xt741n7xm445 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xm445/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 1928-01-06  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, January  6, 1928 text The Kentucky Kernel, January  6, 1928 1928 1928-01-06 2012 true xt741n7xm445 section xt741n7xm445 r--










KENTUCKIAN DRIVE Strollers Will Give
Annual Dance in

Staff of University Year Book
Promises Several Unusual

Saturday night will reopen the
social affairs on the campus, when
eds and co-ewill stroll over to
the Stroller dance at the gymnasium. One dollar is the admission

charge, and as this is leap year,
that the girls do the
admitting. Promptly at 8:30 o'clock, the Masqueraders will tune
up. This is your time to tune in
and get your money's worth. The
floor has recently been varnished,
so everything is all slicked up for
the occasion. The dance will last
until 11:45.
The dance is being held to raise
funds for the coming spring production, "Dulcy," as the organization hopes to send the show on the
road, as it formerly did. There
will be six
so fill out
your program early.
we suggest


Will Take Orders for
Books on Campus
Subscriptions for the Kentuckian

will be taken next week, beginning
Monday, January 9, by the represent-

atives at the sororities, fraternities,
and dormitories as well as at
the Kentuckian office in the Armory
building. The regular subscription
price is $5 while the price of those
purchased later will be $5.50t
An elaborate art theme will be one
of the features of the 1928 Kentuckian. Both amateur and commercial
talent have been doing extensive research work to enrich the book with
artistic paintings and sketches of
actual Civil War scenes. The art
work wiU be different from any
which has been used in past
In addition to this
there will be an extensi.ve campus
view section containing many sketches of informal campus life and campus leaders. A large humor section
is also promised with sketches of university life as many believe it exists.
The following are the fraternity
and sorority representatives-fKentuckian: Alpha Gamma Epsilon,
Rho, L.
H. K. Gregory; Alpha Gamma
M. Caldwell; Alpha Sigma Phi, L.
Clark; Alpha Tau Omega, John
Jr., Delta Chi, Ray Hall; Delta
Tau Delta, R. Kavanaugh; Kappa Alpha, J". Elliott; Kappa Sigma, William
Gess; Pi Kappa Alpha, William
Delta Theta, Leroy Miles;
Phi Kappa Tau, Joe Holton; Phi Sigma Kappa, Virgil D. Johnson; Sigma
Alpha Epsilon, H. Lewis; Sigma Beta
Xi, John Ottley; Sigma Chi, Stanley
Staee: Sigma Nu, rTamc lyaviason,
rrJT'i- - j n. . i
ffWinr Aloha Delta

Alpha Delta Sigma
Formally Initiates
Seven Honor Men
The Desha Breckenridge chapter of
Alpha Delta Sigma, national honor
ary and professional advertising fraternity, held its initiation at the office
of the journalism department on December 19. The initiation was preceded by a banquet at the Green Tree
inn. The following men were initiated: William E. Durbeck, H. B. Ellis,
H. H. Benney, A. K. Mezick, E. B.
Cummings, Ray Valade and H. S.

fraternity has gained national
prominence as the leading profes
sional advertising organization and
selection of men for membership is
based on their experience, interest in
the profession, and scholarship.
The active members of the local
chapter are: Fred Conn, president;
James Shropshire, vice president;
Hunter Moody, secretary - treasurer;
Virgil Couch, Charles Honaker, Francis Watson, William Luesincr. Hay- i rii
tii-jj r i rnmip ni
uienn anai 9oerC
j warren.
Dr. J. a. Miner is the facul- xvuuuusuu, '"f." ty advisor.
Gamma Delta, Louise Dyer; Alpha
Xi Delta, Mary Louise Marvin; Beta
Sigma Omicron, Louise Gott; Chi
Omga, Lucille Short; Delta Delta
Delta, Mabel C. Graham; Delta Zeta,
Evelyn Laird; Kappa Delta, Dorothy
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sara
At the annual convention of the
Lynn Tucker; Zeta Tau Alpha, Edith American Economics Association in
D. C, from December
rT fLvl Washington,
1$l27to 30, Frank L. McVey, president
of- the university,
was elected vice
president of the organization. PresCONCERT
ident McVey stated that he did not
attend the conference and was "very
much surprised" to learn of his election. This honor adds prestige both
Composed of to the president and to the university.











