xt741n7xpj2n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xpj2n/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 07, 1972 1972 1972-04-07 2020 true xt741n7xpj2n section xt741n7xpj2n O O 0
Probe continues; two face A put 1 3 trial
Dt'l 'MdC trease

New details in the case of an alleged misappropriation The Lexington Herald reported Thursday that Burcham In yesterday's arraignment, defense attorney James
of $50,000 in Medical Center funds began to emerge today allegedly collected bills for Med Center services from Varelas moved to reduce bail to $5,000 and called the .
as two men arrested yesterday were arraigned in Fayette various insurance agencies and deposited the money in an $60,000 bail “excessive," but Judge Dunn set the fee at ' '
Quarterly Court. account at a local bank under the title “MC. of Ken- 325‘000. Both men posted bail and were released from ‘

Quarterly Court Judge Cecil Dunn reduced the $60,000 tucky." Fayette County Jail Thursday morning.
bailof James R. Robinson and Donald Burcham to $25,000 Herald sources said Robinson allegedly cancelled the . . .
each and set an examining hearing date in the case for collected accounts in the hospital computer by marking Dunn sa'd he dogbt‘id the two men could hold the" JObs
Thursday, April 13- them “uncollectable”, or ereased records of the accounts as a result or the meldem'

Robinson, assistant administrator at the UK Medical entirely. Burcham 8150 vice president of National Credit Inc .
Center, and Burcham, manager Of National Credits, Ii“:- A police investigation into the matter began when one manages the firm‘s office in the Bank of Commerce ,
of Kentucky,. were charged under a law dealing With account was not cancelled, and an Insurance company Building. National Credits president S. Jerry Goodman

' “misapplication 0f money, bonds and notes and other complained when the Medical Center billed it twice. was contacted Wednesday night at Burcham‘s Lexington .
property 0f the state.” If COhViCted, each could be sen- When the insurance firm sent a copy of its cancelled apartment but refused to comment on the two arrests . ‘
tenced to up to 10 years in jail. check, investigators were called in. The check led to the I > . ‘

Meanwhile, news of the alleged diverting of funds from “M.C. of Kentucky” acount which included checks up to State officials have kept news about the case to a
Medical anter 19°01?“ bficatm: clearert yesterday; as $8,000 minimum and another arrest could come soon. County . .
reporters egan rea ingt e ig tsecuriy impose on Other funds were allegedly de sited in banks in . . . .
the case by UK officials and Commonwealth Attorney Kentucky and Ohio. Alldeposits had lien made within the Attorney 13' Lawson ng said he did not believe other
George Barker. past 10 months. . University officials were implicated in the incident.

Th H k “Sunshine go away today...”
H C ‘n'u¢ 9 Fashionable apparel for Friday and
Friday night includes rain coats and
umbrellas. The high today will be in the _
er“ mid 60’s. The low will be about 40. There
is a 60 percent chance of precipitation
today and a 50 percent chance tonight. The
rain should end Saturday with decreasing
‘ cloudiness and cooler temperatures.
VOL. LXlll NO. 120 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Friday. April 7. l972
. . .
Monkey buSlneSS By MIKE BOARD Tucked between the Rose health." Lafferty continued. “If
and Street parking structure and you can learn enough about the
E lf’AlUkoONSOUR h Donovan Hall is a garage-like effects on health. then you can .
’ ° ver ee i e a $2 watch t at structure, known officially as the put numbers on the limits and
Animals help researchers was WOUDd too tight? UK Wenner-Gren Aero Research duration of stress.“
' ’ . researchers are trying to find OUt Lab. If a person finds a job stressful.
