xt741n7xm331 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt741n7xm331/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 1972-01-feb29-ec. minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-01-feb29-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1972-01-feb29-ec. 1972 1972-01-feb29-ec. 2011 true xt741n7xm331 section xt741n7xm331 

       Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees
of the University of Kentucky, Tuesday, February 29, 1972

       The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of
Kentucky met in special session at 3:00 p. m. (Eastern Standard Time) on Tuesday,
February 29, 1972 in the Board Room of the Administration Building on the Uni-
versity campus with the following members present: Mr. Albert G. Clay, Mr.
Thomas P. Bell, Mr. Richard E. Cooper, Mr. George W. Griffin and Mr. Eugene
Goss. Also present was Mrs. Rexford S. Blazer, Secretary of the Board of
Trustees and Ex Officio Secretary of the Executive Committee. The University
administration was represented by: President Otis A. Singletary; Vice Presidents
Alvin L. Morris, Lewis W. Cochran, Glenwood L. Creech, Lawrence E. Forgy,
and Robert G. Zumwinkle; Dr. Howard L. Bost; Dr. Donald B. Clapp, Budget
Director; and Mr. John C. Darsie, Legal Counsel. Mr. Scott Wendeisdorf, non-
voting student member of the Board of Trustees, attended the meeting as did
representatives of the various news media.

      A. Meeting Opened

      Mr. Clay, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 3:15 p. m. Following
the invocation by Mr. Clay, Mrs. Blazer reported that all members of the Execu-
tive Committee were present and Mr. Clay declared the meeting officially open for
the conduct of business at 3:18 p. m.

      B. Minutes Approved

      On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the reading of the Minutes of
the December 14, 1971 meeting of the Board of Trustees was dispensed with and
the Minutes were approved as published.

       C. Resolution on Governor Nunn Adopted

       Mr. Goss read a resolution, a copy of which is appended at the end of these
Minutes, expressing appreciation to Governor Nunn for his contributions as
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky.

       On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the resolution was adopted,
ordered spread upon the Minutes of the meeting and a copy sent to Governor Nunn.
(See resolution at the end of the Minutes. )

      D. President's Report to the Trustees

Inasmuch as copies of PR 1, President's Report to the Trustees, were



available to members of the Board, President Singletary said he would not review
the items and recommended that the report be accepted. Mr. Clay accepted the
report with thanks and ordered it filed.

       E. Recommendations of the President (PR 2)

       President Singletary called attention to the recommendations in PR 2 con-
cerning the list of persons who had completed the requirements for degrees in the
Community College System at the end of the first semester; the routine personnel
changes; the reconstitution of the Departments of Aerospace Science and Military
Science into academic programs; and the redesignation of the University of Kentucky
operation at Fort Knox, and recommended approval.

       The Board already having had an opportunity to examine the recommen-
dations in PR 2, Mr. Clay called for a motion for approval. On motion by Mr.
Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and carried, PR 2, Recommendations of the
President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an official part of the Minutes
of the meeting. (See PR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )

       F. Supplemental Recommendations of the President (PR 3)

       President Singletary indicated that the items in PR 3, Supplemental Recom-
mendations of the President, were essentially routine in nature. However, he
called attention to the recommended administrative appointment of Dr. James A.
Burdette as Chairman of the William R. Willard Department of Family Practice
which he thought would be of particular interest to members of the Board.

       Mr. Clay, first determnining that there were no questions relative to the
recommendations in PR 3, called for a motion for approval. On motion by Mr.
Griffin, seconded by Mr. Goss, and passed without dissent, PR 3, Supplemental
Recommendations of the President, was approved as a whole and ordered made an
official part of the Minutes of the meeting. (See PR 3 at the end of the Minutes.