New Organization
45 Mebers, Will Play-- March
Written in Honor of Governor





JANUARY 6, 1928

Wheats Win From THETA
Berea College By
A Score of 37-1- 6


PHI Students Prompt






In Reporting for
Regular Classes MADE PROGRESS
The usual prompt return to


Selection Will Be Made "After
According to Annual Custom,
of Eight
Issue of January 13 Will Be
Playing a somewhat improved
Whose Names Have Been brand of basketball the Wildcats
Published by Local Chapter of
Turned in.
National Honorary Journalism
downed the Berea College quintet last
Wednesday night by the score of 37
The election of band sponsor, now to 16. It was the second win of the
considered one of the highest honors season for the Blue and White.
The issue of The Kernel that apa d may receive on this campus,
Kentucky got off to a flying start pears January 13 will be published by



KY-- ,


of practically all the students of the university featured
the reopening of classes Tuesday
after the y
Christmas vacation.
Prof. L. L. Dantzler, head of the
English department, declared that
every student was present at his
classes with one exception, and
have a good excuse, he
intimated. Dean C. R. Melcher
said that his German classes were
rxceptionally well (attended considering the severely cold weather
on the day of the opening of university classes.
Registrar Ezra R. Gillis confirmed the reports of unanimous
attendance of classes on the opening day, but he said this condition
usually existed on the closing and
opening days because of the penalty for absence from classes on
those days.