study stress m humans why people suffer from excessive It is the scene of important then what‘are the effects of the
_ stress. research.into the effects of stress job on his health? Would it be
.. W ,;.. , [-_ 06%? t UK experts. job? These are some of the y
s, i .f; ‘j - i it» i if "reg About 60 rats, monkeys and questions Lafferty and about 35 ,
-, y ' .I i... ‘ ‘° :9?" i. -_ '1" 92 W? , dogs are used for research into other professors. students and
-- '7: . ‘ «we? . ' ’ ' ' ' the behavorial and psychological lab assistants are trying to an-
I. i: V “ b l i .-V.; ...:=-\.;;;2:.;,:-,:-,..,,;:-..,.,..:,::"=..- .. .~ , *' ., .».'.25.,_..»:.;:'§=il:5'g‘;ii§1tifazzfiaw;.‘:15;Eiiit.~;:%>;§:-9241:5245"_Eig‘; reaCtions t0 Stress‘ The animals SW91“ ‘
f“ V ~ .«.9..., .g I vibrating machines which are UK has conducted research
‘ ! $5 *3. _ ,.M . . I capable of accelerating up to 7 into stress for 10-15 years.
L42“? ‘ _ Me 2.2: w M K; G‘s (or seven times your weight). “Inthreeor four years we hope . .
~W~W m f ‘ ‘ -‘ However the machines haven't t0 haVe a firm answer (that Will
3 a “ ._ ; * ! surpassed 2,5 G's. be accepted by the government'. - .
4% “as a .. . "a .. .l The effects of this acceleration on the limits to exPosure t0
‘ . ° " M . on the animal‘s blood pressure. stress. However. we have .
.. .. .. are tested and hopefully can help and to Wright-Patterson Air
i 1; y determine how stress affects Force Base's Med Center in
5 > he; a humans. Dayton." Lafferty said. .
i i ‘ ”s 3° “It is very difficult to find out Lat'ferty said Brooks Air Force
. '_ ' how harmful or helpful stress is Base in San Antonio. Texas. is
: _., ‘ N on the human." Jr, Lafferty. the only other place doing the
‘- . professor in charge of laboratory same type 0i research.
,3: I A t _ M: direction. said. Lafferty “'0st closely With
er“§ “We are submitted to stress other professors who head cer-
A member of the. Aero Research Lab menagerie waits for H - every day andthere is {.10 way to tain otther asPeCts 0f the
. . eialuate tbesides SUb]€Cth€l}l researc -
another series of tests which will help determine the effects of the limits of stress on our Continued on Page 2 Col 1
stress on human performance. (Staff photo by Kathi Millimet) ‘ ' '
o o h o o f h ‘
N. V iets step up war Wit invasmn 0 sout
By GEORGE ESPER helicopter just south of the de— missing. just below the demilitarized wounded. Four Americans wer:
Associated Press Writer militarized zone and said a de- lleilcopter downed [\miiiid ENE; tsgnctrican: {:er rillcsoangohi \‘ofililirecrieixiiigrivczhs
. , \‘0 e; sis51e )(‘0.
SAIGON (AP) Scores 01: stroyer was damaged by enemy Th9 helicopter. a Super JOHN light damage. the nyy Said. It died of nonhostile causes last
US. warplanes and several de shore batteries. Green Giant was hit by enemy _ g . ~ . .
, - - ,- . - . remained on the firing line. \ycck.
stroyers pounded targets lnSldc All told. the command Said d f. ~ b f d k . ‘ Q ‘ .. . . _
N - - - - ~ groun ”0 just c ore us The US (onimand refused South \ictnamcsetasualties
orth Vietnam for a second SIX Americans were missmg. Thursday while on a search- . . ‘ . d d \
day Friday in the biggest air one was rescued. and three suf— , _ 2 j - - . t0 say whether any American last week were 466‘ kille an .
