xt741n7xph0x https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xph0x/data/mets.xml Kentucky Kentucky Press Association Kentucky Press Service University of Kentucky. School of Journalism 1945 Call Number: PN4700.K37 Issues not published 1935 Aug - 1937 Oct, 1937 Jul - 1937 Aug, 1939 Oct - Dec, 1940 Jan - Mar, 1951 Aug - 1956 Sep. Includes Supplementary Material:  2005/2006, Kentucky High School Journalism Association contest 2004-2005, Advertising excellence in Kentucky newspapers 2003-2005, Excellence in Kentucky newspapers newsletters  English Lexington, KY.: School of Journalism, University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Press Press -- Kentucky -- Periodicals The Kentucky Press, March 1945 Vol.16 No.5 text The Kentucky Press, March 1945 Vol.16 No.5 1945 1945 2019 true xt741n7xph0x section xt741n7xph0x -'. f. Ii 1:3. 'l :
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E2 13E: ~.: .:. ,i
E. Following recommendations ()1 the News- paper, dealers and brokers according to the tection of news dealers' established cus- .yEiy; :‘E . . E ,
{jg/paper Industry Advisory Committee made several limitation orders under which news- tomers and to prevent a leakage of news- 1 E1. : :32 '
EEE at a recent meeting, the Printing and Pub- print is consumed. If this recommendation print into other and new uses. In certain {.51‘ ‘ '. s.
? lisliing Division of the \Var Production is included in the amended order it will sections of the United States it is under- V," .5' ‘1 E -
5':5. , _ . . . . . . ‘ L-‘ ;.‘. ‘ ii
jg Board is expected to release within the next mean that paper dealers and Jobbers will stood that neWsprint is bemg used [or wrap- ‘i .7. . E .
j;i\'€€k 01‘ ten days an amendment to Order be limited in the purchase 01’ newsprint ping paper and other new non—historic uses. , { E _‘ Ei‘ ' .
$1240. ' from mills [or their resale purposes to the For your information in determining your ,E {2: {E V,
2? This amended order Will allect large and total amount or newsprint “"thh their (115‘ .quota here are the present L240 regulations E{EE: E E”? :
EE small users of newsprint but will not require tomers are eligible to buy. For example, a as contained in the amended Order oi Jan- Elli ; {E‘E'EE J
3. any further reduction during the second jobber who has 100 weekly newspaper cus~ uarv 2. 1945: EiEEE EE E
2 _, . . . . . . ’ ' .2,‘ 2'1 241 ‘1 2 E;
:E quarter of 1943 m their allowable use of tomers would not be permitted in the luture “Newspapers using less than 25%0115 per jE: c; E ;
{EEnewsprinL If recommendations of the Com- to buy up to 25 tons per quarter for each quarter If prior to October 1 1944 ,1 pub- ,3 f: 1’ ; :
'2 ~ . . . . . ‘ ' ’ ' ’ ’ ‘ -1:~‘. ;. 1 ;
E; mittee are written into the order as antici- of those newspapers but would be restricted lisher used 16% than 25 tons of print paper H i E ?
EEE pared, the larger newspaper publishers Will to the amount of newsprint which each per calendar quarter for civilian readers E‘: s E . A
E. E] . ': . .7 .1 '. i . ' ' ~ -'2 i r v» , u ., ‘:' l .‘
iii E lequllefl to “.1111“ then second qualtel ' paper 15 entitled to ICCCHC in accordance (whether or not he used additional paper 1: EE ’
iEOE newsprint deliverv orders by 5 per cent Wlth the provmons OE L240 as amended a for militarv readers) his total qu'irterly con- . E: E l
':,‘:"-"2 ~ . I . . . . . 1 ‘ ’ ' t ( 1 5.: 1‘ ,' 3
EEE in order to bring them into balance With short time ago and which provides quota sumption quota for all types of readers shall ill 3. ,
EEEisupply; This simply means that the larger limitations for all weekly newspapers. be computed as follows' {E 1.1. /E .:
":7 . . . . . ‘ “ 3,; ' ’ _.:
i‘E newSpapers Will operate under the same re» This restriction on paper dealers and . . _ 2E E'; j; E .