Art Center and Romany Theater
Completed: Wendt Shop
as .Luuiuaitru




Theta Sigma Phi, national honorary
journalistic sorority. It i3 an old
Expect New Recitation Building
custom on. the campus for this sororto Be Completed by
ity to publish one issue of The Kernel each year. This is done in order
Next Fall
to put into' practice what they have
learned and to live up to a ruling of
the sorority that the members work
upon some accredited pa'per during
(From The Lexington Leader,
the year.
January 1, 1928)
Last year the members published
The early history of the University
the issuethat appeared May 7 and
of KentucKy is bound up with the
it was quite a success.
This year
story of the state. No historian has
many of the members that were on
gone into the relations of the comthe day of election that they are num- previous showings.
the staff last year will be on it again,
bered among the eight.'
monwealth to higher education during
The next contest on the Wildcat
which will enable them to put out a
the first quarter of the 19th century.
It will not be known until Wednes- card will be with Centre College's better paper.
will be held. Colonels at Danville Monday evening.
day where the
Whether an contribution was made
contributions will be
An announcement has been made that The entire Wildcat squad )will be
to public education from the revenues
written by members of Theta Sigma
there will be no one present except taken to the Boyle county capital.
of the state in its early history has
Phi. The reporters are chosen from
the members of the band to judge the
not been brought out by the student
underclass members who have shown
appearcandidates as to their general
of Kentucky. It is generally supposed
journalistic ability and will be eligiMen
To Be
in Gym
ance and ability to march.
that the University of KTitucky had
ble for membership to the sorority
voting, which will take place
Act of 1863
Chi later.
14 and origin in the Morrill as a separate
music rooms of the Art buildin the
its definite existence
They begin their work Saturday,
ing, following the tryouts, is a more
state college did not
The first of the Cadet hops will while the university begin until 1878,-.
or less complicated affair and will be Jenkins, Combs, O'Dear, Barnes, January 7, with a meeting of the
in name is recogAdams, Reep, Smith and
entire staff at 12 o'clock in The Ker- be held in the men's gymnasium Sat- nized in the statutes of the commonconducted on the point system, canurday, January 14, at 4 o'clock.
Pumphrey Named "
nel office.
didates being ranked first, second and
wealth in 1907. Since then it ha3
Music will be furnished by the MasThe tentative staff, which includes
third. There is a possibility, it was
j grown and expanded into increasing
Tickets for the entire
Sigma Delta Chi, professional jour- all the sorority members, is as fol- queraders.
stated by Mrv Sulzer, that complicaseries of five dances are on sale by university iunctions.
tions will arise making it impossible nalistic jfraterrfity, held its annual lows:
The chronicler of the past yar has
all military instructors and company
Editor Martha Connell.
to give out the final "verdict" Wed- pledging exercises recently.
a decided advantage over the historcommanders for a dollar and a half,
Associate editor Helen Shelton.
The nfew men who are selected
nesday, but from all indications now,
ian of the pioneer and other early
Sports editors
Catherine Carey, aingle admission to any of the dances periods of public' education.
everything is working smoothly for members of the fraternity must have
is fifty cents.(
a high scholastic standing, they must Katherine Best.
the big event.
knows by
In the past .these dance3 have h"ld happened actual experience what has
Society editor Martha Minihan.
be proficient in journalistic work and
Exchange editor Lydia Roberts.
must have worked on an accredited
i high place in the social functions some degree it can set Allwith
of certainty.
Catherine Red )i the university and it is hoped that this is preliminary to some comments
Feature writers
;his year's program will be well atThe following new members have mond, Janet Lalley.
upon the development and growth of
been chosen: Paul Jenkins, Newton
Copy reader and proof reader
the university during the past year.
Combs, Robert' O'Dear, 0. K. Barnes, Isabel Craig.
New Building Under Way
Those who have been asked to act
Kentucky Jfernel Is Chosen to Beecher Adams, Bill Reep, LeRoy
In 1927 the building for housing art
U. K.
Smith, Byron Pumphrey
as reporters on the Theta Sigma h:
Head List of Fifteen Outwas completed and fully
edition of The Kernel are:
standing Publications
De Molays instruction The theater in this buildoccupied.
Lillian Combs, Jane Ann Carlton
ing was utilized in February and has
Kathleen Fitch, Elizabeth Carter
Out of the four score or more colSince the quarterly ejection of
been a joy to the staff of the Romany
Henrietta Howell, Virginia McAlister
lege newspapers received by The
December 30, the three most and its patrons. Another building i3
Kady Elvove, Sara Elvove, Jessie
Plainsman there are a large number
mportant offices of Lexington chap-e- r, to be devoted to the departments of
Sun, Bernice Byland, Margaret Cun- of creditable publications. There are
Order of DeMolay for Boys are journalism, English and mathematics.
Margaret Treacy, Elizabeth
fifteen of outstanding merit. Among
Pablo Casals, the world's greatest Strossman, Evalee Featherston, Em iccupied by students of the univer-:it- In the building will also be placed a
deserving special rating are:
Alfred Naff, first semester modern cafeteria and the book stora
and Nicalai Mednicoff, ma Wayne Jeffries.
The Kentucky Kernel, Tulane Hulla- master Russian pianist, will give a
ophomore, is master councilor of the and postoffice.
Both of these buildbaloo. Emory Wheel, Duke Chronicle, joint recital atr Woodland Auditorium,
hapter; Robert Edgar. Featherstone, ings were erect d without appropria- Cincinnati Bearcat, The University Tuesday night, January 10 at 8rl5
ccond semester freshman,' is. senior tions. The Wendt Shop building vas
(Cincinnati), the Gold and o'clock. This will be the fourth con
ouncilor, and Curtis Batterton Sous-ealso completed arul d.dTcrattd. lh
Black, The Howard Crimson, , The cert in- the Artist Series
first semester freshman, is junior equipment donated by Mr. Ecn:y Vf.