' ' ' ' ’ ' and rtscue operation 13 miles - v :h t down in the 1.078 wounded. the Saigon com—
and naval onslaught Since the fercd minor injuries. northwest of Quang Tri City. Pldms “t” 5 0 , h . ‘ ‘d
1968 bombing halt. A communique said the two The “w crew members were two days of raids owr t e ni.ind rtportt . '
The attacks countered a Navy jets were shot down with- officially listed as missing but north. although “Mlle Hanm The allied commands no“

three-front enemy offensive in 45 minutes of each other by were feared dead ‘ (“liilitit‘d‘ lil‘Jt‘tS were ‘bhOt down. have reported these total war e

that has brought the war to a surface-to-air missiles near the (‘ommzind 5mm.“ said the The lab. (oniniand in the pascti casualties: _ ._ . ,

new peak in South Vietnam. coastal town of Dong Hoi. 45 big chopper was hit by gmund hits Withheld release of down?f I;\lll'(‘l‘l(‘€ill ~ 43.619 killed in ac-

Thc U.S. Command an— miles north of the DMZ. fire ’Illd exploded in the air aircraft pending minpletion 0 11011. 302.820 wounded and 10.123

nounced that two Navy A7 at— The pilot of one A7 was able ‘ ' ‘ search-aind . gr E ‘55- x. : blood. hot temperature. blood Research Laboratory. “widens (photo by Ann Firesheets.) 197
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'. , . ‘ tell YOU whatt‘ it
f I . . , wear anymore.The day E S‘
I ‘ * ; - they stopped making minis . i
j‘ . . ' ' i ' was the day you started mak- ' A‘
I ing them. Because no one '
‘ . '. ' knows better than you what's . Pr
» ' best for you. There are fads l 2-K lsnttré
. - . . . ». u
2: _. and fashions in monthly pro- Nigh
I- . tection, too. And they'll try to : 10 p.
.. ' tell you the old—fashioned 7; durl‘
I‘ ‘ ' ‘ . ways are wiser. Or the new June
-II .. 'I s gimmicks are the answer. But : l ‘ Ar
.‘ . . ' . . . ‘ you know best. 5:3:
, f . . You know you can rely best som
. . _ I. ‘ ' ' on Tampaxtampons. For com- 5cm
'. ,' I. 'I ‘ I fortable, dependable, invisi- ”Od‘
'. > ble protection. And you know 3' ,.. .. U M
< . . . ~ .I 'I you ll get the absorbency-size t a. orga
. I that's right for you. Because . g I.
j . ' - . only Tampax tampons offer fir“ I
l . - 5 5,2 .
'I . ._ z; . ‘ . three Sizes: Regular, Super g, z
I. -'... .‘I and Junior. "I" I
. . ‘ . ' _— 6: go .
I' ' I: I _. ' I But you know that. f" d
5 h ‘ , i . Our only interest is protecting you. I' u ..
. II I I ~ /I / /II/ III :f: 1.
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I \ 'dfl' fl%1£i// THE
= . I \ «.- 7;? -‘ The E unable LiteA suv n as i t Hh Unit 6 S at ,N w or . n ., on: m ,
V ' ‘ I \<€//? ocvuovzo 0v Aoocvon q s a c 0c 9 y o e e ‘ as e V k N Y A [q a. 0pm“ ” E may!" M' F mu ITABI-E
. '. ‘- ~ow uer u mom or wants For a free 18" x 24” poster of this advertisement, write: The E
. MAD: ONLY av tmmxmcnnpourcomuuu, wuss. ' QU'table. Dept. F. GPO BOX 1170' New York, N'Y' 10001
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 0 9 cl 'l'llh‘ M;\'l'l ('KY KHH\H.. Friday. April 7. 1972—3 _ - I .. '
. . . . , .0 BIRTH CONTROL § ' . ' .
. Aprll 10 IS fllmdom S big day, 3% Health Service-233.5823 Planned Parenthood—255.4913 x ' « . j? 1.
9 . ‘) X (Free) County Health Clinics 2:; - ‘3. -.‘,
but what s under all that greasepaint . § chanes Young 252-2212 B1ue Grass23m2s1 j; . x...--; ; .~
~ . . . . . . . . g; (lharlotte Court 233-]276 Manchester 255-1047 x , - - ;
By PAT ELAM 1929 for "versatility and genius in writing acting. ~ 9/ ' . , r
.' “m” 5”" Writ" PI‘OdUCIng and directing “The Circus“ but has WW coo - - -> - -o . WW>waom~~wxx ' " '. ‘ 1'
If Bob Hope bombs as badly on the 44th Academy been rounuly overlooked since then by an industry . , .l . "
Award presentations April 10 as he did at last year‘s he helped to develop. . v 1' ‘ .