2E (lllttioii formula as during the second .quar- jobbers will apparently make it necessary (I) Ascertain the total number 0E COPIES ‘:':’ iii fig; >
«3E tel 01 this year and that there “’1“ be a g ior them to obtain certifications With each Of all! ”“165 aned “1 Md} 0L the seven 3‘ .E
{E W cent dip in their inventories to meet order received from weekly newspaper pub- (416m “1 quar [61:5 between January 1’ 194i _ y; " E '.l
EEEEl‘tduced supplies available. lishers and all publishers are warned that and September 50’ 1944' E '3: IE E
E The Committee limited its recommenda- it’ they have not already determined their “(11) ASCCFIHIII the ilVCl'llgC number 0i 'i : 'L , ‘
El [1011 of a 5 per cent delivery curtailment to quotas under the new order they should do pages per 155116 printed 1“ each 0‘ the seven 1 . . ,
ii the second quarter only and recommended so immediately as the first quarter of 1945 calendar quarters between January 1, 1943 ; E5; 1}: 'le ,-
E that the fractional carload delivery provi- is now ending and they are required to and September 30, 1944~ . {Ill i;
\: ‘ . . . . n . . 1:" " 1 ;- 1
E3 510m now in the order be continued with- operate Within their quotas. The weekly (in) Multiply the highest quarterly figure l“ I {I .1 -:
0m Chan e in order to revent deliver news a er uotas, as rovided under this determined under subdivision i b the ; E‘- .: E" ~
_ l p y P P ‘1 Y ,- :
{E (days and severe inventory reductions by last order, is regarded as being extremely highest quarterly figure determined under ; ‘; ‘21 .
EE’E'Small users. All of which means that the liberal but in event there are publishers subdivision (ii). The weight of paper re- 7;;1". 322E; -
EEESiiiall dailies and large weekies to order in that find it works a hardship on them they quired to produce this number of pages is E {E ;
carload lots will be exempt from the 5 per may be able to obtain relief by applying to the publisher's qu arterly consumption E; .?.E 1:.(E ,
. Cent delivery restriction. the Printing and Publishing Division of the quota; Provided, however, That if this flg- - E33: , wii 1* E
z.- . . . . . . 7:. .12 . 2' .
1E, Another recommendation that directl War Production Board, Washin ton, D. C. ure is in excess of 25 tons the ublisher E trig: .1
7?- 3% y . ’ P ‘ {'i Ii"; '2': “li '
i “t8 practical] all week] news a er was It is understood that the main )ur ose shall be limited to 25 tons er uarter )lus T ".5 3.1 t’ ‘
‘Ill y y P p 5' .. . . P q I llr’ ”11' “l
.at the W.P.B. Printing and Publishing Di- 1n llmrting purchases of newsprint by paper the tonnage in excess of 25 tons which he E E 32:; .; i"; : :..
{bum eStablish a system 0f certification to dealers and Jobbers is the sale of and use used for military Circulation in the third 1 : xii E; l: i
skamwfiw leakdown the newsprint purchasers of of newsprint for purposes to provide pro- quarter of 1944.” E ‘ 3.3;‘E E if ;
' "I: 2-13,: ‘,..
El ' iii.“ ':
i ' ' : 3.? E ;' '

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.31 in . ;\ Pa e Two THE KENTUCKY PRESS March l945 IV
' ii‘ ~lEi E ' I E
E 'I t‘= i1
- ii Ei l 3i . ’ E
2. E' E : ,i
E , EiE l ,- . A .. ' A .} . ‘ . : a
E E: i E1 Labor Standards Act Held Senate Committee 0" [ht ”1116 01 “it “mums’n- 101,. naturE —-
fE Eli ' . ’ . - - ' ' allv, i 1e "’1 ' l’Cl‘tl.'l]“' no u; -
l, i:. .E .i- Applicable To Newspapers CritiCizes Treasury I “_ é‘l ““ “Ev Ef‘l“ message
. E .E E l . can be included. The advertising could not i
. E E ‘ it: . Review of all the \EVage-Hour cases in Report oi the Senate Committee on Small urge adoption ()1. rejection ol the constitu I
l i. which application of the Fair Labor Stand- Business, issued this week, takes a punch at tioi'i but could only stimulate the 1)€0[)le toi
E,E1.E l I. ards Act to newspapers has been at issue the Treasury's well-known antipathy toward l'iinili'irive themselves with it and to Votei
E. i i L’ . . . . . - ~ '.. ‘ K A . i ( E
E E: -. ‘i l E shows the majority 0i courts are in agree- a policy of paid government adveitismg. “l"m it. The [act that some 95 000 1)€01)le|
. l E E ment that the Act does apply to newspapers. Their study of the 'l‘reasury's part in the in New Iersev sent [or the Complete [C‘fl‘
‘ . E E E i t - ., , . . - , v. , H . .w ‘ , . E . . 'E . ‘ ’ ‘ .