       G. Budget Revisions for 1971-72 (PR 4)

       There being no questions relative to the budget revisions for 1971-72
recommended in PR 4, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and
passed, the budget revisions recommended in PR 4 were authorized and approved.
(See PR 4 at the end of the Minutes. )

       H. Amendments to the Governing Regulations (PR 5)

       President Singletary recommended that the proposed amendments to the
Governing Regulations which had been presented at the December 14, 1971 meeting


of the Board be removed from the table, with the exception of the amnendmlent
relative to X-C-7 dealing with the faculty member as a scholar and a citizen, and
approved. He explained that certain questions had arisen relative to the Board's
intent in connection waith faculty members engaging in political activities and re-
quested that the proposed amendment to X-C-7 remain on the table until the next
meeting of the Board in order to provide time for additional study and consideration.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Cooper, and passed without
dissent, the following proposed amendments to the Governing Regulations were
removed from the table, approved, and ordered made effective immediately with.
proposed amendment X-C-7 left on the table for further study and interpretation:
II-B; V; VII-A-1; VII-A-2: VII-A-8; VII-B-8; VII-B-9; VIII-A-l; VIII-A-3;
VIII-A-4; IX; X-C-3-a; XI-B; XII-A; XII-B. (See PR 5 at the end of the Minutes.)

       I. Approval of Degree Candidates (PR 6)

       The list of degree candidates was approved by the University Senate on
Monday, January 31, 1972 upon certification by the Dean of Admissions and Regis-
trar that the individuals whose names appeared on the list had satisfactorily
completed the requirements for the degree for which application had been made in
December 1971. President Singletary recommended that the Board authorize him
to confer upon each individual whose name appeared on the list attached to PR 6 the
degree to which he is entitled at the commencement exercises in May 1972.

       On motion by Mr. Bell, seconded by Mr. Goss, and carried, President
Singletary was so authorized. (See PR 6 at the end of the Minutes.

       J. Naming of Building (PR 7)

       The Building and Campus Development Committee has recommended to the
President that the new health, physical education, and recreation facility presently
being constructed be designated and known as the Seaton Building. President
Singletary explained that Dr. Seaton had been instrumental in the development and
growth of the University's program in the area of health, physical education, and
recreation, and expressed his feeling that the recommendation of the Building and
Campus Development Committee was both fitting and appropriate and recommended
its approval by the Board.

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and carried, the new
facility being constructed at the first of several proposed facilities to include an
aquatic center and a sports field was designated as the Seaton Building. (See PR 7
at the end of the Minutes. )



       K. Abolition of Academic Council and Creation of Commission on
Institutional Planning (PR 8)

       Noting that the background statement fuliy explained the recommendation,
President Singletary recommended that the action of the Board of Trustees ap-
proving the creation of the Academic Council be rescinded and that he be authorized
to appoint a Commission on Institutional Planning. Without discussion. on motion
by Mr. Bell. seconded by Mr. Goss, and carried, it was so ordered. (See PR 8 at
the end of the Minutes.

       L. Transfer of Property to Department of Highways (PR 9)

       After a brief explanation by MIr. Forgy as to the necessity for the transfer
of property to the Departnment of Highways in order that parking areas and an
access road leading to the Madisonville Comnmunity College may be constructed,
President Sincletary recommended approval of the transfer of said property. On
motion by Mr. Goss, seconded by Mir. Bell, and carried, the recommendation in
PR 9 was approved. (See PR 9 at the end of the Minutes.

       M. Retirement Resolution Amendment (PR 10)

       The present retirement plan for Group Ii employees is non-contributory
and is funded from the current operating budget of the University. Dr. Morris
said it is deemed desirable that this group be provided similar retirement benefits
as provided to Group I and Group II personnel, which is in line with retirement
programs in many other institutions of higher education.

       Mr. Goss so moved that the retirement resolution amendment presented
as PR 10, which would incorporate Group III employees into the University's
retirement resolution, be approved. His motion was seconded by Mrs. Blazer, and
passed without dissent. (See PR 10 at the end of the Minutes.