.f'j ceremony, the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Chaplin. the ultimate renegade who ran afoul of " - ‘- ‘
Sciences ought to demand Hope‘s unilateral with- the Hollywood establishment and press for his . . . '_ ‘7 _ - .X-
drawal. Hope's tasteless and embarrassing political views. bade America a hasty farewell and " .1 f -. ‘ ‘4
monologue summing UP what did (and in most cases retreated to a chateau in Switzerland. plans to pick TAS'T'O DO N U TS A .. l‘ 1 » ' '
did not) happen in Cinema '70 gained more attention up this belated tribute to his genius in person. His _‘ ‘ ‘.-‘ ,
in the press than most of the winners. His delivery appearance promises to cause an emotional out ' 'i‘
shouldimprove this year. There is better material. burst rivaling the sincere standing ovation ac- , .1 f
2* Forinstance,for the first timein the history of the corded former Oscar winner Patricia Neal when . I '~ ’ . ‘ I
Academy Awards the possibility exists that there she appeared at the 1967 awards show after a nearly ~. .. ‘ ‘j. '
. could be back-to-back winners in the Best Actor and fatal stroke. Hollywood loves to be sentimental and T45_T_ _' ' '. ‘_
rts and Best Actress categories (George C. Scott and sentimentality is the name of the game at Oscar “Mu . ”1: .;
f the fa" (ilenda Jacksonl. time. I} % ' 3 '* _‘ ‘ ‘
otanlcal 19f , h l m“ was ”pro“ N93" Step right tip—one oscar—-$2 Billion WI _ _~ '. .
7’ 'n t 9 “‘51 acting “91d “'85 the year Of the This vear of the 334 films eligible for nominations - ’ ' I ’ ' '7 ‘— - - "' j . I.
novices. 1971 was the year of the pros. Seven out of chances are than most of the Academy‘s 3.078 WEEUE] ‘tl it - i . . ‘fi . .
the ten nominees for Best Actor and Actress have voting members haven‘t seen more than ten of I l - ‘ ; 1.
' them —if that many. This is where publicity comes ,l . 5
in. Although every year the Academy makes its .' ‘j -‘ '.
commentar obligatory plea denouncing "excessive and vulgar A 0 I F ' >1 . j. . ‘
y solicitation for votes“. it seldom has much effect. merlca s avorlte ' - . 1 . ,
.. Still the surest way to get an award is to follow the . . _ ‘_ .
:33:53:52151333'2:5:3:E:§:§:§:§.’§-§:§:=:§5§i:33:E;12.335135195133321:I“: £31321 . it" - . ' ‘ _ "
yellow brick road [0 the Chase Manhattan (or ”S Al F h w d s I (A . .. _
been nominated before and four out of the ten have Hollywood counterpartl and buy your wav to an ways res - I e e edlon ” _ ';
already won lan (Lscar. { h b l O C Oscar. Yes. and Oscar is still the best award money -\ “ ' - —
1971 was a so t e year 0 t e re e. ‘eorge can buv. Op 24 h d y . . ‘ -' a . I .
Scott. Wh‘? stunned the Academy (or'at least woke it Occasionally in a righteous burst of indignity. the en ours a a ' ,r ‘ . .‘ ,.
UP’ by‘hls refusal to be involved 1“ the” “meat Academy will ignore all the hoopla. ballyhoo and H H _ _- .1 ,
parade but “’9“ ”‘9 Best Actor'award anyway 5 the sound of money to genuinely reward the ”best“ On the corner ‘ 3 ' . ~ ~ .
nominatedragain this year for his performance in performances of the year. but don't hold your . . .I .: .' * . “
“The HOSPltal- . . breath. There is a good deal of bamboozling and In Chevy Chase Vlllage -' -. _' “
Hollywood's chicest radical Jane Fonda. who wheeling and dealing going on here. . . . 7
some .say 195‘ the Best Actress 050‘” in 1969 l0 The typical member of the Academy is a retired 3: . " ‘j . ~ . 1
Maggi? Smith because 0‘ her outspoken-leftist over fifty-ish WASP male who has lived and worked ' . . . .'
activ1tles. has a chance for sweet revenge this year in Hollywood for over 25 years and who died in 1967 -. F .. . : . ~
as a 1‘95"“ Of her larger-than-llfe- performance 1“ but no one every noticed. He forgets his friends but . > . .. \
”KIUWH- Among Fonda's competition "1 the Best remembers each and every one of his enemies and 'wW/VTOW OZ/WVDOLE ORICl/MOND ' ' - , ’
ACU‘eSS category are two other vociferous, left 0f has a chance to test his memory at award time. He ' ‘ ' 1 " .
center types—British superstars Vanessa Redgrave hates 90 percent of the “pornography" Hollywood -- ' .