.E EEE E E The only instances in uhfi‘h iieuspapeis huge progiam ol surplus pioEpEeity disposal and the vote broke all records on a [)1‘0posall
EE E may be said to have scored Victories were brought the conclusion mailing lists aic of this kind was evidence that the monev E.
. E i! .E E mer technicalities that slowed up cutoice iniquutte ind unpaid publicny unteitiin. had been well spent. . E
' ‘E‘ ‘ meiit ol the law and its administrative regu- lhc Senate Committee pomted to the tie Publishers who followed this C'mllmlO‘H int
. ‘ E ,, . a E E . E . . E _ r . . ‘ ‘ b E
EE I : . lations. mcndous eflectneness ot a goxeinment paid New Iersey are now working out ways lliatE
: ; . ;-'-' .2 1' . Eis 7-- ‘ . .. _
E: E ': , Another of these cases has been recorded ldveitising "“hl’dlgh [hm “ oild ““1 1’ other types ol legal advertismg, for which.
’. > recentlv in the Federal district court of “huh resulted 1" heavy sales ”1 surplus war manv millions of dollars are s )ent each an
. 1 t-"l'--1r‘- Tl 'd' .. ‘ 1 yr’
3‘ i i L Oklahoma in which the court held the ma 6““ 5 ‘lt ‘1 0“ cost. 16 espen ”hr“ can be dressed up to make the money spent ~.
2. E E : . _ _ . . E-Fr ' ( , _ r ' 9 .
E E . _‘ “rage-Hour Administrator may subpeona “me ”3'000 m ”19 and $790000 1“ 19‘0‘ on them more worthwhile. It looks asi ,
E " 5‘ ‘ the books and records of a company without EThe ieport stated Ethht dependence on though the New Jersey campaign may have
El 2 . E ' ‘E first proving that the company is engaged d‘rCCt mail and the 11"“th (hSU‘lbumm 0‘ started something which will eventually.
E. : ,l l . in. interstate commerce and thereiore is sub- the gmeinmcnt lh'bhCltnm Shll’h“ Rt bring legals to lile.—Ihe American Press.
E E .i . t . V - - ~" - < ' r -- ~ E
3 ET i lect to the provisions of the law. This was POltel pievented prospectne hhl’e” [10m .________.__»._____
1 .EE ‘E . E ’, . , - , , _ . enterintr the market. It is understood that . . . , E
E EE . _. l E an affiimation of a louei couit decision [1 Ref En” (tin ‘17' '11- C(rmr'it'o] PUbllShet‘S Believe Lineage
1. 5 . 3 which ordered a newspaper publisher to ‘e 6'0 ‘ u, h ”“1 (e ’l ‘ l 1’ Greater ln Postwar Future
_ E . E‘ is . ,. , . . . . E. . , which must unload billions in war )lants s. , .
E _~ EE E . E E produce books and lecotds on wages and 1, . 1 E , 1E“ . . . 1 1 O , Lighty—two ol the executives of more than,
E \E _ E l hours ias emp oyec aucitising counse. iit- E, .. E. . t. _ ). .~ . , E
E. E .E - l - t] f S t tt k 800 weekly neitspapeis intciueued belieie
; . ;.E ‘ . -. - . . _ - _ row i o eiia e a ac' was an announce- . , , . ,
. E . E‘ . The Phhh-Shlhg company defended ”5 re g t t1 t t1 T l 1 ll 1 (0 E that their postwar advertising lineage W!“
W _ L , . . - ‘ men 1'1 1e reasurr iac c'i e( : n er- , 7 ‘ . ‘ v
E E E E fusal to pioduce with the argument that it “1 1 l )E . ‘ . be greater than their 1943 business. E
E l “'35 not engaged ”1 interstate commeice 01 ench “1“ aige K ‘el [191116 agencies At the same time 81 per cent of the headsl
E E E~ ‘ m the production 0f goods for commerce, ————~———.————~—— of some L500 daily papers express the be-
ll “A .‘V ” Md that a forced investigation Of ”3 iec- lief that advertising lineage will be higher
t, ‘l. .EE ' E’ ords would amount to unreasonable search New Jersey Set Precedent alter the war .
