xt73xs5jdd6m https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dipstest/xt73xs5jdd6m/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-06 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 06, 1997 1997 1997-02-06 2020 true xt73xs5jdd6m section xt73xs5jdd6m  










looks and i'lwmcterr. See KcG inside.


cloudiness tonight. 10:.” 30.
Cloudy tomorroii‘, high 40.
RAM! POW! Comic [too/tr remain popu-

lar entertainment etc '1 with their changing

"Wu-m0 1" .



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WEATHER Partly sunny

today, high 45. [uncaring


February 6. 1997

o ('lauitiia'i 5 (immat- 3

Z (in! in 3 All}. it» 2
' 6 lies; not 4




urvey examines higher education relorm

UK graduates lead new

By Stephen Trlmble

.s'emnr Staff H "ritrr

lf Gov. Paul Patton ho es to
persuade the public that his igher
education reforms are necessary,
he might have to add “Professor
Patton" to his letterhead and
teach a statewide class called
lligher l‘lducation Reform 101.

Kentuckians are either over—
whelmingly opposed to Patton’s
reform ideas (such as a higher
education “super-board”), or are
ignorant of Patton’s reasons for
wanting to change the system,
according to the results of a survey
sponsored by Front & Center, a
new organization promoting
activism among progressive Ken—
tucky Democrats.

The poll, conducted by Lex—
ington’s Preston-Osborne
Research Group, shows that ()3
percent of Kentuckians prefer
individual boards rather a “one-
board structure,” which received
only 22 percent support.

Roughly 14 percent of the 800
people polled said they didn’t


who voted in three of the last five

“I think that more than any-
thing else, the poll shows that
(Patton) will not only have to sell
his reforms to the legislature. but
he’ll have to sell reform to the
public as well,” said Lexington
attorney Scott Crosbie, a former
UK Student Government Associ-
ation president, student trustee
and now spokesman for Front &

Even though Patton may call a
special session of the General
Assembly later this car to reform
higher education, t e majority of
Kentuckians appear content with
the status quo.

On a scale of one to IO, more
than half of the people polled
(426) rated the state’s system with
a seven or eight. Only 6 percent,
or 48 people, gave higher educa-
tion a four or less.

Even so, the mean avera e was
a 6.89 rating, which is sfightly
lower than the participants' rating
of higher education throughout
the United States (6.96).

“Most people aren’t really edu-


llow would you prefer the Governer

raise money for higher education?
701’“ 1 2 3 4 5 3

Raisestatesalestax 133 25 29 13 23 15 23
from 6% to 7% 17.9%19.3%13.5% 9.5% 13.9% 19.9%13.9%

App/ysalesnxto 113 21 22 23 11 14 27
servrce businesses 14.7% 13.7% 14.9%13.3% 9.9% 17.7%13.2%

Raise tuition 00 14 10 10 10 5 15
10.0% 11.1% 0.4% 10.7% 14.0% 0.0% 10.1%

Allow video lottery 315 41 71 30 47 23 43

terminals 39.3% 32.5% 45.2% 47.3% 33.5% 35.4% 32.4%
Other 73 13 11 14 7 9 13

3.7% 19.3% 7.9% 3.3% 5.7% 11.4%10.3%
Don’tknow 32 12 14 13 15 3 14

10.2% 0.5% 0.0% 10.7% 13.1% 10.1% 0.5%

Mean 0.00 2.“ 0.00 3.35 3.04 3.03 2.00




(iroup. “The governor really
hasn’t articulated why he wants .i

be reached for (Ulltlilt‘lil yestci .
day llis press scti‘ctat). Alark
l’Iciftcr. said the governor’s offitc

.\'t':."\ [ll/1,",

Adi cisarial relationships
between government and the
media. even ones from college.
can turn out to be mutually benc—
ficial in the long run.

'l’ake Scott Crosbie. Jay Blan—
ton and Ken \Valker for example.

All three UK graduates are for-
mer campus leaders. (irosbie and
\Valker in student government,
lilanton in student media.

In their professional lives, how-
ever. they have come together to
form a public policy and issties
committee called l‘ront t\ (Lentct.
'l hey hope to promote increased
activism among progressive young

lilanton, Kentucky Kernel l‘di
tor iii (Lhicl from l‘m’o’S‘l now
working in public relations for

frustrated \se
people couldn't _"\" lli\«il\t.l ll
the political systt in." lilanton s H!
“llc and I kind of rencncd i

policy and issues committee

By Kathy Reding president and litth ol l‘tt'd‘t .
mt-inbei and i.o\\ m .ifli ii i. ii

restatii llil

\\ t' l.lllx( ll .ilH

~iil in mi viii.’

new that a. ;:.~

friendship from college."