(“Mary Queen Of SC_0tS ’H and Julie Christie churns out each year but seldom bothers to see any .. -, - '- 5"
(«iMcCabe and Mrs. Miller. ) of the films himself——except. of course, if his good WW . .' _‘ . '.
A“ 0593'" for Charlie friend John Wayne is riding and shooting his way u a * _
Also thisyear Hollywood Will honor its biggest across the screen. (It‘s sex that offends him. not I’MRe‘ISIS 70 JUNIORS ‘. 4 1 l I
rebel-Charlie Chaplin—and try ‘0 make amends for violence.) He longs for the good old days of Louis B. . j. , - j - . ._
Virtually ignoring one 9f the Cinema 5 greatest Mayer, David O. Selznick and Darryl F. Zanuck g
talents by givmg the aging little tramp a speCIal when Hollywood's motto concerning its cinematic ~ ‘. ' ._; 4’
Oscar. Chaplin received a Special aWYard from the product \Nas' “1 don't “rant it good‘ I “vant it ’ , I! ll . ‘ .
Academy at the very first Oscar presentations in tomorrow.“ I ’ . f' V".
This will be shown ovcr l -- 1’
SCB to have K" " "K 5?”?::Yel“;°wma 713$.” ”R” I ROM OUR 1 -' - ’ ..
, 3570001 Ul . - ,- .' ' '
Vi. (buddh'wfl grogram series is scammed by "m ' " .-' ' "'
o This is the revised KET schedule for tudent Services Committee of Slum" I A ' ’ " I I
. the k of 19-12. . . GovernmentunderthedirectionotPatty . . ‘ " ~
Awards Night was as We 5 . I. . , . .1 ‘
President Otis Singletary will "ME SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY I ’ I 1 ‘. . 1'
introduce the program for the 7‘” Zoom Mental Health A9 102 Mental Health ‘ .. .~ 2/":
St_Udent Center goard S Awards 130 Who's Afraid of Community Medical Continuing Community . j . .
nght. to be held Sunday from 7 t0 the Opera Barber High School Education High School ‘ 1' .’ 1 _ . .
10 pm. Providing entertainment of Sevilie ,. . .' . 2 .
during the intermission will be 8:00 Firm Lin. 12:32:43: thjrnxfiek: Election '72 ; _ .~
June Wallace. Masterpiece Toms theeR Q‘“ . ." . . , _ ., .
Among the awards ‘0 be "°° tlsl‘i’me V'°"’"°"’ ‘ka£,€<’/ * ‘ , .- “ it
presented Sunday night are Mohicons Wawoom NET Biography I , {$2. : I. -'
Outstanding Student Awards. “0 Week in Review Gertrude Stein .1 .. _ . .
some departmental awards. 1mm :6" Demise Thirtnm‘im” Forms 569, ?‘(T“\§ - . 1 - :
scholarships, and the in- ‘ °' w°"‘°" ' . . . . . 1
troduction of new members of the 10.30 Guitar. Guitar uxrv WM“ , . . . _ ‘,
University honorary moo pom“ 1 .
organizations. . o . , r;
HOUR E __ __ _ ,.
No Limit—This Coupon may be used as many times as you like! ‘ _‘ T'- . .
TROUSERS sun's EACH '_ j: I . i, ‘1
SWEATERS C - C 4mm «in MLML W '
. DRESSES(PIoml . ‘ _ .
SKIRTS (Plum) EACH EACH W Md. My . . ._ . ..
Shuts Laundered — 4 for 99C W'W 21,1- L '.
Offer expires April 29th, 197; MON-TN" Fkt- ’m 9 "4 ZANDALE -’ 3‘ _ .1 ' "
, . .