lEl ‘ ‘ , ' . . . - ' ~ _ ' ' , I , ' E
El ‘ i i and seizuie, and that any attemlit to liglu In Legal Advertismg The lorecasts. ol interest and value to ‘
~ ' : ' E l‘ite its business violates the free( om 0 tie. H , . . . E. , . . . . . .r - . o
E’ : ‘ l E: E“ I 12 .1 . t 1 e1 1 the con mv Legals,’ published m agate “’Pe which ucuspapei incn, aie miitained in a Ss-page
E r 1 ‘ ‘. )ress. ‘Yl(€11(7(3 in rot uc (. ) I 1 )2 ’ , . u . ,, ~ . - E E . . "
E i . 3 I] l . l 1. 1 t ) e neithei nobody can read, may eventually be replaced booklet. A Shl‘t)’ "1 DKUIY Ne“’SPdlms'
:‘ E . EE S\O\\'C( it )u) is ies wo news )a) rs ‘ X , . , , , V - r. ,, , -
i EE [ 1, h 11 .1 It (if tate sub by modern types 01 advertising as a result dhd ‘1 12‘1’489 Phhh‘dhmh A Shl‘el OfE
. E E . .. .. 0' w 11(7" ias 'an )le( ou » -s t .' - _ E . E . E_ , .. n E ._ . .
. ‘ :‘ . I 5 ‘ ’l K i I of the example set m l\ew jersey preceding \Veekly Newspapei s. uhich discuss the dailyE
E1_. E’ ‘EEi .' l: S(I‘l)(.1$.E 1 _. E. . 1 \. "t 1 the recent election. and weekly sections of a nation—wide graphic E
EH i E‘ ,1 l“ Quoting the (6051011 in tile ‘i ”OCH e< Because the state leoislature voted to hold arts survey made by the Linotype company
i i‘ ‘ ' Press case the court held that a newspaper " ‘ ‘ a . . _ . _ . .
- E ‘. . , . . ,E referendum on revision of the New Jerse with the assistance, ol Dun and Biatlstieet.
. I E U E E l . publisher has no special immunity from ap- ‘ ‘ y , Forty four per cent of the (11in men he-
. .E ‘ 1 plication of general laws and that uniform LOhStlmtloh’ u was required by law [hh . E E. . . E . . Ell
- \ ’. _ .‘ the lull text of the ”.0 )osed revision be lieve that (,iiculation iexenues will lemfll ,
‘ . a , f 1“ regulations imposed upon those covered by 4 l l ‘ ' approximately where they .u-e now 50 per,
‘ ‘E i E' . v ' ’ ‘ . . E ‘E9 ( . ( E E l , .
E ‘1 E the Act are not an abridgement ol freedom PhhhSth‘ The legislatuie “’th 5-00’000 . ., _ . . . l 96 in"
‘ 3‘ ’ - EE for this )ul‘)OSC Ordinarily that mone' cent expect them [0 ”“1““; “m ” I l
‘ E E’ ‘ ' ot the press. Then the court opens up 1 l - .i ) . , _ _. .
“ E‘ ‘ “ 3 ‘ . ~ - - - would have been went to 00 throu h the tent expect them [0 decrease.
E I ‘ . j.~ EE widespread investigations by stating that . . “IE . o g . Among the weekly newspaper represenlil'
E‘ i i E: “To hold the Administrator cannot compel lormalities "t “C‘ll‘mhhhg the people With - . .Et’ , . _ . ,mE!
1‘ ‘ ' 1' ‘1 - » the no osed revision b )ublishin' it in ”VCS’ It was found that M P“ cent 631 i
* E the production of data relating to coverage 1 P . - Y l . 8 circulation income to increase 4% estimate
i ‘ ‘ 4E until that question has been conclusively agate type In the “)1”th hi the states , . , _ . V E l 'hile
. ' E. . _ , news )a)ers that it Will iemain at the 1943 levCE “
, \ determined is to deny him the very powers ‘1 l - 9, _ , . .
. . _ . . . J) per cent anticipate a (leciease.
E ' = . , deemed necessary in order to effectuate the But befme such adveltlsmg was ordered, The survev Ems conducted 1W Dun and
El ' 'E' ‘ purposes 0f the Add, a New Jersey advertismg man, Charles Bradstreet representatives bv personal imfl"
j ‘ij' x . 7. . _ . _ Dallas Reach, )ro )osed that instead of h'lV- .‘ ' . E .‘ ‘, ' _ . i ,-
E_ Undei this decision, the \’\ age Hout Ad in [he moneIE ringed ‘n the 1 for Views With exeCUthe-‘E‘ ot dailies, weekllCS,
. - EEE. . . . _ , ~ «2: i usua rm _ . . '.
i 5' mlmStrdtOl may demand and obtain the [g1 0,1 'd' Z" . 1 _ . . . l 1 commercial printing firms. trade COHIPOS‘
‘3 . . pay roll records 0t any concern, excepting O e°d d \er mug" “6 campaign 1 mn— tors, advertising" typograpliers. and banks-i
‘ ‘ 5 those which have been legally established dled along modern advertising lines. 'lhe Copies of the published results and or
H ’ i through court decree or by statute as intra- 165”“ Em” a 56““ 0t readable, large-type, three other sections of the survey-011 (will
i I. . , E. .. . _ , . . a ) )ealin ‘ messa es—each containin )art of . y . ' . E -l
:E ., state business or as exempt under the Act. Ell“: profosed (‘fiistitution With geqld 1d mercial printing concerns, on trade (ouEE.