Hornet of Furman University, The
Wendt, of Buffalo, N. Y., was placd
Central Kentucky has never had a
Davidsonian, and The Tar Heel. The greater concert than will be given Modern Language Association
in this building. A great deal of
latter is published three times a week by these artists. Fritz Kreisler says,
other work in the way of repairs,
Holds Annual Convention
and is thus not to be compared with "Casals is the greatest interpretapainting and maintenance of grounds
at LouisvilleChristmas
OVER BY NEW MANAGEMENT has been undertaken. The old power
other college weeklies.
tive artist I have eyer known." The
The college paper is the
house has been completely overhauled
Mew York Times says, "Hearing Cas The
annual conference,
Wildcat Lair, formerly owned and other heating plants have been
of the institution whichitjfcw
als yesterday we did not wonder that of the Modern Language Association by The
John Y. Brown, has been taken bettered by new boiler3 and settings.
andhould present the appea;v3ce of he has been called the equal tq Kreis
newspaper, a numocr oi ur ssur ler,and it was evident that that opin- of America, which convened in Louis- wer by R. Norton Skinner. Mr.
Instruction at the university has
ville December 28, 29, 30, was .attend- Skinner announces that in the future been
tutional papers have disregarthis ion was shared by. the huge audience."
maintained and expanded in
ed by all the teachers from the ro- the Lair will serve Sunday dinners many departments. The
which nepessarily causjgthem
library has
This concert is managed by Miss
to lose a great deal of theirjfgctjvfr;' Anna Chandler Goff, director of the mance language department and s6v- -; from 12:30 to 2 and at night from grown in the number of volumes and
eral from the English department of S to 8. The price will be 75 cents. the number of students served. A
ness. Truth should be the
Lexington College of Music.
the university, The convention, was
characteristics in newswrit-inReservations can be 'madejby com- held in the Brown hotel and attended Music at the Lair will be furnished more select group of spea!:-r- s of high
by Toy Sandifer's orchestra.
The Plainsman.
distinction was brought to the unimunicating with the College of Music by 750 teachers
versity. Among these are to be found
at once. Prices of tickets are 1.10, ern languages from students of of
all sections
the names of Charles 3. Whitman,
DEAN TAYLOR JS EDITOR?!' 11:65, $2.20, 2.75, including' war tax. the United States and Canada. The DR. KUO RETURNS .TO CHINA
former governor of New York; Dr.
University of Louisville was host to
WILL NOTSPEAK AT U. K. Edwin? Mims, of VandTbilt UniverSociety
the visiting members of the associasity; Carl Sandburg, Sir George
Dean W. S. Taylor, of the College
Doctor Kuo, of China, who had P.aish, Princess Alexandra Kropot-kiOfficers tion.
Hugo K. Schilling,
professor of been scheduled by the
university, has
of Education of the
German at the University of Cali- to give three lectures at the univerbeen elected
of the
Some changese have taken place in
The Patterson Literary Society will fornia, was elected president to suc- sity during
"Kentucky School Journal," the spethe month of February, the staff of the university, notablyin
second se- ceed Ashley H. Thorndike, professor
has been called back to China by the election of Dean A. E. Evans, as
cial organ of the Kentucky Educa- elect its officers for the
cable and he has already left, it was head of the Law School, to succeed
Dean Taylor is mester at its next meeting which will of English at Columbia University.
tional Association.
The 1928 annual meeting of the announced yesterday. As Doctor Kuo
assisted in his editorial duties by be held in White hall Thursday night,
January 12. All members and all association will be held Christmafe will not be available for the meeting Charles J. Turck, now president of
Prof. M. E. Ligon and Dr. Jesse E.
those interested in becoming mem- week at Toronto, Canada, with the February will be known as "Italian Centre College.
The Bureau of School" Service was
bers of the society are invited to be University of Toronto hosts for the Month" at the university instead of
organized in the College of Education
present. On( March 2G, three cash occasion.
"Chinese Month," and Professor
under the direction of Prof. F. W.
awards amounting to 400 will be
of Vasar, will give his impres- Reeves, and the board of trustees
given to members of the society. Insions of Italy. "Chinese Month" will also authorized the establishment of
Coincident with the recent episode be in April.
Dean W, S. Taylor, of the College terest is expected to increase as the
a Bureau of Business Research in
of Education of the university, went time for making the awards draws in Raleigh about pacificists and milconnection with the College of Comitarists, comes the news that Kirby
to Danville last night where he ad- near.
Page, himself a pacifist, was not perKENTUCKY LAW JOURNAL
dressed a meeting of- - business men
Experiment Stations
A college education is worth ?72,000 mitted to spea.'k at West Virginia
there on "Conservation and Educato the holder, according to Dean Fred- University, due to the action taken
The Experiment Stations at LexingThe Kentucky Law Journal for the
tion in Kentucky."
erick Palmer of Haverford College. by the president and military depart- January quarter will be off the press ton, Princeton and Quicksand have
in a week or ten days. Some of the done notable service during the year
A watch is comparatively a simple Dea'n Palmer defends the value of ment.
contributors for this edition are: in connection with agriculture.
machine, containing an average of higher education as a preparation for
The new periodical, called "LetApproaching examinations are be- Judge Chester Adams, Dr. Forrest
about 150 distinct parts. However, a business career.
ing hailed with much trembling and Black.Trof. W. L. Roberts and George ters," made its appearance in
by actual count it he's been found that
ber and promises to be a valuable ad
Ragland, Jr. '
the burning of midnight oil.
the production of these parts requires
dition to the intellectual life of the
over 3,700 seperate operations.
state und"r the editorship of Prof. E.
F. Farquhar: The students have organized a new group called the
to encourage a wider
According to the report from the
knowledge and appreciation of other