. Y ’ b 'err w l ' - S P
' 0 u re n at a One 555i"*:'::3*:55:‘:ii:‘.::.::I:':.s=>:::i~:.Firs-"'2 :g."-r=r~ VVVVV... V)” J ‘y - eun-S
Following two drug related shootings at said it was legal the Central St . - ' ' .- If th t ne's "35‘s“ the ke
. . ~. V V -. -~ V V V- V 2 ate trustees asked totakea verifying test. 3 0V At least two other US. colleges have today'
V . Ohio 5 Central State Lniiersity. some adopted the strict measure and students posmve also. hell be asked to submit to . d .- 'lar drug-detection programs su 0.
‘ 1.500 of the school‘s students met in a began to file through the restroom doors medical and psychological treatment. If tric Elmll. Central Colle ein Du h ' agfged
V convocation and endorsed a student iiiairked "Male Drug Test" and “Female the student fails to co-operate he can be North aro ”'13 ff hme ga dt 1‘ :le Find
V. ' government drug-fighting proposal~a Drug Test." denied student status after a due-process tested thedurine 01973251 b :1 d? rims er comm
V 'V V mandatory urinalysis as a prerequisite for The tests will reveal usage of hard hearing on campus. faggfgtfogrirgg - u soon inued tlclpatt
. quarterly registration. narcotics. amphetamines. or barbiturates Out to chan e Central State's reputation '
. .- . within the preceding 48 hours. If drug as a drug havgn. the student‘s action came , Delaware StateVCotllege at 30%; tssted $19:le
V . . . After the Ohio attorney general‘s office traces are found. the suspected user is after two vouths were shot in their rooms ”.5 ‘09"?3" team as year an en e up
V ‘ - dismissmg 13 of 43 players for usmg drugs. Wome
only two weeks apart. both supposedly in . . Conce]
_ _ i drug deals. That seasons record. one me, seven f
' V. V The Kentucky Kerne The Ohio American Civil Liberties Union losses. Wh‘le the S,Ch°°l WI" now give drug 033::
V' ~ ' . (ACLU) reported that about 25 Central tests to scholarship athletes m a.“ sports, female
. . . i ‘ o In I 0 State students have called in complaints. the rest of VVthe studeVr: body Wlh not be needed
, The ACLU opposes keeping records of the SUhJeCt to t e screen g worth
. pursuit
' . ‘ ~ . . . a page of columns and commentary obtaini
. . Glad
, . . . 7 V Sociolc
  KERNEL SOAPBOXES as n 60 I CW ....
_ V , . flw ~ UpfiréiRL FOR pOSl l0]
' ' ' Nugent answers his critics AWE hAVéEHE FEEL ’ T
. , . p , ALOUE. -/ t
. . s . v
V . _. j V lhOURh I am as Wear." 0t the abortion that there is no law against hysterectomy. a,
'- . ‘. . - - V L debate as a certain \ll‘. Matthews. I am that there is no reason—apart from very
J ., V‘ . .« '_ 'V not in the COntFOVerSy for my well-being. rare cases—that “a middle~aged woman
V . . '. V' V V. and] am compelled to respond to several die giving birth to an idiot” (last year we t0
1 V ,V t‘rltlee- V V . V were proud to be freaks?).
” 5'. ' ' . nf.‘32‘n2“§5ié:.§T‘iifi‘ffiiefi‘éiifiiéfiiffiiii S.”C“.mi5d“‘“‘ed em°‘i°“a“s"‘ C°"“""S '
, V . _ V . me to conclude that her intent was not so Th 1
V g , ' GXC‘S'F’M’ has taken understandable much toilluminatetheissuesas togive me Brgzseht
A ‘. V V exception to my use of the terms a blackeve.
. ‘ I , “liberalism" and "humanism.“ This Ihave no desire to re 1 Vin kind and shall El h )
V. - - matter was clarified in a subsequent cven stifle the temptation to satire, to so I TOOKHER W? S0 HV F9! 9 ‘t ' Z3338
V _ ,. . 4 . meeting. though we shall no doubt con- which this woman is imminently To MEET SOME E TmK US To A Headqua
, . . . _ ' tinue to differ upon certain fundamental vulnerable (e.g.. from “Hell no, strap the mew THE fiery 2365::-
'- V . ,‘ nSSUlnphOnS- bitch down“ to “I couldn‘t be tempted,” FRIEMUSF MW MADE H6 6 099,")?