‘ i. ‘ It is unusual because it vests udiCial )owers ‘ ' ' - ‘ l ‘ ' ,- _ , , , . . , . sin
- ‘i . - - - ~ J I - vertisement was '1 box ur in ' voters to vote ”mm”! “hd "dVeltlsmg typogiapher
E 3 in an administrative officml to determine ‘ ‘ g 3 ' on banks—may be had for the asking from
‘1 . x H - - .E . 0n the revision on 61 ' i (la ' i ’ i I 'E
E I ‘ - - ' ‘ ‘ - E E s . ~ ‘ E . 1c .
i‘ whether or not '1 business is of inteistite ect 0“ Y “hd mV‘tmg Em “mm , nnoul ed ‘
E :E . . . _ . , 1 .PC agency, it was a .
E commerce character. them to send lot a copy of the text of the . I}
i :E . . . ‘
iE . .E . . _ rewsed constitution. ———————-——.——-——-——" s I
E , E ' . The [act that the revision proposal was The PFC“ "Cl-ire“ this issufi. was mi (31:35 .
‘E .. lE . Future weekly success may be as Simple as ABC. 111' 't‘l ( l . . l' l . . fl . late out of the Pro“ room. owing [0 pics E‘
. [l ' . E i LE 1 ‘ _ ABC may mean 55$ to you. ‘ C Cd “ m e ection (ay ( 06‘s “Qt 16 6” (oiiiiniitiiients. '
, ii‘E.i ' i . .
l ‘ : , - _ '
EEEE EEE E .— EE. , E . .'. -.;»

 . _ t. V , - '-,.".::‘;‘.:'::.:‘:;"":'.'::1'::‘.::‘,'." ..".'x.‘..". .1 “;. r.- " ‘ ' .. -, f .' - ' . - , ",4 , __., .. . . . \ ”wall ' 'V..
' ll .5 V
. ._ _,V . '5‘! ‘Ilfi‘ .l-V '
' ‘1' ' Ill
l945 ! March, l945 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Three 3/}; 1
l1. :FOrV. “an”. ‘ m . .l', -' . .
sales message v.5” 1 . V ._
sing could not i I a. ,
l‘ the constitu. ' . .. .i _
the people ml V ,
C A ' Lt * ‘ ~ ,
25.000 peoplel an gT’LCU LL78 g - f .
complete letl . ’7“? 2 " :V'
(m :1 proposal l l '
[at the money! I’d It ' 9 i l . ‘
. 110 S Cams. 9:1. -
is campaign in,l . ’ » 3:: '
out ways that‘ 1,; ,l ‘V 1
mg, for which. ii L" l ‘
min each year, t 5; i . E .
6 money spent * _ ‘ . i “ . 1
It looks asl , I M ‘.
uign may have. Both the producers and the distributors of America's food know that 2 V .V . .
7‘“ _evem1:m"l the day will come again when instead of markets seeking food, food will be ‘- . ‘
lnel‘lCan ress. . ‘2 :
___ ( seeking markets. That fact poses a problem of enormous proportions for - i. .
. .. .
. . . 2 .
wedge the post-war days ahead. . V }
Jtlere l l . It is a problem of pressing importance to every family in the nation ,’ l
s 0 more mu. . 1 _ . . . 5:3 -. l, j
.. , . , because the nation 5 entire economy IS closely bound up wrth the future of ‘jK ‘ 1‘ :1:
\l€\\ ed belieie s“. ll "
g lineage will agriculture. lll" i 3V
”muffs; 1 [VII We don't pretend to know exactly how this great problem will be W
,ll. 0 IC lCili, 1.