registrar's office, final examinar
countries. The committee chose Rustion's for first semester will besia, China and Italy for study this
gin on Friday morning, January
year and the plan has been a highly
20. Following is the schedule:
successful one.
(By Sara Elvove)
ate for a man of your years to read
Friday morning, January 20
A complete change in the coaching
downstairs to the heat and sat around Chemistry.
In the Utopia of university pro- during a holiday. Not that I believe system in all sports has been introin holidays myself. I call them a
Friday afternoon,; January 20
the big furnace, grateful for tho
fessors, students are students and
duced in the selection of a new group
Hygiene, First year French and not, alas, collegians. In fact in that public nuisance and private menace.
cheering blaze. Cap Mauzy was sitDean Melcher ought to prohibit such of coaches. The athletics of the uniting opposite the furnace door almost Spanish.
FooL's Paradise there are students, for
versity ought to be on a more satis
Saturday, January 21
First only such a species as this would occurrances."
lulled to sleep by the radiating heat
factory basis than in the past. The
"Quite right,. Horace, quite so."
waves. Perhaps he was thinking of hour classes. '
speak as the following individuals are
Monday, January 23
"If Utopia stood on the top of the Athletic Council has organized and
the departed "Spirit of Morganfield."
speaking, especially after returning
managed the athletic affairs of the
Who knows? Suddenly there was a. hour classes.
on Tuesday, January world, the University of Kentucky university with effectiveness.
from Christmas
would be situated at the bottom.
Third 3, 1928.
Tuesday, January 24
terrible explosion from the frozen
These are some of the things that
Else why would the inmates of this
water pipes and soon a physician was hour classes.
"Yes, indeed, my dear Horace, I honored institution carol thus on that have taken place at the university in
Wednesday, January 25 Fourth find
busy picking ashes from Mr. Mauzy's
the past year They are by no means
it very gratifying to return said Tuesday?
face. Mr. White and Mr. "Hampton hour classes.
again to this temple of learning, re- " 'Lo, Johnny, howzaboy? 'Lo, Bill, all that has happened, but they do
Thursday, January 26
smoTced up. The cellar was promptly
Fifth freshed in soul
and mind. I am look- hdwzaboy? Howdy, Mary, howza-girl- ? give a general indication of the wide
hour classes.'
flooded from the thawing pipes.
character of the activities carried on.
Gee, pipe the new neckwear!
Friday, January 27 Sixth hour ing forward eagerly to the coming
Another fraternity with a touching
examinations, and in view of that Somebody tryin t' poison you on The university looks forward ,tq the
tale of suffering is Phi Kappa Tau,
development of the comNew Year's eve? Katherine, what substantial
Saturday, January 28 Seventh fact, I spend my vacation hours
whose house is on East Maxwell
and profitably by reviewing a perfectly darling dre?s. And that ing year, and particularly hop's that
hour classes.
Monday evening a frozen
Plato, Aristotle, and Differential Cal- gorgeous coat. Why you're lookin' :.e Legislature wi'! relieve the conEighth hour classes to be
water pipe in the ceiling over the
gestion in room for instruction and
And do you know, Horace, I just grand, Mabel.
What have you
by the instructor with the culus. up
parlor began to thaw. The water
until 3, o'clock several eve- done with your hair? Have you seen the maintenance of laboratories and1
approvals of the head of the dedripped through to the parlor floor
nings reading Bibbon's "Decline and Bob yet? Is he just as sweet? See libraries
carrying with it about four square partment?
Friday Fall of the Roman Empire;" it was my new pin?" Now don't you wish
yards of plaster.
A phonograph,
As you've you knew? No, I won't tell. I like
classes will be examined in the absolutely fascinating!
some other pieces of furniture and 'a
doubtless perceived, by this time I what it's pinned on better. Aunt
morning; Tuesday, Thursday, Satrug were badly damaged. For four
am studying American history, and
gave it to me. Isn't it too
"Quality Street." bv Sir Jame,
days the Phi Taus were without a urday classes in the afternoon. naturally I wanted to get to the
sweet? Didn't you just hate to come Barrie is to be the next Romany pro
(Classes meeting four or more
water supply and goats carried the
source of the matter, although Gibbon back, Betty?
My cow, there's bell duction, according to an announcetimes a week will be examined in was not on our
house supply in pails from a neighreference list."
now. 'Lo Andy, Jack, William, Joe. ment made by Miss Cynthia Smith.
bor's hydrant through a hole in the the morning).
"I quite agree with you, Alexander. So glad to see you again. Oh, I sup- manager of the Romany TheatT. No
Forenoon examinations will befence.
However, I am a little disappointed pose we'd better go to class, Mary, selections have been made
gin at 8:30; afternoon examinafor the cast
The Phi Delt's returned to their
in you. Plato, brother, is rather friv- 3tc, etc., etc all through the day.
but Romany officials state that the
tions at 2:00.
olous for a sophomore.
"Lives of
Problem: Given the two extremes. play should be ready to ocen shortly
Office of the Registrar.
(Continued on Page Eight)
the Saints" would be more appropri Find a perfect medium!
after examination week.
held Wednesday afternoon, when the Wildcat five, strengthened
January 11, it was announced by Di- by the return of Captain Jenkins
rector Sulzer Thursday afternoon. to the starting line-u- p
scored 13
The election will be based on tryouts, points before the Mountaineers tallied
after which the band will select the once. The score at the end of the.
girl who has proven herteelf most half stood 25 to 7 in favor of the
capable of holding the position.
Eight nmes have been turned in
The Wildcats used most of their
to the two committees in charge of second string men in the second per
the voting and these will meet with iod and substitutes could not get their
the band Wednesday. The identity scoring power concentrated and num
of the candidates is unknown to any- erous fumbles were made. The deone except the committees, and the fensive power of the Kentucky quingirls themselves will not know until tet was "much improved over their



