 3,5... Rkkcrd Dlvid Maynard .
Jacki Rudd 4\\I\/lllll 4iii.yrum Sports hit/or ”1“!“ Manager
sieve Massey liisl Dousnrd (II/ll hilt/on bilermmmmt Ldum
. . (um/tut [alum lflllulm/ Ldiliil
editorials 8: comments
j " ”“_~*"——_‘“\i
A ' ' ' M h s
nderson s showrngs in 35330 usetts i
- l
- i Fmtt inc rite Le'r AND Keep
Vermont boost beleaguered Republicans i We Wags ybup t; )bop Cit?
liiesdats \lassaehtisetts and \erinoiit primaries rio-li'ills presidential campaign. l HALfi or K‘D FlLLeD .
' served as a boost trot ottl\ to Republiiaii candidate lly cutting across party boundaries. Anderson ‘ TIE FEHT
~ John Anderson Him the "Miracle \lan .it \lateh" pro\ed his popular appeal by attracting the ‘ (1 WITH D
btit also to tho beleaguered Republic-Will p.iri\ independent one in Massachusetts and Democratic KWNI'S GkAT OPEC ’8 LeAD' .
Because oi the llltlttils representatiie‘s dead-heat \otes iri Vermont. It is this kind of appeal the out- .
lintsh lot lirst iii both \eis l rigland pitiuaiies. the numbered Republicanl’arty willneed nextNoyember . WA“. a”?! BATILGS Fme l ~
I I traditionally e'it’ls'e'l\.ll‘\ e Reptibliiaii patty .aii spot: ll it expects to unseat the Democratic stranglehold of ‘ n. u. "" l
' ' a genuine liberal candidate \\ ho i'aii nits it t:;~ \tztlt the the presidential ollice. 1 {V l
' best or the Democrats \on Anderson is aiming his campaign in the . m | .
. \rid in the end. ll could be the Republican l’att\ direction ol the March lb Illinois primary.by-passing
‘ which \Hll be the winner .‘ll l‘Nl‘s presidential ’.lLL‘ the coming primaries in the South where he has little. . . _
Although \nileisori‘s"earripaign ol ide‘as‘iaelntlie it any. hope ol winning conseryatiye Republican 1 -
Hollywood glamour appeal ol Ronald Reagan or the totes. I x *1 ‘ *1 l
3. nice but tough-guy approaih or (ii-otge ltiish. it is an ll he cart pull another major surprise in his home . \(,_\\ v t
. elleetise reminder to the \iiieiieati public that some state ol Illinois. Anderson just might be the man the i \ R.” W s‘g ”‘9.” l
'. I catidtdates really do hate sortiethttig itieaiiitiglui and Republican Party is lookinglortogiycthcDemocrats 1 a , \j,\ W ip % W ”‘W’V , .
.' honest to say it‘s ielreshirig to see .i candidate itiii a a good battle, 1 W U
.4 u I 1
_ All should stick to causes, not oxmg ‘ a, i _ ¢3 ”W W
’ ~ I . . x r A? g" ‘ ‘o y
.' \nd here we go again bordering on the ridiculous. . 8‘ 2 V - '- (g. 9 g \ ‘,
7 . \liihaittiited »\|i. incognito statesman. i‘iteiiil ol like or not. Ali is now better suited to light for l i l/ l i .
