xt741n7xmt94 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xmt94/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 1976-03-19 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, March 19, 1976, no. 120 text The Green Bean, March 19, 1976, no. 120 1976 1976-03-19 2014 true xt741n7xmt94 section xt741n7xmt94 ,......- (*22    
  T H E
24 March — Public Services Area G
Meeting - 8:30 AM, R E E N
Tech Services conferi B E A N
ence room. L
24 March-- SLA Student Section ;
On—Line Demonstration i NEWSLETTER Ng_l20» 3/19/76
of INFORM - a business David Farrell, Editor Ext.82684
management data base" - —vr··
6-8 PM, P.O.T. 18th floor Lobby. (R.S.V.P. 257-3644).
25 March — Blood Drawing - Behind Chem./Phys. (See note).
25 — 26 March - KLA Special Libraries Section meets in Lexington.
26 · 27 March — University of Kentucky Chapter AAUP meets in Lexington,
· Speaker: Dr. william Van Alstyne. Topic: "Academic
.yoenneA B¤ee@gm;gngETegur§,in Kentucky".
Administrative Council:
There will not be an Administrative Council Meeting this month.
The next meeting will be April 21, 8:30 A.M. in the Gallery.
Margaret Myers Addre§se§~Library Staff
Ms. Margaret Myers, Director of the Office for Personnel Resources
- at ALA Headquarters in Chicago, was the guest speaker at the ll
March Staff Organization meeting. Ms. Myers‘ topic was "Change,
and how to cope with it". She pointed out that change is
inherently neither good nor bad, but simply inevitable. There
are three factors which will induce change in the U.K. Libraries
in the next year: the retirement of several people who head
important units, automation, and the implementation of MRAP. T
Ms. Myers emphasized preparation as the key to successful change.
It is the responsibility of management to plan carefully and
to keep the staff fully informed. It is the responsibility
of staff members to prepare for change by sharpening and ex-
panding their skills. This may be accomplished by volunteering
for committees and task forces, by job exchanging or continuing
education. E
;U;nwaMtime_of_change it is of utmost importance to keep all
revenues of communication open; all members of an organization
should feel free to express differences of opinion.
- Serials Coordination Project ‘ I
At the meeting of Hamlin, Willis, O'Hara, Powell, McDowell and
Jones, the latter four met to discuss operational details of
coordinating serials purchases and cancellations among Medical
Center Library, Agriculture Library and King Library and its

It was decided that any unit seeking to cancel a title would
coordinate its decisions with the other appropriate unit(s)
if there were a question of proper location for a unique jour-
nal on campus. Each unit would also feel free to call upon
the others to purchase a needed journal if another location
appeared more appropriate. Also, any unit would be free to
check with another regarding purchase of a monograph in an
overlapping subject. ‘
Rather than formalizing such procedures, it was decided too that
each unit seeking to purchase or cancel a title would exercise
its own initiative, informally checking with the others.
E. O'Hara
Lexington, Louisville Newspaper Indexes at MIK:
Partial indexes to Lexington and Louisville newspapers are now
available at MIK Reference and Newspapers/Microtexts departments.
In Reference, articles appearing in the Courier-Journal since
mid—1974 have been indexed on cards giving the title, author, and
page number. The complete articles can be viewed in the News-
papers/Microtexts Room. In addition to the Courier-Journal card
index, there is a vertical file of articles clipped from the Kernel
and the Communi-K.
Also in the Reference vertical file are articles clipped from the
Lexington Herald and Leader and the Louisville Courier—Journal
prior to m1d—1974.
The Reference indexes provide comprehensive coverage of Kentucky
» and UK news; also indexes are topics of current interest such as —
the environment and pollution, consumer protection, and women in
society. ·
In Newspapers/Microtexts a partial index has been kept since 1974
(with some references from 1973 and 1972). The Bettye Lee Mastin
columns, for example, are indexed from 1972 with added entries ’
under the people and/or places about which she has written. The
Newspapers/Microtexts card index emphasizes news of the Bluegrass
area although itincludedsome regional items such as coal, Red
River Gorge and Dam, and Cumberland Falls.
In the preliminary discussions of a King Library inventory, it came
to the attention of the Committee that staff members may have unchargei
books in their areas.
Of course this is not a good habit at any time, but we would especkdly
like to ask everyone to please check their desks and shelves now for
uncharged items and return them promptly to circulation.
It is our current practice to replace on demand books presumed misshmp
Uncharged items can be needlessly duplicated. ` “
Thank you.
The Inventory Committee