:xpress the be- solved. But 85 years' experience in food distribution, through good times
will be higher ; and bad, has taught us that farmers and food distributors must apply certain ‘ ‘ 1,‘
fundamental business principles proven sound by all successful businessmen. ' T l: ~
and value to ‘ !VVV VVVV VV l. V
d in 21 32-page ' This means that despite recognized wartime limitations we must _ l’ I V l i ‘
Ne\\’sl>ap€T5."_V constanly strive to: r V l ‘ ‘
“A Survey Of' Give the consumer preferred varieties. . f l"? l
iscuss the daily l . . _ l ’ ‘l l "
“Wide graphicl Give the consumer garden—fresh, quallty food in the grade '1 2 l ;
)Lype company and pack that best serves her needs. .. , ll g
‘ " . . . l l' :
mld.ledmC:; l Give the consumer full food value for her dollar by ellmlna- ii ..
(le ’ 111611 ' » . ‘ i‘ V . § ,
65 will remain: ting unnecessary and wasteful handling operations and costs. .V VV V l' .V
e “0“" 301m: Because it has always been guided by these principles, the A&P l, ,l ;‘
e, and 26 [16" , . . . . , . . . . . 2 l} . r' . _/l
organlzatlon Is today domg the natlon s most effICIent job of food dlstrl— . iii: .4 | ;
3. . ‘ 2
P6" repl‘eselllfl'i bution. ’ V ;V li -:
4- ‘ l . . . J - f i z"
’0 13m :Xlijfel But the application of these prInCIples must be supplemented, In the . -, l 1 j: .
se. f esmt , . . _ .- . 2.»
43 level. whil€l ‘ days ahead, by planning and experimentatlon to find and develop new, bet— E. -V: 1 l3
trezise. I ter ways to serve the consumer tomorrow. 'i ll .
, and ' . . .r , 2 l
1 minimal To such planning and experimentation, in the public Interest, the . 2 3 ll i
pers . ' . ’ - M L
iilies, weeklies, men and women of A&P are earnestly and fully pledged. :V: V 3 l
[rude compost - l VVV l j
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 l, L‘L'1‘ : - :19.
L 1 ‘L
h LLLL‘ L L2: Page Four THE KENTUCKY PRESS March, 1945
‘t L 3; L L; L
_ .L Li, _ L ,, .
. L :LL :L t .
if; .‘L , t :L i: . . . . . .
. f? L‘M l L“ in the new Double-V )rograiii deswned to vertising is a community matter. '
x LLL L ‘d l b ‘ a e lr
1: 1L1 L L i 8 give new incentive to Jaded collectors. ‘Lvery merchant benefits [0 an extent TO Y
I ‘LLL L ' LL 1 ‘ Briefly this is the plan. The Double-V from the advertising done by other inei-.L
‘ . L . . L L-L , '. . ‘ ' '
. L 413; L {11' . en ., ,- r ’ 38 Waste Paper Program makes a strong and chants, and even by lllS own direct com» L
L, "L ' L". ' . - . . . .
. L . ‘.L L tional appeal to the people and to all col— petitor. Theie are many buyers who live 6
L' L L L . official Publication or the Kentucky lettion agencies conceined to save mom in a circle about this to“ ii, perhaps equ..L Trai‘.
, L; - L‘L L Press Assomation waste paper and to channel a part ot the distant lrom other trading centers of contL copy 5‘
. L a - _.____————— . . .
_ L1 .1? L 2' Victor B Port m E (liter-Publisher receipts to the Sick and wounded veterans parable nature. When the merchants in. into tli
L L L 5 . - ma ! . . . . . . . -, . .
L .L L' l . L ..___.__ in our military hospitals throughout the this community peiSistently solic1t the trade L a bit (
L‘ " ' L .: '. . ' . . i ‘
Ll ,L L- Printed On The Kernel Press, Lexington country. they tend to make the town the shopping woudCI
' L LL ‘ L :L" Kentucky Press Association Officers The executive committee has received “m“ to} [1‘5“ "l‘llgm‘ll purchasers. can’t t:
L 1 L L ‘ L, . . . . ,
' L . l L . I Chmmcey F01‘8°Y-»---——--rLI;-“La-"-Y-m‘iel’ende"3’ “bland splendid assurance of cooperation from press ___. ____ .______ edited
' L. . L L . res en _ _ . ~ —
1 L L , 1 L; Fred B_ Waciis...........,.............Heralat-Leader. Lexington associations and newspaper syndicates. Local . L he has
1‘ LL L i, t Vlce-PresldentU of K Lexington representatives will encourage salvage plans New York Ch||d Labor 0116
LL ‘L Victor R. For marine - -, . . . , . . .