       N. Resolution on Labor Union

       President Singletary stated that he wished to inform the Board that hle had
received a letter dated February 16, 1972 from Mr. Robert Kessler, International
Representative, AFSCNIE, AFL-CIO. President Singletary said the letter con-
tained a request for a meeting to discuss a procedure for recognition of the Union.
Thereupon, Mr. Griffin stated that President Singletary had earlier asked for
direction in this matter from the Board of Trustees and that in response thereto
Mr. Griffin had caused a resolution of the Board to be prepared. Following dis-
cussion, Mr. Griffin moved approval of the resolution; the motion was seconded by
Mr. Bell, and the resolution was adopted without dissent. The text of the resolution
as adopted is as follows:


                                     -5 -


             WHEREAS, Public Employees Council 51 of the American
      Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO,
      wNith headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio, has contacted the University
      of Kentucky to discuss recognition of the Union as the collective
      bargaining agent of the University's employees, and

             WHEREAS. the statutes of this state do not presently
      authorize collective bargaining by public employees, and

             WHEREAS, this Board of Trustees does not believe that it
      is the proper authority to determine the policy of the Commonwealth
      regarding the issue of collective bargaining for public employees, and
      further believes that such important questions of public policy should
      be answered only by the elected representatives of the people, and

             WHEREAS, the General Assembly is now in session and has
      pending before it House Bill 364 which would specifically authorize the
      recognition of public employee unions by public institutions and agencies
      of the Commonwealth.


             That the Board of Trustees directs the officials of the University
     to defer any discussion or action on this matter until the General
     Assembly has had an opportunity to take final action regarding House
     Bill 364 or related legislation.

       0. Interim Financial Reports (FCR IA and 1B)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Blazer,
and passed without dissent, the financial report covering the period ending
November 30, 1971 and the report covering the period ending December 31, 1971
were accepted and ordered filed. (See FCR IA and FCR lB at the end of the
Minutes. )

       P. Management Letter From External Auditors for 1970-71
Accepted (FCR 2)

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Bell, and all present voting
'aye", the Management Letter dated September 3, 1971 from the firm of Peat,
Marwick, Mitcheli and Company for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1971 was ac-
cepted and ordered filed. (See FCR 2 at the end of the Minutes. )


       Q. Medical Center Committee Report

       There was no report from the Medical Center Committee.

       R. Student Code Revision Committee Report

       Mr. Griffin, chairman of the committee, reported that proposals for
changes in the Student Code had been received from Student Affairs, Student
Government, and the Graduate and Professional Student Association. After a
hearing which is scheduled for Thursday, March 2, Mr. Griffin stated the
Student Code Revision committee plans to meet and act on all the recommen-
dations received, and hopes to have recommendations for the March 21 meeting
of the Board of Trustees.

       S. Investment Committee Report

       On motion by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Griffin, and passed, the
report on investments for the quarter ended December 31, 1971 was accepted
and ordered filed.

       T. Other Business

       Mr. Wendelsdorf was recognized and made a request that a member of the
Executive Committee introduce a motion to change the Governing Regulations with
respect to the composition of the University Senate. The ensuing discussion
centered around the lack of basis to justify the change in composition after only
one year and had not been considered by the concerned University Senate. His
request was not fulfilled inasmuch as no member of the Executive Committee, in
view of the preceding discussion, chose to introduce such a motion.

       U. Meeting Adjourned

       There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion
duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p. m.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Lucile T. Blazer, Secretary
                                               Board of Trustees

(Resolution on Governor Nunn, PRs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, FCRs lA, 1B,
and 2, and ICR 1 which follow are official parts of the Minutes of the meeting of
the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on February 29, 1972. )



    On several occasions in recent months this Board of Trustees
has had occasion to pass resolutions of acclaim, honor and appre-
ciation. In the months to come, undoubtedly we will again be
moved to recognize officially specific merit and superior service.
However, at this particular transition point when the chairmanship
of the Board passes from one Governor to his successor, it is
appropriate that this Board adopt a resolution of heartfelt appre-
ciation to Louie Broady Nunn for the leadership which he has given
as Chairman during his term of office.