. Briefly. h}. liberalism I mean the and from “Nugent refuses to talk about MENUS MAW ME F6 l’ 3223:;
. . - - philosophy of rationalized self-interest women as anything other than wombs" to FEEL Aww ALONE- 337$
‘ ' ’ associated with the middle classes and "Alright. women are human but, as I've ' sa'wda’
. V . summed up in Locke‘s “life. liberty and said before. madness is abroad!“). I don’t ' (5:832):
‘ property," And. as I put it before. “it is even mind the oblique accusation of being ' Cante'm
, , V more than a vagary of history that a NHZl- Maybe now the radical right Will ( 33:365.:
. ‘ . liberals. with their historic bias for the qut hassling me. as they have for more E F'LMHB
_ . . third" tie. property) of these goods, than ten years. K * 222mg,“
. .V » ' “ultimately made their peace with the 'l‘heissue.itseemstome,is our common “ENR‘Y
', - , . Bismarcks. the Mussolinis and the humanity. Women are right to be con- Vi'esany
' V ' iiitiersf' cerned. but they have no monopoly on this gate?"
. : ‘ ' Moreover. liberalism was a creative question. {01” lt is my understanding that 33.135"
‘ ‘* ‘ .V : ' torce at the dawn of the modern world. but approximately one half 0f the new-born \ “dim“
‘ 'V I. it is inevitably a conservative force today. are male. 60 I CUE-UT ‘Z I F6LT ‘ J0 ' écade'rini
. . V V . at the duck of the modern world. Again. ()ur common humanity. and in view of T0 666 MV " WW9 hr 53:12, i
‘V V- .- . V "rad-libs" excepted. the centuries and their effective denial of PAREUTS I fl $3193.;
' ' . , ' ' Humanism. however. is not a product of this humanity to such groups as blacks ’ ' / 56 e'ec‘
' L the vagaries of history. It is rooted in and Jews. isn’t it about time we gave i ’ ' goggaigi
V - - human nature. informs us that we are a humanity the benefit 0f any dOUbt? There ’ M°"daY'
. ‘ V part of something larger than ourselves are cases where there are no simple LA > 222:?
.. . 1- - . lhumanity. as against self-interest). and solutions. hUt abortion is a simple unitar‘a'
. V ' , holds that human beings are inviolable. It solution. And. against this larger context. “SW"
. " ‘ ‘ ‘ - is true that liberalism has been “based on I am tempted to wonder if abortion is not 2846 or?
. V_ =V . belief in progress.“ but humanism insists Everywoman‘s Final Solution. writ small-
V. ‘ V V that monetaryortechnological progress is I hope I am wrong. @t‘l72 M W 21.32232}
. . ‘ not necessarily human progress. Mondays
VI ’ ' , ‘ . ‘ The difference between humanism and Donald Nugent Dist. Publishers-Han Syndicate 342 ‘ gangs"
' ' V» _‘ V« V liberalism is the difference between Associate Professor counsel”
4. ' . V principle and interest. social and self, $23332:
‘. -' nhankind and mammon. In this view a a 53:2?
, . . ‘ . ~- V a ortion is the 10 ic of liberalism. not Ed ' d l '
, . v. humanism. g ucation. static an g 0 u ar 3:84.?”