:11 L L .L Secretary-Manager better suited to the locality, il ex1sting plans LOWS TO Be Amended L “.111 te
[L l ‘ 1‘ l 1 - Executive Committee, Districts 1 , - _ , -, , . . _ , t L .
L L , .1 . . rue failed to noduce satisfactow iesults , _ , fid\€1‘[l,
L L 1‘ ‘=; L Harold A. Browning, Whitley Republican, Williams- ‘ I . ‘ . . 1 I he Childrens Bureau of the New YorkL
’111. L burg (Ninth), Chairman; First. Joe LaGore, Sun- and to report to the committee any localities _ . . admaii
3L» .‘z. 1 . L.L ; 3 Democrat, Paducah; Second, John B. Gaines, Park . . Department of Labor is proposmg ameiid- .
LL 'JLL 3 L ; cm News. Bowling Green; Third, J. M. Wynn. needing special treatment. . . ,1. l '1 _ . . them]
L ,LLL .L _ L L Courier-Journal, Louisville; Fourth, James M. Willis, . _ ments to State Cnlc La )01 Laws to estali-
. .L ,QYL LL ‘ Messenger, Brandenburg: Firth. viErgii rg sandirds, A new and powerful stimulus is needed lish ,1 basic sixteen—year minimum age l0iL teitaiiii
1“ LL: 'L “ ’i‘ ,1 News-Democrat, Carrollton; Sixth, nos wain, - . . a . . .. y. . 1 . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .
l ‘l 1“ 1% l , 1 vacate-Messenger, Danvllle; Seventh, Walker W. if the public is to continue saving papei )10 rm m in states where such .‘ta d d Dutch
1 ‘ ' ‘ R blnson Herald Palntsville' Eighth .1 w Heddon L eml ) e 5 n a” n
L Li: L;L L L 0 L , . v - - ' « - f .z ' ~ ‘ . mm.
L .i‘LLL L L L . Advocate, Mn SterllnLg; TYIeSr Mum”; 31353;; thiough the excitement ol the l\ 17.1 1egiines do not now must. These proposals “‘EI‘CL
3L ' L.‘ L L .‘ , .IL Morganfleld, State—at- urge; eymour . o _ . . _ L ( . ~ . L . L _ vou )r
L. L3 L .1: , Enterprise” Enzabemtown, ingot—1.73:3; 131mg;- 1‘7“ (13)“ IT]: Inf“ "”1816 must lbe 1111151” made by the Childrens Bureau in collabor-L tonlu
1 L: - i ' ' , J Ric ar son, unes, as . < ~ . - 4! ASSOCIATION . k 1 l 1 l . _1 . 1 1 1 to “01 iii 01 in connec ion in i any . rolled
1? Li ' ' 1. ”1‘ “WW“ . 51C ’ 116 aget, t1e unt 61'1” “1 egcc, SC 100 5’ [acturing or mechanical establishment.“ ’
L L L . L t L $1,131“ I I I 1 1.
L L ; L 'L‘ "' etc. . Liiess. l
1‘ 1 Li 1?: . . ———————.———-———- copy u
. . 1 L . .
,_ . ___~-__._______ L
'. LL .11 51'- . \ .
f L LL L; m . Ounce Of Prevention— L I 1”
,L L L L L L . '. .2 L. ‘
LLLLLLL L ., L L... MEMBER 1“ng What Is A Newspaper? L . ~1 . 1 ‘k. CL. . 1 ”destroyed ‘W 1
L. L. LL L L ,L 12’; LL. W“ . . _ 1. mg 1t c er in a ncago 10 e 1, Print U
.1 LL . i ; LL 1 Of interest, whether you like it or not, by fire testified before the board of ”1qu culatim
L‘ L ‘ I‘ 12‘, - ‘ - c . V. H . ‘ . . _
L, :‘1 L L, L LL _ K TUCKY PRES is this definition of a countly weekly" horn that he could have extinguished the thL in the
. L; 1 " L'- 1 ASSOCIATION the new Dictionary Of Sociology, published before it got out of control if he had knowllL quite 1
L ., . “Hun” “NW” N“ by the Philosophical Library, New Y01k how to operate a fire extlngulshel. TheL Sign or
j] 1 ‘LL ‘L _________ CRY; extinguisher was there. He had it In ML D€liver
i1] § . i I, l S1 t V' 1967‘ Five “A newspaper published in a community hands, but didn’t know how to use it. TillSL price 5
L'. L . L L L; 0 “7718 m (33"; 1 um of rural characteristics for distribution incident prompts the question: Do your the prii
LL 1, L __————————————— thrOUgh the mail as second class matter on employees know how to operate the {ML Le“ [hf
Li. 1 . Ll “' ‘ ‘ , , t ' . . . . . , a