    WHEREAS Governor Nunn, although keeping in mind always his
responsibilities to the Commonwealth as a whole, was supportive of
the University and its programs at all times; and

    WHEREAS he gave generously of his time and talents on behalf
of the University; and

    WHEREAS he had the courage of his convictions and was willing
to take an unpopular stand if it were one which he felt to be right and
in the best interests of the institution; and

    WHEREAS he has now relinquished his official duties with the
University of Kentucky: Therefore be it

    RESOLVED, That this Board of Trustees bid him farewell with
reluctance but with gratitude for what he has done; and be it

    RESOLVED further, That this resolution be adopted, spread
upon the Minutes of the meeting, and a copy sent to Governor Nunn.


Missing report(s)


                                                        Office of the President
                                                        February 29, 1972

Members, Executive Committee, Board of Trustees:


  I.Approvat of Degrees and Certificates for Community College Graduates

    Recommendation: that the degrees and certificates specified below be
    awarded to the persons ziamed, upon certification that the requirements for
    those degrees or certificates have been satisfactorily completed.

    Background: At the November 19, 1965 meeting of the Board of Trustees
    authorization was given to the awarding of the degrees of Associate in Arts,
    Associate in Science, and Associate in Applied Science, and of certificates
    for those who complete prescribed programs of two years or less of college
    work. The candidates listed below are recommended to the President and
    the Board by the Community College Faculty and Vice President.

                               COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM
                                  1971 Fall Graduates

Elizabethtown Community College

Associate in Arts
Yates, Raymond H.

Associate in Applied Science
Hunt, Joyce
Murray, Harvey L.
Whitl~edge, Louis S., Jr.

C'ertificate of- College Studies
Shaeffer, Bruce W.

Henderson Community College

Associate in Arts
DeLemar, Marsha H.
Hammond, Austin A.
Quinn, Richard E.

JeffIerson Community College

Associate in Arts
Hardwick, David M.
Korte, Robert N.
Lawfer, Joseph M.
Oakes, Pamela A.
Reed, Douglas P.
Rhodes, William L.
Trousdale, Betty J.

Assocxiate in Science
Furnish, David W.

Associate in Appl"ied Science

Haskins, Wilma j.
Sims, Gail M.

Associate in Applied Science
Hogan, Rebecca H.



Lexington Technical Institute

Assoai ate in Applied Science
Beckham, Rita P.
Connor, Thomas L.
Curtis, Vickie
Durrett, Patricia
Emerson, Dennis
Griffith, Julie
Hines, David
Jones, Tassus
Mimlitch, Kenneth
Miller, Barry
Nuckols, Robert
Robinette, Charles

Maysville Community College

Associate in Arts
Dotson, Diana E.
Haggard, Kenneth R.
King, Donnie M.
Smith, Sandra J.

Associate in Applied Science
Gray, Darrel M.
McConnell, Lannis M., Jr.
Mitchell, Alton W., Jr.
Rose, Dewey R.

Paducah Community College

Associate in Arts
Barnett, Fanny M.
Beita, Marcos H.
Siegel, Richard L.

Aseociate in Saience
Willett, Daniel L.

Associate in Applied Science
Jackson, Walter C.

Prestonsburg Community College

Associate in Arts
Akers, Revis
Archer, George P., V
Bailey, Neil D.
Biliter, Ralph D.
Bradshaw, Mickey L.
Castle, Ada E.
Hamilton, Mary M.
Leslie, Darrell K.
Lewis, Donald G.
Nunemaker, Georgia B.
Patton, Ernest R.
Reed, Estill, Jr.
Rose, Rosalie F.
Shepherd, Oakie L.
Soard, Jerry N.

Associate in Science
Hall, Lorena L.
Wells, Kenneth R.

Certificate of College Studies
Branham, Robert A.
Cooley, James W.
Jones, Belinda L.
Midkiff, Stephanie A.
Stephens, Johnny C.
Thornsbury, Danny L.