(ioy Brown and three-tiiiie llt'."i 's\\t.'lgltl boyitig humanitarian catisesin his new found roleasdiplomat , ' . \ ‘ “ . ’
'- champion. has said he has begun to train tot _\Ll and layoritc ptiblic ligure. Alterall. he is known and . ' ' l
. another attempt to regain his bosing tllit respected worldwide not only lor his boxing teats and :1 .k i
' lliree titties l‘ilg‘ltl lta\e been a charm. but the colorful antics btit also lor his concern for the human mark-Ml
‘ , lourth could prime latal as the ti.i\t patinehy “i\~j.c‘il* mummy” ___w-__.*tfi._*w__. .._* W
. , old has si\L‘lsl'.‘t‘pe'tl h.s bounds -n art apparent lint ll heattemptsto“hotdogit."/\li mightjust scar ’3‘ j
. attempt lot attention line. the slioyyboat wasone"ol his beaiitiltil lace and jeopardi/e this ambassadorial . . l l" \W '. ‘
_ . i I I the greatest ol all time." but the old scenario is image ,i l l.’ \V‘
. . ' W ‘3: j ‘
' - n it“; l WSWOF g
_.. L tt ; g... THEYEAR ; z
' ' e ers 0 e Ior W
W . l g . .’ lmflfif’vs r, ; MPH:
s' , i ,— Wv‘ .-.- . l u . is; W
.' - lsraelites thought ol the earth as a tlat accident that could hate cost her her / 4...; BC, CA / ..«;g.':igl- t r ‘ inn.“ , ‘
. '. WOI'St light disc supported upon the waters of the lil‘e'.‘ its a restilt ol that accident. she ‘ F‘ W ‘ V and“ i£/;:/§I~IO~
, ' .1, I would hiss to tottitii 'trt on thz. litv sea \bote it stretched a solid donic. had to ha\c numerous stitches on her /~‘: . \fl;$/l”;;:¥“t' fir” fij”%‘.$‘" 3'
. - . g ter \yt treti in l’.ii..a l \ \llitll‘.\\ll1e!‘. tlie lieayeris. stippotted at the 'loui lace. She also acquired a seterely . / l "'53:!“ "might? W
. . ' eoiiieiris \ts l’iiitat \liss \meitta Koiiieis‘ by pillars " lizncyclopedic crushed leg that resulted intwo inches (5‘ ,3; gig; ‘r‘eyfiig‘j l,i’~
. I'm going to make this .is short and Dictionary \ppendh to the Holy ol bone loss. Because (‘heryl l’rewitt 3 W/lé't-g‘fléia 9!, 2’ lin'ifiy
j I ' sweet as possible Iagteetliat \ts l‘i; Scriptures.\ceordingtotheMasoretic had enotiglt laith and belief in (iod. .- @‘x’r‘ l ,lgl.’ igigig/ff j
' ' \si't‘s statetiierit about her teggioiiiiiiz 'leyt. p hiitl her leg was restored to normal. ‘ ' ”a; ' i” 9% H139 j
. . sounds trits2etioiis. but \\llli in its air.» \eiiptiital iiiriclusioiis in any Matthew Zl:22 reads. “and all things. "" g i W t. I!" 25‘ \fi‘ij ’ I ,
_ 3‘ -' > to iiiilge how the lord ‘iyill expend religion. in addition to being lairly whatsocseryeaskin prayer. belieying. . ‘- *h ’3 A. M l 2‘
' . ' llts eiiergt ti- trials; .itie girl's leg so general tatiil. ergo easils “shite-lied" ye shall receise.‘ ‘ .' '3 ' " .