try-ou- ts



lirst of Cadet

Sigma Delta



'The Plainsman' Picks


Highest in

Famous Artists
Appear at Woodland
January Tenth



University Members
Attend Conference






The Concert Band of the university
will give its next concert at 3:30 o'clock, Sunday afternoon, January 29.
Forty-fiv- e
members of the band
proper make up this new organization
which will hereafter give one concert
The program for this concert, arranged by Mr. Sulzer and augmented
by a recent composition of his own,
1. March, "King Cotton"
2. Overture, "Light Cavalry"..Suppe
3. Tone Poem, "Message of the
4. Trio, "Opera of Attila"
5. Selection, "Fortune Teller"
6 Overture, "Bohemian Girl"
7. Waltz, "Bridal Roses,"
8. Description, "Forge in the

Dean Paul Boyd has been ill at his
home with an attack of flu since his
return last week from Nashville,
Tenn!, where he attended the conven-

tion of the American Association for
the Advancement of Science. He also
attended the national convention of
Pi Mu Epsilon, national honorary
mathematics fraternity, which met in
Nashville at the same time. Dean
Boyd is much better and experts to
be back at his office the latter part
of this week.



Dr. Frank L. McVey, president of
the university, has been granted a
leave of absence by the board of trustees to give two courses at the summer session of the University of Chicago from June 18 to July 25. His
.subject will be "Administration of
Colleges and Universities."