.3 L ’11? Double—V Waste Paper a stated day of the week to the. 1e51dents extinguisher or fixtmgmshers m youi plfll1L ' eiiveloL;
L ‘ ' , of the town and the surroundin ' 0 )en u. . ~ . , ' L‘ i ~ -
, ,1 L1 pro ram GIVGH Impetus 8 I An ounce ol pieventioii etc. time. I
‘ '3 9 country as a medium of local information, ' anh "a
. ' : A new and strong incentive to reVive pub- iiiter—communication and co-ordination of . think t'
LL . . L; L ' ' - ' v . er collections is the ( - - ; - ' ‘ ' L ' '~ '
L . L . .L lie Intelest in waste pap _ town and countiy ictiVities, iii which is BOOST Paper Salvage ment tl
L‘L ‘ « .3, 11L Double-V Waste Paper Program which has reflected the life, customs, and institutions (1' for G]
Li _ a: L, . . . . ,, s ’ . ' ~' was 1n
13 _' L“? LL, . been enthuSiastically endorsed by the Amer- of the people who constitute the readership. Despite ‘111 the PUMIULY and r [11“ so ‘11
.1; ‘ L ,3: LL, , , 1 .. . . . , .- . ' z - i L me
L5 L . 1’ man Red Cross, the Surgeons General of . waste Pdpa’ gOOd authonty estipl L315 ML the '11
Li L I: _ . , - - ————————— —-——-————— . . , r . . ' - 10 w cm
, L‘,-;‘ . the Army and Navy, the Veteians Adminis- more than-JO 1161 €6th 01 1101156 . mm mm j,
51 - ‘3: ‘ tration, the “7211‘ Production Board and the . . . L paper 15 Still being dlSPOSCd 0L by 131”" a ‘ 101
L: :L . . Advertismg Cooperative ,, - ~ -. . . .. ~ 1944ex— route a
.L J‘ Office of “far Information. “hile it is one that collections in d T
L3- ‘ . ' 1 . ~ - . . , , ., ' . allé hi .-
L H . During the month 01 January, waste paper An Iowa publisher writes this to 1113 bus- ceeded expectations, they must be eguwscL of ‘Slgi
_ L- . _ . _ .. , . - . ec tie
L11 ‘ 1. . collections dropped 11% below those of the mess men. and it possible suipassed in 1945 "ml the 1 1
L; a first month of last Lem; Moreover, collec- “Most business men think of advertising as the newsprint situation 15 even mole m . lfi ml
“ = . . - - . . . . . .. , . '10“ 0 c
1“ .’- ‘ tions were 38% below the monthly quota an indiVidual matter. That is largely true than exei. \Ne suggest that every ed” 1! e s
I i . . - . , . 521‘" L CensuL
L .L L L LL established by the War Production Board. because each merchant or manufacturer at- 0f yout Liapel emphasize the need for me well 8)
1 11 1 . u . . u u . - y . . y . 1 v
' L. L, L The intenSified armed serum and ciVilian tempts to direct trade to his own place of mg \Laste paper and that you sponsm l v.01
L, ‘ L; I L 113‘ needs for paper and paper products resulted business. It is also true, however, that ad- lrequent collections. “hat
L L; '1 .‘U L‘ ’ .~
. Ll .L . I: , LL
., - L. L .
_ L11” 2 . L.‘
,1! l : l" L ‘ 1‘.
L IL ‘L L. ‘ , ’

 3 5:3 '33 3 '
,3 : '2‘». 1‘ ‘3 i
. ',j:' E 31}, E
1945 Il March, 1945 THE KENTUCKY PRESS Page Five . 3
E ' 3/ E E
‘I ‘l3 3 :z r.
‘. 3 EE ,3 3
ter. l Selling Advertismg Maintenance 01‘ Membership Fennell Named Editor "j . ‘ ,3
to an extent l To Your Merchants Contract Under Fire Of Cynthiana Democrat ,1; 3
)y Other mer.‘ . . . . . t . 3 l .
n direct to 3 Al Look A recent dissenting opinion of the in- Charles 1*ennell, Cynthiana attorney, was ‘5'
iii- . . , _ .
yers who li E Grand Junction (Colo.) Sentinel dustry member on the Daily Newspaper named editor of the Cynthiana Democrat _
ye . . . . . . . . 33: 'i
, , l , ' , , Commrssron ol the War Labor Board wrll earlier this month. He is senior member of 3