. g .. peiied as to “ill the \liss \l‘ilt'llsil m iiiiarittigt. att‘ rust that only Mr. Hamburg. what you said in "@ gzg l
. '. . . l’ageaiit " litrflietiiioii it iliiesti‘t tittielttsiorts lsaae \sitno\ recently your itfllClL' “as )tth (Win Opinion. i ' .* ‘ I
' _ ' ~' make a damn hit ol illiit‘lt'lltt‘ whether \ttote iii an .iitiile. ”l)o scientists However. your opinion cotild haycled l .. ,. W
' . ‘ _ V the “toriipetttiiin” slri' yiris g!j‘,.ilt.L'i} i:i beat-ye in (iod ’” “(‘oriclustons are many hearts astray that were seeking Wikhquga «:s3:‘-‘Je.\s?.¥‘<¥sg . EWMWHMM" l
. . ‘ ts "\tittlsll'y or “at: In i' sl.il.t‘iitti1 ts silt'itl“ lit iiin lt'lttpltasis lttst can (rods line and understandmgl And | “"9”“ Durhbv'mv "'WSW‘"
,f r ‘M . :rrele‘iaiit ti 'li. piiai: l .i nail; a torn iiisioti the theologian. do not want to see that happen. l do ‘ . ~77? ~ ... *e" "H; ' ”’"“‘*""""‘ *w "'—"‘ “‘ "“"‘*_“ I
' ileritty through ‘.i Yl‘ \ls l’ti-yiitt‘s ‘i _. the astronomer. the slioeshiiie boy not mean many way to passjudgmcnt
- ~ ; " ‘ has healed hi. (iiiii \\ hat ittiiii can I «toxin the sltt'L“ \ eoiieliision can be on you. Mr Hamburg. But asa born— I 3 , , - - . . ‘ - ‘ .
.. ,WHWW WW WNW WWW ”WW . ”My” m .L‘lls“*lll:~‘ll- m upmcmmy “gum hclwwr. l lelt that n was [m the {senate/ii Iseme/ welcomesall contributions from letters. opinions and commentaries mustbctyped and
, ,- In ,OWM. ta: ”“1”“.ng W: J“ mimwm W. m dwdmumLm (,hhgumn m dclend (iod and Miss the l'iK community for publication on the editorial and triple-spaced. and must inclgde the writers Signature, .
. , _ “mm“ on \1‘ pm“, i “HUM .‘ii “WWW “Wm M“ H ' MM WWW“! WWW” (,pmmn pages, , address and phone number,‘LKlstudents should include
.3 '1' ’ '. M hm“ pm my ”“ij W.W[,W.Wm.mW im. 51:. mum“ m d“ w “L. ”m be For legal reasons contributors must present a Uk It) theirycarand majorand Unrversrtyemployeesshould list
' . m, WNW,” , , m“, H. m, .. “NW pmudm Wm.” Am, a sharply Bill Dasis betorc the Iseme/ Will be able to accept the material. their posttion and department.
_ . -- "'\\lt‘. sliiiiint(iiiiltoazoii'tili.et'.tr;,: ‘tttiiled tiiiriibet oi possible l'ndecided freshman
--_ : . up tlzi legs ..3 trittiii lh‘attlt. illlt‘t'lis tittielitsii'is " l _ I
. , , ' while lle ‘gtui'e I“: tripr‘ltit fltr‘bsii' '\\li.:t :i..i'tcts eitiially l‘s how one- Heartenlng aspect Of our CUIture
, . .v '_ _ riiutripi‘e silile-osts sti'titrts‘” H; s rot :iaihes tlie cttllclll‘sltllls |I one .