Somerset Community College

Associate in Arts
Atchley, Mitchell B.
Burton, Mary J.
Coldiron, Charles J.
Cox, Paul R.
Denney, Frederick A.
Gilliam, Judith R.
Hatcher, Mary S.
Hieronymus, Ben T.
Hubbard, Lanny R.
Moore, Robert F.
Sievers, David L.
Sumner, Betty S.
Weddle, Dewey W.
Wilson, Shirley A.



    Somerset Community College (Continued)

    Associate in Science
    Morris, Wayne R.

    Associate in Applied Science
    Baker, Rudy D.
    Dunaway, Donald C.
    Ellnor, Betty D.
    Gosser, Gibson G.
    Hranicky, Margaret R.
    Hawkins, Delbert A., Jr.
    McAninch, Sandra L.
    Stringer, Michael R.

    Certificate of College Studies
    Buster, Bruce E.
    Phillips, James P.

    Southeast Community College

    Associate in Applied Science
    Webb, Gordon F.

II. Appointments and/or Other Staff Changes

    Recommendation: that approval be given to the appointments and/or other
    changes which require Board action and that the report relative to appoint-
    ments and/or changes already approved by the administration be accepted.

    Background: Approval of the Board of Trustees is required for all appoint-
    ments to the positions with the rank of Associate Professor and above, for
    promotions, for the granting of tenure, and for salary changes above
    $12, 000 for non-academic personnel and $15, 000 for academic personnel.
    All other appointments and/or changes may be made by the President and
    reported to the Board.

                             BOARD ACTION

    New Appointments

    Allan J. Worms, Assistant Extension Professor=, Department of Agriculture
      Extension; Assistant Director of Extension for Agricultural Environment
      and Development, and Assistant Director of Experiment Station for
      Agricultural Environment and Development, College of Agriculture,
      retroactive to January 15, 1972 (Salary $15, 000 or over)

Special Title Series



Hobson Sinclair, Instructor, Department of Restorative Dentistry, College
   of Dentistry, retroactive to January 1, 1972 (Salary $15, 000 or over)
William B. Wood, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology,
   College of Medicine, retroactive to November 29, 1971 (Salary $15, 000
   or over)
Collette Davidson, Assistant Professor, Prestonsburg Community College,
   effective March 1, 1972 (Salary $15, 000 or over)

Administrative Appointments

Gifford Blyton, Professor (with tenure), Department of Speech, College of
  Arts and Sciences, named Executive Director of the Kentucky High School
  Speech League, retroactive to January 1, 1972
John E. Keller, Professor (with tenure) and Interim Chairman, Department
  of Spanish and Italian, College of Arts and Sciences, named Chairman of
  the Department of Spanish and Italian, effective July 1, 1972 for a four
  year term
Joe Fred Sills, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Community
  Health, College of Allied Health Professions, named Chairman (with tenure)
  of the Department of Community Health, retroactive to February 1, 1972

Non-Academic Appointments

Del R. Henderson, Associate in Radiology, Department of Radiology, College
  of Medicine, retroactive to December 1, 1971 (Salary $12, 000 or over)
Bruce A. Peseau, Research Associate, Office of the Dean, College of
  Education, retroactive to January 1, 1972 (Salary $12, 000 or over)

Joint Appointment

Grace G. Eddison, Associate Professor, Department of Community Medicine,
  College of Medicine, also named Associate Professor*', Department of
  Medicine, College of Medicine, retroactive to February 1, 1972


James Bard, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, from Assistant
  Clinical Professor to Associate Clinical Professor, retroactive to
  February 1, 1972 (Voluntary Faculty)
William McDaniel, Department of Medicine, College of Medicine, from
  Assistant Clinical Professor to Associate Clinical Professor, retroactive
  to February 1, 1972 (Voluntary Faculty)