The two. along with Ken
\Valkcr. former SGA executive
director in the late ‘i‘ills .itid now a
Lexington banker. and about 1;

others, began in ()c‘ttilict‘ to iind .t

solution to then frustrations,

“lt's lust ldlslllj‘ .tttioii."( ii -.
lllc saitl. “l iilcss young people
make .I conscious L'llttli‘t‘ to pet
inyolved . . l don‘t see the t\p‘
changes that in ml to oi t iii Ill ll‘.


lilanti Ill

ipation is link, it i. l-H‘xi‘l .iiiiiii-

‘Il‘l \\li‘lt \‘il‘l

younLr peopli; l't‘lli'L'llll‘,’ .i HI!


cated on what’s going on,” said Jay

has tcceived the survey.



'- WE“.L:£4\'$




The poll has a margin of error
of plus or minus 3.2 percent. The
Preston Group surveyed people


Hockey team
scores iunding

Solherg announces candidacy
By Gary Wulf

. 'lirot lute .Vvt'u‘i‘ Editor

The fate of the Cool Cats hockey team was put in
the hands of the Student Government Association
last night and it responded by a provin funding.

The hockey team requested S15 18 or the remain-
der of the season so it could rent Lexington Ice Cen-
ter for practice.

The Cool Cats rank third in attendance of campus
sports at UK, behind men’s football and basketball.
However, attendance has dropped in half this season.

Last season, the Cool Cats avera ed 600 fans a
game. Only 300 fans a night have fille the stands this

Team member Chris Page blames it on the num-
ber of away games the team has
this season.

“We don’t have that much of a
say on our schedule Last year
we had very few away games,”
Page said.

SG A Fan support rovides much of
the income for t e Cool Cats, but

with so many away games, travel
expenses have added up.

Graduate Student senator Michael Tomblyn
opposed the funding of the bill.

“I'm not particularly sure if we should be funding a
club sport,” Tomblyn said.

Senator at large Alizha Rice disagreed with

She said the Cool Cats deserved the money due to
the impact their games had on student morale.

The bill passed easily 28- I —1.

After the Cool Cats were kept on the ice, the bulk
of the meeting concentrated on polling areas for SGA
elections in March.

Election Board Supervisor Jay Putnam and Vice
President Chrissy Guyer went into the meeting with
a simple proposal stating the time and places of
polling areas.

90 minutes later, senators were still debating on
times and the amount of polls in each spot.

Weary and noticeably aggravated with the amount
ofamendments bein made to the proposal, senators
stated one of the trut ful hurts of an election.

“If you want to vote, you’re going to vote no mat-
ter what,” said Senator at Large Ashley Fortney.

After it was all over, only one amendment was
made to the bill.

Tomblyn proposed to extend the hours of the Lex-
ington Community College poll by nine hours.

The amendment was proposed because of a poten-
tial LCC student running for SGA vice-president.

Matt Solberg, a political science senior and- UK
Lambda president, declared his candidacy for the
presidential seat with Josh Robinson as his running

Robinson, an LCC student, and Solberg originally
requested that a booth be added.

Solber ’5 re uest was defeated, however, and set-
tled with omb yn’s amendment.

Last car, only 69 students voted at LCC. But with
an LC student running for an executive seat, that
should change.

“They have told me that they will do a lot of heavy
cam aigning this year,” said LCC senator Gregory
\Vil iams.

In I991, an LCC student ran for SGA president
and an additional booth was added to accommodate
the turnout.

In addition, a bylaw amendment em hasizing sen-
ate member-5’ accountability was tabletf.’


Blanton, Front & Center member 3|
and spokesman for the Preston



Patton is attending the Nation~
Governor’s Conference in
\Vashington l).(l. and could not

PIBTIIIIE PERFECT Dr. Robert French with Student Health Senate; ytudyr ‘Prcgmmt Zelvrii’. a print ofnrt
education junior Kori Bloom. (Below) Elementary education senior 3"th .\'r.;'i'umrr lanky at zi‘orl'i done in (m,

on by art education major Scott Richards.