H .3, itiant positor:toi:t.cst.iiritiiiilt'ttl‘iit iiirtibiies totiiirilcrtius. general _
.3. . . 3' \e\erthe?.ss l‘t .iiies'niris ll.it‘ ttroti tortiitisioas. and looseinterpretations. SpO’TS can be pleasurable valuable experience
_ , than oint- Ii. l;,s.irtii.‘. ll‘ls it'il\e'slil’ tiie\ tart l".1\;' the llibli in \ii'tiiali\ I
-. ' ~ . . ls. mix" op 'l is; iinitisn. any test irai ‘ll? lit att\ "iieiy ol By JANE GENTRY \‘ANt'E glc. This same conflict~modcl informs football. basketball. baseball) is that sports can be nullified in violentgames
5 . '. l” 1"" llt’“ “list" "H ‘l‘ Vital" ti iiltl‘W it ll . 'i wilt/tumltte. much. if not all. art. Games and art they can providea scnscofcommunity like boxing which invitethcprojection -
I llh' Will-"ll i...ii..s fts't tittt‘cittitt‘io' li‘tfuuit’l l itu'bls IMH‘ to deal I want to register my disagreement alike interest us and give us pleasure among Widelydiverse pcoplewho have of aggressive components of frag-
- -. _ -' “Tl“ ““‘lll ““ “"“5 “ll" \l"“ " " “ ‘ll' l" ’ "s‘llh “”1‘ ”“ lt’ls'lsl with the tone and emphasis ol l’rofcs- because they describe us to ourselves: little else to bind them. Consider what menth personalities. Some sports are
' ' . '1 ill" I“ """ “Nil ‘1‘ l’l's'“ 't wt? ”11"» 3 ‘ ‘ s‘ sor .lohn Searbiirough‘s Feb. 20 they rehearse us in the elemental happened in Pittsburgh when the more. and some less. pure in required
.. i 7 .. ‘_ ”ll“ ‘t M" “ll-”i" 1? -“ 'i..i,.-- ,. column headlined “Sports may be war rhythms their forms imitate, Pirates and Steelers won their cham- gamcsmanship, measured most mean-
' . " l“ h" ””""""““l h'” ““l‘ “l“‘l‘h' ”rm" Bt‘lllll” substitute." lle implies that sports m— pionships. Consider the reaction last ingfully,lthink bythe extenttowhich
‘ . . " "PW" 'l"”l“‘l‘l“ ”W” ”l l“ “ l‘" ‘ A 5 “‘"W' cater to the worst in human nature. , , month when the American hockey their rules proscribe violence of play-
WWW, . . . -‘ - iiii‘iii lire ls. iii, ,, grin.- .iiii \\ llt iii .- B d' . . f d appeal mainly to the neurotically oplnlon team defeated the fayored Russians ers against each other. But we don‘t
. W .' '1 ' - lil‘lll'L‘ll‘W‘ "l "l“ “1’“ "ll 1‘1”” a y mISIn orme aggressive among us. ‘lhis patroni/cs and went on to win the Olympicgold. fault all literature because pornogra-
1-... f l "“11““ "l W" l’” “"“"“ lit“ " lhls 13th": h .t. 't‘srmiise to .lay and oversimpliliesan aspect otculture a ‘l'akethcinevitableexampleof Uni- phicliteraturecxists;wedon‘t faultall ,
' l: , “ll“ ”W 'l'- «till-i \ writ-«t lt.i.i.tiiiit;'s st..:i iotiiiiiii. “\liss which brings uselul pleasure to many, Sports offer other benefits too yersity of Kentucky basketball. For50 sexuality because sadistic sexuality
‘ , ,i .1' 1' I. " l"“"li" ”W \l‘ l" ““" "t “'3“ \tiiuzaa's ia‘i til. sprouts lioiiis or While there im- dil'tcrcnccs among numeroustoitcmi/elully. Recentphy- years it has brought more wintertime exists. No more ShOUld WC fault all
‘. . . i l“""l‘l'~‘ l-P-"l lllt‘ 1" ~"it . :. .i iii l'dsdl" slt'ii"l'ttl "published inthe yiiriotis sports. physical games in gen- stological research indicatesthatexcr- pleasure to more Kentuckians than sports becausesomegamesareviolent.
. . , Its-slittzaii who iit' b u. .". . l.:l oiis oi A. ,H. i t on it tits ,‘w cral oileran archeiype ol struggle into cise stintulatesin our bodicsthc release any other single entertainment. The or because some players and specta-
' ’ ‘f . mm ' A" H” ”“m” I“ "" "“1 Vt ll-Itttl‘uttl. Wt! make some sets which we can briefly project ourener- otcniymesthatproduce natural highs. great teams (the Fabulous Fjve‘ tors project destructive energies onto
' ,' . 3 “ll "'l“‘7“"‘ iiasri il\"‘i"il‘liilli‘ .ilioin i‘lil (‘reaioi gies through the play ol the game we through rigorous bodily labor our Rupp‘s Runt.etc.)andthc remarkable the game.