Six staff members participated in a regional SOLINET Discussion Group
meeting in Nashville, Tenn. on February 20.
Those attending were Bernie Baldini and Sara Leech, Medical Center:
Becky Heath, Agriculture; and Jean Graef, Gail Kennedy and Lynn
Shrewsbury, King. .
The meeting was devoted mostly to informal discussions among libraries
about problems, practices and future plans. *2
» G. Kennedy K
A computer on—line demonstration and discussion of INFORM - A Business
Management Data Base will be given by Greg Payne, president of ABI,
Inc. (Abstracted Business Information) of Louisville on Wednesday
24 March from 6-8 PM on the 18th floor lobby of Patterson Office Tower,
UK. The presentation is sponsored by the Special Libraries Associ-·
ation, University of Kentucky Student Section. R.S.V.P.: 257-3644.
CONGRESSIONAL QUARTERLY, INC. Congressional Quarterly's Guide to
U.S. Elections. Washington, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly, 1 75.
For the political scientist and historian, or those simply interested  
in fascinating trivia, the Congressional Quarterly organization has
recently published another excellent reference tool. Guide to U.S.
Elections provides election data on political parties and presidential, I
Senate, House and gubernatorial races. Far from simply being a .
compilation of statistics, the Guide includes a complete list of all _
senators since 1789 with footnotes explaining vacancies, disputed
elections, resignations and short terms; capsule biographies of
candidates for President and Vice President; reference to more than  
500 political parties and much more information on the history of
U.S. elections. A A
  » _
Several people have expressed an interest in forming a car pool
for the KLA College and Research Section meeting in Berea, April
2-3. If anyone is driving and can take people or if anyone needs
a ride, please send me your name and the dates/time you plan to
attend, and I will try to organize a car pool.
F. Harders (
iU.K. Libraries Staff Development Series i i
The next program of the U.K. Libraries Staff Development Series
will cover the Map Dept. The sessions, given by Gwen Curtis, are
designed to acquaint staff members with departmental holdings,
especially in the areas of city plans and Kentuckiana.
There will be three sessions--Monday, March 29 at 9:15, Wednesday,
March 31 at 1:30 and Friday, April 2 at 9:15; all sessions will

 ...4... N
be in the Map Dept. I would appreciate it if the Dept. Heads/
Branch Librarians could let me know by Thurdday, March 25 how
many people from their unit will be attending. If anyone has
suggestions for the program, please see Gwen Curtis. Thank you.
F. Harders
Blood Donation: One of the University's employment benefits is
group blood coverage; if 20% of all University employees donate,
then all employees who have been here at least one year and their
dependents are covered. On Thursday, March 25 the Mobile Blood,
Unit will be behind the Library; and all staff members are urged
to give. For further information and to sign up for a donation
time, please contact Faith Harders or Cathy Stevenson (CSR).
work—Study Assistants:
I have requested additional work study students for the summer
from the Student Financial Aid Office. If you are interested in
having one or more of these students, (should we get them) please
let me know within the next week or two. 2
0 V F. Harders
UK Sick—Leave, Maternity—Leave Policies Change: ·g »
University Personnel has modified the sick leave and maternity; _
leave policies. The major changes and new procedures are as y
l. There is no longer a separate maternity policy; rather, ma-
ternity leave is treated as any other temporary disability (ill-
ness). The maximum accumulated sick leave a woman may use for
maternity leave is 30 days (more if there are complications; the
. old limit was 24 days). There is no longer a two year employment
requirement to take maternity leave. · · _
2. Sick leave is not to extend beyond the period of time covered
by accumulated sick leave (paid) or 90 calendar days (unpaid
leave), whichever is greater. ~ ; r
3. Sick leave may be used for medical or dental appointments. __
4. Employees who separate from the University and then are re-
employed by the University within one year may ask to have prior
unused sick leave reinstated. Requests should be made to the
Library Director's Office.
Bicentennial Conference:
The American Society for Information Science (ASIS) is sponsoring
a Bicentennial Conference, America in the Information Age, April
l2-14, 1976, in Washington, D.C. Registration is $60.00 ($80.00
non-member). For further information, see Faith Harders.
E[#1PlQiX[‘;“(E-NI ggpogmrg-11155   y g .  i 2 6
Associate University Librarian'(Pub1ic Service). University of
California, Berkeley. YApril`l5, 1976 (application deadline). `
$21,400 · $33,600 per annum salary range.

; University Librarian. University of California at Riverside. 1 May·76
l (application deadline). Salary open.
E University Librarian. University of California, San Diego. May 1, .
{ 1976 (application deadline). Salary open.
g Principal Cataloger. University of California, San Diego. Open i
{ March l, 1976. n
§ Media Librarian. Indiana University. $11,000.
Q Original Cataloger. University of Louisville. Open immediately.
Q $9,500 — $10,461.
§ Assistant Rare Books Librarian. University of Louisville. Open
Q July 1, 1976. $10,000.
g Assistant Curator. University of Louisville. Open July 1, 1976.
§ $9,000 — $10,000.
é Head Reference Librarian. University of Louisville. Open immediately.
§ $14,000 · $16,434.
E Head, Reference Services. State University of New York at Albany.
Q April 15, 1976 (application deadline). $12,749 — $21,025.
i Staff Development Coordinator. Yale University. April 15, 1976
{ (application deadline). $12,000+.
E Technical Services Librarian. Social Science Library, Yale University.
{ April 15, 1976 (application deadline). $12,000+. -
  Catalog Librarian. Center for British Art and British Studies, Yale
( University Library. April 1, 1976 (application deadline). $10,000+.