‘V V ,' : The criticism of a certain woman. who I :d‘niihfit‘
. ,V , VV .' .. V :53:ignitltclgngfilgtlsighgzafisszglgetthgst. priéztjlsresedusctgttVign r inviolvesV stVatic :eparate divisions of knowledge, different really that important when isolated from whims
, A V She does. however. illustrate something of fixed goal and in this paoce urest Imp y a OOPS Wm“ (such as pollution, social everything else. Whole systems of lear- 3:33:
.' "' - ; V ~ V the historic logic of liberalism: “the as a sacrosant bod ck se‘ in?“ eStsb2e§lf gelinquincy‘ communication, etc.) or ninthave been set up on web baSis, mm ”id. ”.5
' ' ' ' liberty of my party." “the humanity of my corpOrated into studyentriovi e ge ho. m- [lifel’ent ineas (899.1.“ perceptual con- conSiderable success. . 3:333;
. V V . party." while turning a deaf ear to that of terminology Vth is. a] mVac ine age rashVV somal quuihbrium. eth.) Vcan be Though there are a few such integrated Groups 5
. her underlings. Indeed, I wonder if her programming a com uter na ogous to esta ished as course guidelines for courses to be found here at the univerSity, endow;
» - ‘ soapbox is anything more than a soap p . giggiolimh from various areas and these seem tobeisolatedV havens from the
‘ - , ‘ . V opera. I was well aware that emotional More important than the incorporation p nes. $23": Exams 0f the inaJPrity 0‘ coprses. T!
V, ,' ' ' appeals cut both ways. and I studiously ofa given body of knowledge into students Mum-dimensional apprach become sess more; l[Kiln/“19ml 23:53:: "9593"
' : . , avoided stooping to conquer. Not so this is the Process of that incorporation. A feel uni ue :1) fluent? an drewta 12' i f M’w'
. woman. with her hysteria about for what is incorporated and learned. This makes for a multi-dimensaional somqethi lI'k in "m.“ potentia 0 85' 8A
.' . . ‘ hysterectomy. Education. instead of being a glob of approach as more than the psychologist cannot if]; btlt e topical major grogram (
. . . Moreover. I am compelled to Question material at this point, and a 8th 0f becomes interested in say perceptual learnin e Vossom intoatrlfly Vthanile ”WM“
; - V V ' the honesty of her emotions and of their material at another p0ll-s. both separated. contrast (the philosopher. artist. biologist, sam h: expeViV‘iechemut wm remginlus 2: ”"0" ‘
. intent. She must surely know that the could be organized across now existing humanist, chemist. anthr0p0|ogist also phnp fgko Vnow edge here an a sam
. , . ' present law precludes that “the fetus and categories so that problems set Up could be have some SO" of meaning to add to this g 0 now edge there' Can
~ the woman battle it out" (and “if it kills approached from different disciplines. phenomena). The idea iS that everyone Willie Gates Ill ED‘UC
. VV , V her. so what. l. She must surely know Instead of being oriented according to has something to give and that "Othlhg Is First Year Medical Student V 5530 i
. -. V V i
V it
. T '
. . .

 . . I
'l‘lll-I KENTUCKY KI‘IRNl-JL. Friday. April 7. 1972—5 . . 4 , " l”
S . l . l l; ‘ l 4 ~ '; I. .
.wls peakers dlSCllSS mu ltp BCCU‘QQI‘S ’01‘ women ‘m J. .
Pursua ~ . . . . .. “Are you happy with the health oi ‘ ‘4 l ' ' V .
th k nce of a career may be in college It she didnot have a syndrome prevalent today. work With marriage. Ac- Harmon"... You “mum mar: ,' . I.
t 3 ey :onthle development of career In mind. TradItIonally, he cording to Howard, current :21::i::;n¢d:l:!:::c::|EEndl'h;:: . .- . . , 1,.
srgglve o ay 5 u I ed women. two said, the common notion was that Howard. who teaches a course research supports the viewpoint partlmpale in a dental surrey. Call . f ’ .r I
g 5- SUPPOdsz‘dly opposed speakers women were In college to {Ind on utit/mine" in Education," spoke that ”two roles are better than 233-5391." . . . '.
Durham agree _ hursday hlght. . husbands. of the historical pressures which one, especially if the one is the ’ ‘
ransfer Finding they had more In “It 15 time for women to prove she said program women to think domestic role ,. ' . ’ ' ‘ -
1tInued common than they had an- their equality,” he said. and that “not marrying is a fate '- " . _, a:
tICIpated, Dr. Suzanne Howard make it quite clear that “of worse than death: ‘Better dead _' l, ‘ , . 1 .
'tested and Dr. James Gladden shared course, th