Student art
on display

By Brian Dunn
Contributing Writer

Fighting a potential for sterile and sanitized
atmosphere, University Health Services found a
cure in art.

University Health Services hosted the grand
o ening of a student art gallery in the Student

ealth Center last night that features the work of
six art education students.

The gallery showcases a variety of art, includ-
ing crayon drawings and uilt patterns.

Stephanie Fiala, second-year graduate student,
said it was nice to have the opportunity to exhibit
her art. The gallery, Fiala said, is a chance for stu-
dents and others to come see what art students are
doing today. Donald Hoffman, an art education
professor and adviser to the Student Arts League,
said the exhibit gave eople the chance “to learn
and to appreciate the human arts experience —— to
humanize themselves.”

The idea for the gallery started when the Uni-
versity Health Service decided to renovate several
years ago. Dr. Spencer Turner, director of the
University Health Service, said artwork was the
last touch in the renovations, but the service
didn’t want to spend money on outside art.

“We said, ‘Wait a minute. We have a lot of art
students on campus,” Turner said.

When the Health Service officials approached
Hoffman, they agreed to set up a student art
gallery rou hly every semester.

Althoug Health Services displayed student art
last semester, this semester's is considered the
gallery’s “official kick-off,” Turner said.

In addition to Fiala, who showed mixed media
pieces, Scott Richards, a graduate student, is dis-
pla 'ng crayon drawings; Dawn Wilson, a senior,
is s owing photography; Kori Bloom, a junior, is



.St‘t' SURVEY III] 6


Preston~( )sboinc of lexmeton. ctsm with lllt' polio. .l pio: t ss "
said liront anti (Ientci' began when “\Vc think toting pi opie

hc ran into (irosbie. 19"] —‘L’ Stu-
dent (im'ernnient Association

should be in\'ol\ctl m tht pio




NATIDN Balance budget
battle begins in Congress
lit the lost fit our liiitI

\VASI ll.\‘(i'l’( )N
oftlic new (Iongrcss. Republicans struggle i \
tcrday to btiild support for a lill.ll.il'-i iii ‘.::,.
amendment to the (lonstitulion. l'het (Ullll’ill‘ilt'ii
opposition frotii Democrats and tont cins Irwin
(FOP lawmakers over its impact on S. IL ial Sccuii

“We pay tnore interest on the debt than we pay
for the Army, Navy. Air liorce and Marine (Zorps
combined and that’s wrong lt's wrong for our
kids," House Speaker Newt Gingrich said at a
news conference called to coincide with the begin-
ning of Senate debate on the measure.

But even as Gingrich and party leaders sought
to build support. Republicans were forced to posts
pone action in the House judiciary Committee for
fear oflosing a key V011“.

The unexpected delay underscored the road
blocks that Reptiblicans face on a measure that
seems to have lost steam in the two years since it
sailed through the llotise and came tip one vote
short in the Senate.

m lllilosevic's demands protests end

BELGRADE. Yugoslavra \Varning that the
state will do what it must to defend itself. a hard-






displaying oil on canvas and prints; Renee Shaw, a
senior, is showing quilt patterns; and Ilona Szeke-
ly, a junior, is displaying screen prints.

Hoffman added that this was the best experi-
ence he has had in collaborating with another

department in 21 years. The Universi
Services funded the reception and insure the stu-

dents’ pieces, said Hoffman.

“I have been very pleased to have the support,”
he said. “It’s been nice to show how the artists


communicate their ideas visuall
About 52,000 people visit

setting for the students’ art.

ealth Service each
year, which makes Health Services a highly visible


line party led by Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic’s wife demanded yesterday that the
opposition immediately end its protests.

On the 78th straight day of marches. students
and opposition supporters voiced to continue
pressing for democracy. A day earlier. they had
forced Milosevic to concede that his Socialist
Party had lost elections in Belgrade and H other

Some 12,000 people showed up fot the daily
rally by the opposition Xaiedno coalition yester—
day, a small crowd compared to the ;0.000 who
appeared 'l'ticsday to hear the opposition
announce Milosevic's about-face.

Farlier yesterday 30,000 students matched
through the city center, demanding that the lit-l-
grade University rector be fired and those respon-
sible for election fraud and police violence be pun.-

.. NAMEdropping


lion Goldman's relatives to release hook

NEW YORK —— Relatives of Ronald (ioldman
had their day in court, and now they will have
their say in a book to he released after the 0.].
Simpson trial.