9 "Song of India" Rimsky-Korsako- w
10. March, "Strength of a Sampson"
A substitute for debate has been
..... Sulzer
instituted at Grinell College. Exon the program was
The last march
change speakers with other colleges
written and composed byMr. Sulzer is advocated by the forensic departthe inauguration of ment. They will discuss student proband played at
Governor Sampson, in whose honor lems and current topics.

it was written.

Membership Lists
Requested by Editor
Of The Kentuckian
The folloing organizations are requested by Miss Dorothy Sellers, editor of the Kentuckian, to hand in for
publication, a complete list of their
Mystic Thirteen, Keys,
tion, Phi Mu Alpha, Strollers, Phi
Beta, Scabbard and Blade, Student
Chapter of A. S. C. E., and Phi Delta
Phi. These must be in by Wednesday, January 11. All pictures must
also be in by that time.
Of especial interest to the men students of the university, is the announcement that the winners of the
beauty contest will be known by the
end of next week.
Representatives of the printing and
engraving companies have complimented the Kentuckian by saying that
this annual is further advanced in
its work than any other publication
they are handling.


Mrs. Geoffrey Morgan died during
the holidays at Hopkinsville after an
illness of three or four weeks. She
is survived by her husband and two
sons, Jack and GeofTrey. Geoffrey is
a freshman in the university and is
pledged to the Phi Delta Theta fra- -




Jack Frost Makes Vandal's Visit
To Fraternity and Sorority Houses
(By Alfred P. Robertson)
Fraternity Row, or what passes for
it at the university is in sad distress
this week. Students, climbing wearily from
rattlers Monday,
and expecting a luxurious hot bath
and long snooze before going out to
struggle with a first hour Tuesday
morning, were amazed, shocked, grieved when they pushed open the doors
of their respective houses and gazed
at the unexpected desolation within.
For while they had been going the
social rounds in their natal cities,
Jack Frost was throwing many a
frigid party in their domiciles and he
left plenty of evidences of his occupancy. And all because the students
failed to turn off the water supply
before cheeking out for the holidays.
The most plaintive jeremiad of
them all comes from the Pi Kap
house at Rose and Maxwell streets.
Three cold and weary members of
the Pi Kap vanguard, Cap Mauzy, Ab.
White and Ed Hampton, pushed open
the doors of the chapter hotel Monday
morning and prepared to make the
place livable. They built a huge fire
in the furnace, not knowing that the
pipse had been frozen, and wondered
why the house did not warm. As the
wouldn't come upstairs they went




Ros-sel- li,

of Exams
For First Semester

Holidays Are Spent Measurably;
Alexander Reads Plato, Bill Eats







Subscribe for

Edited by






Mrs. Rodes Estill,





L. Kirk,


Dr. George H. Wilson, '04
Dr. E. C. Elliott, '02
Wm. H. Townsend, 12

Walter Hillenmeyer, '11
Wayland Rhodes, '15
W. C. Wilson, '13



This issue of The Kernel is the first of the year 1928. With
the. coming new year we here in this office are looking forward
and upward to the most progressive and active year in the
iijsttfry of the University of Kentucky and the Alumni Association.
Our Alma Mater is standing now on the threshold of a
The people of
new era' of service to the State and Nation.
Kentucky are gradually awakening to the fact that the Univer- - .
sity of Kentucky is the greatest factor in the education of
Kentucky. More and more students each year go back to their
homes and cany the message of the University of Kentucky.
Interest, while its growth is barely perceptible, never-the-les- s,
is growing slowly.
TJiis year the General Assembly of Kentucky is meeting in Frankfort.
It is from this body that the
It is necessary
University of Kentucky receives its support.
that we receive from the General Assembly sufficient funds to
It also is esoperate pur University for the next two years.
sential that we have additional revenue with which to erect new
buildings to take care of the increased enrollment each year.
We, here in this office, have resolved to do all in our power to
aid the Universjty of Kentucky in this accomplishment.
recommend it to all of you as a good resolution to add to yours.
We wish for each and every one of you a most prosperous and
happy year.


Haven't you a long neglected
classmate or friend that you would
like to greet at the New Year?
If you have what could be more
desirable than a subscription to
The Kentucky Kernel.
All you
have to do is send us your check
for $3.00 and his name and address
we will do the rest.
A lette