'eSpecial Title Series



Samuel T. Christian, from Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of
   Community Medicine, College of Medicine, and Assistant Adjunct Professor,
   Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, College of Pharmacy, to
   Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Community Medicine, and
   Associate Adjunct Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
   retroactive to January 1, 1972 (Voluntary Faculty)

Tenure Granted

JoAnn Berryman, Assistant Professor-, Department of Special Education,
   College of Education, effective July 1, 1972

Changes in Status

Carolyn Hammer, Librarian I (with tenure), change to 4/5 time to accept
   a grant from the National Arts Foundation for work in the field of
   typography, retroactive to February 1, 1972
William E. Lyons, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Political
   Science, College of Arts and Sciences, change to 1/4 time from January 1,
   1972 to June 30, 1972, while serving on the Lexington-Fayette County
   Merger Commission, retroactive to January 1, 1972
F. Douglas Scutchfield, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of
   Community Medicine, College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty), change to
   Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, retroactive to
   January 1, 1972


Alvin C. Alexander, Night-Watchman, Management Operations, after over
   15 years of service, effective February 22, 1972
Bessie Holley, Clerk Stenographer, Department of Extension, College of
   Home Economics, after over 18 years of service, retroactive to
   February 1, 1972
Frances F. McCourt, Secretary, Department of Animal Sciences, College of
  Agriculture, after over 33 years of service, retroactive to February 1, 1972
William C. Marcus, Senior Groundsman, Grounds, Physical Plant Division,
  after over 17 years of service, retroactive to January 7, 1972

Leaves of Absence

Richard Barnhisel, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Agronomy,
  College of Agriculture, sabbatical leave for the period June 1, 1972 through
  November 30, 1972

4 Special Title Series



Richard Aron, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, College of
   Arts and Sciences, leave without pay for the period June 1, 1972 through
   June 30, 1973
Joseph H. Gardner, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of
   English, College of Arts and Sciences, sabbatical leave at half-salary for
   August, 1972 through July, 1973, changed to the period July 1, 1972 through
   June 30, 1973, at half-salary
William H. Jansen, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of English,
   College of Arts and Sciences, sabbatical leave at half-salary for July 1,
   1972 through June 30; 1973, changed to leave without pay for the period.
   July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973
Walter Langlois, Professor (with tenure), Department of French, College of
   Arts and Sciences, leave without pay for the Spring Semester, 1972, and
   sabbatical leave for the Fall Semester, 1972
Thomas Olshewsky, Associate Professor (with tenure), leave without pay for
   the Spring Semester, 1972, changed to sabbatical leave at half-salary for
   the period July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973
Robert A. Stokes, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
   College of Arts and Sciences, leave without pay for the period July 1, 1972
   through June 30, 1973
Jesse L. Weil, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Physics and
  Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences, an extension of leave without pay
  for the period January 1, 1972 through June 30, 1972
Kenneth R. Wright, Professor (with tenure) Department of Music, College of
  Arts and Sciences, sabbatical leave at half-salary for the period
  September 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973
Hans Conrad, Professor (with tenure) and Chairman, Department of
  Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, College of Engineering,
  sabbatical leave at half-salary for the period July 1, 1973 through
  June 30, 1974
C. J. Cremers, Professor (with tenure), Department of MechanicalEngineering,
  College of Engineering, sabbatical leave for the Spring Semester, 1973
B. 0. Hardin, Professor (with tenure), Department of Civil Engineering,
  College of Engineering, sabbatical leave for the Fall Semester, 19,2
T. R. Robe, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Engineering
  Mechanics, College of Engineering, sabbatical leave for the Spring
  Semester, 1973
Lawrence A. Allen, Professor (with tenure) and Dean, College of Library
  Science, sabbatical leave at half-salary for September 1, 1972 through
  May 31, 1973, changed to sabbatical leave for the Spring Semester, 1973
F. J. Bollum, Professor (with tenure), Department of Biochemistry, College
  of Medicine, sabbatical leave at half-salary for the period September 1, 1972
  through August 31, 1973
John W. Wittrock, Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Restorative
  Dentistry, College of Dentistry, sabbatical leave for the period July 1, 1972
  through December 31, 1972