Hi; Name 15 Ron.- ()ur Search Forfurtice includes
details about the civil trial that never have been
revealed because of the judge’s gag order on par-
ticipants, publishing house William Morrow said
in a statement.

In their own words, Goldman's father and
stepmother, Fred and Patti; sister, Kim; and half-
brother and half-sister, Michael and Lauren Glass,
also discuss the criminal trial and the hardships
they have endured since Goldman’s slaying with
Nicole Brown Simpson.

“Our primary purpose in writin
Ron’ is to give Ron an identity,”
said in the statement.

The civil jury Tuesday found Simpson liable in
the 1994 slayin s and ordered him to pay $8.5
million to Gol man‘s relatives in compensatory

Health ‘llis Name is

red Goldman

Compiled from wire rcpmt.








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s “i





. ‘ we”,

_... .J.






2 Tburrday, February 6, I997, Kmmly Kernel




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Yourjzrrt top-y aj'lhe Krrimi‘ky Kenn] n free.
lirrra lupin arr $1.00 tar/J




VA paragraph in yesterday’s sports bytes should have
read “Logan, from Chatham, Va., was arrested last
Saturday on misdemeanor shoplifting charges, after
allegedly stealin shirts from a store.” The sentence

that followed 6 period was from another story.













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Kentucky Knml, Tbmdq. February 6, i997 8



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'zro ‘ . .
[.3 “V0 V8 I a I130 S 0 w mam...)
By Ginny Tatum fresh ideas for making it better duties is setting up rooms in the compassionate person.
StaflWn‘rer place. She said she thought she Student Center for presentations. “I find her to be‘a very sensitive
:till could give the Student Center iust She makes sure rooms are avail- and subtle thinker," Callahan said. I
"‘5. Nlichelle Hite does it all. what it needed. able for speakers and enough time “She's also uncotiimonly alive to
be Assistant manager at the Stu- “Not as many people come to is allowed for speakers to set up very cotiiplicated dimensions of
ket dent Center. Member of Ameri- the Student Center as 1 think theirpresentations. social issues." If r l k d - h
box corps. President of Delta Sigma should or could,” Hite In addition to her job Callahan also said llite has ‘0” C 16L 6 €lt Cr
1“, Theta social sorority. Volunteer said. . atgthe Student (.enter. energy for and commitment to the ‘ h l r b r
' “One of the things [lite is extremely things that are important to her, or t e a )OVC OXES) V0“

:_}vy'- »


mentor and tutor. And on top of it
all. she is a philosophy senior with
minors in linglish and women's

llite got her start at the Stu-
dent Center by holding a summer

that we could do is
implement different
types of policies that
might help to make this
place more welcoming
to students."


involved in her educa-

“()ne of the things I
think a university edu-
cation does is authenti—
cate your voice in the

like the well—being of the black

lllte said she wants to take her
knowledge and make it applicable
to people's lives to create a posi—
tive experience for others.

need to come to the

UK limit Meeting Series




















“3b at a I'i‘ckCtNIaster office m As assistant manag- community as well as in How? liv volunteering l9 71‘
Cleveland. ”“5 experiepce helped er, llite works closely cam" relationships with other hours each week at .\l.irv ’l‘odd
h" I" get a Wb at the LK I‘CkCt‘ with various individuals lmpressplhss people." Ilitc said. lilcmentarv School as a 'lnL'llUH‘
M35tf‘_0ffice- ‘ , .. and services. She helps _ llite plans to go on and a tutor: WORSHAM THEATER
Vthile working at licketMas- to evaluate the 65—70 to graduate school after “I've been able to see how some
”i ter, Hltc apl’le for the 355'5t3m student employees at the center. she completes her undergraduate oi the things that we usuallv tend
‘5 manager poSition at the Student Hite also works with the facili- work at UK. to ignore in our society have an 7:00
3 Center. ties coordinator, the assistant She wants to earn her doctorate impact on children," said l lite.
r She thought they COUld use a director of the center, the custodi- in philosophy and practice critical llite said teaching children TueSda Februar 11
s person who would be able to bring al crew and the Physical Plant race and feminist theories. about life in today's complicated y, y
-3‘ growth to the facility. Division in the Peterson Service Philosophy professor Joan society is one ofthe most fulfilling:
Hite said the Student Center Building. C