' - ._ .- _ , or the tiill\t'l\L' and \liss ‘\lllk‘llc’il enact. lirsthand or \icariously. a forbears enjoyed this lift of physical players.aswell asthe less vivid onesin- Just as some people like strawberry
W‘, ', . li’lrtii-lliti‘riitilr . l 4 Misti ( lle‘l\ Men in It you teel that model ol the basic conllicts between accomplishment which many of us get between.took rootintheirnaginations pic and others chocolate. SO psychic
i 1’17 _ .- m ”"t’" way about tiiiii. ilieii \t‘ti tiaye been consciousness and unconsciousness. only through sports. oftcam-followers of all ages and con- pleasures differ from person to person
.' Flat earth h.tli"s it::si:iiiiiitn-ii \oii niake (rod lite and death which arelundamental And thoughintcllcctuals often scoff diiions all over the state. Through and from timetotimeforthesame per-
. . i . j st"‘t't lllsl' .ivi iiritoyiiig (ind who only to our human being. this identifica- at the Idea that sports are “character- their champions, these fans have been son. Sometimmes I like to read King
3 . j Elie liibli- eat. in i..i.il oat-i. has iaies tor the beautitiil and talented tion.thistaking sidesinagamc.eanbc building." they certainly can be. winners symbolically, through projec- liar. Another time I like toseeabas-
4.' __; . 3.: l‘iL't‘lll tlseil io‘proie“.il:~iost .itiy [tii‘lll lliat is l or so ll. doesn't neglect the a pleasurable and valuable psychic Sports avail such worthwhile moral tion. when there wasn't much else ketballgame orgo runningAnd some
4 _ .' . .j imaginable \it hioolt-i's opinion needs or the poor and neither does He exercise. experiences as those of developing about their state they could feel was ofusenjoyoncsportwithitsparticular
' W, ' . . "\\I"lls" “"t't' PM“ lithlt iitttz'st " spend .ill or llis tinie ileaitng pimples War. olcourscasa politicalexpres- skills through disciplined practice. of “Number One." forms and patterns of movement.
f ‘. ,.‘ PM Miss -t W \ l esaiiiiiii of it: s on oi pioptes' iaeis lle isii lm trig and sion ol this conflict of opposites. But learningto play asan individualwithin Perhaps the day willcome when the some a couple, some all. some none.
.' _ i the "titit' that Intuit: 4‘” 3.‘ eating (iod llc lo\ed tissomiichthat to new sports exclusively as sublima- the broader interests of a team. of person on the street in Lexington or Professor Scarborough. may not
' . ‘lVllh‘ll‘lh‘h‘ “it” ”h “‘l‘h will He sent His only son into the world. tion ol ‘.\ilt’-lll(C aggression is to exag~ learning to compete without personal Flat (lap will identify intensely with enjoy games and this is neither to his
- . ,. states that tlii- i-aitii ls \l‘llt'lttiti \t lesiis ( llll\l. to sate iis lrorii sins. gerate a narrow aspect. animosity,ofovcrcomingfcars both of the excellent math department at the credit nor his discredit. But his impli-
'- . ' . . it hit! piiirit did the “.iieie “i it e earth" ilohn 1 tin We should remember that we also winning and of losing. of learning to University of Kentucky. But that day cation that sports are generally
' , . . " Mom's intctrtreteil “spiii-ii-‘“ Hail \1i ttaiiitiiiig people eieiywtieie. rehearse these basic rhythms. these win withintherulcs.oflearningtofacc isn‘t here yet.and the fact isthat much unhealthy. that they‘re allaversion of
. , ' scientistsilisioyeied that the earth was eseitilas are being healed by our dialectical patterns. through projec- failure. ofthc state‘s feeling for UK asits pre- “rollerball” suggests a faulty under-
' .- . _ reiilh square or lt'Llilllglllill. \lr lather It is not impossible lot trons ontothc forms of literature and Although fortoolongthe privileges m