-7 -

Alicia Arbuckle, Assistant Professor, Madisonville Community College,
  leave without pay for the Spring Semester, 1972
Dorothy S. Hope, Associate Professor (with tenure), Ashland Community
  College, sabbatical leave for the Spring Semester, 1972
Eleanor Norfleet, Associate Professor (with tenure), Somerset Community
  College, leave without pay for the Spring Semester, 1972


New Appointments

George Kanatas, Visiting Instructor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
  College of Arts and Sciences
Peter K. Leichner, Assistant Professor and Administrative Assistant,
  Department of Physics and Astronomy, College of Arts and Sciences
Ingeborg H. Solbrig, Assistant Professor, Department of Germanic Languages
  and Literatures, College of Arts and Sciences
Robert H. Blackburn, Instructor (part-time), Department of Medical
  Technology, College of Allied Health Professions
Martha Mann, Instructor (part-time), Department of Medical Technology,
  College of Allied Health Professions
Margaret Pendley, Instructor (part-time), Department of Medical Technology,
  College of Allied Health Professions
Lana Holder, Clinical Instructor, Department of Radiologic Technology,
  College of Allied Health Professions (Voluntary Faculty)
Bess Huber, Clinical Instructor, Department of Radiologic Technology,
  College of Allied Health Professions (Voluntary Faculty)
Mariellen Montgomery, Clinical Instructor, Department of Radiologic
  Technology, College of Allied Health Professions (Voluntary Faculty)
Harry Lee Bailey, Clinical Instructor, Department of Surgery (Orthopedic),
   College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Beth Penrose Boyd, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of
  Anesthesiology, College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Thomas F. Coats, Instructor, Department of Surgery (Plastic Surgery),
  College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Daniel C. MacDougall, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of
  Anesthesiology, College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Clifford J. Simske, Clinical Instructor, Department of Obstetrics and
  Gynecology, College of Medicine (Voluntary Faculty)
Walter A. Doyle, Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Community
  Dentistry, College of Dentistry (Voluntary Faculty)
David E. Gillum, Assistant Professor, Ashland Community College
Sharon C. Bridgewater, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
Dennis A. Guagliardo, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
John A. Malacos, Instructor, Jefferson Community College
Joan F. Tribble, Instructor, Jefferson Community College



     Helen B. Clark, Assistant Professor, Lexington Technical Institute
     Francis J. Shay, Assistant Professor, Madisonville Community College
     Jack Andrew McCord, Instructor, Southeast Community College

     Promotions (Without Tenure)

     Joseph P. Johnson, Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and
       Sciences, from Instructor to Assistant Professor
     Marc J. Wallace, Jr. , Department of Business Administration, College of
       Business and Economics, from Instructor to Assistant Professor
     Chester Leroy Davidson, Jr. , Department of Medicine, College of Medicine,
       from Clinical Instructor to Assistant Clinical Professor (Voluntary Faculty)

    Changes in Status

    Romeo S. Berardi, Assistant Professor (Adjunct Series), Department of
       Surgery, College of Medicine, change to Assistant Professor (full-time),
       Department of Surgery
    Kenneth L. Gerson, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, College
       of Medicine, change to Assistant Clinical Professor (part-time),
       Department of Pediatrics
    Max Behr, Instructor (part-time), Department of Oral Surgery, College of
       Dentistry, change to Clinical Instructor, Department of Oral Surgery
       (Voluntary Faculty)
    John Lenox, Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontics, College of
       Dentistry, change to Assistant Professor (part-time), Department of
       Pe ridontic s

III. Reconstitution of Departments of Aerospace Science and Military Science
     into Academic Programs

     Recommendation: that the Departments of Aerospace Science and Military
     Science be reconstituted as academic programs in the College of Arts and

     Background: During the past year many groups within the University have
     focused considerable attention and